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România este un stat european de mărime medie (238391km2), situat in partea de S-E a Europei Centrale, pe cursul inferior al Dunării, cu ieşire la Marea Neagră, pe teritoriul căreia se desfăşoară cea mai mare parte din intinderea Munţilor Carpaţi

Teritoriul României este organizat administrativ in 41 de judeţe. Judeţul Argeş este situat in bazinul superior al râului Argeş de la care şi-a luat numele.

Romania is a medium size European state(238391km2), situated in the South-Eastern part of Central Europe, on the lower flow of The Danube River, bordering on the Black Sea, dominated by the Carpathian Mountains

Romania is divided in to 41 counties. Arges county is situated on the upper flow of Arges River which has also given the county’s name.

Curtea de ArgeşGeographical site:the south of Romania, the north of Argeş district;among the hills of the Getic sub - Carpathian hills (Muscelele

Argeşului) inCurtea de Argeş Depression;

25 km far from the mountain region of Romania, to the north, represented by Făgăraş Mountains (Frunti Mountains and Ghiţu Mountains) and 35 km far from the plain region, to the south, represented by the Romanian Plain (The High Plain of Piteşti), at 400 m altitude, the altitude of the sub - Carpathian hills being 600-700m the town developed on the terraces of the Argeş river.

The hydrographic basin of Argeş river, at the confluence of Argeş river with Danului, Iaşului and Doamnei Valleys.

Acces:a) road acces:=> Bucarest - Piteşti (E70) - Curtea de Argeş (DN 7C) = 150 km => Braşov - Cimpulung - Curtea de Argeş = 130 km => Sibiu - Rimnicu Vilcea (E81) - Curtea de Argeş = 135 km => Sibiu - Cirtişoara - Bilea Lac - Transfăgărăşan (accesible onlyin summer) - Vidraru Dam - Curtea de Argeş = 165 km

c) airports:

Bucarest 150km Craiova 160 km Braşov 130 km Sibiu 135 km

Historical monuments:-Olari Church

Historical monuments:- the ruins of San Nicoară Church (XIVth century)

the Princely Church (XIVth century)the Potters Church (XVIIth century)Drujesti Church (XVIIIth century)the Saint Voievodes Church (XVIIIth century)

Ctitor: Neagoe Vodă Basarab –Domn al Ţării Româneşti 1512-1521

Founder : Neagoe Vodă Basarab – Voivode of Ţara Româneasca


Secondary School ,,Nicolae Velea” Cepari

Este situată la o distanţă de 18km de oraşul cel mai apropiat –Curtea de Argeş 16 noiembrie 2008 i se atribuie numele ,,Nicolae Velea”, scriitor şi fiu al satului

(Foto)• Is situated at about 18km away from the closest town C de Arges

•16th of November 2008 – the school given then name of “Nicolae Velea”, writer an son of the village.

Viziunea: ,,O şcoală comunitară, o şcoală pentru toţi”Ţinte strategice, scopuri: - eficientizarea procesului instructiv-educativ prin metode moderne la clasă- Conştientizarea tuturor membrilor comunităţii privind problemele legate de

mediu, prin programe educaţionale specifice- Organizarea si promovarea turismului şcolar- Crearea unui climat de siguranţă fizică şi libertate spirituală pentru elevii

şcolii- Revigorarea actului cultural al elevilor in vederea ridicării performanţei

şcolare, sporirea prestigiului şcolii în cadrul comunităţiiOferta educaţională: - învăţământ preşcolar 52 copii

- învăţământ primar 90 copii - învăţământ gimnazial 85 copii

Participarea la proiecte şi programe educaţionale, parteneriate şi relaţii comunitare:

- Programul de granturi şcoală-comunitate ,,Un pas mic pentru o natură curată”

- Proiectul european ,,The art of crafts around Europe”- Parteneriat internaţional ,,Protection L’Environnement” încheiat intre

Asociaţia de prietenie româno-franceză Argeş-A.R.C.A Aunay sur Odon.- Proiecte iniţiate în colaborare cu revista Terra Magazin: ,, Valorificând

deşeurile, salvăm mediul şi sănătatea noastră”, ,,Şcoli pentru un viitor verde”.

- Participarea anuală a elevilor la concursul ,,Mintea ta sursă de energie”- Participarea elevilor la acţiunea ,,LET’S DO IT Romania

Vision: ,,A community school, a school for all” Strategic targets, aims: - To increase the learning process trough modern methods;- To acknowledge the environmental issues by specific educational

programmers;- To organise and promote school tourism;- To create a climate of physical safety and spiritual freedom among school

pupils;- To refresh the cultural act among students in order to increase the

performance and the fame of school in the community.Educational offer: - pre-school education -52 children

- primary school - 90 children - secondary school -85 children

Projects and educational programmes, partner-ships and community relationships:

- School – community Grant programme ,,A little step for a clean nature”- The European Project “The art of crafts around Europe”- The international Partnership “Protection L’Environnement between the

Romanian – French Association of Friendship Argeş-A.R.C.A Aunay sur Odon.

- Projects in collaboration with Terra Magazine “ By valuing the waste, we can save the environment end our health ” “Schools for a green future”.

- “Pupils’ annual participation at the contest : Your mind source of energy ”- Pupils involvement in ,,LET’S DO IT Romania”


Energy Holding Contest,,Energy keeps us moving. What about you?”

Painted Eggs Contest

The Project ,,A Little step for a clean nature”

Let’s do it Romania

Organizing and promoting the school tourismsalt Mountain Sovata

Saint Ana Lake

Sighişoara Fortress

Vulcanii noroioşi (Buzău)

Black Church Brasov

Chindia Tower - Târgovişte

Portul popular din zonă

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