Radiation in crimes and medical world


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Radiation in Crimes and Medical

WorldRolla Tyas Amalia

Grade 10

Radiation is a process when an energetic particles or waves travel

through a medium or space. In our daily live radiation has 85 percent naturally

sources (like radiation of sun) and 15 percent man-made sources. There are two

types of radiation, which are; ionizing and non-ionizing.

Ionizing radiation happen when they having enough

energy to ionize an atom, while non-ionizing radiation

occurs on radio waves or visible light. Ionizing and non-

ionizing radiation can be harmful to organisms and the

natural environment if it is too much.

Other than become harmful, radiation could also be useful for human life.

Radiation could be use in medical world, science world, technology, nuclear, and

also it helps to solve crimes mystery. What I want to describe here is about the

use of radiation in crimes and medical world.

In medical world radiation and radioactive substances are used for

diagnosis, treatment, and research. For example is x-ray, it pass through the

muscles and other soft tissue but they stopped by the

dense materials, like bones. This use could help doctor

to locate the broken bones of their patient or locate

cancers that might be growing in the body.

Doctors also use radiation to radiate certain diseases

by injecting a radioactive substance and monitoring the radiation given off as the

substance moves through the body. There are many terminology for medical

object which use radiation, that been grouping by their used, but the main

terminology are only three. The use of x-rays, which investigate the patients’

problems, is called diagnostic radiology. The use of pharmaceuticals labeled with

radionuclide for diagnosis or therapy is called nuclear medicine. When radiation

beams are used to treat patients, the procedure is called radiotherapy.

Other than radiation could be useful in medical world, they also could be

help for solving crimes. How is radiation used to solve crimes? As we know

radiation, famous could help medical world, science world, nuclear, and

technology. Radiation in solving crimes used for help the investigation. I am sure

that you already know that detectives often investigates traces of paint, glass,

hair, gunpowder, or blood before making their analysis. But you may not know

that after such evidence is collected, it is often showing to radiation and then

analyzed to find out its exact structure.

If material is exposed to streams of neutrons, some of the neutrons can be

absorbed into the nucleus of the exposed material. This makes the materials that

been investigate a little radioactive because they are unstable and decay with

time. Scientists then able to read the exact chemical marks of these substances.

This laboratory process, called activation analysis, it is specific enough to tell if a

single hair found at a crime scene came from a certain person.

Activation analysis is also used to find out the chemical composition of

materials when scientists only have small samples, as well as to prove that older

works of art are not made of modern materials.

Radiation found everywhere, but we can’t see it by our eyes or feel it by

our feeling sense, but it’s useful for the things in our daily life.
