Reflection on the English Microteaching



ELE 3103

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IC NO : 910729-03-5914

Assalamualaikum wbt.

Praised to Allah, finally my group had finished doing microteaching in order to

complete the coursework for ELT Methodology for Young Learner. Based on the

microteaching presented, there were some strengths, weaknesses and ways to

overcome in order to improve the next teaching session.

We divided the three stages which were presentation, practice and production

by draw lots among the group members and I got the presentation stage to conduct

during the microteaching. The way we divided the stages was fair to each member

and all of us could conduct the session very well.

The first strength from the microteaching was my personality. My personality

during microteaching is suitable to be an English teacher because from the lecturer’s

comment, I am the one who is firm, friendly and humorous. As a teacher, it is

important to be firm because it plays an important role for the classroom

management to ensure the pupils follow the teacher’s order and instruction. If not,

they will more playful and do not give full attention to what the teacher is saying.

During the microteaching, my classmates that acted as pupils gave active

participation by responding to me. The two-way communication that happened

between the pupils and me contributed to the liveliness of the lesson (Kyriacou


Besides, I was friendly to the pupils. I could see that the pupils were enjoying

during the lesson and I realised that a positive classroom climate exist. The pupils did

not afraid when trying to spell the word; bathing and drinking. By being a friendly

teacher, it could reduce pupils’ anxiety toward the learning and prepared them for the

lesson and I had indirectly contributed to the effectiveness of the lesson taught during

the microteaching. The other feedback from the lecturer was, I am the teacher with a

sense of humour. I had created a warm environment by giving some humour

questions related to the pictures shown, and I could see the pupils liked it. In fact, the

pupils were eager and motivated to keep learning the subject when they loved the


Another strength was having a good English. When giving instructions, I used

just simple sentences that convey clear and specific questions or messages and

sometimes step-by-step guide, like “…… Where is she? What is she doing?” This is

suitable for the level of year two pupils. Clear instructions are important to keep the

pupils understand what they are supposed to do during the tasks given. On the other

hand, it is significant to avoid pupils from misinterpret the instructions and interrupts

the smoothness of the lesson. Therefore, having a good language proficiency and

delivering clear instructions to the pupils will contribute to the effectiveness of the

learning and teaching process.

Besides, there were some weaknesses that could be traced during the

microteaching. First, the sizes of the picture cards were too small. It could not be

seen clearly to the whole class. In this case, the pupils faced problem to describe the

pictures shown. They took a long time to response to the teacher’s questions related

to the pictures. In order to overcome this weakness, I have to consider a few aspects

in producing teaching materials like the size of the materials must suitable with the

number of pupils in a class so that they can easily interact with the materials. Then,

the materials selected must also relate to the content of the lesson.

The second weakness was I had a problem with time management. The time

allocated for presentation stage was 15 minutes but during the microteaching, I took

about 21 minutes to teach pupils. So, it interrupted the time for the other two main

stages which were practice and production stage. So, to overcome this problem, I

have to plan the lesson carefully. The time allocates for each stage should be

suitable to the content and activities that will be carried out on that day. This is

because good time management ensures that the lesson will be carried out smoothly

and helps to achieve the goals of that day.

In conclusion, the strengths and weaknesses during the microteaching give

me the opportunity to improve my teaching process especially in time management.

This is because I have to teach English for the next practicum. I hope that this

experience can help me to become a good English teacher.