Recent Rob Galt Work




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Rob Galt

Recent Work


I was asked to create a book about a film. The film I chose was ‘Old Boy’ a popular Korean film, with a bit of a cult following. The content of the book developed from information on just the film to information on Korea’s history and the modern global world we live in; a 178 page book when finished.

Old Boy engages the viewer through its conspiracy narrative. Viewers are engaged because of the everyday experience of unimaginable social forces that constrain our reality. It confronts social taboos and asks if we are experiencing life as a mere spectacle and if we are strangers in our own world.

Do we simply sit as a passive mass consuming what is fed to us through our television? Have we become an antomised population controlled by our citizenship and which ever multi-national our faith belongs to?

It’s time to stop being an interchangeable consumer, controlled by the multi-national co-operations, world leaders and puppeteering forces, which tell us what to buy, what to like and what to think. It’s time to think for yourself, consider what is behind the news bulletins, what is happening around the world and what is happening to you right now. There are many layers to the world, layers we don’t see, and layers we will never see, but it’s time to look.


Running competitively takes me all over the country to race against people in variety of completions. This graphic represents people I have met through racing and training and how competitiveness has developed between us and one another. This is a large network of athletes who want to beat one another and race to a higher level.

The top graphic shows the level of rivalry between each athlete on a scale of zero to four, four being the highest. Athletes are placed on their geographical location within the United Kingdom.

Then the bottom of the infographic displays information on my day to day training regime. From days like Monday where I do a steady run to session days like Saturday.

Then there is a typographic display of technical information on my training and racing.


I created two monograms for my two oldest living relatives which represent who they are.

This one represents my Grandmother. She was a secretary and was able to write in Pitman short hand. This was used in meetings when the secretary would scribe what was being said in a meeting but would use strokes, dots and dashes to abbreviate. Therefore I used this Pitman shorthand to build up flourishes and letterforms.

The second was for my Grandfather. I approached this with a more traditional monogram approach by combining what he was involved in. The monogram represents his involvement in mining, unions, a money printing factory worker, Durham fell and Chester-le-Street. This all combined to produce a monogram that when you pick it apart represents him.

P O S T E R 1 5 0

This screen printed poster is for the celebration of 150 years of the London underground. The poster is about a poster exhibition, and therefore I created a poster within a poster.

I designed the poster to look like an escalator going downwards towards the underground train. The blue represents the Piccadilly line which has the stop for the transport museum located on it. Therefore this poster represent people using the underground to travel to the poster art exhibition.

1 0 S T A T E M E N T S

This brief asked me to travel to a pre-determined location that was given to me and collect research on the area. From the information I collected I had to produce one A2 double-sided, folded typographic based poster, which should fold down to at least A5. The poster had to contain 10 statements from the people in the area. It had to be designed in a sympathetic visual style to the message, location and audience. Then after I’d designed it I had to put the poster up in the environment where it will be most effective in terms of communicating its message.

I found there was a divide in Henbury from the research I conducted in Henbury which was the location I was given. With the poster I tried to bridge the gap between old and new.

I was pleased with the poster I created for this project. I felt the printing of it came out how I wanted it to. The images and research on the poster also had substance to them and I felt I really succeed in answering the brief which had been given to me at the start.

When I had the finished printed poster, I took it back to the area to get residents reactions; created a document and blog from these reactions.

3D Typographic Film


When I was asked to create 3D type on ‘something I had learnt in my life’ I wanted to create some self supportive type. However I decided for my first 3D type project to just lay the fruit down.

This created some nice letterforms which were dictated by the shapes of the fruit rather than the wire I would shape to make to letterforms self supportive.