PT3 Revision Set 1 With Answers


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7/25/2019 PT3 Revision Set 1 With Answers 1/13





1. Buka kertas soalan ini apabila diberitahu.

2. Tulis nama dan angka giliran anda pada ruangyang disediakan.

3. Tulis jawapan anda pada ruang jawapan yangdisediakan dalam kertas soalan ini.

4. Serahkan kertas soalan ini kepada pengawaspeperiksaan pada akhir peperiksaan.

Untuk Kegunaan PemeriksaNama Pemeriksa:



1 1"2 1"3 2"4 1#5 #6 3"7 1"

 umlah 1!!


Bahasa Inggeris




7/25/2019 PT3 Revision Set 1 With Answers 2/13


(10 marks)

(Time suggested: 15 minutes)

Answer all questions in this paper.

The text below is about a writers passion !or "oo#in$.

Question 1

Rea% the text below. There are $ra&&ati"al errors in the text. The errors ha'e been un%erline% !or (ou.

Write one ord to !orre!t t"e error in the spa"e pro'i%e%. An exa&ple has been $i'en. The "orre"t

wor% must not !"ange t"e meaning o! the senten"e.

I lo'e to "oo#. In%ee%) it is &( one an% onl( hobb(. *hen I was (oun$) I lo'e

wat"hin$ his &other "oo#. I "oo# e'er( %a() not onl( be"ause I en+o( it but also

 be"ause eat ho&e,"oo#e% !oo% is healthier than eatin$ out. Althou$h I wor# 

!ro& nine to !i'e) I still &a#e ti&e to "oo# nutritious &eals o! &( !a&il(. I a&

able to %o this be"ause I planne% all &( &eals an% prepare the in$re%ients

%urin$ the wee#en%s. -or instan"e) I "uts the &eat) !ish an% 'e$etables an%

store the& neat in plasti" "ontainers in the !ri%$e. In a%%ition) I also blen% all

the in$re%ients !or sau"es an% sambal  in lar$e quantities so that she "an sa'e

ti&e where I prepare &( &eals. As a result o! &( har% wor# %urin$ the

wee#en%s) I was able to relax %urin$ the wee#%a(s. In "on"lusion) &( !a&il(

lo'es &( "oo#in$ an% I lo'e wat"hin$ the& en+o( our &eals.

e.$. lo#ed

(a) m$

(%) eating

(!) &or

(d) plan

(e) !ut

(&) neatl$

(g) I

(") "en

(i) am

(') t"eir

/0 &ar#s1


7/25/2019 PT3 Revision Set 1 With Answers 3/13

y $amily %arni&al

SECTION (0 marks)

"#ime suggested $ 4! minutes%

Question *

Rea% the !ollowin$ poster. Then answer questions a1 2 +1.

There will be a spe"ial in%oor "arni'al "alle% M( -a&il( 3arni'al at the 4utra *orl%

Tra%e 3entre or$anise% b( The -a&il( *ellness Group. It will be hel% !ro& 5 to 6

Septe&ber 70/8. a1  The "arni'al will be open to the publi" !ro& /0 a.&. to 9 p.&.b1

The "arni'al will be %i'i%e% into !our ones. There are Mu&&( an% Bab( ;one)

Ki%s ;one) -oo% an% Nutrition ;one an% Leisure ;one. ")%1 

The hi$hli$hts o! the "arni'al are a "olourin$ "ontest) a %ental "he"#,up !or #i%s an%

a &e%i"al "he"#,up !or the whole !a&il(.e)!1 There will also be a Roa% Sa!et( wor#shop

!or #i%s an% a tal# entitle% <Moti'ate =our 3hil% to Rea% b( Annette Go&e) an awar%,

winnin$ author.

Apart !ro& the pro$ra&&es) there will also a &ini "on"ert per!or&e% b( pri&ar(

s"hool "hil%ren in"lu%in$ a spe"ial appearan"e o! Na+wa Lati! an% a lu"#( %raw !or


The "olourin$ "ontest) %ental an% &e%i"al "he"#,up will be hel% on the !irst %a( o!

the "arni'al. The tal# an% the Roa% Sa!et( wor#shop will be hel% on the se"on% %a(. The

"on"ert an% the lu"#( %raw will be hel% on the last %a(.

 A%&ission to the "arni'al is !ree. There will be $oo%ie ba$s !or the !irst >00 'isitors.

7/25/2019 PT3 Revision Set 1 With Answers 4/13

Questions (a) + (')

?sin$ the in!or&ation !ro& the poster) "o&plete the !ollowin$ $raphi" or$aniser.

 /0 &ar#s1

,enue: 4utra *orl% Tra%e 3entre

-ate: (a) 5 2 6 Septe&ber 70/8

Time: (%) /0a.& 2 9p.&

.$ /amil$ Carni#al

T"e /our ones:

(!) Mo&&( an% Bab( ;one

(d) Ki%s ;one

-oo% an% Nutrition ;one

Leisure ;one


(') The -a&il( *ellness


-a$ E#ents:

(i) Mini "on"ert

Lu"#( %raw

-a$ 1 E#ents:

(e) 3olourin$ 3ontest

(&) @ental "he"#,up

Me%i"al "he"#,up

-a$ * E#ents:

(g) Tal# 

(") Roa% Sa!et( *or#shop

/0 marks1/0 marks1/0 marks1

7/25/2019 PT3 Revision Set 1 With Answers 5/13


Rea% the a%'ertise&ent below. Then) answer questions a1 2 +1.

T"e Sound o& .usi!

The worl%s best,lo'e% &usi"al The Sound of Music is in town. This &usi"al tells the upli!tin$

true stor( o! Maria) the !un,lo'in$ $o'erness who "han$es the li!e o! the wi%owe% 3aptain

on Trapp an% his se'en "hil%ren b( re,intro%u"in$ the& to &usi". The "li&ax o! the stor( is

when the !a&il( es"ape% a"ross the &ountains. The ori$inal /959 Broa%wa( pro%u"tion won

six Ton( awar%s) in"lu%in$ Best Musi"al. The /95 &o'ie starrin$ Culie An%rews as Maria

won !i'e Ds"ars) in"lu%in$ Best 4i"ture. It re&ains one o! the &ost popular &o'ies o! all

ti&e. The pro%u"tion will run !ro& //,76 Cul(. -or ti"#ets) 'isit www.soun%&usi"."o&. 

-urian /east

This is spe"ial !or %urian !ans who ha'ent ha% the "han"e to sa'our the Kin$ o! -ruits. =ou

&i$ht want to &a#e a beeline !or 4enan$. ?ntil the en% o! the &onth) (oull ha'e the

opportunit( to sa&ple su""ulent %urian "ate$orie% a""or%in$ to $ra%es) as well as su&ptuous%eli"a"ies &a%e !ro& this rather "ontro'ersial !ruit.

1101 In#entions

@is"o'er the Gol%en A$e o! Musli& 3i'iliation at the National S"ien"e 3entre) Bu#it Kiara)

Kuala Lu&pur. The awar%,winnin$ exhibition brin$s to li!e the stories o! pioneerin$ &en an%

wo&en !ro& the histor( o! S"ien"e whose a"hie'e&ents ha'e ha% a hu$e but hi%%en in!luen"e

on the wa( we li'e to%a(. The exhibition was re"o$nie% as the worl%s best tourin$ exhibition

 b( the Museu& an% Eerita$e Fx"ellen"e Awar%s in Lon%on in 70//. -or &ore %etails) 'isit


.usi!al ieldThis is a trul( &es&eriin$ per!or&an"e o! In%ian "lassi"al an% se&i,"lassi"al &usi" with a

hint o! *estern ele&ents. This "on"ert hopes to raise !un%s !or 4urple Ear'est) whi"h ai&s to

 pro%u"e international best pra"ti"es in Spe"ial Musi" F%u"ation !or the %e'elop&ent o! 

spe"ial "hil%ren. The show will run on /8 an% /5 Cul( at KL 3on'ention Eall. Ti"#ets "an be

 boo#e% at www.&usi"al(iel%."o&.&(.

7/25/2019 PT3 Revision Set 1 With Answers 6/13

Question (a) + (d): Base% on the a%'ertise&ent) state whether the !ollowin$ state&ents are

T23E or  /A4SE

(a) The Sound of Music is an all,ti&e !a'ourite &usi"al. True / &ar#1

(%) The Durian Feast  is in town !or two &onths. -alse / &ar#1

(!) The 1101 Inventions won an awar% as the best tourin$



/ &ar#1

(d) =ou "an $et ti"#ets !or Musical Yield  online. True / &ar#1 

Questions (e) + (i): Rea% the a%'ertise&ent "are!ull( an% answer all the questions below.

(e) *hi"h e'ent is an exhibition

//0/ In'ention

/ &ar#1

(&) *here "an (ou !in% the @urian -east

In 4enan$

/ &ar#1

(g) -ill in the table with the appropriate phrase !ro& the a%'ertise&ent.

.eaning 6"rase

i. <to &o'e qui"#l( an% %ire"tl( to a pla"e &a#e a beeline

/ &ar#1

ii. <si$ni!i"ant an% (et unseen e!!e"t hi%%en in!luen"e

/ &ar#1

(") *hat is the $oal o! the "on"ert Musical Yield 

To pro%u"e international best pra"ti"es an% to raise !un%s !or 4urple Ear'est

/ &ar#1

(i) *hat is the &ain plot o! the &usi"al The Soun% o! Musi"

Its about Maria) the !un,lo'in$ $o'erness who "han$es the li!e o! the wi%owe% 3aptain on

Trapp an% his se'en "hil%ren re,intro%u"in$ the& to &usi"

/ &ar#1

/0 &ar#s1

7/25/2019 PT3 Revision Set 1 With Answers 7/13

(') =ou woul% li#e to atten% one o! the e'ents in the a%'ertise&ent. *hi"h e'ent woul% (ou "hoose

In a%out 50 ords) write an e&ail to (our !rien%. In (our e&ail:

• state (our %e"ision

• en"oura$e (our !rien% to +oin (ou

• $i'e reasons to support (our "hoi"e

• a%% other rele'ant in!or&ation to &a#e (our writin$ interestin$.

@ear Anne)

  Ei) how are (ou I& !ine here. I saw an a%'ertise&ent in the newspapers to%a(. The $reat

&usi"al The Sound of Music is in town. I woul% reall( li#e to wat"h this &usi"al. This &usi"al tells

the stor( o! Maria) the !un,lo'in$ $o'erness who "han$es the li!e o! the wi%owe% 3aptain on

Trapp an% his se'en "hil%ren b( re,intro%u"in$ the& to &usi". The "li&ax o! the stor( is when the

!a&il( es"apes a"ross the &ountains. This &usi"al won &an( awar%s in"lu%in$ the Best Musi"al

awar%. The &o'ie won Ds"ars in"lu%in$ Best 4i"ture. I #now (ou also lo'e &usi"al) %ont (ou So

I woul% li#e to in'ite (ou to +oin &e in the e'ent. It will be so &u"h !un an% we will en+o( the

e'ent to$ether. 4lease let &e #now as soon as possible (our %e"ision so I "an $et the ti"#ets !or

 both o! us.



/0 &ar#s1

7/25/2019 PT3 Revision Set 1 With Answers 8/13


(*0 marks)

(Time suggested: *0 minutes)

Question 7

Rea% the spee"h about ho&e sa!et( tips.

Rea% the text "are!ull( an% answer questions a1 2 i1.

(a)  *h( are there &an( "hil%ren le!t alone at ho&e nowa%a(s

  Be"ause their parents are awa( at wor# / &ar#1

(%) *hat is li#el( to happen i! we %o not lo"# our house $ate

  Robbers an% #i%nappers will brea# into our ho&es easil(

/ &ar#1

(!) List to %an$erous instru&ents le!t s"attere% aroun% the house.

  i. Kni'es

/ &ar#1  ii. S"issors

/ &ar#1

A 'er( $oo% &ornin$ to the prin"ipal Tuan Ea+i Sha!i( bin Shaib) the assistant prin"ipal

4uan Nur Aishah Ab%ullah) %e%i"ate% tea"hers an% !ellow !rien%s. In "on+un"tion with

the Sa!et( *ee#) I a& here to%a( to $i'e a spee"h on sa!et( at ho&e. Nowa%a(s) &an(

"hil%ren are o!ten le!t alone at ho&e be"ause their parents are awa( at wor#. There!ore)

it is o! $reat i&portan"e that (ou learn so&e ho&e sa!et( tips.

  -irstl() %o not lea'e (our house $ates an% !ront %oors open. Ma#e sure that (ou

ne'er lea'e (our house #e(s han$in$ on the %oors. This ser'es as an in'itation to woul%,

 be robbers an% #i%nappers to brea# into (our ho&es easil(.

  Se"on%l() %o not lea'e sharp ob+e"ts li#e #ni'es an% s"issors l(in$ about in the

house. Keep the& in the %rawers when (ou are %one with the&. Man( ha'e sou$ht&e%i"al treat&ent in "lini"s an% hospitals !or "uts an% bruises "ause% b( these

 potentiall( %an$erous instru&ents le!t s"attere% aroun%.

  Then) turn o!! the $as sto'e an% an( ele"tri"al applian"es when the( are not in use.

Re&e&ber) short "ir"uits &a( tri$$er !ire &ishaps when we "onne"t too &an( ele"tri"al

applian"es to one sin$le so"#et. This is too o!ten the "ause o! &ost !ires in the ho&e so

use the& sensibl(.

  In a%%ition) &ost !ires happen when people are not "are!ul with thin$s that "an

"ause or start a !ire. Mat"hes are the "o&&on "ulprit. There!ore) alwa(s #eep &at"hes

awa( !ro& "hil%ren.

-inall() #eepin$ a list o! i&portant telephone nu&bers that (ou "an "all in "ase o!

an e&er$en"( "an pro'e use!ul. These nu&bers shoul% in"lu%e the nu&ber o! (our parents pla"e o! wor#) (our nei$hbours) the nearest hospital an% the poli"e station.

  I hope the tal# has been use!ul. Than# (ou.

7/25/2019 PT3 Revision Set 1 With Answers 9/13

(d) *hat is it i&portant not to o'erloa% one sin$le so"#et

  It "an start a !ire

/ &ar#1

(e) -ill in the table with an appropriate wor%Hphrase !ro& the spee"h.

.eaning Word86"rase

i. happenin$ to$ether  in "on+un"tion

ii. to%a( or "urrentl( nowa%a(s

iii. "an possibl( "ause har&  potential %an$erous

i'. "an be a%'anta$eous  pro'e use!ul

8 &ar#s1

(&) *h( shoul% we #eep a list o! i&portant telephone nu&bers

  So we "an "all the %urin$ an( e&er$en"(

/ &ar#1

(g) *hat "an we $ain b( learnin$ about ho&e sa!et(

  *e "an #eep our ho&e sa!e

/ &ar#1

(") *h( %o (ou thin# the spea#er sa(s that &at"hes are the "o&&on "ulprit that starts !ires

Gi'e two reasons.

  i. Mat"hes are alwa(s le!t l(in$ aroun% the house

/ &ar#1

  ii 3hil%ren li#e to pla( with the &at"hes

/ &ar#1

(i) Gi'e 7 ot"er su$$estions on how we "an pra"tise sa!et( in the ho&e.

  i. Keep bathroo& !loors %r( to a'oi% !ro& slippin$

/ &ar#1

  ii. @o not lea'e brea#able ite&s at the e%$e o! the tables

/ &ar#1

/5 &ar#s1

7/25/2019 PT3 Revision Set 1 With Answers 10/13

&r' ()b)dy

' know a (unny little man)*s +uiet as a mouse)

,ho does the mis-hie( that is done'n e&eryody/s house0

 There/s no one e&er sees his (a-e)*nd yet we all agree

 That e&ery plate we reak was -ra-kedBy r. Noody.

Tis he who always tears our ooks),ho lea&es the door ajar)

e pulls the uttons (rom our shirts)*nd s-atters pins a(ar

 That s+ueaking door will always s+ueak)$or) prithee) don/t you see)

,e lea&e the oiling to e doneBy r. Noody.

*uth)r Unkn)wn

e puts damp wood upon the re) That kettles -annot oilis are the (eet that ring in mud)*nd all the -arpets soil. The papers always are mislaid),ho had them last ut he5 There/s no one tosses them aoutBut r. Noody.

 The nger marks upon the doorBy none o( us are made,e ne&er lea&e the linds un-losed)

 To let the -urtains (ade The ink we ne&er spill the oots That lying round you see*re not our oots 6 they all elong To r. Noody.

Question 5

Rea% the poe& below "are!ull(. Then) answer questions a1 2 %1. 

(a)  *hat is Mr. Nobo%( "o&pare% to

  A &ouse

/ &ar#1

(%)  In stana two) what %oes the wor% "e re!er to

  Re!ers to Mr. Nobo%(

 / &ar#1

(!)  *hat %oes the line <Who had them last but he’ tell us about the persona

  Ee puts the bla&e on others

 / &ar#1

(d)  *rite two lessons that (ou ha'e learnt !ro& the poe&.

*e &ust alwa(s tell the truth.

  *e &ust be responsible !or what we %o.

 7 &ar#s1

 5 &ar#s1

7/25/2019 PT3 Revision Set 1 With Answers 11/13

SECTION -(70 marks)

(Time suggested: 75 minutes)

Question 9

=ou shoul% spen% 0 minutes on this question.

The pi"tures below shows how (ou spent (our holi%a(s %urin$ the last holi%a( brea#.

Base% on the pi"tures $i'en) write a letter to (our !rien% tellin$ hi&Hher about (our holi%a(.

*hen writin$ (our letter:

%es"ribe what happene%

  express what (ou !elt  su$$est other wa(s to spen% (our holi%a(s

  write %eteen 1*0 to 150 ords.






7/25/2019 PT3 Revision Set 1 With Answers 12/13

@ear 3han%ra)

  Eow are (ou I hope (ou are in the pin#. 

Than# (ou !or (our re"ent letter. It is so won%er!ul

to hear !ro& (ou Let &e tell (ou about how I spent &( holi%a(s.

*ell) we went to 4antai 3en%ana as planne%. *e arri'e% at the bea"h rather earl( an% $ot a !ine

spot to la( out the !oo%. As usual) &( &other &a%e sure there was enou$h !oo% to !ee% an ar&(.

Little Mira was ex"ite% be(on% wor%s when %a% too# out the new !loats he bou$ht. She "oul%

not stop +u&pin$ up an% %own li#e a little &on#e(. *e swa& till our s#ins wrin#le% up li#e

%rie% prunes. Later) we built san%"astles an% Mira wante% to "olle"t sea shells) so we obli$e% her.

  *e also bou$ht (ou so&e sou'enirs whi"h I will be sen%in$ alon$ with so&e snapshots. 

Ma(be) next ti&e (ou "an +oin us. I! not) we "oul% $o !ishin$ ba"# at &( 'illa$e) then) we "oul%

"li&b so&e trees an% loo# !or bir%s e$$s. I #now (ou woul% en+o( that 'er( &u"h. 4lease sa(

<=es this ti&e.

 Sorr() I &ust $o. Till then I loo# !orwar% to hearin$ !ro& (ou. *rite ba"# soon B(e.

=our best!rien%)


>0 &ar#s1

7/25/2019 PT3 Revision Set 1 With Answers 13/13


=ou shoul% spen% 15 minutes on this question.

The !ollowin$ are the no'els stu%ie% in the Literature 3o&ponent in Fn$lish Lan$ua$e.

Base% on one o! the no'els abo'e) write about a "hara"ter who (ou li#e the &ost.

4ro'i%e e'i%en"e !ro& the text to support (our response.



in not less t"an 50 ords


in !ontinuous riting not in note !or&1

In the no'el) The Raila! "hildren the "hara"ter I li#e the &ost is Roberta Bobbie1. Bobbie is the

el%est o! the three siblin$s. I li#e Bobbie be"ause she is 'er( bra'e %urin$ a "risis li#e an a%ult. She is

 bra'e %urin$ a lan%sli%e. *hen the //.79 train "o&es) the %ri'er "annot sees the trees an% the ro"#s

a"ross the railwa( line. The "hil%ren wa'e the !la$s whi"h are &a%e !ro& the $irls petti"oats.

Su%%enl( the two !la$s between the railwa( lines !alls. Bobbie runs on to the railwa( line an% wa'es

the !la$s until the train stoppe% althou$h she is terri!ie% an% tre&blin$. Eer bra'e a"tion sa'es the

train an% the passen$ers.

Besi%es) Bobbie is bra'e %urin$ the paper "hase. The "hil%ren !in% Ci& with a bro#en le$ in the

tunnel. 4eter wants to sta( in the tunnel with her but Bobbie instru"ts hi& an% 4h(llis to $o to the !ar&

an% $et help. She sta(s with Ci& althou$h she is a!rai% o! bein$ in the %ar# tunnel until 4eter an%

4h(llis brou$ht so&e &en !ro& the !ar& "o&e to help. These are the reasons wh( I li#e Bobbie the


/0 &ar#s1

/. Aroun% the *orl% in 0 @a(s 2    #ules $erne7. Eow I Met M(sel! 2    David %& 'ill 

>. The Railwa( 3hil%ren 2    (dith )esbit *retold b! #ohn (scott+
