Politis Framework for Schools (Brown Motion) 11 22 10


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  • 8/7/2019 Politis Framework for Schools (Brown Motion) 11 22 10


    Montg om ery CountyBoard of Sup ervisors Sum marywww.MontgomeryCountyVA.gov

    Nov. 23, 2010

    WORK SESSIONA joint w ork session wa s held with t he Plan ning C om mission to disc uss Urba n Deve lop me nt Area s(UDA) and p ote ntial chang es to the Co mp rehensive Plan and a men dm ents to the zoningordinance.

    CLOSED MEETING - No votes ta ken o r a nno unc em ents ma deA closed mee ting wa s held in ac co rdanc e with the Freedo m o f Information Ac t for disc ussion of aprospe c tive b usiness or industry where no previous anno unce me nt ha s be en ma de : Projec t # 2010-007. Disc ussion of p rospe ct ive ca ndida tes for ap po intment: Ad justme nt & App ea ls Boa rd,Montg om ery Reg ional Eco nom ic Developm ent Co mm ission and NRV Ec onom ic Develop mentAlliance.

    PRESENTATIONThe Board rec og nized the Pathwa ys Wedne sda y Trail Crew for volunteering to de sign a nd build a1.5 mile loo p trail off the Hucklebe rry Trail. The a pp roxima tely 15 volunte ers de vot ed 1,935 hours tobuild the trail loop .

    PUBLIC HEARINGS Ordinance am endm ent to p ermit an a cc essory structure to be owned or occ upied by a

    c areg iver as his or her residen c e Cont inued to Jan. 24, 2011. Ordinanc e am end ing the Flood Da ma ge Prevention Ov erlay continued to Jan. 24, 2011. Ordinanc e a me ndm ent d efining p arking uses pe rmitted a s ac ce ssory uses and pa rking

    uses only permitted by special use permit in commercial and industrial zoned districts App roved 7-0

    Spe cia l use p ermit req uest b y Byran and Katie Katz to allow p arking o f c om mercialvehic les ove r 5 tons Ap prov ed 7-0

    Comp rehensive Plan Am endm ent to cha nge policy map designation o f ap proximately 63ac res ad jac ent Ryan Roa d from villag e low d ensity residential to resource stew ardship.

    Spe c ial use p ermit reque st by B&C Investors LLC to a llow c ont rac tor s offic e a nd storag eyard Approved 7-0

    PUBLIC ADDRESS Two spe a kers spo ke in sup po rt of b uilding a new Blac ksbu rg High Sc hoo l. Blac ksbu rg Tow n

    Ma yor Ron Rorda m expressed Counc ils desire t o c oop erate on a dd ressing scho olprop erties loca ted in the to wn. One spe aker expressed interest in the fa te o f the o ldclerks office in the p ublic safet y building p lan. Sheriff Tom my Whitt tha nked the Board fo rap proving a one-time pa y supplement for employees.

    CO NSENT AG ENDA Ap proved 7-0 Clerk of Circuit Co urt app ropriation o f tec hnolog y trust funds Sheriff reco vered c osts Tec hno log y Reserve Fund c a rryov er fund s from FY10 AEP utility ea sem ent requ est a t ne w Price s Fork Eleme nta ry Sc hoo l New River Valley Emerge ncy Com munica tions Authority ap po intment of F. Craig

    Mea do ws (L. Ca rol Edm ond s, alternate) Western Reg iona l Jail Autho rity rea pp ointm ent s of Sheriff Tom my White (Ca p. Rob ert Hall,

    alternate ), Doug Ma rrs (Gary Creed, alternate ), and F. Craig Me ad ows (L. CarolEdm ond s, alternate )

    Ca pital Reserve Transfer to County Ca pital Projec ts for the enginee ring a nd de molitionde sign fo r the O BMS fac ility

    NEW BUSINESS League of Women Voters County contribution for 2011 Facts for Voters Approved 7-0

    Montgomery CountyBoard of Supervisors

    District A Annette Perkins, Chair

    Home 552-4706perkinsas@montgomerycountyva.gov

    District B Doug MarrsHome 382-1844


    District C Gary CreedHome 268-5203


    District D James Politis, Vice Chair Home 381-2778


    District E William BrownHome 951-1721


    District F Mary W. BiggsHome 951-2906Office 951-5732


    District G John MuffoHome 953-0563


    Montgomery CountyAdministrator

    F. Craig Meadows

    Office 382-6954meadowsfc@montgomerycountyva.gov


    Regular MeetingMonday, Dec. 13, 20106 p.m., Closed meeting 7 p.m., Regular agenda

    Here are highlights of the Boa rd of Sup ervisors m ee ting he ld Nov.22, 2010, at the Montgomery County Government Center, 755Roa noke St., Christiansburg, VA. Mee tings are reb road c a st onMontgom ery County Comca st Cha nnel 190 on w eekdays at 8 a.m.,1 p.m. and 7 p.m. (no m eeting show n on Tuesda y mo rning). Onweekends, Board meetings may be viewed at 8 a.m., 1 p.m. and6 p.m.

    Board Me mb ers in Attenda nceCha ir Ann et te S. Perkins, Vice Cha ir Jam es D. Politis, Ma ry W. Bigg s,William H. Brown, Ga ry D. Creed , Doug M arrs a nd Jo hn A. Muffo .

  • 8/7/2019 Politis Framework for Schools (Brown Motion) 11 22 10


    WORK SESSION Pub lic Sa fety Building c onsensus to mo ve f orwa rd with b ids for de sign Resolution e xpressing Boa rd sup po rt for sc hoo l ca pita l projec ts in Aubu rn and Blac ksb urg

    App roved 5-2 (Creed , Ma rrs). See ap proved resolution be low.

    OTHER BUSINESS The Board a gree d t o a resolution of a pp recia tion for Rep . Rick Bouc her for his wo rk

    supp orting the County and a letter of c ong ratulations to U.S. Rep .-elec t H. Morgan Griffith.

  • 8/7/2019 Politis Framework for Schools (Brown Motion) 11 22 10









    On a motion by William H. Brown, seconded by Jolm A. Muffo and carried,

    WHEREAS, The Montgomery County School Board ("the School Board") adopted aResolution and presented the Resolution to the Board o f Supervisors of Montgomery County("the Board o f Supervisors") stating that the School Board declares the replacement of AuburnHigh School, Auburn Middle School and Blacksburg High School (the three projects togethershall be referred to as "the proposed school capital projects") as critical and urgent projects; and

    WHEREAS, The Resolution further stated that the estimated cost to replace Auburn HighSchool, Blacksburg High School and Auburn Middle School was $124,556,000 and that theSchool Board would coordinate with the Board o f Supervisors to assist in the development of aplan to fund the replacement o f these schools; and

    WHEREAS, The Board of Supervisors has debated and heard extensive public commenton the School Board Resolution; and

    WHEREAS, The Board of Supervisors agrees with the School Board that thereplacement of Auburn High School, Blacksburg High School and the renovation and repair o fAuburn High School for use by Auburn Middle School ("Auburn Middle School Project") arecritical and urgent projects; and

    WHEREAS, It is the Board of Supervisors' responsibility in coordination with the School

    Board to provide the necessary funding for the constructiono f

    the three school facilities; andWHEREAS, The Board of Supervisors supports the School Board going forward with the

    replacement of Aubilrn High School, Blacksburg High School and the Auburn Middle Schoolprojects contingent upon those certain conditions and stipulations listed below.

    Resolution of SupportSchool Capital Needs

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    NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Board of Supervisors of the Countyo f Montgomery, Virginia hereby supports the replacement o f the Auburn High School,Blacksburg High School and the Auburn Middle School Projects subject to the followingstipulations:

    1. Since the planning and design phase for Auburn High School has already "started, theBoard of Supervisors supports the School Board moving forward immediately withfinalizing the design process for the new Auburn High School so that the Auburn HighSchool project may be ready for construction as quickly as possible.

    2. The Board of Supervisors supports the School Board applying for QSCB non-interestfunding from the State of Virginia to be used as a funding source for any or all of theschool projects listed above.

    3.The Board

    o fSupervisors supports the School Board beginning the design process


    soon as possible for a new Blacksburg High School.

    4. The start o f construction of the proposed school capital projects shall be contingent uponthe following:

    (a) The Town of Blacksburg expressing their support for a mixed use development onthe old BMS site so that the money realized from the sale of the old BMS site may beused as a funding source for the proposed school capital projects.

    (b) The School Board agreeing to surplus the Blacksburg High School site on PatrickHenry Drive to the County so that the County may sell the property and use the proceedsfrom the sale as a funding source for the proposed school capital projects.

    (c) The Town of Blacksburg expressing their willingness and support to work with theCounty on the redevelopment of the Blacksburg High School site on Patrick Henry Driveso that the proceeds realized from the sale of the Blacksburg High School site may beused as a funding source for the proposed school capital projects.

    5. The School Board agreeing to express their willingness and support to surplus theElliston-Lafayette Elementary, Price's Fork Elementary and Shawsville ElementarySchool properties when these properties are no longer needed for educational purposes so

    that the proceeds from the future sale of these properties may be used as a funding source

    Resolution of SupportSchool Capital Needs

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    for the Auburn High School, the Blacksburg High School and/or the Auburn MiddleSchool projects.

    6. The School Board agrees to use the Insurance proceeds for the Blacksburg High School

    project and to use the leftover bond proceeds from the Price's Fork and EasternMontgomery Elementary School projects as a funding source for the Auburn HighSchool, Blacksburg High School and/or Auburn Middle School projects.

    7. The County Administrator, working with County staff, the County's financial advisors,and the Board o f Supervisors, shall develop a capital funding plan for the replacement of

    Auburn High School, Blacksburg High School and the Auburn Middle School projects.The capital funding plan shall include the insurance proceeds from the School Board forthe collapsed Blacksburg High School gymnasium, proceeds from the sale of surplusedschool properties (to include old Blacksburg Middle School, Blacksburg High School,

    Elliston-Lafayette Elementary School, Shawsville Elementary School and old Price'sFork Elementary School), the surplus bond money from the Price's Fork and EasternMontgomery Elementary school projects, and the issuance o f future debt to provide forthe remaining proceeds needed. to fund the proposed school capital projects. The Boardo f Supervisors desires that any future debt issuances to pay for these proposed schoolcapital projects is structured in such a way to allow for incremental tax increases over afour to five year period with no projected property tax increase needed to fund these threecapital projects until fiscal year FY 2013.

    The vote on the foregoing resolution was as follows:


    John A. MuffoMary W. BiggsJames D. PolitisWilliam H. BrownAnnette S. Perkins

    NAYDoug MarrsGary D. Creed

    A T T E S T : " ' : : I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _

    Resolution of SupportSchool Capital Needs

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