Scharff - ash disposal


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Bottom ash and

fly ash disposal

Heijo Scharff

Workshop Implementation of the Landfill Directive, 15th May 2009, Tallinn, Estonia


� Overview MSWI residues in The Netherlands

� Fly ash and APC residues

� Bottom ash

� applications

� leaching characteristics and conditions

� environmental impact

� Conclusions and questions

Workshop Implementation of the Landfill Directive, 15th May 2009, Tallinn, Estonia

Overview MSWI residues in NL

MSW APC Fly Bottom

incinerated residues ash ash

year ktonne ktonne ktonne ktonne

1999 4.800 40 90 1.354

2000 4.982 45 83 1.009

2001 4.855 39 78 1.191

2002 5.087 41 82 776

2003 5.107 38 82 820

2004 5.291 40 83 1.464

2005 5.503 44 83 909

2006 5.542 48 89 990

2007 5.788 51 88 1.254

Total 46.955 386 758 9.767

0,8% 1,6% 20,8%

Workshop Implementation of the Landfill Directive, 15th May 2009, Tallinn, Estonia

Overview MSWI residues in NL

Disposal Recovery

2005 2006 2007 2005 2006 2007

Spray drier salts 14 18 21 16 15 14

Filter cake 9 10 10

Sludge 2 2 2 1 1 1

Gypsum 1 2 2 2

Fly ash 33 40 38 50 49 50

Bottom ash 909 990 1.254

Total 58 70 72 978 1.057 1.321

94% 94% 95%

Workshop Implementation of the Landfill Directive, 15th May 2009, Tallinn, Estonia

Fly ash and APC residue options

� Disposal in big bags on landfills (until 16 July 2009)

� Pre-treatment and production of monolithic waste

� Disposal in underground storage (not allowed in NL)

� Recovery:

� Salt separation in MSWI and reuse of salts

� Fly ash: cement replacement or filler in asphalt production

� Fly ash and APC residues can be ‘recovered’ in salt mines

Workshop Implementation of the Landfill Directive, 15th May 2009, Tallinn, Estonia

Landfill: big bags

Workshop Implementation of the Landfill Directive, 15th May 2009, Tallinn, Estonia

Landfill: monolithic waste

Workshop Implementation of the Landfill Directive, 15th May 2009, Tallinn, Estonia

Recovery: asphalt

Workshop Implementation of the Landfill Directive, 15th May 2009, Tallinn, Estonia

MSWI bottom ash in projects

Application 1986-1993 1994-1998 1999-2004

Embankments 72% 46% 51%

Foundation 19% 40% 24%

Landfill 0% 12% 24%

Road base 7% 0% 0%

Unknown 2% 2% 1%

Total 100% 100% 100%

Workshop Implementation of the Landfill Directive, 15th May 2009, Tallinn, Estonia

Embankment motorway A5

Workshop Implementation of the Landfill Directive, 15th May 2009, Tallinn, Estonia

Embankment: ash placement

Workshop Implementation of the Landfill Directive, 15th May 2009, Tallinn, Estonia

Embankment: road profile

Workshop Implementation of the Landfill Directive, 15th May 2009, Tallinn, Estonia

Embankment: top liner

Workshop Implementation of the Landfill Directive, 15th May 2009, Tallinn, Estonia

Embankment: top liner

Workshop Implementation of the Landfill Directive, 15th May 2009, Tallinn, Estonia

Embankment: liner protection

Workshop Implementation of the Landfill Directive, 15th May 2009, Tallinn, Estonia

Foundation: support layer

Workshop Implementation of the Landfill Directive, 15th May 2009, Tallinn, Estonia

Foundation: ‘ash-phalt’ plant

Workshop Implementation of the Landfill Directive, 15th May 2009, Tallinn, Estonia

Foundation: ‘ash-phalt’ cover

Workshop Implementation of the Landfill Directive, 15th May 2009, Tallinn, Estonia

Landfill: ash storage

Workshop Implementation of the Landfill Directive, 15th May 2009, Tallinn, Estonia

Landfill: cover soil removed

Workshop Implementation of the Landfill Directive, 15th May 2009, Tallinn, Estonia

Landfill: support layer

Workshop Implementation of the Landfill Directive, 15th May 2009, Tallinn, Estonia

Landfill: gas drainage

Workshop Implementation of the Landfill Directive, 15th May 2009, Tallinn, Estonia

Bottom ash leaching characteristicsParameter Unit Composition Leaching L/S 10

Arsenic mg/kg 8.32 0.01

Cadmium mg/kg 2.88 0.00

Chromium mg/kg 176.33 0.02

Copper mg/kg 3,917.00 2.41

Molybdenum mg/kg 10.32 0.68

Lead mg/kg 112.00 0.03

Nickel mg/kg 1617.00 0.05

Antimony mg/kg 109.50 0.25

Zinc mg/kg 2,550.00 0.04

Sulphate mg/kg 12,117.00 3,770.00

Chloride mg/kg 8,517.00 8,250.00

Bromide mg/kg 5.00 3.53

pH - 11.10

EC mS/cm 12.50

DS % 80.50

N-Kj mg/kg 71.40

N-NH4 mg/kg 22.70

Workshop Implementation of the Landfill Directive, 15th May 2009, Tallinn, Estonia

Conditions for application

� Soil quality decree: isolated construction material

� 0.5 m above the highest groundwater level: no contact

� Combination liner: sand/bentonite + hdpe membrane

� Application of certified materials and quality control

� Monitoring and maintenance during life time of the project

Workshop Implementation of the Landfill Directive, 15th May 2009, Tallinn, Estonia



Embankment Road base Foundation Landfill

Workshop Implementation of the Landfill Directive, 15th May 2009, Tallinn, Estonia

Environmental impact

� All applications are covered: risk is limited to spreading of

contaminants with groundwater

� Many contaminants: relatively strong binding in soil

� Contamination above accepted level can be expected for As,

Cu, Sb, Mb, Cl, SO4 and NH4

� Accepted level means that more than 95% of the ecosystem

does not show any negative effect

Workshop Implementation of the Landfill Directive, 15th May 2009, Tallinn, Estonia

Conclusions fly ash and APC residue

� The materials can not be landfilled without pretreatment

� No compliance with leaching limits for salts

� Separation in the MSWI and reuse of salts seems possible,

but is not available: it needs to be developed

� Solutions:

� monolithic waste

� underground storage

� (site specific derogation from WAC)

Workshop Implementation of the Landfill Directive, 15th May 2009, Tallinn, Estonia

Conclusions bottom ash

� Environmental risk of bottom ash application is low:

only a few meters dispersion in 20 years

� Environmental risk of bottom ash decreases from embankment

to road base to foundation to landfill

� Landfill entails the lowest risk because landfills have:

� leachate drainage, collection and treatment

� stricter requirements and quality control of liners

� monitoring and aftercare that is effectively enforced

Workshop Implementation of the Landfill Directive, 15th May 2009, Tallinn, Estonia


� The European Commission in connection to proposals

for new waste legislation has stated that:

"the guiding principle for waste legislation is protection

of the environment and human health"

Workshop Implementation of the Landfill Directive, 15th May 2009, Tallinn, Estonia


� If protection of the environment is the guiding principle,

then why not promote landfill of bottom ash instead of


� Should we continue to administer labels 'recovery' and


� Or should we consider the real environmental impact?

Workshop Implementation of the Landfill Directive, 15th May 2009, Tallinn, Estonia

Thank you very muchfor your attention

Workshop Implementation of the Landfill Directive, 15th May 2009, Tallinn, Estonia
