


Shinto. Yasukuni Shrine, Tokyo -- by en:user:jpatokal. What is Shinto?. The “Spirit Way” (From Chinese Shen-Dao , “way of the Gods,” cf. kami-no-michi in Japanese) Ancient (?), indigenous, mythical, nature religion of Japan Called “Shinto”after Buddhism (552 C.E.) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Yasukuni Shrine, Tokyo -- by en:user:jpatokal

What is Shinto?

The “Spirit Way” (From Chinese Shen-Dao, “way of the Gods,” cf. kami-no-michi in Japanese)

Ancient (?), indigenous, mythical, nature religion of Japan

Called “Shinto”after Buddhism (552 C.E.)No founder – An “ethnic” religion of the

Japanese peopleThe root and embodiment of Japanese culture

Early Shinto

shamanismhealing practicesworship of kami:

(Deities of Shinto that are associated with places, certain animals, and the emperor. They include mythological beings, powerful and awesome aspects of nature, and important humans.)

Appears to have been very flexible in incorporating new figures.

Historical Overview

In the sixth century C.E. contact with China introduced Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism (and writing)

14th-century concerns that Buddhism would overwhelm Shinto, led to some defensive separations.

At the height of the Shogunate (ca. 15th-16th centuries) a preference for Zen by the samurai elite led to some declines in Shinto influence.

Under the Meiji Restoration (1868-1912) Shinto became the state religion.

After WWII, the Allies forced the Japanese government to become secular; the Japanese Emperor renounced his “divine” status.

Kuroda Toshio has proposed an alternative/revisionist history of Shinto: Only in modern times has Shinto/kami no michi designated a specific, separate religion

Shinto Mythology

Two main texts: Kojiki (myths of ancient times, origins of gods and

man)Nihonji (ancient history of Japan)

Of gods & goddesses: The KamiPolytheisticNature deities – represent and control natural

elements and forcesCreation myth – Japan as the center of the


Izanagi (“male”) & izanami (“female”) (brother & sister) create the islands of Japan

Shinto Mythology

Amaterasu – the Sun GoddessMother of the first emperor of Japan

Three kindsof Shinto

1. Shrine/Folk Shinto

2. State Shinto

3. Sect Shinto

Shrine Shinto

Jinja (shrines) - Tens of thousands located throughout Japan

Natural structure, fits in with natural surrounding

Torii – entry gate, separates sacred from profane space

Tusbaki Grand Shrine of AmericaHousehold shrines – kamidana

(kami shelf)

ToriiA formal gatelike structure

that marks a Shinto sacred place or shrine.

Akumi Kanbe Shinmeisha (安久美神戸神明社 ), Toyohashi, Aichi, Japan

Miyajima An island near Hiroshima in Japan that is home to a Shinto shrine and

a Buddhist temple. A large orange torii stands in the ocean in front of Miyajima, marking the entire island as a shrine..

Grand Shrine at Ise

Shimenawaa twisted rope marking

a sacred or holy spot.

Shimenawa at the Izumo-Taisha

Temizuya an ablution pavilion where worshipers

purify themselves by washing face and hands before approaching the kami.

Kotoku-in, Kamakura Photo by Linda Freeman, July 6, 2003

Enshrined Kami

The (symbol of the) kami remain hidden from public view

Sometimes the symbol of the kami can be an anthropomorphic figure, but that is rare.

Inscriptions on paper or cloth symbolize the kami.

The three treasures: sword, a mirror, and a jewel (comma-shaped stone)

Shinto Worship Worship can take place at home, at a shrine, or at festivals The “default” mode/model is the invidual visiting the shrine:

Enter at the torii Approaches the temizuya for purification ritual Approaches the shrine, avoiding the middle path to leave room for

the kami Places a coin in the donation box, rings the bell (to summon the

kami) Bows twice Claps twice Prayer Bows once (sometimes more bows and claps are customary) Oracles may be given, Charms purchased, etc.)

State Shinto

Meiji period (1868) – end of WWII Emphasis on Japanese culture and nationality

(elimination of foreign influences) Emperors of Japan as divine Hierarchy of shrines:

Main shrine at Ise – dedicated to Amaterasu Palace shrines honoring Amaterasu, other kami, and

emperors Shrines elsewhere dedicated to national heroes 97% of remaining shrines dedicated to local kami

Sect Shinto

13 recognized sectsNGOsMany founded in 19th centurySpecific founders and textsUnique teachings and practicesSome combine Shinto with influences

from Buddhism or other religions

The FourAffirmations

Tradition and FamilyLove of NaturePhysical cleanlinessMatsuri: festivals that worship and honor

the Kami

Shinto PracticesTradition and Family

Life cycle celebrations take place at shrines:Newborn Baby7-5-3 festival: blessings for boys age 5, girls

ages 3 & 7Entry to adulthood (age 20)Marriage(since Shinto celebrates life in this world, in death,

the Japanese may turn to Buddhist rather than Shinto rituals)

Shinto Practices

Love of Nature:Annual cycle of seasonal festivals

Physical Cleanliness:Misoji - Water purification rites to wash

away impurity, thus restoring original purity

Shinto on the Web

Ancient Japan: Shinto Creation Stories

Visit a Shinto shrine on-line: Tsubaki Grand Shrine of America

The Shinto Online Network Association
