Prophetic Words over South Africa


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Prophetic Words over


Compiled by

Hope, Healing & Restoration Project



7 September 2021

Prophetic Words over the nation of South Africa

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Table of Contents 1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 2

2. PROPHECY BY KIM CLEMENTS May 2008 ............................................................................................. 3

3. Prophecy by Pastor Amaka Abe from Nigeria 2011 .............................................................................. 7

4. Prophecy by Dr. Jonathan Davids 2016 ................................................................................................. 9

6. Prophecy by Dr. Jonathan Davids 2017 ............................................................................................... 11

7. Prophecy by Veronica West 26 March 2018 ....................................................................................... 13

8. Prophecy by Veronica West 16 April 2018 .......................................................................................... 14

9. Prophecy by Veronica West 14 July 2021 ............................................................................................ 16

10. Prophecy by Veronica West 2021 .................................................................................................... 18

11. Prophecy by Charlie Shamp 28 April 2020 ...................................................................................... 19

12. Prophecy by Apostle Mpho Mosoeu 03 October 2017 ................................................................... 21

13. Prophecy by Apostle Mpho Mosoeu 25 March 2020 ...................................................................... 21

14. Prophecy by Cindy Jacobs 17 May 2018 .......................................................................................... 22

15. Prophecy by Cindy Jacobs 18 May 2018 .......................................................................................... 23

16. Prophecy by Jennifer LeClaire 7 August 2020 ................................................................................. 24

17. Apostle Naomi Sheneberger – 25 April 2020 .................................................................................. 25

18. Prophecy by Apostle Naomi Sheneberger 26 July 2021.................................................................. 28

19. Prophecy by Chuck Pearce - GSI Meeting (March 2016) ................................................................. 30

20. Prophecy by Apostle Chuck Pearce, Parliament Cape Town (11-13/03/2016) .............................. 30

21. Prophecy by Rebecca Greenwood : 4 July 2020 .............................................................................. 35

22. Prophecy by Apostle Emmanuel Kure 2016 .................................................................................... 39

23. Prophecy by Apostle Emmanuel Kure, Parliament 18 May 2018 ................................................... 40

24. Prophecy by Apostle Emmanuel Kure :13 April 2019 ..................................................................... 41

Prophetic Words over the nation of South Africa

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1. Introduction

A “prophecy” is a message from the Lord proclaimed by his messengers, the Prophets. God gives

words of prophecy to His messengers for people and nations to know what His plans and purpose

is. Those who receive the prophecy are guided by it and able to stand confidently even when it

seems impossible.

The Bible is a record of messages from the Lord over many generations towards Israel and the

nations. God revealed His plans for Israel and the nations through the mouths of His servants the

Prophets and at the appointment time He fulfilled them. This is why the bible is a source of

inspiration for those who put their hope in the Lord. When we read how God made promises to

others, and how He fulfilled them, we are encouraged to stand confidently on what God has spoken

to us. He is the same yesterday, today and forever, and He watches over His word to perform it.

The prophecies contained in this book reveals the plan and destiny of our nation and continent,

given through the mouths of different prophets from across the world. God is a God of nation He

holds the destinies of nations.

In these challenging times when everything around us is being shaken, it is important to know

what God has spoken about our lives and our nation. When we know what God has spoken, we

receive hope and comfort in the midst of despair. We receive assurance that despite the current

circumstances, our future will be fruitful.

These words of prophecy are a powerful weapon in our hands to use as we wage a warfare for the

destiny of our nation to be fulfilled. We urge you to share these words with everyone, and to teach

them to your children.

South Africans must know that God has a plan for this nation and therefore urge you to share these

words with everyone, and to teach them to your children. Despite the gloom and doom we see and

hear about daily, we must remain confident that God has a plan for our nation. His plan is for our

good, and not disaster, a plan to give us a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11

Prophetic Words over the nation of South Africa

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You will feel the bond of love again. You will feel the suffering servant again, says the Lord, while

you paraded around and you said I am this thing and I am that thing. But I Am the healer, I Am the

deliverer, I Am the soon coming king, I Am the lion of the tribe of Judah, I Am the great I Am, I Am

the Lily of the Valley, I Am the Rose of Sharon, I Am the great I Am, I Am the perfector of your faith

and I started a work in the earth says the Lord. I am going to finish and complete that work. The

Lord says that even if I have to stretch forth my hand against those that oppose me in this season,

so you shall see a judgment against those that oppose me. For the days of Ananias and Sapphire

will soon return into the House of God and I will purge my bride. I will perfect my bride, I will refine

my bride, I will dress my bride in white again, and adorn her with the anointing of heaven, and the

dew of Hermon will once more be seen in the church of the first born.

This is not a season says the Lord to run away,

This is not a season says the Lord to get passive,

This not a season to play church.

This is a season to pursue me,

This is a season to hunger for me,

This is a season to seek me with all your heart,

And lean not on your own understanding.

This is the Toronto says the Lord, I came with my power and my Spirit but they tried control me.

For a season. I have visited Pensacola, and I came and saw them. I came and spoke to them and

walked, healed their sick, delivered the oppressed and then they tried to control Me so I walked

away. I visited Argentina and they held Me and I built their churches and I gathered multitudes

and men were saved and then they became a religious movement. I visited the United States; they

tried to merchandise My anointing. I visited England and they never moved from one level to the

next. So I have been visiting nation after nation but now I am going to visit South Africa.

Do not look at what happened in the world says the Lord, do not look at what happened in the

nations says the Lord, for what I will do on this continent is far greater than what I have ever done

in the history of the earth. I’m going to breathe with My fire and breathe with My wind on the

nation and those who have been faithful in the persecution and the hard times and the fire and

walked through the deserts and gone through the mountain experiences and experienced the

valleys. Even you my sons and daughters, I will cause an anointing to come but the ordinary mother

shall perform supernatural signs and wonders. I will cause an anointing to come that even the

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smallest member in your church shall begin to prophesy and the nations shall hear about a thunder

that is taking place in the nation of South Africa. It is not by coincidence that I brought the soccer

world cup to this nation, can’t you see I’m trying to get the nations to look at you. For when they

look at you in this season they will not see a nation defeated, but they shall see a first born Church.

They shall see a victorious champion Church. They shall see a Church with power to restore My

glory once again and will bring My presence back. And you My people I have prepared, not only

shall this wave of anointing hit this continent but there is a reason why I brought Africa to South

Africa. Did I not say from the tip of Africa there shall be fire? Did I not say that fire will go out into

the nations? This is a nation of revival, this is a nation of reformation, and this is a nation of

restitution. And the enemy has attacked you, oppressed you and bound you.

I am sending three angels in the year 2008 into the continent of Africa, one shall be called the

angel of Fire, the next shall be called the angel of the Winds of the Lord and the third shall be

called the angel of Judgment. Those that are in judgment shall be burnt by the fire but those that

have been humble shall find the fire as the light to their past and shall find the fire as the warmth

to their ministries. The wind that I am bringing is a mighty wind, the ‘Ruach’ of God. And the angels

that I am sending shall open the doors of heaven and allow My Spirit to blow from the north,

south, east and west. What shall this wind do? It shall blow every demon off this continent of

Africa. It shall blow every spirit off the continent of Africa. It will blow into the nations that have

oppressed me. It will blow in the nations and be a season of change.

A great confusion will come upon the government of this nation as My Spirit begins to change and

put the right pieces in place, also in many men’s lives. Many men who thought they were hiding

will now be exposed says the Lord. And I will change this thing and within the year period of the

prophecy I will change the government of this nation. And I will turn this nation towards Israel

once again, and I will breathe upon this nation and this giant shall be wakened up. I’m going to

join Methodists, Anglicans and Presbyterians and Charismatics and Evangelicals, and I am going to

bind them together under the bond of My love. And the people will come once more to stand up

for the glory of this nation. Crime shall escalate so as death and rumours of chaos. Suddenly the

body of Christ shall stand up and bring the answer and begin to change the politicians, the prisons

and hospitals.

For I will raise up in this nation a godly man that will institute godliness in prisons, godliness in the

laws of this country and godliness in our hospitals. And My Spirit will breathe upon the people that

have been oppressed says the Lord. There comes a season says the Lord where the young men of

God will suddenly be caught up into the third heaven and into the realms of the supernatural. Yes

they will begin to see the future, a move of My Spirit will hit the earth in such a degree, the next

six months you will find yourselves praying and not knowing.

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There will be a prayer wall raised up in this nation. God says from the north to the south, to the

east to the west. And God says this prayer wall will raise up a new company of watchmen and even

some of you will be a part of that watchmen anointing and as you begin to stand on the walls of

intercession you will suddenly see the light of My Glory coming down and say what is this?By the

month of May there will be a shaking in the supernatural and many churches will have prayer

meetings right through the night says the Lord, it will be an unstoppable revival of prayer, ushering

in one of the greatest moves that the earth has ever seen in the nation of South Africa. Therefore,

get ready says the Lord. Get ready!

Get ready! Get ready! Somebody pray somebody pray, I hear the fires of revival, and I can smell

the fires of revival. I’m going to do a sign and wonder with your gold says the Lord. A cloud of

darkness hits America; confusion will hit the stock markets of this nation. As the American dollar

begins to shake, and it begins to shake says the Lord. There comes a threat from the Far East,

especially from China says the Lord. China will begin to have a claim in the east. And even as it’s

coming you shall see these things come to pass. There shall be a change in the Veto system to

prepare a way for the antichrist, the son of perdition, therefore; I hear the Lord saying do not be

afraid of these things.

These things shall usher in the glory of the Lord. South African gold system will change, it will rise

up so high, God says it will cause the inflation in this nation to change says God. There shall be a

radical employment boost in South Africa and ten nations in Africa will join together a mimic of

the new world order. They will try hard to bring this thing to pass but every deal they make will

fall down because my feet have been standing on Africa. My spirit touches Zimbabwe and there

comes three explosions. Three explosions will take place but the third one there will be a new

government within that nation.

The economy of the region will change says the Lord. Men and women will start to live holy, and

for the first time they will see a decrease in the HI Virus. For the solution says the Lord is not in

science but in holiness. There’s coming a season where thousands of Muslims will come to Jesus,

as an earthquake hits a very large piece of Turkey. And there will be men and women who are

Christians who will feed and look after them. And these things will be a great sign that He is


The move of God that He is already here. And if you’re hungry says the Lord, if you’re thirsty says

the Lord, and if you got all your lamps ready says the Lord and if you let your light burn, you’ll see

my visitation. But if you’re sleeping says the Lord, this move will pass by you, you won’t see it, and

you won’t experience it. There is a strange anointing that will take place, where people will ask

the churches and feel the conviction of God, and just fall down, where hospitals will just be empty

and where prisons will become places of education.

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Welcome me and I will come, I hear the Lord saying, I have never forgotten you, sweet Africa.

When Herod tried to kill Me says the Lord, it was the soul of Africa that took care of Me. As a young

child you didn’t have anything to bring Me, but you did protect Me from the one that tried to kill

Me. And I have not forgotten your good works. I have not forgotten says the Lord, that when I was

carrying the cross on the last mile, Simon from Cyrene, a black man, a man from Africa, an African

bent his back down and helped Me carry the cross of your shame, of your sin, of your sickness.

And therefore, it shall once again be Africa that shall carry the gospel the last mile.

It’s coming………’s coming…………’s coming!

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3. Prophecy by Pastor Amaka Abe from Nigeria 2011

I spent my time praying one early morning while traveling in Nigeria. Suddenly I was in the Spirit,

and I heard the voice of the Holy Spirit: “Write down what you are about to hear.” Suddenly I saw

the globe and the continent of Africa was in front of me. I saw myself walking from the South to

the North. Everywhere my feet fell, I saw rings similar as when a stone is thrown into a pond. These

rings went from South Africa to all over the continent of Africa, the sea and to the other parts of

the world. I asked the Spirit what the meaning of this was and this is what the Holy Spirit told me:

“The rings you see are the healing, saving and miracle power that will start from the Southern tip

of Africa. This will be a mighty outpouring of My Spirit, and many will come running into My

Kingdom. AFRICA WILL BE SAVED!! Many people from all over the world will come to experience

the power of God. You will see things you have never seen before. THIS IS NOT THE SO-CALLED END

TIME MOVE, but this is a move where sons of God will rise up and take their rightful place.”

As I moved to the North, these rings just increased in magnitude and as I stepped into Israel, I

turned around and looked back to Africa. I stood amazed as I saw the cross over Africa. The foot

of the cross grounded in South Africa, the left and right arms on the horn of Africa and on the

Western coast of Africa and the top of the cross on the North edge.

Suddenly the Spirit spoke to me again... “My time is now, where I will make My Word come true,

Africa will be saved, and this Gospel of the Kingdom of God will go from South Africa to the rest of

the world. From now on Africa will evangelize the world, and this initiative I will start from South

Africa. The best time in the Spirit is on your doorstep South Africa, now you will see My power and

love in action. In the darkest moment My light will shine, and no darkness will quench it. I’m raising

sons who will stand on My Word and will proclaim what I say. Do not let your heart be troubled,

don’t flee South Africa; God will bring the knowledge back to South Africa. A white cloud (Gods

Glory) is rising from the South and the Glory of the Lord will cover the earth.”

About 3 months later, one morning in a church service, I was caught up in the Spirit again and God

showed me another vision. This was strange because I have NEVER experienced such visions


This is the vision: I was sitting in an airplane and had a window seat. We were flying very high, as

if we were in outer space. As I looked out of the window, suddenly I saw a giant cross. Behind the

cross I saw the globe and again the continent of Africa was facing me. Suddenly the cross fell and

as I watched it, I saw it was on its way to the earth. The cross went straight to the Southern tip of

Africa, and it pecked itself in the Southern tip of Africa. Again, I saw the rings as when you throw

a stone into the water. I heard the same voice saying,

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“That is My healing and miracle power that will flow from South Africa to the rest of the world. It

will start there. I have a plan and no one will stop me”.

Suddenly I saw the southern tip of Africa becoming blood red and it moved upwards into Angola,

DRC, Nigeria till it covered the whole of Africa. Again, I heard the voice of the Spirit,

“I will move mightily and soon you will taste My might and see what I have in store for My children.

It is time for the Spirit-filled to come together as one. Don’t look to colour, for this move is not

prejudice. Change your minds and seek Me with all your hearts. It is time to leave your petty

arguments and seek My face”, says the Lord, “for I have a plan. I am about to bless My people

abundantly more than what they can think. Supernaturally you will experience My provision. Be

faithful with what I give and I will open for you a window of heaven”.

This word must reach each South African. Send it to the South Africans overseas. Be sure, God has

chosen this nation to show the world what and who He is.

Send this to your friends, pray together and help us as South Africans to call God’s Word into


Families, call on the Lord, seek His face and He will heal your houses, your businesses, your

government and your churches and you will live in peace and no harm will come to you. He knows

the plans He has for us, plans of a great future and of a good hope.

In Jesus Name,


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4. Prophecy by Dr. Jonathan Davids 2016

The Holy Spirit Is Here!

I prophesy to you, South Africa. There is a new dimension of life beginning to break out causing

people from every tribe and kindred to come together. I see inspired Spirit-led people coming

together from different directions like never before, an amazing movement.

The wind of the Holy Spirit is coming, Africa is going to change and will become a clear model. The

frequency of the Spirit is going to come strong into the lives of men and women. South Africa, hear

God’s Voice because a new day has come. God is going to cause South Africa to become the

inspiration, heart of, and model pattern to Namibia, Zambia, and the African Continent. The Holy

Spirit will begin to show that within a brief period of time.

There Are Five Things God Spoke Concerning South Africa:

Firstly, this is an inspired people’s movement that is growing in momentum and spirit. This

movement will be united by the Spirit; there will be no prejudice because people will see a higher

pattern; God’s pattern – a new template running the nation to fulfil its Divine destiny showing the

way to the rest of Africa and the world. It will look like nobody’s leading this movement, but it is

being led from Heaven by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. The Lord Himself will begin to speak; there

will be many visitations of angels and manifestations of the Spirit, not only in churches throughout

the land also in rural areas, small villages, squatter camps, and Soweto. I see the Spirit of God

move, beginning to stir the hearts of mothers crying for their children – children crying for their

parents, wanting hope and freedom. God is doing an amazing work. There is an agreement in the

Spirit world; the Holy Spirit is collecting this consensus, speaking to human hearts, testifying this

is the message of hope. South Africa will never be the same again.

Power of Prayer

Secondly, the Holy Spirit will create a tremendous power of prayer breaking out across South

Africa amongst many nations in Africa. This is just the beginning of the end of the enemy’s rule.

God is coming to the nation. A prophetic word is going forth; an instruction is given to the people

so they will undergird it in prayer. The word spoken in prophecy is going to be birthed in prayer

and carried into the place of fulfilment.

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Violence is coming to an end

Thirdly, violence is coming to an end, it will be stopped. Instead of the machete the word and

sword of the Lord will be in their hands. The blood thirsty devil will be under our feet. When over

one million people gathered to pray all of Heaven responded, all of hell trembled. This people’s

movement is going to be so powerful, undergirded by prayer and intercession, and will be given

the keys of the kingdom.

God’s Government.

Fourthly, the hardest. The streams will merge into a river. Men standing in high places in the

spiritual kingdom in the church, in denominations that will prevent this from happening God will

remove one by one beginning this year. 2017 is the year of God’s government coming into South

Africa. The church holds the major key in doing what needs to be done beginning now until the

election in 2019. In the church, people’s minds are going to change, they want to see the nation

being blessed.

Stabilised Currency

Fifthly, God will stabilise the South African currency; it will not go into freefall. The nation’s

economy is going to be steadier and steadier and the only way to explain it; God is the God of

currencies; He holds the destiny of nations in His hands.

Hope Will Rise – Africa Will Turn

“I am the Lord God Almighty, I will act on My behalf and do what needs to be done. A new day, a

new dawning is coming”. It is not time to run away or to be afraid. God will push back the spirit of

darkness. Hope will arise in Africa. Africa will turn. Let the leaders who are corrupt fear. The Lion

of Judah is rising; He’s entering the terrain of South Africa.

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6. Prophecy by Dr. Jonathan Davids 2017

Get Ready SA! Get ready for what is about to happen says the Lord. The men I am going to choose are set apart for the rebuilding of the Nation. God says, men have plundered the house and stolen the goods essential for ruling and reigning. In South Africa, men are doing illegal things under legal pretences. God is saying that He is going to crush that. Even as many Sauls rise to ravage the Body of Christ and South Africa, God is sending the power of the Spirit on the nation. In 2017 God is going to break the corruption. Those who say it is legal to do evil will have no power to do it. God is not going to allow them to commit evil against any racial group. The Body of Christ has a major role to play. God is going to dismantle the works of the enemy. There will be no political party that can rally against what is happening. It will suddenly arise beyond political decision. South Africans of every colour will join forces, a people movement that’s going to keep the enemy out and push the evil out. Get ready South Africa! The Body of Christ has a major role to play. More people who serve and know the Lord will enter parliament; healed, delivered and set free! I see people being healed, delivered and being set free! I see corrupt men fleeing the nation because the law is going to resist them. The Lord says there will not be another Zimbabwe again. South Africa will be a new nation and new things are about to happen. It is time to rise! South Africa will rise again! The economy will turn around, become stronger, and the wealth of the nation will not be found in the pockets of the wicked, but rather it will be shared so all communities will rise. The Spirit is saying: “I raised the nation by Myself, I will push out the powers of the enemy! The sound of My Voice will be carried into the entire continent of Africa, Zach 6:6-8! The enemy will be afraid because the Cape of Good Hope will not be the place of destruction. I am restoring hope for you, South Africa, so that you no longer need to fear anymore”. It is time for the people of God to begin to rise and take off the old labels, Ezekiel 20:46-49. Dismantle the powers of the enemy. The Spirit of Hope is released right now, and command the spirit of devastation, corruption and destruction to leave right now, in Christ Jesus’ Name! In the next three years God is going to dismantle the powers of the enemy and begin to usher in the Kingdom of God, Dan 2:44-45. Many people have only engaged inside the Body of Christ, but God says; I am going to build a new bridge. People are waiting for those who have been labouring in the house to come out. Your neighbours standing on the other side of the wall asking; what are they doing? Who are they?” God is going to bring down the walls and let them see what He is doing in the Body of Christ. They will look for those inside the Body of Christ who will change the city and the world.

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South Africa, it is not the time for you to run, it is the time for you to stop! Harken to the sound of God’s Voice! Open up! I speak to the Heavens on your behalf! Heavens be open! People be open! Cities be open, in Christ Jesus’ Name! The year 2017 is your time. The Spirit of God says, He will rise in Righteousness. Do not be afraid. You will know that righteousness will sustain and exalt this nation and there will be a major role for South Africa to play in this movement of the Spirit for all of Africa. God say; “Get ready South Africa! This is your time to rise! This is not your time to fall, to be ashamed, to be intimidated, or to be held back. Use all your energy in prayer”! Says the Lord! South Africa this is your hour, fear not, take your place in Righteousness, Zephaniah 3:10-11! A Strong movement! There will be a strong prayer movement! 2017 is your year to turn to God. He will give fresh oil to the Bride and the Fire is going to continue to burn. Even people outside the church are going to be supernaturally touched. I can see there is great rejoicing, great celebration, and the women and children will dance in the streets. Fresh rain is coming down; there will be joy in the House. Different communities and people will get together and there will be rejoicing in the streets because Heaven has opened and hell has been shut; there has been change everywhere, Rev 7:9-14. This is the hour South Africa, this is the hour! Fear not, take your Righteousness, take your place in History to change the continent of Africa, Acts 3:19-21! In 2017 to 2019 the Spirit of the Lord will consume you. There is going to be an abundance of resources because men cannot plunder what I have planted! Your harvest will be your own. Therefore rise and go forth and you will not fail, says the Lord! The nation will rejoice because she will excel and a whole new generation of people will be united and collected. Together they will be called the rainbow nation for every colour and tribe will be there, hope for all, Acts 2:44-45 & Acts 4:31-32! In Christ Jesus’ Name, go forth and prosper says the Lord!

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7. Prophecy by Veronica West 26 March 2018

I heard the Spirit say, “Watch! For I have raised up a Moses in this hour in the nation of South

Africa who will lead My People out of captivity and into the land of promise and abundance.

For surely I tell you, My Courts have been filled with the sound of the cries of My Esthers going

forth across the land: ‘Let My People go! Let My People go!’ Now watch as My Spirit of Retribution

and Restoration begins to move and shift the spiritual atmosphere over the nation!


For there is a new sound rising from the land. It is the sound of a mighty deliverance. It is the

sound of vindication and victory over the enemies of My People!

Watch! For the walls are coming down and seven times I shall restore what has been lost and

stolen, and seven times I shall revive what has been dead and decayed, and seven times I shall

replant and rebuild what has been uprooted and destroyed,” says God.

“Watch! For even as My Hand moved to make a way through the Red Sea, taking My People across

on dry land, so shall My Hand now move to make a way for My People in the nation of South

Africa. For I shall take them across on dry land and they shall look back and see that their enemies

who threatened to overtake and overwhelm them have been swallowed up by the waves of my

great mercy and justice,” says the Spirit of God.

“Watch! For a new day will dawn over the nation of South Africa as My Sceptre of Favour and My

Sword of Justice falls upon the land. I tell you My beloved, a great awakening is coming to the

nations of the earth. Eyes have not seen and minds have not conceived what I AM about to do in

the nations of the earth.

For the books have been opened and the Scales of Justice have shifted, for now is the time of

divine recompense and restoration in the earth.

Watch! For the gift of repentance is now being poured out upon My People in this hour, and their

tears shall fill the golden bowls and their prayers will fill My nostrils like a sweet fragrance,” says


“Watch! For the Government of Heaven is now being established in the nations of the earth.

My servant kings are rising up in greater, Power, Authority and Kingdom revelation in the nations!”

Blessings to you all.

~ by Veronika West

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8. Prophecy by Veronica West 16 April 2018

An urgent word for the nation of South Africa… Watch and Pray

“Watch for a divine dismantling of demonic strongholds will begin to take place in the gateway

cities of the nation…!”

Listen! Pay Attention South Africa for there is a battle that is raging in the heavenlies over the

Kingdom Destiny of the Nation in this hour, it is a battle between the kingdom of light and the

Kingdom of darkness.

I prophesy, ‘it is time for the army of God to arise and take their place, it is time to begin to wage

war in a new way, for a new day is dawning over the land”

I hear the Spirit of God say, “Set the watchman on the walls of your gateway cities, set the

watchman night and day. Now Watch! For as my people come together in true repentance, unity

and in one purpose in this nation, suddenly a divine dismantling of demonic strongholds will begin

to take place in the gateway cities of this nation, get ready! Listen! For the sound of a mighty

rushing river will be heard across the land”, says God.

Last Night I had a very powerful dream concerning the Nation of South Africa, where I was standing

at the very top of ‘Table Mountain in Cape Town, South Africa, (now I knew this by divine

revelation as I have never been to Cape Town or to Table Mountain before). Now as I stood high

above the City of Cape Town in the dream, suddenly a Mighty Warring Angel of the Lord appeared

to me, as I looked at the Archangel, he spoke to me saying, “Daughter of Man look and see”, as I

looked up the Angel lifted his sword and suddenly I saw a fierce battle taking place in the heavens

over the Nation, then the Angel spoke again saying, “Daughter of Man look and see”, and again I

looked and I saw: 4 very large and very Powerful Demonic Angelic Beings/Principalities standing

over the Nation of South Africa, one stood to the East, one to the West, one to the South and one

to the North, now as I looked at these powerful spirit beings suddenly I saw 10 Cities (which

included Cape Town City) rise up from the ground, and I heard these words, “WATCH! For the

demonic powers and principalities of the Dragon Spirit have occupied the ground in these Gateway

Cities, but WATCH! For SUDDENLY there will come a Divine Dismantling of the Demonic Strongholds

in these Gateway Cities for a divine displacement has begun, WATCH! For My Glory will come like

mighty rushing River from the North, the South, the East and the West, My River of Resurrection

Power will come and the waters will rise, rise to Revive, to Refresh, to Renew and to Replenish,

WATCH! For Behold I am doing a New Thing in the midst of My people in this land, Do you see it?”!

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After hearing these words, suddenly the Warring Angel of the Lord showed me the figure of a man

standing over the Nation and over the City of Cape Town, now as I looked at the man in the dream

I could not see his face but only his back, as I looked again I saw that the man held a rod in his

hand, as I drew a little closer to the man suddenly I heard him speak these words over the Nation,

“Who has ever seen anything as strange as this? Who has ever heard of such a thing? Has a nation

ever been born in a single day? Has a country ever come forth in a mere moment?”, then I watched

as he lifted the rod over the City and over the Nation and the powers and principalities of darkness

that raged in the heavenly’s over the land began to disperse and lose their strength and the power

they had was diminished, but then I watched as the hand of the man that held the rod quickly

became weak and began to tremble, now as his arm began to drop down suddenly I saw that the

powers of darkness intensified and increased once again gaining even greater strength and power

than before. As I watched intently in the dream, I began to call out to the man telling him to lift up

his hand and not to drop the rod but to keep it lifted high over the Nation.

But then suddenly the Warring Angel of the Lord spoke to me saying, “Daughter of Man, Fear Not,

for this battle belongs to the Lord, for surely it is not by might nor by power but by His Spirit”, as I

heard the Angel speak, his words were like red hot arrows that deeply penetrated my inner most

being, then suddenly I looked up and I saw a multitude of people appear round about the man in

the dream and taking hold of his weak and trembling hand they lifted it back high into the air, and

immediately I saw that the great powers of darkness once again began to diminish and loose its

effectiveness and the battle against the enemy prevailed. (The Dream Ended)

Interpretation of the Dream

There is a Spiritual battle that is raging in this hour over the Kingdom Destiny and Birthright of the

Nation of South Africa. This is not a battle against flesh and blood but a battle against the powers

and principalities of darkness. There is a call in this hour to set the Watchmen on the Walls of the

Gateway Cities across the Nation, I was shown 10 Gateway Cities one of which included Cape Town

City, (I believe it is prophetically significant that I was standing on the very top of Table Mountain,

Cape Town. I believe I was not taken there in the dream by coincidence but by divine appointment,

I submit God is revealing this place (the City of Cape Town) both as a Gateway City, for where there

is powerful demonic stronghold occupying the land but also as a place and a City where a “Great

Revival” will be birthed in the days ahead.

The man that I saw in the dream powerfully confirms both the prophetic word and message I

received from the Father a few days ago concerning God raising up a Moses, a Deliverer in this

hour in the Nation, who will lead Gods people out of the land of captivity and into the land of


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(Warning): In the dream it was made clear to me that the hand of the man who held up the rod

will quickly grow weak and weary in the midst of the battle. But we are to Fear not! For God is

raising up many in this hour who will be like Aaron and Hur and they stand to hold up the hands

of Moses in this hour. (“Aaron and Hur stayed up his hands, the one on the one side, and the other

on the other side. As long as Moses held up the staff in his hand, the Israelites had the advantage.

But whenever he dropped his hand, the Amalekites gained the advantage” See Exodus 17:11)

Lastly, I believe and submit that as the people of this Nation come together in this season in true

Repentance, Unity and in one Purpose there will be a ‘sudden and divine dismantling of demonic

strongholds in the gateway cities of nation, there will be a divine displacement of demonic powers

over the land and seas. Many will begin to hear the sound of a mighty rushing river that will flow

from all four corners of the nation, it is a river of his glory that is carrying resurrection power to

revive, restore and reform the people of this great nation.

9. Prophecy by Veronica West 14 July 2021





As I began to pray for South Africa late last night,…suddenly I was caught up in a powerful vision

over the Nation,…and as I entered into the vision in the realm of the Spirit the first thing that hit


place the atmosphere around me suddenly became very dark and the Spirits of Fear were trying

to take hold of my mind,…trying to push me back from fully engaging with what the Spirit of God

was revealing to me,

I could feel a tangible pushing back of the demonic forces of darkness as they tried to get me to

leave this realm of Revelation. As the demonic presence intensified I began to pray fervently in

the Spirit and as I pushed back against the darkness through prayer, suddenly a bright light broke

forth roundabout me and the forces of darkness that felt so heavy and thick roundabout me

instantly disappeared as the radiance of the light broke forth.

Suddenly my vision became clear,…however the putrid smell of death remained heavy in the

atmosphere but it was no longer a distraction to me. As I pressed forward deeper into the vision I

heard the Spirit of Revelation say these words to me

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Now as I heard those words, suddenly I saw A VERY LARGE CROCODILE IN THE WATER,….AND AS I







taking place…Suddenly I heard these words,…




And as those words echoed loudly in the realm of the Spirit,…I saw what looked like a LARGE

BANNER BEING LIFTED UP OVER THE LAND,….and I saw the words,… “IT IS WRITTEN”….inscribed

upon the banner,…and as the banner was lifted high over the Nation,…I SAW THE POWERFUL




ME,…(at this moment in the vision,…I caught a glimpse of something in a deeper realm of the Spirit

but I was not permitted to see it clearly,…but I heard the sound of a LOUD ROAR OF A LION….,and


I will continue to pray concerning this and share as and when the Lord permits me to ‘SEE WHAT I

HEARD’…I believe there is a waging of war against the SPIRIT OF LEVIATHAN AND THE LION OF

JUDAH taking place,…there is a Spiritual war raging over the LAND AND THE WATERS IN THE



words,…”IT IS FINISHED”….!

As I heard those words I immediately came out of the vision and I began to make PROPHETIC




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WRITTEN”……Satan cannot stand against the WRITTEN WORD OF GOD,…







NATION BE BIRTHED IN A DAY”???…asks the Spirit of God…!

10. Prophecy by Veronica West 2021

As South Africa was brought to my attention this morning,…I heard the Lord say: “All stand…My

courts are now in session…for the cry of the blood of the innocent have reached my courts, watch

as I deal with the murderous spirit of Cain that is operating over the land, surely many will say

have our prayers only reached the ceiling and have our cries gone unheard by the Righteous Judge

of heaven? I say fear not but know that your prayers were heard and answered even before you

prayed them.

I say look to the book of Daniel and to the 21 Days of seeming delay….I say look to the lions den

and to the mouths of the lions that were shut closed, I say South Africa, South Africa look to the

table on the mountain for I will set you a banquet in the presence of your enemies.

Fear not though there is a battle raging over your birthright and destiny in this hour, know that I

have set you as a precious jewel in My crown that shall not be plucked out nor shall it be removed.

But I say to you look for the writing is on the wall, for a nation weighed in the balance and found

wanting, I say to you, as you cry out for mercy and as you look to the hills from where your help

comes, surely I shall deliver you from the lions den and from the devouring spirit that seeks to

destroy you. Be of good courage for you South Africa shall see the salvation of the Lord in the land

of the living…!!!

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11. Prophecy by Charlie Shamp 28 April 2020

New life. We’re gonna begin to see animals responding to creation, in the life of creation. There’s

certain things that are gonna start happening. You’ll start to see it in the nation of South Africa.

Interesting, you need to watch the ocean. You need to look at the Cape and in Durban, these cities

that are, along the coast. We’re going to begin to see really interesting things happening with the

whales. Watch the whales, watch the dolphins. There’s going to be a responding to this new

alignment that is coming to the earth and you’re going to begin to see more wildlife. Even in the

sea you’re going to begin to see it, even an influx of fish and over-abundance, it’s gonna happen

in South Africa, to happen in different parts of the world even now that there is this abundance. I

mean there’s gonna be turtles, watch, watch, watch. It’s gonna be a sign in creation of what God

is doing in that He's bringing forth new life in this hour and it's going to begin to see it transpired

and begin to see it in the rain.

Where there’s been lack of rain, in places where it’s been droughted, we’re going to see these

places spring to life. Desert places, where there’s been desert areas, we are going to begin to see

them spring to life. Places that were barren, where there were no crops, you are going to begin to

see them spring to life. One of the things that the Lord has been speaking to me about is there's

innovation that is coming out of South Africa it has to do with farming and the production of crops.

There’s something that is coming that has to do with farming and production of crops, it’s an

innovation that’s coming and technology that’s coming that hasn’t previously been known and it’s

going to spring forth in the nation of South Africa. And the Lord says that South Africa is a

breadbasket, the nation of South Africa is a breadbasket to the nations. It’s a bread basket for the

nations and that's one of the reasons there's been so much corruption and spending in South

Africa, because the enemy wants to stop South Africa from producing and being a spiritual as well

as natural bread basket.

And the Spirit of the Lord would say unto you South Africa, that it is your time to rise and shine it's

time for Me to begin to release the light of God over the nation and what you've been doing in

intercession has not been in vain and some of you have been labouring in pain, and you've been

groaning in travail and the Lord says it has not been by mistake, but you're about to give birth into

a new creation that is coming forth in South Africa.

New life is about to spring up in the natural as well as the spirit. The Lord says your prototype is

John, chapter 3 – How can we know that thou hast been sent from the Lord because these signs

would not transpire except the Spirit of the Lord be with you. And the Lord would say unto you

South Africa that the Lord is with you, that the Lord is with the church in South Africa, that the

church is going to rise and shine in this hour, there’s going to be a new birth coming forth and the

prayers of the saints that have been transpiring even in this time of quarantine where there’s been

a groaning that’s coming forth out of the community of South Africa, the Lord says that He is

dealing with some things in the realm of the Spirit.

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I see even behind political doors, there's something that's gonna be exposed. The Lord says that

the dragon is going to be exposed, and there are some things of corruption that have been

transpiring in South Africa, some deal making that's been going on with China and the Lord says

that that will be exposed and it's time for the church to arise and take authority over that place.

And the Lord says that the land will not be sold to the Chinese. But we decree and declare that the

land will be given to the Glory of God. We take authority over the dragon and we speak to it and

we command that thing to be broken over the nation of South Africa. That, that spirit will not

come into the nation, but we break the tie in the realm of the spirit and begin to release the glory

of God into the land.

I’ve been seeing in the realm of the spirit this dragon, this red dragon that's been trying to come

over South Africa but the Lord says "No more, No more, No more" It’s time to take authority even

over the manipulation of the currency of, the bread of the currency and where it’s been

diminishing and deteriorating. The Lord says that "It shall rise, it shall rise, it shall rise" and the

removal of those that are in corruption, that have been selling out the nation, their exposure, their

full exposure is going to transpire.

We take authority over it right now because South Africa is called to be a nation of the breadbasket

both in the natural as well as in the spirit. And the enemy would love to drive out those that are

called to produce but the Lord says, “No more, no more, no more”. So, I release a blessing over

those that are even in the farm industry, the farmers, let the glory of God come upon your

business. I see your land producing more and more and more and the glory of God coming upon

South Africa.

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12. Prophecy by Apostle Mpho Mosoeu 03 October 2017

The Vision seen at the Union Buildings during a time of wailing for the sins of the Nation and for the fulfilment of the prophecies over South Africa: A clock hanging on the building with both arms of the clock on the number 12. The Word of the Lord: “I hold the times and seasons in my hand. The time for this land has come and I have determined a season of transition in this Nation. What was before shall not be in the day to come for I have raised for Myself a new leadership after my pattern and order. A leadership that will be given spiritual authority and governance. Leadership that will understand and establish eldership pattern in the land. I will release resources and wealth upon them for my people. They shall be like shepherds in the land and My people will no longer be oppressed. The vision you saw speaks of the times that have been ordained by My Word over this Nation.” Says the Lord!

13. Prophecy by Apostle Mpho Mosoeu 25 March 2020

Have I not declared that I had chosen this nation in this season to be My servant in the restoration

of Africa whom I have remembered in the latter days? I make known the end from the beginning,

from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, 'My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please’.

The people in this land are in anguish of spirit and cruel bondage of fear because of the plaque.

Their hope is broken because of the plague. Let My servant arise for I have chosen him and My

people who are called by My name; it shall be unto them as it was in the days of Goshen where My

power was displayed. I will deliver this nation for My namesake, and many shall know that I am

The LORD who delivers you. At the appointed time and not long from this day; I Myself shall give

the people of this nation hope through the one person I have chosen for Myself that My purpose

may come to pass as I have declared it from the beginning. As it has been in the days of Moses in

the land of Egypt; My people who are in My “Goshen” shall not be harmed for through them shall

I restore this nation from the plaque.

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14. Prophecy by Cindy Jacobs 17 May 2018

Africa, Africa, Africa, the Continent of Pentecost. And the Lord says I am going to visit with My power. And the Lord says, yes, there are many dialects, there are many languages, but the Lord says, but when Pentecost came and they were filled with the Power of the Holy Spirit, they all spoke in a language people knew. The Lord says, do you believe that nothing is impossible to Me? Can I save a continent? Can I do a quick work? , Can I come like a wind and the fire? And the Lord says, you feel and you know that many have been saved, but you are concerned about mixture and there is mixture in the church and there is mixture in society and in power. But I am getting ready to show that I Am the Great I Am, and not the great I was. I am coming with such authority, such anointing and I am raising up young evangelists, young fired grads, filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, and they will preach in the streets of Johannesburg and they are going to preach in the streets of Cape Town and they are going to preach in their villages. For I am coming like a mighty, rushing wind to touch the millennial, Generation Z, the next generation, the greatest generation Africa has ever known has been born. It is a revival generation. And the Lord would say over South Africa, yes there are many challenges, but none are too great for Me, for you have reached a tipping point. But I say that I have reached a tipping point and I am going to begin to change things in these nations in ways that you cannot imagine, you cannot dream what I am going to do. For I will call this nation a reconciled nation. And the Lord says, if you will be a reconciled church first, the whole nation will be reconciled. I call on the church to reconcile. And the Lord says, you are going to see a diversity come in a powerful way, greater than you can imagine. And it won’t be black and white, but the Lord says I am going to bring together a kingdom people, citizens of heaven. As My church reconciles and walks in My love, says the Lord, the nation will follow. Do you believe? He is waiting for a people to believe. And the Lord says not only am I going to change some things, but the Lord says the land is groaning, I see there are some things where there has been a lot of bloodshed and the land is groaning. But My people’s tears are healing the land, the fasting and the praying and the crying out and breaking ancient curses and ancient pain and (oh I was listening to you Dr Frank Chikane, and I am just weeping for what you have been through. Apartheid, I am just so, so embarrassed as a white person, I am so embarrassed and I am so sorry.)

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But the Lord says, I will cause a reconciliation. And the Lord says this EMPOWER21 meeting is very critical to this reconciled church. And the reconciled church will bring a restoration to the nation. And the Lord says, if you look to Me to give what has been broken and lost and you don’t look to man to do your restoration, but you call upon heaven to do the restoration, I am going to start prospering people who have been stolen from, people who have been robbed from, people who have had years robbed from them and even their families family. The things that could have been and done, if it wasn’t for apartheid, if it wasn’t for the racism. But I will do it from heaven and no man can fool Me. Amen.

15. Prophecy by Cindy Jacobs 18 May 2018

I am bringing a new sound… I am going to change the balance of power and the Lord says, the government of Africa will be on My shoulders. And even now, I am preparing a Godly man who will stand in the highest office of this Nation. And the Lord says there are some who are in the office at this moment now, and it is in the balance for them, because the time of compromise is over. And I will not be second place in your life or second place in your government and I will not share this with another, for the earth is Mine, says God. South Africa is Mine, and Africa Mine says the Lord your God, and I am sending the angels and they are coming from the North, South, East, West and your PRAYERS are displacing the powers of darkness. I, the Lord say, make room for the harvest. For my eyes have gone to and fro, looking for a people I could trust. I have found a remnant there. This is the womb of the Spirit, says the Lord. You are birthing the new thing… Do not be intimidated by the enemy, for I say to you, you do not know how intimidating you are to his forces. So, RISE UP, says God. Arise and Shine for My light has come to Africa.

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16. Prophecy by Jennifer LeClaire 7 August 2020

I heard the Lord say over South Africa: “I am calling you to pull from your revival heritage. I am

calling you to pray the prayers of the pioneers who pressed in and pursued revival long before you

walked the earth.

“If you will cultivate in your heart a passion for souls and pray for the harvest, I will rain down on

you. I will rend the heavens and come down to you. I will pour My Spirit out upon your nation

again in such a way that ancient divisions will find healing in My presence.”

“You must pray like the pioneers and prophets from decades and centuries ago. They grabbed

hold of my heart, not just the horns of the altar. I moved in their midst in a mighty way in response

to their humble prayers. “South Africa will be awakened when the intercessors are fully awake and

when the evangelists are prepared to reap the harvest.

Pray, then, to the Lord of the harvest that He will ready laborers to reap after intercession is sown.

Pray without ceasing until you see My will come to pass. “For many revivals will break out in Africa,

but South Africa is the tipping point to awakening a continent.” It’s time for the intercessors to tap

into the prophetic words and prayers spoken over South Africa from many days gone by. It’s time

to tap into the 1 Timothy 1:8 charge to wage war with the prophetic words spoken over the nation.

It’s time to get aggressive in the Spirit. Who will pray?

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17. Apostle Naomi Sheneberger – 25 April 2020

Good evening South Africa, it is late on Saturday evening, the 25th of April. And I just felt a stirring

in my spirit to release this word today. And God spoke and said, “South Africa, do you know what

time you are in, do you know the time?” And of course, you know the times. Many of you have

experienced strange things happening regarding being woken up in the early hours of the morning,

in the middle of the night. God is speaking about time and so I was researching time and the Lord

spoke to me and said I should encourage South Africa about the day today, the 25th of April the

first day of the second month on the Hebrew calendar called Iyyar.

And in this month God is revealing to us many secrets that He is going to encourage you by, the

word IYYAR in Hebrew is an acronym for I Am the God Your Healer. And so, when God said South

Africa “do you know what time you are in”, He is saying “South Africa, now in this time, I'm the

God your healer”.

I believe that God is saying “I will restore South Africa I will renew South Africa, I will give back to

South Africa what the locust has eaten through the years, through the ages as well as at this point

where much has been stolen from so many in this Covid-19 crisis” but God is saying - “South Africa

today I will be revealed as the God your healer”. The Lord reveal to me also that unusual and

unexpected healings, supernatural provision, supernatural encounters of God's provision will

begin to take place in the next 29 days.

This is the month where we step into the full manifestation of God being our healer. You are now

entering South Africa into where you will be challenged also with what to do in this case of the

unexpected. You see the children of Israel left Egypt in the month of Nisan and transitioned into

the desert in the beginning of Iyyar and this month is the month where they were adjusting to this

new season of their journey. This was a time when they now no longer were able to be dependent

upon themselves or even an old system of thinking, a mindset that had kept them enslaved. They

were now entering into a time where their mindsets were being shifted to God providing for them.

And so God is saying “I'm taking you South Africa into the season of Iyyar where there will be an

adjustment, a mindset shift that will need to take place an order for you to come fully into this

place and time and season of revival. Revival requires trusting Me, revival requires working with

heaven and allowing heaven to influence your actions”. The Lord shared with me that an economic

turn is at hand and amongst many it shall be an adjustment and to others a simple transition from

self-reliance to God dependency. And South Africa, God never fails but self fails, and self has failed

you, but God is saying “I'm bringing South Africa into a time of God-dependency”.

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To some it may seem like a leap of Faith and extremely daunting, however the comforting message

I would like to encourage you with it this time is that God’s supernatural provision will begin to

manifest in ways that South Africa has never seen before. God spoke to me about this time being

a time of entering into an economic shift. This is not a season to fear but it is a season of

surrendering into a Kingdom economy of righteousness joy and peace. God will begin to speak to

you about your finances. God will begin to speak to the South African government about finances

and how to get out of debt as a nation and as you as an individual. He is speaking to you about a

time where you are entering the desert, but where His hand will never fail you.

This time is where the children of Israel experienced the greatest signs and wonders and miracles,

they ever saw in their lifetime, in fact on a daily basis. “My people were released on one day as I

took them out of their normal and had them become dependent upon Me in the wilderness”.

You know, I was watching a clip and it was about the food distribution that many were involved

with in South Africa and I saw many scrambling for food and some very disappointed and some

were even saying, “let us rather die of Covid-19 than starvation” and that broke my heart and the

Lord said to me, “Naomi I'm going to begin to provide in supernatural ways”. And I spoke to a

friend the other day she said “yes, the Lord is speaking to us about trusting Him to multiply food.

And I know that God is increasing faith in this month and his increasing a dependency upon Him

even as he did for the children of Israel.

South Africa, God, has and will continue revealing His goodness to you in this season. Oh! I feel

excited for you. He revealed His generosity to Israel and supplied manna on a daily basis and

sheltered them from the sun and the heat and provided them light and warmth in the darkness of

the desert. He guided them with a cloud of his very own Presence and I believe that if you tap into

this month, this month of Iyyar as the children of Israel had to, God will reveal Himself in mighty

ways. God is speaking to us to enter into the realms of the glory of God, to understand that

functioning from his Presence from an assurance of Who He is, you will be abundantly blessed.

God is prompting you in this an unexpected month of Iyyar to rest in Him and rest in His goodness.

The Lord show me that there will be multiplication of food, increase of crops on farms. God is

going to place His Hand on your land, the earth shall reveal what has been hidden. And with that

the Lord said, “I have hidden treasures of gold and minerals”. I saw oil, I saw precious stones that

shall be revealed to you in this new economic season South Africa. The Lord said He’s been with

holding the treasures because there was coming at time when He was going to take South Africa

out of her debt and these resources would balance the debt. It would cancel the debt and South

Africa will stand on her own. The Lord said He is raising Joseph’s, who have an economic mind to

help South Africa in this season.

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The Lord gave me Psalms 113 to give to you: No one can be compared to God enthroned on High.

He stoops down to look upon the sky and the earth, He promotes the poor picking them up from

the dirt and this is what I saw, and He rescues the needy from the garbage dump. He turns paupers

into princes and seats them on their royal throne of honour. God's grace provides for the barren

ones a joyful home with children so that even childless couples find a family. God is about to heal

South Africa.

South Africa I've given to you the word in Isaiah 60 through many prophets but today I'm

reminding you again to say “behold the darkness shall cover the Earth and deep Darkness the

people but I the Lord your God will arise over you individually and as a nation I will arise over you

and My glory will be seen upon you. The gentiles, the nations of the world shall come to your light

and the kings to your rising, South Africa you are in a transition and an uplifting season. The world

will marvel at what I'm about to do”. You have been held in bondage in many covenants and God

showed me blood sacrifices, He showed me the constitutional laws that have been written. And

He is saying, “yes I am about to look up on your constitution” and I'm not sure what that means

but whoever is listening, may God reveal what is still in your constitution so that God can shift

what you have agreed to and realign you South Africa to God's moral standards.

Many African nations have sold their birth-right and compromised their morals that by being hard

pressed on every side by a Babylonian system of this world and the Lord said that many times the

debt of the nations of Africa have caused them to fall into immoral constitutional agreements and

God is restoring His Kingdom in Africa as we repent. God will restore righteousness, joy and peace

in the Holy Ghost to the nations of Africa. South Africa you are entering into an identity upgrade,

and this excited me. God is saying you will be given an expanded and new airspace and your

message and your sound that is unique and your identity that is unique will be heard across the

nation. As one nation you will stand in unity with one another and you shall overcome and no

longer be enslaved to your past.

The nations will speak of you and know that only the God of Israel could have done this for you

South Africa. To conclude I say to you, South Africa, in this month Noah came out of the Ark. Noah,

his name means rest and God is bringing you, South Africa, into His rest. And this does not mean

to sleep, it means great abundance, and the rest that God is speaking about is the covenant rest.

His covenant rest where you come into the fullness of everything, He has promised you.

In this month of the Iyyar God called Noah also, out of the Ark and the Ark had to rest on a

mountain range called Ararat. And funny enough but this word Ararat means in Hebrew, curse

reversed, and I speak over you, South Africa, I speak over you Africa, curses have been reversed.

South African know that today the curse upon your land is about to be fully taken care of and God

is raising South Africa and South Africans into their second chance. Iyyar is the month of second

chances. Arise into this opportunity, whether you are South African or living in South Africa, God

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is saying arise into your second chance. In this promise is a new start and those who have suffered

under the curse of the virus under the burdens of the past economy will see the unexpected hand

of God come to liberate them.

South Africa we are all praying for you, we have nations in the continent of Africa praying for you

keep your oil lamps full and again we say to you do not grow weary. We are praying for you, we

have Zimbabwe, Kenya, Malawi, Sudan, Burundi, Mozambique. We have Nations in our prayer

chain praying for you South Africa. It is in knowing your purpose South Africa, as carrying the

apostolic starter revival anointing that we as the nations of the continent of Africa are encouraging

you this day, the 25th of April, enter into your month of Iyyar and we will see the glory of the Lord

come and we look forward to see the continent of Africa set ablaze.

Brothers and sisters of South Africa we love you and we pray for you. Speaking from Zambia, thank


18. Prophecy by Apostle Naomi Sheneberger 26 July 2021

God will always keep His Promises.

‘God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and

will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?” Numbers 23:19

We wage war by His WORD and His WORD NEVER FAILS!!

What then could be a hindrance?

1 Timothy 1:18 ‘This charge I commit to you, son Timothy, according to the prophecies previously

made concerning you, that by THEM you may wage the good warfare,’

THE WORD OF GOD as well as every PROPHESY spoken over our nation is a WEAPON!

However a weapon is only as effective as the confidence and competence of the one USING IT!

Our CONFIDENCE is impacted by our CONSCIENCE!

The critical point to this truth is that HIS WORD must be IMPLEMENTED CORRECTLY.

The second half of this verse says, ‘……having FAITH and a CLEAN CONSCIENCE which some having

rejected concerning the faith have suffered shipwreck’. You mean our prayers are SHIPWRECKED

due to an unclean conscience?

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YES! An unclean conscience is the breeding ground for SELF DOUBT! TODAY before you pray

concerning your prayer list, examine your heart.

•Is the Spirit of God revealing anything that may be standing in the way of your FAITH. ( is your

own conscience disqualifying you?)

Your POSITION of influence in the spiritual realms is based upon your CONFIDENCE in HIS

COMPLETE work in you.

What about the SIN of doubting yourself?

Unworthiness, self-loathing, a victim/ orphan mindset or just a heart of self-doubt.

We are to come BOLDLY to the thrown of GRACE and CONTEND and WAGE WAR with every

prophetic word spoken over ourselves and our nation WITHOUT DOUBTING the authority within



If you have unrepentant sin… REPENT!! If you have unforgiveness ….. FORGIVE. If you have SELF-

LOATHING, low self-esteem or are struggling with unworthiness ……… REPENT.

Resist the shipwreck!! It is GOD who qualified you by Jesus and not yourself! This morning COME

CLOSER. Speak Gods prophetic WORDS and activate FAITH over your nation with confidence.

PLEASE HOLD SOUTH AFRICA up concerning the violence.

Pray for Zambia’s elections coming up.

Pray for Uganda, Kenya, Malawi, Zimbabwe.

Pray for the CHURCHES to raise their VOICES in boldness and not to become conformed to this

worlds system.

Pray for your leaders to have an encounter with the TRUE LIVING GOD.

Pray for God to raise up Daniels and Joseph’s who will accurately interpret the ‘writing on the




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19. Prophecy by Chuck Pearce - GSI Meeting (March 2016)

Thus says the Lord:’ watch the winds that come across Cape Town and South Africa, because

unusual winds will begin to blow. Many will arrange their sails because a new wind has begun in

Cape Town and nation after nation will set sail into this glory that I am now sending. I will separate

the wheat from the chaff, you will serve together in unity. They will change the mind-set and the

way you see it. Receive my breath, receive my sound as I have sent it oh Africa. I prepared you for

this to carry my sound to the nations. Receive it with great joy.’

20. Prophecy by Apostle Chuck Pearce, Parliament Cape Town (11-13/03/2016)

He is here to bring healing to the waters of SA. God put a time clock on the nations and beginning last year was South Africa's time. In 2017 - God said My people must begin to shift. Acts 12: This passage was referring to Passover time and I felt we must gather in South Africa before Passover time. The present government is excited to see the movement God is creating stop. We are here in this government place to decree that now a move of God is beginning that cannot be stopped. There has to be a shift in God's people. They have already killed James and they are ready to take out the next key leader but the church went to prayer! God said ‘I must have a new beginning in nations through prayer.’ Peter, the Apostle, is chained up and a prayer meeting begins in a house. An angel comes down in the midst of their praying, the same angel also went to Jericho, and went into the prison where Peter was. Peter follows the angel and goes to the prayer meeting where the people can't even believe God has come down and answered their prayers! When God showed the time we are living in now he showed the nations that would take part in the shift of the nations. One of them was South Africa. The glory has to be unlocked. Ezekiel 36:26: It is time for a new spirit to rise up in this nation and there is going to be a move of God in South Africa and there will be an apostolic move that will turn Africa in a new direction.

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SECURING THE GATES OF OUR FUTURE The words that go up in heaven are held by the Lord, there is a gavel that when it is hit causes them to come down and establish them on earth. One hand holds a gavel, the other a peg. God's people are getting in place to open up the gates for the future of the nation. South Africa has to open its gates for the glory of God to come in. All languages originate from God giving a covenant to Abraham the Hebrew. We are aligned and grafted back to the covenant. A sign God told him to look for this year was a new alignment with South Africa and Israel. It has happened with the signing of this water agreement. This is called a Season of divine recovery! There is a reason to be here to enter into recovery so that we can advance. A season of war has come to full manifestation. A new season with a new identity. There is a war with mammon and poverty. A time to receive and watch the major shift that is occurring. The major shift that is occurring in the glory realm! The heavens are changing - Isaiah 59-60-61 The Lord Saboath is bringing angelic help to realign the generations. War from heaven to earth. A pattern from the book of Daniel where from his cry angelic help came for God's destiny to occur. We have moved into Prophetic Declarations. They are the key to the year ahead. The power of first creates new models! Some of the things declared in South Africa have kept it held in a repeating cycle. We had to be here in this season right now to break an old cycle so that the new move of God and identity that South Africa needs can come into place. This is the Season of Ayin. A season linked with seventy which is linked with captivities being broken. God is dealing with past captivities being broken so that cycles are not repeated. You come to a crossroads, and you have to make a decision as to which way you go. Also linked to season of sending, breaking captivity. The other letter for the year is Vav (6). This season is about the tent peg going down into the earth and old cycles in the land being overturned. This is what makes the season so important for South Africa. Two symbols together - everything will either repeat itself or you connect in a new way and new cycles begin to emerge. We are here to decree that new cycles will begin to emerge in South Africa, Vav connects heaven and earth. Genesis 1. To the chaos that would love to arise we say a new order is coming from heaven into the earth.

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Vav connects the past and future. You can go back into your past or move into your future. This meeting is vital for Africa where we can go back to an Egyptian slave structure or South Africa as its voice can be a prophet to the world. This year we rise into the identity we were meant for and our voice is heard throughout the world. This is the year of Kingdom clashes. Faith works in time and space. There has to be an action to exhibit faith. This meeting is a moment in the history of South Africa that will set its entire future to happen and consequently Africa. The kingdom force that the Lord spoke about in Matthew 11 where the people take the kingdom by force rises up this year. I believe you are making the turn in relationship to Israel right now. Two paths that can be taken. A path of prosperity Psalm 23. A path of iniquity linked with the past. Today we will decree that the iniquitous past will not determine the future. There is enough authority in this room to silence the voice of iniquity in SA. Lands are crying out for restoration. The people must echo that voice. The year of war. We must war with the prophetic word. We must bind the strong man to plunder and take what is ours. The Door of Iniquity of the past must close! Iniquity is to bend and can be passed on for four generations. We can lay claim to the future and seventy year cycles can break. Today there are seventy year cycles that will take a turn. When sin continues to be committed iniquity results. We are here today to say the generational iniquity of the past will not rule in South Africa. There is a summing up. There are five pillars of iniquity and these are:

• Covenant breaking

• Blood sacrifice

• Innocent Bloodshed

• Sexual immorality

• God robbing The iniquity cycle began in heaven with Lucifer, was linked with trade, he was cast down and all iniquity can be overturned. Satan builds the five pillars of iniquity and puts decrees with them and it is the decrees from the iniquity that rule the territory. The strength of the iniquity as it is planted and the words spoken with it rules the territory. Vav comes down in the midst of it and is like a tent peg that sets a new covering in place. David did the same thing when it was time to bring the ark back into Jerusalem. Saul was not concerned about bringing back the glory. This war is over the glory of God that is linked with treasure, wealth, abundance, favour, splendour, majesty.

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Everything that would rise up to repeat the cycle in a meeting like this has great authority and is able to overthrow. Israel was in Babylon but the time came for them to be released. So it is with South Africa. The weight of God's presence is here to overturn the captivity of the past. Ezekiel 36:26 ‘I am going to remove the heart and spirit and give you a new heart and spirit.’ God will do this to show the world by the demonstration. This passage leads into the scattered dry bones in Ezekiel 37. What has been scattered in the past, God is going to start to draw together as of this day. God tells the prophet what to say and everything happens except the breath doesn't come. Then God says to prophesy to the breath. Look at what God has said and prophesy again. Prophesy to the hope deferred. Tell all the structures that caused the hope to be deferred to go. I will put My Spirit in you and I will put you in your own will know that I have spoken.’ This is the year of Gods performance and in the midst of it, things that have been scattered in the past will come together. Three vavs God said to bring and leave them here. ‘Over these next six weeks I will redefine this land. Even though the enemy will make a great attempt to rise up recreating structures from the past, angelic hosts are now on their way. Even though you see in the streets a lot of confusion I will even cause some to fall in the street representing the last season arising. It is now My desire for my glory to rise from the foot of this land of Africa and blow across the land and all nations will observe the workings of and going on of My hands in South Africa. I have chosen this land for now. I have chosen these people for now. This role is for now.’ ‘There will be a divine reversal in Cape Town. There will be a divine reversal in Pretoria and there will be a divine reversal in Johannesburg. I say to you there is a movement now to realign this land. Watch as I begin to lead my people. Watch and listen carefully for my word will be heard throughout this land. That which is covered in this land and the past, it will be redefined within the next six weeks and a new covering will come to this land. I have put in motion a movement from heaven now that movement will begin to be seen in the earth realm. I have sovereignly gathered you to a place where a wrong cycle began and now in this moment I will reverse that cycle, although you have never seen what My glory displays in this land I will begin to display My glory now in a big way. South Africa has been destined from decades and decades and decades. I have longed to see a movement from generation to generation to generation. A double fold move of my Spirit, and I say to you, now it is beginning!’ In the midst of this place we decree the new identity of South Africa will now arise. In Jesus Name! Hebrews 11:23 Set in place a council - Apostolic/Prophetic, Chief Justice, Traditional Rulership. Break the hold of the beast on South Africa. South Africa has a beastly face - crocodiles, lions etc. Every influence of the spirit of the beast from the sea we declare it broken from today

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I decree that this will represent the motion of heaven, the action of the great council of heaven taking action. Thank God for the meeting and this nation. Thank God for the journey so far. Declare the peace of South Africa. We bind principalities in heaven and on earth manipulating the destiny of South Africa, the spirit of the dead, powers of the grave, corrupt spirit, spirit of prostitution. We break every covenant that rules in this nation. We set a bloodline over this meeting as we enter into this realignment. A beginning from heaven and the covering of death over this land is broken. Decree that the covenant God has made with South Africa now begins. Decree that the Rahab spirit is broken. Decree that the first plan of God for South Africa will come into effect. Repent, forgive, and have mercy on us God. New song breaks cycles - Nothing can stop the workings of God, the purpose of God, the decrees of God, the movement of God in this land. Let the changes come. We have witnessed the beginning.

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21. Prophecy by Rebecca Greenwood : 4 July 2020

God Is Calling the Reformers, The Ecclesia and The Prayer Warriors And Positioning Us For Global

Awakening, Global Harvest and Transformation

Africa, you are on the tipping point. You are in the new era of the greatest harvest that the continent of Africa has ever seen. And it will be birthed from the heart of Africa. And the Lord spoke very clearly to me that Botswana is like a heart, it is like the heartbeat of what is going to reverberate out and awaken South Africa and Africa. God is uniting Kenya, Botswana and South Africa for this reformation. We are in the greatest awakening in the history of Christianity. Hear me, this is a word of the Lord for you in Africa. The fire, the Holy Spirit Pentecost Glory Fire that God is birthing in Africa, that He is birthing in Botswana, that He is birthing in South Africa, that He is birthing in Kenya, He says it will cause awakening that will sweep across the continent of Africa, it will go into Malaysia, it will go into Egypt, I even hear the Lord saying it will go over into India; it will even spread from Africa into many Latin American nations as well. So I hear the Lord saying that the fire that is being kindled in this time - see, what the enemy meant for harm God is using in this season to cause there to be such an awakening of intercession and Pentecost fire moments- not just a day - fire moments and encounters that happen with the intercessors, happen with the Ecclesia, that will be ignited and rise up. That there will be that intercession that resounds out in the atmosphere that will bring the awakening of revival. We know the promise from Habakkuk 2:14 - The earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord. And this is where I really want to start prophesying specifically. This is what the Lord said to me about Botswana: Botswana, I see the Lord moving in your midst in this season. And I instantly saw in the Spirit the heartbeat, the heartbeat of the Father - I saw the heart and I heard it beating. And then the Lord said this - “The attempt of the enemy to try to come and take the heart of the resources of the land has been discovered” (you will know what that means more than I do). The Lord says it is discovered, it has been discovered, and it will not succeed. He says the resources in the land will come into an increased measure of cultivating and discovery that will cause even further economic increase and positioning for Kingdom purpose in the days ahead, in this time frame. The Lord actually spoke to me that we’re in a four year time period- 2020 - 2024. That we are in a key period of time, of intercession and arising. The Lord said within Botswana there will be further impact and partnering together, within South Africa and Botswana, of the Ecclesia and the marketplace and the government for the days ahead.

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Kenya: The apostolic mantle that God has placed is increasing in this season, and there is a converging together that is coming with the Ecclesia. Literally, I saw a converging of Kenya and Botswana partnering together for what lies ahead in this whole region of Africa. But what is being birthed is not just for that region of Africa, it’s for the whole continent of Africa. The Lord says it is a new era, it is a new day, and He is raising up His sons of thunder from this region of Africa to release and decree the apostolic prophetic purposes of the Ecclesia across the continent, in every sphere of culture and within every sphere of culture. I’m going to say that again- government, media, arts and entertainment, education, marketplace, and I even just heard the Lord saying for Botswana, what’s going to begin to unfold is Botswana will become a key leader in the apostolic prophetic movement within the marketplace arena, and even that there will be great favour governmentally on Botswana for what He is doing from the heart of the region. I heard those words, then the Lord opened up my hearing. I could hear the sound of South Africa in intercession, and I could hear the sound of the land. Romans 8 - creation is groaning. There is a sound of groaning of the glory of God that is rising out of the land and in the atmosphere of South Africa, Botswana, Kenya - that whole region. Even right now when I’m speaking this and prophesying it, I hear it, and it’s a sound of awakening. As that sound is rising up, it literally carries the sound (I know this sounds different) of Pentecost. The Lord says there have been moves of God in the past season in South Africa and in Botswana and in Kenya, and the Lord says the sound is echoing out from the land and as the intercessors begin to pray, the Ecclesia- we all are to be praying: the apostles, prophets, pastors, evangelists, teachers- in that place of intercession... The altar of consecration that has been established in unity in South Africa has captured the sound of the land, and you are uncapping, and you are awakening, and you are releasing the fire and glory of Pentecost from the heart of Africa, from South Africa. And literally, it’s like I could see after I heard that sound, I looked at Kenya, I looked at Botswana, I looked at South Africa on the map and I just saw Pentecost fires just begin to pop up across the region. And as it did, it began to sweep across the continent of Africa. God is about, in this season that we are in, this next three and a half years, what He will do for you governmentally, what He will do for you with the resources in the land (Oh wow! Every time I say that I just get Jesus bumps), literally the gems that are in the land, the Lord says, “You haven’t seen anything yet!” - what is about to be uncovered and discovered, and it is positioning blessing for Kingdom prosperity for the harvest that will sweep across the nation of Africa.

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So there’s government and there’s marketplace- and the resources are going to begin at an exponential rate of discovery and increase in the land. And this is the sign. Because as you were praying and have converged together, the altar of consecration that you have established in the region, of unity, has uncapped and awakened the glory in the land. So not only is there going to be revival and awakening in the Ecclesia and in the 7 spheres, but the land of Africa, the land of South Africa, is being released in the blessing of the Lord. Hear Me, the Lord is saying this blessing that will come from the gems and the resources that are coming forth will be a blessing for the Ecclesia for Kingdom purpose for the harvest and transformation of nations.

Word for Botswana 🇧🇼: I see the centre of the nation of Botswana and I see an altar of surrender and consecration. And I literally see around the borders, even of the nation of Botswana, there’s going to be intercessory houses, intercessory ministries, prophetic ministries that are planted even around the border of Botswana to surround the nation in that intercession for what is needed in that three and a half year period of time.

Word for South Africa 🇿🇦: I also heard that South Africa as a whole, it is time for exponential harvest. And that you have stewarded this season very well. The apostles and prophets have stewarded this season of COVID-19 lockdowns well to cultivate the wells of revival, and the Lord is saying even as you begin to meet in person there will be a gathering and converging, there will be Holy Spirit Pentecost Fire explosions, outbreaks that will occur when you’re able to convene again. For the whole region of South Africa, there is going to be such an awakening that even those that have worked against, that have fought against, those that have persecuted the move of God that’s been breaking out, that there will be a harvest of souls that will come even among those that have stood against the work of God.

Word for Zimbabwe 🇿🇼: Zimbabwe is about to experience a fresh wave of His glory, and that Zimbabwe is a very key player in this season as well. God is breathing His breath of life onto Zimbabwe, that the governmental call on Zimbabwe will begin to rise up in righteousness in this season for awakening in that nation.

Word for Kenya 🇰🇪: You are the apostolic centre of what God is birthing in this region. You carry the apostolic authority of what is being birthed in this region.

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We are in that new era of global awakening and I want to encourage all the intercessors across the nations of the world. Great moves of God, even in the Bible, are birthed from the place of deep intercession. Intercessors carried the burdens to see the miracles and the signs and the wonders that began to occur. It was the deep intercession that caused the hand of God to move for the angel to deliver Peter out of that prison cell (Acts 12). It was that deep place of intercession for ten days when they were all together, likeminded, praying and the Holy Spirit fell at Pentecost. Listen, when Paul and Silas had that encounter with that slave girl in Philippi, they were on their way - where were they going? They were on their way to the place of prayer. So when we are that prayer army and those intercessors, and we groan, we capture the groan of revival, we capture the groan of travail for this season, this era of awakening- what will then begin to unfold is the greatest awakening that we have seen in the history of Christianity. So I want to encourage all of you intercessors, we must rise above the chaos and the darkness, and encounter Him in His glory and see from His heavenly Kingdom perspective. Then we’re able to see fully what’s going on and say, “Lord, this is the most opportune moment for awakening that we have ever lived in, in the history of the world.” And this is the time that we are in, where there will be harvest and there will be transformation. In the ‘80s Almolonga, Guatemala experienced great transformation, and they’re still in it. If He can do it there, He can do it everywhere! So I want to encourage you intercessors, I want to encourage the Ecclesia, to be those prayer warriors. God is calling the reformers, the Ecclesia and the prayer warriors and positioning each of us for global awakening, global harvest, and transformation. Isaiah 60:1-3 Yes, there’s darkness, there is darkness that covers the earth and deep darkness the peoples, but the glory of the Lord will be seen on you. It’ll arise on you. And as we rise up in that place, darkness will begin to flee, and we will see nations and kings come to the brightness of the dawning of a new day. Just as Daniel prayed to come into that place of the next victory, he said, “Lord, awaken my glory!” God has awakened our glory to such a place in this season that we’ll be used strategically in the greatest awakening that the world has experienced in Christianity. What an incredible time to be alive! What a challenging time to be alive! It is time we rise up as the Ecclesia and chase the devil out! Let us arise and claim the Kingdom inheritance that God has given us- which is our cities, our regions, our nations, our families and our spheres of influence. It is our time to arise and shine in this season. Amen!

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22. Prophecy by Apostle Emmanuel Kure 2016

Cape Town, 11-13 March 2016

We want to touch the soul of Africa from this ancient room. God needs to connect with

foundations to correct the future. See yourself as a heavenly legislature sitting before Almighty

God to decree the future not only of South Africa but the whole world. Today we are making

history and history is about to be made.

This year is a Jubilee year and in Jubilee separations take place from old to new, there is a new

garment. The kind of shaking South Africa has been in, is about bringing the separation and a new

garment that God has determined for the nation. It is time for SA to stand up strong, together as

one nation, to speak as one nation because in this season God will break the walls of division and

unite the nation in such ways as it has never known. Every wall of difference is going to fall from

this season. Reasons for this - Isaiah 51:9-10. South Africa is so significant for Africa and if it fails

Africa fails. There are two nations in Africa that are key to the destiny of the continent, South

Africa and Nigeria. We need to manage the nations to fulfil their destiny.

At the end we will join hands in a decree against the spirit of Leviathan and the Beast, Rahab the

Harlot - the spirit of Prostitution, and the spirit of corruption. If we can deal with these, a highway

will open and things will change. Lies distort destinies. The greatest threat to the kingdom of God

is the spirit of Lies. It will be the greatest contention against the kingdom of God - the refuge of

lies must be destroyed. These walls must fall for Africa to connect with her destiny. And this is the

year of connecting.

Awake - this is what God is saying to South Africa, especially the church. It took the covenant of

Jubilee to bring down Jericho and open its gates. Jericho was the headstone to stop Israel entering

into the Promised Land. A demon was out there to stop Israel entering its destiny, this is the same

spirit stopping South Africa. For Joshua to defeat this (Joshua 6:6) he called for the priests of the

land. Today we are going to apply the laws of Jubilee to release South Africa to enter into its

destiny. If you want to throw away the old and enter the new, call upon Jubilee. Seven priests

carried the shofar and blew them for seven days and will go round seven times. Rahab was an

ordinary woman (Isaiah 30:7-10). It was about defeating an ancient spirit that was holding the

nation from entering its destiny, we will ask the Lord today to cut off the dragon - Isaiah 51:10.

As I entered this city God defined this city as a warhead city, a spear. It is like the function of this

city is to lead the way of the battle to open gates that won't open. It will be a city that fights battles

for this nation. The arm of the Lord cut off Rahab and the dragon. God is going to make a way for

this nation today. He is going to break from this place the veil that seems to be holding the people.

Isaiah 25:5-6 Amplified.

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Today in this parliament we are going to welcome the reign of the Lord. He will break the veil over

all the nations. South Africa must survive, succeed and get its act together. It is not a mistake that

South Africa is entering into some agreement with Israel concerning water. Nations are ruled by

the sea. The beast, dragon rules from the sea. If Israel brings the salt that heals the seas of South

Africa it means something.

Four nations carry the blueprint, mandate for Africa: Ghana, Tanzania, Algeria, and Ancient Egypt.

We need to go back and restore what God was revealing as the destiny of Africa. Executing nations

that will define Africa are South Africa (the past was not a mistake. It was God preparing for

destiny), Nigeria, Kenya, Algeria.

Prophecy by Apostle Emmanuel Kure : March 2016

South Africa has the mandate to bring healing to the nations. You were meant to find solutions for

the nations, bring their healing. That is meant to be the new attitude in this new season.

23. Prophecy by Apostle Emmanuel Kure, Parliament 18 May 2018

Who has ever heard of such things? Who has ever seen things like this? Can a country be born in a

day or a nation be brought forth in a moment? Yet no sooner is Zion in labor than she gives birth

to her children. Isaiah 66: 8

One visitation can change the destiny of nations forever. God is visiting in this year all the nations

that are connected to destiny, of the world He created. Who would have thought that God would

impose Trump over America, and now he has begun to make alignments with the heavens,

declaring Jerusalem the united capital of Israel. In just a short period of time God has visited

Zimbabwe, where President Mugabe was removed without any bloodshed, and in South Africa

President Zuma was forced to resign as well as the Prime Minister in Ethiopia. In just one year God

has begun a process of bringing change to the nations.

We cannot understand what is happening in South Africa, without understanding what God is

doing in the nations. The appointment of President Cyril Ramaphosa is God starting to position His

sons to begin the work of redemption – in line with the word …all creation eagerly awaits the

revelation of the Sons of God – Romans 8:19. This was the ANC assignment from the beginning,

through its lineage of God-fearing men who were founders and leaders of the organisation, but

this assignment was somehow lost in the process. Ramaphosa who in his youth knew the Lord

Jesus and was a leader of Student Christian Movement at his university days, comes from the

lineage of the priesthood of Messiah. In this season God is releasing sons of the kingdom to lead t

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the nation. The same womb that has given birth to Ramaphosa, will give birth to South Africa. But

and if he – Ramaphosa he does not resume the work of redemption the land would vomit him up.

This season of 2018 – 5778 in the Jewish calendar — is a time that opens the nation to a place of

destiny, in which those who have been forgotten would be remembered. God is realigning

everything and will use what is perceived as foolish to accomplish his eternal plan. South Africa

must focus on the good future that God has prepared for her and to forget her past. South Africans

must give thanks to God for all the processes that have taken place to give birth to South Africa as

it is today — the good and the bad – with the understanding that God has never left or forsaken

the nation.

I dream of a united South Africa, where all the voices are collapsed into one South African voice.

This unity must begin with the Church.

24. Prophecy by Apostle Emmanuel Kure :13 April 2019

South Africa, your set time has come.

It is key that South Africa finds its place in the nations of the earth, otherwise Africa is lost.

God said that it’s time for South Africa – before the elections and immediately after the elections

[2019] – to begin to command ancient landmarks to shift (that is the first assignment). You must

tell the South Africans to make the Kruger foundations to shift. He said that whether South

Africans like it or not, it still rules them. He said that but I placed it there for a purpose, for a season.

I imposed it on the land. The Kruger mystery was never a mistake, has never been a mistake, I have

said it everywhere in the Word it was pre-planned before the beginning of time. You can’t wish it


We are entering into the seasons when God is causing foundations to shift. When foundations

shifts, orientations will shift. Mindsets will shift. The Afrikaners will start thinking differently. And

the so-called indigenous tribes (forgive my choice of language ‘so-called indigenous tribes') will

begin to also shift their thinking. There is a season of convergence when the walls are broken. And

God said He is going to do things to make those walls collapse in South Africa. God is breaking the

walls. The indigenous tribes must not feel an imposition. No, from the beginning God planned it

like that (you will forgive, I’m not racist, thank God I’m dark skinned….). God imposed His Will on

the land in other to raise salvation for the land. He sent a savior nation to reset the direction of

the land so that the land can fulfill its destiny.

You are the most beautiful nation in Africa, it didn’t happen by chance or by the will of the

indigenous tribes. It was imposed even in the midst of battle, the land was built. True or False?

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There is no freedom to fight for, there is only God’s Will to fight for. A white must be able to

embrace the black without thinking in his heart for one bit he is inferior and the black must

embrace him without thinking that he is an imposter, he is a thief. It is the Will of the Lord for a

purpose – the divine purpose. Africa, particularly South Africa is supposed to be a model for the

world. That’s why there isa mixture of all kinds of traditions, cultures and tribes in one. There is

ancient and modern – mixed together, mixed oil – to teach the world how in your placement. And

your confusion will be worse, and you will eventually lose everything and lose identity and lose

purpose. And the season for the collapse of all things is upon us now.

Shifts are not always pleasant; they are sometimes painful. Don’t pray for a shift if you are not

willing to pay the prize. There is always a prize attached to a shift. You lose something, you gain

something. That’s what happens in shifts. Otherwise, don’t pray for it. Don’t pray for revival if you

are not ready to lose something. Revival will take away something from you and bring something

new to you. Don’t pray for what you are not ready for.

God said the Kruger foundation must shift for My original purpose to take over. I’m about to take

over his landmarks and take the land to another place, in another direction. He said you must tell

them to go to the gates and begin to prophecy this new shift from that old foundation to the new.

Because whether the blacks and whites like it or not, the Kruger spirit is still holding fast to the

land and will not let go. It’s affecting mindsets, it’s bringing about split personalities. One second

you wish for something the next second you wish for another thing. You sit with the blacks they

speak in two tongues – split personalities. You speak with the whites, somewhere along the lines

it comes up – split personalities. I said God where is this coming from? He said it’s the spirit. We

must kill that spirit, we must make it die so that the next can take over.

I saw pillars like that, huge pillars with some beautiful decorations, ancient decors on top. And

they were there, I think they were four corners (they were not round) but they were standing high

and they had decorations. And the Lord said, that represents the Kruger spirit. He said watch, I AM

pulling it down. And suddenly I saw the earth open under it and pull it down. Then I saw in its place

a beautiful round circle, beautiful glory, like a rainbow built around where it was. And I saw a new

foundation coming out. And I saw another pillar, a new pillar, beautiful. And I saw it rise to the

heavens. He said, I AM about to birth a new nation that is founded on the purpose for which I

made them go through what they all went through. I made the migration to take place by a

provocation. And I made a tribe to lose control so that I can mix the bloods, I can mix them up in

order to raise one nation that will become a standard for Me against the other nations in the time

to come.

Prophetic Words over the nation of South Africa

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South Africans are meant to think differently from other people. They are not meant to think in

the same stream as other people. That is the way God made it. And I heard the Lord say you must

go to the gates, and particularly to the borders of the land, that is the next level and prophesy.

God said South Africa must enter into a new covenant with God. You must make the land enter

into a new covenant with God. Deuteronomy 5:2, 49:6, Exodus 6:3-4. The Church is sustained by

covenants. God said at the gates we must make Him or let Him establish a covenant that gives you

back the land; that makes the land begin to serve His purpose.

So what you need to pray there is: Lord, establish the covenant that gives me the land; that

restores the land to its original purpose; the reason for which you created it; that releases the land

back to its mission. Gen 10:5-10.

We need to ask the Lord according to Exodus 6, let Him establish a covenant that restores the land

back to its original purpose from this elections. And then you need to begin to bind the spirits

behind the tribes, the spirits commenting this divisions and commanding them to do God’s Will.


Every spirit of confusion by the tribes that rule the land, by the spirits of the tribes that rule the

land, let it be broken in South Africa now. Let it begin now. Let the angel of the altar in Heaven

release a sound to the earth, to the spirit of the four winds to loosen upon South Africa and break

the yoke of the spirits of the tribes and release South Africa into her new place in this election, in

the Name of Jesus.