Semester 1, 2018-2019 ·...


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Kristal-MineralTGS7113 - 2 SKS teori


Dr. hil. gendoet hartono

Semester 1, 2018-2019

+ Ilmu mineral dimulai dengan Renaissance (Agricola, De Re

Metallica 1556 Pertambangan dan Metode Metalurgi

+ Nicolas Steno (Denmark: Niels Stensen) sudut wajah kristal

Konstan 1669)

+ 1700 s pengukuran geometri kristal dan konsep simetri

René Just Haüy berupa satuan sel

+ Pengukuran yang tepat dari 1800-an simetri kristal bidang

kristalografi, kimia analitik menyebabkan klasifikasi kimia


+ 1800-an - penciptaan mikroskop polarisasi membuka

bidang petrografi dan studi sifat optik mineral

History of Mineralogy

+ 1900-an - sinar-X pengukuran difraksi memungkinkan

untuk pengukuran tepat dari simetri internal dan struktur


+ 1960 - pengembangan microprobe elektron memungkinkan

untuk akurat dalam analisis kimia mineral in situ

+ 1970 - pengembangan mikroskop transmisi elektron

memungkinkan untuk visualisasi struktur atom dan simetri

+ 1980 - microprobe ion memungkinkan untuk mempelajari

komposisi isotop mineral

+ Awal tahun 2000 untuk menyajikan - penelitian tentang

peran cairan asam dan dasar dalam metamorfisme

menggunakan P & T tinggi

Humans cannot survive without

minerals• 16 minerals needed

for humans to survive

• .03% of what we eat

but we would not

survive without the


• Sodium, potassium,

calcium, magnesium,

copper, phosphorous

• KRISTALOGRAFI: Disiplin ilmu geologi,

yang mempelajari bentuk luar kristal,

sifat-sifat dan penggambarannya.

• MINERALOGI: Cabang ilmu geologi yang

mempelajari asal-usul (genesa) mineral,

sifat fisik dan kimia, serta klasifikasi

dan pemanfaatannya.

• KRISTAL: benda padat homogen,

berbentuk polihedral (banyak bidang)

teratur, dibatasi bidang permukaan yang

licin sebagai expresi struktur di


• MINERAL: benda padat homogen yang

dihasilkan secara alamiah, berupa

senyawa anorganik, mempunyai sifat

fisik dan kimia tertentu, umumnya

berbentuk kristalin.

The earth is made of rocks, which are in turn made of minerals. In this part of the course we'll learn how to identify common minerals and rocks.

In order for something to be classified as a mineral, it must meet five (5) criterion:

Minerals are:

· 1. Naturally occurring,

· 2. Inorganic,

· 3. Have known chemical compositions

· 4. Have definite physical properties.

5. Are solid


They are usually (although not always) crystalline.

Characteristics of ALL minerals:

(INSCC)• Inorganic

– never alive– not from

something alive

– rocks can have organic matter

• Naturally occurring

– not synthetic or artificial

• Solid– at room


• Crystal system

– repeating pattern with flat sides (called faces)

– most are only visible with a microscope

• Chemical composition

– some single element in pure form (native elements) like copper, diamond, sulfur

– most are compounds like quartz (SiO2) and cinnabar (HgS)

– rocks are mixtures

Mineral adalah benda padat yang terjadi

secara alami dengan susunan atom yang

sangat teratur dan komposisi (tapi tidak

tetap) kimia tertentu. Hal ini biasanya

dibentuk oleh proses-proses anorganik


“Suatu benda padat homogen yg terdapat

di alam, terbentuk scr anorganik, dgn

komposisi kimia pd batas-batas tertentu &

mempunyai atom- atom yg tersusun secara

teratur” (Berry & Mason).

"A mineral is an element or chemical compound that is normally crystalline and that

has been formed as a result of geological processes" (Nickel, E. H., 1995).

"Minerals are naturally-occurring inorganic substances with a definite and

predictable chemical composition and physical properties." (O' Donoghue, 1990).

"A mineral is a naturally occurring homogeneous solid, inorganically formed, with a

definite chemical composition and an ordered atomic arrangement" (Mason, et al,


"These... minerals ...can be distinguished from one another by individual

characteristics that arise directly from the kinds of atoms they contain and the

arrangements these atoms make inside them" (Sinkankas, 1966).

"A mineral is a body produced by the processes of inorganic nature, having usually

a definite chemical composition and, if formed under favorable conditions, a certain

characteristic atomic structure which is expressed in its crystalline form and other

physical properties" (Dana & Ford, 1932).

"Every distinct chemical compound occurring in inorganic nature, having a definite

molecular structure or system of crystallization and well-defined physical properties,

constitutes a mineral species" (Brush & Penfield, 1898)

Mafic silicate

Felsic silicate

How Minerals Form

• Cooling Magma/Lava

• Superheated Water (Hydrothermal Veins)

• Hot Springs

• Evaporites (Salts: Halite, Gypsum)

• Organic Deposits (Deep Sea Microorganisms)

• Sedimentary Deposits

• Volcanic Vents (Sulfur)

See u next week….