ReceiveyourX Factor AchieveyourPeakPerformance


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  • 8/20/2019 ReceiveyourX Factor AchieveyourPeakPerformance


    Receive your X-Factor

    - Achieve your Peak Performance!


    I had written this report as a free gift for you to help you come out of your

    automatic unconscious limiting behavior & into the life you truly deserve..

    to live your Best life! I hope & pray that you'll benefit from it greatly.

    What I'm doing now is actually a culmination of my life's work, for

    countless years.. of reading at least 500 books from the self-improvementarena, experimenting, learning, observing, reflecting, thinking, journaling,

    seeking mentoring, observing the self, people, life & the world, including 8

    over years of successful mentoring & coaching of individuals to their next


    Many had not only found their next level, but also rise to the top of

    their companies!

    I am now doing what I love most; creating, writing, speaking, mentoring and

    developing people who desire to reach their potential.

    For this report, I had attempted to make it as simple to understand as

     possible, on a complex subject.

    But of course, how simple can a complex subject really be:)

    © 2009 All Rights Reserved • Leonard Lau


  • 8/20/2019 ReceiveyourX Factor AchieveyourPeakPerformance


    As you probably know, some of us have been searching for answers to our

    life our entire life, and still not found anything. Can the books and seminars

    out there help?

    Maybe.. But for many, the answers still elude them.

    It sure helps if this report over the next few days is read

    with an open mind, and honest learning attitude..

    I would also recommend that it be read with understanding.. slowly if

    necessary. If it's easier to read on paper, I suggest you print it out.

    I would like to dedicate this writing to all who are considering mentoring &

    coaching to bring themselves to their next level.

    I salute you for your effort to taking the journey less travelled. You see, not

    many are taking this journey. Too many had either not considered it at all,

    or too beaten to dare to take it.

    A number of quotes are included here for us to learn from the gurus who

    came before us.

    Together, we can overcome and achieve! To live our Best Life..

    You can learn more about some of those who had change their

    lives after enroling in our mentoring &


    © 2009 All Rights Reserved • Leonard Lau


  • 8/20/2019 ReceiveyourX Factor AchieveyourPeakPerformance



    "Wherever the mind goes, everything else follows."

    Terry Orlicks

    Performance Coach to Olympic Champions

    "Thoughts are things."

    Napoleon Hill

    "Your mind is your greatest asset, but also your greatest enemy."


    To begin, it's important to realise that you are the way you are because of

    your thoughts / thinking.

    It is a complex subject to discuss how you end up with the thinking that's

    running your life, because it begins probably before even you were born into

    the world.

    But whatever thinking you have right now; good or bad, it is your

    responsibility and my responsibility to change our thoughts so that we

    can change our lives!

    © 2009 All Rights Reserved • Leonard Lau


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    But How?

    The simple answer is to unlearn and to relearn.

    To remove and replace..

    There are many areas of understanding that are needed to help us become

     better. The 'width of our understanding' is what determines our effectiveness

    in many areas of our lives.

    To add to that, the 'depth of our insights' is complimentary to our

    understanding. How deep is your understanding?

    Indeed we can have different levels of insights to what's really important. I

    will attempt to discuss 3 areas of understanding affecting your breakthroughhere.

    3 Important Understandings for your Breakthrough:

    1st Understanding


    "Why do most people struggle in direction?

    © 2009 All Rights Reserved • Leonard Lau


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    The answer: Lack of a defined dream."

    Richard Flint

    "If you have enough reasons, you can do anything."

    Jim Rohn

    Mentor to Anthony Robbins 

    I would like to write this in the form of questions here for you to think

    about. If you could reflect on your answers to these questions, you will

     benefit greatly.

    ●   Are you in your comfort zone?

    ●   What are your fears, worries & anxieties about going another level?

    ●   Should they keep you there?

    ●   Do you have a goal that's different from your usual norm right now?

    ●   If you've achieved another level, what's the new vision you have?

    ●   Do you have clarity in these areas?

    ●   Why go your next level?

    ●   Why go for your potential?

    ●   What gives you pleasure in your achievement?

    ●   If you stay where you are for another year, is it alright with you?

    What if you stay the same another 3 years, 10 years? What would

    you have lost? In view of your life plans, goals and dreams, is it still

    alright you leave it as it is?

    ●   Can you or should you do something about it?●   Is it ok to lose these precious years, and to look back in possible


    ●   Do you realise that regrets weigh tons?

    © 2009 All Rights Reserved • Leonard Lau


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    ●   Do you have anything to prove?

    ●   Do you need help in defining your dream?

    "Man's main task in life is to give birth to himself, to become what

    he potentially is."

    Erich Fromm


    Let's look at the

    2nd Understanding


    "We are Human Beings.. not Human Doing."Wynn Dyer

    "First the Inner, then the Outer."

    Leonard Lau

    I've sometimes asked in my seminars and mentoring sessions, "Is the person

    first a superachiever before they do superproduction, or do they do

    superproduction, then they become a superachiever?"

    © 2009 All Rights Reserved • Leonard Lau


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    I would like to suggest the former. I like to recommend that we recognise

    that being is the key.

    The inner, which is our innerman, must be fine tune to the right 'frequency'

     before we 'attract' the things we want.

    By so doing, how we 'see', what we think, how we feel; our perspectives,

    will determine our actions, choices, and decisions.

    And that is what's needed to go for our goals and dreams, without wasting

    time and resources, but right on target, to achieve what we set out to do.

    Some thoughts for you:

    ●   You must decide to change & breakfree

    ●   You must uncover your innerman

    ●   You must realise that you are currently in a certain mode of thinking

    ●   You must know there's power in your thinking, whether positive or


    ●   Your thinking is the reason for your current result

    ●   You must recognise you have a need for a different thinking, to get

    new & different results

    ●   You must be aware of the 'blue' cycle vs the 'red' cycle, including the

    neutral 'black'

    ○   The 'blue' indicates your current pattern of thinking, giving rise

    to a certain cycle of behavior

    ○   The 'red' indicates the preferred, new and necessary way of

    © 2009 All Rights Reserved • Leonard Lau


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    thinking you needed to change your results

    ○   These are 2 very different patterns

    ○   The 'black' is the neutral position

    ○   Most people do not even know that they are in a certain pattern

    of thinking, just like we don't think about our breathing○   And they don't know about the necessity nor see the need for

    the 'red'

    ○   You can't see the 'red' when you're in the 'blue'

    ○   You can only see the 'red' when you consciously come out of

    the 'blue' into the 'black'

    ○   The difference is awareness

    ●   Know that all your actions, decisions & choices are determined by

    your 'blue' cycle currently○   Fears, Worry, Anxiety, etc

    ○   Lack Trust, Lack Faith, Lack Belief

    ○   Comfort zone, convenience

    ●   To make positive new decisions in your favor, you must at least get to

    the 'black' neutral position

    "The greatest insanity is to do the same things over and over again,

    and somehow or other expect different results."

    Albert Einstein

    "The thinking that brought me here has created some problem..

    that this thinking can't solve"

    Albert Einstein

    "Develop your Innerman.. for Peak Performance.."

    Leonard Lau

    © 2009 All Rights Reserved • Leonard Lau


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    If you've been following the discussion till now, you should probably know

     by now that we are really engaging our 'thinking' capability, in order to

    uncover the answers we are looking for.

    I would not apologise for this 'hard work' as it is the only way to

    the path we are seeking. There's no other way that I know of..

    Let's continue our discovery..

    3rd Understanding (Part 1)




    "It isn't that they can't see the solution. It is that they can't see the


    G K Chesterton

    This is the most important part of the 3 understandings. Reason being

    without this particular understanding, you may or will have problem gettingto the first 2.

    © 2009 All Rights Reserved • Leonard Lau


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    And if you don't get to the first 2, you will basically stay the same, doing the

    same thing over and over again, and still getting the same results; no


    If you've been wanting to improve your results, outcome, or life, and you're

    still struggling with it till now, I like to present you this thought; you've yet

    to 'see' your true situation, your real problem.

    You think it's a certain issue, but I like to suggest that it is not that issue. To

     put it another way.. it is not what you think.

    So as long as you are trapped with a certain problem, you are actually not

    seeing the issue clear enough to know truly what's the root issue that you

    need to deal with.

    Why? You can't see! You're blind to the real problem..

    Indeed it can be very challenging, for how on earth can one then overcometheir problems and challenges?

    I occasionally do an activity to help participants in my talks understand the

    situation they're in.

    I'll ask for a volunteer and after making space in the room, blind fold him inthe center of the room. After a few rounds of turning, and the person left in

    the middle, I give him / her instructions to head straight to the door and get

    out of the room (The door signifies the goal that they wanted to reach).

    © 2009 All Rights Reserved • Leonard Lau


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    As you can imagine, the poor fella would stand there and ask, "How?" "Any

    instructions?" "Are you helping me?"

    Initially I would not help him, except to tell him 'just try'. He would start

    moving about, with some in the audience making some noises or laughter.

    Then he would be still again.

    I then asked the audience "How many steps had he taken?" Every

    movement is counted, however small. Normally he would have taken

    around 10 small movements already.

    I will give some instructions by telling him to focus, maybe to work harder,

    to have a goal, set a plan, be committed, try harder still..

    Maybe even make more calls, see more people:)

    I'll ask the people what they think about the number of steps he needed to

    finally reach the door, if he ever reach it?

    Obviously it's many.

    Chances are also high that he'll never reach, since he can't see the way.

    © 2009 All Rights Reserved • Leonard Lau


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    When the point is made, I'll asked him to remove the blindfold.

    Then I'll ask him if he can see the door, which he say yes.

    And I will give the instruction to walk straight to the door, and open it.

    As he walk, I'll count the steps.

    In about 10 steps, he reach the door.

    Point made.. If every 3 steps is 1 year of your life, how many years do you

    need before you reach your goal?

    In our mentoring program, we've had people who came to us in the 3rd year

    of their endeavor, and some in their 20th year!

    It is so true, that when we are 'blinded' in some ways, we can't see our way

    clearly, and so we walk around in circles, only to be frustrated, disappointed,

    and for some disillusioned, even angry about their failure to achieve the

    success they wanted.

    When we have blindspots in our lives, and we couldn't see the issues

    correctly, we are just like the blind folded man walking around in circles.

    © 2009 All Rights Reserved • Leonard Lau


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    Does it make sense to first remove the blind?

    I think so.. How? By uncovering our blindspots!

    Let's consider these:

    ●   Life is complex and probably a mystery

    ●   You need the big picture

    ○   Have you tried fixing a Jigsaw puzzle? What about doing it

    without the big picture? I'm sure you'll understand the


    ●   So what's a blindspot & what does it do to me?

    ○   Someone in our program ever mention that there are blindspots

    when she's driving, and it's so dangerous. Well, I share that the

     blindspots in our lives that block the achievement of our goal

    may not be so dangerous as to take a life, but it does affect your

    own life! And it can be the difference between a well-lived life,successful life versus a unsatisfying or mediocre life. Is that a

     big deal? I think so..

    ○   Uncovering a blindspot means gaining a new insight. Seeing

    things in a certain way that you've never seen before. Feeling

    in a certain way you've never felt before. The situation around

    you remains, but the meaning has changed. How you see is

    totally different now. You are now empowered! From this

     point forward, you will be doing things that count, in the rightdirection, no more going around in circles.

    © 2009 All Rights Reserved • Leonard Lau


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    ○   We normally end up dealing with the wrong issues when we are

    'blinded'. Can it solve our problem? Never! It surely can make

    the problem bigger, from my experience. It is so important to

    know that only by taking care of the right & root issues can we

    really solve it. There's no other way!

    ●   So many self-developmental books & resources

    ○   There are plentiful of books and resources out there. You know

    it because when you visit the bookstore, there are always the

    new and latest books. You must have read some of them. But

    do you really get your answers? Or does it make it more

    confusing? I recommend that our blindspots be uncovered and

    removed first, before we read any more of the books out there,

    whether new or old.

    ●   Does the Law of Attraction really work?

    ○   The law of attraction had certainly be a phenomenum in the last

    year, and more discussion springs up from it since it came

    around. There were also many contrarian views on this piece of

    fine teaching. Amongst the many reviews out there, there

    certainly was a sector which question if the law truly works.

    Obviously the people discussing and questioning this belong to

    those who had not experience it's benefits. So why doesn't it

    work for some people, or many people? Again, I recommend

    that we uncover some blindspots here.

    ●   Many dimensions of life & work is acting upon you

    ○   There are many arenas of life acting upon us at any time, all

    exacting some requirements on us to fulfill before we could

     produce the desired results we want. These forces and

    requirements could come from any of the areas listed below, forinstance. There could also be other areas involved obviously.

    But your understanding of the various areas would determine if

    you would be able to reach the performance standard you

    © 2009 All Rights Reserved • Leonard Lau


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    wanted. And there are many blindspots possible in the

    respective areas in the lives of individual people.

    ○   Your understanding of the undermentioned areas of life would

    determine your effectiveness in achieving the results you want.But there are just too many 'noises' in the world that distract us

    from seeing accurately. As long as you don't 'see' correctly, you

    will continue to be frustrated with not achieving what you want.

    ■   Personal

    ■   People

    ■   Selling

    ■   Peak Performance

    ■   Life

    ■   Physical■   Teamwork

    ■  Vocation, Role, Game..

    3rd Understanding (Part 2)



    There is this story about a man who lost his key and was on his hands and

    knees at the corridor where there is light, frantically searching for the lost


    He was searching for quite a while, and his neighbour happen to pass by.

    His neighbour asked him, "What are you doing?"

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    When he told him that he had lost his keys and was searching for it, the kind

    neighbour said, "Let me help you."

    They continued searching for what must have been 15 mins when the

    frustrated neighbour finally asked, "But where did you lose it?"

    The man paused for a while, look up to the neighbour, and said, "I lost it in

    the house."

    In surprise and a little impatience, he then retorted, "Then what are we doing

    here, at the corridor?"

    The man answered, "It's brighter here.."

    We laugh at this story, but many of us are actually looking for our lost key

    outside of our 'house'.

    Isn't it true that whenever we encounter some problem, and seeking the

    answer, we will always be looking for them outside of ourselves.

    We are actually saying that the key is to be found outside of ourselves.

    © 2009 All Rights Reserved • Leonard Lau


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    For example, when the Sales Adviser do not perform at the level he wants,

    he would probably look at things like new products, maybe saying that the

    old products are not good enough?

    Or maybe he could be always be looking for the perfect presentation idea

    that could help him?

    He might aim to complete his degree, or get some more qualifications so as

    to put the titles beside his name so as to do well.

    But does it really help him?

    The infamous Bob Procter of "You were born Rich" and "The Secret" shared

    that he work with many big companies before, and one of the questions

    these companies have is always wondering how their achievers actually do

    so well, and the rest are not.

    It is a mystery literally! Nobody knows.

    They just know that the same people are the ones who's performing.

    So in the lack of insight, what most would do is probably invite these big

    achievers to share how they succeed.

    Or they would invite the popular trainers to speak to their people.

    © 2009 All Rights Reserved • Leonard Lau


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    And the training they arrranged for is obviously the standard training agenda

    and practices recognised in the industry.

    But do these really help the people? The answer have to be from the people


    I have spoken to some high achievers and not all actually know why their

    counterparts are not really performing, except to recognise the common

    reasons everyone label on them; not committed, not focus, not serious, etc.

    One high achiever I know who understand actually told me about a popular

    trainer commonly engaged as a speaker, "I believe he knows that after his

    talk, nothing much will change still."

    Matter of fact, those of us in the training circle always talk about the need to

    entertain the people, for unless we can be popular in this regard, we might

    not be invited to speak!

    Obviously we need to talk sense too. But why is all the training given not

    able to truly help the people?

    What's the missing piece?

    This is what I meant when I say that life is complex, and probably amystery. Of course we are discussing performance here. Life is definitely

    even bigger than just performance alone. So it's definitely much much more


    © 2009 All Rights Reserved • Leonard Lau


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    What I want to suggest here is that the ability to uncovering blindspots of the

     people would help us in these complexities.

    That when we do uncover the right blindspots, and finally SEE correctly,

    with the right perspectives, we become empowered, we get our answers!

    Isn't that wonderful? Isn't that what we ought to do? Isn't that what you

    want? For sure, I want it.

    Why would I not want it? Why would I want to go round in circles, and not

    solving my real problems, and keep missing the answers I'm looking for?

    Why waste time and effort? Why keep missing my goals? Why live


    If there's a better way, I want it! Do you?

    "There are reasons why people perform. There are also reasons why

    people don't."

    Leonard Lau

    3rd Understanding (Part 3)

    © 2009 All Rights Reserved • Leonard Lau


  • 8/20/2019 ReceiveyourX Factor AchieveyourPeakPerformance





    "Life is formed from the inside out. What I am inside determines the

    issues in the battle of life."

    Dr. William Hornaday

    Let's continue to look at a few more pointers to further understand the real

    issues at work.

    ●   Blindspots are everywhere

    ○   As we've discussed before, uncovering blindspots requires that

    you gain insights & inspiration of different areas & aspects (of

    life, work, performance or game) acting on you, depending on

    what you are embarking on eg. financial planning, sales, golf

    competition, parenting effectiveness, etc

    ●   New understanding will lead to new perspectives, new life, newresults

    ●   The need to unlearn & relearn, to remove & replace

    ○   Because of our old conditioning, we literally are running on

    auto-pilot in our 'blue' cycle of thought and behavior

     patterns. As discuss before, this is definitely not good in terms

    of achieving our new results. We have to really unlearn many

    wrong, ineffective, or limiting information that has found it's

    way within us, and to relearn new information that will help us

    in our new beliefs, leading to new actions, new results. We

    literally have to remove these undesirable beliefs that's limiting

    © 2009 All Rights Reserved • Leonard Lau


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    us, and causing us misery, and replace them with empowering

    ones that will lead us to victory.

    ●   Leveraging on a coach / mentor / consultant

    ○   Why does Tiger Woods need a coach? Roger Federer? And allthe sports great.. It's quite obvious actually. They each want to

     be their best, in order to win! So the question you have to

    answer is, "Do I want to win?" To win in our sport, our

    vocation, our life. Only 1 life, 1 chance, I recommend that we

    each go for it. Why not?

    ○   Someone once comment on Tiger Woods, "The only person

    who cannot see Tiger Woods play live is Tiger Woods!" Forsure, that's one good reason why he needed someone else to tell

    him accurately what they are seeing about him! That alone is a

    great reason why we each need someone else to help us be our

    very best.

    ○   Professionals have coaches because they are playing at the

    highest level. They have coaches because they are

     professionals! Are you a professional?

    ○   Do you have a coach so as to allow you to play at a higher


    "Don't work on your job, if you WORK ON YOURSELF, you can

    make a fortune."

    Earl Shoaff, Mentor to the infamous Jim Rohn

    © 2009 All Rights Reserved • Leonard Lau


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    Decide to take it Higher!

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    3rd Understanding (Part 4)




    ●   The power of the invisible and intangible

    ○   The real power is the power within, which is intangible and

    can't be seen. Compared to all other factors outside, which is

    tangible like products, technical knowledge, tools, systems, I

    would first choose the inner qualities, the invisibles which

    always must be called upon, in order to produce the results we

    are looking for. The externals, and tangible are required too,

     but there's a priority here.

    ●   The challenge.. inner vs outer

    ○   We live very much in an 'external' world, where the 'first

    impression' is very important. We are visual beings, and so we

    see whatever is in front of us. We also see and understand

     based on what is visible to our eyes. In this arise the problems

    of us looking to answers to our life outside of our being, instead

    of within. But if understand what I am trying to say here, you

    would know that this is futile.

    ○   You see, if you've not uncovered yourself accurately and

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     powerfully, and moving around with an 'underperforming'

     being, all your other efforts is pretty much of a 'waste. What do

    I mean? You can take another degree, attend another course,

    read some more books, try harder.. and still wonder what's

    missing! You should first uncover your blindspots.

    ●   The story of explaining a car problem to a person who don't

    understand car mechanics

    ○   It can be challenging to talk to people who don't understand

    what you're trying to say. Have you got such an experience?

    Imagine you are a proficient car mechanic and you try to

    explain to your customer who keep asking you why she couldn't

    start her car last night, and was very frustrated about it, insisting

    that you do a major overall checkup on the car because shedoesn't want the same experience again as last night where she

    was stranded in a quiet and lonely area. You know that she had

    a situation of a overfilled carburetter. In fact, there was no need

    for her to call the towing service to bring the car into the

    workshop. By stepping on the pedal fully, and igniting the

    engine, you got the car started right away. Trying your best to

    explain the 'miraculous' situation, you tell her about the pedal

    effect, the fuel, the carburetter, the ideal condition for the

    engine to get started, the problem of the overflow carburetterwhen she kept 'pumping' the pedal, etc. You even go to the

    extent to attempt to help her understand what makes the engine

    starts; fuel, air ratio, sparks, cranking, starter, battery, inlet

    valve, outlet valve, cylinder, piston, piston rings, combustion

    chamber, and so on. If you could go that far, it will be

    amazing. Most likely, you would have stopped half way

    through, because the look in her eyes will tell you that she is

    already 'lost'.

    ○   Indeed it is very difficult to explain something to people who

    don't understand. And they don't understand because the

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    reference of knowledge can't be found within them!

    ○   Very often, in helping people to understand the power of the

    invisible and intangible, and the inner vs the outer, I find myself

    in similar situation. Half way throught the explanation, youknow you have lost them. But despite this challenge, we must

    continue, if we are to uncover the blindspots that eluded us so

    far, and kept us struggling till now!

    ●   Mentoring & coaching not for everyone

    ○   This is so because not everyone is opened to learning more. As

    such, they are already closed to all learning, whatever reasons

    there are.

    ○   Some of us are very afraid of confronting ourselves. This lack

    of ability to be honest with yourself will also hinder your efforts

    to improve.

    ○   Those who lack the will to crystallise what they really want, or

    to take actions to make their plans come true will also not

     benefit from mentoring efforts. We must understand that at theend of the day, the responsibility to live well lies in our own

    hands. Nobody can do it for us, absolutely no one.

    "Success is something you attract by the person you BECOME."

    Earl Shoaff, Mentor to the infamous Jim Rohn

    Decide to take it Higher!

    Subscribe to more free content at our newsletter here

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    3rd Understanding (Part 5)




      Why mentoring & coaching for you?○   There is so much within us that we do not even consider.. It is

    said that most of us go to our graves with the music still

     playing. Would it be better to use ourselves all up, to live fully,

    to give fully, to stretch ourselves to our highest possibilities?

    To reach our full potential? But How? Let's breakfree!

    ○   Coaching & Mentoring help you see what you can't see for

    yourself (Uncover your blindspots), and guide you to your

     personal excellence & high achievement in double quick time.That's how our members double their productivity & profits &

    more, with lesser effort, and find fulfillment in their work,

    leading them to do even more!

    ○   Through leveraging on mentoring, coaching, training & our

    research, you are empowered to reach your fullest Personal

    Potential, reaching your Peak Performance early, with

    white-heat Inspiration! DECIDE TO BE THE BEST YOU!

    Transform your Thinking & Change your Results.. Being

    Successful, Confident, Happy, a Performer, Achiever, Peaceful,

    Fulfilled; a Balance High Achiever!

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    ●   Why partner Leonard / Legacy?

    ○   Legacy's mission is "To Inspire Excellence in the Human

    Potential for Individuals, Teams and Organisations thru

    Uncovering Blindspots & Supercharging Performance."



    ATHLETES, STUDENTS, & ANYONE who desires to

    outperform themselves -

    Helping you in your performance, self-motivation, purpose,

    fulfillment, inspiration, mentoring, leadership, personal

    development & peak performance; helping you achieve your

    Best Performance, to be your Best Self..

    How? By uncovering blindspots thru gaining Insights into

    yourself, your role, vocation, people, work, life &

     performance.. and other areas affecting you.

    We help you integrate your Vocation / Role with areas affecting

    your performance & life. Be it PERSONAL MASTERY,



    you understand the big picture affecting you, your performance

    and your fulfillment, and support you to think, feel and act

    right, to accomplish your vision and goals, to live your best life!

    Without seeing & resolving these blindspots in our work and

    lives, there is no way we can rectify our situation in our attempt

    to overcome frustrations, disappointments, mediocrity.. or to

     bring ourselves to our next level at work or in life.

    We have a track record especially with Sales Advisers,

     partnering them to achieve their quantum leap. I look forward

    to help you do the same. Only you can make the choice to

    change the quality of your life! Do it.. why not?

    © 2009 All Rights Reserved • Leonard Lau


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    "Your will to win is not nearly as important as your will to prepare to


    Lou HoutzChampion Coach

    Decide to take it Higher!

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     Now that we've uncover the 3 understandings, what's next?

    Well, I recommend this..


    ●   Beware of the person who's holding you back..

    "You are the real obstacle in your path to a fulfilling life."

    Les Brown

    © 2009 All Rights Reserved • Leonard Lau


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    "Your mind is your greatest asset, but also your greatest enemy."


    ●   Know that you need to invest time, effort & money to make your

    change happen. Beware this blindspot that can also hold you back..

    ○   If you are not even willing to spend time & effort on what you

    want, then there's no chance at all. It's pretty straight forward

    isn't it?

    ○   Money allows you to LEVERAGE thru shortening your

    learning curve, paying others to do 'non-critical' work that must

     be done, buying systems, other people's time, knowledge, ideas,

    even strategies. Not to invest means you must spend all the

    time searching for all these that will work for you, which will

    take a long long time, before you get it all on your own. You

    may even not get the answers you wanted to, for specialise

    knowledge is required in different areas of endeavors.

    "Time is a great teacher. Unfortunately it kills

    all it's students."


    "I will study and I will prepare, and someday my chance will come."

    Abraham Lincoln

    ●   Get your Coach, choose to be the Professional.. you are worth it

    ○   I strongly recommend that you find yourself a coach / mentor

    whether paid of not, if getting to your next level is what you

    © 2009 All Rights Reserved • Leonard Lau


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    truly want. And why not? We've already gone at length to get

    out of our 'blue' cycle, to be aware of our behavior and the

    consequences. Only by uncovering the blindspots hindering us

    will we have a chance to breakfree finally!

    ●   Don't look for 100% certainty before you act

    ○   The very nature of success & achievement requires trust, faith

    & belief. There will never be a guarantee in tomorrow. To

    look for exact certainty before you act means you will continue

    in your 'blue' cycle to feel safe, comfortable, secure, and that

    means not changing, and never reaching your best life possible

    for you.

    Encouragement & Affirmation for you:

    ○   Desire to reach higher

    ○   Believe you can live better

    ○   Reach for your dream

    ○   Fulfill your destiny

    ○   At least, achieve what you desire at your next level..

    ○   Don't ever live a life of regret..

    ○   Only 1 life.

    "Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up everytime we


    Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Decide to take it Higher!

    © 2009 All Rights Reserved • Leonard Lau


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    Subscribe to more free content at our newsletter here 

    Well, we're coming to the end of the Special Report. Here's some parting


    "And now here is my secret, a very simple secret.

    It is only with the HEART that one can see rightly;

    what is essential is INVISIBLE to the eye."

    Antoine de Saint - Exupery 

    I've spoken and seen quite a number of people who seeks help with coaching

    and mentoring, but for some reason chose to hold back from such

    a program. Most state money as the issue, others other commitments in their

    lives at that time. Whatever the reasons given, they always say they want to

    do it after taking care of their financial situations or other priorities first.

    You would have guessed it, they never come back in my 8 over years of

    coaching work.

    Whenever I call or get in touch with them, they are mostly onto other

    'opportunities', have other priorities like for instance, a new baby, a new job,

    etc. We can say that they have no choice but to quit from the work they've

    © 2009 All Rights Reserved • Leonard Lau


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    chosen for many years simply because they are not able to produce desirable

    results for themselves. I deemed this as allowing the 'blue' cycle of thinking

    and living to trap us in it's cycle. Breaking free may be truly challenging,

     but it's really necessary. Especially for those who have considered the

     possibility of living a better life, or their best life, we each must resist theinclination to be 'trapped', and truly make the decision to breakfree. So that

    the change and results we look for can be a possibility.

    The first step to change is honesty with ourselves. Be clearly and brutally

    honest with yourself.. for it's worth it! Have courage, face whatever that's in

    front, and surely the fears and challenges have to give way to you and allow

    you to embrace the answer you are looking for. Know that only good things

    can come out of a courageous life.

    I've been as honest, direct and open as I can be. All for only 1 purpose, that

    you choose to live your best life. I sincerely hope to have you join our

    community of highest living!

    Many of our members come to us only after 5, 8, 10, 12, even 20 years of

    trying on their own. Of course, this need not be. We know we don't have

    many 10 years to try.

    Be reminded of the key message in this special report; to uncover your blindspots. Reflect on them.. then decide what's best for yourself.

    Help yourself, don't hurt yourself..

    "Before everything else, getting ready

    is the secret of success."

    Henry Ford

    © 2009 All Rights Reserved • Leonard Lau


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    Master the secret key to uncovering yourself.. Uncover your blindspots,

    gain new understanding, see with new perspectives, gain absolute clarity

    which will give you your greatest power. Work towards an empoweringMindset, a great Attitude, and masterful Skills. Change your life forever!

    You are a unique human being. Know that your issues are unique to you.

    Begin from the inner, then to the outer.

    You can be your very best!

    There's power in the made-up mind. Do it!

    I wish you the very best in your life.

    There’s power in the made-up mind..

    Decide to take it Higher!

    Subscribe to more free content at our newsletter 

    Achieve your Important Goals.. this year. You don't have to wait

    another year!

    Sincere Regards,

    © 2009 All Rights Reserved • Leonard Lau


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    Leonard Lau

    Mentor, Trusted Adviser, Thought Leader, Motivator

     Introducing a New Way of Thinking to You..

     Achieving your Passion, Purpose & Peak Performance thru Powerful Perspectives!

    "There's a way to do it better. Find it."

    Thomas Edison

    Should you belong to those who don't feel stuck at all, could you be in your

    comfort zone? Would you stretch to go your next level? Only human

     beings can do that:) Never forget what happen to the frogs.. They were

    cooked alive.. slowly, while put under a small fire in a container.

    I invite you to qualify here: 

    "Education is the highest leverage."

    Robert Kiyosaki

    Do you deserve SUPPORT in achieving your GOALS & DREAMS?

    We have the Insights & help you uncover your blindspots, so as to reach your next level!

    © 2009 All Rights Reserved • Leonard Lau


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    Having helped many members over the last 8 over years, we seek to

    continue our efforts to make the difference for the rest of the year. We are

     planning our next stage of development which is to bring Legacy's services

    worldwide. By then, the focus will change more to conducting webinars andcoaching over phone and the internet. Due to the many exciting plans lined

    up and planned for, those who prefer face to face sessions are highly

    encouraged to take advantage of this year to make it happen. Of course, you

    may also use the new coaching services once we're totally settled on the


    Leonard offers group coaching & one-on-one for clients who want to go

    their next level and transform their lives. If you are ready, please read on..

    You got to be very serious about changing your life.

    Each month we work with 10 new clients to help them uncover their

     blindspots & learn how to change their results. Space is limited and that is

    why we ask that you fill in this form  We want to make sure that we

    work with the right people who are truly serious.

    Leonard Lau is a Breakthrough Expert whose insights & inspiration have

    transformed many lives. Most of his clients are Self-Employeds, Sales

    Advisers & Entrepreneurs. Anyone desiring to improve their performance &

    outcome for their roles, work & life can benefit greatly from Leonard's

    ability to uncover blindspots blocking their achievement & best life.

    Uncover yourself.. Choose to turn your inner key ON today!

    © 2009 All Rights Reserved • Leonard Lau


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    More information here: 

    "What you get is not nearly as important as what you BECOME.."

    Zig Ziglar

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