Point-of-care diagnostic device for monitoring CD4 levels...


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Objectives accomplished toward point-of-care diagnostic instrument:

• Developed conjugation protocol for anti-CD4 antibodies to

europium nanoparticles

• Recirculation of blood using a hand-cranked peristaltic pump

• Separation of WBCs from whole blood finger stick sample

• On-chip CD4 labeling with FITC fluorescent particles

• TRF imaging of europium nanoparticles in trap devices

Cost estimates show a total expense of $1.68 per test, well within

the target price range. The only technical skill required is the initial

finger prick and cartridge loading. The imaging system is portable

and affordable, with low energy requirements. In conclusion,

significant progress has been made toward achieving the design

criteria established for an effective point-of-care CD4 counter for

application in low-resource settings.

Figure 2. Hand-crankable peristaltic pump for point-of-care device. A

novel microfluidic pump was designed which allows manual pumping of inputs

through the device. The revolution of the pump forces fluid through the device,

and the hand-crank mechanism allows for the pump to be operated with no

electrical power. The device is composed of inlet ports, mixer elements, and the

circular array of channels that comprise the PDMS portion of the pump.

Point-of-care diagnostic device for monitoring CD4 levels of HIV patients in resource-poor settings

Lina Aboulmouna1, Peter DelNero1, Parker Gould2, Rosalynne Korman3, Christopher Madison2,3, Stephen Schumacher1

Advisers: Dr. Kevin Seale3, Dr. John Wikswo3

Departments of 1Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, 2Electrical Engineering, and 3Biomedical Engineering




Problem Statement

Future Work

• Refine blood filtering system

• Improve protocol for conjugating anti-CD4 antibodies to

europium nanoparticles

• Streamline recirculation protocol for robust sample analysis

• Develop automated image analysis to quantify CD4 count


According to the World Health Organization, more than 35 million

people were living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in

developing countries in 2005. Global health initiatives emphasize

the urgent need for affordable and effective technologies to obtain

CD4 counts in resource-poor areas in order to identify patients,

monitor disease progression, determine treatment regimen, and

track patient response.

In developed countries, CD4 counts are obtained by flow cytometry,

which requires large capital investment, skilled technicians, and

reliable infrastructure. Limited clinical access in developing

countries inhibits treatment efficiency, burdens the patient, and

prevents effective distribution of resources. A successful device

would measure low CD4 cell counts accurately, cheaply, quickly and

require low technical expertise to operate.

Inspired by global HIV treatment initiatives, alternative

technologies are emerging for accurate, low-cost diagnostic assays.

Among these, microfluidic point-of-care instruments propose a

viable alternative to clinical equipment like flow cytometry. This

project aims to prototype a novel diagnostic platform to acquire CD4

counts while meeting the design limitations of low-resource settings.

Our special thanks go to our mentors Prof. Kevin Seale and Prof. John Wikswo,

of the Vanderbilt Institute for Integrative Biosystems Research and Education,

for their efforts to guide our work. In addition, we extend our sincere gratitude to

Dan Morrow and Dr. Bob Buck of Gauge Scientific for providing their technical

expertise in time-resolved fluorescent imaging. We also thank Loi Hoang for his

help with pump operation and troubleshooting. Finally, we thank Prof. Paul

King for his feedback and guidance in completing our project.

Figure 3. Microfluidic trap device. An array of U-shaped structures

captures cells as they flow through the device. Inset: Magnified diagram is of

a cell trap containing two cells (green). Inset by K. Seale.

Cell Trap Filter Array

Peristaltic Pump & Mixer


Figure 4. Time-resolved fluorescence (TRF). TRF imaging generates a

fluorescent excitation but does not capture an image until after a short time

delay. This time delay allows cellular auto-fluorescence and background

fluorescence (blue line) to decay to minimal levels, while the fluorescence from

europium nanoparticles (red line) remains strong.

1. O’Brien, WA, Hartigan, PM, Daar, ES, Simberkoff, MS, and Hamilton, JD.

Changes in plasma HIV RNA levels and CD4þ lymphocyte counts predict both

response to antiretroviral therapy and therapeutic failure, VA Cooperative

Study Group on AIDS. Ann Intern Med 126: 939–945 (1997).

2. http://www.who.int/hiv/pub/guidelines/artadultguidelines.pdf

3. Rodriguez, WR, et al. A Microchip CD4 Counting Method for HIV Monitoring

in Resource-Poor Settings, PLoS Medicine, July 2005, Volume 2, Issue 7.

Table 1. CD4 lymphocyte counts are used to stage the progression of HIV

disease according to standards set by the Center for Disease Control (CDC).

Device Components

Vanderbilt Reader: Point-of-care TRF

Identification of CD4+ cells in whole blood on chip

Our specific goals for the project include:

• Conversion of DC electric pump to hand-cranked mechanical


• Integration of microfluidic platform with camera and pumps

• Concentration of white blood cells in whole blood sample

• Conjugation of anti-CD4 antibodies to fluorescent europium


• Fluorescent antibody labeling of CD4 cells

• Digital image acquisition and analysis

• Quantification of CD4 cell counts per microliter of a blood sample

Design Objectives

Figure 7. CD4 cells can be labeled on chip. FITC-CD4 antibodies were flowed

into a device containing Jurkat T cells. The excess antibodies were rinsed from the

device, revealing the presence of newly-labeled CD4 Jurkat cells. A series of

fluorescent pictures (A) is given, as well as the overlay of the fluorescent and DIC

images (B). This is proof of concept that CD4 cells can be labeled while trapped in

the device.

Figure 8. TRF images of cell traps. Europium nanoparticles were pumped into a

trap array at various concentrations, and TRF images were taken. This figure

demonstrates that europium phosphorescence can be detected at dilutions as low as


On-chip fluorescent labeling of CD4 in Jurkat T cells





1 1:10 1:25 1:50 1:100


el i




Eu dilution

TRF/Eu Calibration

Europium nanoparticles and TRF for CD4 detection



Obtain and clean a

silicon wafer.


Pour a dollop of SU-8

on the wafer center.


Spin-coat the SU-8 to

desired thickness.


Remove the edge

bead, if necessary.


Expose through

mask to UV light.


Inspect and post expose



Develop away un-

cross-linked SU-8.


Cast PDMS onto

SU-8 master.


Cut cured device away

from master.


Punch necessary inlet

and outlet ports.


Clean device and

plasma bond to glass.

CD4+ count Stage Patient’s status

>500 cells/mL Stage 1 HIV-infected

200-500cells/mL Stage 2 HIV-infected

<200cells/mL Stage 3 AIDS

Figure 1. Step-by-step procedures for photolithography and replica molding.

1. Stepper Motor

2. Alignment Screws

3. Set Screw

4. Shaft Coupler

5. Fluid Tubing

6. PDMS Washer

7. Thrust Bearing

8. PDMS Device

9. Polycarbonate Base





8. 7.





Whole blood Pump track Mixer


Figure 5. FITC-CD4 antibodies

identify CD4 cells in whole blood.

Although the CD4 cells are initially

indistinguishable in a sea of red blood

cells (left), they become discrete when

illuminated with fluorescence (right).

Figure 6. CD4 cells are captured

from the whole blood sample. As

whole blood is flowed through the

device, red blood cells pass through

while some white blood cells are

trapped. Differential Interference

Contrast (DIC) (A) and FITC (B)

images were taken at 0 sec, 6 sec, and 6

min. FITC images were thresholded (C)

and overlaid on top of the

corresponding DIC images (D).

The number of trapped CD4 cells

increases over time from 1 to 2 to 4,

suggesting that the number of trapped

CD4 cells will continue to increase as

the whole blood is recirculated through

the device.





t = 0


t = 6


t = 6




Image analysis and detection threshold requirements

The cells captured during a test on a patient’s blood must be concentrated by

the trap device such that their fluorescent signal can be read by the TRF

reader. Our experiments suggest that recirculation of the whole blood sample

through the device is necessary in order to achieve this concentration. The

CD4 count per volume of sample under recirculation is given by

where A and ac are the cross sectional areas of the trap chamber and a single

CD4 cell, respectively, Vs is the sample volume, f is the trapping efficiency of

the device, n is the number of times the sample volume is recirculated

through the device, and lm is the illumination measured by the TRF reader.

Figure 9. Simulation of healthy and diseased fluorescent response.

The trap device captured Jurkat T cells (immortalized T lymphocytes), as

shown in these images. After counting the cells in the field of view, 12%

were marked with red spots (left), which corresponded to a healthy person’s

CD4 cell count. Then, the number of marked cells was reduced to simulate

the cell count of a person with AIDS (right, green spots).

10 cm

1 1:10 1:25 1:50 1:100

20 µm 20 µm

20 µm

20 µm

20 µm

20 µm

20 µm

20 µm

40 µm 40 µm