gumma* ♦ - * # . *#• m »tr* N ew W eight C ontrol P rogram A t YM CA NMSC SchoU nhip Sem i-Pm aiut The YMCA ol Buffalo gad Km ( ounty M* ;u* announced the beginning of t new program entitled " him Uvuag the Y e Way T0 We»*htTonuoJ 1 This Ijrqmn is port of the national YMcA’a Csrtbo- vascular Health Program & ia deatgned to help with the control and prevention of obesity m men. women tad families. Steven Seise Rosemary Ehw. Linda Nchadel Ei- ieen Gattuso and Grace footman have received training from the national YM( A and wtU be working with local claaees A at* week introductory program will begin at four area YMCA a th# week of November 4 - 1 Oth Prior registration ia requested The program M geared tn toorh proper nutrition. behavior training terhni que* and awareness of hodv movement aa it affects expenditure and intake balance Steven Seta* YMCA Metnipnii tan f'itneaa Director re ports that YMCA's acroe* Mrs. Scruggs Receives Recognition Award la recognition of Mr* Geneva H Srrngga’ excel leat leadership ee the (neater chairpereaa **f the Erie C minty Dept of 'renew Service* Advisory Council and for the con with the country are using living programming eacetUnt results for more information contact these area YMCA a Ktpraeeway Pamiy YMCA at 9*7-0*21. Ken Ton family YMCA K74MX.I, Northeast family YMCA K99-2543 or the South Towns YMCA <M2 9 3 * 9 iTATA T.f-VT; r ;v v V r \i i i- f iJ. K EYE DONORS BUFFAI j Q k ye hank 1 832-8448 The ment Vnotarehip program for outstanding Week rtu- ente ia an annual com petition for coUege under graduate achotarahipa ad- ministered br the Neternal Merit Scholarship Corp (NMffCl. The progn liahed in 19*4 by a Ford Foundation The aemi finpiiat num ber over 1600 Mack atu- denls in asrondam arhoota throughout tha l/» Theee student* will be competing for achievement scholar be awarded neat ship* In I spring. Buffalo given to the development d progrnm* and w rvirrt it) provide for the aperiai needs of the elderly ('.euntv F.xerellve Edward J. Rulkowski saluted Mrs Neregg* with a County 'Mr* Srrngga haa pro vadrd our < ommuaitv with a unique aw irt of leader her fellow r4t«/en " the uroriometioo read * The r«odth aod mtenarl) of her romaaumt) aervire ia Her aaoo) at wale U> better pwltl) of We ia our Public School aemt flnialiots include Lance T Walker who attend* City Honors High .School and Victor J Fishor who attend* Kensington High School New Members Join ADS Panel President, Mays Greet 4th Grader Four new members have been invited to join the review panel for the Art* Development Services IADS) 1979-MO regrant program, now in it* third funding cycle The five member* of last year a panel will continue to The ADS gram is New panelist* are Duane G Andersen, a Design Dept pmfesanr at Buffalo Slate College with extensive theater experi ence anti a cellist. V.raa Rchaka*. an active volun teer in rnmmunity arts and • ultural pmg am*. Willard H Ham* vtaual artist and chairman of the Art Dept at SIJNYAB Tim Ken nedy. musician ami drama director of the African American Cultural Cen ter regrant pro a pilot project which award* small grant* not exceeding 1.3,000 Of) tr. Huffalo and Erie County art* organi ration* using fund* from the National Endowment for the Art*, the NYS Council on the Aft*, and the City of Buffalo The responsibility of the review panel i# to evaluate application* and make funding recommendation* to the ADS board of director* Grant* awarded for the January I. 19H0 to December 31. 19B0 fund ing cycle will be announced bv January I9H0 ADS is the art* council for Buffalo and Erie County Prraidrat Jimmv < arte# and Dr Benjamin May* watch Sherry Bmphy, a fourth grade stedewt at Brent flemeniacy Sctmwf la Washington DC he for# the PreetdeM • Mg* wf of a IbjM of Cdw# Dor mg tbr had < resting tbr ly tl tbr F decattae. maymg of of br personifies tbr dedi of educator*.” Dt May* i* *hw» Prrot I rnerttu* of More Commiftaion Accepts Asbetos Correction PUn From Commercial Hair Dryers awed by *r*#f Hflmirmli.m whh h *re vboon to her by our rvgmuMO Mr* b#rugg* imprra ■wve history of aervire tn other## only •#> m l. the lapabilltr wh« h older person## have gained through riprrirnce aod <•inlrihuiKinx they con tinur to makr to our r•lOimumiy'- Huthowuhl <iM "I at plraard to -slut# her for her *er *ice " The pro# iairiali##n was delivered at a rommunily luncheon on October 11tk Food Stam p Info Benefit from your Tax D#il|ar* PartH iiiate in the Food Ntanip Program of Erie County Call M4ft-M347 for information.*' Contem porary Textiles On View Here African Inspiration an •‘xhilutton of contemporary textile deatgn* mapired by W'ost African design prin ciple* will be on viaw at th*- Museum of African •n«f African American Art and Antiquities beginning Sunday, N«»vember 4th, and continuing through Sunday December 2nd Four African element*. the Im tpa (tsh the quatrrMRp>-t r the cowrie .he# are reorvurtng motifs color- fully enlivened hy the contemporary interpre I tat ion of the artist* Design Work* Siuyvwsant Innpti the West African accep tance of art a* a part of datlv experience far all men and women with no separatum between fine and applied art. the Design \\ork* ha* com btned function and beauty in these striking fabric* located in Brooklyn, the Design Work* was one of the fir#g indtistne* de veloped with the asms tance of the Bedford 9biwesanl Restoration Corp , conceived by the late Sen Robert Kennedy The exhibition was or ?»ni*ed by the Henry Street Settlement with the •ooperation of the Brook lyn Museum K arill tour NYS for two years under the auspices of the Gallery Association of NYS The exhibition is open to the public free of charge from 12 to 5 p m . Wednesday fhni Saturday Sunday 2 to *> p m Washington. D C • The L S (tffiMmn Product Safety (ommiaamn and the manufacturer of the "Rocket Blower ” , a war. merrtal haw dryer used nationwide m beauty sa lons patronized primarily by Meek* announced a yofuntary pr'grw n for the rerrw/v#J and replacement of asfw*sto* heat shield* in the hair dryer* The correction program has I men accepted fry the Commission as adequate The manufacturer. Bo nat Inc , of West Patter son, New Jersey, esti mates that since 1972 approximately 1,000 of the special purpose hair dry era have fieen sold to distributor* for resale to lieauty salons The com oanv i-stimale* that per hapa 500 individual beau ty salon* currently may he using the Rocket Bio wer , predominantly in major urban area* Bonat and CMC will lie instructing Bonat distrl hutor* and their beauty salon customer* to return the dryer* for retrofitting Honal ha* ioformed the <'iimmumnn that it be Uevea these hair dryer* do not present a health haxarci Although Bonat therefore feels it is not It gaily obligated to under A ppoin ted the correct**- , pro gram g has agreed to do m> voluntarily Distributor* and Uisnr beauty salon rmeratsjri can identify th* Rocket Mow or" by tl name am the label which read* Bom* Mower Dryer" bp as name •m the laid*, wl<#cft ready Bonat Blower Dryef The' R/sket Blower model* requiring removal ..f the asbesttai beat shield are model* B 10 B-11 and B-14 No other Bonat dryers have been manu- fartu red with aabest heat shield* The rapiacement pro srhedu Fall 79 is the bag awvsiry season Hats eapecigfly have become tm|iortani again In iFw tUtiK thev toad, a state ment then faded broausc lh«- 1960* brought the tewM<d #•»*«)tu r t W hat w#«man *<ml#i wear a hat that’’ Milliner de signer* and hair designers never got together on things as a result women went hatle*. But today. a variety ol ban fashion, are m vogue including thoec worn quite tlowe to the head No hat* are news again Never aay, "I can’t wear hat* " heeauae everyone can1 Everyone cannot wear aay hat - it a a matter of finding the ••orrert one f«ir you Never buy a hat after viewing it on y«mr head white seated Always, clways stand up and look into a full length mirror ia the hat in proportion to your height weight, and lace shape? Neat, use a hand mirror and took at your profile and back of vour bead in the hat Still lookin good’’ Then. you ve probably got the right hat Let* go hark and diaru** fare shape briefly For the round face. select a hat that ha* a high •rown Look he irregular shaped brim*. draped crown*, but avoid rloae- fitting hats, flat crown*, or small brim* The long face ia more attractive in low or round crown* and turned down brim*. This face doean t need tall rrrrwnr, or £ 1 #muw.: m ia.- ii Lfr: A von H elps Launch D rive F or B lack U niversities lad to begin mid (iriober when the Erica M Francis haa joined Seagram DUtiller* Co aa a »*le« rrpresents tire in Cleveland Sengram IHatiller* VO market* Seagram’a 7 ( rown. Seagram's V O., ( row* Royal. The Glea livet Scotch. Benchmark Soar Mash Premium Boor boo Seagram's Extra Dry C n. Wolfarhmidt todka ret* Rum. and The Fa mow* Grouse Scotch A native of Cleveland Ohio. Francis war graduated in 1975 frorr Southern I nivenrity. New (Mean* with a marketing degree For the past font years, she worked aa a marketing aupervioor with a major beer dietributor and with a manage ment Ms Francis Rees in Cleveland where she ia active in Rlnck Women In PohHc Relations the Mar gram ia sr. company will have com plated Its retrofitting ar rangemenu Beauty anion operator* are being ad vised to write the Bonat Co at 2611 Lackawanna Ava , West Patterson New Jersey 07424 to receive details of the retrofit program Salon operator* si« may contact ( PNC at the Hgency * Pill free Hothnc M)0/nR-MM, to initiate participation in the pro gram In Maryland, the Thkline number I* MOO 492 R3KI. and in Aleska Hawaii. Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, the number ia M00 A’W Ktt.l Mrs. ©Roark New Officer At D ’YouviUe Mr* Sarah A O’Roerk head* the lixt of new officer* for D Youville College’* Center For Wo men! In Management, according to an announce ment by the school A vice president of Ene Savings Bank Mrs O'Roark i» the Center's new president and ha* assumed her new respon sibilities from Mrs Ruth Penman, the organi zation s former president The Center For Wromen In Management was founded in 1977 to provide resources for the pro fessional development ol women in the area* of management theory anc practices It function* a* a network linking pro fessional women through monthly seminars and workshops Annually approximately 500 professional women participate in program* run by the Center tha Grand Chapter Of The Grder Of The Eastern Star, and the Women a AuxilHary of the Industrial Opportunity Center i ##*■ left m » rig*! Preaatfent of 4>«a with ( wai iraiua# #4 9 NHt • New* ( enaer 4" and < kru iawkn I F-dtry Fxeruu*. Ihryrtas I *Ma4 Negro <s i t e s . I wwd aikwwt the prograa* sd th. I V f . aew The rartlai rerepttwn heated hy Mr at A.s* a wwrtd hendqaanero ,a New Y twk Ma Jewkraa mi headrog up the new in## and Mr t hone# i» rorvtng m (•enrrai ( katrmae of th* I Nl'F » Greet#* New Yark < awipaign The I ruled Negrt# t uiiege fund ia ■ I a profit uraaeiaalMie r*u#ii>K fund* lor privet* awxxx-ail# Net rottegew reaa the . *nrwtr> Avne a* the wertd a iergest manutw# eed daatnbubx of .-#iwn*ett»-* begxaeces eed ruetea*. jewelry. 4) Be A Better Shopper* W orkihop Nov. 15th Cooperative Fxtenatue Hrtme FjcrmnrriH • P»# yrrar# will apre««>>r a wewkahop <alled "Be A Better NFwipper", November '5th from 1 to 3 p m at the Cooperative F.ihnwe ( aatar 21 Nrmth (irove 5R Faet Aurora N Y 14062 The wiwkaFvp cover* varwtu* aspect* of super market shopping *uch a* ram ih«»k» labeta and pa# kaging ung pnetng and ><per. .1*uig and Mi»» S 3 I aik F i( News About Pain Relief P*0fl £m lw ALLOwmC P ftL P Rurrry* ah >• that a.arty ION it American a,tv>lt* ar# iatere.ted in liquid me-h cine, kecau*. tkev har* difficulty seailowtng ptlia and capsule* or don t Hk. ti. Tht. ia jartiralarty true of th. .iderly who *r. ##ffen taking many different koid* of medication* Currently many medic* tions tncliiding cold prod uct* and antacid* are * vailaM. m liquid form to help people with .wallow ing problem* However ps in relievers, one of the most frequently taken over-the counter medications ha * never been made availa in liquid form For instance aspirin is typically found in tablet font because it is unstable in solution There fore, out of necessity, con sumers have devised in genious wa.vs to take pain relief tablets such as fold ing a pill into a piece of bread crushing it in apple sauce. or breaking apart a capsule and pcunng the contents into a glass of Juice.’ Finally, there is a pain reliever available tn a liq uid form-it s called Extra- Rirength TYLENOL* Adult Liquid This product con tain. acetaminophen which is stable in solution a* ef fective as aspirin, yet safer b<- ause of th* relative lack Of pffffCtll. El tr*-Strength TYLENOL* Adui' Liquid is available *.-hnus a prescription in 8 o? and 16 oz bottles and has a p>a.ant mint flavor The product comes with a measuring t up which allows people to choose either a regular strengtn or extra- strengtfc dosage by follow ing simple label instruc tions Sc. if you are one of those millions of Americans who just can’t seem to get a pain relief tablet down, now there is a convenient solu tion to your orobi.-x County Area Pine Tree* Diseased Buy Bonds Even the meet pantr.ve glance at aocna of the pine trees* in WVY wiD quickly eveal yellow, somewhat sickly looking free* The trees affected are Austrian Whit# SccAch Red~*nd Jack Pine aa well as arhorvitae (White Cedar). Area resident* need not worrv however, aa expert* from the Coopera -ive Extension Association of Eri# C ounty have diggnoeed thia a* a '•ompletely natural proreaa Upon closer examination the yellowing msediea ar* thoae formed in the 1977 or 1978 growing •ccewaury t>< haw «en j» m » your K«t t#> haw «e evthrr wdr «| w * a, «tr*«nge#W »#l Nutfaiu * wi r u t.’ > Hal ladimar tlwa include man style* the htkea The lediea a ^ hatw r*t*.hcr l.«* Ivuyvna e«t tr##m th* m en ia in The |Mllt«#*x hat ma#hP lam# hi* f#irrwr fg#n I m «I v ,li*«ku K«-r.n#-vl#*J( i bia.si. i. another cl Veiling is uaed abundant e <*n many hat the* veat . «•#» t . t# ath# trim Hut veiling t* ti <M*a.<m * h o tte s t look hats continue to he |M#|iuy‘ lai and lot* of wool and fur felt, ia lietng uaeti in th# manufacture of hata Kmtteil hata witfc. mau htng muffler* or ten*, are for cold day* when you want look chick and alill warm The blockbuster is* thecowlMiy ot Western hat JT Ham: Mra Jessica Judy" Johnson hsiked so finish- , ed in her classic slouch * hat When I comment*#’ on how attractive shk looked in it. Mra J said, Thia old thing? I tHiught it year* ago'” See. I I*.til you a giMsi i la*sit nevW * die* Item Dora Richardson. 1' Woman Talk” hoateaa on WUFOl wa* pleasantly surprised recently Fire -Survival Center gave her an award and also tha station, for the week long series aliout fire sdrvivw, on Woman Talk ” Yerby Dixon. ESC director, ba* top caliber staffer, like June Duell and other#,, who speak on the air. ffr orgam/ation. school, # mm I additions to wear with those Western IssR* skimpy brim* AN I *fs . Square or re# tanjpjlar V jO O UW lll 1 0 Observe Thanks-For- # Giving brand* vs national brand* The workshop is Free of charge For registration nr fur I her information please • all live office al Rh2 1170 InterT Pot Luck Luncheon At YW CA All inlereated persona in the community are cor diallv invited to attend the International Pot Luck Lunc heon tn be held at the North Area Branch YWCA. 2R44 Delaware Ave in Ken more on Wednesday. November J 4th at 12 00 p m There is no charge if you bring a dish to pa*s from a country of vour choice (meats who cannot Firing food, and would like to attend may contribute *1 50 instead, but they rnuat pre# register hy calbng 875-3111 Child care will aiao be available at a nominal fee Following lunch. a special program will be presented by the WNY Peace Center Gail Hejrl- mun will speak on Why we should support the Nestle Boycott Thia ia in cooperation with YWCA World Mutual Sarice 'Week. The YWCA is a member agency of the United Way of Buffalo face# look well in atyle* that feature large or round, rippled brim de signs Do avoid small brimmed hats or pillFioxe* IV ai • h a p e .t fw#-e#» n m t hat* that widen the tow- head and have hr\m» outer than the i h e Never wear pointed inw ii# or .mail hnm» Th, heart .ha(<ed tnee need, fullness at the rhinbne *#> d#' wear hat* with uneven brim* Avoid high crown* and eve level brtms that add to hrow width lhamttnd shaped face* at# prettiest in hat. that Ixomien th* ts#e ti#-at the temples large or medium bnmmrsl hat* are g-.sl twit not beret*, or #■ L**e fitting hat* The short woman ap Itears taller in a hat that is the same color a* her dress anti is small The tall woman can cut het height hy wearing hat* ol con trusting c«ilot with large stae brim* Remember also that In some cities hat* are not returnable Im >#ause ol health ilepartmenl laws, so lie certain vihi chisMm the right one Hat tuns are an essentail Month Buffalo Guudwdl Induk will observe U% enure month of November aa Ttwmka For -f •ivtng month W ewtern New YorktM who support the tmodwfB antF psvrhectra fre handt1 *apiieti jH .-j>i* M««sl yob* at t «#**!w ill revolve around the #xvlW<ction. repair. • leaning and sale of •I*m a te d items The generous imnln- lull tons of usable # Iothing ami household art ittea the pur# hasmg of tenesrod aitu le* tn the Goodwill "t#*res and nvnlrarta from the business . .immunity all make the Goodwill cycle jiosaihle GinmIwiII i* grateful far the support of fnenda in WNY To ail of you, Huffalo 11 * #o#l will ssya Thanks- For-Giving panache WEBTBURY MALL. Suite 5 210 Delaware Ave Buffalo, N Y 142112 h f 1k. f 'harm A Modeling d For Preteen* Teen* Adult. Registration Tuea A Thur* 6 9 p m Dora A Nherri Kichardooa. Dlrertora k4l«b Bojans Service Station m y vtati Ihayh ; On Sale: LaPopuiar MbU Emit’*, Williams' Variety, Tart «, Fran's, Jones \ Fillmore Food Shop and Erie Every year new needle* Tn the apnng while the needles drop in the fall Often vigorous trees will loee a greater proportion of their needle* Howaefr m gwnerai the dlacoloraDor n n«cnm arm there ia no cause for alarm aa th* trees are not tn danger Fall fertilization ia recommended for stressed or weak trees A on# page leaflet ia available if you aaad a seif-addreeaed stamped envelope to Cooperative Eitertamn Agriculture, tl Smith Grove St F Aurora N Y 1<

j k mm President, Mays Greet 4th Gradernyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn95071129/1979-11-07/ed...tinur to makr to our r•lOimumiy'- Huthowuhl

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Page 1: j k mm President, Mays Greet 4th Gradernyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn95071129/1979-11-07/ed...tinur to makr to our r•lOimumiy'- Huthowuhl

g u m m a * ♦ - * # . * # • m » tr*

N e w W e i g h t C o n t r o l

P r o g r a m A t Y M C A


S c h o U n h i p

S e m i - P m a i u t

• The YMCA ol Buffalo g ad K m ( ounty M* ;u * announced the beginningof t new program entitled " h im Uvuag the Y e Way T0 W e»*htTonuoJ 1 This I j r q m n is port of the national Y M cA ’a Csrtbo- vascular Health Program & ia deatgned to help with the control and prevention of obesity m men. women ta d families.

Steven Seise Rosemary Ehw. Linda Nchadel Ei- ieen G attuso and Grace footm an have received training from the national YM( A and wtU be working with local claaees

A at* week introductory program will begin at four area YMCA a th# week of November 4 -1 Oth Prior registration ia requested The program M geared tn toorh proper nu trition . behavior training terhni que* and aw areness of hodv movement aa it affects expenditure and intake balance Steven Seta* YMCA Metnipnii tan f'itneaa Director re­ports tha t YMCA's acroe*

M rs . S c ru g g s R e ce ive s R e co gn it io n

A w a rdla recognition of Mr*

G eneva H Srrngga’ excel leat leadership ee the (neater chairpereaa **f the Erie C minty Dept of 'renew Service* Advisory Council and for the con

withthe country are using living program m ing eacetU nt results

fo r more informationcontact th ese area YMCA a Ktpraeeway Pamiy YMCA at 9*7-0*21. Ken Ton fa m ily YM CA K74MX.I, Northeastfamily YMCA K99-2543 or the South Towns YMCA <M2 93*9

i T A T A T . f -V T ; r ;v v V r \ i i i- f iJ. K


B U F F A I jQ k y e h a n k 1 8 3 2 - 8 4 4 8

Thement V notarehip program for outstanding Week rtu- ente ia an annual com ­petition for coUege under graduate achotarahipa ad- m inistered br the N eternal Merit Scholarship Corp(NMffCl.

The pro g n liahed in 19*4 by a Ford Foundation

The aemi finpiiat num ­ber over 1600 Mack atu- d en ls in asrondam arhoota throughout tha l /» T heee student* will be com peting for achievem ent scholar

be awarded neatship* In I spring.


given to the develop ment d progrnm* and w rv ir r t it) provide for the aperia i needs of the elderly ('.euntv F.xerellve Edward J. Rulkowski saluted M rs Neregg* with a County

'M r* Srrngga haa provadrd our <om m uaitv with a unique a w i r t of leader

her fellow r4t«/en " the uroriom etioo read * The

r«odth aod m tenarl) of her rom aaum t) aervire ia

Her aaoo) a t wale U> better

p w lt l ) of We ia our

Public School aemt flnialiots include Lance T Walker who attend* City Honors High.School and Victor J Fishor who attend* K ensington High School

N e w M e m b e rs Jo in A D S P a n e l

President, Mays Greet 4th Grader

Four new m em bers have been invited to join the review panel for the Art* Development Services IADS) 1979-MO regran t program , now in it* third funding cycle The five m em ber* of last year a panel will continue to

The ADS gram is

New panelist* are Duane G Andersen, a Design Dept pm fesanr at Buffalo S late College with extensive theater experi­ence anti a cellist. V.raa R chaka* . an active volun teer in rnm m unity arts and • ultural pmg am*. Willard H Ham* vtaual artist and chairm an of the Art Dept at SIJNYAB Tim Ken n edy . musician ami dram a director of the African American Cultural C en ­ter

regrant pro a pilot project

which award* smallgrant* not exceeding1.3,000 Of) tr. Huffalo and Erie County art* organi ration* using fund* from the National Endowment for th e Art*, the NYS Council on the Aft*, and the City of Buffalo

The responsibility of the review panel i# to evaluate application* and make funding recom m endation* to the ADS board of director* G rant* aw arded for the January I. 19H0 to Decem ber 31. 19B0 fund ing cycle will be announced bv January I9H0

ADS is the art* council for Buffalo and Erie County

P rra id ra t Jimmv < arte# and Dr Benjamin May* watch Sherry B m phy , a fourth grade stedewt at Brent flem eniacy Sctmwf la W ashington D C he for# the PreetdeM • Mg*

w f of aIbjM of Cdw#

Dor mg tb r

had < resting tb r

ly tl tbr

F d ec a ttae . maymg


personifies tb r dedi of educato r* .”

Dt May* i* *hw» Prrot I rnerttu* of More

C o m m i f t a i o n A c c e p t s A s b e t o s

C o r r e c t i o n P U n F r o m

C o m m e r c i a l H a i r D r y e r s

awed by*r*#f Hflmirmli.m whh h *re v boon to her by o u r rvgm uM O

Mr* b#rugg* im prra ■wve history of aervire tnother## only •#> m l . the lap ab illtr wh« h older person## have gained through r ip r r i rn c e aod < •inlrihuiKinx they con tinur to m akr to our r•lO im um iy '- Huthowuhl <iM " I at p lraa rd to -slut# her for her *er *ice "

The pro# iairiali##n was delivered at a rom m unily luncheon on October 11 tk

F o o d S t a m p I n f o

Benefit from your Tax D#il|ar* PartH iiiate in the Food Ntanip Program of Erie County Call M4ft-M347 for information.*'

C o n t e m p o r a r y

T e x t i l e s O n

V i e w H e r e

African Inspiration an •‘xhilutton of contem porary textile deatgn* m apired by W'ost African design p rin ­ciple* will be on viaw at th*- M useum of African •n«f African American Art and Antiquities beginning Sunday, N«»vember 4th, and continuing th rough Sunday Decem ber 2nd

Four African elem ent* . the I m tp a (tsh the quatrrM R p>-t r the cowrie .h e # are reorvurtng motifs color- fully enlivened hy the contem porary in te rp re I tat ion of the artist*Design Work*Siuyvwsant Innpti the W est African accep­tance of art a* a p art of datlv experience far all men and women with no separatum betw een fine and applied art. the Design \\o rk * ha* com btned function and beauty in these striking fabric*

located in Brooklyn, the Design Work* was one of the fir#g indtistne* d e ­veloped with the asms tance of the Bedford 9 b iw esan l Restoration Corp , conceived by the late Sen Robert Kennedy

The exhibition was or ?»ni*ed by the Henry Street Settlem ent with the •ooperation of the Brook­lyn M useum K arill tour NYS for two years under the auspices of the Gallery Association of NYS The exhibition is open to the public free of charge from 12 to 5 p m . W ednesday fhni Saturday Sunday 2 to *> p m

W ashington. D C • The L S ( tff iM m n Product Safety (om m iaam n and the m anufacturer of the "R ocket Blower ” , a war. m errtal haw dryer used nationwide m beauty s a ­lons patronized primarily by Meek* announced a yofuntary p r 'g rw n for the rerrw/v#J and r e p la c e m e n t o f a sfw *sto * h e a t s h ie ld * in t h e hair dryer* The correction program has I men accepted fry the Com mission as adequate

The m anufacturer. Bo nat Inc , of W est Patter son, New Je rsey , e s ti­m ates that since 1972 approxim ately 1,000 of the special purpose hair dry era have fieen sold to distributor* for resale to lieauty salons The com oanv i-stimale* that per hapa 500 individual beau ty salon* currently may he using the Rocket Bio wer , predom inantly in major urban area*

Bonat and C M C will lie instructing Bonat distrl hutor* and their beauty salon custom er* to return the dryer* for retrofitting Honal ha* ioform ed the < 'iim m um nn tha t it be Uevea these hair dryer* do not presen t a health haxarci Although Bonat therefore feels it is not It gaily obligated to under

A p p o i n t e d

the correct**-, pro­gram g has agreed to do m> voluntarily

D istributor* and Uisnr beauty salon rmeratsjri can identify th* Rocket Mow or" by t l nam e am th e label which read* Bom* Mower D ryer" bp a s nam e •m the laid*, wl<#cft ready

Bonat Blower Dryef T he ' R /sk e t Blower model* requiring removal ..f the asbesttai beat shield a re model* B 10 B -11 and B-14 No o ther Bonat d ryers have been manu- fartu red with aabest heat shield*

The rapiacem ent pro srhedu

Fall 79 is the bag a w v s i r y season Hatseapecigfly have become tm |iortani again In iFw tUtiK thev toad, a sta te m ent then faded broausc lh«- 1960* brought the tewM<d #•»*«) tu r t W hat w#«man *<ml#i wear a hat

th a t’’ Milliner designer* and hair designers never got together on th ings as a result women w ent hatle* . But to d ay . a variety ol ban fash ion , are m vogue including thoec worn quite tlowe to the head No hat* are news again

Never aay, " I ca n ’t wear hat* " heeauae everyone c a n 1 Everyone cannot wear aay hat - it a a m atter of finding the ••orrert one f«ir you

Never buy a hat after viewing it on y«mr head white seated Always, clways stand up and look into a full length m irror ia the hat in proportion toyour height w eight, and lace shape? Neat, u se a hand m irror and took at your profile and back of vour bead in the hat Still lookin good’’ T h en . you ve probably got the right hat

L e t* go hark and diaru** fare shape briefly For the round face. select a hat tha t ha* a high •rown Look h e irregular shaped brim*. d raped crown*, but avoid rloae- fitting hats , flat crown*, or small brim*

The long face ia m ore attractive in low or round crown* and tu rned down brim *. This face doean t need tall rrrrwnr, or


1#muw.: m ia.- ii Lfr:

A v o n H e l p s L a u n c h D r i v e F o r

B l a c k U n i v e r s i t i e s

lad to begin mid ( iriober when the

Erica M Francis haa joined Seagram DUtiller* Co aa a »*le« rrp re se n tstire in C leveland

Sengram IHatiller* V Omarket* S eagram ’a 7 ( rown. S eag ram 's V O .,( row* Royal. The Glea livet Scotch. Benchm ark Soar M ash Prem ium Boor boo S eag ram 's E xtra Dry

Cn. W olfarhm idt to d k a r e t * Rum . and The Fa mow* G rouse Scotch A native of Cleveland

Ohio. M« Francis war g raduated in 1975 frorr Southern I nivenrity. New (M ean* with a marketing degree For the past font years, she worked aa a m arketing aupervioor with a major beer dietributor and with am anage m ent

Ms Francis Rees in C leveland w here she ia active in Rlnck W om en In PohHc Relations the M ar

gram ia sr.

com pany will have com plated Its retrofitting ar ran g e m en u Beauty anion operator* are being ad vised to write the Bonat Co at 2611 Lackawanna Ava , W est Patterson New Je rsey 07424 to receive details of the retrofit program

Salon operator* si« may contact ( PNC at the Hgency * Pill free Hothnc M )0 /nR -M M , to initiate participation in the pro gram In M aryland, the Thkline num ber I* MOO 492 R3KI. and in Aleska Hawaii. Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, the num ber ia M00 A’W K tt.l

M rs . © R o a r k

N e w O ffic e r

A t D ’Y o u v iU eMr* Sarah A O ’Roerk

head* the lixt of new officer* for D Youville C ollege’* C enter For W o­men! In M anagem ent, according to an announce m ent by th e school

A vice presiden t of E ne Savings Bank M rs O 'R oark i» th e C e n te r 's new presiden t and ha* assum ed her new resp o n ­sibilities from M rs Ruth Penm an, th e o rgan i­zation s form er p residen t

The C enter For Wromen In M anagem ent was founded in 1977 to provide resources for th e p ro fessional developm ent ol women in th e area* of m anagem ent theory anc practices It function* a* a network linking pro­fessional women through monthly sem inars and workshops

Annually approxim ately 500 professional women participate in program * run by the Cen te r

tha G rand C hapter Of The G rder Of The E astern Star, and the W om en a AuxilHary of the Industrial O pportunity C enter

i ##*■ left m» rig*!Preaatfent of 4>«a with ( w a i ira iu a # #4 9 NHt • New* ( enae r 4 " and < k ru iawkn I F-dtry F x e r u u * . I h r y r ta s I *M a4 N e g ro < s ite s . I wwd aikwwt the prograa* sd th. I V f . aew

Ther a r t la i re re p ttw n h e a te d hy M r at A .s* a wwrtd h e n d q a a n e r o ,a New Y twk M a Jew k raa mi h e a d ro g u p th e new

i n # # a n d M r t h o n e# i» ro rv tn g m (•en rra i ( katrm ae of th* I N l'F » Greet#* New Y ark < awipaign

The I ruled Negrt# t uiiege fu n d ia ■ I a profit uraaeiaalM ie r*u#ii>K fund* lor

privet* awxxx-ail# N e t rottegew reaa the . *nrwtr>Avne a* the wertd a iergest manutw#

eed daatnbubx of .-#iwn*ett»-* begxaeces eed ruetea* . jewelry.


B e A B e t t e r S h o p p e r * W o r k i h o p N o v . 1 5 t h

Cooperative Fxtenatue H rtm e FjcrmnrriH • P»# yrrar# will apre««>>r a wewkahop <alled "Be A BetterNFwipper", November '5 t h f ro m 1 to 3 p m a t th e Cooperative F .ih n w e ( a a t a r 21 Nrm th ( i ro v e

5R F a e t Aurora N Y14062

The wiwkaFvp cover* varw tu* a s p e c t* o f s u p e r m a rk e t s h o p p in g *u ch a* r a m ih « » k » la b e ta a n d pa# k a g in g u n g p n e tn g a n d ><per. .1 * u ig a n d M i»»

S 3


a i k

F i ( N e w s A b o u t P a in R e l i e f

P * 0 f l £ m l w A L L O w m C P f t L PRurrry* ah >• th a t a.arty

ION i t A m erican a,tv>lt* ar# i a t e r e . te d in liq u id me-h c in e , kecau*. tkev h a r * difficulty s e a ilo w tn g ptlia and c a p su le * or don t H k . ti. T h t . ia j a r t i r a l a r t y tru e o f t h . . id e r ly who * r . ##ffen tak ing many d ifferen t koid* of medication*

C u rren tly many m edic* tio n s tnc liid in g co ld prod­u c t* and a n ta c id * are * v a ila M . m liqu id form to h e lp peo p le w ith .w a llo w in g problem * H ow ever ps in re lie v e rs , one o f the m ost freq u en tly tak en o v er-th e c o u n te r m ed ic a tio n s ha * n ev er been m ade a v a i l a ­in liq u id form F o r in s ta n c e a sp ir in is ty p ic a lly found in ta b le t fo n t b e c a u se it is u n s ta b le in so lu tio n T here fo re , out o f n e c e s s i ty , con su m ers have d e v is e d in ­g e n io u s wa.vs to tak e pain r e lie f ta b le ts su c h a s fo ld ­in g a p ill in to a p ie c e of b read c ru sh in g i t in a p p le ­s a u c e . o r b reak in g apart a c a p s u le and p c u n n g the c o n te n ts in to a g la s s o f Ju ic e .’

F in a lly , there i s a pain reliever a v a ila b le tn a l iq ­u id fo rm -it s c a l le d E x tra -

R irength T Y L E N O L * Adult L iq u id T h is p roduct c o n ­t a i n . a ce tam in o p h en w hich is s ta b le in so lu t io n a* e f ­f e c tiv e a s a sp ir in , y e t s a fe r b<- a u se o f th* re la tiv e lack Of pffffCtll.

E l tr* -S treng th TYLENOL* A dui' L iq u id i s a v a ila b le * .-h n u s a p re sc r ip tio n in 8 o? and 16 oz b o ttle s and h a s a p > a . a n t m int flavor T he p roduct co m es w ith a m easu rin g t up w hich a llo w s p e o p le to ch o o se e ith e r a re g u la r s tre n g tn or ex tra - strengtfc d o sa g e by fo llo w ­ing s im p le lab e l in s tru c ­tio n s

Sc. if you a re one of th o se m illio n s of A m ericans who ju s t c a n ’t seem to g e t a p a in re lie f ta b le t down, now there is a c o n v en ien t s o lu ­tion to your orob i.-x


A re a P in e T re e * D ise a se d

Buy Bonds

Even the m eet pantr.ve g lance at aocna of the pine trees* in WVY wiD quickly eveal yellow, som ew hat sickly looking

free* The tree s affected are A ustrian W hit# SccAch Red~*nd Jack Pine aa well as arhorv itae (W hite C edar).

Area resident* need not worrv how ever, aa expert* from the Coopera -ive Extension Association of Eri# C oun ty have diggnoeed thia a* a '•ompletely natural proreaa Upon closer exam ination the yellowing msediea ar* thoae form ed in the 1977 or 1978 growing

•ccewaury t>< haw «en j»m» your K«t t#> haw «e evthrr w dr « |

w * a , «tr*«nge#W »#l Nutfaiu *

wi ru t .’ >Hal la d im a r tlwa

include m an style* theh tk e a The led iea a ^ hatw r*t*.hcr l.«* Ivuyvna e«t tr##m th* m en ia in The |Mllt«#*x hat ma#hP lam# hi* h» f#irrwr f g # n Im«Iv ,li*«ku K«-r.n#-vl#*J( i b ia .s i . i . another cl

Veiling is uaed abundant e <*n many hat the* v e a t . «•#» t . t# ath# trim Hut veiling t* ti <M*a.<m * hottest look hats continue to he |M#|iuy‘ lai and lot* of wool and fur felt, ia lietng uaeti in th# m anufacture of hata

K m tteil hata witfc. m au htng muffler* or ten*, are for cold day* when you want look chick and alill w arm The blockbuster is* thecowlMiy ot W estern hat


Mra Jessica Ju d y "Johnson hsiked so finish- , ed in her classic slouch * hat W hen I com m ent*#’ on how attractive shk looked in it. Mra J said,

Thia old th ing? I tHiught it year* a g o '” See. I I*.til you a giMsi i la*sit nevW * die*Item

Dora Richardson.1' W om an T alk” hoateaa on W UFOl wa* pleasantly su rp rised recently Fire -Survival C enter gave her an aw ard and also tha sta tion , for the week long series aliout fire sdrvivw, on W om an Talk ” Yerby Dixon. ESC director, ba* top caliber s ta ffe r, like June Duell and other#,, who speak on the air. ffr o rg am /a tio n . school,

#mmI additions to wear with those W estern IssR*

skim py brim* AN I * fs. Square or re# tanjpjlar V j O O U W l l l 1 0

O b se rv e T h a n k s -F o r - #G iv in g

brand* vs national brand* The workshop is Free of charge

For reg istra tion nr fur I her inform ation please • all live office al Rh2 1170

I n t e r T P o t L u c k

L u n c h e o n A t


All in le reated persona in the com m unity are cor diallv invited to a ttend the In ternational Pot Luck Lunc heon tn be held at the North Area Branch YWCA. 2R44 Delaware Ave in Ken m ore on W ednesday. November J 4th at 12 00 p m

T here is no charge if you bring a dish to pa*s from a country of vour choice (m ea ts who cannot Firing food, and would like to a ttend may contribu te *1 50 instead , bu t they rnuat pre# reg ister hy calbng 875-3111 Child care will aiao be available at a nom inal fee

Following lunch. a special p rogram will be p resen ted by the WNY Peace C enter Gail Hejrl- m un will speak on W hy we should support the N estle Boycott Thia ia in cooperation with YWCA W orld M utual Sarice 'Week.

T he YWCA is a m em ber agency of th e United Way of Buffalo

fa ce # look w ell in atyle* t h a t f e a tu r e large or ro u n d , r ip p le d brim de signs Do avoid small b rim m ed hats or pillFioxe*

IVai •h ap e .t fw#-e#» n m t hat* tha t w iden the tow- head and have hr\m» ou te r than the i h e Never wear pointed in w ii# or .m ail hnm »

T h, heart .ha(<ed tnee n e e d , fullness at the rh inbne *#> d#' wear hat* with uneven brim* Avoid high crown* and eve level brtm s tha t add to hrow width

lham ttnd shaped face*at# p re ttiest in h a t . that Ixomien th* ts#e ti#-at the tem ples la rg e or m edium bnm m rsl hat* are g - .s l twit not beret*, or #■ L**e fitting hat*

The short woman ap I tears taller in a hat that is the sam e color a* her dress anti is small The tall woman can cut het height hy wearing hat* ol con trusting c«ilot with large stae brim*

Rem em ber also tha t In som e cities hat* are not re tu rnab le Im># ause ol health ilepartm enl laws, so lie certain vihi chisMm the right one

Hat tuns a re an essen ta il

M o n thBuffalo Guudwdl Induk

will observe U% en u re m onth of November aa Ttwmka For -f •ivtngm onth

W ewtern New Y orktM who support the tmodwfB

antF psvrhectra fre handt1* apiieti jH .-j>i* M««sl yob* at t «#**!w ill revolve around the #xvlW<ction. repair.• leaning and sa le of •I* m ated i te m s

The gen erou s im nln- lull tons of usable # Iothing am i household a r t it tea the pur# hasm g of tenesrod a itu le* tn th e Goodwill "t#*res and nvnlrarta from the business . .immunity all m ake the Goodwill cycle jiosaihle

GinmIwiII i* g ratefu l far the support of fnenda in WNY

To ail of you, Huffalo 11* #o#l will ssyaThanks- F o r-G iv in g

p a n a c h eWEBTBURY MALL. Suite 5

210 D elaw are Ave Buffalo, N Y 142112

h f 1 k .

f 'harm A M odeling d For Preteen* Teen* A dult.

R egistration Tuea A Thur* 6 9 p m Dora A Nherri Kichardooa. D lrertora


B o j a n s S e r v i c e S t a t i o n

m y v t a t i I h a y h

;On Sale: LaPopuiar MbU Emit’*, Williams' Variety, Tart«, Fran's,

Jones \ Fillmore Food Shop

and E rie

Every year new needle*Tn th e a p n n g w h ile th e

n e e d le s d r o p in th e fa ll O f te n v ig o ro u s t r e e s w ill lo e e a g r e a t e r p ro p o r t io n o f t h e i r n e e d le * H o w a e f r m g w n era i t h e d la c o lo ra D o r n n « c n m a rm th e r e ia n o c a u s e fo r a la rm aa th * t r e e s a re n o t tn d a n g e r

Fa ll fe r t i l iz a t io n ia r e c o m m e n d e d fo r s t r e s s e d o r w e ak t r e e s A o n # p a g e le a f le t ia a v a i la b le if y o u a a a d a s e if - a d d re e a e d s ta m p e d e n v e lo p e to C o o p e ra t iv e E ite r ta m n A g r ic u ltu re , t l S m ith G ro v e S t F A u ro ra N Y 1<