September 20, 2020 Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time ... · 9/20/2020  · CLERGY Bishop ........


Citation preview

CLERGYBishop .................................................................. Most Reverend David D. KaganRector............................................................................Very Reverend Joshua EhliParochial Vicar ........................................................Reverend John Paul GardnerPriest in Residence .........................................................Reverend Jordan DoschPermanent Deacons ................... Tony Ternes, Randal Schmidt, Brent NaslundRetired Permanent Deacons ....Ralph von Ruden, Richard Fettig, Woodie Wolf

Mass LIVESTREAMMon-Fri - 6:45 AM | Sat - 8:00 AM & 5:00 PM | Sun - 8:00 AM

WEBSITE: cathedralparish.comFACEBOOK:


MASS INTENTIONS & SCHEDULEMONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21Mass .......................................................... +Theresa Waltz ....... 6:45 AMSacrament of Reconciliation .......................................................7:15 AMMass ............................................................ Ken Kreitinger ....... 8:00 AMEucharistic Adoration ...................................................9:00 AM-9:00 PM

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22Mass ................................................. +Gen Tooley-Davison ....... 6:45 AMSacrament of Reconciliation .......................................................7:15 AMMass ...........................................................Charles Richter ....... 8:00 AMEucharistic Adoration ...................................................9:00 AM-9:00 PM

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23Mass .........................................................+Terry Weisbeck ....... 6:45 AMSacrament of Reconciliation .......................................................7:15 AMMass ......................................... +Steve & +Wayne Buelow ....... 8:00 AMEucharistic Adoration ...................................................9:00 AM-9:00 PM

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 - NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER & FASTINGMass .............................................................Dan Campbell ....... 6:45 AMSacrament of Reconciliation .......................................................7:15 AMMass ................................................ Fr. John Paul Gardner ....... 8:00 AMEucharistic Adoration (Main Church) ..........................9:00 AM-5:00 PMChaplet of Divine Mercy (Main Church) ..................................... 3:00 PMEucharistic Adoration Continues in Adoration Chapel .....5:00 PM-9:00 PM

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25Mass ................................................................ Joyce Gruby ....... 6:45 AMSacrament of Reconciliation .......................................................7:15 AMMass ................................................................ Kate Wilson ....... 8:00 AMSchool Mass .................................................... Kate Wilson ....... 9:00 AM

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26Sacrament of Reconciliation .......................................................7:15 AMMass ...+Dorothy Kurtz, +Carol Schaff & +Kathryn Zielke ....... 8:00 AMSacrament of Reconciliation ...................................................... 4:00 PMVigil Mass ..................................................+Beverly O'Brien ....... 5:00 PMThe Encounter/Sacrament of Reconciliation .............................7:30 PM

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 27Mass ......................................................+Darlene Schuller ....... 6:45 AMSacrament of Reconciliation .......................................................7:30 AMMass ..............................................Cathedral Parishioners ....... 8:00 AMMass .....................................................+Michael Romines ..... 10:00 AMMass ............................................Joe & Jessica Angstman .....12:00 PMEucharistic Adoration ...................................................4:30 PM-9:00 PM

(+Indicates Deceased)

FROM FR. EHLIDear Parishioners,

I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere and heartfelt gratitude to all of you who have offered prayers and support during my convalescence from COVID-19. At the time of writing this article, my symptoms are slowly improving and I remain in quarantine. I will continue to isolate myself until all symptoms have dissipated, and I will keep you updated. Be assured that we will continue the safety protocols that have already been in place in our parish.

Through all of this, I remain grateful. I am grateful that I interacted with relatively few people before learning I had the virus and that, as far as I know, none of them contracted the illness. I am also grateful for Fr. Gardner and Fr. Dosch for their help during my time away.

May we know the depth of the Lord’s merciful love and may Our Lady keep us in the mantle of her protection. Let us ask the Holy Spirit to give us strength and courage. Be assured of my prayers for all of you!

Sincerely in Christ,Fr. Ehli

September 20, 2020 Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time



After much consultation and in orderto better serve the needs of the parish,

beginning Sunday, October 4,the noon Mass will be returning to 11:30 AM.

Please help us spread the word about this adjustment! Beginning October 4, Sunday Mass times will be

6:45 AM, 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 11:30 AMAll other Mass times will remain the same.Thank you for your patience and flexibility!

CATHEDRAL ANNOUNCEMENTSOn September 27, the Church celebrates the feast of St. Vincent de Paul, who knew that “God had sent him to bring good news to the poor.” Together with your financial gifts, the members of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul continue his work and mission in our parish. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul will have their next meeting on Tuesday, September 22 at 5:45 PM at the Cathedral (lower level). Prospective members are welcome!

Pontifical Good Friday Collection: Due to COVID-19, Pope Francis had postponed the annual Good Friday collection to this September. Your support of this collection helps Christians in the Holy Land. It helps the church minister in parishes, provide Catholic schools, and offer religious education. The Good Friday Collection also helps to preserve the sacred shrines and provides humanitarian aid to refugees. This collection will be taken up after Holy Communion at all Masses next weekend (September 26-27). Please be generous.

PLEASE REMEMBER IN PRAYERHoly Father's Prayer Intention for September

We pray that the planet’s resources will not be plundered,but shared in a just and respectful manner.

The Sick Luke Kilzer Grace Hartman Earl Larson Alex & Kathryn Bichler Joan Lorenz Mike Smith Rita Schmidt Ali Splonskowski Richelle Knudson Connie Lundin Bob Harvey Lisa Pulkrabek Anne Hummel Katy Raegan Peggy Kauffman Monica Comeau Janice Shaw Daniel Lipp Kelly Dockter Pam Gutknecht Bonnie Benz Jan Mayer Nicole Westphal Christian Quintanilla Marlene Larson Carol Conlin Doloris Ruderman Eric Carufel Tanya Ekart Niya O'Connor Victor & Mary Richter Glen Barnhardt Scott Hankey Randy Parr Anton Johs Shane Hellman Bob Schmitz Carol Neilsen Tim Speck Noah Grenz Donna Thronson Hanna Honomichl David Wetzel Darlene Burgard Gary Jaeger Ron & Kerry Mosset Taylen Nelson Larry & Linda UrbanecJosephine Kautzman Darcy Fettig Kathy Feist Eileen Wilker Bernie Nagel Michael & Teri Kraft Clint Fuller Pat Dosch Robert Daughtry Fr. Joshua Ehli Tony & Sharon Gross & daughter Lisa Jane Torgerson

The DeceasedFrederick Wehri, uncle of Deacon Tony Ternes. May he rest in peace.

CATHEDRAL ANNOUNCEMENTSNational Day of Prayer and Fasting: Fr. John Riccardo and his Detroit-based non-profit apostolate ACTS XXIX have called for a National Day of Prayer and Fasting on September 24, 2020. In response to this call, on Thursday, September 24, the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit will have Mass at 6:45 and 8:00 AM, Eucharistic Adoration beginning at 9:00 AM (main church), and recitation of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy at 3:00 PM (main church). Adoration will move to the adoration chapel at 5:00 PM (due to a scheduled wedding rehearsal) and will continue until 9:00 PM. Fr. Riccardo was inspired by President Abraham Lincoln’s Presidential Proclamations in which Lincoln called for a day of fasting, prayer, and public humiliation. “This is not about politics or any particular social movement or even the November election,” said Fr. Riccardo. “This is about asking for God’s mercy on our nation and for the healing of our hearts—all of our hearts, starting with mine.” His hope is that the entire country, Christians, Jews, Muslims, and all people of good will, will set September 24 aside as a true holy day, forego food until dinner, and pray for God's mercy and the conversion of hearts. For more information about the National Day of Prayer and Fasting, visit

You are invited to The Encounter, a special time of Eucharistic Adoration, prayer, and confessions at the Cathedral. The next Encounter will be Saturday, September 26 from 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM.

40 Days for Life: From September 23 through November 1, you’re invited to join other Christians for 40 Days for Life – 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion. You’re also invited to stand and peacefully pray during this fall campaign during the hours of 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM outside the North Dakota State Capitol (6th and Boulevard). We would love to have a group from our parish take one full day or multiple days to cover a full 12 hours! If your group (Catholic Daughters, KC Council, young families, Faith Formation kids, etc.) would like to sign up for a whole day, please call 527-3265 to set up the date. Over 100 abortion clinics around the world have closed due to this powerful time of prayer! If you’d like more information – especially if you’d like to volunteer to help, please contact Diane at or go to

Join Bismarck/Mandan Right to Life for their annual nationwide Life Chain on Sunday, October 4 at 1:30 PM at 6th St. and Boulevard in Bismarck. Signs will be provided, or you may bring your own. They will observe one hour of peaceful, prayerful presence. Children are welcome. For more information, call Virginia at 258-5379.

Bismarck Catholic Daughters will meet on Tuesday, October 6 at 7:00 PM at the Cathedral (lower level). Speakers will be from Home on the Range. They are asking for hats, gloves, and scarves for young men and women. Bring them to the meeting and place them at the west entrance of the church on the bench by the elevator. For more information, call Marella at 255-0559.

Another Mass Livestream Option: We are now livestreaming the Saturday 5:00 PM Vigil Mass every week, in addition to our current Mass livestreams which can be found on our website, Facebook page, and YouTube channel.

Mass times Monday-Friday ............................................................................6:45 AMMonday-Saturday ...................................................................... 8:00 AMFriday (during school year) ........................................................9:00 AMSaturday Vigil ............................................................................. 5:00 PMSunday ......................................... 6:45 AM, 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, Noon*

*Beginning Sunday, October 4, the Sunday Noon Mass time will be returning to 11:30 AM.


CONFESSION TIMESMonday-Friday ....................................................... 7:15 AM to 8:00 AMSaturday ..................................................................7:15 AM to 8:00 AM 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM 7:30 PM to 9:00 PMSunday ....................................................................7:30 AM to 8:00 AM_________________________________________________________

eucharistic Adoration Adoration Hours:

Monday-Thursday ...................................................9:00 AM to 9:00 PMSunday ................................................................... 1:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Diocesan Directives:• Please do not enter the chapel if you are ill or have a cough.• When adoration takes place in a separate chapel, no more than 5

persons may be present at any time and they are to maintain social distancing.

• The diocesan regulation must be kept that at least 2 persons must be present at all times when the Blessed Sacrament is exposed.

Special Holy Hours:• For Vocations: Mondays from 7:00 to 8:00 PM in the side chapel.

Prayers are said out loud for an increase in vocations and for the spiritual protection of priests, a rosary is said, and there is time for quiet reflection.

• For Those in Need: The St. Vincent de Paul Society hosts a special holy hour the first Tuesday of every month at 6:00 PM in the main church. The hour begins with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, followed by silent prayer and the rosary, and concludes with Benediction and Reposition.

SACRAMENTSFor information about the sacraments of Baptism, Holy Matrimony,

Anointing of the Sick, or any other sacrament, visit our website(click on Liturgy & Sacraments) or contact the parish office.

OUR FREE MOBILE APPDownload the myParish app in

your device’s app store.Then during initial launch, search

for Cathedral of the Holy Spirit.

BULLETINSubmit bulletin announcements

by Tuesdays at noonby mail or email



519 Raymond St., Bismarck, ND 58501

OFFICE PHONE701-223-1033

OFFICE HOURSMon.-Thurs. 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Fri. 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM

Closed Holidays & Holy Days of Obligation

TO EMAIL A PARISH STAFF MEMBERGo to & click on Parish Staff under the Home tab

INSTAGRAMFollow us @cathedralbismarck

PARISH REGISTRATIONNewcomers are always welcome!

To become a parishioner, please stop at the parish office.


• If you or anyone in your household is sick in any way or is at higher risk of contracting COVID-19, we respectfully ask you to please stay at home until you or that person is able to return to the church.

• Pay attention to signage in the church.• Use hand sanitizer prior to entering the church. Hand sanitizer can be

found at each entrance.• Family households are asked to maintain physical distancing of 6 feet

from other households/individuals --- while entering and exiting the church,- while in the pews in church/overflow spaces,- while in line for Communion, Confession, and restrooms

• Holy Communion may be received either in the hand or on the tongue. Hand sanitizer will be readily available if the priest, deacon, or instituted acolyte should need it during distribution of Holy Communion.

• The offertory collection will be taken by hospitality ministers using long-handle collection baskets. There will still be no passing of baskets by parishioners from pew to pew. If you prefer to use the donation drop boxes at each entrance, please feel free to do so.

BEK TV is broadcasting the Mass from the Cathedral on Sundays at 8:00 AM CT. These LIVE broadcasts can be viewed in western ND on the television channels listed below:Over-the-Air Ch. 26.1 KNDB (Bismarck/Dickinson) Ch. 24.1 KNDM (Minot/Williston)Midco Ch. 609 (Bismarck/Dickinson) Ch. 612 (Minot/Williston)Direct TV Ch. 26Dish Network Ch. 24

FAITH FORMATION NOTESHallway monitors are still needed for our regular Faith Formation program at 4:00 PM, 5:30 PM, and 6:45 PM on Wednesdays. Cafeteria monitors are also needed from 3:30 to 4:00 PM and 5:00 to 5:30 PM. If you can help, please call Deb or Rachel at 223-1033.

Needed for our CGS Atrium: Please consider donating Amazon or Visa gift cards to purchase other items, and an offering of time to cut or color items necessary for our Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) faith formation program. If you can offer any of the above, please contact Deb at 223-1033 or

COMMUNITY NEWSMini Retreat with Fr. Sattler - Fr. Sattler will be leading a mini retreat on his new book “And You Will Find Rest” on two separate occasions: Tuesday, October 6 at Spirit of Life and Tuesday, November 10 at St. Anne’s. Both events will begin at 6:30 PM, with Fr. Sattler talking about what God does in prayer and what St. John of the Cross and St. Teresa of Avila teach on this topic. Following the discussion, Fr. Sattler will have copies of his book available for purchase ($22/copy; available for purchase prior to the retreat either at St. Anne’s or Spirit of Life), and he will do a short book signing. Register with Spirit of Life’s parish office by October 1 by calling 663-1660 or emailing The talk will also be livestreamed on the Spirit of Life Facebook page. For the event at St. Anne’s, no registration is needed.

SEARCH for Christian Maturity (a diocesan-sponsored weekend retreat experience for any high school or college age person) is back on schedule for this fall. For dates and additional information, visit

DIFFERENT OPTIONS FOR OFFERTORY GIVING:• The offertory collection will now be taken by hospitality ministers

using long-handle collection baskets. There will still be no passing of baskets by parishioners from pew to pew.

• You may deposit your donation in our secure donation drop boxes located at each entrance of the Cathedral.

• Bring your donation to the parish office during office hours.• Mail your donation to the parish office.• You can have your bank mail checks to the parish office.• Enroll in Faith Direct, our online giving program. Go to our website and

click on "Parish eGiving" or text the word ENROLL to 701-380-8085.Thank you for your continued support of the Cathedral!

Real Presence Radio Fund Drive: The Real Presence Radio network serves almost 1,000 parishes throughout ten dioceses. Tune in to Real Presence Radio October 6-9 from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM to hear more about these incredible parishes, inspirational stories of faith and hope, and your chance to win one of the daily drawings including books, gift cards, RPR gear, and a few surprises.

A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is a private weekend away from the distractions of daily life for couples in good marriages. Give your marriage this gift. The next available weekends in this area are September 25-27 in Windom, MN, and November 13-15 in Medora. Early registration is highly recommended. For more information, visit or contact Rob and Angie at or 701-347-1998.

The Diocese of Bismarck is firmly committed to the health and protection of our children, young people and vulnerable adults. For information related to the diocesan Safe Environment Program, go to

701-934-3947Call for a free estimate!


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Keep up with what’s goingon at the Cathedral all week!

Get announcements, daily readings,bulletins, homilies, etc., on your smartphone.

Download the “myParish” app in yourdevice’s app store. Then during initial launch,search for “Cathedral of the Holy Spirit.”

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