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TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 2019 | 7:00 PMMain Meeting Room

The meeting location is accessible to person with disabilities. A request for specialaccommodations for persons with disabilities should be made at least 24 hours inadvance of the meeting by calling 215-643-1600 x3220.

The agenda may be amended during the meeting to add or delete items, change theorder of agenda items, or discuss any other business deemed necessary at the time ofthe meeting.





4.a. Robbins Park Living Building Challenge


5.a. MOVE to accept the minutes from the February 26, 2019 meeting without reading.


6.a. Report of the Library Director.

6.b. Report of the Parks & Recreation Director.

6.c. Report of the Environmental Protection Advisory Board. 1

6.d. Report of the Planning Commission.


8 NEXT MEETING: JUNE 25, 2019 AT 7:00 PM



Agenda Item No:4.a

Planning, Parks & Library Committee Agenda Item ReportMeeting Date: April 23, 2019Submitted by: Deb RitterSubmitting Department: Item Type: PresentationAgenda Section:

Subject:Robbins Park Living Building Challenge

Suggested Action:



A New Vision for Robbins ParkBy UDHS Environmental PBL Students


Who Are We?



What is PBL? 7

Learning should be purposeful.



LIVING BUILDING CHALLENGEWhat does good look like?







Health & Happiness


Our Vision


“Robbins Park aims to provide an innovative, unifying experience that restores the environment and

strengthens the human connection with nature.”



Our Journey


The Design



First Floor

Second Floor


Educational Space

Hang-Out Space

Wrap Around Balcony

Balcony to first floor






Agenda Item No:5.a

Planning, Parks & Library Committee Agenda Item ReportMeeting Date: April 23, 2019Submitted by: Deb RitterSubmitting Department: Item Type: MinutesAgenda Section:

Subject:MOVE to accept the minutes from the February 26, 2019 meeting without reading.

Suggested Action:




A meeting of the Planning, Parks and Library Committee (PPL) of Upper Dublin Township (UDT) was held on Tuesday, February 26, 2018, at 7:00 PM, in the Township Building, Chairperson Rebecca Gushue presiding. In attendance were Commissioners Rebecca Gushue, Meredith Ferleger, and Dr. Gary Scarpello. Also present were Paul Leonard, Township Manager; David Brooman, Township Solicitor; Cherilyn Fiory, Director of the Upper Dublin Public Library (UDPL); Derek Dureka, Director of Parks and Recreation (UDPR); and Cheryl Knight, Chairperson of the Environmental Protection Advisory Board (EPAB). PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Ms. Gushue asked all present to pledge allegiance to the flag. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Ms. Gushue reminded that Monte Carlo night is coming up on March 23, 2019 and that tickets are available now. STANDARD BUSINESS: Move to Accept the Minutes from October 23, 2018 Without Reading: Ms. Gushue motioned, with Dr. Scarpello seconding, to accept the Minutes of the PPL meeting of October 23, 2018 without reading.

VOTE ON MOTION ALL YES MOTION CARRIED REPORTS: Report of the Upper Dublin Public Library (UDPL) Director: Cherilyn Fiory reported on activities at the UDPL as follows: Updates: In early January residents enjoyed a performance of the classic novel Frankenstein followed by a performance of Queen Victoria. There were also presentations on researching your historic home, researching your family history as well as antiquing and appraisals. We are continuing our historical research of our township with the help of Dr. Scarpello. The local Girl Scouts achieved their science badge by using the UDPL STEAM lab. UDPL was named as a Good Community Hero by Integrate for Good. Author Events/Programs for Adults: The Library will be hosting two upcoming performances; this Friday at 7 PM will be a performance and discussion of Big Band music by Fred Miller, and next Friday March 8 see a performance of Scottish dance given by our local Campbell School of Highland Dance. The Library will be hosting KonMari Method of tidying up this Monday March 4. Adriana Trigiani author of Tony’s Wife will be here April 11. Author Harlan Coben will be here on Friday March 22. He will be promoting his latest novel Run Away. Tickets are available for both events on our website. Additional information can be found at the UDPL. Stop into the Library or visit udpl.org for more information.



Report of Upper Dublin Parks and Recreation (UDPR) Director: Derek Dureka reported on activities at UDPR as follows: Recreation: In December we held three different trips, two to New York and our popular Brewery Tour. In January we held our Mini-Masters which had approximately 100 participants. In February we have a very sold out Father Daughter Dance. Ms. Gushue asked if there were any way to expand the dance. Mr. Dureka answered that they are at maximum capacity in the Township Building. If they were to move the event to another venue it would have additional costs. Registration opens up Monday March 4 for summer camp. Park Division: In December our parks staff began removal of non-native invasive plants at Henry Lee Willet Park. Our goal is to complete this park this year. Ms. Ferleger asked if this is an area where residents who are looking to get involved could volunteer. Mr. Dureka answered yes, even acts as simple as cutting vines from trees would be helpful. Ms. Ferleger asked if it would be possible to put together an identification guide for residents. Mr. Dureka answered that he was currently updating the Park Maintenance Manual and putting together a Top 10 list of invasive plants. He will make that public when it is completed. In 2018 the Parks Department made an aggressive effort to reduce its mowing. It was reduced by 1,400 hours and then reallocated those hours to other needs. We will try and increase that effort this year as well. Township Fundraising Events: Monte Carlo Night will be held Saturday March 23, 2019. The 8th Annual UD Triathlon will be held Sunday May 19, 2019. Upper Dublin Township’s 300th Anniversary of Incorporation: The Tricentennial celebrations kicked off February 1 and 2 with Winterfest. There were approximately 4,500 residents in attendance. The next event will be the Parade on Saturday May 4 at 5 PM ending at Mondauk Common. Forms will be available for participants on Monday March 4 on the website. Community Dinner and Dancing on Loch Alsh will be Friday June 21. AutoFest will be September 15 and the Fall Fest will be November 3. Update on Twining Valley: The draft version of the site development plan will be presented at a public review meeting February 27 at 7 PM. The site development plan will be presented to the BOC in April. The site plan has a focus on



reduced capital and low operating expenses. The plan would be to rent the clubhouse with the idea of having the renter do the renovations necessary to the building. Report of the Environmental Protection Advisory Board (EPAB): Ms. Knight reported on the activities of the EPAB as follows: In November we approved the final plans for the 122 Jackson Avenue project. Our only concern we noted was to have the storm water retention units be at 5% of the required township code. In December and February we reviewed the Sandy Run Middle School project. Recommendations were as follows:

Remove the invasive Japanese barberry from the northern border and use an evergreen shrub. The trees chosen for the parking lot should be switched out for those that have a higher canopy. That mature trees be identified on the plan and Ailanthus trees be identified and removed during

development. Planting trees in the proposed meadow area to reduce the overall heat affect. Underground conduit should be installed for the possibility of future E-Vehicle charging

stations. We reviewed the proposed 1635/1637 Limekiln Pike development. We recommended they preserve the buffer on the northern side of the property. We asked they consider an underground storm water detention unit instead of the two above grade basins proposed. We suggested they share parking with adjacent businesses for visitor parking. In December we heard from Bill Sabey, Plymouth Township EAB, promoting “Ready for 100” which asks townships to commit to 100% renewable energy by 2025. Tonight the EPAB is showing the film Living in the Futures Past at the Ambler Theater. March 26 we will be showing Food for Change. The Board is sad to report the resignation of Joe Tarsavage, but happy to announce Mike Haas will be stepping into the vacated role of Vice Chair. Ms. Ferleger asked if the Limekiln Pike development will be before the BOC soon. Mr. Leonard stated that he did not think it would be anytime soon as it is in very preliminary form and has many zoning issues that will need to be addressed. Report of the Planning Commission (PC): Mr. Leonard reported on the activities of the PC as follows: The PC met on February 19 and reviewed and approved the Sandy Run Middle School variance request. The PC reviewed the sketch plan for 1635/1637 N. Limekiln Pike for a proposed townhouse development and Starbucks coffee shop.



DISCUSSION ITEMS: Presentation on Sandy Run Middle School: Mr. Leonard introduced Architect Bill Hambly, D’Huy Engineering, who would be giving a short presentation of the overall Sandy Run Middle School plan. It is scheduled for preliminary/final approval at the April Stated meeting. They have received the zoning relieve they requested. Mr. Hambly gave a presentation on the plans for the Sandy Run Middle School project. Dr. Scarpello: Are the ball fields in the flood plain?

Mr. Hambly: Yes, but there will be some additional drainage added.

Mr. Leonard: It is my understanding there is an add alternate for a turf field in the area of the

upper football field.

Ms. Ferleger: My question is about walkability and children safety. My concern is the children crossing these high traffic roads.

Mr. Hambly: There are proposed roadway improvements at the intersection of Limekiln and Twining.

Mr. Leonard: The emphasis is that traffic is going to shift mainly to Twining Road. This will significantly reduce the traffic at Audubon.

Ms. Gushue: The buses pose a hazard turning onto Martin Lane. It is a potentially dangerous situation. Whatever we can do to encourage the school district to use Twining entrance for buses.

PUBLIC COMMENT: Sandra Atherholt, 1011 Hawthorne Lane:

It looks like in the 2016 Master Plan there was a possibility of building a new library in front of the salt shed for a total of $14 million. The proposed plan for 520 Virginia Drive is expected to be $16.5 million. What was the reasoning in choosing the more expensive option of repurposing a dated building in an office park that isn’t even developed versus building a library in a great location for less money?

Mr. Leonard:

The reason the site was rejected was environmental. Underneath there is a quarry cup used as a dump for 20+ years. There were structural concerns as well as off-gassing concerns.

Ms. Atherholt: I just feel that there are other options that should be explored.

Mr. Leonard: I will go back and review those studies you are referencing before the March 12 meeting.



Ms. Atherholt: I understand that soil samples were taken at the Field of Dreams with the

possibility of building there and they were acceptable?

Mr. Leonard: To my knowledge, they did not do soil samples. They did test pits to check for the type of fill to support structures. Actual soil samples were never done.

Ms. Atherholt: Is it possible to find the study that shows the ground is not safe to build on?

Mr. Leonard: I mentioned it was a known landfill for many years. There have been sink holes on that ground and there is the concern for off gassing.

Mary Beth Berardi Thomas, 1669 Limerick Drive:

I am in full support of this library. I see how a state of the art library could support people across generations and can create a community hub. It could provide access to technology to people who might otherwise not have it. I know there are a lot of concerns about the walkability of the new site, but my question is for the people who can’t get a ride to the new site how are they getting home from the current library? My main concern is the lack of space for Parks and Rec and all of their wonderful programs.

Mr. Leonard: I would like to mention that 500 Virginia Drive went up for sale today. It is a 27 acre parcel next to the library. The sale of that property does represent an opportunity to change the library’s main entrance.



ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to discuss, Dr. Scarpello motioned, with Ms. Ferleger seconding, to adjourn the meeting. VOTE ON MOTION ALL YES MOTION CARRIED Respectfully submitted, ______________________________ Jesse Conte, Recording Secretary Attest: _______________________________________ Rebecca Gushue, Chairperson

