R D ON , D A HISTORY - Alcohol and Drugs History … · Jonathon Erlen is the history of medicine...


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Recent dissertatios 37




Jonathon Erlen is the history of medicine librarian at the Falk Library of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh

SHAD (Winter 2010): 37-38

The following is a list of North American PhD dissertations, drawn from the ProQuest Dissertations Abstracts database in the past year. While the entry for last year was a multi-year retrospective, this year’s list covers only one year, and is notably shorter. The search terms were varied, and what appears below are those we consider most relevant to readers of this journal. As ever, this is an incomplete list, and we would like to encourage readers to submit information for dissertations that we missed.

Duvall, Jeffery Alan. “‘Burley paid the bills:’ Twentieth century tobacco culture in the central Ohio River valley.” Ph.D diss., Purdue University, 2007.

Fischer, Benjamin Louis. “ ‘Opium pushing and Bible smuggling’: Re-ligion and the cultural politics of British imperialist ambition in China.” Ph.D. diss., University of Notre Dame, 2008.

Freed, Christopher R. “Doctors and drunks: Addiction medicine and ad-diction psychiatry in America.” Ph.D diss., City University of New York, 2008.

Gaytan, Marie Sarita. “Fermented struggles and distilled identities: Te-quila and the making of a national spirit.” Ph.D. diss., University of Cali-fornia, Santa Cruz, 2008.

Langlitz, Nicolas David. “Neuropsychedelia. The revival of hallucinogen research since the decade of the brain.” Ph.D diss., University of Califor-nia - Berkeley, 2007.

Murphy, Stephen Wills. “‘It is a sacred duty to abstain’: The organization-

Social History of Alcohol and Drugs, Volume 24, No 1 (Winter 2010)38

al, biblical, theological, and practical roots of the American Temperance Society, 1814-1830.” Ph.D diss., University of Virginia, 2008.

O’Heron, Diane M. “Renunciation and resistance: Confessions of the al-coholic and addicted experience in the 19th and 20th centuries.” Ph.D. diss., State University of New York at Binghamton, 2008.

Taylor, Clinton Watson “International narcotics control: Norms, systems and regimes.” Ph.D. diss., Stanford University; 2008.

Tiger, Rebecca. “Drug courts and coerced treatment: The social construc-tion of ‘enlightened coercion’.” Ph.D diss., City University of New York, 2008.

Volk, Kyle G. “Majority rule, minority rights: The Christian Sabbath, li-quor, racial amalgamation, and democracy in antebellum America.” Ph.D. diss., University of Chicago, 2008.

Wang, Junmin. “Market-building as state-building in China’s tobacco in-dustry.” Ph.D. diss., New York University, 2007.

Wessels-Cruz, Kathleen L. “A history of drug regulation in the United States 1902-2008: Effects on women’s health.” Ed.D. diss., Dowling Col-lege, 2008.

Windsor, Liliane Cambraia. “Surviving oppression under the Rock: New York drug laws and the lived experiences of African American women in distressed households.” Ph.D diss., University of Texas at Austin, 2008.

University of Pennsylvania, Pittsburgherlen@pitt.edu
