Review Article The Neurovascular Properties of Dental Stem Cells and Their Importance...


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Review ArticleThe Neurovascular Properties of Dental Stem Cells andTheir Importance in Dental Tissue Engineering

Jessica Ratajczak, Annelies Bronckaers, Yörg Dillen, Pascal Gervois, Tim Vangansewinkel,Ronald B. Driesen, Esther Wolfs, Ivo Lambrichts, and Petra Hilkens

Laboratory of Morphology, Biomedical Research Institute (BIOMED), Hasselt University, Diepenbeek, Belgium

Correspondence should be addressed to Petra Hilkens;

Received 26 May 2016; Accepted 1 August 2016

Academic Editor: Imad About

Copyright © 2016 Jessica Ratajczak et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons AttributionLicense, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properlycited.

Within the field of tissue engineering, natural tissues are reconstructed by combining growth factors, stem cells, and differentbiomaterials to serve as a scaffold for novel tissue growth. As adequate vascularization and innervation are essential components forthe viability of regenerated tissues, there is a high need for easily accessible stem cells that are capable of supporting these functions.Within the human tooth and its surrounding tissues, different stem cell populations can be distinguished, such as dental pulp stemcells, stem cells from human deciduous teeth, stem cells from the apical papilla, dental follicle stem cells, and periodontal ligamentstem cells. Given their straightforward and relatively easy isolation from extracted third molars, dental stem cells (DSCs) havebecome an attractive source of mesenchymal-like stem cells. Over the past decade, there have been numerous studies supportingthe angiogenic, neuroprotective, and neurotrophic effects of the DSC secretome. Together with their ability to differentiate intoendothelial cells and neural cell types, this makes DSCs suitable candidates for dental tissue engineering and nerve injury repair.

1. Introduction

The main goal of tissue engineering is to reconstruct naturaltissues by combining progenitor/stem cells with growthfactors and different biomaterials to serve as a scaffold fornovel tissue growth [1]. Selecting a suitable stem cell source isprobably the most essential component of a successful tissueengineering approach. The field of tissue engineering is inneed of high quality adult stem cells from an easily accessiblesource. Within the human body a wide variety of stem cellniches have been identified, not only in bonemarrow, adiposetissue, and umbilical cord but also in teeth [2–6]. Duringtooth development, an outer layer of enamel and an innerlayer of primary dentin are formed by reciprocal, spatiotem-poral interactions between neural crest-derivedmesenchymeand embryonic oral epithelium [7, 8]. Primary dentin isproduced by odontoblasts, cells that are thought to arise fromprecursor cells residing in a strongly innervated and vascu-larized soft connective tissue within the tooth, that is, thedental pulp. In 2000, Gronthos et al. were the first to describe

a heterogeneous, clonogenic, and highly proliferative cellpopulation within the dental pulp, namely, dental pulp stemcells (DPSCs) [4]. A similar stem cell population could also beisolated from the dental pulp of human deciduous teeth [9].In addition to DPSCs and stem cells from human exfoliateddeciduous teeth (SHEDs), a number of other distinct stemcell populations have been reported to reside within thehuman tooth and its surrounding tissues. For example,stem cells from the apical papilla (SCAPs) can be found inthe loosely attached soft connective tissue at the apex ofdeveloping permanent teeth, that is, the apical papilla [10].Dental follicle stem cells (FSCs), on the other hand, areisolated from the dental follicle. This is a loose connectivetissue which surrounds developing teeth and later on indevelopment gives rise to the periodontal ligament and othertissues of the periodontium [11]. The periodontal ligament, aspecialized connective tissue, not only attaches the tooth tothe alveolar bone but also has a sensory function.Within thisligament, another stem cell population can be found, namely,periodontal ligament stem cells (PDLSCs) [12]. According to

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the minimal criteria defined by the International Society forCellularTherapy, DPSCs, SHEDs, SCAPs, FSCs, and PDLSCs(collectively referred to as dental stem cells (DSCs)) areconsidered to bemesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). In additionto their plastic adherence and characteristic expression ofsurface markers such as CD73, CD90, and CD105, they alsodisplay a negative expression of CD14, CD34, and CD45, andthey are capable of osteogenic, chondrogenic, and adipogenicdifferentiation [4, 13–15]. Next to the formation of dentaltissue in vitro and in vivo, DSCs have also been reportedto differentiate into myogenic, neurogenic, and endotheliallineages. Due to this multilineage differentiation potential aswell as their immunomodulatory properties and minimallyinvasive isolation from extracted third molars, these stemcells have raised high hopes for potential clinical applications[16–21]. Nevertheless, one should always take into accountpotential origin-related differences. In general, SCAPs andFSCs are considered to be more immature, given their originfrom developing dental tissues, and thus more potent incomparison to DPSCs. SCAPs have already been reportedto have a higher proliferation rate, a more distinct doublingcapacity, and enhanced migratory properties in comparisonto DPSCs [10]. Furthermore, the glial origin of a subpop-ulation of DPSCs suggests that the tissue of origin is adetermining factor for the regenerative potential of DSCs [22,23]. In order to offer an elaborate overview of the angiogenicand neurogenic properties of different DSC populationsas well as their current clinical applications in the dentaland neurovascular field, a literature search was performedon PubMed. The following keywords were used: “dentalstem cells”; “dental pulp stem cells”; “stem cells from theapical papilla”; “stem cells from human exfoliated deciduousteeth”; “dental follicle stem cells”; “periodontal ligament stemcells”. These keywords were subsequently combined with thesearch terms, “angiogenesis”; “endothelial differentiation”;“neurogenic differentiation”; “neuroregeneration”; “dentaltissue engineering”; “dental pulp regeneration”; “periodontalregeneration”; “peripheral nerve injury”, without any setlimitations regarding the type or year of publication.

2. Dental Stem Cells and Angiogenesis

Within the healthy human body, the most predominant andmost studied form of blood vessel formation is angiogenesis.In general, angiogenesis can be defined as the sprouting ofnew capillaries from preexisting blood vessels in response tospecific stimuli such as inflammation or hypoxia [42, 43].Thiswell-coordinated biological process is regulated by a broadrange of proteins, which maintain a natural balance betweenstimulatory and inhibitory signaling pathways. As the latterare considered to be dominant, endothelial cells normallyremain quiescent within the healthy human body [44].However, in pathological conditions such as ischemic stroke,myocardial infarction, cancer, and diabetes, this balance isdisturbed [45].

Since deprivation of oxygen and nutrients, due to a lackin vascular supply, can lead to tissue necrosis, angiogenesisalso plays an important role in tissue engineering. However,the limited success of growth factor-based revascularization

urged the need to promote angiogenesis with amore regener-ative approach bymeans of stem cell-based therapies [46, 47].MSCs are considered to establish therapeutic angiogenesisby either paracrine secretion of angiogenic growth factors ordifferentiation into endothelial cells [48–50].

2.1. Paracrine Mediation of Angiogenesis by Dental StemCells. With regard to the angiogenic properties of DSCs,studies have indicated the secretion of a broad range ofregulatory proteins. DPSCs, for example, have been reportedto express stimulatory growth factors such as platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), basic fibroblast growthfactor (bFGF), and vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF), either in basal conditions or in response to noxiousstimuli, for example, injury or hypoxia [17, 28, 29, 34, 35].Other angiogenesis-promoting factors that have beendetected in DPSCs are angiogenin (ANG), angiopoietin-1(ANGPT1), colony-stimulating factor (CSF), dipeptidylpeptidase IV (DPPIV), endothelin-1 (EDN1), interleukin-8 (IL-8), insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3(IGFBP3), monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1),and urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) [24, 30].Nevertheless, the secretome of DPSCs also comprises severalinhibitory proteins, such as endostatin, pentraxin-3 (PTX-3),pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEGF), plasminogenactivator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), tissue inhibitor of matrixmetalloproteinase-1/4 (TIMP-1/4), and thrombospondin-1(THBS-1) [24, 30]. Comparable findings were also describedfor SCAPs and FSCs, albeit with variable expressionlevels between the different stem cell populations [16, 24–26, 31, 51]. With regard to the secretome of SHEDs andPDLSCs, literature indicates the expression of ANGPT2 [27],bFGF [16, 27, 32], endostatin [16], hepatocyte growth factor(HGF) [33], insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) [27], andVEGF [27, 32, 33, 36]. An overview of the DSC secretome andits associated functions can be found in Table 1 [44, 45, 52].One should take into account the fact that not all growthfactor functions have already been described for DSCs.

Since DSCs express a wide variety of angiogenesis regu-lating proteins, stimulatory as well as inhibitory, it is impor-tant to determine their potential impact on the behaviorof endothelial cells and angiogenesis altogether. Each well-coordinated event within the angiogenic process can bemim-icked by a series of in vitro assays. For instance, colorimetricassays are performed to evaluate the effect of DSC-derivedgrowth factors on endothelial proliferation. A significantincrease of both survival and proliferation of human umbili-cal vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) was observed after incu-bation with conditioned medium (CM) of a CD31−/CD146−subpopulation of DPSCs [53]. Aranha et al. also reporteda time-dependent increase in the proliferation of humandermal microvascular endothelial cells (HDMECs) whenincubated with CM of hypoxia-preconditioned DPSCs [34].Hilkens et al., on the other hand, reported no pronouncedeffect of CM of DPSCs, SCAPs, and FSCs on the proliferationof human microvascular endothelial cells (HMECs) [24].To date, the potential effect of SHEDs and PDLSCs onendothelial proliferation has not been described. In order toevaluate whether endothelial cells migrate along a gradient

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Table 1: The secretome of dental stem cells and its associated functions.

Factor Function Population ReferenceAngiogenesis-stimulating factors

Angiogenin (ANG)Endothelial proliferation and migration.Activation of smooth muscle cells.Indirect degradation of basement membrane.

DPSCs, SCAPs, andFSCs [24]


Endothelial survival, migration, and matrix adhesion.Endothelial sprouting and vessel stabilization.

DPSCs, SCAPs, andFSCs [24–26]


Endothelial proliferation, migration, and sprouting in the presence ofVEGF. PDLSCs [27]

Basic fibroblastgrowth factor (bFGF)

Endothelial proliferation, migration, and tube formation.Upregulation of uPA, VEGF receptor, and integrins.

DPSCs, SCAPs,SHEDs, and PDLSCs [16, 26–32]

Colony stimulatingfactor (CSF)

Endothelial proliferation, migration, and differentiation.Induction of proteolytic enzyme release. DPSCs [17]

CXC chemokines, forexample,interleukin-8 (IL-8)

Endothelial survival, proliferation, migration, and tube formation.Induction of MMP production. DPSCs [30]

Dipeptidyl peptidaseIV (DPPIV)

Vascular remodeling.Endothelial proliferation, migration, and tube formation.

DPSCs, SCAPs, andFSCs [24]

Endothelin-1 (EDN1)

Endothelial proliferation and migration.Stimulation of VEGF-mediated angiogenesis.Stimulation of endothelial MMP2 production.Proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells.

DPSCs, SCAPs, andFSCs [24]

Hepatocyte growthfactor (HGF)

Endothelial proliferation, migration, and tube formation.Proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells.Stimulation of VEGF and PlGF production.

SCAPs, SHEDs [25, 26, 33]

Insulin-like growthfactor-1 (IGF-1)

Endothelial proliferation, migration, and tube formation.Stimulation of VEGF and plasminogen activator production.Downregulation of endothelial apoptosis.

PDLSCs [27]

Insulin-like growthfactor bindingprotein-3 (IGFBP3)

Endothelial migration and tube formation.Stimulation of IGF-1-mediated angiogenesis.Stimulation of VEGF and MMP2 production.

DPSCs, SCAPs, andFSCs [24, 26, 30]


Extracellular matrix degradation and release of sequestered growthfactors. DPSCs, SCAPs [17, 25]

Monocytechemotactic protein(MCP-1)

Endothelial chemotaxis, tube formation, and differentiation.Stimulation of HIF-1𝛼 and VEGF production. DPSCs, SCAPs [26, 30]

Platelet-derivedgrowth factor (PDGF)

Endothelial proliferation, migration, and differentiation.Stimulation of VEGF expression.Proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells and pericytes.Vessel stabilization.

DPSCs [28]

Urokinase-typeplasminogen activator(uPA)

Participation in ECM degradation and release of sequestered growthfactors.Endothelial migration and invasion.Activation of VEGF and pro-HGF.

DPSCs, SCAPs, andFSCs [24, 26, 30]

Vascular endothelialgrowth factor (VEGF)

Endothelial proliferation, migration, and tube formation.Stimulation of NO synthase and plasminogen activator expression.Downregulation of endothelial apoptosis.

DPSCs, SCAPs, FSCs,SHEDs, and PDLSCs [17, 24–36]

Angiogenesis-inhibiting factors

ANGPT2 Natural antagonist of ANGPT1.Upregulation of endothelial apoptosis. PDLSCs [27]

DPPIV Inhibition of endothelial progenitor homing.Inhibition of CXCR3-induced chemotaxis.

DPSCs, SCAPs, andFSCs [24]


Endothelial proliferation and migration.Upregulation of endothelial apoptosis.Inhibition of MMPS and bFGF-mediated and VEGF-mediatedangiogenesis.

DPSCs, SCAPs, andSHEDs [16, 30]

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Table 1: Continued.

Factor Function Population Reference

IGFBP3 Endothelial migration and tube formation.Inhibition of MMP9 and VEGF production.

DPSCs, SCAPs, andFSCs [24, 26, 30]

MMPs Inhibition of FGFR1 and uPAR-mediated signaling.Generation of angiogenic inhibitors by proteolytic cleavage. DPSCs [17]

Pentraxin-3 (PTX-3) Inhibition of bFGF-mediated angiogenesis. DPSCs, SCAPs, andFSCs [24, 26]

Pigmentepithelium-derivedfactor (PEGF)

Endothelial proliferation and migration.Upregulation of endothelial apoptosis.Inhibition of MMPs and bFGF-mediated and VEGF-mediatedangiogenesis.

DPSCs, SCAPs, andFSCs [24, 26]

Plasminogen activatorinhibitor (PAI-1) Inhibition of uPA. DPSCs, SCAPs, and

FSCs [24, 26, 30]


Endothelial proliferation, migration, and tube formation.Upregulation of endothelial apoptosis.

DPSCs, SCAPs, andFSCs [24, 26]

Tissue inhibitor ofMMPs-1/4(TIMP-1/4)

Inhibition of MMPs DPSCs, SCAPs, andFSCs [24, 26, 30]

Neurotrophic factorsBasic fibroblastgrowth factor (bFGF)

Neuronal differentiation.Neurite outgrowth.

DPSCs, SCAPs,SHEDs, and PDLSCs [16, 26–32]

Brain-derivedneurotrophic factor(BDNF)

Survival of neurons.Differentiation of neuroblasts.Formation of synapses and neuritogenesis.

DPSCs, SCAP [37–41]

Ciliary neurotrophicfactor (CNTF) Neuronal survival. DPSCs [40]

Glial-cell derivedneurotrophic factor(GDNF)

Survival of neurons.Differentiation of neuroblasts.Neuritogenesis.

DPSCs, SCAPs [37, 38]

Nerve growth factor(NGF)

Survival, maintenance, and proliferation of neurons.Neurite outgrowth. DPSCs, SCAPs [37, 38, 40, 41]


Survival of neurons.Differentiation of neuroblasts.Neuritogenesis.

DPSCs [38, 40]


Survival of neurons.Differentiation of neuroblasts.Neuritogenesis.

DPSCs [40]

PDGF-AA Neuronal survival.Neuritogenesis. DPSCs [40]

VGF (VGF nervegrowth factorinducible)

Neuronal survival.Neuritogenesis. DPSCs [40]

of DSC-derived chemokines, a transwell migration assay isperformed. DPSCs as well as SCAPs have been shown tosignificantly augment endothelialmigration in comparison toFSCs [24, 30]. In terms of endothelial tubulogenesis, Yuan etal. indicated an increased formation of capillary-like struc-tures during a direct coculture of SCAPs and HUVECs[54]. Similar outcomes were found for DPSCs, SHEDs, andPDLSCs [29, 32, 55–57]. During these direct cocultures, DSCsare thought to adopt a pericyte-like function as they areoften found in close proximity to the endothelial cells [54,56, 57]. Alternatively, endothelial tube formation can also bemediated by paracrine factors, as was shown by Dissanayakaet al. through an indirect coculture of DPSCs and HUVECs

[58]. In line with these findings, Tran-Hung et al. and othersreported a significant increase in endothelial tubulogenesiscaused by CM of DPSCs [24, 29]. With regard to theimpact of PDLSCs and SHEDs on the functional behavior ofendothelial cells, more extensive research is required.

The angiogenic properties of DSCs have also beenelaborately investigated in vivo. Yeasmin et al., for exam-ple, indicated significant vascularization after subcutaneoustransplantation of PDLSCs and endothelial cells. Since therewas no detection of human-derived blood vessels, PDLSCswere considered to secrete paracrine mediators or to act aspericytes [32]. Mouse DPSCs were found to induce angio-genesis in a VEGF-dependent manner in a mouse Matrigel

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plug assay [56]. DPSCs and SCAPs also caused a significantincrease in angiogenesis in a chorioallantoic membrane assay[24, 30]. In terms of more clinically relevant disease models,Gandia et al. demonstrated a significant improvement of leftventricular function after injection of GFP-labeled DPSCs ina rat model of myocardial infarction. Apart from a reductionin infarct size and thickening of the anterior ventricular wall,an increase in capillary density was also detected. As therewere no signs of differentiated DPSCs within the heart tissue,the aforementioned improvement was probably mediated byparacrine factors [59]. These findings were supported byIohara et al., who reported a high capillary density aftertransplantation of a CD31−/CD146− subpopulation of DPSCsin amousemodel of hindlimb ischemia.The close location ofthe stem cells near the newly formed blood vessels suggests aparacrine role for DPSCs [53]. The abovementioned subpop-ulation of DPSCs also promoted functional recovery in ratssuffering from focal cerebral ischemia. Besides neurotrophicfactors, the authors also demonstrated augmented levels ofVEGF, which potentially played a role in the stimulation ofvasculogenesis and neurogenesis in the ischemic rat brain[60, 61].

2.2. Endothelial Differentiation Potential of Dental Stem Cells.As stated before, MSCs not only contribute to therapeuticangiogenesis by secreting angiogenic growth factors butalso are able to differentiate into endothelial cells underspecific environmental cues. With regard to the endothe-lial differentiation potential of DPSCs, d’Aquino et al.were the first to report on the so-called codifferentiationof these cells into osteoblasts and endotheliocytes. Fol-lowing the in vitro osteogenic differentiation of a sortedCD117+/CD34+/VEGFR2+ DPSC population, flow cytomet-ric analysis demonstrated a subpopulation ofVEGFR2+/Stro-1+/CD44+/CD54+ endothelial progenitor cells with a markedexpression of von Willebrand factor (vWF) and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) [62]. Similar results were foundby Marchionni et al., indicating the expression of vWF andCD54 as well as the increased presence of VEGFR1 andVEGFR2, after incubating DPSCs with VEGF for 7 days.In addition, these cells were able to form capillary-likestructures when seeded on Matrigel or cultured in a fibrinclot [63]. Extensive capillary network formation was alsoobserved by Barachini et al., as well as the in vitro expressionof CD31 and VEGFR2. Functionality of the differentiatedcells was successfully established with the uptake of acety-lated low density lipoprotein [64]. These findings confirmearlier observations made by Iohara et al., reporting thein vitro endothelial differentiation potential of a CD31−/CD146− subpopulation of DPSCs [53]. However, the efficacyof endothelial differentiation is dependent on not only theaddition of specific growth factors to the cell culturemedium,but also the concentration of fetal bovine serum (FBS) andthe cell seeding density appear to play an important role.Karbanova et al., for example, demonstrated the upregulationof CD31, CD34, CD106, and vWF after culturing DPSCs at alowdensity in serum-free differentiationmedium.When cellswere seeded at a higher density, no upregulation of vWF wasobserved. The addition of FBS maintained cell proliferation

and the endothelial phenotype of DPSCs [65]. In additionto DPSCs, SHEDs have also been shown to differentiateinto endothelial cells. In 2008, Cordeiro et al. detectedbeta-galactosidase-positive capillaries in transplanted toothslices containing LacZ-transduced SHEDs [66]. The sameresearchers later on confirmed these results in vitro and invivo, indicating capillary sprouting and the VEGF-inducedexpression of VEGFR2, CD31, and VE-cadherin and acontinuous expression of VEGFR1 by SHEDs [67, 68]. Inparticular VEGFR1 appears to play an important role in theendothelial differentiation potential of SHEDs and DPSCs.This was demonstrated by a reduction of human CD31-positive capillaries, following transplantation of VEGFR1-silenced SHEDs in a tooth slicemodel in vivo.The importanceof the VEGFR1/MEK1/ERK signaling cascade was illustratedin vitro by the complete suppression of endothelial differenti-ation following the inhibition of this signaling pathway [67].Recent work of Zhang et al. also revealed the Wnt/𝛽-cateninpathway to be an important regulator of the endothelial fateof DPSCs and SHEDs [69]. With regard to the endothelialdifferentiation potential of other DSC populations, limiteddata are available. Bakopoulou et al. recently demonstratedthe acquisition of a preendothelial phenotype by SCAPs, afterexposure to an angiogenic induction medium for 28 days innormoxic conditions. These cells not only were able to formcapillary-like structures but also displayed a time-dependentupregulation of different marker proteins, such as CD31,vWF, VEGFR2, angiopoietin-1/2, and Tie-1. Moreover, whendepriving SCAPs of oxygen and nutrients, their endothelialdifferentiation potential appeared to be more pronounced[26]. After induction of differentiation for different periodsof time, both a significant upregulation of endothelial markerproteins and the formation of tubules were observed ina CD105+-enriched subpopulation of PDLSCs. Molecularanalysis illustrated the critical role of neuropilin-2 (NRP-2) in the angiogenic fate of these stem cells [70]. To date,evidence for the in vivo endothelial transdifferentiation ofDSCs remains scarce. As previously mentioned, Zhang andcolleagues observed the presence of human CD31+ bloodvessels after transplanting human DPSCs and SHEDs in arodent tooth slice model [67, 69]. However, DSCs are mainlyconsidered to assume a pericyte-like phenotype, as they areoften located adjacent to endothelial cells in vitro as well as invivo [32, 54–57, 71, 72].

3. Dental Stem Cells and Neuroregeneration

3.1. Paracrine Mediation of Neuroprotection and NeuriteOutgrowth by Dental Stem Cells. DSCs also produce a widevariety of neurotrophic factors and therefore they can beused in tissue engineering as a growth factor delivery system.These neurotrophic factors play a pivotal role in protectingneurons from apoptosis and inducing endogenous neuralrepair and neurite formation. Brain-derived neurotrophicfactor (BDNF), neurotrophin-3 (NT-3), glial cell-derivedneurotrophic factor (GDNF), nerve growth factor (NGF),and various others are abundantly present in the secre-tome of DPSCs and SCAPs (Table 1) [25, 38, 40, 41, 73–77]. The neurotrophic factors secreted by SHEDs, PDLSCs,

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or FSCs remain to be characterized. Mead et al. demon-strated that DPSCs expressed more NGF, BDNF, and VEGFthan bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSCs) and adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells(AMSCs) [40]. Another research group revealed that SCAPssecreted significantly larger amounts of chemokines andneurotrophins in comparison to BM-MSCs, whereas BM-MSCs secreted more extracellular matrix (ECM) proteinsand proangiogenic factors [25]. Interestingly, the capacity ofDPSCs to increase neurite outgrowth of neurons of dorsalganglia was even more pronounced after these cells weredifferentiated into Schwann cells [38]. In addition, anotherstudy showed that after differentiation into neurons, DPSCsexpressed more VEGF and NGF but less BDNF [78].

In comparison to other DSC populations, there is abun-dant evidence on the beneficial effect of DPSCs on neuro-protection and neuritogenesis in vitro. DPSCs were foundto rescue sensory and dopaminergic neurons from apoptosis[79] and induce the survival and sprouting of neurons oftrigeminal [75], retinal [40, 80], and sympathetic ganglia [38,81]. SHEDCM also enhances the viability and neuritogenesisof neurons of dorsal root ganglia [82]. A recent paper showedthat exosomes derived fromSHEDs grownon laminin-coatedthree-dimensional alginate microcarriers are able to suppress6-hydroxy-dopamine-induced apoptosis in dopaminergicneurons [83]. DPSCs significantly enhanced neuritogenesisof axotomized rat retinal ganglia compared to BM-MSCs andAMSCs and possessed superior neuroprotective properties.The addition of specific Fc-receptor inhibitors revealed thatVGF nerve growth factor inducible (VGF) was the responsi-ble factor released byDPSCs [40]. Finally, DPSCswere shownto be superior to BM-MSCs in rescuing astrocytes from celldeath induced by oxygen-glucose deprivation [84]. DPSCsare also able to guide the differentiation process of neuralprecursor cells: rat neural stem cells cultured on P(EA-co-HEA)90/10 biomaterials covered with DPSCs differentiatedinto young Tuj1-immunoreactive neurons [73].

Numerous studies have demonstrated the beneficialeffects of DPSCs in injuries and pathologies of nervoussystem. In the pioneer study of Arthur et al., DPSCs wereable to attract trigeminal neurons after transplantation intochicken embryos [76, 81]. As mentioned above, neurogenicpredifferentiatedDPSCswere also able to integrate in the hostbrain of a rat [85]. Intravitreal injection of DPSCs promotesneuronal survival and axon regeneration of retinal gangliacells after optic nerve injury in rats [39]. In a rat model ofspinal cord injury, transplantation of both SHEDs andDPSCsimproved recovery of hindlimb locomotor functions. Inthe same experiment, BM-MSCs or skin-derived fibroblastscaused substantially less recovery of locomotor function.The proposed mechanisms were inhibition of apoptosis ofneurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes and regenerationof transected axons [86]. In rodent models of ischemicstroke, transplantation of DPSCs and SHEDs also led to animprovement in neurobehavioral function [61, 87–90]. Thiscould be due to a decrease of inflammation, an increaseof angiogenesis, or a reduction of apoptosis. Nagpal et al.announced the first clinical trial to apply autologous DPSCsas a therapy for patients with chronic disability after stroke,

the so-called TOOTH trial (The Open study Of dental pulpstem cell Therapy in Humans, TOOTH) [91]. Both SHEDsandDPSCs differentiated to dopaminergic neurons have beenshown to improve functional behavior in a rat model ofParkinson’s disease. The therapeutic success was attributedto the induction of neurite outgrowth and neuronal survivalcaused by various neurotrophic factors [92]. Very recently itwas described that a single injection of SHED CM in micesuffering from experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitisnot only significantly improved disease scores and reduceddemyelination and axonal injury but also reduced inflamma-tory cell infiltration and proinflammatory cytokine levels invivo [93].

Studies describing the neuroprotective effects of FSCs,SCAPs, or PDLSCs are scarce. In a coculture system withrat trigeminal ganglia, SCAPs were able to stimulate andguide neurite outgrowth in vitro. This effect was completelyinhibited by neutralizing antibodies directed against BDNFbut no effect was observed when NGF and GDNF wereblocked. In addition, axonal growth was shown to be trig-gered after subcutaneous injection of a Matrigel containingSCAPs into immunodeficientmice [37]. Furthermore, SCAPswere also applied in a rat model of spinal cord injury.However, the functional outcomewas better in animalswhichreceived implantation of a whole apical papilla compared toanimals which received in vitro expanded SCAPs [94]. FSCsseeded on aligned electrospun poly(𝜀-caprolactone)/poly-DL-lactide-co-glycolide fibers were also applied as a cellulartherapy in a spinal cord injury model, but no significantfunctional improvement was observed after transplantation[95].

3.2. Neuronal and Neural Differentiation Potential of DentalStem Cells. As DSCs are embryonically derived from theneural crest and glial tissues, it is not surprising that thesecells display neurogenic properties. Multiple protocols areavailable in literature to induce differentiation of DSCs intoneurons in vitro. These procedures involve either the incu-bation of DSC monolayers with a cocktail of various growthfactors and pharmacological compounds or the generationof floating neurospheres of DSCs, which recapitulates theembryonic stages of neuroblast formation (for a detailedreview, see [74, 96]). In general, themostly applied proteins toinduce neuronal differentiation of DSC monolayers includeepidermal growth factor (EGF) and bFGF in combina-tion with culture supplements such as B27, forskolin, andinsulin-transferrin-sodium selenite (ITS). All DSC popula-tions have been shown to differentiate into neuron-like cells.Although successful differentiation was verified by means ofan increased expression of neuronal markers such as NeuN,neural cell adhesionmolecule, neurofilament, synaptophysin,A2B5, and microtubule-associated protein-2, ultrastructuraland/or electrophysiological analysis of the differentiated cellswas lacking in most of these studies. Furthermore, these dif-ferentiation protocols mostly result in a low yield of neurons,which are primitive, immature, and not able to produce atrain of action potentials [78]. However, studies of Kiraly et al.demonstrated that predifferentiated DPSCs integrated intothe host brain when transplanted into the cerebrospinal fluid

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of 3-day-old rats with a cortical injury. These cells displayedneuronal properties, not only by expressing neurofilamentand NeuN but also by exhibiting voltage-dependent sodiumand potassium channels [85]. DPSCs that were injected intothe brain of rodents after stroke predominantly differentiatedinto astrocytes instead of neurons [87]. As DSCs representa very heterogeneous stem cell population, sorting the cellsprior to neuronal induction might increase the success rateof differentiation.

Recent evidence indicates that DSCs also differentiateinto oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells, which myelinateneurons from the central and peripheral nervous system,respectively. Transfection of the helix-loop-helix transcrip-tion factor Olig2 in DPSCs resulted in an increased expres-sion of oligodendrocyte markers such as nestin, NG2, andmyelin basic protein [97]. In addition,Martens et al. reportedthe differentiation of DPSCs into Schwann cells. The differ-entiated cells displayed an increased expression of laminin,low-affinity nerve growth factor receptor p75, glial fibrillaryacidic protein, and CD104. Moreover, these cells were ableto myelinate neurons in vitro, which was confirmed byultrastructural analysis [38]. The ability of DPSCs to differ-entiate into Schwann cells might be explained by the factthat a significant population of the DPSCs are embryonicallyderived from peripheral nerve-associated glia [22] andmightthus represent a dedifferentiation. Whether other DSCs arecapable of differentiating into myelinating cells remains tobe investigated. Because of their capacity to differentiateinto Schwann cells, DPSCs might represent a promisingstrategy to treat peripheral nerve injury. Nerve autograftsare the current gold standard treatment in the clinic. Asthis involves sacrifice of other nerves and the clinical resultsare usually unsatisfactory, other options are currently underinvestigation [98]. Despite their key role in endogenousnerve repair, transplantation of Schwann cells themselves isvery restricted as their isolation also requires destruction ofanother nerve and their expansion rates are dramatically low[98–100]. In a rat model of facial nerve injury, DPSCs wereshown to promote remyelination, blood vessel formation,and nerve regeneration when applied in combination withsilicon, collagen I, or poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA)tubes [101–103]. SHEDs were also applied to treat rat sciaticnerve injury. Bridging the nerve gap with silicon conduitscontaining CM of SHEDs resulted in a higher number ofmyelinated axons and better functional recovery comparedto silicon conduits containing control medium [82]. Finally,one study reported the use of PDLSCs in peripheral nerveinjury. Injection of PDLSCs into the crush-injured leftmentalnerve of rats significantly improved sensory function andincreased the number or retrograde labeled sensory neuronsand myelinated axons [104].

Despite the fact that under controlled circumstancesDSCs are able to differentiate into cells resembling to neurons,Schwann cells, and oligodendrocytes, the current paradigm isthat their beneficial effects in preclinical models of neurode-generative diseases and traumas are caused by the cytokinesand growth factors in their secretome.

4. Preconditioning of DentalStem Cells to Enhance Their Angiogenic andNeurogenic Properties

One of the major hurdles in the field of tissue engineeringis the survival of transplanted cells in vivo. To overcome thisobstacle, several strategies have been developed to modulatethe stem cells prior to transplantation in order to improvecellular survival and engraftment [105]. Genetic modificationoffers a potential strategy to increase stem cell survival, forexample, by overexpressing antiapoptotic genes such as Bcl-2 [106] or Akt [107, 108]. Another possibility is to modifythe expression of a key protein of a certain illness such asdopamine for Parkinson’s patients or insulin for diabetics[109]. However, genetic modification is a new and developingfield andmany questions remain to be resolved before clinicalapplications using genetically modified stem cells can bedeemed possible [109].

Preparing stem cells for transplantation by exposing themto a hypoxic environment may be a useful technique toimprove the stem cell secretome, since hypoxia is a potentstimulus for the secretion of a variety of trophic factors(Table 2) [105, 124]. Hypoxic preconditioning has alreadybeen shown to ameliorate cell survival, paracrine activity, andangiogenic potency in a model of murine hindlimb ischemia[125–127]. Oxygen levels in the dental pulp are lower com-pared to other tissues, since oxygen can only be suppliedvia blood vessels running through the rather narrow apicalforamen of the tooth [128]. Culturing DPSCs under hypoxicconditions increases their proliferation rate [110, 111], VEGFexpression [34], and migration [112]. Moreover, hypoxia alsoupregulates VEGF production in SCAPs [26, 31] and cellsfrom the periodontal ligament [118].These reports all supportthe beneficial effects of hypoxic preconditioning. However,mimicking hypoxia by simply adding a pharmacologicalagent would greatly increase the feasibility of this approach(Table 2). Prolyl hydroxylase (PHD) inhibitors represent sucha group of hypoxiamimicking agents. PHD inhibitors includenot only iron chelators such as hinokitiol, deferoxamine, or L-mimosine but also cobalt chloride and dimethyloxalylglycine[119, 129]. These PHD inhibitors promote VEGF secretionand HIF-1𝛼 expression in dental pulp-derived cells [113,114], SCAPs [123], and PDL cells [119] and even in a toothslice organ culturemodel [130]. Furthermore, preconditionedDPSCs [115] and SCAPs [123] also enhance capillary net-work formation by HUVECs. In addition, the application ofhinokitiol-stimulated DPSCs in a mouse Matrigel plug assayresulted in an increased hemoglobin content and PECAM-1 expression [114]. Taken together, these reports suggest apromising future for the use of hypoxic mimicry in preparingstem cells for in vivo transplantation. HIF-1𝛼 and its down-stream targets stimulate not only angiogenesis but alsoneurogenesis. For this reason, hypoxic preconditioning offersnew prospects with regard to neuroregeneration. Despite thepromising results using BM-MSCs [131–133] and embryonicstem cells [134], no reports were found using preconditionedDSCs for the treatment of neurological disorders.

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Table 2: Dental stem cells and the effects of preconditioning.

Priming (Angiogenic) effect ReferenceDental pulp stem cells

HypoxiaIncreased proliferation rateIncreased HIF-1𝛼 and VEGF expression/secretionIncreased migration

[110, 111][34][112]

PHD inhibitors Increased HIF-1𝛼 and VEGF expression/secretion [113]

Hinokitiol Increased HIF-1𝛼 and VEGF expression/secretionIncreased hemoglobin content in mouse matrigel plug assay [114]

FGF-2 Enhanced EC capillary network formation [115]Lipopolysaccharide(LPS) Increased VEGF expression [116, 117]

Stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teethHypoxia Increased migration [112]

Periodontal ligament stem cellsHypoxia Increased VEGF expression [118]PHD inhibitors Increased HIF-1𝛼 and VEGF expression/secretion [119]IL-1𝛼 Increased VEGF expression [36]TNF-𝛼 Increased VEGF expression [120]

Adiponectin Increased proliferation rateIncreased wound healing [121]

Follicle stem cellsLipopolysaccharide(LPS) Increased migration [122]

Stem cells from the apical papillaHypoxia Increased VEGF expression [26, 31]

PHD inhibitors (CoCl2

) Increased HIF-1𝛼 and VEGF expression/secretionEnhanced EC capillary network formation [123]

To conclude, there are severalmore cytokines, growth fac-tors, or chemical agents that can be used to boost the angio-genic potential of DSCs (Table 2). For example, bacteriallipopolysaccharide (LPS) has been shown to enhance VEGFsecretion of DPSC [116, 117] and the migration of FSCs[122]. Pretreatment of PDLSCs with IL-1𝛼 [36] and TNF-𝛼[120] leads to a more pronounced VEGF secretion, whereasadiponectin exposure increases PDLC proliferation rate andwound healing capabilities [121].

5. Dental Stem Cells and Pulp Regeneration

Although dental pulp can be characterized as a specializedtissue with a number of important physiological functions,it is also very vulnerable to caries, infections, and trauma.As any of these insults can easily interfere with normalpulp homeostasis and subsequently affect normal root devel-opment, the endodontic treatment of necrotic, immaturepermanent teeth in particular poses many challenges [135–137]. Over the past decade, substantial advances have beenmade regarding the potential application of DSCs in theregeneration of viable dental tissues. Not only has successfuldental pulp regeneration been reported for DPSCs, but alsoSCAPs and FSCs have proven to be effective in different invivomodels of pulp regeneration.

Even before the definition and characterization ofDPSCs,Mooney et al. already demonstrated the establishment ofpulp-like tissue in vitro when culturing human pulp fibrob-lasts onto polyglycolic acid (PGA) matrices for 60 days[138]. In line with these findings, Buurma et al. reportedfibroblast survival and ECM production within the PGAconstructs after subcutaneous transplantation in immuno-compromisedmice [139]. Around the same time, Gronthos etal. and others described the presence of a stem cell populationwithin the dental pulp, namely, DPSCs, which was able toform a vascularized dentin/pulp-like complex in vivo whencotransplanted with hydroxyapatite/tricalcium phosphateparticles (HA/TCP) in immunocompromised mice [4, 14,140]. These findings led to the development of other proof-of-principle models such as the tooth slice/scaffold model,which comprises the application of an emptied human toothslice containing a supportive scaffold [141]. A number ofstudies have pointed out the regeneration of vascularizedpulp-like tissue after subcutaneous implantation of toothslices containing either DPSCs or SHEDs supported by abiodegradable scaffold [66, 67, 69, 141, 142]. Another proof-of-principle model, which illustrates the limited vascularsupply within the tooth, is the ectopic root transplantationmodel. In 2010, Huang et al. described the de novo formationof a vascularized dentin/pulp complex in a subcutaneously

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transplanted emptied human root canal enclosing a PLGAscaffold seeded with DPSCs [143]. Similar observations weremade by Rosa et al., showing the formation of vascularizeddentin/pulp-like tissue after subcutaneous implantation ofSHEDs and a self-assembling peptide hydrogel in emptiedhuman root canals [144]. A specific, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor- (G-CSF-) mobilized subpopulation ofDPSCs was also found to regenerate vascularized pulp tissuein an ectopic root transplantation model after a short 21-daytransplantation period [145]. More recently, Dissanayaka etal. demonstrated the successful regeneration of vascularizeddental pulp tissue after transplantation of DPSCs or DPSCsand HUVECs encapsulated in a commercially availablehydrogel. Root fragments containing cocultures displayeda more pronounced vascularization, ECM deposition, andtissue mineralization in comparison to DPSCs alone, indi-cating the importance of coordinated cell-cell interactions[58]. Preconditioning DPSCs by means of hypoxia, prior totransplantation, evoked a higher number of blood vessels inthe regenerated tissue compared to the control conditions[146]. Although the ectopic root transplantation model hasbeen widely applied, both the shape of the root canals andthe implemented size of the apical foramen have been proneto variability [58, 143–146], which leads to the questionwhether smaller apical openings would interfere with normaltissue regeneration in the “coronal” part of the emptied rootcanal [143]. Another important aspect which definitely needsto be taken into account during differentiation and tissueengineering is the specific microenvironment at the time ofregeneration.This would require the in situ transplantation ofDPSCs in (partially) pulpectomized teeth in (larger) animalmodels. In 2004, Iohara et al. reported the formation ofreparative dentin after treatment of an amputated caninepulp with an autologous DPSC pellet incubated with bonemorphogenetic protein-2 [147, 148]. Over the past decade thisresearch group and others have successfully performed in situtransplantations (of different subpopulations) of DPSCs tocompletely regenerate vascularized pulp tissue [149–156]. In2013, the first solid steps towards the clinical application ofDPSCs were taken. After careful karyotyping and excludingpotential tumor formation by the stem cells, Iohara et al.reported the regeneration of a vascularized and innervateddentin/pulp complex following transplantation of a clinical-grade subpopulation ofDPSCs in pulpectomized canine teethwith an apical opening of 0.6mm [152, 157].

With regard to the regenerative potential of SCAPs,Sonoyama et al. demonstrated their ability to form a dentin/pulp complex when transplanted with HA/TCP particles inimmunocompromisedmice.The human origin of the dentin-producing cells suggested the differentiation of SCAPs intoodontoblast-like cells [158]. Similar results were also foundby Huang et al., indicating the de novo regeneration ofvascularized pulp-like tissue after the ectopic transplantationof an emptied human root canal containing a PLGA scaffoldseeded with SCAPs [143]. Moreover, analysis showed a morecontinuous and thicker layer of dentin matrix in comparisonto similar constructs containing DPSCs [143]. Subcutaneousimplantation of SCAP-based cell sheet-derived pellets inimmunodeficient mice also led to the development of a

vascularized dentin/pulp complex with a continuous layer ofdentin matrix [159].

As previously mentioned, FSCs originate from the dentalfollicle, a loose connective tissue surrounding developingteeth [11]. As the dental follicle during tooth developmentgives rise to the periodontium, research has mainly focusedon the ability of FSCs to regenerate cementum and peri-odontal ligament [160–167]. Regarding their ability to formdental pulp tissue, Guo et al. indicated the establishmentof an odontoblast-like cell layer as well as the formation of(pre)dentin in the omental pouch of adult rats after transplan-tation of rat FSCs and treated dentin matrix (TDM) [168]. Inan attempt to engineer a complete tooth root, transplantationof similar constructs containing rat or human FSCs led to theregeneration of a dentin/pulp complex as well as cementumand periodontal ligament (PDL) [169, 170]. In line with thesefindings, Jiao et al. described the formation of vascularizeddental pulp-like tissue after subcutaneous transplantation ofhuman FSCs encapsulated within cryopreserved TDM [171].When comparing the regenerative potential of FSCs andSCAPs, no significant differences were found despite theirdifferential expression of protein markers in vitro. Both stemcell populationswere able to regenerate a vascularized dentin/pulp-like complex following 8 weeks of transplantation innude mice [51]. To date, no reports are available regardingthe use of PDLSCs in dental pulp regeneration. Given theirdevelopmental origin, these stem cells have been mainlyinvestigated for their potential application in periodontalregeneration.

6. Clinical Application of DSCs andIts Challenges

Despite the promising outcomes of DSC transplantation ina preclinical setting, the progression of DSCs from benchto bedside still holds some major challenges. Standardizedcell isolation procedures, for example, are indispensable tosafeguard the clinical safety, reproducibility, and efficacy ofDSC therapy [172]. However, the extraction of third molarsas well as the isolation of DSCs is currently being performedusing diverse isolation procedures on donors of different ageswith molars at different stages of development, which notonly impairs in-depth comparison of experimental outcomesbut also hinders the development of a standardized treatmentprotocol [15, 23, 173, 174]. Next to consistent isolation proce-dures, the clinical implementation of DSCs also entails theupscale production of these stem cells in xeno-free cultureconditions, in order to provide an adequate amount of cellswithout any contamination of potential infectious agents[175–177]. Nevertheless, due to the inherent batch-to-batchvariety as well as the current lack of reliable study proto-cols regarding the use of human blood-derived productsas a potential alternative, more research is required beforeany educated decision can be taken by both scientists andregulatory agencies [178–180]. In addition to the challengesassociated with the processing and culturing of DSCs, onealso needs to take into account the intrinsic behavior ofthe stem cells, as it can be influenced by a broad range of

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Angiogenesis Neurogenesis






ine m




EC migrationEC proliferation Tube formation Protection against apoptosis Neurite outgrowth

Endothelial cell

Dental stem cellSchwann cell OligodendrocyteNeuron

Figure 1: General overview of the angiogenic and neurogenic potential of DSCs. DSCs can differentiate into endothelial cells, neurons,Schwann cells, and oligodendrocytes under specific environmental clues.More relevant for their clinical applications is the fact thatDSCs havea secretome rich in proteins which have a beneficial effect on surrounding cells. DSCs secrete a wide variety of angiogenic factors, inducingendothelial cell proliferation, migration, tube formation, and thus blood vessel development. DSCs also express neurotrophic factors whichprotect neurons from apoptosis and induce neurite outgrowth. This figure was made with images from the Servier Medical Art by Servier.

different donor-related factors, such as (oral) health, age, andorthodontic tooth movement [23].

Although numerous studies have elaborately describedthe immunomodulatory effects of DSCs in vitro, little isknown concerning the effects of allogeneic DSC transplanta-tion in vivo [19, 181–189]. Tomic et al., for example, reportedthe formation of granulomatous tissue after xenogeneictransplantation of human DPSCs and FSCs in immunocom-petent mice [190]. When transplanting rat DPSCs in micesuffering from colitis, on the other hand, a clear reduction ofinflammation was observed [191]. There were also no signsof immune rejection after injection of human SHEDs ina canine model of muscular dystrophy [192]. In line withthese findings, conditioned medium of SHEDs was found toalleviate autoimmune encephalomyelitis as well as to improvethe cognitive function in a mouse model of Alzheimer’sDisease through the induction of anti-inflammatory M2-phenotype microglia [93, 193]. Nevertheless, the outcome ofallogeneic DSC transplantation for dental tissue engineeringpurposes in particular remains largely unknown, as mostectopic transplantation models are performed in immuno-compromisedmice andmost in situmodels apply autologousDSCs [58, 143–158, 162, 170, 194–197]. More research is thusrequired with respect to the immunomodulatory behaviorof allogeneic DSCs in vivo and potential graft-versus-hostresponses.

When making the switch from bench to bedside it isalso important to include sufficient patient-centered out-comes. All too often, dental clinical trials focus on technical,clinician-centered outcomes instead of patient-centered out-comes. Developing a standardized set of core outcomes could

help overcome this fixation with clinician-based outcomesand lead to more consistent study designs [198].

Despite these challenges, a few clinical studies usingDSC-based therapies are currently recruiting participants(Table 3). In India, a clinical study is currently ongoing inwhich patients suffering from chronic periodontitis receivea local injection of allogeneic human DPSCs in order toimprove periodontal tissue regeneration (ClinicalTrials.govNCT02523651). Allogeneic DPSCs are also being applied ina clinical trial in China, investigating the effect of DPSCs onosseointegration of dental implants (NCT02731586). Also inChina, a second clinical trial focuses on the revitalizationof young immature permanent teeth with necrotic pulpsusing autologous SHEDs (NCT01814436). Finally, Nagpalet al. announced a study protocol for evaluating safety andfeasibility of autologous DPSC-based stem cell therapy inpatients with chronic disability after stroke; however, thisstudy is not yet recruiting participants [91].

7. Conclusion and Future Perspectives

Taken together, DSCs are considered suitable candidatesfor cell-based treatment strategies and tissue engineeringapplications. There is abundant evidence supporting theangiogenic, neuroprotective, and neurotrophic actions of theDSC secretome (Figure 1).These inherent properties can evenbe augmented by pretreating DSCs prior to their transplan-tation. In particular hypoxia and hypoxia mimicking agentsshow great potential to improve stem cell survival and boostthe DSC secretome. Up until now, most of the pretreatmentstudies have been focusing on improving the angiogenic

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Table 3: Clinical application of DSCs.

Condition Cell type Status Location Principal investigator Identifier

Dental implants Allogenic DPSCs Recruiting IndiaMohammed Sufath UR

RehmanVenkat Aditya


Periodontal disease Allogenic DPSCs Recruiting China Songlin Wang NCT02523651Pulp necrosis Autologous SHEDs Recruiting China Songtao Shi NCT01814436Stroke Autologous DPSCs / Australia Simon Koblar TBA

effects of DSCs; therefore more research into the possibleenhancement of their neurotropic/neuroprotective proper-ties is warranted. In addition to their paracrine effects, DSCshave also been described to have the ability to differentiateinto endothelial cells as well as neural cell types (Figure 1).Unfortunately, a wide variety of differentiation protocols havebeen used, resulting in highly variable outcomes and makingit difficult to compare study outcomes but even more so tocompare different DSC populations. Furthermore, often dif-ferent parameters are used to assess successful differentiation.

Based on their origin, DSCs are expected to be idealcandidates for the regeneration of dental tissues such as thedental pulp and the periodontal ligament. Successful dentalpulp regeneration has already been reported for DPSCs,SCAPs, and FSCs, whereas PDLSCs hold great potential forthe regeneration of periodontal tissues. Furthermore, DPSCs,SHEDs, and PDLSCs have already been reported to improveregeneration after peripheral nerve injury by promotingremyelination, blood vessel formation, and nerve regenera-tion.These encouraging results contributed to the approval oftwo clinical studies that are currently recruiting participantsand are thereby taking the first steps to introducing DSC-based therapies into the clinic.

Competing Interests

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Authors’ Contributions

Jessica Ratajczak and Annelies Bronckaers equally con-tributed to this paper.


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