Reading Response-Four Square - Southcorner...


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Four Square

Fold Paper  Divide the paper into four Squares.

 O.k., it may be four rectangles, but work with me, people.

Visualize  Close your eyes and visualize the most powerful image you remember from what you read

 Then . . .

Upper Left Box

 Draw a picture of a powerful image for what you have read. Must be in color.

Upper Right Box

 Put the picture you drew into words by explaining its significance in the story.

Lower Left Box  Imagine you are an English professor lecturing to a college class on the scene you just described from what was read. Now, write your lecture.

Lower Right Box

 Write a poem, create a word collage, follow a stream of conscious- ness, or in any other way respond to the scene you have drawn.

Rubric   Picture captures a significant moment from what you read

 Artistic effort and message counts, not artistic ability

 Written work is analytical and captures the meaning of the drawing and significant moment of what was read with the upper right box at least 50 words long and the lower left box at least 70 words long.

How to Grade a Four Square

 1 Significant Image = 25 Points   Upper Left Corner

 1 50+ Word Analysis = 25 Points   Upper Right Corner   Student Point of View

 1 75+ Word Analysis = 25 Points   Lower Left Corner   Teacher Point of View

 1 Poem/Word Collage = 25 Points   25 = Excellent   21= Above Average   18 = Average   15 = Below Average


110 Maximum Score

(.5 pt per word)

(.33 pt per word)

 Write a two sentence evaluation of what you did correctly and what needs

to be improved or corrected.

 Be sure you have your name, date, period, assignment #, title, and

chapter written on the back

In the beginning of the story we notice that Winston ran into the poster saying “ Big Brother is Watching you” in the building where he lives. Later on, he sees same poster with the same caption, all over the London streets and buildings. In this chapter he visit’s Mrs. Parson and he again sees this image in her apartment. This poster shows which people are the supporters of Big Brother and which people belong to the “Party.”

What emerges in this chapter is an external conflict between the protagonist, Winston Smith, and the potential antagonist, as represented by the totalitarian regime of Big Brother. Complicating the conflict is the pervasiveness of Big Brother’s indoctrination of the general populous. Winston’s every movement, conversation, and action is under the surveillance of Big Brother or his minions. Winston’s desire for freedom is under constant attack.

Be Aware Look at the crawly eyes.

They follow you, Like a dog follows his master.

Be aware! They want to play with your life Using the strategy of Monopoly.

Be aware! They want to enslave you

And hold you down under control. Be aware, be aware

“Big Brother is Watching You” He is watching every move you make

Every breath you take..
