R1TERION NBL Mourns Loss Of Its...


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Captain Bau To Head Juvenile Bureau Kiwanis' Lauded Thorton Griffin( aptain M arian Baaa, lh a B u ffalo Police

D e p a rtm e n t* oel> w om an o ffk v t lo ach ieve roaamaad status. haa bean appointed hy Police Com m ieetoner Jam ea H I uenln gh am ta r.im m end the Juven ile

w hirh inrludea D etective* w ho handle raaaa involving juvenile o ffen d er* Ihe

PoMrawotnen a Bureau and ihe W om en's C ellb lork n B a a a haa e ir a lle d hnlh aradem ii ally and

ainee her appoint m eal She earned herC a p ta in V

p ro fe ss io n a lly

aeron d M a s te r '• d e g re e in Jwaa 1979 , S p p h a d Pwhhr A ffa ir* Stw dtea|. and ia rwrrewtly iis t eR ed ia lh a Naw York S tate Sch ool of l adwatrioi i e i o traoa

A bove C apt aka lo o * la pictu r 'd w ith the H i rlaaaI™ R * ra Pr nf u EvHRj* FNBPwBwv ^FBBIEwftm onth PBI trainer I h * W bttbam ia «Ia n d in g n a n la < ap ta ln Baaa A gen t P al B ee tle a p p ear* a a the farr ig h t. In lh a flrat rat* T be raan nan are from the W e ste rn New York area

T W l a * ' and W ent Side K iw a a i* l luha raeantly han ared T h o m ta a l .n f l i * ahow n la re n te r holding p iag u e paat p eeaid ent of th e F.aat Bide K Iw ante I Tub

Currys Visitmg Relatives("Hy are *|M>nding a few day* viailtng with relative* and fn en d* in the city

Mr and Mr* John Curry form at Buftainm a»» now of Nat* York

for outstanding aervira lo Ihe K iw enis and Ihe •-ontmunity The affnir waa held al the rloh * Inatallailon I linnet held al Ihe T ow ne Mooae IW M ain Bi , . _ .

Show n in ih e pholo are m em ber* of Ihe Hwent* ( luba A m ong ibnoe ora Tom I d . Mlhe Penrdy, Jeff VAillmighby, W alter W illoughby aud F.lmet Pienahi W illie Brown. Ihe 79 president ia not ahown

— I t i l e n o n P h o t o

WNY s Uryrsi & OnK AaTrdifftl Minority Nrwsfaprr — fracunriK Pad Legitimtfe Grculation

1 9 2 3 1 9 7 9

CRITERION PRESSA n d S tW th « N o . 1 W N Y C o n tro l C itw s

O ut office Waa been open every w eek of every year our e* tale nee. nerving our <-«mniunitie*'


Y ou’ve jual gotta aign up for a ropy of Tbe Buffalo Criterion every week for only

15cNA IIONAI. 2©»

U pstate N ew York a oideoi and largest mmorlly preo* the only W N Y minority paper Ibai i* regiotered aa a bona fide new apaper under thr Marrh 3. IR79 Art of C ongreaa reguloiin new spapers?

VOL 53 — No 36 W E D N E SD A Y . SEPTEM BER 5-11, 197k

NBL Mourns Loss Of Its PresidentSuffered Fatal Heart Attack

City Comptroller Will Run On Past Record

N A A C P D e p l o r e s

Young's ResignationBERKELEY G Bt RHU.I

Waah , D C Aug 31, 1979 A m eri­ca joins th# National Huainea* le a g u e in ■ta s i press* m of d eep aorrow over the death of Dr Burkeley Graham Burrell, th e tenth President of the nation * oldest buatness organisation Burrell suffered an apparent heart attack during a m eeting at tha Saint Mary s Episcopal Parish, and waa pronounced dead shortly thereafter at the G eorge W aahington University Hospital.

A dyn am o lead er for the cau se nf lam ortly econnm ir developm ent. Burrell

hia carver to the prom otion nf ly b u sin ess enterprise S ince

1963, he head ed the nation 's largest m inority b u siness association , and had

longer than any other NBL including the Pounder,

Booker T. W ashington Under hia the founding goa ls and

o f th e organ! ta iton w ere exp a n d ed to a d d ress the com prehensive M — R of th e m inority com m unity Acham pion of the Tittle p eo p le" , Burrell rulentlasaly preaeed for full minority participation in the nation s econom ic ar- UvtUa*

in 1919. a creature of revolt and Burrell clung to th e fundam ental

principles of the free enterprise system , and ste a dfastly in sisted that minority America had a right to participate in Ihe ben efits o f th e American econom y An aatute b u sin essm an Burrell waa co-ow n *r o f Burrell * Superb ( le a n e r * , partner in Graham Aaanriatea. a land d evelop ing

' Ip. P resident of Burrell Indus a holding com pany; and w as

Pre s i d ent of tb e Booker T W aahington Pou adntirin a puhUc non-private operat

S t ;*Active in church affairs. Burrell served

aa Senior W arden. VeWry. St Bpiacnpal C hurch. President Marv * Court H ousing DeveU Corp . and a founding m em ber of St Mary * H eritage Soriety In addition , •n rretl ser ved in a variety of advieory p o aRiona to an U S Preeideo U . including: PlwetdenU Eiaenbower K ennedy. John •Bn. N ison Poru. and currently aa a

of th e Sm all Buainene Treaeury C om m ittee under the Carter

fX 2Tu!£

At th e 7Sth NBL C onvention laat r e a r ,“ ‘ W ho leads th is

ie im portant hut whoorganisation ia infinitely

im portant W e cannot hesitate we •I doubt, tim idity cannot be allowed

IB stand m th e w ay o f peogrsae. for w e m e laun ch ing • period of developm ent on wMrh win depend th e kind o f world in wMch are and our children shall live Let

to poaterRy that thi*to seek

m Stm rw notAt tha tin*e at — daath

don o f th*He had hoped that Black Am erica would

raise the question ob eth er the present Adm inistration, or any other would truly represent the eronom tr n eed s of the minority private sector H e had grave doubt* that th* Administration would m eet such needs nut aim * tim idity and thi* organization have long been m utual stranger* Burrell risked the future to save tha present

He raised the q u estion s that d elegate* would be ask ing in three w eeks and ha said

‘ W hatever the course future lender* may take, w hatever the tasks that swart them , th is League will never ba um id in its approaih . Teas tim idity becom e* g* destin y There com es a tim e tn th e history of every nation every organization and each m an ’s life, w hen th e need* of the people depend upon the strength , courage and com m itm ent o f their leader* For the past 79 rear* those w ho have b een granted the pnvilt lege of serv ing thia organization have had Ui prove theii worth, prove their read iness, prove their strength and yas, prove their courage And the greatest courage ia to resist th ose strange voice* w hispering In th e n ight I sav to you tonight, th is orgam ratton a integrity cannot he b ought, its heritage cannot lie m ortgaged and as long aa there are th ose of ua w ho still b e liev e in the foundam ental princip les o f our founder our future will never h e foreclosed "

Upon assum ing th e leadersh ip of th is orgam ration B erkeley Graham BurTell noted that he had accepted an unspoken p led ge captured in a m em orial to Booker T . W aahington by E m m ett J Scott h said

T he lighted torch h e carried now p a sse s to our hands The work he did w as work for the nation H is life will sh ine with steady radiance as th e rear* com e and g o l e t us harkpn to th e call he sou nded for brave patr io ts serv ice, let us p ress forward strong and unafraid, w ith p atien ce and firm resolve to advance th e cau se for which h e w as w illing to live , for w hich he wa* w illing to work, and finally, for which he was w illing to d ie ”

T his pledge rem ains as a testam ent to his vision and life 's work

Booker T W ashington founded the organization in 1900 Dr Burrell ha* hewn build ing thi* organization since he took the m antle seven teen years ago T he fam ily req u ests that expressions of sym pathy b e m ade in the forj^ of contribution* to th e Booker T W ashing ton Foundation

Mr B u m ^ c a m e to B uffalo, on two occasions a no spoke at th e U niversity of Bufalo School o f M anagem ent for Minority B usin essm en

The Buffalo Criterion introduced him to ten local m inority busin e s sm en who war* in terested In th e National B um ness l e agu e

financial resu lts that have taken pirn* during hi* first (arm in office

Ha '.rubrated are t s run un I baaed no tbe m eats b e baa brought le CRy governm ent during

New York NAACP E kecutive [V ec to r Benia nun L Hooks d*eplvdeplaned the ser ies of m en t* lead ing ur> to the

ton of Ambassador io u n g as the U

vt nepre* liv e U> tb e U nited Nations

rr Hignuthv Andrew Young S Perm anent Ri

R estoring lb * City » fmat.— Ip n k e t ir * of the taxpayer* m a m e te Have been thetw o primary co n cern ' dur mg Nm year* a* O ty < om par oiler

His p*rn*i*iN F m an abfing th e City to regam seres* to th e bond m arkets by ach iev in g an unproved i redd rating for th e < rty of Buffalrv and h is record of in vestin g th e City • m oo iea carefully are exam p les of h is p o lic ies that have enabled th e Cdy to ach ieve major financial ben efits At tbe sam e tim e be has worked to reduce th e coot of borrow ing for th e City and ha* been Cdy govern m en t * m ost e ffec tive ad ­vocate o f long financial planning

Based on h is M i

ROBERT f WHET.ANCdy was a h ie to d evelop a three year jdan to reduce a more than 919 m illion defied on the operating u d e of th e Cdy • budget He has p led ged to con- Im ur lo preo* lor surh a renew ed effort in the month* ahead He ha* further p led ged ta work to continue th e kind of m anagem ent im prove m enta that have b een the hallmark of hi* sen d ee in the paat four years and has prom ised to continue to speak out on b eh a lf o f the taxpayer* to insure the continued so lvency of th e City of Buffalo in theae tim e* o f trem end ou s fi­nancial stress

Mr W helan is the endorsed D em ocratic and C onservative candidate for re-elertion as Com ptroller

of Buffalo

e v e n t s

teh that II w as equally regrettable that President C artel had accep ted It A m liassadot Young he ieit had been m ade a •artificia l lam b tot circum ­stance* lievond h is co n ­trol ”

Due to th e im m ense im plication* of th eae de vefopm ent* , Mr Hooks, th ere fo re . issu ed a call for a con feren ce o f black leaders Join ing him in th is call w ere Vernon

Jordan president Nation al Urban le a g u e FranklinH M ilitants, p resident, Phelps Stoke* fu n d and lb K enneth H ('lark psychologist and educator Tne m eetin g wa* held at

the N A A t'P N ational Oft ne, on W«1 . Aug 2fnd

tb i W ednesday Mr Hooks expresaeil th e hope that President ( artet would not arc*|it the A m bassador a resign s Uoo He alar> ■ sited u p m the President and S e r r tary o f State Vance “ to e ip r e sa their vuppmt for the A m bassador Mr Honk* felt that A m lisssa dor Young had acted in the best interest o f Ihe U M , when he m et with varioua Arab rep resen ta tives to

a delay «»f an upcom ing I m i n t f Coutv tl m eeting

tn Amh«***itot Young * m eeting with Arab tepee seiitattve* on July .SBh Mt llcsik* said th- Am lisssador * 1 encounter did not ch ange netthc-i w ss it in tended to ih r i U N policy regarding I S dealing* with the F L O " M« Houks aatd that Mi Young wa* m etely exercisin g hi* in itiative to ach ieve the d im le d ft<>sl* nf hi* superior* ’ so he is deserving nl high |uai«* rather than the insulting excoriations lo which he ha* b een subjected

Leg. Pauly Denies Rumor

v e . the of the City

Men’s Day Guest Speaker

R ne ( ounty Legislator W illiam A Pauly laat week strongly den ied ru­mor* that h e is considering wag>og a prim ary contest against ( ounty Comptrol let A lfreds W Slom m ski in 19*1

T here is no b asis w h atsoever to th is ru­m or,’’ Pauly flatly pro claim ed

My observation* are that Mrs Slom m ski ia a very com peten t Comptrol ler My w orking relatvm ship snth her and her departm ent haa b een very p o s it iv e ," the Legislator exp la in ed .

P olitics b e in g what it ia. I can understand how

the nreaent circum stan ces o f the C*wiity Kxm utive Primary m ight gen erate speculation aa to Mrs Jkominski s party sta tu s in I9BI I can not understand how my nam e surfaced as part o f th is rumor I state uneoiiivocally that the Ke publican Party leader has not approached m e with such an idea and I have not m itiated or prrimoted such dia iu eeion . leg is la to r Pauly stressed

"I have personaiiy co n ­tacted Mrs Slom m ski tn assu re her that such rum ors are com pletely unfounded and totally fa lse , ’ Pauly asserted

Legislator Pauly of the

14th D istrict, rep resen t' portions o f the (M y of B uffalo, the fa g e r t w il le Snyder and W nlosareas of A m herst and th e C leveland Hill and Pine Hill section s of Cbeekto- w ags

Anb-DruvC o a l i t i o n

R a l l y S e tA M ass Rally to* the


Anti Drug ( oabt vm U. S Drug p u b

will he held at thr Stetlr-r III the E m hasev MUvim Sun Sept 9 at ft p m Admuunon ia free The public ta invMad

T he Laym en * L eague o f St John B aptist Church. G oodell and M ichigan A ve .aril] host its Annual M en ’s D ay Program on Sun Sept 9th. at th e 11 a m serv ice T he th em e for M en ’s D ay w ill h e , “ M an and T oday’s Spirit­ual E nergy C riees" .

T he M en s Day g u est speaker will b e th e Rev Dr H B eecher H icks. Sr.. of M t O livet B aptist C hurch. C olum bus, Ohio

Rev H icks w as b om in Union tow n. Ala , to the l*te Dr and M rs W illiam Hicks In 1936 he m arried Eleanor v . Frazier and from that union cam e tw o sons and a daughter

H e received h is aca- a e m ; N am ing at Lei and ( oIb»K baton Rn-ige. La .-i - -‘ .orim G rad u a te

Hnology. in

Ali For Senate Clubs Formed

DR H B HICKSO berlin. Ohio

W hile a junior at Leland C ollege . Dr H icks preach­ed h is first serm on Feb 14. 1934. and waa licen sed to preach by th e Mt Zion B aptist Church o f Baton R ouge and th e E vergreen DR H1CK8 (S ee P age ft|

Form ation o f Ab for S en ate clu b s in four sta tes w as announced A ua 30th by Lloyd von B la m e . co-chairm an o f th* Ad Hoc C om m ittee tn draft Ali for the U S Senate

C hairm en o f th e se cluha for California. N evada. T exas. M aaaachuett* and P ennsylvan ia have been approved and p lan s for a coordinated effort in o r ­gan izational procedures and cam p aign structure are w ell under w ay Von B laine sta ted that th e com m ittee ha* had no resp on se from All sa tn hi*

begin in com e ts Yoa Htaine says (hot there mi pooStive thinking art th e part al many w hr are Interested that if Ah doe* er t accept the draft the effort should not be abandoned hnt a new directm r toward* other potential perso n s i it res and tndoce there, to accept

The net effect of the com m ittee s effort* Has

ratedtk pro end con ' *«v4lor

pnotUnt!However(o w e v e t b e feel# that h e is asse s s ing th e m ove and wilt m ake a sta tem en t

M U H A M M A D A U yea no or m aybe soon

The resp on se to the idea h as b een so Wrong with intetwat m ounting daily as

doitsi contributions

heaXh* and ha* alerted the puVilv aa lo a n eed fora stncfo o v s w uce , reaerwwi national arwl a lert ions

united effon ttmg a w rong notshti

•ot n S w r state
