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Rosemont Little League Safety Plan


Rosemont Little League

P.O. Box 277203

Sacramento, CA. 95827

Rosemont Little League -- Year 2017 Safety Plan


Rosemont Little League Policy:

The policy of Rosemont Little League is to provide a very positive experience for all boys and girls ranging in ages from 4 to 18 years, in our community. Rosemont Little League takes great pride in the support, enrichment, motivation, and above all to have fun for all of our player members.

Safety Code

In order to ensure an enjoyable environment, it is imperative that we provide a safe environment for everyone involved. This safe environment will require the help from all of you – parents, then managers, coaches, administrators, snack-shack staff, etc. The Safety Officer shall complete the Annual Little League Facility Survey for 2017 and submit to Little League Baseball Headquarters. Safety manual is posted on our Website and DO/DSO shall be notified for review. Additionally, printed copies will be available in Board Room and Snack Shack for volunteers. Please read, learn and follow the instructions in this manual, so that our league provides a safer baseball and softball playing experience to our players. This manual contains the following:

Rosemont Little League Policy 2 Safety Code 2 General Safety Rules 2-4 Emergency Procedures 5-6 Accident Reporting Procedures 6 Phone Numbers of the Board Members 7 Safety Checklist – League Survey Form for use Prior to the Start of a Game or Practice 9-12

Proper Equipment 13 First-Aid Training for Managers and Coaches 14 First-Aid Kit 15 Telephone access during a game or practice 16 2017 Official Little League Baseball Volunteer Application (Megan’s Law) 16

Snack Shack – Safe Food Preparation and Handling 17-18 Food Poisoning 19 Player Safety – To and From the Game 20

Inclement Weather--Game Guidelines 20-21

General Safety Rules

No games or practices shall be held when Weather or conditions of the Playing Field (defined as Fair and Foul Territories) are not good, particularly when lighting is inadequate. Playing Field shall be inspected by coaches/umpires before use for holes, damage, stones, glass, and foreign objects. For games, only the Umpire authorizes Play. All team equipment shall be stored within the team dugout or behind screens, and not within the Playing Field.

Rosemont Little League -- Year 2017 Safety Plan


General Safety Rules Cont.

� Only players, managers, coaches, and umpires are permitted on the Playing Field or in the dugout during Play and practice sessions.

� Managers and coaches are to occupy or stay very close to the dugout area and will refrain from wandering away from the dugout area.

� Responsibility for keeping bats and loose equipment off the Playing Field should be that of a regular player assigned for this purpose.

� During practice sessions and games, all players should be alert and watching the batter on each pitch.

� During warm up drills, players should be spaced so that no one is endangered by wild throws or missed catches.

� All pre-game warm-ups should be performed within the confines of the Playing Field and not within the areas that are frequented by, and thus endanger spectators (i.e. playing catch, pepper, swinging bats, etc.). Additionally some stretching and light exercises should occur at the start of practices sessions and games.

� Equipment should be inspected regularly. Review condition and proper fit at all times.

� Batters must wear Little League approved protective helmets at practices and games.

� Catcher must wear catcher’s helmet, mask, throat guard, long model chest protector, shin guards and protective cup with athletic supporter at all times (males) for all practices and games. NO EXCEPTIONS. All male players are to wear protective cups and supporters for practices and games. Mouthpieces are optional.

� Except when returning to a base, head-first slides are not permitted.

� During sliding practice, bases should not be strapped down or anchored. Initial training for sliding should be done on grass with shoes or cleats removed.

� At no time during practices or games should “horse play” be permitted on the playing field.

� Parents of players with glasses should be encouraged to secure safety glasses.

� Players shall not wear watches, rings, earrings, pins, necklaces, pins or metallic items at practices or games.

Rosemont Little League -- Year 2017 Safety Plan


General Safety Rules Cont.

The player must wear a catcher’s helmet and mask with a throat guard in warming up pitchers. This applies between innings and in the bullpen during a game and also during practices. This also applies to pre-game warm-ups when infield and outfield occur.

� Managers and coaches may not warm-up pitchers before or during a game.

� On-deck batters are not permitted.

• All adults (parents, managers, coaches, umpires, board members, volunteers, etc.) that are currently trained in safety and related fields (i.e. police, fire, hospital, and emergency care personnel, and doctors or individuals with current first aid certifications) are asked to identify themselves at registration to Board personnel. Then again identifying yourself, before practices or games to the managers of participating teams as a resource, if the need arises.

• Parent Orientation Program on Code of Conduct shall be provided and discussed by the team manager all parents and guardians at registration and then at initial team meetings.

Rosemont Little League -- Year 2017 Safety Plan


Emergency Procedures:

In the unfortunate event of an accident, the manager or coach must stay calm and tend to the injured player. It is only natural for the other members of the team to run to the injured player. In order to administer proper care to the injured player, instruct all other players to go back to their respective positions.

In case of a minor injury:

Use the first aid kit as needed to apply an ice pack or support bandages.

If blood is present, wear gloves for the protection of yourself and the injured. Use an anti-septic wipe to clean, and apply light pressure and elevation to stop bleeding. Use a suitable bandage to cover the injured area.

If any part of the uniform or equipment is soiled with blood, then it must be thoroughly cleaned prior to use. Clothing may need to be changed for complete cleaning.

In case of a major injury:

If you have determined that an injury is major, medical attention should be considered. If necessary, call Rockingham Station Direct to Emergency Dispatch (916) 875-9600 or 911. Stay with the injured player and provide comfort until medical attention arrives. Keep the player calm and as comfortable as possible; avoid moving the player in any way unless staying where you are presents a greater danger.

When calling Emergency Dispatch (916) 875-9600 or 911, be prepared to give your name, your location, and a brief description of the emergency. Listen carefully to the operator’s requests or questions. Once finished with the phone call, direct someone to get in position to direct emergency personnel and vehicles to the injured player.

Location: Rosemont Community Park 3622 Contempo Dr. Sacramento, CA 95826

Choosing a Medical Care Facility

As the manager or coach of the team, it is your responsibility to determine if any player should continue in practice or a game. If you feel a need to get medical attention under any circumstances, then: 1. If emergency personnel are present, then allow them to provide directions. 2. Consult with the player’s parents for doctor or hospital information, and ask if they wish to take the player to one of these. 3. Check the player’s medical release information provided by your league. This information must be with the team at all Little League events (practices, games, picnics, etc.). If the parents are absent, refer to the medical release information. If there is a doctor, medical clinic or hospital listed, this should be your first choice. Provide this information to emergency personnel.

Rosemont Little League -- Year 2017 Safety Plan


Choosing a Medical Care Facility (cont.) Rosemont Little League has selected the following in the absence of a choice by the Parents or in the medical release information.

Medical Clinic UC Davis Medical Center 2315 Stockton Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95817 (916) 734-2011

Hospital Facility UC Davis Medical Center 2315 Stockton Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95817 (916) 734-2011

Additional detailed information is available from Little League Baseball Inc.

− “Prevention and Emergency Management of Little League – Baseball Injuries” − ( −

Accident Reporting Procedure:

Little League Baseball is constantly looking for ways to improve the safety of everyone. In order to help the league in this effort, we are required to provide detailed reports of all accidents and/or injuries. Fill out the Accident Notification Form and give it to the Safety Officer within 48 hours of the incident. These forms should be available at all game fields and practice sites. Every manager and coach should have blank forms at all Little League events. The Safety Director supplies the Accident Notification Form.

Medical personnel, i.e., Physicians, Nurses, and Paramedics should inform the Snack Bar they are available during the game if needed due to a medical emergency.

Rosemont Little League -- Year 2017 Safety Plan


Rosemont Little League 2017 Board Members

Name Position Phone/Email Keith Lane President Irene White Vice President Krystal Perry Secretary

Laci Lane Player Agent

Georgette Vegafria Treasurer PJ Garza Coaches Coordinator Keith Lane Safety Officer

Robin Cano/Anna Schables Team Parent Coordinator

Crisan Baker Concession Manager Mark Cruz Umpire Coordinator Jolana Lance Fundraiser Coordinator

Board Office

Rosemont Little League -- Year 2017 Safety Plan


Safety Checklist Sheets

The following pages 9-12 are: 1) A checklist to be used as an example of what each manager will use for their field survey/inspection. 2) Included is this year’s in-progress survey. Managers can update the blank forms at games and forward to the Safety Officer for review and necessary corrective actions.

Rosemont Little League -- Year 2017 Safety Plan


Safety Checklist – League Survey Form

League: Rosemont Little League Field: T-Ball

Safety Officer : Keith Lane Inspection Date: January 6, 2017

Ratings: 1-Excellent (Low problem potential), 2-Good, 3-Fair, 4-Poor, 5-Bad (Serious problem potential)


Bleachers N/A Surface condition (level, holes, etc)

2 Hand-rails N/A Grass (height, ridge at

grass boundaries) 2

Bicycle racks N/A Foreign objects (rocks, glass, sticks, etc)

1 Guard rails N/A Holes dug by cleats 1 Parking area 1 Uneven surface 2 Crowd control 1 Wire and fencing 1

DUGOUTS Warning track N/A Wire and fencing 1 Lighting N/A Benches 3 Other N/A Cap and coat hangers

N/A PLAYER EQUIPMENT Roof condition N/A Batting helmets 1 Stops 1 Bats 1 Bat racks 2 Dark glasses 1 Helmet racks 2 Eye-glasses 1 Cleanliness 1 Shoes 1 CATCHER EQUIPMENT

Belts 1

Shin guards N/A Pitcher’s toe N/A Helmet N/A Personal safety

equipment 1

Chest protector N/A Uniform (Little League Patch, etc.)

1 Face mask with throat guard

N/A Jewelry 1 Catcher using personal safety equipment


Backstop 1 First-aid kit with proper supplies

1 Bases secure 2 Parent medical release 1 Pitcher mound N/A Blanket for treating shock 1 Surface condition (level, holes, clay, etc)

2 Following food safety practices

1 Coaches box (level, holes, etc)

N/A Ventilation 1 Infield fence N/A Fire extinguisher 1 Home plate (broken, worn, height, etc)

1 CO2 tanks secure 1 Batter’s box (level, holes, etc)

1 Cleanliness 1 Grass (height, ridge at grass boundaries)

2 Insect screens 1 Foul ball nets N/A Quality of cooked food 1 Lighting N/A Other N/A Sprinkler heads (too high or low, etc)

1 Foreign objects (rocks, glass, sticks, etc)

N/A Other N/A

(Safety Officer to utilize this form to inspect every game and practice field, prior to use each year).

Rosemont Little League -- Year 2017 Safety Plan


Safety Checklist – League Survey Form

League: Rosemont Little League Field: Farm

Safety Officer : Keith Lane Inspection Date: January 28, 2017

Ratings: 1-Excellent (Low problem potential), 2-Good, 3-Fair, 4-Poor, 5-Bad (Serious problem potential)


Bleachers N/A Surface condition (level, holes, etc)

2 Hand-rails N/A Grass (height, ridge at

grass boundaries) 2

Bicycle racks N/A Foreign objects (rocks, glass, sticks, etc)

N/A Guard rails N/A Holes dug by cleats 1 Parking area 1 Uneven surface 2 Crowd control 1 Wire and fencing 1

DUGOUTS Warning track N/A Wire and fencing 1 Lighting N/A Benches (replaceded)

3 Other N/A Cap and coat hangers

N/A PLAYER EQUIPMENT Roof condition N/A Batting helmets 1 Stops 1 Bats 1 Bat racks 2 Dark glasses 1 Helmet racks 2 Eye-glasses 1 Cleanliness 1 Shoes 1 CATCHER EQUIPMENT

Belts 1

Shin guards 1 Pitcher’s toe 1 Helmet 1 Personal safety

equipment 1

Chest protector 1 Uniform (Little League Patch, etc.)

1 Face mask with throat guard

1 Jewelry 1 Catcher using personal safety equipment


Backstop 2 First-aid kit with proper supplies

1 Bases secure 1 Parent medical release 1 Pitcher mound 2 Blanket for treating shock 1 Surface condition (level, holes, clay, etc)

1 Following food safety practices

1 Coaches box (level, holes, etc)

1 Ventilation 1 Infield fence 1 Fire extinguisher 1 Home plate (broken, worn, height, etc)

1 CO2 tanks secure 1 Batter’s box (level, holes, etc)

1 Cleanliness 1 Grass (height, ridge at grass boundaries)

2 Insect screens 1 Foul ball nets N/A Quality of cooked food 1 Lighting N/A Other N/A Sprinkler heads (too high or low, etc)

1 Foreign objects (rocks, glass, sticks, etc)

N/A Other N/A

(Safety Officer to utilize this form to inspect every game and practice field, prior to use each year).

Rosemont Little League -- Year 2017 Safety Plan


Safety Checklist – League Survey Form

League: Rosemont Little League Field: Minor

Safety Officer : Keith Lane Inspection Date: January 28, 2017

Ratings: 1-Excellent (Low problem potential), 2-Good, 3-Fair, 4-Poor, 5-Bad (Serious problem potential)


Bleachers 2 Surface condition (level, holes, etc)

1 Hand-rails N/A Grass (height, ridge at

grass boundaries) 1

Bicycle racks 2 Foreign objects (rocks, glass, sticks, etc)

N/A Guard rails N/A Holes dug by cleats 1 Parking area 1 Uneven surface 1 Crowd control 1 Wire and fencing 1

DUGOUTS Warning track N/A Wire and fencing 1 Lighting N/A Benches 1 Other N/A Cap and coat hangers

1 PLAYER EQUIPMENT Roof condition 1 Batting helmets 1 Stops 1 Bats 1 Bat racks 2 Dark glasses 1 Helmet racks 2 Eye-glasses 1

Cleanliness 1 Shoes 1


Belts 1

Shin guards 1 Pitcher’s toe 1 Helmet 1 Personal safety

equipment 1

Chest protector 1 Uniform (Little League Patch, etc.)

1 Face mask with throat guard

1 Jewelry 1 Catcher using personal safety equipment


Backstop 1 First-aid kit with proper supplies

1 Bases secure 1 Parent medical release 1 Pitcher mound 1 Blanket for treating shock 1 Surface condition (level, holes, clay, etc)

1 Following food safety practices

1 Coaches box (level, holes, etc)

1 Ventilation 1 Infield fence 1 Fire extinguisher 1 Home plate (broken, worn, height, etc)

1 CO2 tanks secure 1 Batter’s box (level, holes, etc)

1 Cleanliness 1 Grass (height, ridge at grass boundaries)

1 Insect screens 1 Foul ball nets N/A Quality of cooked food 1 Lighting 1 Other N/A Sprinkler heads (too high or low, etc)

1 Foreign objects (rocks, glass, sticks, etc)

N//A Other N/A

Rosemont Little League -- Year 2017 Safety Plan


(Safety Officer to utilize this form to inspect every game and practice field, prior to use each year).

Rosemont Little League -- Year 2017 Safety Plan


Safety Checklist – League Survey Form

League: Rosemont Little League Field: Major

Safety Officer : Keith Lane Inspection Date: January 28, 2017

Ratings: 1-Excellent (Low problem potential), 2-Good, 3-Fair, 4-Poor, 5-Bad (Serious problem potential)


Bleachers 2 Surface condition (level, holes, etc)

1 Hand-rails 2 Grass (height, ridge at

grass boundaries) 2

Bicycle racks 2 Foreign objects (rocks, glass, sticks, etc)

1 Guard rails N/A Holes dug by cleats 1 Parking area 1 Uneven surface 1 Crowd control 1 Wire and fencing 1

DUGOUTS Warning track 1 Wire and fencing 2 Lighting 1 Benches 2 Other N/A Cap and coat hangers

1 PLAYER EQUIPMENT Roof condition 2 Batting helmets 1 Stops 1 Bats 1 Bat racks 1 Dark glasses 1 Helmet racks 1 Eye-glasses 1 Cleanliness 1 Shoes 1 CATCHER EQUIPMENT

Belts 1

Shin guards 1 Pitcher’s toe 1 Helmet 1 Personal safety

equipment 1

Chest protector 1 Uniform (Little League Patch, etc.)

1 Face mask with throat guard

1 Jewelry 1 Catcher using personal safety equipment


Backstop 1 First-aid kit with proper supplies

1 Bases secure 1 Parent medical release 1 Pitcher mound 1 Blanket for treating shock 1 Surface condition (level, holes, clay, etc)

1 Following food safety practices

1 Coaches box (level, holes, etc)

1 Ventilation 1 Infield fence 1 Fire extinguisher 1 Home plate (broken, worn, height, etc)

1 CO2 tanks secure 1 Batter’s box (level, holes, etc)

1 Cleanliness 1 Grass (height, ridge at grass boundaries)

1 Insect screens 1 Foul ball nets N/A Quality of cooked food 1 Lighting N/A Other N/A Sprinkler heads (too high or low, etc)

1 Foreign objects (rocks, glass, sticks, etc)

N/A Other N/A

(Safety Officer to utilize this form to inspect every game and practice field, prior to use each year).

Rosemont Little League -- Year 2017 Safety Plan


Proper Equipment: (Personal Equipment Compliance for Safety and Use First Responsibility Rests With Parents and/or Guardians)

Using this list before every practice or game to insure that your team is supplied with the proper equipment as suggested. If any of these items are missing or defective, replace or remove from use. More information is contained in the Official Regulations and Playing Rules for Little League Baseball and Softball. All items except balls can be personal equipment, yet shall follow the restrictions and guidelines listed here and within the Official Regulations and Playing Rules for Little League Baseball and Softball with the parents, the managers, coaches, and umpires having the responsibility to enforce.

ITEM DESCRIPTION CONDITION (Good/Bad) Batting Helmets (Can Be Personal Equipment)

Quantity of (7) per team supplied by league or supplemented by individual player’s helmets. Free of cracks or chips. Chinstraps required if helmet has snaps. Snaps must be removed if chinstraps are not going to be used. Must meet NOCSAE specifications.


Bats (Can Be Personal Equipment)

Smooth rounded wood or Little League approved material, free of cracks, dents or burrs. Non- wood bats must have a grip made of cork, tape or composite. The bat must clearly indicate the original manufacturer’s marking as Little League approved, Umpires have the discretion and last call if the marking has worn off significantly, yet recognizable that it existed, to allow the bat for use.


Baseballs and Softballs All balls must meet Little League standards and specifications. Softballs may be white or yellow. Good

Catcher’s Helmet (Can Be Personal Equipment)

The catcher’s helmet must be free of cracks or chips. Must meet NOCSAE specifications. It may not be a skullcap. Also a catcher’s mask with attached dangling throat protector are required.


Catcher’s Glove (Can Be Personal Equipment)

For baseball, catchers must use a catcher’s mitt of any shape, size or weight consistent with protecting the hand. For softball, a fielder’s mitt or glove. Mitts must be free of tears, with all laces intact.


Catcher’s Chest Guard (Can Be Personal Equipment)

Long model chest protectors with neck collars are required, free from tears or cracks, with all straps intact.


Catcher’s Shin Guards (Can Be Personal Equipment)

Shin guards must cover the entire knee, and down over the top of the foot. The guards must be free of tears or cracks, with all straps intact.


Fielding Gloves (All Styles) (Can Be Personal Equipment)

Players must use a fielder’s glove of any shape, size or weight consistent with protecting the hand. Gloves must be free of tears with all laces intact.


Rosemont Little League -- Year 2017 Safety Plan


Proper Mechanics training for Managers, coaches and players: Each Team shall have as a minimum one coach or manager to participate in Fundamentals Training (F/T) this year. Each Coaches Coordinator shall enforce and document this participation, supplying the League President their listings of those who attended and those who did not attend for tracking the 3 year waiver. RLL always encourages all coaches, managers, and team volunteers to attend every year.

Rosemont Little League once again offers Fundamentals Training in coaching and mechanics clinics before the start of every season. The 2016 training is provided by: Positive Coaching Alliance February 11, 2017 @ Capital Christian High School Sacramento, CA. Head up concussion training will be an online training at

First-aid training for Managers and Coaches: Each Team shall have as a minimum one coach or manager to participate in First-Aid Training (FA/T) this year. Each Player Agent shall enforce and document this participation, supplying the League President their listings of those who attended and those who did not attend for tracking the 3 year waiver. Rosemont Little League always encourages all coaches, managers, and team volunteers to attend every year. Team Volunteers are a highly regarded additional resource of manpower and have attended every year.

First aid and emergency training will be given to at least one representative (manager or coach) from all teams. The Mandatory FA/T is scheduled for Saturday February 11, 2017 @ Capital Christian High School. Periodic updates on safety will also be given at the regular informal manager/coach meetings throughout the season. Special emphasis on heat illnesses and current medical conditions [i.e. diabetic player (insulin kit present), etc.] is addressed at this time. Umpires attended a separate clinic in safety training, importance, and first aid.

Rosemont Little League -- Year 2017 Safety Plan


First Aid Kit:

Every team is supplied with a first-aid kit prior to the start of season (practice). This kit should contain the following items: Additional Instant Cold Packs are provided to replace used packs.

Item Count Instant Cold Packs 2-4 Band aids 10 Band aids (large) 2 Non-Adherent Pad 2”x3” 2 Adhesive tape 1 roll First aid manual 1 First-aid cream 1 tube Burn-cream 1 tube Antiseptic wipes 6

Once the first-aid kit is handed over to the manager of a team, it will be the responsibility of the manager to insure that the first aid kit is stocked up at all times. Contact the Safety Officer to restock before any item runs out.

Note: The first-aid kit must be with the team for all Little League activities.

Rosemont Little League -- Year 2017 Safety Plan


Telephone access during a Game or Practice:

Identify the location of the nearest telephone at each team activity. This may be a regular or cell phone at a field, or a pay phone several blocks away. Designate a person at each team activity to make phone calls in an emergency. Remember when calling Emergency Dispatch 875-9600 or 911; be prepared to give your name, your location, and a brief description of the emergency. Listen carefully to the operator’s requests or questions. Once finished with the phone call, get in position to direct emergency personnel and vehicles to the injured player.

Background Checking of Rosemont Little League Volunteers Rosemont Little League shall utilize the 2016 Official Little League Baseball Volunteer Application and shall conduct background checks on all volunteers per direction of Rosemont Little League’s President and District 5 Administrator. Application can be found on the Little League’s website http:/

Megan’s Law through Upon approval an authorization number is issued to a

board member

Child Safety/Background check in The County of Sacramento is a background check conducted (Safety/Insurance Officer). The Safety Officer and President can dismiss volunteers if required based on seriousness of background check. Additional Changes for the 2017 season include a background check on all volunteers through the Department of Justice website for Registered Sex Offenders. This is a free service accessible at Code Adam We have adapted the Code Adam program to the best of our ability to ensure the safety of our children. Please note, if a child goes missing and reasonable effort has been made to search for the child with no results. Notify a member of the RLL Board of Directors or snack bar volunteers immediately. Give an accurate description of the child, their name and what they were wearing. Code Adam will be issued, at which time all games in process will be halted until the child is located. It is expected that at least two parents, when available, will go to each exit/entry of the fields, to the playground and by the bathrooms. If the child is not located after 20 minutes, the police will be called. The search will continue until the police arrive. At that time the games will resume, while the police take over.

Rosemont Little League -- Year 2017 Safety Plan


Snack shack – safe food preparation and handling:

Rosemont Little League is committed to maintaining the health and safety of players, adults, and visitors which attend Little League functions. Recognition of food poisoning as a major health hazard has been increasing. Since many Leagues serve packaged and/or prepared food, food service is relatively uncontrolled (i.e. with volunteer workers). There is a serious risk of food poisoning, which may result in litigation against the League, its Board of Directors and Little League Inc. California law requires a set of minimum standards for any establishments engaged in selling food. The following is an excerpt from the introduction to Sacramento County's FOOD SAFETY - It's Everyone's Business.

"It is crucial that food be properly handled and that food service establishments are kept clean and sanitary to prevent customers from getting sick from the food you serve. Knowledge of proper food-handling techniques is important in preventing food borne illness.

Bacteria, parasites, viruses, and toxins have all been implicated in food borne illness. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, as many as 10,000 deaths each year have been attributed to food poisoning in the United States.

Following safe food handling procedures will improve food quality, reduce losses from food spoilage, and help to maintain the high standard of service expected from your customers. Failure to follow safe food handling practices can lead to food poisoning and costly legal procedures.”

Food Safety Program

Be aware that if your food establishment is found guilty in a lawsuit involving a food borne illness, both compensatory damages (the actual expenses incurred by the person or persons made ill) and punitive damages (a punishment for the negligence on the part of the food establishment) may be awarded. A functioning food safety program, which incorporates the suggestions made in the FOOD SAFETY - It’s Everyone’s Business manual, may limit your liability in two ways:

1) It significantly reduces the likelihood that food service personnel will prepare and serve food that can make your customers ill.

2) It documents the fact that established procedures were consistently followed. The law that governs the operation of all retail food facilities in California is known as the California Uniform Retail Food Facilities Law (CURFFL); Sections 27500 to 27921 of the California Health and Safety Code."

− Please wash your hands with soap before you start your job at the snack shack. Also, please wash your hands frequently.

− Please handle all food materials in a sanitary manner. Please use gloves to handle food materials which are not already wrapped.

− Preparing Hot dogs and Hamburgers:

Rosemont Little League -- Year 2017 Safety Plan


Snack shack – safe food preparation and handling cont.:

− Please make sure that the barbecue is cleaned thoroughly prior to cooking any food material on it. Hamburgers should be cooked for a sufficient amount of time so there should not be any uncooked meat.

− Hot dogs and Polish Dogs should also be cooked thoroughly. Please make sure that the outside of this food material does not get burned.

− Food items such as meats, condiments, onions, cheese, etc. should be kept out of direct sunlight. At the end of the day, prior to closing, please throw away any of the food material that has been heated such as nacho cheese, hamburgers, etc.


Food Poisoning

Food poisoning is caused by consuming foods or beverages that have become contaminated by the presence of harmful substances or organisms. There are three basic categories of food related hazards that can result in a food borne illness or injury.

BIOLOGICAL HAZARDS Harmful bacteria, parasites, viruses, fungi, insects, and poisonous plants and animals.

CHEMICAL HAZARDS Harmful substances, such as cleaning solutions, pesticides, poisons, sanitizers, etc.

PHYSICAL HAZARDS Foreign objects such as glass, rocks, metal, etc.

Primary Causes of Food Borne Illnesses There are at least eight major food-handling errors commonly made which can cause food borne disease outbreaks: − Failure to properly COOK food. − Failure to properly COOL food. − Failure to properly REHEAT cooked foods to temperatures that kill bacteria. − Allowing foods to remain within the temperature danger zone (45 -140 Degrees F). − Preparing food several hours to several days in advance of serving. − Raw, contaminated ingredients mixed into foods that receive no additional cooking (cross-

contamination). − Cross-contamination through improperly cleaned equipment or utensils. − Contamination of food from employees who are ill or who practice poor personal hygiene.

“If You Or Your Customers Get Food Poisoning”

− Stop serving the food.

− Advise the affected individuals to call their physicians or seek medical attention.

− Call the Department of Environmental Health.

− Save the questionable food.”

If you (or an employee or a customer) get food poisoning, it is important to act immediately so other people do not become sick. AT ONCE - stop serving the food items that were eaten. Separate and label suspected food to prevent its use. Do not throw out the foods; save any questionable foods in the refrigerator for possible future laboratory analysis.

Rosemont Little League -- Year 2017 Safety Plan


Player safety – to and from the Game:

Manager and Coaches, please use your judgment to insure that the young players have a safe method for them to come to and leave from a practice or a game. Little League activities begin and end with the trips to and from the field. Never leave players unattended after practice or games or any other activities.

Guidelines for Games during inclement weather:

The possibility of encountering one of the following during a game is far from negligible:

� Rain � Lightning/Thunderstorms � Heavy wind � Very hot sunny days � Earthquake and Tornadoes

Here are the guidelines of the steps necessary to take in case of inclement weather, for Manager, Coaches and Umpires during a game:


Light rain that does not create an unsafe environment may not be cause to stop a game or practice.

Heavy rain that leads to puddles or a soaking wet field conditions may cause stoppage of a game or practice. Use good judgment in determining if conditions have become unsafe. Note: The umpire is the sole person responsible for discontinuing play in a game. If a game or practice is stopped, remain with players until their parents have picked them up.

If it has been raining prior to a game or a practice, then carefully inspect the fields for safety prior to beginning any activity. Note: The managers of both teams determine whether the field is playable prior to the start of a game.


If a game is in progress and there is lightning with or without rain, the game should be cancelled. Keep everyone involved away from metal objects. Avoid open fields and trees. Make sure that everyone is in as safe a place as possible.

Rosemont Little League -- Year 2017 Safety Plan


Guidelines for Games during inclement weather cont.:

Heavy wind:

In the event when the wind is heavy (25 mph and above) dust particles could obstruct a players ability to focus on the game. The game could be resumed once the wind velocity reduces or the wind stops altogether.

Very Hot Sunny Days:

In our area it is common to have spring and summer days when the temperature could rise to a very uncomfortable state. On those days, it is strongly recommended that the dugout overhead be covered with the tarp from the equipment shed to provide comfort to the players. Also please make sure that there is sufficient amount of water for drinking.

If umpire(s) and/or managers feel the temperature is dangerous for play, then at that time the game will be cancelled and rescheduled.

Earthquake, Floods, Tornadoes or Life threatening event (national or local):

At any point in a game, if there is an earthquake, flood, tornado or life-threatening event (home land security, local police action), the game or practice should be cancelled immediately. The Manager and coaches should gather all of the members of the team and remain at a safe area near the field, if possible. The manager and coaches should remain near the field, if possible, for at least 30 minutes after an earthquake or tornado for the parent(s) of the kids to come and pick them up. If it is unsafe to be around the field, the manager and coaches should gather all of the kids and go to an area away from the field, at the discretion of the manager. If after 30 minutes all of the kids are not picked up, the manager should take the kids, who are not yet picked up, to his or her home. It is expected that the parents of these kids will go to the manager’s house and pick up their kids. All parents and guardians must know the location of their manager’s home.

Registration Data and Player Roster Data

League player registration data or player roster data and coach and manager data must be submitted via the Little League Data Center @ by April 1st.
