People and Faces in the Archives -


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People and Faces in the Archives

The records in the archives are grouped around the province entities

that created them. The province entities are either province level

offices like the provincial’s office, local community offices like St.

Francis School, Watsonville or province members like Fr. Louis

Galli’s personal diaries. Only the first two types of province entities

are dealt with here.

Local communities are divided into those that we still operate today

(May 2020) like St. Francis School, Watsonville and those that we no

longer operate like St. Mary’s, Edmonton.

Below you will find these entities named and numbered and each

represented by one of the many individuals who were assigned to

them at one time or another.

A photo and a personal interest note are added for each to try to

provide some small insight into just a few of the many fascinating

persons who, in carrying out their assignments, are together

responsible for all the records we now have in the archives. NB: For the

significance of the numbers preceding titles below contact this archivist.

God-Gifted, Fallible, Fascinating People

(Province Assembly Days 1998)


People and Faces in the Archives

Province Level Entities

1:0 – Provincial’s Office (Provincial)

1:1 – Province Administration (Provincial)

1:2 – Province Animation (Provincial)

2:0 – Provincial Secretary’s Office (Secretary)

3:0 – Province Finance Office (Treasurer)

Fr. Orestes Trinchieri,

our first Provincial but

just Fr. “Trinc” to the

kids who surrounded

him, held this office

from 1927 to 1934.

Fr. Arnold Buja proudly

chauffeured the Provincial (Fr. E. Tozzi)

around in a green 1947 Hudson Commodore

and held this office from 1947 to 1949.


Fr. Gabriel Zavattaro

who could pinch a penny better

than most (and could sing while

Venerable Vincent Cimatti played

organ) and who signed us up for

Social Security held this office

from 1962 to 1980



4:0 – Formation Office (Delegate)

5:0 – Youth Ministry Office (Delegate)

6:0 – Vocation Office (Delegate)

Fr. Arthur Lenti,

though never Formation Office

Delegate, was celebrated author,

professor and gourmet chef at Don

Bosco Hall (post-graduate

formation community), Berkeley

from 1984 to 2016.


Fr. Thomas “Tom” Prendiville,

in the first class at St. John

Bosco, Bellflower (1940),

twelfth Provincial and cool-

handed even with popes, held

this office from 1981 to 1985.

Fr. W. L. “Larry” Byrne,

confidant of the Minneapolis

Lakers, US Marine chaplain

in WWII at Iwo Jima,

held this office from 1951 to



7:0 – Mission Animation Services (Delegate)

8:0 – Care Ministry Department (Delegate)

9:0 – Social Communications Services (Delegate)

Mr. Juan Carlos “JC”


at times a missionary

taking volunteers to

Tijuana, Mexico,

held this office

from 2009 to 2020 …

Sheila & Louis Kun, Care Coordinators since 2012.

Sheila, RN, is named the first Delegate of Care Ministry

in the 2013-2014 North American Directory.

See Sheila’s many INTOUCH articles on the

Province website,

Fr. Thien Nguyen,

accomplished and



held this office

from 2015 to 2018.


10:0 – Education Office (Coordinator)

11:0 – Salesian Family Commission (Delegate)

[12:0 – [There is no 12:0 Group]

13:0 – Archives Office (Archivist)

Mr. Bill Goodman,

longtime (1964) friend of St.

John Bosco High School,

was teacher, athletic director,

principal and president there

then headed the Province

Education Office

from 1985 to 2016.

Fr. Chris Woerz,

puppeteer and ventriloquist



held this office

from 2010 to 2016.

Br. Larry King,

born the eighth of ten

children (thanks, mom),

held this office

from 2010 to 2020 …

As a young Athletic

Director (1967) at SJB


People and Faces in the Archives Local Level Entities We Presently Operate

L1: – Provincial Residence, San Francisco (Director)

L2: – San Luis Rey Church, Laredo (Pastor)

L3: – St. John Bosco High School, Bellflower (Director)

L3:1 – Salesian Religious Community

L3:2 – St. John Bosco School

Fr. Tom Juarez,

six years in frigid

Canada followed by

six years in balmy

Peru to thaw out,

held this offce

from 1987 to 1989.

Fr. Rafael Sanchez, a Salesian

from Spain, barred from Mexico,

detoured to Santo Domingo then

spent ten years in Cuba until,

expelled by Fidel Castro, he settled

in Laredo where to him the church

“looked like a ranch (house)”. He

completely renovated it.

Pastor from 1981 to 1990.

Fr. Ernest. Giovannini,

first Director of SJB,

affable, enterprising, down-to-earth,

held this office from 1940 to 1944 and

then became Provincial of the Eastern

Province from 1944 to 1958.

May 23, 1990 blessing

of the renovated church


L4: – St. Dominic Savio Church, Bellflower (Pastor)

L5: – Don Bosco Hall, Berkeley (Director)

L7: – Salesian High School, Los Angeles (Director)

Fr. Dave Zunino,

who as a boy learned to

play basketball at

SS. Peter & Paul Boys

Club, SF,

held this office

from 1960 to1970

Fr. Jim Collins,

a double bass player from

Oakland with an Irish brogue,

held this office (when it was

at St. Paul’s Parish, SF)

from 1972 to1973

Fr. Roger Luna,

musician and choir

director, (Junior

Seminary choir,

Watsonville 1967),

held this office

from 1969 to1972

1933 SS. PP. Boys Club team

with Joe Aliotto, future SF

Mayor, standing 3rd from left.


L8: – Salesian Boys & Girls Club, Los Angeles (Director)

L9: – St. Bridget’s Church, Los Angeles (Pastor)

Fr. Charles

“Charlie” Farina,

“They picked me up

in a yellow

Cadillac”, first to

hold this office


from 1958 to 1959.

Fr. Joseph Cheng,

from Hong Kong,

first Salesian at St. Bridget he

produced the “Warm Front”

a substantial parish newsletter.

He held this office from 1994

to 2006 and formed its first

Cooperator group in 2003.

“Charlie’s” first ride

to the club, 1958.


L10: – St. Mary’s Church, Los Angeles (Pastor)

L11: – Salesian High School, Richmond (Director)

L11:1 - Salesian Seminary, Richmond

L11:2 - Salesian All-boys High School, Richmond

L11:3 - Salesian Co-ed. High School, Richmond

L12: – Salesian Boys & Girls Club, Richmond (Director)

Fr. Albert Negri,

off to the missions in India at

the young age of 15. Spoke 8

languages including 3 Indian.

First Salesian pastor at St.

Mary’s he held this office

from1965 to 1968. In photo

on Cardinal Raul Silva’s left.

Fr. Alfred Broccardo,

the fatherly type (with

a newly baptized) and

“Fr. Brooks” to most,

held this office

from 1946 to 1951.

Fr. Frank Vranjos,

always a gentleman’s

gentleman even at the


held this office

from 1971 to 1974.


L13: – Don Bosco Technical Institute, Rosemead (Director)

L14: – St. Joseph’s Renewal Center, Rosemead (Director)

L15: – St. Joseph Novitiate, Rosemead (Director)

Fr. Felix Penna,

a boy from the Bronx,

ready to sail even very young,

brilliant mind and dynamic,

founder of Don Bosco Tech,


held this office

from 1955 to 1958

Fr. Paul Maniscalco,

a kind infirmarian,

prayerful priest,

indefatigable hiker,

meticulous always,

held this office

from 1958 to 1959.

Fr. Harry Rasmussen,

the Dane from Minnesota

“I betcha”, tall man in the

quartet (booming voice),

Provincial (1973-1979),

held this office

from 1992 to 1998.


L16: – Corpus Christi Church, San Francisco (Director/Pastor)

L17: – Saints Peter and Paul Church, San Francisco (Director/Pastor)

L18: – Salesian Boys & Girls Club, S. F. (Director)

Fr. Thomas De Matei,

second SDB vocation from

SS. P&P. after Louis Galli,

first Salesian ordained at SS.

P&P. (Bishop Ernest Coppo,

SDB - 1923), held this office

from 1935 to 1941.


Fr. Raphael Piperni,

founder at San Francisco of the first SDB

presence in the United States (1897),

held the office of pastor at SS. P&P

from 1899 to 1928. Thank you, Fr.

Raphael. You deserve two photos!

Mr. Russell “Russ” Gumina,

who played basketball for the USF “Dons”

as a 6ft. 2in. guard 1962-1966, co-captain,

inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1973, was

Executive Director of the club for 28 years

holding that office from 1988 to 2016.


L19: – St. Francis High School, Watsonville (Director)

L20: – Camp St. Francis, Watsonville (Director)

L21: – Help of Christians Church, Watsonville (Pastor)

Fr. Louis B. Galli,

mugged by thugs on Christmas

Day 1935 and paralyzed,

held this office (first SDB to do

so) in 1921 (came by train) and

again from 1929 to1932.

Br. Mike Herbers,

a long-time green-thumb

gardener, worked four of the

Province youth clubs including

at San Pablo (see photo)

and was Camp St. Francis


from 2002 to 2020 …

Fr. Pasquale Beccaria,

who rebuilt the 1902 church

after it burned down in 1927,

was pastor of Help of

Christians [known as

Immaculate Heart of Mary

until 1928] from 1921to1923

and again from 1926 to1928.

Watsonville train

station, 1921


L22: – St. Francis De Sales Hall, Bellflower (Director)

L23: – St. Luke’s Church, Stockton (Director/Pastor)

Fr. Frank Ribotta,

who could kick a football

a country mile,

held this office

from 1968 to 1971.

Fr. Tuan Nguyen,

a South Vietnam pilot

during the long

Vietnam war,

held the office of

Associate Pastor

from 1992 to 2012.

Frank at 2 years old cares for his

little brother, Mike (Fr. Mike later)

With “Lucky”, a friend in Stockton


People and Faces in the Archives

Local Level Entities We No Longer Operate

L25: – St. Mary’s School, Edmonton, Alberta

Fr. Louis “King Louie”

Masoero, big hockey fan,

founder of St. Mary’s,

served this ministry

from 1951 to 1957 and was

present at its closing in


Fr. Ted Montemayor, Provincial.

A Texan from Laredo, Provincial from 2014 to 2020, he

was also Province Vocation Director twice..


L26: – St. John Bosco Parish, Edmonton, Alberta

L27: – St. Dominic Savio Parish, Edmonton, Alberta

L28: – St. Emeric Parish, Edmonton, Alberta

Fr. Anthony (Tony) Di Falco,

always upbeat/pleasant (even

his admonitions were fun),

trained in drama and music

(played clarinet), held this

office as pastor from 1980


Fr. Harold Danielson,

his first time as pastor,

administered the parish

from 1976 to 1978

Fr. Joseph Hamor, an Hungarian who loved his violin and

his countryman composer Franz List, was pastor of this

Hungarian parish 42 years from 1957 to 1999.

Dedicating the new Savio

church with music. (1974).


L29: – Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish, Surrey, BC

L30: – Sacred Heart Parish, Vancouver

L31: – St. Joseph Parish, Oakland

Fr. John Malloy,

who loved “Zack” (his

lap-dog) and

built the Youth Center

at OLGC (breaking

ground 1997), served

here from 1990 to 2001.

Fr. Joseph (Giuseppe) Della Torre,

also known as “Joe Mac Tower”,

came to our province by way of

Australia, chaplain of the “Alpini”

mountaineers, was pastor of Sacred

Heart parish from 1953 to 1987.

Fr. Henry Ferreira

who spoke Portuguese, Italian,

Spanish, French and English, was

secretary to Don Rua at one point

and later assistant pastor at

St. Joseph’s from 1906 to1934. (“Don Bosco Boys [Scouts] of America”)


L32: – St. Andrew/St. Joseph Parish, Oakland

L33: – St. Mark Parish, Richmond

L34: – Theology Seminary, Aptos

Fr. Edgar Rocha,

born in Brazil, proficient in

art, music and stage,

spiritual adviser to Carmine

Miranda, the “Brazilian

Bombshell”, was pastor of

this humble parish from

1965 to1969.

Fr. George Hacker,

“one of the most popular priests

ever to head the parish”,

survived being shot by a sniper

on June 4, 1975.

He was pastor from 1970 to 1977.

Fr. Francis Knific,

hunted first by the Nazis and then

by the Communists (Slovenia 1948)

with PhDs in philosophy and in

theology, was Director (Don Bosco

in profile) and professor in Aptos

from 1948 to 1958

Fr. George’s unique punting style


L35: – St. Patrick Parish, Los Angeles

L36: – St. Peter Parish, Los Angeles

L37: – Angels Flight, Los Angeles

Fr. Rinaldo Bergamo,

a rotund, kind, outgoing man

“This calls for a celebration”,

artillery officer in WWI (1915-

1919) but preferred barbequing,

was pastor of St. Patrick’s

from 1944 to 1950.

Fr. Robert Wieczorek,

born in Poland, missionary to

Mexico in 1897at age 20,

contributed in major ways to many

SDB works in the USA including the

Stations of the Cross in Richmond

(1934) and was pastor of St. Peter’s

from 1926 to 1930.

Br. Phil Mandile,

at the request of the

Archdiocese of Los


directed Angels Flight

for street kids,

from 1984 to 1990.

For angels who couldn’t fly yet


L38: – Rupertswood/Sunbury, Australia

L39: – Lungi, Sierra Leone

L40: – Mary Help of Christians Parish, Los Angeles

Fr. Alfred Cogliandro, as

Provincial (1950 to 1963), sent

several young Salesian Brothers to

Sunbury for practical training.

“Australian wool” at Rubertswood, 1929.

Br. Bill Regner,

with little regard for personal pain,

could build/fix most anything and

served in Sierra Leone, Africa

from 2000 to 2010.

Fr. Frederick Barni

made his perpetual vows into the

hands of Don Bosco himself at the

end of his Novitiate year, six years

earlier than present practice!

Ordained at 23 he was pastor of

this church from 1926 to 1930.


L41: – St. Mary’s Parish, Sacramento

L42: – Mary Help of Christians Parish, Oakland

L43: – San José Parish, Albuquerque, NM

Fr. Mathew Cravero,

escaping both firing

squad and gallows in a

Mexican prison (1914),

lived to later serve at

St. Mary’s Parish

from 1930 to 1935.

Fr. Anthony Ragogna,

to the Bororo natives of the

jungles of Brazil “Capitao

Grande” (in Portuguese),

served this parish

from 1919 to 1923.

Fr. Joseph Farias,

a barber and the son of a

big-hearted barber, pastor

of five Province parishes,

was pastor of this parish

from 1997 to 2001.

Fr. Joe’s barber dad.


L44: – Our Lady of Fatima, Edmonton

L45: – St. Patrick’s Church Chinese Community, Edmonton

L46: - Camp Don Bosco, Arrowbear.

Fr. Arduino Antonello,

a gentle soul from Moto Grosso, Brazil (raised canaries)

was pastor of this Portuguese parish from 1972 to 1982.

Fr. Mario Rosso,

after serving the Chinese

people in China for 42 years

(1939-1981), claimed to be

“white on the outside but

yellow on the inside”.

(Sounds a lot better in Chinese)

He served the Chinese in

Edmonton from 1991to 1994.

Fr. Carmine Vairo,

was Camp Director in 1972

with five councilors and 100

campers. Carmine’s mother’s

vocabulary was, like the lady

herself, devilishly colorful.

Provincial from 1979 to 1985.


L47: - Camp Salesian, Middletown

L48: - Camp Bonny Doon, Bonny Doon

L49: - Camp Pala Rey, Pala Rey

Fr. John Roche,

who was a “vocation from among

those we serve”,

while a student of theology in

Ohio, 1982-1986,

returned each summer to direct

Camp Salesian.

Fr. Mirko Flac.

Communist Marshal Josip Tito

of Yugoslavia had thirteen of

Brother Mirko’s fourteen

Salesian classmates executed.

Mirko escaped and spent 24

years as a Salesian Priest

serving the poorest of kids at

Camp Pala Rey 1967-1991

Boney Doon began operating as a

camp for junior seminarians in

1956. Fr. Mike Ribotta then

operated it from 1966 to 1968 for

grammar school boys. He loved

sports, a great coach. His 1943-

1944 basketball team won six

games and lost only one.


L50: - Mary Help of Christians Chinese Church, Edmonton

L6: – St. Ambrose Church, Berkeley (Pastor)

Fr. Francis Lau,

born in Macao, Salesian in

Hong Kong, won an architect’s

award for remodeling MHC

and was pastor of this Chinese

Parish from 1987 to 1991.

Fr. Joseph Paradayil,

from Bangalore, India to

Berkeley, CA, with a

master’s in counseling

psychology, was pastor

of St. Ambrose Church

from 2006 to 2009

Don Michael Rua, Don Bosco’s First Successor.

Don Rua, “Don Bosco’s double”, sent the first four Salesians

to San Francisco in 1897 at the request of

Archbishop Michael Riordan of San Francisco.



Yes, Some Very Fascinating People

Have Served the Youth

Of our Province

St. Francis School, Watsonville Band

Mr. Gothier was the band director.

They marched in the 1922 Watsonville 4th of July parade.
