School Prayer Walk - Clover Prayer...


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School Prayer Walk

Westside Community

Prayer Walk – “Putting Feet on Our Prayers”

• Potential prayer topics relating to our schools:

o Pray for the principals and administrators at the schools. Pray for a

passion for the students and teachers that they lead. Pray for integrity.

Pray that God will bring Godly leaders. Pray for other things on your

heard relating to the leadership at our schools.

o Pray for the teachers. Pray that God will give them strength to finish the

year with a passion and love for the students they teach. Pray that God

will bring Godly teachers to the public schools. Pray for other things on

your heart relating to the teachers at our schools.

o Pray for the students. Pray that they have a passion for learning. Pray that

Christian students will be a light to the non-Christian students. Pray that

the students can develop deep and impactful relationships with other

students. Pray that they can resist temptations. Pray that those students

that do not know Jesus, that God will introduce him and that they will see

Jesus in the lives of the Christian students. Pray for other things on your

heart relating to students.

o Pray that the Christian students will own their faith as their own.

o Pray for the Christian seniors at Royal High School that they will take

ownership of their faith and will remain growing in their faith after


o Pray for the athletic coaches.

o Pray for the Christian clubs.

o Pray for the facilities.

o Pray for the janitors, cafeteria workers, yard duty people and all other

school employees.

God can do amazing things with our schools. More than any state legislature,

curriculum, school board, principal, teacher or budget. Stay faithful in your prayers for

our schools.
