Polyrhythmic synchronization in bursting networking motifs


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Polyrhythmic synchronization in bursting networking motifsAndrey Shilnikov,a� René Gordon, and Igor BelykhDepartment of Mathematics and Statistics and The Neuroscience Institute, Georgia State University,30 Pryor Street, Atlanta, Georgia 30303, USA

�Received 3 March 2008; accepted 25 June 2008; published online 22 September 2008�

We study the emergence of polyrhythmic dynamics of motifs which are the building block for smallinhibitory-excitatory networks, such as central pattern generators controlling various locomotivebehaviors of animals. We discover that the pacemaker determining the specific rhythm of such anetwork composed of realistic Hodgkin–Huxley-type neurons is identified through the order pa-rameter, which is the ratio of the neurons’ burst durations or of duty cycles. We analyze differentconfigurations of the motifs and describe the universal mechanisms for synergetics of the burstingpatterns. We discuss also the multistability of inhibitory networks that results in polyrhythmicity ofits emergent synchronous behaviors. © 2008 American Institute of Physics.�DOI: 10.1063/1.2959850�

The emergence of synchronous rhythms in the networksin question is closely tied to the temporal characteristicsof the bursting neurons due to their intrinsic properties,or to synaptic coupling types as inhibitory and excitatory.When the individual neuron is close to the transitionfrom bursting into tonic spiking, the dynamics of the net-work become quite sensitive to small changes in synapticcoupling strengths. We reveal the way the network canalter the burst durations of its neurons to designate thepacemakers among them. This endows the network withflexible synchronization properties leading to the multi-stability of coexistent bursting rhythms. In this paper, wedescribe a universal burst-duration based mechanism ofthe emergence of various synchronous bursting patternsin the basic repetitive blocks (motifs) for larger realisticneuronal networks such as central pattern generators(CPGs) controlling locomotion activities in animals andhumans.


A large variety of biological functions are accomplishedthrough highly coordinated actions of interneurons. Thus, theorigin of many biological rhythms can be attributed to syn-chronous rhythmic outputs from networks of coupled excit-able interneurons and/or neurons. For example, heartbeatsresult from orchestrated activities of muscle interneurons,1

hormonal rhythms are driven by rhythmic outputs from net-works of endocrine neurons in the hypothalamus, and pat-terns of lamprey locomotion are produced by a central pat-tern generator �CPG� located in the spinal cord of theanimal.2 The presence of synchronization has also beenshown in special areas such as the olfactory system or thehippocampal region.3–5

Bursting occurs when neuron activity alternates, on aslow time scale, between a quiescent state and fast repetitive

spiking. Different types of bursting and mechanisms of theirgeneration have been extensively studied.6–12 When coupled,bursting neurons may exhibit different forms of synchrony,including synchronization of individual spikes, burst syn-chronization when only the envelopes of the spikes synchro-nize, and complete synchrony.13–16

Neural synchronization results from the interplay be-tween the intrinsic properties of the individual neurons, theproperties of the synaptic coupling, as well as the networktopology.13–26 Each property may play an important role inshaping the emergent synchronous behavior. Different burst-ers, for example, have different synchronization properties.While elliptic bursters are relatively easy to synchronize,square-wave and parabolic bursters are notorious for theirresistance to synchronization.13 Inhibitory and excitatorysynapses also play different roles in promoting synchroniza-tion or antisynchronization of bursting neurons.17–23 It hasbeen shown that the synchronizing roles of inhibition andexcitation depend on the rates of onset and decay of inhibi-tion with respect to the intrinsic timescale of the individualneurons. More precisely, fast excitation often produces syn-chrony, whereas fast direct inhibition typically desynchro-nizes neurons.27

The underlying coupling structure of a neural networkalso affects its synchronization properties. Fast inhibition, forexample, triggers antisynchronous behavior in a pair of re-ciprocally coupled bursters.17 On the other hand, commonfast inhibition of a neuronal network received from a pace-maker neuron may induce synchronization in thenetwork.24,28 CPGs of motor interneuronal networks are of-ten composed of pairs of reciprocally inhibiting neurons,driven by a common bursting inhibitor.29 Therefore, the“competition” between the desynchronizing and synchroniz-ing factors leads to the emergence of different synchronousand asynchronous rhythms in such networks. An importantproblem is to determine the precise role each factor plays ingenerating the synchronous rhythms. This problem becomesmore challenging when the neural network has a complextopology and is composed of both inhibitory and excitatory

a�Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail:ashilnikov@gsu.edu.

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neurons. It was hypothesized that complex and highlyevolved neural networks arise from the addition of networkelements in positions where they maximize the overall pro-cessing power of the network topology.30 To gain insight intothe rules governing pattern formation in complex networksof neurons, one should first investigate the rules underlyingthe emergence of cooperative rhythms in smaller networkbuilding blocks. These building blocks called motifs are typi-cally three-node networks. Their functional and structuralimportance has been examined in biological networks of adifferent nature. For example, in information processing net-works motifs are believed to have specific functions as el-ementary computational circuits.31

Synchronization in complex oscillator networks andtheir structural motifs has received a great deal of attention inmathematical and physical literature.32–36 One important co-operative rhythm is clustering37–40 �also known aspolysynchronization41� when the network of oscillators splitsinto subgroups, called clusters, such that all oscillatorswithin one cluster move in perfect synchrony. The existenceof the clusters is due to the intrinsic symmetries of the ide-alized mathematical models.39–41

Due to multiple time scales of the endogenous burstingneurons, bursting networks may exhibit richer cooperativedynamics. This includes the emergence of clusters of burstsynchronized rhythms. For realistic neural CPG, which isformed by nonidentical interneurons with different burst du-rations and with strongly heterogeneous connections, one hasto redefine burst synchronization as the process where inter-neurons start bursting nearly instantly, though cease burstingindividually at different times. The appearance of such coor-dinated bursting rhythms is not defined by the symmetriesbut rather by the dynamical properties of the individual neu-rons and synaptic couplings. We call it polyrhythmicsynchronization.

The aim of this paper is to investigate the conditionsunder which specific patterns of polyrhythmicity appear innetwork motifs that are the characteristic building blockscomposing CPGs and other neural circuits. While studyingsimple inhibitory networks, we discovered recently28 that theratio of the neurons’ burst durations is the critical character-istic, explicitly defining synchronization properties of thenetwork. In particular, we demonstrated that a bursting net-work with strongly desynchronizing connections can be syn-chronized by a weak common inhibitory input from an ex-ternal pacemaker neuron whose burst duration is sufficientlylong.28 Therefore, the ratio of the burst durations becomesthe imperative order parameter that controls the cooperativedynamics of the network and designates its pacemaker by theintrinsic properties of the individual neurons.

In this paper, we go further and target interneuron net-works with both inhibitory and excitatory synapses. Westudy polyrhythmic synchronization in different bursting mo-tifs and show, in particular, that when the state of the indi-vidual neuron is close to the transition from bursting intotonic spiking, excitatory coupling can essentially increase theburst duration of the given neuron, whereas the inhibitionshortens the burst durations of the other interneurons in themotif. The longest neuron is thus designated as a pacemaker

that induces a synchronous rhythm over the network. Thiseffect of the emergent network behavior shows how singleneurons initially having shorter burst durations can self-organize to create a pacemaker with a longer burst durationthat, in turn, induces synchronous rhythms in the network.

The layout of this paper is as follows: In Sec. II, weintroduce the model and describe its phase space and bifur-cation diagram. We describe, in particular, how applied ex-ternal excitation or inhibition can affect the dynamics of thesystem. In Secs. III and IV, we study cooperative behavior ofnetwork motifs and describe the principles that are criticalfor controlling synchronous rhythms in the network. Theseinclude the “lock-down-then-release” mechanism of the al-ternation of bursting’s onset in a pair of reciprocally inhibit-ing interneurons22,42 and the ability of excitatory �inhibitory�coupling to increase �decrease� the burst duration of thedriven neuron. Section III focuses on two- and three-interneuron inhibitory motifs, while Sec. IV discusses multi-stability and control of polyrhythmicity in inhibitory-excitatory motifs and larger networks. Section V discussesthe obtained results and further directions.


We study inhibitory-excitatory networks composed ofseveral reduced models of the leech heart interneuron,10–12,43

whose derivation follows the Hodgkin–Huxley formalism


dt= − �INa + IK2 + Ileak + Ipol + Isyn� ,


dt= f�500,0.033 91,Vi� − hi, �1�


dt= f�− 83,0.018 + VK2

shift,Vi� − mi,


INa = gNaf�− 150,0.0305,Vi�3hi�Vi − ENa� ,

IK2 = gK2mi2�Vi − EK� ,

�2�Ileak = gleak�Vi − Eleak� ,

Isyn = Isyninh + Isyn


= − �j=1



inh − Vi� + gijexc�Esyn

exc − Vi����Vj − �syn� ,

where Vi is the membrane potential, mi and hi are the gatingvariables describing the activation of the potassium IK2 andinactivation of the sodium current INa of the ith interneuron,respectively. Other parameters: C=0.5 nF is the membranecapacitance; gK2=30 nS is the maximum conductance of IK2;EK=−0.07 V and ENa=0.045 V are the reversal potentials ofK+ and Na+, respectively; gNa=200 nS is the maximal con-ductance of INa; gl=8 nS and Eleak=−0.046 V are the con-ductance and reversal potential of the leak current; thepolarization current is constant Ipol=0.001 mA; andthe time constants are �K2=0.9 s �Na=0.0405 s; f�x ,y ,z�

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=1 / �1+exp�x�y+z��� is a Boltzmann function describing ki-netics of the currents.

The reversal potential Esyninh =−0.0625 �Esyn

exc=0.04� is setto be smaller �larger� than Vi�t� along each bounded solution,i.e., the synapse is assumed to be inhibitory �excitatory�.Note that connectivity matrices defined by gij

in and gijexc are

independent such that each pair of interneurons i and j mayhave both inhibitory and excitatory connections. The synap-tic coupling function is modeled by the sigmoidal function��Vj�=1 / �1+exp�−1000�Vj −�syn���.

44 It is worth noticinghere that we have tested not only this sufficient algebraicrepresentation but also high-order differential equations tomodel each fast synaptic current and found no principal dis-tinction in cooperative dynamics for our purposes. Thethreshold �syn=−0.03 is chosen so that every spike within aburst of the neuron burst can reach it. This implies that thesynaptic current from the jth neuron is initiated as soon asthis neuron becomes active after its membrane potential ex-ceeds the synaptic threshold.

In network �1�, the neurons are identical and the syn-apses are fast and instantaneous.16 For simplicity, the hetero-geneity is introduced to the system via the synapses; cou-pling coefficients gij

in and gijexc are, in general, different for

each interneuron. So, when coupled, the neurons typicallyreceive different amounts of excitation and inhibition andtherefore exhibit nonidentical dynamics.

Due to the disparity of the time constants of the currentsin the model, it can be treated as a fast-slow system; its firsttwo differential equations, describing the voltage and the so-dium kinetics, form a fast subsystem, while the last equation,describing the evolution of the potassium current, is the slowone. The dynamics of a slow-fast system are known45–47 tobe centered around the attracting pieces of the slow motionmanifolds, which determine skeletons of activity patterns.These manifolds, which are composed of equilibria and limitcycles of the fast subsystem, can also be found as the corre-sponding VK2

shift-parametric branches on the full system. Atypical bursting Hodgkin–Huxley model should correspond-ingly possess a pair of such manifolds:6 a Z-shaped quiescentmanifold and a cylinder-shaped tonic spiking one �Fig. 1�.Whenever the spiking Mlc and quiescent Mlc manifold aretransient for the solutions of Eq. �1�, the model exhibitsbursting, represented by a solution repeatedly switching be-tween the low, hyperpolarized branch of Meq and the spikingmanifold Mlc. The hyperpolarized fold on Meq indicates thebeginning of a burst. A similar fold on Mlc indicated thetermination of the spiking phase of the burst. The number ofcomplete revolutions of the solution between the folds is thatof spikes per burst. This winding number is used to classifythe bursting activity. The larger the number, the longer theburst duration lasts.

A. Phase space and bifurcation diagram

The interneuron’s intrinsic bifurcation parameter VK2shift is

a deviation from the mean, experimentally identified voltageV1/2=0.018 V corresponding to the semiactivated potassiumchannel, i.e., f�=1 /2 for IK2. In this study, the range of VK2


is �−0.03;0.005� V. One sees from the slow equation of Eq.

�1� that variations of VK2shift translate the slow nullcline m�

=0 in the V-direction. Let us note that the burst duration �bd,or the interburst interval �ii, is longer the smaller the distancebetween the slow nullcline m�=0 and the correspondingtonic spiking Mlc or quiescent Meq manifolds is, and viceversa. Decreasing VK2

shift elevates the slow nullcline m�=0thereby slowing down further the slow translation of them-component of the phase point coiling around Mlc. Furtherdecreasing VK2

shift will eventually stop the activation of IK2

making the tonic spiking manifold Mlc nontransient for solu-tions of Eq. �1�. This occurs after a saddle-node bifurcationfor periodic orbits, leading to the emergence of two periodicorbits on Mlc; the stable one corresponds to the tonic spikingactivity of the interneuron. So, the interneuron fires tonicallyat the lower VK2

shift values, while its larger values correspondto the hyperpolarized quiescent state, see Figs. 1 and 2. Ob-serve first that the equilibrium state of the individual neuronmodel is that of its fast subsystem. In the phase space of Eq.�1� it is an intersection point of the 1D quiescent manifoldMeq with the 2D slow nullcline m�=0, see Fig. 1. By con-struction, the intersection point on the bottom branch of Meq

is the stable equilibrium state, represented by the blue spherein Fig. 1 and corresponding to the locked-down hyperpolar-

FIG. 1. �Color� Spiking Mlc and quiescent Meq slow motion manifolds alongwith the slow nullcline m�=0 in the phase space of model �1� for VK2


=−0.005 V �lower brown surface� and −0.024 V �upper�. The spiking mani-fold Mlc is shown for three effective synaptic currents �Isyn

exc=0.03, �Isyn=0, �Isyn

inh=0.03, respectively. Increasing VK2shift, or raising the inhibitory syn-

aptic current �Isyninh hyperpolarizes the interneuron. The new stable equilib-

rium state at the intersection of the nullcline m�=0 with the low, hyperpo-larized branch of Meq corresponds to the locked-down state of theinterneuron. In contrast, decreasing VK2

shift, or raising �Isynexc brings both

nullclines m�=0 and Mlc closer, thus slowing down the potassium current.This may further result in the emergence of a stable periodic orbit aroundMlc corresponding to the tonic spiking activity of the interneuron.

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ized state of the interneuron. This stable equilibrium stateemerges through the saddle-node bifurcation too, right at thetangency of the slow nullcline m�=0 with the quiescencemanifold Meq near its hyperpolarized fold.

Both saddle-node bifurcation curves are shown in thebifurcation diagram in Fig. 2. The second bifurcation param-eter in this diagram is the effective flux of the incomingsynaptic current averaged over its duration �Isyn=1 /�bd�0

�bdIsyndt. This current is treated as an inhibitory orexcitatory one, depending on the level of the reversal poten-tial.

In Fig. 2 we single out the zones of activity of the inter-neurons: bursting, quiescence, and tonic spiking. One seesfrom this diagram that the interneuron is locked down at thehyperpolarized quiescent state when VK2

shift is too large corre-sponding to the blocked potassium current �mi close to 0 asFig. 1 indicates�. When the interneuron is locked down, thereis a stable equilibrium state on the hyperpolarized branch ofthe 1D quiescent manifold Meq at its intersection point withthe 2D slow nullcline m�=0. It is evident that the externalinhibitory current facilitates this state as well, while the ex-citatory one works against it, in contrast, making the inter-neuron oscillate around the depolarized state. The centralpart of the bifurcation diagram is occupied by bursting. Rightbelow the boundary SNeq separating the bursting and hyper-polarized quiescence zones, the interburst interval is long,and the burst duration is short, see Fig. 3�b�.12 This is afeature of the saddle-node bifurcation that occurs on SNeq

where the space curve Meq and the hypersurface m�=0 havea quadratic tangency in the 3D phase space of the model �1�.

As soon as both are split apart, the dwelling time �read theinterburst interval� throughout the phantom of the vanishedsaddle-node equilibrium state is scaled as 1 /��, where � isthe distance to the bifurcation curve SNeq in the bifurcationplane.

The boundary between bursting and tonic spiking iscomposite as consists of two branches labeled by BSC andHBlc. The first one is due to the blue-sky catastrophe thatdescribes a homoclinic bifurcation of a saddle-node periodicorbit.10,48,49 The local component of this bifurcation, takingplace on the bifurcation curve SNlc, occurs on the tonic spik-ing manifold Mlc; it leads to the emergence of the two peri-odic orbits: a saddle one and a stable one. The stable periodicorbit represents the tonic spiking activity of the interneuron.The homoclinic structure of the blue-sky catastrophe is dueto recurrent bursting, or more specifically due to the repeatedreinjection of the phase point back into the spiking phaseafter its slow drifting along the hyperpolarized branch of the

FIG. 2. �Color online� �VK2shift, �Isyn� bifurcation plane partitioned into the

zones of activity of the interneuron model �1�. Above the boundary SNeq theinterneuron is locked down at the hyperpolarized state by influx of theinhibitory synaptic current. Bursting takes place between the bifurcationcurves BSC�HBlc and SNeq. To the left of SNlc, corresponding to thesaddle-node bifurcation of the periodic orbits, the interneuron gets into tonicspiking. The spiking zone is also bounded by the boundary labeled AH,below which the neuron is constantly depolarized. The Bautin point is wherethe corresponding Andronov–Hopf bifurcation changes from the super- tosubcritical type. In the wedge within SNlc and HBlc, bursting co-exists withtonic spiking �above AHsuper� or depolarized quiescence �below it�. Themodel becomes monoactive to the left of HBlc, where the stable manifold ofthe saddle periodic orbit no longer separates the basins of the attractors.

FIG. 3. �Color online� Temporal characteristics of bursting plotted againstthe control parameters: the intrinsic one VK2

shift and the network couplingstrength gsyn. The burst period increases as either the burst duration or theinterburst interval becomes longer through the homoclinic saddle-node orsaddle bifurcations near the boundaries SNlc and SNeq, respectively. Both,though, contribute equally only near their intersection point in the bifurca-tion diagram shown in Fig. 2.

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quiescent manifold Meq. Likewise the saddle-node bifurca-tion of the equilibria above, because of the slow passage ofthe phase point throughout the “phantom” of the saddle-nodeorbit, the number of spikes within the burst can be arbitrarilylarge. This makes the burst duration, as well as the period, ofthe bursting orbit very long as well. The quantitative depen-dence of the temporal characteristics of the bursting on theparameters is revealed by Fig. 3.

While the blue sky catastrophe on BSC describes a con-tinuous and reversible mechanism of the transition betweenthe bursting and the tonic spiking activities,10,50 the transitionthrough SNlc and then HBlc gives rise to the onset of thebistability in the model.11,51,52 Within the wedge bounded bythese curves the tonic spiking and the bursting attractors co-exist. Their basins of attraction are separated by the stablemanifold of the saddle periodic orbit, which has emerged,along with the stable one, to the left from SNlc after thesaddle-node bifurcation. The burst period, or more exactlythe duration �bd of bursting becomes longer the closer thebursting orbit approaches this separating saddle periodic or-bit, or the closer the parameters are chosen to the boundaryHNlc. Correspondingly, the burst duration obeys the scalinglaw �bd log���, where � is the deviation from the ho-moclinic bifurcation.

Raising the influx of the excitatory synaptic currentseizes the magnitude of the tonic oscillations around the de-polarized steady state of the interneuron. This occurs rightunderneath the boundary AH that corresponds to theAndronov–Hopf bifurcation. Note that between AH andSNlc, the invisible saddle orbit still separates the burstingfrom a now depolarized steady state attractor.

This orbit sets the threshold as well between the coex-istent tonic spiking and the hyperpolarized quiescent activi-ties in the interneuron for the parameter values from the top-left sector of the bifurcation diagram.

The dependence of the temporal characteristics of burst-ing against the parameters is shown in Fig. 3. It reveals thatthe growth of the burst period is either due to the increasedinterburst interval when the interneuron becomes more hy-perpolarized, or because of the increase of the burst durationas bursting evolves toward tonic spiking when the interneu-ron becomes more depolarized �VK2

shift�, or alternatively, ex-cited by the external current when gsyn

exc �or �Isynexc� is increased.

Of our special interest is bursting of large duty cycles,i.e., when the burst duration is much longer than the inter-burst interval near the boundary composed of BSC�HBlc. Itfollows from the paradigm of the synaptic current modelingthat its contribution is more effective when the driving neu-ron stays active �on� longer above the threshold. In the other,such a bursting neuron is very vulnerable, and hence highlysensitive to external perturbations brought in by the synapticcurrent. In what follows this shall lead to especially peculiarconsequences. Namely, whenever the interneuron producesvery long bursts, i.e., its parameters correspond to the rapidlyincreasing segments of the temporal characteristics. A smalldeviation, either due to the internal parameter VK2

shift, or due toan external influence, expressed through effective inwardflux �Isyn, originated from the outer network, shall drasti-cally extend, or shorten the burst period by changing either

the burst duration or the interburst interval. We will showbelow that the interneuron of the longest burst duration be-comes a designated pacemaker that determines the pace andthe rhythm of the motif, as well as larger CPGs. Moreoverthe ratio of the burst durations of the composing interneuronsbecomes the actual order parameter in such networks.


In this section, we focus on the mechanisms generatingantiphase bursting in the simplest network of two recipro-cally inhibitory interneurons, and burst synchronization in athree-neuron network with all inhibitory connections. Thesemechanisms, along with the effect of increasing the neuron’sburst duration by excitation, will be used for describing syn-chronous pattern formation in inhibitory-excitatory networksconsidered below in Sec. IV.

A. Half center oscillator

Two coupled bursting interneurons with fast reciprocalinhibitory synapsis are known to exhibit an antiphase behav-ior where interneuron activities alternate in antiphase be-tween a quiescent state and fast repetitive spiking. Such anetwork with the two interneurons acting in antiphase iscalled a half-center oscillator53 �HCO�. Such an antiphasebehavior is often reported as an integral part of CPG net-works governing locomotion patterns, especially if there isantiphase symmetry in the motor outputs.2

Next, we will discuss specific properties of the antiphasebursting and the underlying mechanism of its generation in atwo-neuron inhibitory network �1� with some relatively smallfactors g12

in and g21in . The mechanism leading to the asynchro-

nous network behavior is similar to that of the formation of aHCO from an oscillating network of two mutually inhibitoryinterneurons.22,42

We consider the type of bursting where the burst dura-tion quite exceeds the interburst interval. Thus, wheneverone interneuron is on, the other one gets inhibited and muststay off, provided that the incoming synaptic current is abovea certain threshold sufficient to cause the saddle-node bifur-cation that gives rise to emergence of the locked down stateon the hyperpolarized quiescent branch of the other interneu-ron �see Fig. 4 and a small HCO pictogram in Fig. 2�. Bygeometry of the nullclines, each uncoupled model �1� alwayshas a unique unstable equilibrium state located away fromthe stable, hyperpolarized branch of Meq.

A sufficient inhibitory current from the active neuronapplied to the postsynaptic neuron shifts Meq towards theslow nullcline m�=0 thereby creating, in the phase space ofthe driven interneuron, a new stable equilibrium around thelow, hyperpolarized knee of Meq through a saddle-node bi-furcation. We use this stable equilibrium state as the lockeddown state. We will refer to Fig. 4 to illustrate the mecha-nism of antiphase synchronization. In this diagram, the inac-tive interneuron 1 �represented by the blue sphere� remainslocked at the low knee of Meq and is hence inactive. Soonafter the active interneuron 2 �the green sphere in the figure�falls down below the synaptic threshold after competing thecurrent spiking period of bursting, the inactive one becomes

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released from inhibitions and begins firing its action poten-tials. Note that the gap between the nullclines m�=0 and Meq

in the uncoupled system is small so that a weak inhibitorycoupling is even sufficient to close the gap and lock theinactive interneuron at the right knee. For the given net-work’s parameters, the critical value of the inhibitory cou-pling is g*=g12

in =g21in =0.017 such that a coupling exceeding

g* triggers the antiphase synchrony.The given model of the synaptic current assumes that the

connectivity is effectively and temporarily one-directional,meaning that an inactive interneuron has no feedback ontothe active one. This implies that for the HCO it is imperativethat both interneurons are indeed the bursters. Otherwise, ifeither interneuron is tonic spiking, the other one becomespermanently locked down, provided that the connectivitystrength is sufficient. It is not hard to see from Fig. 2 that this

can be easily achieved if the interneuron’s parameters happento be set close to the boundary SNeq. The second peculiarobservation is that the interneurons do not have to be iden-tical to form the HCO. If they are, then the burst period ofthe HCO is double of the burst duration of the interneuron.In an asymmetrical case though, the period of the HCO is thesum of the burst durations of both interneurons, providedthat the burst duration of either interneuron exceeds the in-terburst interval of the other.

B. Unidirectional inhibitory ring

Let us next consider an inhibitory triangle �as one inFig. 5� with only unidirectional clockwise connections. Note

FIG. 4. �Color� Half-center oscillator: the composing interneurons burst inantiphase at VK2

shift=−0.022, g12in =0.8, and g21

in =0.9. Shown are phase trajec-tories of the uncoupled interneurons at gsyn=0 �gray bursting orbit� and theHCO �black bursting orbit�. A sufficient synaptic current applied to thedriven interneuron translates the quiescent manifold Meq towards the slownullcline m�=0 far enough to make a stable, locked-down state around theright knee of Meq through the tangency of both manifolds at the saddle-nodebifurcation. The new, “inhibited” manifold Meq is represented by the bluedotted curve. While the green interneuron is “on,” traversing the spikingmanifold Mlc, it locks down the inactive �blue� interneuron at the new stableequilibrium. After the active green interneuron has eventually reached theend of the spiking manifold and fallen down, the driving inhibition is turnedoff. This creates the stable equilibrium state, that holds the inactive inter-neuron at the right knee of Meq, and later disappears through the reversesaddle-node bifurcation. Released from inhibition, the inactive blue inter-neuron is free to fire action potentials and begins passing slowly throughoutthe “phantom” of the disappeared saddle-node. Having jumped up off thefold of Meq, it traverses throughout the synaptic threshold �syn therebyturning on the inhibition onto the other interneuron of the half-center oscil-lator. The latter will not escape from inhibition while the blue interneuron isin the active phase. This process of switching between active and inactivestates of the two cells becomes cyclic and leads to anti-phase synchrony.

FIG. 5. �Color� Coexistence of cooperative behaviors in the HCO-basedinhibitory motif. The coupling parameters are gi,i+1

in =0.9 and gi+1,iin =0.62, and

VK2shift=−0.02. �a� 2� /3 resonant rhythm where a single interneuron is active

at a time. The current configuration of the membrane potential phase spaceof this motif resembles the 2� /3-resonance, which is not the case as themembrane potential states are truly orthogonal. �b� Burst synchronizationbetween the blue and green interneurons 1 and 2. The 3D membrane poten-tial phase space shows an antiphase between the red and the synchronousHCO composed of the blue and green interneurons. The 3D membranepotential phase space shows an antiphase relationship between the red �3�and the synchronous HCO composed of the blue and green interneurons 1and 2.

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at once that for this configuration to repetitively produce thecooperative bursting behavior, its interneurons no longerhave to be endogenous bursters, but may be spiking ones aswell. To illustrate the point, bursters with duty cycle equal toone are chosen. The above on-off rule/principle is this caseworks as follows: let the red interneuron 1 be “on,” i.e., firethe series of spikes, then, by the underlying principle, it in-hibits the following clockwise blue interneuron that accord-ingly becomes locked down. On the other hand, for the redinterneuron to be active, the preceding green one must tem-porally be “off” as well, during the given episode. As theresult, the inhibitory ring produces the bursting activityqualitatively resembling the 2� /3 resonance where only oneinterneuron is active at the time.

The firing pattern also persists in the ring with bothclockwise and counterclockwise connections �see the sectionon multistability below�. Moreover, it was shown in Ref. 54that such a bursting alteration can be due to a single attractorcomposed of heteroclinic connections in the similar inhibi-tory motif composed of identically spiking neurons describedby the original Hodgkin–Huxley equations. In the given con-text, the absence of multistability is imperative to justify thenovel concept of winnerless competition resulting in a mono-cooperative behavior of the network without designatedpacemakers.26

We will shown below that in an even, reciprocally in-hibitory motif, this winnerless pace can coexist with sevenother distinct synchronous patterns, i.e., constitutes one ofeight primary attractors of this network.

C. HCO-based motifs

Let us examine the inhibitory triangle with both recipro-cal clockwise and counterclockwise connections �Fig. 5�.The connections in each direction are not necessary symmet-ric; moreover let them be stronger in the clockwise direction.Further we will consider an inhibitory triangle with asym-metrical, heterogeneous coupling and discuss the role ofasymmetry in establishing distinct cooperative behaviors.

The network shown in Fig. 5 can exhibit up to fourcoexisting rhythms. In addition to the 2� /3 resonance pace�see Fig. 5�a�� persisting in this bidirectional network too,there exist three other types of polyrhythmic synchronousrhythms where either of the two interneurons are burst syn-chronized between and antisynchronized with the third inter-neuron �see Fig. 5�b��. The manifestation of a particularrhythm depends on the initial states of all three interneurons.The performed simulations of random perturbations of theinitial conditions of the interneurons, revealed for the param-eter values indicated in the figure, that the 2� /3 resonancerhythm is dominant as its odds are about 82%. The remain-ing 18% are evenly divided between the configurations, allhaving a single designated �up to a color coding� pacemakersynchronizing the other two interneurons of the motif.

Next we would like to examine the mechanism leadingto the generation of these shift-symmetry synchronousrhythms in detail. In our recent work28 we discovered ahighly counterintuitive result concerning a typical configura-tion of a bursting motif, which is similar to the one shown in

Fig. 5. Specifically, we considered a HCO �code-named “Go-liath”� composed of two strongly inhibitory interneurons,which are driven weakly by an independent bursting inter-neuron �code-named “David”�. We showed that even a weakinhibition originated from “David” can quickly synchronizethe HCO, provided that the burst durations of all three un-coupled interneurons sufficiently exceed the interburst inter-vals.

In contrast to the “David–Goliath” case, all three inter-neurons composing the reciprocally inhibitory networkshown in Fig. 5 have nearly equal burst durations and inter-burst intervals, when uncoupled. Hereafter, the parameters ofeach interneuron of Eq. �1� are chosen to be close to thetransition boundary in Fig. 2 separating the bursting andtonic spiking activities, whose upper part is due to the bluesky catastrophe10 and the low one is due to the bistabilityscenario.11 In both cases, the burst duration of the interneu-ron increases with no bound, as the transition boundary isapproached, while the interburst interval stays nearly con-stant. It is worth noticing again here that near the transitionthe burst duration is highly sensitive to small variations ofthe parameters; intrinsic, as well as networking induced byextremal synaptic currents. In the considered case this im-plies that originally identical interneurons with equal burstdurations and interburst intervals may receive unequal inhi-bitions from each other. It can be seen in Fig. 2 that theincoming inhibition may properly shorten the burst durationof the driven interneuron. More specifically, the burst dura-tion of the interneuron receiving less inhibition shall becomelonger. Note that despite the fact that each interneuron hasthe incoming synaptic connections of equal strength, the ef-fective amount of inhibition received by each interneuronmay differ, depending on whether the other interneurons areactive or not during the current episode of the bursting cycle.

Recall that due to the antiphase behavior of the HCO,either interneuron must stay inactive, being locked downaround the hyperpolarized knee of Meq. Consider the HCOcomposed of neuron 1 �blue interneuron� and 2 �green inter-neuron� and suppose that neuron 3 �red interneuron� is ac-tive; it inhibits the locked down blue interneuron �cf. Fig. 4�of the HCO even further. Meanwhile, the uneven inhibitionexchange between the red and green interneurons leads touneven shortening of the active phases of both active inter-neurons. When the green interneuron becomes inactive first,the bursting of the red interneuron returns to its natural ac-tive pace. Meanwhile, as the latter continues to stay active,its inhibition continues to lock down both HCO �blue andgreen� interneurons on the hyperpolarized, lower part of thenullcline of Meq. Moreover, the green interneuron movingalong the nullcline can and does catch up with the blue in-terneuron locked at the hyperpolarized knee of Meq. After themembrane potential of the red interneuron lowers below thesynaptic threshold, its entering the quiescent phase releasesthe other two interneurons from inhibition and both beginfiring �nearly� simultaneously. While being active, they dou-bly lock down the red interneuron until the last active inter-neuron spikes. By doing so, the blue and green interneuronsbecome burst synchronized.

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Note that unlike the David–Goliath network,28 thepresent all inhibitory network selects its pacemaker by short-ening the burst duration of the other “secondary,” driven in-terneurons. However, this polyrhythmic synchronization re-quires stronger couplings among the interneurons of themotif, and is unreliable because not only does it coexist withtwo other ones symmetrical up to a shift, but with the domi-nant 2� /3 resonance rhythm in this clockwise prevailingconfiguration.

A similar polyrhythmic synchronous rhythm will alsooccur in an arbitrarily reciprocal motif as one depicted inFig. 6. The choice of the coupling parameters here is some-what arbitrary. Due to the asymmetry of the coupling, thesingle synchronous rhythm can persist here from the sym-metrical case. This rhythm has been previously depicted inFig. 5�b� where the blue and green interneurons composingthe HCO are effectively controlled by the red interneuronand thus burst synchronized. In this case there is another typeof multistability; this time, it coexists with the regime wherethe HCO-forming interneurons bursting in antiphase, domi-nate the dynamics by constantly locking down the red inter-neuron �see Fig. 6�. This becomes possible if the red inter-neuron was initially inactive so that the alternating on-offstates of the green and blue interneurons hold it at the lowhyperpolarized knee of Meq. The performed simulations re-vealed that the odds for the occurrence of these coexistingrhythms are split between 61% for the appearance of thelatter rhythm and 39% for polyrhythmic synchronization, re-spectively. Basically, one may state that the phase space ofthe network is divided by the attraction basin of the rhythmsin proportion about 2 /3. Recall that as follows from the waythe model �1� is derived, its phase space is bounded natu-rally; the range for the gating variables �read probabilities� is

between 0 and 1, while the realistic range for the membranevoltage is between somewhat 60 and −70 mV.


In the previous section we have demonstrated varioustypes of polyrhythmicity which the reciprocally inhibitorymotifs composed of three bursting interneuron can produce,depending on the strengths of the connections. Each typecorresponds to a unique attractor of the motif. Each attractorhas its own attraction basin. So depending on the initial con-dition the phase state of the motif falls into the basin of theselected attractor. The attractors can bifurcate and transforminto other more complex ones, where, for example, somedriven interneuron can skip the period of bursting, or viceversa, and fire with the double frequency. Such rhythms areout of scope of the given consideration, and need a moresystematic, symbolic description. The basin of an attractoralso changes together with the changes of the connectivitystrengths, and therefore its presence is dictated by networksconfigurations, so that some attractors may not even exist as,for example, in the case of the unidirectional, inhibitory ring.It is hence clear that the chosen rhythms of the motif dependupon the capacity of the attractor, i.e., its basin. More spe-cifically, to avoid speculations on the “size” of a basin in the9D phase space of the motif, we can drastically narrow theproblem to the phase of the current state of each interneuronon the corresponding bursting orbit. The underlying idea is tomake the motif switch from one rhythms to another not bypicking randomly initial conditions and following the tran-sients toward some attractor of the network, but to perturbthis attractor for a given configuration of the motif by apply-ing an arbitrarily lasting pulse of the �hyper�depolarizing cur-rent of adequate magnitude to one of the interneurons.

Due to the periodicity of bursting exhibited by the motif,the ordinal number, or the color of the interneuron can beany; the pulse is applied to the blue interneuron in all threecases. One sees from Fig. 7 and the caption that the motifunder consideration is slightly biased against the red inter-neuron whose feedback onto the other two cells is severaltimes weaker, than the forward inhibition that it receivesfrom them. Nevertheless, this does not prevent it from domi-nating over the synchronized blue and green interneuronsfiring simultaneous bursts in antiphase with the driving redone. The external pulse applied to the blue interneuron whileit is in “off” state, extends its inactive state, while the red andgreen ones keep firing in the antiphase manner, becoming thehalf center oscillator. In what follows, the current phases ofthe bursting interneurons matter most when the locked downinterneuron is released from the external inhibition. In Fig. 7,this occurs when the red interneuron is active and yet delaysthe inactive phase of the blue interneuron. Shortly thereafter,the red interneuron becomes inactive, the blue one goes “on”and forms the HCO along with the green one. The new es-tablished HCO inhibits the formerly dominating red inter-neuron so that it stays inactive for the rest of the time.

The way the rhythm changes under similar circum-stances in a more equally balanced motif is illustrated inFigs. 8 and 9. Here, the original dynamics, which is similar

FIG. 6. �Color� Asymmetric inhibitory triangle. The red interneuron islocked down by the HCO composed of the blue and green interneurons,bursting in antiphase. This regime coexists with the synchronous polyrhyth-mic rhythm, depicted in Fig. 5�b�. The coupling parameters are g12

in =1, g21in

=0.8, g13in =0.6, g31

in =0.4, g23in =0.5, and g32

in =0.3, and VK2shift=−0.02 in both


037120-8 Shilnikov, Gordon, and Belykh Chaos 18, 037120 �2008�

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to that in the previous example, is featured by the dominationof the red interneuron driving the synchronous blue andgreen ones with even more mismatched connectivityweights. The applied pulse locks down the target interneu-ron, while the remaining two form the HCO as they keepfiring bursts in antiphase. The phase of the interneuron re-leased from inhibition is such that the cooperation of allthree interneurons leads to the onset of the so-called winner-less competition dynamics typical to a unidirectional inhibi-tory ring. Like in the previous example, by releasing thetarget cell from inhibition at a proper phase, we can have theoriginal dynamics restored in the motif as well.

The last example in this section shows that the winner,or the dominating interneuron, can be designated by applyingand releasing the hyperpolarizing pulse off any target cell ofthe network. After releasing the target cell from inhibitionthe role of the pacemaker switches to the green interneuron

that now leads the other two synchronous interneurons. In asimilar manner, we can designate the blue interneuron as apacemaker by inhibiting and releasing it during proper phaserelative to the current phases of the rest. We should observethat, in contrast to the first two examples, the connectivityweights in this case are distinct; so that does give priority tothe winner, not to winnerless dynamics, as there is no certainasymmetry required to have the above type of dynamics es-tablished in the motif.

It is not hard to see that such a regular motif can poten-tially exhibit up to eight primary rhythms including threewinner cases, three “loser” cases with a single interneuronpermanently down, as well as to the winnerless competitiondynamics where a single interneuron is active at a time. Theeighth rhythm is totally symmetric and occurs therefore in analmost equally weighted motif where all three interneuronfire in synchrony. There are some other peculiar though lesscommonly occurring rhythms that the motif can produce. Weplan to analyze those in detail in the next paper.


As discussed above, purely inhibitory motifs of neurons�1� with equal burst durations and interburst intervals canself-organize synergistically and designate a synchronizingpacemaker. However, the induced synchronous rhythms typi-cally coexist with asynchronous ones. In this section, weshow that the addition of excitatory connections is requiredto ensure robust synchronous rhythms.

A. Inhibitory-excitatory pair

The inhibitory-excitatory configuration shown in Fig. 10has the following two important properties. First, it canburst-synchronize the interneurons, i.e., the start of theirtonic spiking phases. Second, it may shorten �increase� dras-tically the burst duration of the inhibited �excited� interneu-ron, provided that the control parameter VK2

shift is set close tothe bifurcation value corresponding to the transition frombursting into tonic spiking activity.

FIG. 7. �Color online� The red interneuron dominating over the synchronousblue and green ones becomes forcefully inactive by the formed HCO afterthe hyperpolarizing pulse has been applied to the blue interneuron therebybreaking the original rhythm in this asymmetric inhibitory motif with theparameters g12

in =1.1, g21in =1.0, g13

in =0.6, g31in =0.1, g23

in =0.5, and g32in =0.1, and

VK2shift=−0.02 mV.

FIG. 8. �Color online� From winner to winnerless dynamics in the motifwith asymmetrically weighted connection: g12

in =1, g21in =0.75, g13

in =0.75, g31in

=1.0, g23in =1, and g32

in =0.75, and VK2shift=−0.02 mV. The driving interneuron

loses its superiority after the application of the external hyperpolarizingpulse to the driven interneuron. The original status can be restored as well.

FIG. 9. �Color online� The changing winner in the motif: the red interneuronloses its pacemaker role that goes to the green one after the depolarizingcurrent is over for g12

in =1.0, g21in =0.8, g13

in =0.75, g31in =1.1, g23

in =1.0, and g32in

=0.77, and VK2shift=−0.022 mV.

037120-9 Polyrhythmic synchronization in motifs Chaos 18, 037120 �2008�

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The onset of the burst synchronization in this networkcan be explained as follows. Let the inhibiting, red interneu-ron be active at the moment, i.e., the corresponding redphase point drifts turning around the spiking manifold Mlc

and hence locks down the blue interneuron near the hyper-polarized fold on the quiescent manifold Meq. The develop-ment is initially identical to that in Fig. 4. Observe that whenthe blue interneuron is inactive, the excitatory synaptic cou-pling is turned off so it sends no feedback to the active redinterneuron for a moment. After the red interneuron reachesthe end of Mlc and falls down to Meq, and its inhibitiontoward the blue interneuron is turned off. As in the case ofthe HCO network, the blue interneuron, released from inhi-bition, is ready to jump up after a slow passage throughoutthe phantom of the vanished, inhibition-induced equilibriumstate. Meanwhile, the red interneuron traverses along the un-perturbed Meq toward its hyperpolarized fold. When the blueinterneuron eventually takes off Meq becoming active, then itswitches excitation onto the red interneuron. Moreover, incontrast to the inhibitory case, this moves the fold of theperturbed quiescent manifold Meq toward the current positionof the red interneuron thereby shortening its quiescent period�state�. This leads to that the red interneuron is forced tofollow the blue, exciting interneuron right after the latterbecomes active so that both interneurons begin firing actionpotentials nearly synchronously, with a short delay of orderof two spikes or so, provided the excitatory coupling is suf-ficient: �ge�g*=0.06�. However, while the interneurons areactive, they follow different routes. The red interneuron,while excited, has a longer burst duration and has a longerdistance to go along the perturbed tonic spiking manifold;see Fig. 1. At the same time, the route of the interneuronreceiving the inhibition originated from the red one becomesshorter in contrast. Furthermore, after it becomes inactive, its

feedback faints, and the red interneuron continues firing withthe natural frequency. This explain the disturbances in thebeginning of each burst in its voltage trace in Fig. 10 whichoccur while the excitatory interneuron is still “on.” There-fore, despite the interneurons which fall down from the spik-ing manifold Mlc at different times and position in the phasespace, they nevertheless become burst-synchronized againafter the excitatory blue interneuron begins the new cycle ofbursting. This burst synchronization between the excitatoryand inhibitory interneurons is demonstrated in Fig. 10.

B. Inhibitory-excitatory HCO-based motifs

The emergence of the synchronous rhythm in the mixednetwork depicted in Fig. 11 is determined by the same syn-ergetic mechanisms described in the previous sections. Theseare the “lock-down-then-release” mechanism of inhibition,then the induced burst synchronization as in the inhibitory-excitatory pair, and the extension of the burst duration in theexcited �inhibitory� interneuron.

The development and onset of the burst synchronizationamong all three interneurons, supplemented by completesynchronization between the strongly inhibitory ones form-ing the HCO, is shown in Fig. 11. To explain its emergence,we suppose, without loss of generality, that the red interneu-ron receiving the excitation from the HCO is initially active,i.e., on the tonic spiking manifold Mlc �cf. Fig. 4�. In additionlet the blue interneuron be active, too. Clearly if the greeninterneuron were inactive, it should remain such, lockeddown near the fold on the quiescent manifold Meq by theinhibition generated by both active interneurons. Further-more, due to the excitation generated from the blue interneu-ron, the red one stays active longer, and hence its burst du-ration becomes longer than that of the blue one. On the

FIG. 10. �Color� Inhibitory-excitatorypair and the voltage traces at VK2


=−0.022, g21in =0.4, g12

exc=0.2: The bot-tom, reference trace 3 shows the natu-ral frequency of uncoupled bursting,compared to it, the burst duration ofthe red interneuron grows due the ex-citation it gains from the blue inter-neuron, whose burst duration is in turnshortened by the reverse inhibition.When the blue interneuron becomesactive, it turns the red interneuron onas well. In turn, the red interneuronshortens the burst duration of the blueinterneuron. After the blue interneuronbecomes inactive, the red interneuronrestores the natural rate and continuesas an uncoupled interneuron. Thissharp change can be seen in its voltagetraces aligned with the bursting termi-nation of the excitatory blueinterneuron.

037120-10 Shilnikov, Gordon, and Belykh Chaos 18, 037120 �2008�

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contrary, its generated inhibition shortens the active phase ofthe blue interneuron in a similar manner �refer to Fig. 1�, thatreaches the edge of the spiking manifold way ahead of thered one, to become inactive. While inactive, it traverses thehyperpolarized manifold Meq toward its fold to catch up withthe green interneuron which remains locked.

The next phase in the development of the synchronousrhythm is similar that of the inhibitory-excitatory pair dis-cussed above. Thus, after the red interneuron becomes inac-tive and releases the blue and green interneurons off the

locked down state, both jump up, turning the excitation ontoward the red interneuron and forcing it leave the quiescentstate and becomes active as well. A sufficiently strong exci-tation makes this induced synchronous rhythm robust andachievable from nearly all initial states of all interneuronsinvolved in this motif.

We conclude this subsection by the puzzle on the dy-namics of the motif shown in Fig. 12. In this figure, thedirections of inhibitory and excitatory connections betweenthe HCO and the red interneuron are now reversed. The co-operative dynamics of this network are, as above, determinedby the same universal principles. We invite the reader tofigure the eventual rhythm matching this network �see Fig.13 for the answer�.

C. Seven-interneuron network

We use the asymmetric network depicted in Fig. 14 as anexample that shows the ultimate role of a single excitatoryconnection from the pacemaker in synchronizing the otherinterneurons of the network.

Consider first the case where the excitatory connectionfrom interneuron 1 to interneuron 7 is missing, i.e., thewhole network is entirely an inhibitory one. Due to the givenconnectivity diagram, interneuron 7 is a common inhibitor of

FIG. 12. �Color� Puzzle: What polyrhythmic pattern occurs in the givennetwork? The width of the links may be thought of as the coupling strength.The choice of the coupling parameters is only constrained to the thresholdvalues of the inhibitory and excitatory couplings, required to “lock-down-then-release” and speed up and increase the burst duration of the interneu-rons, respectively.

FIG. 13. �Color online� Answer to the puzzle: Burst synchronization amongall interneurons. The excitation originated from the red interneuron breaksdown the antiphase rhythm of the HCO and triggers burst synchronythrough a similar mechanism described for the inhibitory-excitatory pair.Here, g12

in =0.9, g21in =0.92, g13

in =0.52, g23in =0.5, g31


FIG. 11. �Color online� Three-interneuron network with both inhibitory andexcitatory synapses. Solid circles indicate the direction of inhibitory cou-pling; arrows show the direction of excitatory coupling. Excitatory synapsesincrease the burst duration of neuron 3, making it the pacemaker synchro-nizing the HCO formed by neuron 1 and 2. Corresponding voltage tracesshow the onset of the polyrhythmic synchronous rhythm. Parameters areg12

in =1=g21in =1, g13

exc=0.15, g23exc=0.1, g31

in =0.1, g32in =0.1, and VK2


=−0.02 mV. One see that once the antiphasic HCO is forced by the redpacemaker, it becomes fully synchronous. Observe, that the strong recipro-cal inhibition within the HCO makes its burst duration much shorter andextends that of the pacemaker receiving now double excitation from thein-phase interneurons.

FIG. 14. �Color online� Asymmetric 6+1 interneuron network. In the ab-sence of the excitatory connection �dashed line�, the network exhibits asyn-chronous behavior. The addition of the excitatory designates neuron 7 as thepacemaker leading the burst synchronization of the entire network becauseof the feedback from its blue subnet; here the coupling weights are g12


=g21in =g23

in =g32in =1, g34

in =g43in =g45

in =g54in =g56

in =g65in =1, g7j

in =0.2, j=2,6, g47in

=0.6, g17exc=0.4, and VK2


037120-11 Polyrhythmic synchronization in motifs Chaos 18, 037120 �2008�

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the other interneurons and can potentially play the role of apacemaker, inducing a single synchronous rhythm within thenetwork. This may not be the case if its burst duration is longbut not sufficient enough to lock down, accordingly, all otherinterneurons near the hyperpolarized knee of the quiescentmanifold Meq and, hence, to establish any burst synchroniza-tion within the subnetwork, composed of the driven blueinterneurons �see Fig. 14�.

In contrast, the addition of a single excitatory connection�depicted by the dashed directed line� toward interneuron 7,can dramatically change the network behavior due to thefollowing synergetic effect. First, provided that the burstinginterneuron 7 is already close to the transition into tonicspiking, the influx of excitation essentially enhances its burstduration, thus making it the pacemaker inducing the burstsynchronization within the driven subnetwork. Second, thisexcitation does synchronize the pacemaker with the subnet-work as well, through the mechanism discussed in Sec. IV.Thus, the network behavior changes synergistically fromsome uncorrelated asynchronous rhythms to the burst syn-chronization of the entire network. The voltage traces show-ing burst synchronization within the subnetwork should bequalitatively similar to those shown in Fig. 11.

Note finally that inhibition which the red pacemaker re-ceives from interneuron 4 can be effectively stronger thanthe excitation it received from interneuron 1 �g47

in =0.6 versusg17

exc=0.4�. Nevertheless, as follows from the bifurcation dia-gram in Fig. 2, the interneuron is more sensitive to the exci-tatory input extending further its burst phase compared to itsshortening if the same interneuron receives an effectivelyequal influx of the inhibitory current instead.


We have considered a class of the mixed inhibitory-excitatory motifs, which are the building blocks for larger-sized central pattern generators controlling the locomotion ofanimals. The comprehensive understanding of pattern forma-tion in neural motifs is gained through the prism of the bi-furcation theory giving insights for transformation and tran-sitions between various types of activity of individual andcoupled interneurons.

Among all types of bursting neurons, we have focusedour consideration on interneurons belonging to the class ofthe so-called square-wave bursters. Elliptic bursters reported,for example, in the basal ganglia as GPe and GPi cells, re-mained off the scope of our consideration. We plan to exam-ine motifs composed of such cells in our next research.

We found that the bursting cells with the longest burstdurations are the natural pacemakers for inhibitory-excitatory small networks. The ratio of the burst durations isactually the order parameter that quantifies the dynamics ofthe network and identifies its pacemaker. It carries the com-posite meaning incorporating both intrinsic properties of in-dividual cells, as well as networking parameters of coupledcells in the network. We employ the burst-interburst intervalratio to control the onset of different synchronous patterns ininhibitory networks. We have created the comprehensive de-scription of polyrhythmic synchronization in inhibitory-excitatory motifs of bursting neurons. We have also dis-

cussed the complimentary roles of inhibitory and excitatoryconnections in synchronizing the network, composed of theinterneurons whose states are close to the transition frombursting into tonic spiking. We have demonstrated that thecomposition of the burst-duration-based mechanisms enablesflexible synchronous properties of small neuronal networks.

We have described the universal mechanisms of syner-getic formations of synchronous patterns observed ininhibitory-excitatory networks and shown that temporal char-acteristics of bursting interneurons and the means of theircontrol are a crucial procedure for synchronization of burst-ing interneurons. In particular, we have shown that a networkof bursting neurons initially having the same burst durationand having no designated pacemakers can self-organize anddetermine the emergent synchronous behavior, by creating itspacemaker with a longer burst duration. The emergent pace-maker, being the longest bursting interneuron, typically re-ceives the maximum amount of excitation, or the minimalinflux of inhibition, and determines the network’s paces andrhythms.

It was demonstrated that the dynamics of networks com-posed of monobursting cells is very rich and, furthermore, isnot mono, but multistable in essence. So, a simple motif withnearly identical reciprocally inhibitory connections can ex-hibit a total of eight attractors corresponding to eight distincttypes of the polyrhythmic synchronization. Every attractor ofthe network corresponds to a specific rhythm and is conjec-tured to be associated with a particular type of CPG locomo-tive activity. For the details, we refer the reader to a compre-hensive review in Ref. 55.


This work was supported by the GSU Brains and Behav-ior program and RFFI Contract No. 050100558.

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037120-13 Polyrhythmic synchronization in motifs Chaos 18, 037120 �2008�

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