PETA Do they take it too far? By: Ross Blackwell


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PETADo they take it too far?

By: Ross Blackwell

McDonald’s “Unhappy Meals”

• In June of 2009 PETA supporters sat outside of about a dozen McDonald’s restaurants across the country and handed out “unhappy meals”.

• These meals contained a bloody rubber chicken, a cutout of a knife-wielding Ronald McDonald, photos of mutilated animals and a Chicken McCruelty T-shirt.

Fly Killin’

• During an interview President Obama was annoyed by a fly, swatted and killed it.

• In result PETA sent him a humane bug catcher.

All-Meat Dress

• Lady Gaga’s appearance on MTV’s VMA awards wearing an all meat dress.

• Lets just say they didn’t agree with it at all.

Vegan Delight

• This year for Thanksgiving they handed out “Tofurkeys” which are a vegan option to turkeys.

Does PETA take it too far????

Of course not extreme measures like immoral naked ads are always

