RETOX - · or really appreciate the time given so freely Poppy...


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Cranmer Group Services for August Orston Aslockton Hawksworth Thoroton Whatton

5th Evensong 6.00pm

Café Church 10.45am Holy Communion


12th Morning Praise 10.45am Holy Communion


19th Holy Communion 10.45am

26th Holy Communion 10.45am

Holy Communion & Baptism 10.45am

Holy Communion 9.00am

St Mary’s Church News Funding Thank you to everyone who filled in a questionnaire, although the response was a little low so we’re extending the deadline for a week. Please remember you can opt for the painless route by filling it out online at, which will help us in trying to pull together a revised bid for Heritage Lottery Funding by the middle of August. Unfortunately the tower continues to move, with widening of

the cracks again this week, due probably to more shrinkage of the underlying clay.

Recruitment I am happy to report that we have had applications for the post of vicar for the Cranmer Group and interviews are being arranged in the near future.

Pastoral Care If there’s anything that you would like to talk about with someone from the church, please feel to contact myself Julian - 07846902453/01949 851598 or Jean Smeeton – 01949 850906

2nd November A performance of WW1 themed songs by Granby choir. Doors open 7pm, show starts 7.30. Orston Village Hall Tickets are priced at £5 each availa-ble from Nicola Payne 01949 851291 or

Poppy Appeal Volunteers We are looking for volunteers to help with this year's Poppy Appeal door to door collections in Orston and surrounding villages. If you could help please contact Nicola Payne 01949 851291 or


Saturday 6th October Orston Village Hall

DJ Terry Stewart is back for another night of fun and dancing. This time

the music takes its lead from the era of soul and Motown. Whether you do

the Harlem Shuffle or The Funky Chicken, shimmy down and have a

soulful time! Further details to follow but for more

information contact Steve Grace 07779029961

Orston Garden Club is back!

Are you ready for a fab new programme? We've got some cracking topics - even if you are not a particularly keen gardener there's something to interest everyone. Our new programme starts on

Wednesday September 19th, 7.30pm

50th Anniversary of Attenborough Nature Reserve Mike Spencer

Wednesday October 17th, 7.30pm

National Trust Glorious Gardens Alan Taylor In November we have award winning Linda Smith on Planting for Wildlife in Your Pond. December features The Drunken Gardener by Doug Stewart.

The full programme is on and on

We warmly welcome visitors and new members - great value membership fees - single £20, joint £35 (two people living at the same address), visitors £4 per meeting. We meet on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at Orston Village Hall, go on give us a try - you'll be glad you did!!

Saturday 8th September at Orston Church.

The event details will be published as soon as we can, but it will follow the

format of the lesser event at the Albert Hall, so anything goes, from

casual to Top Hat and Tails, and anything in between!

No admission charge, but a donation would be appreciated to pay a little

towards the running costs of the church and there will be a bar.

Nottingham Jazz Orchestra Everyone who came to our last one in 2016 will tell you what a great night that was, so put a note in your diary.

More details to follow, closer to the date.

The Orston Millennium Green Trustees would like to thank everyone who helped to make this weekend such a success. We really appreciate the time given so freely by so many different people who are willing to share their expertise and lend their support.

A particular mention must go to our sponsors Claire Grace Interiors for the Band, Carlin Construction for the portaloos, Bingham Pet Care Centre and the Handicentre for dog show prizes. Their generosity is invaluable in enabling us to put on this event for the village and create funds to support the continuation and evolution of our Millennium Green.

Liam Quegan has been in touch with the organiser of the Outlaw marathon to complain about the anti-social behaviour of the triathletes during last years event. They have been very responsive and have had a number of complaints. As compensation, they have offered a donation to a local cause of Mr Quegan's choosing and he has requested that the money go towards the Millennium Green, so hopefully this will boost our funds even more.

Friends of Orston Millennium Green If you missed our stall at the Summer Fun Weekend we would like to encourage you to consider becoming a 'Friend' of the Millennium Green.

You can do this by making a regular or one off donation to funds (which go towards maintenance and development of the Green) or by registering your willingness to act as a volunteer (on working parties and/or at events).

If you are interested or would like further information please contact Elspeth Rai on 07970873080 or email

What a wonderful weekend! The Millennium Green was buzzing this weekend and not just with bats and bees!

It was packed with campers and the wonderful sound of children playing in the fresh air, and not an ipad in sight! We also managed to raise a whopping £1500 towards our Eco toilet.

Everyone who attended would like to thank the Millennium Green Trustees for all their hard work and Lionel Reyes for some stunning pictures.
