Prophecies for 2015 & Beyond



Before the beginning of each year, Dr. Abu Bako receives prophetic instructions and words from the Lord which he shares publicly on December 31. These are some of such words.

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Prophecies for 2015 &

Beyond Prophet Abu Bako



This document is not an official publication of the Logos-Rhema Foundation.

It was taken from tapes and/or other documentation from the GAPNET website or

other source affiliated with Prophet Abu Bako, reformatted for easy navigation and


The unofficial blog of Prophet Abu Bako published by people who have been

positively impacted by his life and ministry does not warrant that the information

contained in this publication is complete and correct and shall not be liable for any

damages incurred as a result of its use.


About The Vessel

Abu Bako is a man sent from GOD (John 1:6)—who functions in many capacities.

He occupies the offices of a Prophet and Apostle. He is also the Founding President

& International Director of the Logos-Rhema Foundation For Leadership Resource

Development—a Non-Governmental Organization registered in Ghana. The

Foundation is a multi-faceted organization committed to serving as a leadership

resource base. He serves as the Global Coordinator of the Global Apostolic and

Prophetic Network (GAPNET ).

He is also the Founding President of The College of Sustainable Transformation

and Development (COSTrAD)—which focuses on the training and development of

the human resource base of leadership with the aim of recovering best practices for

sustainable living as well as reviving structures that have been neglected and have

been rendered obsolete but which are still useful and relevant.

The activities of this Servant of GOD are multi-faceted and multi/trans-disciplinary

in nature, global in their reach, and kingdom-centered, focused and driven. He is an

Economist by profession, a former lecturer in Economics and Senior Researcher in

Agricultural Economics.

All the above notwithstanding, Dr. Bako is primarily a people-builder, equipping

and developing quality leaders at all levels of public life, in all the 8 spheres

(domains, gates, mountains) of society, namely: Family, Belief System, Government,

Governance and Leadership, Economy and Business, Education, Science and

Technology Media, Arts, Sports and Culture.

He is a regular speaker at international conferences and hosts and leads

international conferences of his own. He operates as a consultant to some national

leaders, organizations, institutions and governmental bodies. Abu Bako serves on

various boards, among which are the Geneva Institute for Leadership and Public

Policy and The Rebirth of Africa.


Table of Contents About The Vessel ..................................................................................................................................... iv

Prophecies for the Year 2015 & Beyond .............................................................................................. 1

Death of Debts ........................................................................................................................................... 1

Harvest ........................................................................................................................................................ 1

The Year Of … ........................................................................................................................................... 2

Family ......................................................................................................................................................... 5

ECOWAS .................................................................................................................................................... 6

Finding Spouses ........................................................................................................................................ 6

Belief Systems ........................................................................................................................................... 6

Nigeria ......................................................................................................................................................... 7

Middle East and Africa ............................................................................................................................ 8

Government, Governance & Leadership ............................................................................................. 9

Economy .................................................................................................................................................... 10

Education .................................................................................................................................................. 10

Science and Technology ......................................................................................................................... 11

Media ......................................................................................................................................................... 12

Arts, Sports & Culture .......................................................................................................................... 13

Arts ........................................................................................................................................................ 13

Sacrifice/Payoff .................................................................................................................................... 14

Ezekiel 13:17 ........................................................................................................................................ 15

Sports .................................................................................................................................................... 15

Culture .................................................................................................................................................. 16


Prophecies for the Year 2015 & Beyond

Death of Debts

I heard the LORD saying, “The Death of debts”. As my people worship at my

footstool there is going to be a sentence released from heaven saying release,

release, release.” For everyone here who wants to see debts cancelled this is the

time to bow before Him and worship at his foot stool. Proclaim Psalm 24 and then

read Exodus 23:10-17

As you showed me Isaiah 10:27 that, the yoke shall be broken by the anointing in

the name of the LORD Jesus, by reason of anointing it shall be broken off.

I decree that every yoke, every burden, everything that has been released upon your

people let there be a breaking of those yokes according to your word. Because we

have come before you, before your throne and what you do directly from heaven is

greater, stronger than what man can do. So we give you all the glory because you

are touching everyone where they are right now. In the name of the LORD Jesus

Christ we decree establishment of your counsel in every life according to your word.

Anything standing before any man, any woman, no matter the height of that

mountain you become the plain now. We uproot anything that is not Your planting

right now in the name of the LORD Jesus Christ.

I saw reversal of fortunes. Things that have been negative expressions of things

decreed over your lives so you don’t have what GOD ordained for you, every decree

of every man, every decree of every dragon, every decree of every institution, is

reversed. Now you are entering another expression of the glory of GOD therefore

receive the turning of fortunes in the name of the LORD Jesus Christ. Let

everything in your life that has blocked the entry of the LORD Jesus be lifted.

Anything that stood in your way to entering the inheritance GOD ordained, also be

lifted in the name of the LORD Jesus Christ.

Read Exodus. 23:10-17 (Amp)


Feast of Harvest—doesn't that sound like celebration of harvest? Every year is a

year of the Holy Spirit but could it be that this year is a year of a certain level of the


manifestation of the ministry of the Holy Spirit and manifestation of the sevenfold

Spirit of GOD. Do not take anything for granted.

It means here that everything you ever worked for all the years of your life so far,

that you have not harvested from, you shall see the first-fruits. Everything you

toiled all your life for that was appointed by GOD, that you have not seen results so

far, the LORD will enable you to see, eat and enjoy and share the first fruit with

many because abundance has come.

Even so LORD we thank You for Your word, the entrance of which gives light and

understanding to the simple.

We pray in this short time we shall accomplish what you ordained. Let there be

levels of impartation, expression, absorption, transmission and all demonstrations.

In the name that is above all names—Jesus Christ the Express Image of Your

person and the full effulgence of your glory. Amen.

The Year Of …


is also the year of extraction. That means not only will He extract you as in

Isaiah 49:24-26 where He will contend with those who contend with you, even legal

captives as you heard in part 1. Those who sold themselves willingly to the devil—

as many as are willing to return to the LORD, He will extract them. Angels are

released already. We will end up with many extractions already and it will be

evident it is the LORD’s doing and it is marvelous in our eyes.

It is also a YEAR OF RETRACTION. Whatever anyone had decided settled

concerning you, sentences, decrees, proclamations they will retract.


own for His glory.

It is a YEAR OF DISCOVERY AND RECOVERY of stolen treasures. Because of

the way this service has gone, I am tempted not to teach any more just give the

marching orders and instructions concerning what GOD has said. If we have time

left I will explain some things.

When GOD said it is a CELEBRATION OF HARVEST, it is not necessarily a year

of harvest, but [rather] gathering what has been harvested but had been hoarded



That is why because of the Shemitah, the year of Shavuot, which is the year of

REST, that is why if you heard the Amplified Version, it says what the land will

voluntarily yield to you of its own. There are some places you had to toil to receive

before, now you don’t have to toil, you will see it coming because you are gathering


All shall be restored. Not only for individuals but will [it will] apply to families,

cities, nations and the continent of Africa but many others will experience that. It is

a year of unreserved dedication, devotion and commitment. It will lead to clarity of

vision and direction from GOD which will help you to get into your place in Him and

in life.


of righteousness there will be individual fasts that He will ask you to declare as

part of your righteous acts. If you remember, Matthew 6 talks about acts of

righteousness. What are the three acts?

(1) Giving (2) Prayer (3) Fasting

It means if there has ever been a time you honored your father and mother in

particular and all others who have contributed to your life, this is the year.

When it comes to honoring, one thing Jesus talked about was, do not say what you

are supposed to give to honor your parents - It is dedicated to GOD. Even if they

have not been very kind to you, you are doing it unto the LORD.

Do it monthly if possible. Decide what you will do, the monthly thing or in the

middle of year at the latest. So you do not get tempted to stop. Actually let the

person know either by phone call that this is what GOD has laid on my heart and

this is the monthly thing I will do. Then by a certain time latest, I will be able to

settle it. Do it monthly, it is already settled.


are about to the released.

You may hear prophecy and don’t know how to operate them and this is one of the

keys. Undeniable miracles and righteous living that is a glimpse of righteous living.

It is not about adoration but acts of righteousness.


THE HOLY SPIRIT. Commitment, dedication and devotion; but He says

unreserved commitment to the Holy Spirit. It means there are some who will


actually be introduced afresh to the Holy Spirit. A new walk with the Holy Spirit!

Your walk will be very different. If there was a year you knew the Holy Spirit, this

is the year. It is unreserved commitment and obedience. I would obey the Holy

Spirit. Even so let it be oh GOD help me from this day to obey. Holy Spirit from this

day I will obey Your Voice, so help me to hear you much clearer than ever before in

the name of the LORD Jesus Christ.

It is a YEAR OF THE WORD OF THE LORD with strategic praying. Being a

year that each [person] needs to understand and that there will be such

manifestation of the Holy Spirit and we should give much time to the word of GOD

and strategic praying.



judgment upon the wicked. Because of the levels of wickedness on earth, there will

be famine, drought, sandstorms, floods, snowstorms, fires of different kinds but we

can pray to temper the intensity. It was going to be more intense, but people of GOD

can pray and temper that.

It is also going to be a YEAR OF CONQUEST where people of GOD will begin to

enjoy what the Word of the LORD is saying in 2 Corinthians 2.14-16 in particular.

It is a YEAR OF TRIUMPHANT LIVING. It is a time when GOD will cause you

to triumph over things that defeated you in the past. So every contaminating

influence must be brought down. If you were contaminated even in dreams we will

pray for you. All kinds of things where some have had spirit spouses. GOD is

actually terminating those covenants. That is why it is important that today I give

time to prayer.

I am the perfume of GOD. I am the fragrance of GOD. This fragrance can kill

and it can also make alive. There are things that are killing in your family

that you will kill. It is not you but GOD using you as a bottle to spray. LORD I

PRESENT myself afresh as a spray bottle fill me afresh with Your fragrance.

Wherever I go from this day let that fragrance be an aroma of death for those

who must die, and life for those who have been oppressed for so many years.

Let me be a fragrance of life to those who want to obey and believe what you

are bringing forth to them according to your original plan. Let not the

innocent die with those who are the planting of the evil one in the name of the

LORD Jesus Christ.


On your own you don’t have what it takes but GOD is sufficient. Your sufficiency is

in Christ. Psalm 113.9: He will make even the barren woman be a joyful mother of


This Shemetah is also a Jubilee. That means it is actually a time of sending you

back to the family house. Read

Leviticus 25 concerning the year of jubilee. You shall return to your own. He will

make her one that will be a keeper of home and a happy mother of children. Every

area of barrenness in your life, today, fruitfulness has taken over. More than ever

before GOD will make you fruitful but you must press into the level of fruitfulness.

If you have ever fasted at least 100 days this should be the year. It is the YEAR OF

REST so it will be a fast in rest.

And already GOD has given you about 60 days because March 5 to 4 April we will

have 30 days fast, then 30 August to 28 September is another 30 days. Fast the day

of your birth every week, that is 52 days [in the year]. If you are faithful in keeping

the day of your birth and days of your fast you already cover 112 days [in the year].

One couple has already been instructed by God to do a 40 days fast so they will add

up to the 100 days.


If it comes to family for example; this is the year you will see Psalm 113.9 in

manifestation. This year families will experience the reality of Leviticus 25 jubilee.

Ephesians 6:1-2 and Malachi 4:1-2. Of course you could go to verse 6 in Malachi but

it means there are people who will come out; and the Son of righteousness will come

with healing and in verse 6 there is the aspect of reconciliation.

As I was saying it, the Spirit of GOD gave me a flash back of something He said 4

days ago. There will be children of some people that had gone into drugs that will

come back .They will be cleaned up by GOD. They will be so committed to GOD and

some will literally establish rescue shops at the gates of hell. Some of them will

literally almost operate as though they are forcing drug addicts out of addiction

because the zeal of GOD will consume them. Some were moved into drugs because

of popularity in [the] music and movie industry. GOD will snatch them out because

of the year of extraction.


That is why some of you need to hear from GOD. GOD will tell you to go after

[someone] that had said don’t talk about Jesus [to me]. [This time the person] will

say now I realize I have been too hard on this that you were saying the last time.

There will be many restorations of relationships and because of that even

committees of nations [will experience] restoration of relationships. Some nations

were estranged because of certain selfish leaders that let their personal differences

to bear upon the nation and there will be restoration in that respect.


For ECOWAS some of the things that have not been possible for ECOWAS the

LORD will fast-track. They will happen to the glory of GOD. In 2 and half years

some things will be finally concluded.

Finding Spouses

There are people who were condemned to be lifetime bachelors and spinsters, they

will get married. Some of you have been worried about spouses this will be the year

of wiping of your tears.

Belief Systems


WORKING POWER. There will be so many souls coming into [the Kingdom].

[They will come in] droves. That is why if you have not given your life to Christ or

[you are not] walking straight with Him, we will give you an opportunity to

rededicate [your life to Him.] As it is the year of manifestation of the Holy Spirit, we

will give people the opportunity to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

Our beloved Sister Pat, one of the things I saw, you will actually begin to cause

people to grow rapidly. GOD will give you an assignment that has to do with

growth. He will show you the rest of the details. You will literally begin to help

people with structure, to help grow people into maturity. [You will help] people to

take responsibility [in areas] where they had not taking responsibility. There are

people who come and go because of what you will share. They will all of sudden take

responsibility and will want to bring others to help them with those responsibilities.

I see GOD bringing change of mindsets especially for the average African.



GOD AND WHAT HE CAN DO IN THEIR LIVES. They shall not be looking to

others. They will see the ability that GOD has given.

Those using occult power shall be judged and dealt with by the Most High GOD.

Some people I saw as if some people have put their thumb on you. I thought it

would be like they are holding you down. They were keeping you down and you

could not rise. The LORD says let their hand be broken. If you have read Ezekiel

30:21,22 concerning God breaking the arm of Pharaoh. I will break his arm and the

one that had kept you under those who used their thumb and some signed certain

covenants to keep people under them.

Today, we break all their iron bars, and all iron gates and all spirits that have

been keeping people in and others out. I declare those shattered in the name of

the LORD Jesus.

Even as [you shall trample the wicked for they shall be ashes under the soles

of your feet, Malachi 4:3], so shall it be with every other thing that has been

standing on people and keeping them from rising to the appointed place.

Every covering cast over you, I declare it torn now over you. Let GOD Himself

arise and let His enemies be scattered.


Nigeria I have come to release you says GOD. Not only that I have come to release

you from the hands of those who held you captive using their own political things,

leading and political gain to now impoverish you. I am going to deal with them says

GOD I will deal with them. Those who came together - I see three entities who stood

over you Nigeria and saying let us divide her for ourselves. Thus saith the LORD,

you will not be split or divided up. I will fulfill my purpose that I have ordained for

many nations to come to pass. What the enemy has meant to do between February

and May this year, I will turn around for good.

In the midst of agitation and anxiety, I will give peace. Even in the midst of shaking

and turbulence, though they meant it for evil, though you may totter, you will not

fall. You will not be destroyed says the LORD.

Pray for Nigeria now. I was talking about something else then I saw those three

entities. I don’t know whether they are spirits or institutions or nations. Sometimes


nations can be represented by entities. I saw the devil wanted to divide Nigeria into

3 using the election but GOD said, it will not come to pass. He will establish His

counsel. Though it may totter, it will not fall or break. Let us go and decree.

We declare concerning Nigeria, your salvation is here. Your Savior is here, the

deliverer is here in the name of the LORD Jesus Christ. What was meant to happen

that would have caused you losing ground, I see… even the little ground you had

gained you were about to lose, things that you would take [a long time] to recover

[you would lose] just between February and May. We reverse it in the name of the

LORD Jesus.

We decree right now recovery. Even that sacrifice of 21 virgins at the River Niger,

whatever power that was drawn, we smash it. We decree now PEACE. And if you

will not relent God says you rather will die that the people might be preserved in

the name of the LORD Jesus Christ. We decree that judgment from the Throne of

GOD. We declare it is you who will rather die that people may be preserved

according to the LORD’s original purpose. Let GOD arise and let His enemies be

scattered in the name of the LORD Jesus Christ.

Father even so we release the spirit of grace and supplication upon people that are

named by Your name in Nigeria. Let there be strategic praying according to the

Word of the LORD that will hear specific words from you and direct the nation.

Whatever the case, we thank You for You have revealed for the purpose of

preserving the nation. In the name of the LORD Jesus Christ.

I was about to get into governance. I want to leave the issue concerning belief

systems and that [word] came concerning Nigeria. Some are asking questions about

elections. There are all kinds of things people have decided they will do. People have

[been] sponsored by various foreign interests and let me say that I heard this earlier

so I will go back to what I heard. Even for Boko Haram, GOD will splinter their

fronts. It does not mean they will be gone but He will splinter their fronts. Some of

the people who used all kinds of biological weapons will end up losing ground the

way they lost with Ebola.

Middle East and Africa

That reminds me on the 31st GOD said Presidents will begin to seek Him and then

the very next day the President of Sierra Leone asked for 7 days prayer and fasting

for the nation.


We were here and when it comes to GOD He is not joking. There will be rapidity, in

fact some of the things [are already happening.] It was on the 31st I was sharing

about the Palestinian leader with one or two people. The fact that he had

threatened on 29th April that he would take Israel to the International Criminal

Court (ICC). He was talking about membership and I noted the fact that he wants

to push it earlier in the year - but he will fail because it will not work. It does not

mean there will be some who will not try to help him during the year. Already on

the 2nd [ of January] he was already doing that but he failed. There were 2 African

countries that he was depending on to help him – Rwanda and Nigeria.

Even when it comes to the aspect of the Middle East, one thing GOD said was that

the next 3 and a half to 5 years should be years that Middle East nations should

enter into the purpose He has for them. He will give them signs within 5 months

then another set of signs within 7 and a half months then the next set of signs

within 13-14 months.

It is so that they will know they are supposed to enter into their original purpose. If

you notice, Africa is supplying a platform in Egypt. So GOD wants Egypt to

understand her role even in the life of Israel. If you are an Egyptian watching,

understand that. There are all kinds of racial sentiments and political sentiments

but this is GOD the Maker of Egypt, the Maker of heaven and earth speaking.

Understand that it is time to begin to ask GOD for the necessary understanding

and strategy to enter that type of relationship and mediation for relationship that

should exist between you and Israel and Assyria because of what GOD said in

Isaiah 19. We will see political manifestation of some of that. But it takes the next 3

and a half to 5 years and we will see a glaring expression. It shall not be yet full

expression of the peace accord.

Government, Governance & Leadership

In the area of government and governance there will be shifting of powers but it will

be power blocs. Some people are asking if it shall be a change of government and

people in government? It is power blocs. If it also manifests that way, I am not

GOD, but it is power blocs. Those who were in controlling positions and make the

people you see as presidents and ministers as puppets, will end up losing that


[Power] will move into the right hands if the right hands will arise. I see GOD

causing that to happen as people allow GOD to work in that.


If there is ever a time to pray for real things to happen this is the time. One thing I

saw was that certain nations that control nations of Africa will lose so much of what

they were using to control nations of Africa. GOD Himself will create that platform

for His glory.

Russia, Iran, Turkey, North Korea don’t be surprised if one or two trees fall. But the

key point is that GOD is going to do it for His own glory


[For] Africa it is a year of global impact in business and agriculture. I would ask

GOD what [He] would have you do to be [one of the] first partaker of [the] first



UNPARALLELED OPPORTUNITIES. So it will be important to seize those

opportunities and not make a mistake of saying let me wait for this and that. Ask

the LORD first, Is this my opportunity? I will not let it pass. It cannot be paralleled.

There will be all kinds of things coming up. There will be all kinds of opportunities

to enter. Actually, going on the global map of manufacturers of certain things that

were the reserve of Europe and Asia and America. Two or three things will be

started up this year in Africa that were the reserve of Europe and Asia and


GOD is bringing that capacity of manufacturing. Even if it just starts with assembly



GOD is going to cause people to hear clearly, especially in policy making. What type

of policy will release people into their full potential by bringing true education as

against literacy and numeracy. GOD will give innovative ideas where there will be

new ways, styles and processes of education.

GOD will give divine strategy to policy makers and policy implementers. It will be a

three to four years development plan for taking out the old system and replacing it

with the new system. That new system will last a long time, a few decades.

It is also the time that people who need to go back to school should go back to

school. You will need to learn new things. It is not only a [regular] classroom


setting. It could be a virtual [setting]. Age is not a deterrent. If you did not take

school seriously, this is the time to take it seriously.

Those in positions of authority, GOD will show you things to introduce to that

position. I believe GOD will want you to introduce some things to the armed forces

of Ghana that will be fresh. You may not be there but receive it. It may not [only] be

for armed forces but [may also be for] another institution. The LORD did not say it’s

only for Ghana or South Africa. But it is for anyone.

Some of you in positions of authority, God will send you back to school to introduce

new things into the system. He will show you what you need to know and you will

become almost indispensable. What you need to learn will make you to be so

strategic and almost indispensable. You will be strategically positioned by God in

your area [of operation.]

There are three people that people have fought your taking a [particular] position.

They will end up calling you to take those positions.

Science and Technology

There will be new forms of alternative sources of energy. Concentration is for Africa,

that is the direction the LORD is giving. We shall concentrate more on that. There

will be very simple solutions to seemingly intractable energy problems. So we pray

that our science and technology people hear God clearly.

GOD will cause a number of medical scientists to come up with new solutions to

various challenges that hitherto had become challenges that were irresolvable. So

GOD will help you. I am not talking about the cure or solution for prostate cancer or

other cancers or other things that people ended up with. [I am talking about things]

like hallucination. Did you know that there are drugs that can induce

hallucination? There will be drugs that can stop the hallucinations.

This way, things that have to do with insomnia will be resolved.

Medical breakthrough. Those who are in science and tech let me pray for you:

Father even so, I declare concerning everyone here, that is in [the area of] science

and technology, even those who are represented wherever they are, and those also

currently that are watching, that need this prayer - I declare now there is a special

release from heaven to each one of them. Receive a release that touches that


transmission of the divinely inspired ideas for creativity and productivity released

to you according to GOD’s original plan and purpose.

[I declare that] the science and technology that GOD meant to take hold of your life

[in order that] you become one of the best expressions, will come over you now. I

release that into your life, your home, your institution, your family, into your city

and nation and [into every] continent represented [here] in the name of Jesus

Christ. For the continent of Africa, I declare this is a time of turning of the corner.

In the name of the LORD Jesus Christ.

Before I conclude that prayer, was it on January 2nd also that there was an

announcement of a new TV station?

This TV station is supposed to set the standards for other TV stations according to

the founder of Forbes. That was the comment [that was made regarding] the quality

of production. It will set standards for other stations in the world. That is why we

say that is nothing compared to what GOD is going to produce. Therefore I release

the unprecedented level of that glory of GOD that will cover the whole earth

because of the glory that will be manifest through you. Wherever you go, you will be

a true expression of that glory in Science and technology and other areas.

So everyone who needs impartation of a new level of expression of creativity and

productivity stand up and receive it. I declare that wherever you are, even outside,

in the name of Jesus Christ, I declare what you need for impartation is released to

come your way. Receive that impartation for creativity and productivity according

to the original ordination of the LORD in the name of the LORD Jesus Christ.


When it comes to the aspect of media, GOD is actually upping the game for lack of a

better word. Not only quality of equipment and production in terms of picture

quality, but quality of content. GOD will cause people to focus on content more and

more. Even when people are evaluating media houses and media personalities, they

will be [looking at the] quality of content.

What content are you bringing? What improvement are you bringing to society?

How is it contributing to the building of the nation, the building of lives, the

building of families, the building of society?


If you are in media I want you to understand you will become more irrelevant the

more you go for things that do not build but destroy. There is a three and a half

year window for solidifying truth and things that will build.

That is the reason why it is important not to end up being irrelevant by going about

doing things the same old way.

That is why for those in media, as I have already prayed for everyone, I release

upon you ability, grace, anointing, insight, foresight to know what you ought to do

to become more and more relevant when others are becoming irrelevant. Do not be

surprised to see three major media houses falling unless some of their members see

the signs and begin to cry for mercy.

I even heard the name [of one media house]. It is a big one around the world. Unless

some members of the body of Christ cry to GOD for mercy that will be it. They will

just fall.

By the way, there will be very prominent media moguls who will end up turning to

the LORD. At least 3 to 5 of them [will turn to the Lord] because of certain

happenings. I see one of them wanting to shoot himself, but GOD will have mercy

and that is how that person will turn to the LORD.

Arts, Sports & Culture


In arts, GOD is bringing His own to the fore. Days of "anything goes" are over,

especially in the Body of Christ.

It is not just the aspect of music, but dance, drama and movies etc, in that area

there is no such thing as "anything goes". GOD has been pleased with sacrifices of

many, including Mt. Zion in Nigeria, and all that but GOD is calling for a higher

level of excellence, efficiency and efficacy.

So it means from now on nothing should be done "just anyhow". It is another level.

You cannot do music "anyhow", especially those in this house. You cannot continue

to do things "anyhow".



This year [will be a year] of a lot of sacrifice but it will pay off. GOD is going to

reward some people so handsomely you will be beside yourself, especially as you


There will be such demands from the Most High for sacrifice. Not just in this nation

or in Africa, but especially in Asia and Africa but it includes the Pacific realm and

Australia. Australia much more in terms of spiritual impact.

Concerning Australia and New Zealand especially Australia, you had gained some

degree of prominence especially in music not only in the area of professionalism.

Africa is coming of Age in the area of quality of spirit and quality of skill. GOD will

cause people to put in so much of the spirit of GOD especially the amount of time in

the presence of GOD and the amount of time in the word, in the spirit and then

also, there will be skill; amount of time given to improving skill. Some on a daily

basis a minimum of 3 hours. He wants you to set a standard. I heard Him clearly,

Spirit and skill.

That is why it is important to make sure you do what GOD wants you to do. For you

to set a standard you have to get to another level also. GOD will help [you] as you

sacrifice it will pay off. I heard that repeated five times.

That is why those who are into music and I see some people being saved that were

prominent in the realm of music. And even for the aspect of movies, though I see all

kinds of things have been released because of certain meetings. There are people

that met, many time. I see that group that meets 3 times a year. I am seeing them

as I am talking. They go on journeys in the realm of the spirit. It is like a jamboree,

a festival. It is more of trying to meditate and do things. Their fun is in floating.

Some have ended up with those spirits putting them into a cage. I see some people

being released from cages. I decree the cages broken. I smash with the hammer of

GOD those cages in the name of the LORD Jesus Christ.

I want us to stand and pray. We are going to use Genevieve Nnaji ( A Nigerian

actress) as a point of contact. Some of them have been led into all kinds of things. I

do not say I saw her, that does not necessarily mean she is exempt either as one of

those in the cages. It appears they recently pushed her further with chieftaincy and

other things.

We will pray for release of all, including lawful captives. Let them be delivered.

Sincerely some do not mean anything evil. They don’t even know that thing is part


of what they are supposed to be doing. It is only after they find themselves in hot

water. Therefore we release everyone who has become caged.

Ezekiel 13:17

Many had prophesied out of their own pain especially in South Africa, Kenya, those

things will not come to pass. It is only what heaven has decreed. We declare that

concerning all the nations.

In certain families [there are] women and men, who used magic charms and have

captured spouses and they are trying to get out but from this day we burn those

magic charms out of their bodies by the fire of the LORD. The blood of Jesus, the

blood of sprinkling, sprinkle their conscience clean from dead works. Some women

greet you and your eyes begin to follow them. From this day you are fortified from

such charms. Those women whose husbands are charmed I declare them delivered

in the name of the LORD Jesus Christ. Those women who have been affected by

men using charms in their tongues you are released from the power of the sword in

the tongue of men. The Bible is clear in Job 5 concerning things like that.

Some of you don’t know why you behave that way toward some men. May those who

have to die be the ones who die.

They have caged them like birds but from this day we declare those cages broken,

whether iron cages. When you say cages people think of cages for canaries not

wrestling cages. All those iron cages we declare them smashed by hammer and the

fire of GOD in the name of the LORD Jesus Christ. GOD said I will tear them from

your arms and let the souls go … then you shall know I am your GOD.


For the sports aspect there will be things that will be healed as some of you do some

exercises that GOD will show you. [There are] sicknesses that you had been

struggling with. You had gone everywhere and nothing seem to have worked, GOD

will show you one exercise for even 3 minutes a day and within 3 months everything

will be healed.

Hear GOD and be consistent. If he says once a week do it. If once a day, do it.

Within 3 months it will be fine.

GOD is about to inject you with great grace today. That is what will happen with

the communion. I saw the blood of Jesus being injected into people and I saw great


grace. Great grace [was written] on the side of the syringe. You will end up doing

things that were impossible. GOD will do it.


For culture, there are people who have been lured into all kinds of things because of

position and chieftaincy.

You will end up with all kinds of spiritual things happening to you. GOD will

release you like a bird from the cage.

If I were you I would pray that all my loved ones will be released right now from the

cages. Let every cage [be opened]. [Let] every loved one [who] has been caged be

released from that cage now in the name of the LORD Jesus Christ. I see some, I

hear Lesotho, Swaziland some things are about to change. I decree that


Let the wind of change blow in the name of the LORD Jesus Christ. Let the people

be released in the name of Jesus. I decree their release according to the original

plan and purpose. Let them be released now in the name of the LORD Jesus Christ,

Son of the Living GOD.

Even so, as people partake of these emblems, of the body of Christ that was broken

for us, let there be the strengthening of their bodies. Concerning health, there shall

be galloping health for quite a few. So let it be because of the supernatural miracle

working power, of the Spirit of GOD, in the provision of the broken body of Jesus

and the blood that was shed for us. We thank you for the body that was broken for


We declare that the blood of Jesus that was shed for us will bring people back from

death In the name of the

LORD Jesus. He said inject with great grace through the blood. Everything that

would hitherto have been impossible will become possible. Because You are our

possibility, I AM Possible. Even so let that great grace be introduced into the veins

of your people, into the blood stream of your people, according to the original plan

and purpose in the name of the LORD Jesus.

Let this lead to salvation of many souls and deliverances and restorations and

recoveries and everything else You ordained in the name of the LORD Jesus. Amen.

GOD wants your recovery to be complete. Yes I did not go into the aspect of how you

should activate your economic breakthrough through giving though I mentioned it


as part of righteous acts. I want you not to give anyhow. Ask the LORD what He

wants you to give. Being the first, first day (Sunday) of the year I want you to decide

[what to give] and let this form a foundation. Let GOD help you that there will be

no how that you go below a certain minimum.

Every other first day of the week you will not go below a certain minimum. He may

give you some things different, but believe Him to show you a figure you will never

go below. There should be systematic giving for systematic harvest. This will

happen to GOD’s glory.

GOD open our eyes to see what ought to be done. Thank you for you have shown us

what to do. You have shown us what will be our minimum from now on for our

families. I ask that You will show Your people what they ought to give and it will be

evident it is Your doing and marvelous in our eyes. Amen.

