photoVOICE North Bay · 2018-04-14 · photoVOICE GUIDELINES Safety First Make sure you are aware...


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Participant Workbook North Bay

RHC1573 January 2013 lewicc

photoVOICE North Bay

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Safety First Make sure you are aware of your surroundings – this includes being aware of the people around you and the physical environment (e.g. slippery sidewalk).

Stick to places you are familiar with. Play it safe: don't do anything risky. Respect is a Priority Think of situations when you wouldn't want to have your picture taken. Chances are, other people don't want their picture taken in these

situations either (e.g., when they are crying, eating, doing something private, or in any generally embarrassing situation). Always ask before you take a picture of a person, or their private property. Allow other members of the group to express their emotions and ideas free from judgment or ridicule.

Get Permission Ask permission before you take a picture of any person. Get them to sign Consent Form 3 if they agree to be part of your photoVOICE project.

Not everyone will want their picture taken. If someone says “No”, do not be discouraged. There will be other photo opportunities. Always ask yourself, “Would I mind if someone took a picture of me in this situation?” Do not take pictures of people who are in private, such as through a window into their home.

You do not need a Consent Form if people are too small to be recognizable. It is a good idea to ask permission before taking a picture of private property (e.g., someone’s house).

Be especially careful when taking pictures of children. Talk to the parents first and have them sign a Consent Form on the child’s behalf.

Remember to offer a copy of the picture!

North Bay Regional Health Centre

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PRE-GROUP QUESTIONNAIRE Name: BACKGROUND INFORMATION 1. Are you male or female? (circle one)


2. What is your age? (check one) 18—24 40—49

25—29 50—59

30—39 60 or over

3. In which lodge do you reside?

4. Where are you originally from?

5. Do you have family members that live in close proximity to North Bay? (circle one)

YES or NO 6. What is your favorite recreational activity?

photoVOICE Background 7. What do you know about photoVOICE?

8. How much experience do you have with taking pictures? (check one) None

Very little


Moderate amount

Quite a bit

9. Do you own a camera?

YES or NO (circle one) If yes:

DIGITAL or REGULAR (circle one)

10. What do you hope to gain from being part of photoVOICE?

11. Do you have any concerns about being part of photoVOICE?

North Bay Regional Health Centre

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What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the theme of our group?

Try and write a caption for this picture with the theme in mind.

Does anyone in the group have a caption that is similar to your own? Does anyone

have a caption that is completely different?

Think about the theme of our project. Are there any specific ideas that come to mind? Are there any images you can think of that represent these ideas? Use this chart to write your ideas for photographs that you would like to take during the photoVOICE sessions.


Idea Image

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Photo Story Write down what happened one minute before/after the picture was taken. Write down what happened one hour before/after the picture was taken. Write down what happened one day before/after the picture was taken. Now write a narrative for the paragraph A Sense Poem Write a sense poem about the photograph I hear I smell I see I taste I touch I feel Now take the first two words from each line and write a poem

North Bay Regional Health Centre

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Questions Ask yourself these questions about the photograph. When? Where? Who? What? How? Why? Now put together a phrase about the picture?

Key Words Look at the photograph and make a list of any words or ideas that jump into your head.

Now choose a word or phrase:

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1) Greet your potential subject “Hi there. How are you?”

2) Tell them briefly about photoVOICE

“I’m part of a project called photoVOICE, which is a photography group at the North Bay Regional Health Centre. I want to take pictures so people know about what matters to me, and hopefully my pictures can make a difference. We’ll be showing these pictures at an art galleries or on the hospital website.”

3) Ask for permission “Can I take a picture of you?” “Can I take a picture of your…?”

4) Have the subject sign Consent Form 3 “Before taking your picture, I’ll need you to sign this form.”

5) Offer them a copy of the picture “If you write down your address, I can send you a copy of the picture.”

6) Thank them for their time “Thanks for letting me take that picture. Watch for our picture display to be out in the next few months. It’ll be announced in the newspaper.”

North Bay Regional Health Centre

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If the person says “No”, accept this, thank them, and move on!

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1) Greet your potential subject “Hi there. How are you?”

2) Tell them briefly about photoVOICE

“I’m part of a project called photoVOICE, which is a photography group at the North Bay Regional Health Centre. I want to take pictures so people know about what matters to me, and hopefully my pictures can make a difference. We’ll be showing these pictures at art galleries or on the NBRHC website.”

3) Ask for permission “Can I take a picture of you?” “Can I take a picture of your…?”

4) Have the subject sign Consent Form 3 “Before taking your picture, I’ll need you to sign this form.”

5) Offer them a copy of the picture “If you write down your address, I can send you a copy of the picture.”

6) Thank them for their time “Thanks for letting me take that picture. Watch for our picture display to be out in the next few months. It’ll be announced in the newspaper.”

photoVOICE North Bay

Use the SHOWED form on the next page to write a caption for this picture.

The SHOWED form can be used to help you write captions that convey meaningful messages.




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S What is Seen here? (Describe what the eye sees)

H What is really Happening (The unseen story behind the image)

O How does this relate to Our lives? (Or MY life personally)

W Why are things this way?

E How could this image Educate people?

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SHOWED Name of Photographer

Title of Picture Date

photoVOICE North Bay

S What is Seen here? (Describe what the eye sees)

H What is really Happening (The unseen story behind the image)

O How does this relate to Our lives? (Or MY life personally)

W Why are things this way?

E How could this image Educate people?

D What can I Do about it? (What WILL I or WE do about it?)

North Bay Regional Health Centre

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FEEDBACK SHEET Name: 1. What did you learn during photoVOICE? 2. What did you enjoy the most in the photoVOICE groups?

3. Is there anything you didn't enjoy about photoVOICE?

4. Did photoVOICE meet your expectations?

5. Would you do photoVOICE again?

YES or NO or NOT SURE (circle one)

6. Do you have any suggestions for the next group?

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POST-GROUP QUESTIONNAIRE photoVOICE Feedback Of the photoVOICE group sessions, how many did you attend?

How would you rate your overall photoVOICE experience? (circle one)


Rate how much you enjoyed each of the following parts of photoVOICE

Poor Excellent

Learning about how to use the camera 1 2 3 4 5

Using the camera to take pictures 1 2 3 4 5

Thinking about the message in the photos 1 2 3 4 5

Writing out a caption for each picture 1 2 3 4 5

Discussing pictures as a group 1 2 3 4 5

Planning the final product 1 2 3 4 5

Communicating ideas to decision makers 1 2 3 4 5

Receiving support from others about ideas 1 2 3 4 5

How did you feel about the group overall? (Hopeful? Empowered? Discouraged?)

Would you recommend photoVOICE to others?

YES NO MAYBE (circle one)

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Recovery is a journey of hope, healing and

empowerment. photoVOICE at the North Bay Regional

Health Centre explores our Ten

Fundamental Principles of Recovery

and enables participants to reflect

on their personal strengths and experiences.

Participants learn to inspire each other, find

their voices, and express themselves

with the powerful medium that

is photography. photoVOICE has been a successful program

at our facility since May 2010.

Phone: 705-474-8600, ext. 3706 Fax: 705-474-9520

50 College Drive P.O. Box 2500

North Bay, ON P1B 5A4
