Sh~r- Shepar~ D ' T II ·...


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· :i!ry and :"IICU that ·m shortly laken out, made

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. c:mies. who . ri forest of "'" Congo •'t·ople are " four fed



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Nov• Motors Ltd. THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., FRIDAY, MAY :5, 1961 (Price 7 Cents) ~~~--------------------------------------~-- . / ------------------------------------------~---

otians Ready To Hold Front-Line Peace Conference Govt. To Send Only Army Representatives To Talks

·-.Y~ ~-

rida Skies Clear As\~-­S. Aims For Space Shot I

' By JOHN BARBOUR -- \ By JOHN GRIFFIN CANAVERAL, Fla. AP- Florida skies R ( \ R ·fl \ d VIENTIANE. AP-The government Thursday

Tbu,day to moke it • better than 50-50 escue OS e oa e ""Pl•d ox-p•·•mie>" Souvonna Phoum,., indlation to that astronaut Alan Shepard will be the first $52,000 KINGSTOI'>

1CPl - The Brit a front-line peace conference toda:-·, but will send·

shot in to space this morning. ''" '" ''"''' "'" h '"'"" F ''"'. , only mil itO'Y reP ,.,,n ta ti '" iinal oountdown is slated to begin at 12.30 · '""""1

" I he SL '·"'""~ i Souvanna propo"'d that politi<Oi loodm also . . . h h f d 'd · NOR:r'H BAY, Ont. (CPI _, Senwav fnr more than a ua·c. tt d l d' f r f IT


f a 1

mdmg t weat er con erence ec1 es 11

G d 1

N th B . sailed· pa;;t here Thursda1_. aitct·- a en o 1sc_uss orma _Jon o_ a coa 1 10n go\·ern-. or ace ar ner o • or ay. t Th b fl 1 0 I th t h I

'"d "" are nght for the shot. ',. ~ "" ~ who tt""ed ;o '""" 00 "' "" to Tomolo m•n . o <" mot ow o mf " nor o t ' roya fir!t phase of the count-! • a plane within 700 miles of Lhe · · _ · · 'capital of Luang Prabang without taking action on d' £ 11 . h The 4,4o9 - ton \'esse! was rc- h. · proccc mg per ec Y· scattered showers m t e reco1··

1 ~orth Pole Saturday, . figures ! CAPE CANAVERAL Fla.-Aslronaut Alan Shepard. floated early Thursda;· when it

15• _ can come st ery area downrange. ·searchers spent $52,000 m gaso·i f D NH h ·. h R P k' .. two tugs pnll<"d it off the ~<mrly· Premier Bnun Oum is,ned a'--------·-·" _____ -"·---·---· . . . I Winds and seas In the cape line to rescue the group. 0 r erry, · ·• c ats wtt ep. er 1115 Bas~ >hore near ~lorrisbun:, 2:; miks st:~tement wclcotmng Som·.m- near the 1illage of Hin lleup.

or rqUtpment troubles; area were moderate, but waves. :\lr. Gardiner, picked up with, (R .. N.H.) of Peterborough. N.H., at the Hanger S west of Cornwall. ll harl rrcred na s propo.,al as a slrp toward 50 miles north of Vientiane . .. 11te ,pare capsule after\ neared f~ur feet In the Baham~s I his companions ~l?nday ~rter ;J2, area here fo~lowi~g the postponement of Shepard·~ off course Tuesday night at full pc~cc. talks. But t11c go,·cnt-

had • weather I and Caribbean. ·hours on the Arcttc s~a tcc. re- ·scheduled f11ght mto space aboard a Mercurv Cap \\'rarer's ~hoal during fl sli~hl m<"nt ts mststm;: I hal polttical n t m tnt hare cleared 1 The condition of th~ wind and tu~ned home !hursda;- and said. sui e. Bad weather wiped out the 5_2 launch a'ttem])t lo~. issues be held in abeyance until

Quirkly ~5 the clouds ! the waves are essenhal because he s not gomg back to the . f I 48 h . bl I · cease · fire details are a~r~cd

Bouu said the gorcmment hopes for reconciliation amon:( Laotians .. if foreignct·s don't force them to do differently."

damprnerl this rocket, they influence the recovery of: ~orth. · : or at east ours, possl Y longer.-(UPI Te C The 3fiO-fnol frr~hlcr sufil•red upon. Soltl·anna say~ ne~otia-i the capsule from the sea and' "We were all \'rl'Y lul'ky to photo). ·no apparrnt dnma~c. tors ~honld first consider fol'm- Tn :O.Ianila. informer! source'

1 a.m. on. the rocket . the downward parachute ride: hal'c survil'erl aml to hal'e been: -----------·-- :in~ a coalition gO\·ernment. said t11r Philippines gorernmc:1l ~ny m?mrnt take Sh~r- ·.from some 18,000 feet. 1 sal'ed," he said. "I think I'1·e' EICHMANN I' Both th~ gol'ernmcnt a :1 rl has dccirted no peaceful solution hi1 h-mmute, 115·m~le 1 • harl enough." I : rebel armtes. meanwhtle, ar- • is possible in Laos and that the

In a rendeZI'0\1! wtth i There 1e~ms little doubt that I "We were sorry for the men peared to he ohserl'ing 'he time has conw fo1

• inten·en'i~n recorery ~htps 290 miles \ Shepar~ wtll be the man who ! at the base camp at lsachsen," I i cease - fire that went into effect bv the anti - L'ommnnist South-the Atlanttc. steps l.nto t~e space capsule. I he said. "All the men worked: D ' T II H . . Wednesday. i east Asia Treaty Or~anization. "·eather support group


But it II eontmgent upon the fl- : 30 hours without sloppin" They : t THREE GROl:PS TALK ' Informants said thr decision ~ercury said there nat physical examinations. Lt.·! used about $52,000 worth"'of ~as I O·C 0 r e s arrow In g The merting propoocrl hy So·t- was transmitted to r.s. Ambas-bt "f~ir \\'eather in the Col. John Glenn, the back·•tP to flv about 10 000 miles in their! ranna will include offici~ls of sador .John D. Hickel son.

S~::-:a~=n~:~·~i~~· ~~;~~:.:,.=.~~: d Story Of Life In Ghetto ~~i~;~!:::;fi1::: ~r~:!~;~~~:~~:~~'-ri:~-~-~-~:_h_~: M

.l Abo, E rth Uranium ,, REI.MAN MORI)f ROUNDED •• CJULDR"" .,," t"" ~ .... "' ""'"'M Macmillan Calls For I es Ve a JEHUSALEM tAP I - Wit· • Peretz said that when chtl- \into returning the children. 1 ,

H . . o· nesses at the Adol! Eichmann ; rlren were rounded up by ss I "There was one mother w!Jo ' s s . ·r I k . ' euess leS 'trial testified Thursday that; troops one day in the spring of: rushed up to the truck 'and said: ecret ec r ty a s ::" ""'"' ~ ~ \f"' \"'';;:' BROWNiNG Moot <APf-; wom" ,.,., rm·bhld" 1' bo.; '"'· "'" moth~ "'"' to hldo; ~. "'"''' "" '""'"· Th< U I G \f

a mf aMnnel Tahoonsd n ft e Mr Lucill Bovd Gilham ~5 • come pregnant and men w,ere ·them in cellars. Some mothers: guard ask~d: 'How many~· T!1e! ORLEANS IAPl - TWo ballt~miJta Mcendtd about

above the Culf •I Thursday - the sreate~t lbon tht earth'• ~mr­

Jtaehed by a manlltd

piastit envelope was !rom lht flight deck tllrri~r Antietam. It b maximum altitude 113,:il10 lett two hours

minute! later at a point 1outh of :ltobile, Ala.

~arrier followed the oa!-11 drifted across the a 1outhtasterly cour~t.

will ht made to J'l'· the big bag on the flignt th!ft ft rompletes its lf-i· ·dt!cenl.

tht elon~ated !lood a~ tall as a 40· bui\din~. But as it rose

thinner atmosphere 1ts rounderl until it 11ppearl'd 1mall white ball in the


u o ex co ur ay a ~r 5• , e : • ' . spared from the ~:as chambers! -· - ···· 1 mother satd: 'Three.' The guarrl . . - . the balloon .had r~ached a rec· the Indtan uramum hetress .. 'lho: only to destroy the traces of\. said: 'You mav hare one.' .\JI. By ADRIA:'\ BM.L ~larch t9 lo 111\·eshgalc Brtttsh ord . break1~g altitude of about found that s u ~de~ IIChes ·mass killings under the Nazi GuaranteeS tln"t"e put out their hands. Th~ LONDo:-; !Reuters' - Prime: navy s~~urtly alter fn·_e persons :!1.5 miles w1th two me.n a?oard. brou~ht her headlt~es m~t;ml of • occupation of Poland. I mother went back alone. qot ~linister ~lac~illan Thursday · were )at led for handmg na1·:~l

The se~ond naval sctenhst IS· i happm~ss, .was k!llerl \\e.rlne'- One witn~ss also said 3


1 knowing which child to choose.'' arranged htparlt~an ,cerci talks secrets to I he Russ!ans.

caped lmury. . I day ntght . m an auto acctd~~t. man Armv ser~eant told him! Emp oyment p . I ~d . m~· th G . on British secunty as a result CAI.L FOR SHAI\EUP

d V

• A h :\Irs. Gilham. of Wellpmtl, that Eichmann ~as "organizin"i 1

eJe_z sat m · ·: e ~'.:·of the George Blakl' ~a~e. Th_c prime mini;~cr. spok~ lo Lt . .Cm r. Iclor · Prat er, Wash and he1· tecn-a~c brother . . . a: ·mans tssucd an ordet that .Te 1 Bl"1·a 38-''C"t'·old rot'"t"n nf- Parhament atnid ms1stent de·

f B th sd Md th • . I '.. • el'ervthm•'' m the ~all cam- • . . h ' ' t II ' ~ I . un•, • J " ' "~ • ' • • . 34, o e e a, ·• e scten recc11·ed more than S300,000 and . · o . • . ::\W'\TREAT ICP\ - \\alter 15 11 omen 11 ere no a OIICn ° ft"c emplo"e" 11·as santcncaiJ to mand bv Bntt<h ·•e'l'<papcrs tDI'

t'f' b th fl' hi d' d • P'll"n to extcrmmale mtlttons • · ' ' b 1 · 1 · lh ' ' '· · ··' ' · - •· · -I IC o server on e Jg • te , royalties for uranium rights on ' ~ . · · · Pitman first member of the e prcgnan or to gii·e ' 11

' · · ~·' \·oar· ,·mpr.tsonmcnt \\'ednr<- ·a sh~kcup in the t•ountn·'s sr· b d th i A t' · · · · of Jews m Europe · , - . ' s · ·· · · . a oar e carr er n Jearn, their inherited tribal land in the A,

1 ·. . • . t. . f i·r . :-<ew Party to be elected to PBr- 1 "Ther \\We w 0 men who day after admittin" he ;!a,·e 'o·. curily sc!'l·ice.

shorly after the crash \ s kan W h resen·ation 1 131 rowmg pic 111 e 0 1 e tn J' t -d Tl d h. e · · ~ 1

D ·1 ·r 1 ' ·d "T 11 · · po e. as ·• · · • · · t1 , .,1

tt t K . L·th ani a tamcn . sa1 JUrs ay ts 1 were real heroes. Tltcv did not rtcl agents e1·cry unporlant pa·: at y c egrap11 ;at • . . Tb> hogo o.n~ t"dod ohom , "". G ilhom-k"'<' I h~ M ~ ~ . " ;• 0. ~ od ·~ ~· · 0 ,.' '~,;; "" r w ;n ho o blo to '"'"'I~ · "" t beic P""'"" "· >lop~d. ,.,. "" hw•l "~" 1" bel """"" . t h ,.,,. '" • ''"I' . . \ m""'"" pool·

" mil~ I<= tbo A.UOtom : ""· . Royd--wO' ollO" " lho ;;;;..,, ."'" ;" ' ,,.,;rolog\el · ,. 00 • ;m .' • ~'""' Coo•d;oo he· Bffl lf th•y g.,.; h ;ff h !he ohlf · "" ""I lOCO· • log of lol <lh '"" ~ poO<d by lh which was manoeuvring to land, hcanhnes for her mmor hout;; . ,


1 . tl · J .· ·h h sp.tlal cause tt wtll plan and control dren, were dcstro\·cd and lhr ~l<tcnllil:m tnl~ Parhamenl hr. 1

• Blake case IS perhaps e1cn mo ' 'th th 1• ' II 1 ' t·•n 1\ 01 'C< tn 1 ~ e\\ IS o. th f th I r· 1· . . . I tl . d. I ~

• ness chatJlCS. She 11~s Ill .hr 1 "'fl 1


. 11

gl ,1

Rll, wtthout 1mpmnng tndtvtduRI· Hu~h Gattskrll oop~sttmn Labm·, grt• to Bnlt~lt prcottgc. it on the night deck. .


WI c ~~~. mns Y o.n r t ."" '~ - there. P er:onomy. or .. e >en~ !t u . mol hers died as well." would h~H. >c~rrt .talks •nih ·. sct·tott~ t 1a~. 1e tmmc "~. e "'

· S ka 't ·. '1 s >ftcn tint I tc r• 11 1 rrn m le Jr. 0 f 1 I · · I t I· Bl k · I EIGHT TRANSFUSION!! po , nr CI y ]at .' ~ r , I woulrl J\av anrl laugh Thcv rccr oms. NA:'IIE :-:EGRO EDITOR p:lrt)· lr~rh·. r.athkrl ?rcrp Ci : a e s a \\' )'. c r ~nnouw' · she hou~ht :1 teiCI'tslllll srt to hr!

11 t1

· 1. . · \ 't I S11eaking at fl panel rliscll'- · lhr offrr hut seirt an inquir,·; Thursr\a1· hi< cltrnl wtll aPll' •

"'ElLINGTON (R I. \ \ 1 b lh · '· ··.won r P av grm·e r 1""11'"· 'nr ' · · f''l \Pf:'l 1"11 I ".: r I ~I' . . · • 1 n , , eu ers- ., usrc )' r women l~ttsmwt s. th 1

t ·.. t1 l r"~~/if l!'l-1

. Ston orgamt.crl hy a ~lontrc~l. '' :. . • • •· . . . ' '·- ,,·ould hP. nre•led to t•eas.'urc 1 hts 42 - year term--the on:;·:· New z e a Ian d "blue hahy"; and rrturncrl scrrt·al lt111P' to;

1 ~ ,. 10

1r )' \l,~sl w 0 · 0 1 CCfo' club, ~lr. Pitman said the. A N-year-old 7\'c~ro sltulrnl :·! the puhlir. i in modern British histor)·-?'

was progressing satisfactorily· enjoy il. \. c::1

.'e. ~ 31 11,,'. . ~ t tl ':"<e11' Pat'ly would accept rr- ·the Fnirer;;ity of :\orlh C'~ro!ina 'lar.millan nlirrl ont a sppr·i-l L ~hoI' members intet·rupt··

Thu d It '-~'tng g'"en I 11 as a \\.liS mna~.<'" a lC ·h·l't 1 ,. f •1 h I T t' I \' · ·


'I ·11 1 t' rs ay a er '"' h --- . 1 11

tn d · f t' . IJ . spon~t t t y or ere a tn~ a a·•-, nw s c on . . n ms .c nnnc fk m'lnirv hnl. ;;:ml a cnrrrrt 1 .• acmt an s e I' e r a tmes : • what is bclie\•ed to be a record RANGOON ( AP• - .. \ trtwk; '11 ~ 1 · n 1 11 e 0 , .lr!;c 5~'1 ' ; m·able economic climate anrl Clwmhcrs, has hccn named <:!di· inquin· i~to "certain aspects" 1 qnestion whether his. statemc· number of eight complete blood

1 hrint!ing pilgrim~ homr from a: c'htl~t·cn.

1 f''Cll :ltt~e- dat~~ 0;1 ~j · woulrl not hesitate to u~c puhlic 'tor-in-chief of the :-lorth Caro-,. of se;·nrih· tPeasnres might be:


mi~ht prejudice the appeal. transfusions. T h e prem~ture . Buddhist fest il'al in c r n t r a 1 , ~em ~·. 0 1 ' unr ers 00 te u i money to create jobs whc:··c linn Law Review. Tt is hrlir;·~d . expandcrl 'if it ~ppeared neccs- Macmillan said Blake did '':: baby received an entire new ! Rurma plnncrrl intn a creek in' tra~r.u) · I the\' at·e needed. · :to he the first time in the United sarv rious damage to the interests c' S\~PP)Y of blood fr~m ~ donor


! a small .'·illa~e. killin~. 2~. P~l·-j "I will not cry,' one snutll i Pitman, :-lew pari~· mem-: States Sonth that a :-legro sin-· 1i~ was referring to the inres- \this country" but the damagr w1thm an .hour of Its birth ~nd ~ons, po\tcc reported 1hurs<lay. hov told me before he was' ber for Peter borough, 11'35. dent has b<:>en so honored at a ligation committee he set 'JP was not irreparable. seven other transfusions In :he The dead inchtded women, chi!· taken away by the Nazis." ! clect.ert in a byelcction last fa!'.· predominantly white uni1·crsity. · ------ -- --- --· next four days. 'dren and monks. ----- .. -- .--· - ·---- -------- "- ·- --· "- · ------ RAIL STRIKE

:CALLED OFF 'Enemy' Bombers To Strike Canada Today

Nfld. Skies Cloudy with sunny inler·

High today 40. . FIIDAY, MAY II

Sunaet today •• 7:18 p.m . . ~unrile

35 0 0 O. 0 f f I 33 ...•••• , 33

$1 15 ;j4

47 31

tomorrow •• , 4:38 a.m. The Moon

riHI ....... 12:18 a.m.

........ ' .. Thiel. High

10:51 a.m., 11:00 p.m. Low 4:115 a.m., 11:18 p.m.






I I ' . I


I . . , . i ·.; I , • I : .:


. I I '

• I I ' '

~!:.__:..._-;_;-::_· ::..,·~·-----~--------------_;_--------:---------__;.·J~ll;.;;;E;.... J;;;.)';.;.~:;;.::iL:.;x~· i;..;.;~E::.'\:.:..V::..S~ ~:_.f~HN'S, :"-JFLD., FHIDAY, ~lAY .

Public Health • ' ., ·.~ .·. ~;~'·.

Fight Disease And Death In STEAMSHtP MOVEMENTS

York April 28th. . fax 1\lay 1st, due St. · 4th, leaving May 5th Brook and New N cw York l\lav

TilE NFLD.·GliEAT LAKES Halifax May 19th.

C STEAMSHIP LTD. .John's May 22ncl. : *Dundee leave Hamilton, Onl. .John's ;\lay 23nl for'

0 n g 0 , Apri.l 29, leave Toronto, Ont. Brook and New York. Apnl 28, leave Montreal May

, : 9, arrive St. John's Jllay . 14,1 · leave Jllay 16 ' Highliner .leave Hamilton, AJ.ASKA:'\1

. / Br PETER GROSE medical technicians of any ldad. COST IS HIGH '1 plies throughout The Congo are 1longer have to submi to tr<?al· "Our fear is that logically: Ont. Jlfay 9, \ea1·e Toronto Jllay I Between 1!!80 and ' LEOPOLDVILLE (APl-Pub. At Independence there was not More than $3,000,000 will be 1 guarded by UN technicians. I men associated with the days these diseases must be spread· 8, leave :Montreal Jllay 11, arrh e ! 1950s. approximate!)

,lie health experts from 28 coun. even one qualified Congolese spent by lntj!rnational organiza. Tons of medicine hav.e been of colonialism; ing ~ithou.t our direct _know-; St. John's 1\Jay 16. leave Jllay 1 d!~llars'. worth of · · '.· tl'ies are WlliDI•n uphill strug. nurse. Three • quarters of ·the bons during 1961 for stop-g:~p flown to the rebel provmces of HEAl. THY RESPECT ledge, smd Dr. G. MeJ!IanJ,. 18. rnmcd m Alaska. with . · · · gle against disease and death in Belgian doctors, who always medical assistance. Kivu and Oriental. But most places the Congolese! the Swiss liaison doctor for rhc: *Refrigeration. copper leading in

'"The Congo, bore the main responsibility for "I know of no other countt·y But these are only emer·J seem to respect the white man's; United Nations. . CLARKE STEAlfSHIP co. according to the . · 1n this primitive land witch public health in their coloay, tha bas received so much meili· tcncy measures. The general, medicine. as ion~ as. it relieves i "In the case of sleeping sick- . •Gnlfoprt leave ~lontreal Britannica,

doetors still thrive and super- fled The Congo last July. ca' aid," said Dr. Athemas Bel· health of the population has !le· pain and sm cs li1·cs. i ness, death may come in six ~lay 9, arri1·c St. John's ~lay 14,


. ---------· stilious villagers may turn vio· Only the combined efforts of leril•e, a Haitia, chief UN lG· terioratcd through accumulated :\o m a .i or epidemics have; months or so after the original I<-arc 1Jay 16. ·

_lently on 1 white physician if a the R~d ~ross, the Wor!d Heal!h viser to the. ~ti'Uggling Congo·; ine~ficiency of, sani~ation, vacci· been reported since indcp~n-~infection. In wild areas we :(ct Glii.F .\ND NORTHERN IT'S A HONEY •patient dies.· Climate and hai>its ~rgamzallon, . the Umt~d N:1· lese health m1mstr~. . i nation and e~I~emtc ~ontr.ols. d.cn_cc. The rlan~:er of ~leepmg word ?f only advance d~ases, so , SHIPP~~G co., ~-TD. . i ·'of living encourage the spread hans and pnvale medical In· Emergency med1cal healmer.t• Some rloc1ms m the mterwr Pfls1cknc''· plague, malana and there 1s no way of knowmg what l·rr~us satlmg date mdrfin1tc .


LOAF • ·0 , disease. . stitutions around the world have now is al'ailable, in most area<. 1 tl~e cou~try report resistance to

1le!Jrosy, however,. hccomes I has heen h~ilding up in recent due to icc conditions. OUR 0\1\/N

· There are no ualif1ed Congo. been able to meet urgent medl· Three months accumulation . I',IC'cmalJOn :md precauhonlt'Y: gt eater each week without the; months, whtle the normal pre· ''Rdngeralton. ' '. 'lese medical doctors. Nor ~re cal needs in the last . nine of garbage in Luhtab~urg was ltt:ealment .. The attitude of some • normal !•~:~lth pre:autions of a 1

1 ventive activities have been 111• FURNESS RED CROSS LISE BEST BY TE!! there native x-ray operators or months. ~Ill! cleared In one week. Water ~UP·· vtllagJrs 1s that they should no; highly cmhzed society. terruplcd." l\1.\'. Coral Trader .left New;

· ..

.. -..


', ·,:

.. . .. ~·

:, ~·

....... · . .. . .. ;

) .... ·, ~

' • • • • t

1 ....

! •.


There You'll Find Experienced A nil Courteous ' -

Sales Personnel To Serve You. BOOTS GOING FISHING ?

You'll enjoy the day all the more when vou're wearing a pair of our shtrdilv const{:ucted sporting boots. We have the.m for Men \Vomen and Boys'. '

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MEN'S WADERS .. Hip height, olive drab shade. Snug fitting ankles to prevent slipping. Sizes 6 to ll.

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$10·95, $12·30

BOYS' THIGH RUBBER BOOTS Black, light weight style .

...................................................... $6.!:!3, $7.25

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Sizes 1 to 6 ............................................................. $7 .9.5, $8.20

FOOD ·auvs ~obin · Hood Cake Mix

Family size .................... 2gc. pkg.

Zest Chow Chow 16 oz. btls ......... : ............... 2Sc· btl.

Lean Rind less'


Toilet Paper 12 rolls for ................................ gsc.

Hamilton Milk Lunch Biscuits

2 packages for ........ : ............... 53c.


Jackma.n & Greene GIOCEiiS


COOKsTOWN WOAD DIAL 2353 ·J." ; .. . \.o

,. · .. · . . . . .. I ·. ..

_,,. . '. . .. }i

• I~-- ·.\







Flat, Medium Cuban, High Cuban and Spike Heels.

:Broken sizes 4 to 9.


ORIGINAL PRICES $4.95 to $8.95



SHOP AT CROSS'S 216 - 222 DUCKWORTH STREET ........................................ PH: 3257

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·• . ' t.. . •


. .

Man's Body Found Ford Case

I Q 'd' V'd' Lak Hearings n ll1 1 1 1 e Continue

borne at Windsor Heights, ro,·e Road, was burn·

·rsterda)' morning at about l 11·hen fire of unknown

tn,·eloptt\ It while the 1 family of 11, were

Firemen Get Two Calls

T~~ tails were received by firemen yesterday.

tails were regarding oil burners. one on

Street and the other Hamilton Avenue.

Two traffic mishaps were re· ported to city police yesterday,

Only slight damage wu IUS· tained in a collision between 1 car and a truck at 4.20 p.m. A two-car mishap on Blackmarsh Road at 9.15 p.m. ·also resulted in sli::ht damage.

By ERI(' A SEYMOUR 1 019 seals. . The next year, 1916, was 1

Looking Ol'(:l some sealing · normal season and eleven ships we find that in 1915 the ~ brought home 241,302 seals.

encountered heavy ice for r· As we said before, the seal· entire trip and the thirteen fishery helped make fortunes

at the hunt brought back and also put some outfitters 47,004 seals. Crews totalled into bankruptcy. There always

has been a certain amount of The ships in that fleet were , risk involved that is why cap·

o! the hcst iron-clads that \ tains, ships and crews go back 1teamed to the icefloes I year after year. In the old

included Bonaventure. days when seals were more :'\a,t-opie. Neptune, plentiful a paying catch was Bcllaventure, Erik, II practically assured, but then

Diana Viking. Terra sometimes tragedy struck .• Ea~le and Bloodhound. This year's catch Is small but ol those ships were of all· 1

1 not ·as bad as 1958 when the

~onstruction. . lone ship to the icefields The last arril'al that year was ' brought only 1,837 seals. That

Bloodhound and she came year the landsmen caught 113,· . on June 15 with only 208 l590 seals. In 1959 the fleet

!aboard. The Neptune had brought in 21,629 seals and Oiliest catch, sixty. The landsmen got 10,401. Last year

was the Bonaventure the total catch was only 22,388 ~.985. The other twelve by the fleet while lanilsmen then accounted for 22,· secured 15.171. In 1956 the

r---. -·-··--·--·--·------

SCHEDULE OF MEETINGS On Saturday afternoon, :llhy

6th, Junior Youth Councils (ages 11-13} will be held in the Temple on Springdale Street at · 2.30 p.m., and on Saturday evening at 7.4~ p.m. Colonel Cameron will preside at i special 'Focus on Youth' pro· gram, to be held In the Sal­vation Army College audl· torium on Adams Avenue.

. . . . . (Royal Photo Service).

Special council sessions will be held throughout Sunday, in the Salvation Army Temple on Springdale Street, at 10.15 a.m., 2.15 p.m. and 6.15 p.m. for

' Salvationist youth between the ages of 14 and 30 years.

Colonel Cameron will be sup· ported by the Provincial Com· mander, Colonel E. Fewster, and Provincial Headquarters staff.

. THIS WEEK, a meeting was· held at Barney's Restaul'l!-nt by. : ~e Newfoundland Sales AdvertisinJt Association. It was their. third meeting,1md business is still in the process of ~stablishing

. This executive, shown above, was elected previous to the third meeting. They will tn office for the year.1961-62. · . · . . are (left .to right), fr~nt row: ~ordcm Stamp, ~retary-treasurer; Calvm Pynn, prog~amme

Qlftb!, .. , William $quiljj; ~ent:.Gerry B:t:a~bury, vic.~ ."r~sident. Back row: Reg. Chanc7y, d1re~t?r; Anstey, rJcording secretiry; Sid Guzzwell, d~rector; Cecil Thorne, dtrector; Hal Aushn, pubhc1ty

(Misaing,Jobn.Ryin,director). . · . ; .. · · · · · · .· • ·

A special 'Afterglow' meet· ing will be held in the Temple on· Springdale ·street, on Mor•· . day, May Bth, at 8 p.m. pub·j lie welcome.

• ' • I" • j

• FRIDAY, MAY 5,.1961

·Company $120,000.


Of The

Funeral For

Ta s.peak At Board Of Trade

Mrs. V. W. G. Wilson, rep· resentative of the Canadian AJ· sociation of Consumers, who is in St. John's to form a local branch of the association is to be guest speaker at the :Retail Section of the Board of Trade this afternoon at 2.30 at ·the Board of Trade Chambers






i I


I ' .


' '


I ,.

. . . . ' .... . . . ' .


~·~----~----~------------------------------------------------------------~---------·---------,, •

By IN THE NEWS THE DAILY NEWS· ~They D.:i 1't Stop at Capturil';~

Newfoundland's Only Morning Paper


Canada ...... ... ............ $12.00 per annum

United Kin~:dom and all foreign countries · .. $14.00 per annum

Authorized 11 aecond elaN mall,

Tbe DAIL1 NEWS II a mGrllln1 paper dtabllahed In 18M, and published at the Newa Bulldlna, 3511-31111 Duckworth Street, St. John'a, Newfoundland, b7 Bobinaon lc Company, Limited.


The CanacUan Prell II exclus1ve1' : entitled to tbe uae for republication of

all news despatch• In thla paper credit· ed to it or to the Auociated Prell or Reutera and also the local DIWI publilb· ed therein.

All Press Service• and feature artlclet In thia paper are copyri&hted aad their reproduction 11 prohibited.

.II • Member Audit Bureau of Clreulatlon.

Post Office Department, Ottawa.

----------~----------~ FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1961

Cuba And Our Fish Markets A decline in Cuban purchases of ·

salt codfish will indirectly affect the Newfoundland situation but chiefly because it may influence the

. demand in the Tliaritimes for our ' hea\'.V salted fish.

Contrary to reports that h<l\'e · been widelv circulated, Cuba has never been a major outlet for· New­foundland fish. It has been largely a special presen·e of Eastern Cana­dtan exporters who, in recent years, have become more and more de­pendent on Newfoundland raw material for their drying plants.

The fall of Canadian sales to Cuba has caused some panic sell:ng b~· 1\Jaritimers in tht' .Jamaiean market and thi~ is a situation that

·. has suddenly aroused :r lot of form er seeptics and critics to a realiza­tion of the effiriencv of centralized market in g. Nafel used to be a dirt)• word. It is true th:lt it was a mcr­l'antile agem·~·. But its operations ha\·e been alwa\'s efficient and it has been the 1£reatcst instrument we ha,·e had for the introduction of order and commonsense into the ..selling of salt codfish.

1t b still opet·ating but without the c:clusi\·e licence it had up to

two years ago when, largely be­cause of the influence of Nova Scotians who are n ow screaming for some kind of centralized export­ing, the Canadian Government can­celled the franchise Nafel had en­joyed for the first ten years of union.

The chief concern of those who are interested in the safeguarding of the interests {\f the salt-fish in­dustry will have this year to Jx. con­centrated upon the supply and dis­tribution of salt-bulk fish. The in­eentive to fishermen who must salt their fish to put it down in heavy salt is irresistible when compared with the time and labour and care required by the altemative of light­salting to make hard-cured fish. In fact, unless some s,vstem of pre­miums can be established to en­courage the production of "shore­quality," the quantity and quality of the output of Iig11t-salted cod must inevitably decline far below the present standards and these are short of the desirable, Trade, pro­ducers and government will need to work in close co-operation this year to assure adequate protection to the-salt fish industry,


In a talk a little while ago, I men· tioned the intriguing imponderability of what would have happened to New· foundland if the island had not been set down in the midst of a sea that was teeming with fish. lt has been surpr:s­ing to find how many have been fascinat· ed by that rather academic question. In· deed, it has appeared to have caused some to think about the remarkable fact that we are maintaining a stronger economic position than we have ever had although the fisheries have suffered a decline in the proportion of their con· tributiQn to the pro1•incial prosperity.

If we take the original question, what would ha~·e happened if Cabo\, having disco\'ered Newfoundland, had not also found its adjacent waters to be full of good commercial fish? Would there have been an attempt at colonization? 'l'he early explorers would have found much of the Newfoundland coast a pleasant·looking place in summer. But colonization cannot thrive on appear. ances. The venturers in the age of di&· covery were in search of riches. And even if they were looking, as did the Puritans, merely for a place of refuge where they could practise their religion in freedom. they would still have looked for more than Newfoundland could offer if it were placed in the middle of a fish· less sea.

They would have found good harbours but these were not enough. They would have found plenty of fresh water but that rould not sustain a.colony of Euro­peans. They would have found good timber but ail they could use il for would be to build houses and other prop~1·ty. Their first interest would have been in the land and its probable fertility. In that. they would have been gravel~· disappointed. Our soil is thin and rocky. tate frosts in spring and early frosts in fall would have been a menace to any thought of an agricultural community. The Pilgrim Fathers had it tough enough in New England in their first years. Il would have heen tougher in Newfoundland where wheat !Uld corn could not be easily grown and . In many years could not be ripened at all. And sincl' our mineral wealth has been hard to find because of the over· burden, Newfoundland would have been

Wayfarer passed up by the colon:zcrs in favour of places further to the south where good soil would make the foundation of good living,

Now it may be contended that a fair number of people, content with \he simple living of the native Indians, could have survived in this island. But even the Beothucks would have been hard-pressed to sustain life, in spite of the abundance of deer, edible birds and wild fruit, if they had not also access to salmon and cod. I think, therefore, that all colonists would have, passed New· foundland by if it had not been for the prolific SliPPIY of codfish that could be so easily taken on its shores. That would hal'e meant that the island would have remained a wilderness, peopled only by the aborigines, until such time as its strategic position was established through the occupation of Canada by the French. Newfoundland, with or with­out fish, would have been a staging post on the way to the American continent. And once the French had found the way up the St. Lawrence, they would have been concerned with Newfound­land. and the English would also ha,·e been cornered with this island, only because it is the guardian of the Gulf.

With the French well established in Canada, the En~lish might have con· sidered the usefulness of bases in New· foundland to maintain their interests in what is now the United States and to control the Atlantic. Garrisons might have been set up. They would prohably ha1·e tilled the soil as Guy did, produc­ing a quantity or root crops and main. taining a certain quantity of farm ani· mals for their own needs. But without fish. Ncwfmmrlland would not have be­l'Um(' the centre of a great international trade. At best. it would have been no more than a military base.

Aftrr all. it is only within nry mod­ern times that we have discovered the Yalue of our natural resources in terms of industrial usage. Our li\'ing, our trade. our settlement. were all founded on fish until about f'ifty years ago. King Cod is held hy many in contempt. But because he is so abundant in l\'cw· foundland waters. ll1e history of the western world has been vast!)· rliffcrrnt from what it would ha,·e been if th',; Island had not been situated in fish­filled seas.

Auld Lang Syne (From the Files of the Daily News)

}lay 5, 1931:

~EW :\10:'\.\STF:R\' La>l e,·,·ning the Ill. He,·. ~lonsignnr

K1ll'lwn. pastor of St. Patrick's Parish, turned the first wd for the foundation of a new ~Ionastery for the Chri>tian Brother.' of the West End of St. John·:;. Pupils of Holy Cross formod out the cxid proposed site of the buildin~.

)11-:R(a;R Statcmonb \l'et'C l'UITCI\1 on the ;\reel

~ esterday that a mer:~er of the bakery interc;,h of (;. Hnnminc & Sun'. ami A. l!ai'\'('Y & Col!lpany wa" <1hout to take plill'C.

. Wll.\l.ES ASIJOilF.

·: ; __

Those Territorial Waters ~: :; In r:2p!~· to Liberal demands for a ernment of Canada is not prepared twelYe-mile limit within which to do unilaterally what Russia1 Ice­Canada could give protection to her land and other countries have done fishing vessels against the encrrac.n- with complete impunity and Mr. ments or foreign trawlers, the Min- MacLean's platitudes were designed ister o[ Fisheries went almost to the to cover up that truth.

Edson In Washington A mes:;age from the CnlleC"Ior o£ Cus­

toms at (;arni>h ycstcrd:l; sUit••\ that two whales ran a>hore at Fren;·hm;m's Core on Sunday. They measured 22 feet ~nd 26 feet ion~.

• • •

limits of pathos when he declared He was particularly unfortunate that "no avenue will be left unex- in his choice of words when he

· plored, no stone unturned, in order spoke of procuring "greater ·prh·i­; to secure action which will result leges" for Canadian fishermen in : in greater privileges for Canadian · the waters adjacent to their own fishermen in the waters adjacent to coasts, This is no case of privilege. our own coasts." It is a matter of the protection of

Mr. MacLean is a likeable and the rights of our fishermen against ~incere man but his trite metaphors foreign trawlers which operate were a poor answer to the claims of with complete and often arrogant Newfoundland fishermen for the indifference to the ordinary rules pl'Otection of their interests in their of courtesy and conservation. Can­own offshore fishing ~rounds. And ada can and should take direct the simple fact is that this was the action to provide the needed secur­language of camouflage. The gov- ity to her fishing economy,

Espionage hi Britain It is an appalling thought that of people in all countries and turns

British foreign policy has been part- them into traitors. Blake, for ly frustrated for nearly ten years example, seems to have been brain­because a great mass of top secret washed during three years of in­information during that pericid was ternment in Korea where he had passed to the Russians by a trusted · been captured while serving as a official in the government service. consular officer, . The extraordinary thing is that The Communists have employed :this man, George Blake, could have every insidio\18 means possible to ·got away with his treasonable acts procure the subversion of nation­for so long a time and the fact that als in many countries; They have he did suggests that there are de- used blackmail, appealed to avar­fects in the security measures taken ice, found people suffering from by the British Government for the persecution complexes, and traded protection and safeguarding of its on the impressionable, in order to secrets. acquire information. They have

. At the same time, this is another been far more successful than, it example of the way in which Com- would apf:~ear, they ought to have munism has become a disease that been if security measures were i~fects and subverts certain kinds wholly adequate:

Trade With Jamafca . ·The possibilities of an increased forts be made to expand the local 'trade with Jamaica have been un- . market for those Jamaican products . questionably promoted by the de- for which a good consumer demand ;cision of the Provincial Govern- can be found. :ment to subsidize the operation of a ~direct shipping service between that .island and Newfoundland.

• : The usefulness of this subvention ·was conceded by Mr. Murin, the Jamaican Minister of Al!:riculture &

'Lands, durinJ!: his recent visit·to St. John's.

·: He mentioned a val'iety of Jamai­:can food products that mi~ht find a : favourabl' outlet in this province 'and. he made 'it clear that he exJ)ect­ed the trade between ·the two dis-

. : tant illands to be ·mutually bene-}fi•' ' J The. shipping service will pennit


txpOJ't. of frozen as well asaalt . • ._ •.. it wUl be tq ijle,i,ntertlt

· i ~ eeoDGmY· that If· -; .

. ',1

Gems Of Thought M)l hookl are water: those of the ereat

.unluaes are wine. Everybody drinks water.-samuel L. Clemw.

OLD BOIII·TOWN ' Galt Reporter

• Why II lt thllt thl farther people cet from their · ho!lll taWD, the mOre they brae about lt? .

. VNPOPVL.U MOVE Th,e London Eeonomlat

· The Conao 1111 lbown the United N•· tloftl that the qulckeat way ot becomin& 1enerally Ullpopular in ·the worl:d II to

til tO •tot "" fllbtlal.


By PETER EDSON Washington Correspondent

Newspaper Enterprise Ann.

WASHIN(iTi.i:\ (:-lEAl-The United Nations 15th General Assembly recently adjourned in New York established one record, anyway.

It was the longest session in the world organization's history-10 weeks in 1960, sel'en In 1961. This does not mean that it accomplished the most. It failed to clean up many of the 85 items on its agenda, leaving them for the next ses· sion which meets in mid·Septcmber.

This past session emphasizes more than anything else just how the U .:'\. has changed in its short life. Afro· Asian nations now constitute a majority of the 99 members. There are 20 more new nations to be admitted in the next few years. The organization baa become so big it ia unwieldy, alow, ponderous.

Most of the new members are best classified 11 "states." They are in no sense unified by a national culture or purpose. They are in no sense de­mocracies. Their leaders are inex· perienced.

The underdeveloped countries have a kind of emotional aelf·interest reaction to all wordly problems. They cannot aee where their interests are affected by the rise of a Castro In distant Cub'a. The long·standing issue of Russian oppres· slon in Hungary fails to excite or alarm the new members because what Euro· peans do to each other ia of no concern to Afro·Asians.

· They are equally mistrustful of the western European powers that were their former colonial masters. They re· gard the North Atlantic Treaty Organi· zatlon as an alliance to protect colonial

· interests. The amaller states feel that the United Natiom can protect them better than regional organizations.

Bul when the U.N. is unable to pro. vide them with all the aid they need, or hu difficultY in living· up to its re· sponsiblllties In the Congo, the new na­tion• lose confidence.

In spite of this, this recent general as­·aemblt became known ai "The African Seaalon." One·balf the items on the a&enda dealt with African problem­race relation• in South Africa, is man· date over Southward 'Africa, Ruanda Uurundi, Algeria, Portuguese Angola, Mauretania and 10 on.

·U.S. Ambassador Adlai Stevenson aug. ceated that the general aasembly try to deal with only the more important Is· suea, to break the ~genda log jam. But, alnce no nation wanted to take respon· 1ibllity for decidln& what country's prob· lems were not important, that suggestion died a·bominJ.

It had been hoped to avoid a long wrangle over the Congo by having that matter settled by the security council before the general assembly reconvened In March. But the Rus1lans wanted to

. make propaganda of it in the aeneral

assembly, so there it went. This emphasizes how the general as­

sembly has become a more important arm of the U.N. than the security eoun· cil. It was not planned that the U.N. would work that way.

Similarly, the secretary general has become a more powerful offidal of the U.N. than was envisaged by its charter. This has led to the Russian Jtlark on Secretary General Dag llammat·kjolcl and its effort to replace him with a three·headed committee of one Cllm· munist, one non·Cmnmuntst and onr neutral.

Such a reorganization. from thr \\'••,t­ern Yiewpoint. would soon mal;e the world organization cmuplctcl)' futile in operation.

Though Russia and Francr ha,·e re· fused to pay their assessment for l' S. forces in the Congo, and \hough the Latin-American nations objected to their aasessmen\s, the compromise agreement reached in the assembly's final all·night session leaves, that operation secure for another ten months. It will have a $100 authorization, the U.S. paying $47 mill· ion.

Refusal and inability of many nations to meet their U.N. assessments may lead to a general backsliding in keeping the world organization going. So far, the U.S. has made lip many of the deficits. Carried to extremes, this could make the U.N. a U.S.-financed agency, but the u.s. would not have control.

There has been no effort to impose any suspension of privileges for coun· tries that cannot or will not carry their share of the costs. But this charter provision may ha,•e to be invoked soon.

;Jtrength ~or 9cda'l lty IAitL L. DOUGLAS


The English word "thrill" is derived from an Icelandic word meaning "serf." When a man in ancient times became a slave, either. through capture in war or through accumulation of debt, his owner stood him against the door·post of his house and punctured the cartilage of hla ear. This was called "thrilling the ear." Tbe man after that was "a thirl," from whlob we get the English word "thrill."

All of which constitutes a helpful little parable. A thrill is generally looked up· on as something quite desirabe. We speak about thrilling experiences, and it is always intended to convey the idea of pleasure. But it means an' exciting kind of pleasure, and the derivation of the word leads us to see that a life made up of thrills is really not a happy life, but a life of servitude. These people are of ·little valUE! either to;. thfmselves or to others. Life for l!;em becumes an avid seeking after new and excitfug ex·

SOUCITOR ARIIIVES :\lr. c;rey Hamilton of Toronto arri1··

crt herr ye,1erda;· hy the Xu1·a Sl'olia He will lake up the matkr rf rancella· lion of \Pier power on B"Y lJ'Est Ri\'cr which was controlled hy the lntcrnation al Power and Paper l'nmpan)·.

~lay 4. 1n!6:

THE m;rm~~G Th<:> hrrr:w.! fisht•l'~ 1;-; prnrf~~~din~

>t>lllrwllal ir:\·'"ubr!y at Htty of \,]anti~ and aho11t IG.OCO han·pb of sea>tid:s hare lwrn pro.twr<l. S'11ne ~o.ono har n•b of h<~rrin~ will hl' l'Pady to ship h:· mid-~lay, . . .

R.\!HO ~~l'~J('

Tomr1rf0\\' Stl'~d;,•·. a ~erip,c: nf radJI pro~rnmmes v:ill he prr..;cntrd oHr VO:\F and \'0:\'ll There ll'ill hr out· standm:z \'Oral and instrumental artists featured. Be~inning the first n'ght will be Hugh O'Neil (violin) and Gordon :\lacphcrson (piano).

* * i!l

WIND GAI.E Gales of wind sweeping the City

reached a velocity of 60 miles per hour yesterday, but the storm dropped after nightfall and this morning the weather was calm.

Building A Challenge . By BRUCE BIOSSAT

The housing experts' conserva\il'c gucs,;es are that the nation will n~cd 16 million new houses in the 19603 just to keep pare with the expected new family formation.

On top of \hat. \hey >aY C!'nsus figures indicate another 16 million U.S. dwelling units should be scraped or rehabilitated to assure that the rising population will be decently housed. • Prospects for getting these two major housing jobs done do no\ at this time seem unduly bright.

Sinre 1960 saw only 1.27 million hous· ing starts and the projection for 1961 is a little more than 1.3 million, we will ha1·e to force a stiff pace in the remain· ing' years of the decade to aehiere the necessary annual aver~r,e oi 1.6 million.

How is the slack to be taken up? . President Kennedy's mn::·.~us housing

program, aimed broadly at that objec· tive, is no specific in forecasting gains in new starts.

Most hope evidently is pinned to the proposal for no·down.payment, 40·year mortgage· financing on homes .costing $9,000 to $15,000. Yet neither govern· ment housing official! nor private build-

. ers have publicly tried to guess what boost this will give the housing market.

For their part, the private builders, led b}' E. J_ Burke, president of the

periences, and when a person gets to a place where that is the main object of l1is life, he is a slave indeed.

The way to get the best out of life ts to live it to the full. That will mean . some loss and sorrow. but triumph at the last ..


Editor Daily News, Dear Sir-Please allow me ;pat!

comment on a rrcent court c~s~

inYol\'ed me. I was arrested and ' on a drunk and disorderly char~e unjustly detained in the lol·kup 1 hot,gh I was innocent of the ~aid.

fence. The Police Constable ,.tatcd under sworn tcstimon:· I \l'al ··

in;: and using profane lo:n;:ua~e.

>'illlC evidence was contradicted b: \':i tnesscs which resulted in l\1

ln my opinion that said Poi1ce stable is a disgrace to the Pnl:cc •. llwi·elore I .'~l~ges1 he ehould h~ and subject to in:,tJnl rl!m

fr••m the force or an alt::raatire 1:

suspcl'>!lln. In condl'siun let me say a•,:·

Office!' \\'ho nd;cs an ~rr :-t ,;. · ho:re :,u[ficirnt evidence.

Than kit:;: you in anticip;.l io1:. I , yours.

JAl\IES F. flTZP.i_TRn Blackhead Road.

---- -------,\ltr.RIC'.\S GA;I;(!STER,;

f.ditor Daily :\ews, Dear Sir-The r1•ports of tlw 1r.L

l:on of American gz.ngstcrs in !l:r of the Can::d;an unrlorwnrH. ::nrl ··l'.S. rrimc ho'"~' dir~ct bw11'r'; C:-.nado'' doc-; not mal\~ n•ry P~ rr?.ding for the hon"~l Car<1d:an ri:

\\"hile Cannda h:ts ah·;a~·s h:·~!l

·Jf hein~ ahiP tn ,.,,rtro1 ~~n-:: ... t' !' ~~';.

:>rut:•! heat in~ of one of C;nnii; · (~cunhJ'n~ mC'n. the sho(d ·ll~' f 1 1t\\~

ri\'al par:ncr> in cri111c in "'ems to hear out the f:tl'l 1;, d '"' hH~ fl3n~ster;sm right hel'c 111 the :r ,,f tlw maple lea£.

If jt', one thin~ u·~ c~n dn ''· 't'< or~anizrd crime. Tlw ' that our citi<'s Sll!'h as To!'oi>h \\' innipeg. Hamilton and I hal'e ha1·c grown so large that we P.Xpect this sort of crime. i; :to

:tt all. These gangsters should b~

our bGrders. Surely our ""'"'m"' officials can do something 1<1 hard for them to cross the int boundary line_ It is against our gration laws to stay in Canada indefinate period and these per!! should be hunted down after theY tr over·stayed their visit. .

It is only too clear that we ned take drastic action to stop our , cities from becoming a world of tion and gangsterism. We don't l'.S. l'ice lords directing opera( their plush hideouts in Miami and where. The cost of crime i5 too tis il is.

Yours si nrerely. G. \\'. CHI:\\ERY

230 ~larlboro St., Brantford. On\., April 30, 1961.

1'\ational Association of Hom~ say they are trying to come up good, solid house $1,000 cheaper that now available in all sectors ol country_

Even if it be assumed the)' ran into this untried territory, and it volves experiments with materialt sign changes, pressure to alter ing building codes, the estimate the housing market may be by only 100,000 units a year.

Tacking that onto· the expected of 1.3 million for 11161, that stiU a gap of aome 200,000 units to order to attain 1.11 million starts ' And no one apparently dares to Ill actly how that can be done.

Tbe private builders IIY theY creaaingly interested In taking of the huge urban renewal task ed for the country. But this untested ground ·for them. still educating themselves on tbt I ems.

Obviously it takes a rash predict that the housing goals 1960s will be met. The America' my has fell tougher challenges ing lt.

cw•ING S1 C•aadl•• P•

'tbe k ExchanJ:e• Sto<· ts unt.., ,"/ ~·•,. dt•·idel

1.w-Es·"'arrantl )

S l<l BIJb L .. a MJNt:S ,m 10'h 10 500 6 6

185(1 41~ 411 17110 66 I

JOQO « 44 5000 4 4 2000 17 17

2,1161 62 58 1110 790 7!10

10500 8 7 • :13700 !!0 IS

"' 1500 89 500 7'h 7

47370 47 42 15900 17 14 ~:00 15(1 146 6000 11 IC :zoo, u 13 7500 7 I

500 275 27! 7i00 5C1 4f 2100 13 " 300 151 !:.<

•500 42 ·1: l700 13 1:

10700 10~-~ ! 1:!900 17 I 2500 57 5. 5700 U5 14t 4800 II I 1000 ~\'i 800 68 6

100CO llV; 1 5000 7'1

41650 t)5 li 6lO 625 62

5000 32 ' 6100 360 3: 9500 6 700 110 10 n;o 13 I

326110 ,30 91 HOO 175 I'

35304 )22 1: 40f)(l 3~

l!l42 10 2400 23 4000 3

7n3S 61 3000 8 JJOO llO I 206ll ttst• 6151l Ill I 5500 9 ~000 J

32650 39 I62t)(t I) !61011 81; ;:;oo 53 '2300 34,5

10507 ~l ~:zoo n 31(;0 30


and comm~

Get a better 1 leOIIomlc:ally. ca:

mfactl Uld

From 1


ST. :

M. Lv. Nev Lv, Hal Ar. St. ~ Lv. St. Lv. Co~ .Ar. Nev


Will cal

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"llfi , .. r;.:r ~-,: :H',

(·rarrl\'. 1 C ~UNNER'l.

·n rome up 1.000 cheaper 1 all seeton ol

m~d they ean ·rritory, and It with materia\1,

tre to alter the estimate II • may be 1ts a year. n the exptctecl 961, that atiU lOO unlll to million atartl I ntly darea to 111

be done. en say theY tit d in taldnt oil renewal talk

But this


I C Beli<k !l500 4 J!> 4 Nl<k Rhn 8000 m 90 101 • ~2 C Calljnan JOOO lOll 101> 101.2-- \', loljpbslnl ISM m 10\1 II% -4

I Cun c Cad 1000 21> m 2'.> Nj>lO :zooo sv. 5 ~~· +I

\Grain Sale M~ght Be Reco·gnition Factor

, C Dl>«>v 1935 315 :WO 340 + 5 Noronda 28111 UIIV. 41 .411 .... + I'll j C Fen 14167 :llV. :12 2Wo + .1'1 Norpn• 7000 13 12 Ci'h

CG Arrow 1000 22 :!2 2 Nororno 1000 ~~ ~I> 5I\ By DAVE MciNTOSH , mittee under close ·questioning

OTTAWA < CP! External : by Paul Marlin I L - Es~x C HalU 349)0 && 4111> ll3 +I N Cololnl\ 6200,1 170 151 154 · -12 <Lt~>l~h "llll'KS C Marbon ~000 49 ..ill 48 Norlhtale 14:18 :1$ 54 3ll +3

)II (' udl•• ,..... COR M s m $26'~ 'I~V. 2~~ + ~- N Golde" 1000 31 30 31 -1 ~1 Tb•, ·~'\<'hil:tf.o-~lay 4 . C Moaul 119815 174 1&8 161 -l N R,U\k 2200 114 15 81 +I ;1:•' ~~~·\" 'rr~ll unltu mar"ked $. I ~ !'il'lrrisoa -'000 23 22 23 -1 North CaD 1200 lto 154 1M ~ , . \n ~, di,·ldcnd, ~r-t;x· C MoAher 16SO 16& 165 165 Nonalle 2500 9b 8~ a~ -1 ~1 . "' ' 1 I con ~•au• ~oo 13 13 13 N Beouo 500 :18 311 38 ,.-t:, ,,.rallh N<l 1 C N•rthld 671)() 311\S 36 37 -1 'Nudu1 1000 13 12 13 +IU

Affairs Minister Green said 1~ E~.stl on the government's at­Wednesday the big Canadian titude to the twin problems of grain sale to Communist China I rPcognition and Chinese entry "might be one" of many !ac-1 to the UN. tors in Canadian consideration The minister also nid the of the recognition of Red China I troubles in Cuba have been a anC: its admission to the United : complicatint factor in tht ques­N ations. i tion of whether Canada shDuld

. lllsb '·'" Cl••• Ch'l• 1 C Ptroh 500 9 9 9 - v. Obrien 7260 A &.'1 6ll. + 1 !':~lu ,ust:"' I ~on1 Que 13to t2 U 42 +2 1 Olla Rare 1500 to, JD 10

3 " n b ConiYPII ~5 410 400 410 + IB Opemi>X 25000 1160 130 635 '25 _ , 10,. 111 1~', t- Yl j C Relt<"t 30100 11 10 11 + 11~ O'Leal')' 1~000 18 17 18 + 1

,,.,:: 11 ~; 110 415 I ~op Corop 8:\00 24 22 :13 -1 Drchao 6100 170 111.1 167 +2 ·' ~'It~ tit. 6b 6 '1 COll·~an UOOO 9 8'.1 9 + ~ Ortnada 1000 t"il.2 6\.-!1 6~ + V:o

1·' H H 41 -1 Coprand 66!19 m 151 160 Ormsby 301)0 29 2:i 27 +21• He made the remark In the I join the Organization of Ameri-

Commo!ls external affairs com· can States. · \II "1 4 Couire 110SO 40 38 31 O•lsko 1000 35 34lh: 3-1.\1:- 1,3 "'I~ I .1, ' _" 1 1; 1'" li CrtujnU 1?00 14 13%. 14 + \'4 Pnu.maq 70500 lJ 11 ll'h- 'n ~~~· ' ~r. -2 ) Cu::~t·o 45nrt 6 6 1 Pardee 5CIO 21 21 21 ~~,\~1 -.:...~ .. ~ 790 Dal'rin.a 3300 11\iii u lli,.i + ~ Patino M tsdb 486 425 •w ,..31 Ea!ll Kod 9200 116~4113~. 11~~4. +1% 1 MDnt Ward t~fl I I D' \ p 6 I ... ~ ' A I

1 .,1)1) R 7h 7~2 _ \1! 1 • ra~on 48~XI 30 2fi 27 + 1 nymast 4.Ml0 1 1S\il 16 Eaton M .c ......., J41r4 33

5i 34~4. + ~-- 1 Nat v atn

;~,, ~" 15 l9 l'.> I De Cour 2000 I~ I R + loll Pee ElPI 3066 12\2 12 121> + ~· El' Auto l. 1700 651co 6-1'' 64'1 + '•, Nat Cash

--··1 i _.,; ,9

~~ 89 2 , D~~r Korn 33500 26 :15 :151> Peer! .. , 500 10~ 10" 10\lo- 1'1 El Paso 1650~ 2B 27'1 Wl - 'I• 1 Nat D!Jt • ..

1 .. , 71

1 _.. ~~ D Eldllna 2116 8\i 8 8 Pkk Crow 1360 SO SO ~ Flrutn 10200 37 36~• 36"-' + \-) Nat Gyps

\>• ,: ' ~ ' 44 ' nclnlle m; 31 31 31 +I Placor 112~ U11> 21 211> Ford llBOO R5'.> 14'> 8!\1 t V.: Ny Coni •,,;~.-~~:: 1 ~ 14 16 +I ~2~nlso1 •~75 St0\1; PQ5 10 Pre-I!IIOD 1100 S45 540 540 +5 1-'rueh Tra noo 23y;l 21 2n. I NY NH ~'"' 116 1

;o lltekn>n 1262 2115 :181 281 -4 Pro• Air 12100 115 108 108 -2 WGen Dyn 14200 39~> l9 l9'!i ' Nor Pae ;,: 1~0 lt

1,::-. 101 ~ +- \i . Domt~ 875 1~2 1~ 1% + ~ Que Ascot 8200 11"- 10 10 + ~~ Gen E1tc 32200 651f:z 6~~~ IJ!'il;.a + ~',Ohio 011

tiJlilol u 13

, ~. t:\1 'll I I>on_r.lda ?000 6 !11.-o.a 6 Queo Ch~b U?OO • 2S 27 -1 Gen Fda 4000 80 79~~ 79~4- 1A 1 Ohltt 011 :-~ 1 \"t h' f>t

1 llu\an 33000 16 15 1$ -1\i! I Que Lab 2000 31;) 31,1 31,'2 + Y.l Gen Mlll.!l 4800 32!1 32~-s 32 + lh · Parke Da

:;:::; ~;;, p 'm +3 ~ A1


1 1000 5 5 .5 Que Ltlh 100 110 510 510 _,E """!•"-"•'"- M•C"'I"E GM!' 28~00 46'.2 46

1.; 46\'J + •.1: Phelps D

. ~11 li"l 49 .1 II UiOO 1~ 151 151 -4 Q Metal· !iSOO 80 75 879 -3 1 n 1 n N"'INO '"' n N Gt.•n Tire 11100 72 704< 71P•- ~.I 1 Pbilcr

; 711\ !:l 13 f 1 F.11s.t Sull 3500 193 187 187 +4 Qnemonl 1220 945 925 '2~ -20 Glidden 2:100 40 39~k 39<:o.;. +1 i Philip Mor ;h~'

1 :~

1_.,;, t:ai • ;- F.ldc>r 21600 1C4 160 112 RalllOre 28000 71 6li f,(l -3 Goodric-h "ROO 56 5~, 56 + 'Iii! I Pit Platt

·,.,, 1

_, \~ 4::! .,.1

EIJriC'h 651K1 19 18 19 Raln\·tue 200G 18\tl 11 1t + v, \ Goodytar 15200 371• 36

14. 37 + ~~ Proc Gam ~."·1" 1"1 l~ t~ -\ El Snl 1000 e I • Ba)"rork 12000 16 90 11 -2 'DalhOUiil 161 15 11 11 + lh I Growth Oj1 and Gilll 1.06 1.41 ~Blue BDn $50 $RI-ll ft'I.'J ~ll- 14 Gr Pai~f" 6.')00 :!'a 2 1 ~t 21i ! Pullman

:-~~··.~ tu,~ ~~2 ~~ : ~ ~~1::: ~~~ 11~~1 ;;~ ~~~~ +1 ==~~le :0,: 1~1 1~9 ;}~ I Montreal 281~~~5~: 63;4 s + 11.3 i ~~~:!i~~~ ~:~~t:l )~und ~~·.~; ~~-.:~ , ~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~ i~ ~~ J ll.i g~a~t1 pun ~:J ~~ ;~~ ~~'"' ~ :;: : ~;:ub su :~ ·n.' .,

7 l."• FaroHlay ';'.IOU 19.l ta~ 190 +li

1 Re:upar 11250 17 151,-i '17 +I Ncwa Scotia 2811 S73i• 7Jh 7~:'1.-' 1 Keyatont' lli.BO l~J.lll ·Bornite 1000 4 4 4 Gt ~~or xd :!000 41\,~ 4<"i 48 _-..., · Rty Tob

~··· 1' :'ij 5~ I•'atlma !1800 39 31 311: ,._ 1 1 Rio AIJ:om 21U 190 875 BID -:1 I Comfl\erct 878 165:., 65:~H. 65%- ~-1 1 Mutual Accumulatlnt fund R.i2 !UJ Can Vinl( 100 S4fl 40 40 r.ul{ Oil 11100 41!- -11 411il + 31 'Royal Out ~.~ •. · :~·. J.\ll U"."! J.'tobi!lhcr 10150 lJY.a lH~ 111~ + v.! Rln Rup 12000 614 6 61.-) I Jmp~llal 534 $76 75 76 1lktua1 Income Fund ~ 47 ;,.91\ 'c Collifrif'S IOHO ~a 1-2 Hl~ ij!~ -

1·4 Jluct RaY lO!)fl 57 s;u.t .~6:1, 1 ~1:. Stars R :;·~; !~11 1 ;,~ 1 ~ 1 ~ ~l'Co \11nu l37:1 121"'• 2B~ 211.s 1 Rix Athab 2100 29 28 29 +'1 ~~:~ ;:~~ :i~~ ~~~, !~i~ ·- ;~ ~· d~m~rjcan rund OJ Can, 1~.~0 1~.04 '~ KodJak :: li:i liri lf' · 5 . lntcrlnkt 700 25 ::·'"• 24!1 + ~' Shfl Oil

5800 :111\lo 30\i ~ • 'AI liDO U\1 Z8 V•-.... • 14 1400 104\\ S?V. 1041'1 ~ m 51100 271a 271'11 :m • ., 2100 5m ~Sit 57~ +21'.1 imO 1910 It "£V, + % 3110 3 3111 ~~ 3100 45\1 44% 45'.8+ ...

!1000 m• 4t% 41% .. v. 5000 m• mo 4m + 'I

13400 3-!Jo/, 38% 3911 •• '~ 7200 GJ\1 62% 2% - •• MOO '22!1 ~1% %2 2100 92\1, 911\0 91\lo + 'I

3400 70~'-Q ~f,£;c il'l ~ 8211. 81',~ 1%~1 + ,,

2700 :.ut 37'~ 33 ...... J2ioo ett. i 10% eo•:;. + 1,.,

5700 61\-i &I 61 3800 116 I I& 115\~ + 1

14000 4:!111 4J'i .f-21• 14000 601 ~ St'S tot~ + 3~

3Zoo 43~• u~,. 43~• 33700 7~. 11'1 201lt +21 ~ 14i00 4S~I 45~1 45~.4 ~ .• ~ t:·.~ "S fiR t>& cr:~~x \'K 1~~ $1~ 1:~~ l~li __ \i j ~~::in = ~ 2: ~\:, ~ 1:~


\ . om lSDl,STRI AL; , ;. - ·' : S:\'ess;~d ln\'elt ol Canada S·.i~ ~:~~ ; C~~~~~~m~ 81100 l~ lfl 1 ;~ ·,; - I 2 ~ :~~ ~r:: ~~~: ~~~: ~;~~ ~~~: :-1 ~-, ~~t;~~~i~n :~· ' ::~-. tn It -'1 Glacl['r ~000 18 16 16 + 11 1 San Ant 18970 180 175 180 +3 Alum,nl, 2 .629 $37~• 36?1 37 Supervi,;td Amer. fund 7.81 i.89 'Casslar 250 Sli14 1314 t;,, .. 1-

1• lnt Pap t;'tM 3Z:t 11 JP 111 32'4. + 1-i! .~\""Ill :L"'ll 7 7 -l Coldale 9500 27 2~1,.'2 27 +l • I' Sand RiY 4000 6 6 6 + 1.-',.! An~:Lo Nfld 65f.O $8 8 II Supervised Extc 55 43.&1 I Ch['malny Z.1JWU n.s :!9:, .'l~l\ . 15 lnt Tel l1000 tiD' 5'11 fi.()l • I 1:~" • ·, 6~~ f\3 -t1 GF Mlnjn' \ljOO :zo 1g, 20 Sate11ltt 000 2o 181; 19 + 12 C Br .. w 1025 $491) 49 ~!)l"l i- Itt Supervised 5fl 35.:'10 . , Chib Cop 10000. 18 16 16 + 1 1 J(lhns ~f ~-,,?~ :~~J>~. 6~~4 G6~: +' i TAKE: A TIP-TRY ~~·' ~:.i f,ZJ Gramti'O)• 36~ 16 151h: 16 ( SherrtH 11187 '1' 400 41S +lS D Maanea lSO $tl 1 ~ 8~"'..1 8l~ Supen·tnd Exec 57 fLO~ : Chjpman 1000 !i 5 1 Kcnnecut i"oo 321. !lP~ 92'' _ ,ii:

~ .. ' ;~ "l(L :10 -·1 Grandue JG90H 37(1 300 33:\ -4- 4! SIRma 4110 425 425 425 + 5 Do1co 100 $11 14 lP., 11 1 ;, Supervbl'd 58 5 39 fi.l5 ; <.:Cllnln~a 1000 -1 4 l 1 Kres:A 3qoo 3:!'1 31~'11 :JZll + t·1

-"!·.""1 ~,;,) 3Jfl J3:l Gulch 21)()0 8 8 1 +l Sll MIUtr 6600 :19\~ 38 39 ,_, +l Jnl•nd z50 16',~ 6\:~ 6'1J Sut•en·ised Growth Fund 1.89 1.!11 1 C Dl'¥ Ser A 8 75. 75 7~ J.tJI'w'~ 4~c11 30 1'l :!''31 .. ,. t 4 .,, ... 1' .~!~ ;..t, Gult t.~ad 13j()u n-. 6 fi1~-+ 1\-z I Sltiroe ~27S 133 130 134 +<4 Pelni.J!na 280~ Sll%. 11 14 11'11 + ''I Supen·llietl TDC'tlme fund 4.2ti 4.JO . c nh: Se~..: pr 4 t:.!i ~i 2.7 : :\1rtrllh 1-'Jtf 300 71)1, iO 70 -'·' ~1 "' 1:.~: 1 ;~ 1;~

1 Gunnar 4851 U.S ItS us -11 j Stanrell 173 115 115 115 +J Slmp•onJ 16 40.$l3~• 32~'1 331 H tll.~ x-TV Rltdro-nlc .R3 !:U2. · C Vauze 1000 97 rl:t !"1.~ : .\farlin co l'Hi{]l) :J'l :1a 3fJ +

'j' - Gwjllim \7000 1H1

5 6~1..-2 1

starratt ~~~._., ~~:~ li Stedmun 620 U9'A. 39 lP1t+411Timed Inve-stment fund h.O.'i li.S4 )Coprand 8:lfmlfa !:'Ill 1~>2 .1 i\tcKte 900 JPI J(l :l0\,"l+1• ·l),l 000 !lf\,~ <IO Han1 Rork 2000 ll', 1% 13 +% Steop B 1190 Ill ~ 1185 -5 Wainwright 2l00 170 ISO 165. + 10 Unlled Accumulall'" 17.30 •11.91 1 Cr•in RL 500 llR'• lfl•.; 13' \ , ~l<rck 'P.OO P.o ,-, 86 ,

···'• :.~-~ 17 11 li' i2 H<~r·~Hn 3500 111 ., 11 11 -~~SLuraeon 1, 110 .!'i 28 29 +2 Walku11 .1.595 U91,l 49 49 1 x-u.s. fund•. ,DoJsHn :llto ;1.J i 1 :~ 71 -·--· 1 2-~inn Hon i1C·o 15~~~~t4R~,"'I4al~~~,: CLE.o\NERS LTD. ) '' 110 114 -~ K ol Lake• "000 9\o 81!1 I I Sud Coni 1000 7 7 7 -l; w .. ton J 77ll $59Y• S» 511 . D EnK 101 SIS'• 15'• IS'' ' •• I \!Inn \1~1 1:·100 83 P2 112'< . . for your sum

: ' 1 •. , ~l ~ .,.1 Headway lj!)OI} J!'i~ 34 l5 + 1\-2 SUit\'aD ~00 16! U8 1111 + 1 n Lta~~ 2.100 Bfl Rfl 8{) I '-1inn Ont 1400 JO!,~ :!}11• 2!P4. + l/, I 94021·2-fttl

::;I: :: f 2~'' +1, I n~rr~~:~ ~::~ i~ 1~'l 2~ =S~ ~~~~:~~ '!: ~: ;~,. ~:,,+I, 'Tolol SoiUI 1,325,000, ~~-il~~clolh Hn'~S~;~?;1'~);:\\/3 14 i ~lonsa~t_"-~~1 46'~=4~6~'•~>~ .. ~· ~~~~~~~~~;:::;:::~-:-' ~"•l t: jti 3 -1 "3 'I Hull Hay 300 S.~6tf. M~ !i5:l4, +2 I Taurranll 1~00 ~ 57 57 -3 t:undy .,.,., ,, fi fi \

~ R ~; ; 1 lbd~t' 1-.:x 367<l2 (() 37 39 + 1 1 Terk·H 3995 168 163 163 -~ I · Fano 1000 2l,i 2 1,~ 21,7 ._

1 :.~ I

~· .. , 1111 11

g _5

hwpu·:'tn 6700 47 45 46 +1 ; Tt•mae: 10000 165 1~5 160 . Futurity -i! 11 :?:, :!.J .,~ : ~·· !'! l:ll' lnt :0.:1riH•I ·tHO $7!1~1 76 78~i t ~f)B 1 Tnrli.Ol'J' 11000 15 13 1 ~ + 1~~ I GoJd Ai:e ~,iio Jfl t 3fl iS - u,. I

'•oo• ::;'• 1· 100 t2 lriolt Cop ltil50 160 1~2 159 +2 Tombtu &700 74 72 73 -2 I ~IONTREAL CLOSING STOCKS ! llal\lan 11000 m • 4•; ~ I>' '' . to~ lrun Ra)' 2U~ 11\3, 183 1R3 -2 ! Torbrlt 10600 31 29 29 + 1~~ By The Cunaltlan rnu I Uaslinr:• 512fMI 1:~0 11:! 113 • 1 ·:,. 9 9 ho 1000 65 ~ &4 _ 1 1 Trln Chlb M>IJO 10 10 10 t 1 '1 Mon1r .. l Stock Exchan~r-May 4 I Horner A 50 SJO\; 30'i 101.; + •.;

'.• . '' J~ 3; . 1

'~ar1~!;~': t;i~1g ~ i: :i tJ : ~~~-~~~~.. ;: ~~~~ 1ii? ~~~;.: ~· Abii~IONTBE,\JJ8f~o;:::da~t!~CKS m; ~ tr~;:~~ir~:, b~~~~~\~o:, 1~1con~11'::'~~;~ ~~~~:~~ A ~;~ ~ii~l ~~'s ;;'• ~~ ~ ~~ Ja~·{· F.spl HMlO lfi lt; 1fi -t 1 \1 Asbes rnsn .\10 520 J .'i10' :.1 Asb~Jlos 26~_;, Fra!irr 2:!. I mark~ed s. z--Odd lut. xd -Ex-djvldend. Jubllet ~3~5 .uo -15 .un .. 5

:~;.lr. ... i ".J 5 ~. .~ ~ i:~~~~~ ~~:.~~ ~ ::! ; ! ~~: ~=P K~== 1= : ~;~ ~~ :~' 1 ::~~e Jon~at :~~: ~~~w~.~~~rlh :~~~ 1l xr-F .. x-rlghts, xw-F.x-warrants. N"t ~:~r~~~~:. ~: s~~ ~! ~~ + ,,~. : ~ '· 1 ~ •. Ho :t~o + 5 olle-t lOiOO ztJ 2i 28 I \'tnturea 9677 5431• 42t.. 43,. t- 1. Bnue PC fG llud Ra)· Min j6 • Slork ljal~t Hirh Low Cion (~h''r :\!er""'ill '2!:lOO 1tfl 107 lOR

::I',-~ ;_~ Z!il 'll ~~ + 1 .Jun,.mitb 65iUO 1:!!'.1 !} 11 + 1 Viol am i400 90' 90. 2 90 ... -1- /~ A 41\~ ImP on o\f:l.-11 Abitibi 510 37\'.t 381.} . + to II I Mid Chib 1000 24 24 24 + 3 :.~·••

111 ~: J.ow~~y 2188 3.1 :tt 33 _,., I Waite Am a:,gl 695 n 5 695 +:W BathUrfiL B 26 tnt Nick '17~~ Acad·Atl 1:i() $27 2M4 26~~ + l~ j \.ft Pleasnt 1500 49 4R 4!i ~ 2 I

·" 3fl Kem lltr. 5~00 5\~ ~ 5~~ + 1 . Wn•amae 1133 7n 70 7n Bell 52 lnt Pap :m2 Al~oma 13011 $39 38=14. 38~"- ''• i Min Corp 200 tl2~~ 121.'.1 121 ~- 1,4 ,

•........... _. ~t'l·r Add 281tl Ill 1014 11 + 1;~ I Wtedon 2000 4 4 4 Brazil 420 Mass-Ftr lJh AJumlai xd 504 S37 36:V" 36'~ - ,,A . :\Iogadnr ~00 s 8 R 1

K1lemb< 3250 31'0 3lO 375 -~ Werne1 233700 24 m; 221 . ~I Bid~ Prod J517 lol St Car 12 Alum I pr z~l am; 21'.'' 211.> I \lolyz 2200 105 100 105 -5 , Kirk \tJn 70J(i 44 42 43

1 w Surf 1 10500 22 19

1 +' Cleveland 91,-!il Nnranda 48~ Alum 2 Pr 160 S46VJ. 46~4. 46~~ I !\1R Oalrits 9117 $91'.1 11~~ 1r1~ _ ~:,

We build well in a hurry! AND S.&V• YOU


IIIII communltr.

Crt& brtter buildln1 tconornle•llr. Call ua todaJ

ktllocts and fl1ur-.

Kopan 11000 11 17 18 +I 11'111 \\'Ill 4:\00 73 70 73 _ 5 ~ ~:m•nt1 ;78~1 PPo.udash 14a , :n~0 T 200 pr 2925~ 5$45011'.

3s91;'• ]i,!'·> I !'II'R Rjcr ISO t30 30 30

LHbrallor 1225 s:2~1 221,1 22~, _ ~• \ \\'i)ts('y to·n~o 11 9 10 men pr • ,J r,ce 4!. 1 r& s '" ow 1 ~·alive M zSOO 9 !I 9 t. llufaull 5.100 6o 59 ~9 1\'r llarr '550 101 101 101 C Sleamohlp 52 Que Pow 381.1 1 Au 2;0 pr 25 t49 49 49 - •• 1 H Form1 601tomll> 5 5'; ~ , ; L Short z30 35 325 3.\ Vale< l.rad 48600 18 l-11.:~. 1i +!\ C Bnk Com 6Sltl Royal Bank 751,.; ! A!!bestos 1245 $27 26-',~ 26~;4, + 1,

1. !'l Jar k L 1!250 5 4 5 ... 2 1

!.an_~is ;-:;00 JDI.-'2 39 39 _ 1i Yk Bear 4.550 95 t! 95 _ 1 Cdn ~rew 49~1 St 1. C.:orp 23 i AU_afi Stl ]5j6 i:10'·~ :?:9~-" 3Ma ... A~, ioiQ Pow 1 pr 25 U9 49 4'\ ·-1 ' l.atm Am 4.9(lt'O 70 67 fill _ 1 t Young RG 11700 -4:1: 40 40 _ 1 Cdn Ctlan 3G Shnwirt 281,4 Ra11 S 5pr 100 $191 ... l!)llil HI!" t 'i Ohal.,k1 :~1JD l:.!'.l 9 lJlJ .21:! Lf'ltch 9()() HA tU 1·\11 I z~nmac 7100 2n 19 2n +1 g ·~~~~ Ppower 1327" STteelc L ,·g I BBowat;,r 6M2 .ss~. B'JA~, a~.. Opem E~pl 5300 15 14 15 . 2 LL 8()0 180 178 1BO · ZuhiPA SSOO 27 25 28 _ 2 wr pr .,... r an P :!-l ! ow ., er pr z o .. so·' 50!!., s.o:1-... Opemlska 3600 861'1 85n ll6fl • Ji i t.ora(!("l 1i!l300 190 ti~ li4 -n l Curb ' t:PR :!43• Lin Sttfl II I BrazJJ ~78 425 410 420 raudash 1623-0 19 )51_,, 1!J -;..1,;.:

1.ort1do wu 7U750 104 pn , 3 -4 I Bulolo 300 fi.60 &fiO .... Jn Seasra1111 39~ WalKtr 49'h BA Oil l:l9B $3~~• 34 3Pi- 14 Pennbet' 6~0.1 ~ 11 R l.~·ndh!Jt 11000 11 10 u +l Gaspe C(I!J"' 2fiO $26 26 26 _ 16 D Rrtdge 18~-1 C:\NADIAN I Bl"'E ,a._pr SO S91H1 90~ 90~ 1 + ~-4 Pitt Go)d sooo 2'-i ~·-~ !!1-J

~~\ .. ~~~~~· ~~ 270g 26~7 2115 'I Hulton Con 1100 01~S s~ 5~ ~ 5 Dom Tar 171.) Cons Pap ~ ~gE E~J~r ~ ~~~ : ~ I ~~~.~~pi~~ 1~:~ :l 1l~ :~~~- 1':'

~lacdon 10600 211> 19\o ~I +I Almlnn !60 190 1"0 ". I Be Forrst m $1l ll 14 Qup Chlb 2000 ZB 18 2H ' I ~I L d 185 v -.. " BC Pow 1680 SJS;t 35~ l,~,· +. '•' 1 Qu{" Smelt 511700 20 l 4 1 :, '~.o - \I'• ... · ac eo 70() 1GJ 100 101 , 1 J Anchor 4500 1 ' 'j ·-1 "' .. ~lad~en • 20450 21~ 240 240 _2~ Aoumera 1500 10 !Ill .._ 3,, I Be Phone "80 $50 49'• 50 + ,, ~ Red Crot 4r,oo 3 l 3 llaRnrt 6!1110 ~Iii 5\, .l\2 Bailey s A 2600 810 7~ 810 +2S Brown 2000 $lf 1311 14 + 10 1 Ruby Foo 100 245 245 21:. - ~ llnlnrtjr !100 72 ?0 70 Ballov s pr 270 tl9•.1 19•, ~~·; Build Prod 200 m;i 35'.> >SI>- '·'I Ruby Foo wt 300 65 65 65 ' II \tannst U 3000 4 4 4 + ~ Ball '51< pr 305 S!l~o 221, 221~ _ '> Cal Pow 189.1 1211 27\1 23 + I< SL L Colum 1000 56:0 550 '"' • :, ~laralgo 500 91> glil 91'11 znnll 16111 100 100 1.,1 ., 3 Can Cem 621 529 2111-> 26•.;- Sl Maurl<e 2000 75 75 75 -~ )iarboy IOO~tl 141~ U H\a Hata '1lOI'I ~ I l5 -H,· Can Cern pr 88 S28 27"";t 7~1- 1,J., Si\UC'flTL 4\li(} 214 :!311 23~ -1 \1arltlmo 36100 121 120 121 H Brltaltl 300 260 2M 2fo0 -106 NEW YORK CLOSING STOCK~ C! I' 4\i P 5 Sso 60 60 -1 Shop Sa,·e 30Z4 ~3'o R'l s•; ~ ~; !\!arlin 11000 36 35 ~1\1- 1'1 Calalta 250 42 40 40 ' Belb . Steel 47\j K•nnecotl ~ZV. CSL 111M 152 5H< 52 + 1 Soca ;on 100 !On 100 -)Jatatch 1500 9 81,-j t + 'ri: Cal Ed 223 , 171,_. li'• 171 ~ _ 'w Borlil Warntr 40 }lonly W 30\;.~ C Aviation 200 S23~l;. 23'~ 231;4 .._ 1,~ S Duflult 11500 11 !'Jl'J: 11 + :~~ Maybrun 24500 10 9 10 +I C 011 Lds I~O Ill Ill 1111 _ 5 C and 0 631> NY Coni 19ii C Bank C 4lR $65'!4 65'< m• + ,., SC Pow 6 pr z2 $120 120 120 Mclntyn 2219 S30~' ~ 30 + ~ .. J C 011 L wts 2000 13 13 13 -1 Con!l Edison 79'" Radin Corp 6Q\~< Cdn Brew 167.1 $1~:-.~ 49 -11"1~· ...... 1., Spartan 5!l.'i00 2::!S :os :!20 +Ul McKrn 1100 1!1 15 15 -l CS Pete 1300 330 320 !'30 +5 ~I Au~~ El 6~:ilt Sou PRe 21~~ C Br Alum 92.:5 $131'4 12 13,·4. + lY~ I Sp,.rlan wt 1M 6;" 61 f.;' -] :\lcWat GSOO 29~1 29 21 -I~ c Clllfftn 1500 i 5 en ec li5L.' Std Oil NJ 48 1lt C Bronze zJO S19 1!'1 1\l Tarhe 5500 7'-'2 7 71.:0 \Tcntor 16000 4S 43 44 _ 1 Cdn De-v 2000 410 ~ ~ :io Goodyear :Ji Utd Aircraft 48~~ j Crln Cclan 201n $30 29 ~D + 1~4 t2trnl !:1 fti~J !I ~!mill :UOOO 110 100 IDS -! C Ex Ga• !100 173 170 170 Gl !\or Ry 48 l'•nadlum 28 C ~•I 175 pr 1011 534 " 34 • '•: Titan sooo Ill' L1 13 -1 ~lf'la Unn 3000 l~ 131;2 1311 -llfJ C Homrltd 1616 122 118 120 Wint T T 6011 WC"stn/ifJ;t 44~i ~ C Chem :125 S7,i 'T 71~ ' ~~I Tr C CorJl ~no - 51 51 - I:J ' Mldr•m 2000 36 36 31 Cent Del 4020 675 600 li/O +7 ---- ---·· 1 ~ f."rbks A 550 $11112 11;~ 111.:.~ + V-4 Trebor z350 3~~ 312 313 MlnCu rp 600 112~.;. 121) 1211 Ch<1rter 011 1100 IO., 165 lCS -lO C Frbks B 125 $S~ 8~~ B~' U A~bestos :J2fiO .'itl 52n j Hl .l.,, Mtn-Dra 3000 61'11 e &I'll +I'~ C DroJon 4000 14 14 14 R C Husky 100 !Glo 6'!i 6'"- 1> UPrln 5000 1511 J4j 150 + 15 Moneta 5300 70 67 '7D +2 · c East Cr 1000 40 40 C H3-·dro !!00 Sll!A. 11'~ uy, Vnn~::uard G::iCil 9 fll ~ fll 2 !.It Wrl;ht 6S<l75 112 103 1M! +2i C MIC' Mac 500 ~:!:l 217 2~~ +I CU~ ~05 Sl!li1• 1418: 14'~ ...... l-'4 Venture~ 2~!1 S13 43 4~ +1 ~urray M 111970 73 i3 69 .,. 6 c West p .t.OO 150 !:!iO so -s CI Pt"IW 200 $12 1n~ 12 + v..~. Vir.ctinia uooo 10 a to +2 Nama Cr 173('1(1 Ut..a 14 14~ + 1 De,•.Pal ! 31 70 · fig 70 ... 1 CI Pow pr 73 $37~" 37~-~ 371 ~ ·- :~:., trnu .. trd ~al F.xpl 12700 Rh 8 IY, + >,; Dome Polo !25 1145 810 845 < 211 ~IOST\CTIVE TORONTO STOCu~ CC ,.f £ll'i !l8 'i•.; 6'·• \1-l ~Ita Tn~ A n;; SID·'; 29'i l~'lo 1 Ntaloa :300 5'h 51,-J ~~L + IL Dynam1•0 •• 00 6•. ' • • "-• · dn 011 HiO S291..:l 29'" 291~ + 1", Burns 100 ~11 tt 1""J 111-:- 1~!

I Nello ... ,.. ,.. I ft ·' 62 r,1 -2 Stock Sal•• R•gh Low Clo•• r;h'Je CPR 979 "'!' 2 ('·' 0 1~ 1 Sew AI 01w g!,-2 91~ ~il 1-"r Pete 'Pt" &05 .155 35~ Ui -s · · JXD t'~TRIAI.S ! Cdn p,.f r ~ .. .,. 4~it 2·1.3,. - 11\ un c n 1575 435 ~:J!i Ul

i New Af:r ~: 3!;~ J:~ 4\1- ~ I ~r PJaln• 465 SIJ3~ 131_, 1JI ~ - 1 ~ s Ho!t R 2.;stj "9.i 460 475 -1 u I c Ylrkers" 2;.~~ ~g~~ ~j~ g:~ + hI! ~a~~~m c~!~ ~M !1~5 !tOO !l;·: : ~~-~ New Bld tlOOD 8,., 341.4..a- \! , Home B 720 St0'4 10~1 10~- "~> C lnd Ua! :!1f!G{) $~3,. f,tf 814 Co~hhn z.'io :~25 3'15 J::'.'i C Pack A 2.~5 S~~~ ~~ r.o

! New Cal ~no 31 3~ !17¥1 +1\-i I Ho~, 0'1 G &.qO 1000 080 ~no Rothmans 16360 St31' 12·1• 121a + '-11 Comb Fnt ~2.i SlOV4 tor; IIJl, f'dn D~'\' ~)01) .:nn 4•lrt .'lnrl -30 ; ~ewDe.lhl 42:00 I' I. 2 I -2 I J PI d 1554 S14,. I.fli 41' + ,~ t Salada·S 1olj411 Sl ~3-~ IR tR:I,_ 1 .a ' ron '"' s 41 iJ ~:.!61a ~V·· '6 + •• c \\'e .. t,· nrhs lf,(l !i:3:. :"131 A 1.'1'• • 1 • ', ' ' II -2 Urnp n 2SOO 19 IR IR -I Tr Ml PL 13188 $1 '\' 11' I!' \ . • ! ~. Golrl\·Uf! :woo 4 4 4- Jupltt!l' 1IOO )50 3-'0 3!'10 J 6 II .s + ~ C Gla11111 zlO ~H9 19 19 1 Cl"nt n~t 1~'1 Mn fitiO 6t;ll - 1.i

1 ~w Uo~tro 2~97~5 10!1 t2 ,OA ~ 1 : Lont PI)U!,t 2.\00 47 4i -l Satwhire OU.S ~ i ConmAiion :!.ill $17 17 17 - ~~ C llalli 21Ym 3~ ~:1 ~.i ~ l(l I ~ KtJore tf\000 In 9, 10 1 1 Mlrllold 5500 6 51 • 5H 1 Sp()(IIJ['r ~~~~~ i~ 55 57 + 1 ' llj5t ~<'a .I: l~li5 ~~I) :'l!"i'; :l~~ - , "' (' Papl'r ~.-,:~ ~~:! ·1 P' -t'

1 ~.twlund 46875 !!4 22 1'::1,-oJ-'hl~tertal 1g815 222 220 ·:l 22o:~:1 !'tfPdal 1~ .. 15 22., lh 111 --lbln Hritl~E> ~.;o SIJP• !W'~ Jr.'"-1" cun r~a\ 3!n !"Hil~ Ill'~ l'l,: •· 1._. .. 11'" OAI\ A"'- 38 "ld ;ro .. 2211 211) -1 I n "O<•I •r 1"' 2'" 2'' 2'5 I' ll•'lkr•·t ".Nl .''·'" J.•.; '· .--.. ~ ; 1 ,•• ·.• •l•m .,"100~' ;;:

51 411 +2\o , ::


11 6nOO Jl 32 3 -1 I !'iorthld 1700H 4 , . 4 0 ~n~ry'. ~· '·' '" ' " " · · " '"" ., - "" 59 1 ~n C v "ninO · r u 323 $54 5~1 £· ;;4 _.... ~~ : Hnllinr.rr !117-'i S2J ~~~ ~ :~1

I ~ewnor MlOO :. .. 4 + ; Nat Pftt 3~00 :1~~ ,~ 17 :11'0,~ Pamllil 13~ 00 !\11~1' 4'i 4i~-~ t ;~: D ~tee! 45 Sill~ 111~ 1tt~ I; .Jock.-y c .i!10 r~, :l: .. i :~:);, ~ ;n I New Rnuyn :UlOO 6 ~ 6 + 11,4, s Cont f!tHl 25 2'~ :JOO ; L' Halli 32,~~50 · Ss .. s ""'·' 1 0 StDrP• ~\', S7 ~ iJl"' 7-1 .;.1 .JDiirt lOrn :!~ ~!l ?.;J ' 11 •.

NlckrJ )IS 66795 ..... 12 65 1 sco 1 2fi 53 .... 5


Dom Tar 3:flR Sl'il,..l 17'• iii• ll<l'll) flo\ 1!"12 SR 1 $ i1 n ·-, 1

• • • ~ + ' •. , "' I MO II., R~ :1:. -1 1 Wernrr :!:n;oo 2-1 e11 . ·11: .. , 1 ~co I " • ~-. Dom Tar [!r :nn s~o 20 211 f\rrr \drl 7M $1f J(lli It ;. )~ is t pr 7.25 .,5 1~ 2~ I~ ilost'O :?2~75~ lfl9 9:/. lO:l ,.12 Dom Trxt fl85 $121~ 12.1~ l:ZI:a T.nh ("(, \ :Li s~~lli ::11:~ :t'l"~ ---1 o~!~~d 1~= ~- 21 24 ~ 43 l Lorado 179800 1911 174 174 -II I Du Pont 7.7~ ~::!0•,., 20:t. n~. T.oh en 8 ,ifl .'H1 t'J 4:: -·llJ 1 p p t ~9 ~ C 'fnfltl 119815 174 158 161 -3 Dupuis Fr A. 400 S7 7 7 ..._ , 4 )fonn· •n·'ii <·~~, lR, ;~~ 1 p:~oU ee 1 ~;~ 'l;~' ~~~~ g;t; ~ ;: ------- Horne PC wt 33!'11 fi' M fi-t -·1 I ~at Ptt• :!~' :1:1A,J. :1.10. ~~n· "'~.-, •1

Pae P•trw 2M 100 R7tl IIRO -I~,- i Electmlux 10 S32 32 3:! - 1.~ • ~ H.n~e1n 1:'1700 1111 lflll lnfi •1 :1•·i , Pnma pr ,2so

58 S3 Fam Play z95 $11!14 lF:I '1 181~ ; ,, .lf.y ama tnC!l .i!l 39 ~!J

Petrol uoo 78 78 ~i ~~ , Flff"t~·ood 3510 113'111 12:.;,; 13'11 .).. •t i Q Trl 1956 pf IO!J ~191 ~ t!"l~, 1~14 PJace t900 43 42 "'" 1 Fndatn :1~5 $12.;-a ·12liA J::\:'..11 --1. 'H. Qurmont t.'iO MO 900 !Yln

From Halifax, N.S. to St. John's, Lel\'lng Halifas.

Nfld. Dut St. John'•

"F ~t:VFITE'' , · · ................... MAY 6 ,'FBEDFORD II" ................ MAY 8 . At'VETTE" 'B .................... MAY 13 . EDFORD ll" ................ MAY 16

MAY 8 MAY 10 MAY 15 MAY 18

u Fr1om 1:11ontrea!, P.Q. to St John's, Nfld.

.. on ru Due St. John'l

from !l!ontreal M/V GREBE" May 3rd and weekly aervlce thereafter.






MaV. CORAL TRADER L · Voy; 7 Voy. 8

v. New York .......... ,... May 16 ~v. Halifax, N.S .......... May 1 May 19

r, St. John's, Nfld ..... May 4 May 22 Lv. St. John's, Nfld ..... May · 5 May 23 ~v. ~orner Bk., Nfld ... May 8 May 26

r. ew York .............. May 13 May 31 Accepting cargo for Corner Brook

w· diwharge. ' at outports as inducement offers.

For rates, lite. Telephone · 2073-5890.

II'E:Jil.'ll YJithy & Company Ltd.


Phlllips 43M 41 47 47 + 3

' Fra!wr 1800 $2t 211-it 22 + 'k! Strf'p R 800 11!13 R% fl~n ; 5 Provo Gu 52iS 22l ~0 _

5 · Fr Pete pr ~00 355 355 35~ --5 I T F}n A. 950 S4G 1,~ 47~4 481. ~ .;. :\4 ·

Ranger 1oo 111 95 2~ + 1 MUYIJAL FUSDS I Fro"\ A 1~ $21'4 211• 21'4 T Ftn II 100 !47 47 .,, -1

Reel •-1 lOOO 4

,.:. 4"

4,_, + "- GnUntau 22:; !3734. :m·4 371:--~ ..,. 1~ Tram~ \·Jt · 4105 5!5\~ 14t\~ 151~ + s~

""-¥ ,. n • T.l 1!7 The Cauadlaa Prtst G I U G 12'" !I" 1 ' Royall'- 490 880 870 880 · al 5 Pf 25 tl03 103 IOl '1 n ., ·''' , R '< IB'i s hi I Bid A>k G Dynam 150 $3R~ 381> Jnl.~ "I"' U Amu• B 100 $121~ 1211 12'i ~ •l

8app ro 81600 59 55 ~7 +I All Cdn COm 6.33 9.05 GS War,. IOO $lO IO IO + I> Wulooa>l ~;~ SIG'\ 16', lfi', _ '• ' areee 550 10 80 80 All Cdn Djv 6,8 ti.83 G IV G 1 Wcoa t 1 700 $16' W 16''

Sappb do'bo 640 Sll9 112 115 tt Amertcao Growth 917 9.99 r g v 2000 Sl5•i l!'l 15'\ + 12 ' ,. • ' ·• Seaar Frn 5900 420 415 420 Dcaubran :n".2-l 33.93 GL Ppur 628 $49~~ 49~1: 491~ Bllith U 12000 13 11 12 -1 Canadian luvootmeol 9.97 10.74 :andy A wl z.55 $!7 17 17

Talml tale~: lndu!!:1rlllt :!14,00(1, mlnre · and oih 77~,j.OO.

Spooner 87000 U 10 10 -11'1 Canolund 41:29 43 36 0 andy " 1611 l500 500 500 StanweD 2~00 35 34 34 -I Cbamploo Mutual 5.93 6.51 H ardoo ROO tl7 16% 17 Tidal 2900 Ill 52 M +2 Commonwealth Inter. 8.67 9.50 ome " 150 SIO\lo IO'h '10" T<oao Con 2500 53 52 53 + 1 COmmonwealth tevoraro · 7.80 s.s5 ~ome ~I •~0 " 11 10 10

New York ·' Triad on 4900 211 207 215 +5 COrporate lavosloro 9.111 10.72 Horne 2450 320 310 320 +5 U Couo VI 300 I~ 156 165 + 1 Dlverslllod ,.rteo a 4.3D uo H Smlllt ~90 til 43 43 - ''' Un Ollr eGO 1411 1(1) 146 +4 Dividend Shares 3.36 3 611 Ud Bay Co 450 $2714 26l4 'rl WB 2 Wayno 200 8 8 II Dominion EultJ !6.45 16_78 H B Min 1655 SSG 8 5412 56 + 1<;

I, Woopac 944 14 If If t 1 l'ederaled Growth 5 18 s 66 Imp tnv A 14.15 $181> I"'~ lilt~ + '" W Cdn OG 1896 105 100 100 -5 First OU and Gao 4:47 4:69 l"'P on 2193 146\1 46 46\• - 'io B, The ,\,.orlotrd Prus

'IV COG w 100 61 11 61 7 Fonds Collectlf A 5 86 6 10 mp Tob • &50 115'4 15\l 15\l- '·" New York S1ook Exchange-~ay 4 1 W~tbume 1100 ~7 ~ 56 -~ Fonds Colleetif B . .· Ind Accep 768 S59 58~~ 56 + \~ txd - Ex-dt\·lden~, xr - EA t•jgh:-.. ' I IY•lalelo ·1398 ua 19 158 -2 Fonds Collectlf c ~::; ;~::~ Inland c Pr 150 $161!1 1612 16\!. I xw - E•-warr•ntr.) I IY Decalla 1100 90 89 89 -1 Group Inc l-7~ 4.14 Jnlnl Nlrkol 1182 $77'1 7n'> 77•• +I~< I "'' i W'odfoll •~ 12 12 12 1 G d A • ~ 47 t Pap 267 S31V. 31\~ 31 !lort Salr• Hl1h '·"" llo•• l'b'<' \ l ""'"' + roupe Jncvme ccum. ;, . .,.. 6· lnt UtU '700 $44" 43Va 44"':~ + ~i l ACF lnd ,t3no 5!PA 55l:.O 56t,., ~· '~ 1

Jnt Uut pr 750 $46 48 46 I Addreu 220Q 851, 841-z 8~:-t;~ .- ~4 : r - ' Answer to Previous Pu~W Inter Pl. 1225 S7B 7.1'i 78 +ZIO ·.negany SJOI\ II'• 11 1.'! II'• Us Off• • 1 Iro G Pl' 125 19*. 9\• 9!i-%j Allis Ch :uooo 2i~l 2tl'l!l 2i\4-~.JI2

• • 1 ICJQ Jamaica PS 300 $27~4. 271r4 2i1;',., Amerada 4300 fl8~'" 88t~ 381-i. • P~ •--------------'· Johns M 100 Smo 65 &~ +6'\. Am Can 21000 40'l 40'1 :;m; •· !> ·

DOWN t Commuaf.stl 2 Genua o!.true olive~

·I Be a11tt 4Ritlttcl!tl I Fo!Ufteatlon I Cornish IOWII


Loeb ll 300 $171,.) 17~ 171,"- "hI Am Cy:ln 10000 47.111 461'./. ·tG'11 11 ' MacKlnn 200 $7 "i 7 1 Am Mot 10000 191.l! 15% 18~i- lA MB and PR. 12.30 116% Jfi!il 16•( + ~~~ Am Smtlt fHOO 70'H G91_,j, (19!.1, + ~a . Mau F 3000 $14 13~i 13lil- '> I Am Sid 7000 14'-" 14 14".! · :Mass-F 5lh .. ukkm.81h 167 107 -t-1• Am .Trl lli900 12.6!.~ 1~6~~ 126:\• + ~:. 1

~olson A. 1450 $26~ 26 :!61,~ + ;t4 Am Tob :1700 82'4 81Tti 82 + 11.·-i 1

M nlllan B '25 $26~-' 21ih 201. a - ;4 Ancnda UU.)(J 021 f. 61 62 + 1 t ~ 1 Uaon pr 51 $42. 42 42 Armco Stl 1000 74~~ T.P~ 73:o.i- I .f. · ·

Nont Loco- too Sl4.~, 141AI J4'h + ~-- Arm5tft: 2000 5-41-'N 511.~ 54\"- 1 ~ .1 N o~t11 Tcrul!t • %0 .lEis ... 65 ... GS.. . . . . Babcock 2200 4R~~ 431~ 4811,., _ 1~ 1 .

S ar 1000 S12~ 12 1! + ~ Bait Ohio 700 331,~ 32.:tt. 33 + Tft l . , ~osranda 1040 S4B~ 41lY4 4a~2 t ;.4 Bclh Stet-1 14000 H\1 451& 471,,- ~4 ·' · L! 170 $161'11 16\S 16¥.1 Boeing 37000 41 47'• 47'> + \->

OfiiV~p 50 553 521.; ~J Rordcn Jrl 1100 65•!t 65 115 Dnl Steel 125 Sl9 19 19 t 1~ !lor~ War 3!100 40 40 40 ;ac PHte soo S12% t2~i 12A~t Buey Jt.:t-je :t.!5M 22~c 2:2~ 2'-~*- 141 Pare •u 1100 5241'1 24\o 241', Budd Cn 13900 14'• 14 14 I

ow COrp 225 .$54 5310 54 Burl l~d 21500 19 l!'o 19 + I'll Prlra Br 1435 $14\-0 44 Ill + 16 Buruho ~200 ~sr,o ~·• 33'> -I ~~c(; pr z f821M 821.-il 82~ Calllmt"l 1!100 1f!~R 17~'1 18t., + %

•• 900 $3111 BV. '~' _ '4 Can ·n..,. 11100 2m 26 2641 QN Gao Wlo 200 325 325 3)5 HO CPfl 1500 24\i 241> 24'·• + !1. QN Gu pr 25 sm; 51\i, 511> _ I> Cose At 1900 IIIli !IIi 11'.< · ~Ue Pow 65 138~ 3SI~ 38Hl Cater Tr 2t:!200 :1"~~-k 33',~ 3·15-N +}If!

ue Tel 150 SUI> 44 44 _ 'A Celan.,e 5900 31\i, "31> :IJIO- '!io Qu~ Tel 'wl 10 123\1 231> 2l'.!t Chance V 2400 52 ~1% Sl-h Retlmktl 100 116\< 16'-' 16'4 Chrs Ohio 2900 63~1 63 63',1 t % ~oilman A 100 1141> 141> 14\'o- 1J, Chrysler 8400 43'f• 43 4311 + ~~

Rooe AV C 3230 $3% 51> ~~ + '4 ClUe• Sve 7200 M\0 531!1 53% - 1> lland A 2150 Sll.o Mit 11 _ •> Clevlte 4100 6610 66 66 - 1'1

Royal Bank 473 t?S~ 7~1'11 751!1 _ ~ Coea Cola 5400 38~ •m 88'4 + 'i Rothmno 1290 t!R!I 18\t. Ill> + 1'1 CBS 53110 40"o 39% l9'i- % Shawln 811 $2811 28'4 2~ _ ~ Com! Solv 16800 lJl-1 32'4 '32\i, - I> Shaw 4 pr 25 142'4 42'.< 42'4 + v. Con Ed 7200 791> 79 79V. + % Sher W Pr 10$125 :15 15 +I Container 1600 251'11 24!1 2411- ~ Sloe! Con 452 S7G 751'1 76 Cant Can 10000 421> 421·< Wl + •,;c Sicard 550 S7 7 7 Con Dll 700 59\lo 5914 59~ + It Shnps... 165 1:13 3 33 + 1 Copw Stl 11400 U\\ Ul3612 SletnbJ A 1325 129 ~ 29 + 1JI Crane Co 1100 64~ 6310 631!1 + 111 Stelnbg pr 50 1101\4 10210 102~ Ct ZeU 4400 58 S71> 57•< Tor.Dom rl >92 !70 670 670 CUrl!Jo . 15600 201'1 19% 201'1 + 1'. T< Can PL 913 s2m 231'1 24 .. v. De•re 900 5£'!0 li'l'.o ss•;,- 1> tln Steel 4608 $8 7~ 8 + ~· Dlot Sug 23110 41l'H! Olio 40%- \~ Walk GW 805 S~91> 49'!11 49\lo + ~ llume 21 o 2m 211 22 + 1-,

! WelfOrt B 125 $391/4 59'.11 5!11;4 .,. ~4 Douglas 3900 3~1,4 33~'2: 331-2- ~ 1 Zelleu pr 100 $451'11 451!1 451> OU Ponl 5000 208~l207ll206~o + li C-'NADIAN __________ ::__

! .Llotrd .~~Ut,

:~~:~:: •:ooooo 616


11ft +n wiT'S A HONEY OF A ~~fho~~~~ ;: s:\i : :

141 ~ LOAF Atilt Ttl ~ ~2 ~~ M -4 OUR ow BRE Aucuotus 1r•lBJ 46 u•.> ~8 . >t N AD ~=~~.. ~;~~ \~ :D \~i~-- '·'' · ~ BEST BY TEST J\e1cium 100 S9~:t -, !ll~ ·- 11 I~ BeiiO<bu :u:;oo 3.1 u 31 +3 ~~n-~


101000 TliRILLS!



E\'E!\T\G SHOWS: i O'CLOCK- 9.00 MA TI~EE: 2 P.:\1.





' "'" ... :-.,.· . '


A Boulting Brothers Production A Columbia Pictures Release






..... ' . t

I i

. ' ·.·. ,·_·

Guest Speaker For · Wesley United Church

. Mission Society

• # • ' ~


Social-Jlerst)Jlal (:olumn

BIRTHDAY GREETINGS ing a1 the Newfoundland·

GIRL GUIDES Miss E. M. Manuel.

Convenor, will speak Guides Programme on at 7.30 p.m. on the esc work.


Byme-O'Regan Wedding St. James U.C.

Many h~Y returns of the day to Tina Louise Jameson who celebrated her 5th. birth· day yesterday, Thursday, May 4th. Tina is the daughter of Mr. and 1\lrs. Mrs. William Jame· son, Ba\limore Street. (Mr. Jameson is well known •in radio circles as Bill Allen l. Greetings come from mommy, daddy, sis· ter Judy and other relatives.


Many happy returns day to Carol Moores brates her birthday day, May 5th.



CONFINI-:D TO Hmn; :'llr. Burnham Gill

known pe~sonality in the news media. has been . to his home throu~h · past week. Mr. Gill will r, l'alescing until the end of·

:MI'II. C. S. Patterson of the Uo· minion Board of the Woman's Missionary Society of the Unit­ed" Church of Canada, will be the guest speaker at the annual meeting of the Newfoundland

·Conference -Branch, to be neld In Wesley United Church, begin­ning Monday evening, May 8th. and ending Thursday noon. May 11th.

We The Women



Who's boss in your . family? · Who picks the vacation spots?

That's often what decides. Jf you sPend your whole vacation

. : visiting your relatives-it's a · . cinch youdreamed up the trip

and pushed It through.

u you decide to rough It, which meal!! Joing off to the wilds

·.-· where your husband can fish and hunt and you can fish and hunt-and also cook meals, wash dishes and fight mosqui­toes-it's 11 pretty safe guess it

... . • was his Idea. +":" .. If you go to a fashionable re-

. Sew it Swiftly PRINTED PATTERN

. ·sort !that necessitates y o u r buying a eomplete new ward- SIZES robel and come back with ~tor- r 10-20

; · les of the Important people you ' \ ~:. met, you can be quite sure the .;. .. ~ •t woman In your family msde

• the decision.


Can And Cap

Home Party


Fashion Tips A litlle black bow made of hall

a yard ol satin ribbon is a neat touch to the neckline ol a plain white blouse.

-o-To turn a plain sleeveless sheath

dress into the latest style make a chiffon overblouse in a color to match. Cut it looser than the dress and bind It at neck and armholes with satin.

-o-. A silk scarf dyed to a bright col­

or looks very pretty when it is tied tlround the waist of a ~ale dress and crossed at the back.

-o-Turn an ordinary pair of mule­

type slippers into something for your trousseau by trim­ming the front with four-inch wide lace, then !inishing off with a satin bow .

-o-You may as well wear shoes on

the wrong feet as buy them a size too small-the damage il just as bad.

·And, of course, I( he spends !lis :~ two we-eks vacation· on a hunt-:: lng trip with his pals, mag- A memorable event Is the commencement night party staged at

11anlmously Jetting you take the h R f h · kids to your mother's for a orne. e res ments are. spread on a serving cart designed by

The number 1 of different species of birds that exist now or have been alive within the last few hundred years is esti­mated by the Book of Knowl­edge as 8590. About 4!1 of these species cannot fly. As early as the Cretaceous Period, which started 120 million years ago, there were giant birds which could not fly .

· : visit while he Is away, he's Merton Gel'llhun with· a black plastic top on a walnut frame.

:• really running things! 'BY KAY SHERWOOD graduation parties. In 50 me . But If you eome back talking "After graduation, what?" b communities where the pr~b-; · about old ~chool friends of/ 1 chief topic o{ conversation !em exisL~ or too-gay, all-night ~:. yours you looked up, the amus- L~-A A I among parents the"e days parties, sometimes followed hv !IN'~St'S escorted bv fr~shly

: :~. ln!l te~troom~ ~·ou lite in, t 'I e .,.,...,.., ... -ttrfAIW4 and they're not talking about lonl! drivu to neighboring scrubhed younl! ml'n are 11 -. shopping you did, then ·you

00,, c11reers or college, High school cities, a variety of solution na~ m!'morahle sight for ~dulls •~-

. :;: sed the trip. TWO main pattern parts-whip PO!ltgraduation festivities in been trie<l. cuslomed to seeimi! them In -1· h' b

1 b many cities ha\'e been some- These include school-chaperoned ic11ns ;md while ·tenis shoes .

. ;!Fo maybe we shouldn't do &o up t Ja as c eauty in an ~fler · thing less than sane and sen· d Food, drink. dancing and r~-hash-

. ....... much talkt'ng about our vaca· no.on. No waist seams-cmch 51·ble. .ances, parcnt-ch11peroncd par-With ""atchlng ilelt t t hes, elaborate entertainment ing the week's e\'ents make a : •· tioll!, after all. Not unless we . '" . or con ras The way the young folk carry on · · successful "formula," t o o. · •. ties Choose prmt he ks provided by parents in school :· •. : want our friends to kuow who's sun~ .. solid f

11• c c • or is the subject of concern to gyms and so. on Comnlun1-1,. However, now as always, par-

boa• In the family ~ or 8 season. their elder I g th b t b ' · ., , . . · Printed Pattern 4835

: Miases' s, a er, o codes drawn up by youth an d cnts are definitely ''at home"; Slz

10 12 14 16 1 Size from J!stening to friends and parents stating rules of Jc· gre~ting guests as they arrive,

· .. :;A new shade of lipstick has betn · es • ' ' • 8• 20• reading vivid descriptions In h · lingering for conversation and ·. · .: !Jitrodu-~ to blend with . two. rl6 takes 2~ bards 39-lnch raiJ- newspapers. av1or and responsibility are ~-- lc also popular. The most ~uc- th~ withdrawing discreetly but

· and three-color costumes. You 8

d. . Graduation from high school is a· cess seems to attend the solu- wt!hin reach. . . can also pt cheek coloring to . en FIFTY CENTS lin colnsl major milestone and should be tion that parents and school The hom.emaker wlll busy he_ r-

,. : matcb. (stamps cannot be accepted l celebrated. But 1't s h o u 1 d s If th f h t ; f tbl tt PI 1 t administration agree to a 11 d e Wl re res men serv1ce or 1 pa ern. ease pr n scarcely trigger a celebration h' h ·u b bl · I d th :~: . Y_ ou ca_ n help others • ' • PI a In I Y SIZE, N AM E, that d lik 'ld stand firm by w IC WI pro a '! me u e e ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. rea s .more e a. WI . There are still ~any towns where current food favorite such as

' . ·ough Jour financial Send order to ANNE ADAMS party than a happy rejoicmg. prom-night festivities are not small pizzas or. miniature ~ aupport · the Salvati® care of 8T, JOHN' DAn...; ·My oWII daughters are too young nightmares but pleasant oc- hamburgers,. something crisp, • Army_ thousands of New- NEWS, Plltera Dept. 10 for teen-age shena~lg~ns b u t easions for graduate and par- someth~ng sweet aitd bottled · ~LiuiciJ NEWS Pallen Departmeat • I know several htgh school ents alike.. No one really feels soft drmks or fruit punch.

, ~:~~ ~ndt~rs every year FRONT ST. WEST TORONTO seniors who are not 'the wild compelled to ·spend lots of The spread c_an be set up on the . ,materfally aacl spirit· ONT, ' ' party type and resent the illl·. money for galas dining room table ahead of · • beL..;~ plication that eommencement · time. If you've Invested in ~. ~~. ;·~· Support . ·night celebrations always get Hoi!U! parties are planned for one of the new serving carts-. fi; ~ ...... W1llbm r. s.mpt• M- mt ~ """ ool tb_..... """"'""""' ... M-U , ;,pociolly •~ will• • ••• .:, I . . ~-y to the Vernon, Ohio, obtained I pit- • should be abolished. school prom Is held, the gang proof plastic top-load t he . · · :.SbieW ~---'-· ent ·to m1aufaeture chewing I m certainly no expert on how may be invited for a midnir;:ht goodies on this and push it :e . . , : .. ~1'-.... : IUIIl from clllcle Ill 1181. · parent& 1 h o u 1 d approach supper. Pretty airls in pretty the living room.

• • ., I

/ ' .. 'I ..

TO UNDERGO SURGERY ~Irs. lllax Grandy ,,f ,

town entered the r pilal on Wednesday is scheduled to under~o Best wishes for a <tuiek · ery come from her frienq

l~NTERS HOSPITAL The friends ol ~lr<.

Dalton of Hamilton will be sorry to learn tered the Grace Hu•plt~ terday to undergo >urger. will remain under · for a few days. and ~~ to he operated on Qrer weekend.

GUEST SPEAKER ~Irs .. V. W. G. \\"ib•m ..

~entati\'e of the Canadia~ sociation of Consumers • guest speaker at a the Retail Section of the of Trade today at 2.30

Mrs. Willoo will al!a with the nW"~ecutire C.A.C. sometime today.


9 lllN llHIIE WIE:W S~ IHIIP> ~tUSIHI !EN·.·.





lighting, I rousing. foot tapf 8 warning from ager T. E. Furl~ ing is sacred ex~ and the crown pther to make. 1 smiles and Wh1s Jightrul and th~ on wednesday ~

skits, b voices; voices tl ]\· of[.key: boys girls (and witl make-up. lookec beautifu]): boys allv arinned out Jigh; at famil made the shol alive.

the com1 the show was ai own enjoyment. this annual pro• they wanted to the boys dress grinned in one•



:rla) I

I r·-

'. ·•undland'

~ -· 1\anuei.

/. 'Peak ; .nne on I ' ~he esc

l'llll.\ y


"'"' Gill, . : ,:,· in the

- ht;~('l)

: ""~h ill neil \;Ill ll'ill ~ !hr end ot

.lHf lEN· THAN 3llMCA· JDEJDl,


. '




. li~htin~. lusty singing, rpusin~. toot t<~PPing mu.>ic and a 1rarning from Grncral Man· ;,:er T. J,;. Fnrlon~ that "noth· ir• ;, ,acred t-xrcpl the church $;d the rn11rn" b:ended . ,,,. Fthrr 1o ma~r. the tHfol Sprmg S:ni!•'·' nnrl \\lUi! lcs show a de· h :h!'nl nnd thorou;:h succ~.;s o:1 Wednesday night . i . ~'zits. hcnuhful cledr 1oirr>. 'oiccs that sang sli~ill· \ pft·~~y: hO)'S that dressed uS

;::-:• •anti with lhe aid nl ;:eie·np. looked con\'incin~ly r.~JC1tift>\': ho,·s who occasion· ,·,. "rllmed out O\'Ct' the foo:. ii~ht; at familinr faces: ali mldr the ~how rdrcshin;:ly a::tc

fe:·i,"P' t\w complt>te succes;; of the ;how was aided by the i>o:,.~ r.•·n rnioynwnt. They were in t.~i> annnnl production h~cause tl:cy 11;111tcd to bt> in it, ert'n thr h0-"' dres~t>cl as females :rinr.rO i·~ n'W'l t'~l io·T"'ntlt =·~

Gillett's L~ special "&ent

concentrate. Get batd··WOI'king, luxurious, fra.

than half the bottle per·

and colors all the soap make with one relfl!lar size of Gillett's Lye. Costs you 25 cents - a fraction of you'd ordinarily have to Choice of jasmin, rose, or lavender. Here's how

For each "Scent 'N' you want, enclose name of the scent

together with your J!!llle.~~address to: Standard

· Limited, 550 Sher­Street W., MontreaL

the audience reacted with chuckles at their appearance. Most of the lads In hlth heels .got along nicely, though a few wobbled and turned their toes in. It tickled me to see one "matron" ease "her55 foot out . of a shoe when she sat, typical of a lot of us ladles.

The highlights or the show was THE WEDDING IN ftE. NEWS ••. a Ia opera, although Tom Furlong again warned the audience that it was closer to

_,.,.. ............ ·---.-·~ r- ·--.·,.-----· ... - .... ---·· :

11ASTRO-GU1DE" By Ceean For Fridey, May &

: Present-For You and ; Yours • • • Psychic intuition

l: comes to your aid under present transit!. This is a good time for reseMch, Jtudy, etc. Finan· cia! affairs are under particu· Jarly ~ood vibration!. Powers of speech are heightened and you wm find it easy to express your­self-especially to the opposite sa:.

being in orbit than in opera. ~-----------.-"--·----~·-~-... ~-~~~~ Past • • • Mussolini claimed Future • • • Paint made ef Ethiopia on May 5, 1936, when horsehair, carbon and rubber the Fascists took Addis Ababa. absorbs radar waves almost But the. indomitable Emporor completely and is dose to being

Again, this was a case of bors ,-----------, pitching in wholeheartedly and hal'ing a humdinger of a time.

r------, f The Doctor ~ : Says 1 I

from the utterly beautiful "bride" (whose dress was "matron" ease "her" foot out Carthy the unpopular sin!ler . and Granny of the wrinkled

The Mature Parent I

Haile Sclas.~ie triumphantly w perfected. It will· be U5ed on entered the capital five years missiles to deteet and invalidate

, later. radar.

woollen stocking-s, who thought BY MRS. 1.\IURIEL LAWRENCE she was attending a bingo


The Day Under Your Sign game instead of a weddin~. ' Grnham C110k a ~·ottnll violini>t,

nnd Keilh :>:ohle, who handh~s the niano accordion like a pro· fcssionnl rendered a lew ~olqs hetween acts, and they impres· sed me tremendously.

:ll•,sir~l Director and Pianist F. Cook played not onh· for the whole show, but ~ave us bMU· tihtl mood music helween the nets, as well. Mike Fe•\'•!~. who wrotr and clirrctP<I the :<how. marle a £e11· too hricf ,p. ne~rnncc~ on stn~e. A houquet to Ri\1 Griffin for his settin~s. To ~lillnr Sam Melemlv and Bill F.11on goes the credit fOI' the lightimt and sound, an~ I think ''011 will renl11· like the effect of the hlark light in!!.

The show will continue to·night and tn·morrow ni~ht. so if ;·ou hn\'~n·t hou~ht your ticket ,.et. do so-pro1·iding you can ;ct on~.




American parents' uncertainty of BY HAROLD THOMA HY:\1.\' their own judgment is their Q-Recently, our 5-year·old b·•· basic problem, according to Ur. had to have an operation on hi Jules Henry, a contributor !o e)'C. When they gal'e him ct!· the April Issue ot "Mental Hv- er, his heart stopped. The, giene," publication of 1the :llat· massaged it and he lived onl: ional Association for Ment,JI 16 hours. Would the ether ha·.'f Health, Comparing the good affecled him if hi, heart w1• certainty of parents in coun. all right? Coulrl our pediatri tries like India and China wi(h cinn have known he had a hem: our bad self-doubtfulness, qn defect before this happened': thropologist Henry writes, ·o~r Because if he knew and h a t1

' ; ARIES I Born March 211o April191 liBRA !Sept. 23 to Oct. 2Zl

Jnforrr.:~tirn you t~:~k~\ up 1 lung time J...ack cf concentration addJ risks tn j ·~o may ~ wrong. Make DO Msty doci· tranJ. Don't leave w1th a won-itd micd. ! ' "'"'· ( • SCORPIO !Oct. 23 to Nov. 21)

TAURUS Aprtl 20 to May 201 11 you're l>cred, r<t •w•y !- dtc .,cq. · Br ad\·wturou~! f'.o somewh~re you'•e d:ay ·~ctO(' for a nr1f' perspectite. 1

•ever bern befort.. Romance h1ghhghtr:d.. 4

. GE"INI 1M 21 1 J 2 1 SAGITTARIUS I Nov. 221o Doe. 211 j

. , M 1 .•Y o une I. 'ThinK' ..-m work out. Time it a ltt:l-t 1

l_ut a fU';Jn~.a)wn unU~ }:our wtle m tbe, f3 ctor-plus patience and tolenat.c. 1 ••r. ~\To.d w•5bful thin\ungl

CANCER (Juno 22 to July 211 CArRICORN· IDee. 22 to Ju. 201 If calle-d UjJOn t(t ;mume .added respcn31· lJ~ t be afra!d to ft".ak~ chan(CII. y~ bllity, do it ~·j1Jingly nd u.rnestly. cant 3-tand still V1brat1om favor 100·

LEO !July 22 to Aug. 21 I AQUARIUS I Jan. 21 to Feb. It) Onee ycm re.a1ize you eau be wronr, you,l Encoutotgt' others. It taXes :self-Q!O~ bt on your way w:p the Iaddtr. ~nrl unstlfi.shtteu, but ia ..-cnhw.bill..

VIRGO !Aug. 22 to Sopt. 221 J)(m't diJ.regard J.01'11C"One'a ide& jw:l Jle. CUJII! J'OU doil't \he petliOJI.

PISCES !Feb. 20 to More~ 2lll J Tltio; 1.5 a good tUt.e to ttt out ....,.. uvial" innantious .at 101Jr ·job. ~

I!> 1961, l'idd EotupristS, fne.

easiest way out is to let the the operation rlone. Our other · cnuhons. when any any oper;~tive prl' cedure was under consider;: lion.

child do as he pleases. •• two boys had their tonsils rr For what little consolation !her~ Of course, we are uncertain. l1n. moved an dnothing happenecl. is for all concerned, it m u 51

certainty is part of being ny. fsn't there some lest that can fairly he stated that no one can man where1·er we live. be talzen ahearl of time to see rightly be hlame11 in the v a 3 t

In India and China parents c·;. if on~ can take eth~r? majority of cases. press their b)• consulting as- A-11. 1s lhc fat;. or e1·cr~· c~- :-.; 0 1 e the phrase ''the Yasl trologers, by appeals to gods penenced phystcwn to wJinc" majoritv of case>.'' For there and an~stors, by the wem·i·,~ or he party to the tragedy •)f is no rlouht thnl, in some 10.

of ma~ic amulets, the fear of ;m unforcseenhle. rlc>ath from ,lances, the.>e rutalilies a:·r demons. In America we <'~;. ether _and ~tl~er . mhalant an- pre,·entable and that. by takir.g press ours by prayers to God, Among the graduates of Nova cation at Bishop Spencer C111· esthetics,. IDJc.ctwns 0~ loc)] c x t r a or cl in a r y prec,m-hy cansulting chilcl ~uiclance Scotia Technical College on lege and Trafalgar School in :mr.sthel!cs, mmor sur;ltcal or lions. their incirlence has oeen books, by buyin!( insurance PO'· ~-Jay lOth is Carol Christine Montreal, took her prc·euginecr. df'nta.l operati~ns and even 'uch considerably rerluced.

I hope the write,· of this Jette: will not regard thi~ list of pre· cautions in the light of a ··~· buke. E\·ery precaution might well ha\'e been taken without altering the outcome in Inc slightest degree.

icies and resorting to psychan. Clark, daughter of :\Irs. F. R. ing course at Acadia University scemmg~y h'J~tal procedure~ Fur example. there are safer an. For extra-wide eyes. outline the analysts. But whether we iive Clark and the late Mr. Clark. and her final two years at Nova ~s rlrawm)l nutd from chest or esthetics than ether. The rou-

lower lid with white eyelin~r in the Orient or the United Carol gralluatcs as a Chemical Scotia Technical College, Hali· abdomen. tine use of preanesthetic sed~·

llow infinitely more tragic this death would hm·e been if thts were an only son. How fortun­ate that our correspondent has two other ho•·s on whom to la1·· ish her love' and arrection.

pencil from the centre out to States, unce1tainty remains n En~ineer and has the dis· fax, Nova Scotia, · These deaths are nol due to tives lowers the risk. The ,11• the corners. l!se two coals pf condiion of human exisenc·~. tinction of being Newfound· henrt defects. They cannot be sislencc hv most institutions mascara at the outer corn~rs So maybe our basic proh!em iS land's first lady graduate En· That she may have el·cry sue- predicted in adl'ance. And that the patient spend at least of the upper lashes. For a not uncertainty at all hut mlr gineer. cess in the Engineering field is .. lh(!~~l'__occur rle~pi~ll prp. one night in the hospitill before dewy took. use a little petrol- proud refusal to rome to terms She receil·ed her early cdu- the wish of her many friends. the contemplatrd procedure :s eum jelly under eye shadow. with it. . -· _ ----· dubious roadhouse, knowing "'' another safei(uard. Rccogni-

• • • This refusal is the renl rause ,,r could be wrong. lion of the new specialty or an-I£ you hal'e blemishes on )'our our Inability to ~i\'e fir •n iosity. high and mighty that the \'cry We need to enter l'ncrrt:unl,. c.;the.oiology a~sures patie~t

back or shoulders, dab a bit of discipline to children. We can't express our indignation idea of being wrong scares :JS fearlessly as the open gate ~~ and surgeon of the presence ol witch hazel or calamine lotion We can't say "No" to the 15-y<!at'· at teen-age insolence or main- out of our wits. increasing wisdom as Ccr· a ph~·sician who has been ei'· on them after your bath. old daughter who wants to ro tain our rescJTe toward the o!· Certain rightness only exists i:J tainty has always closed Jt pecially trained to handle dru~s

• • • dancing at a duhiotts rondhonse fending child because we can I the dream of the fanatic. shut. and who is equipp~d to admin-


Chicken· Tomato Bouillon, Crackers Ham Roii·U ps :>lew Carrots Broccoli w i t b Hotlandai3e

Sauce Strawberries. Grapefrit, Grapzs Vanilla Cookies Coffee Tea Milk

1£ your face is round, you should because we are not certain that be sure of his acceptance .11 .\ho1·e all else, we American par. Accepting Uncertainty has betm ister prompt and efficient treat· be able to wear dangling ear· our "No" is absolutely right. these expressions of feeling. enls need to learn to settle t .. r the immemorial human pro- men! at the instnnt of clanger. Skin is dry and scaly from the rings. But a button earring Ill' We can't ~lap 3-year-old We "let rhe child do as he the half-right, the quarter-rigilt, hlem, though man, Eastern an:! lt:decd, for myself, I ha\'e always indoor hent and outdoor co!d one that sweeps up on the ear for playing with matches be· pleases," bot because we ~lwre sometimes for no right at 3]1. Western, has sought out mnm· been as concerned with t :1 E' of winter, takes kindlv to the lobe witl prove more flattering cause i>lapping may not be the in all humanity's uncertainity We need th~ self-trust Uwt cm1 inventions to avoid doing ju;l choice or the anesthesiologist nii;htly use of a bath if your face is long. certain answer to infantile cur- but because we have to he r.o stand [irm on that "Xo" to 'he that. as with that of the surge•1n oil. :;

--- ----··----



THE AVALON TELEPHONE COMPANY, LIMITED··------ Incorporated 1919 WEST COAST POWER COMPANY, LIMITED-·-·-··------Incorporated 1944

Total Services supplied by these Newfoundland Companies

Electric Light and Power Services ... : . 32,006 Telephones ........................... 49,818

During 1960 Electric Light and Power Services increased

by ..... · ............................... 2,975 Telephones increased by ............... 4,064 Payrolls amounted to . ; ............ $2,573,000 ·

Investment in Plant and Property to supply These Services

Electric Light and Power ......... $21,198,220 Telephones ...................... 19,711,928


. During the past 5 years Electric Light and Power Services

by I I I I I I t I I I I • I I I I I I I I I f I I I I I I I I


increased .... 7,821

Telephones increased by .............. 19,285 Payrolls amounted to ............. $10,842,070

Kilowatt Hour Output 1960 ................... 85,544,214 1959 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . 78,233,378 1958 ................... 75,407,285 1957 ........ , .......... 73,2071168 1956 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 ~643 ,300

S. H. MORRIS, ' President.


! .

; '·

i . I I I







, ......... '·'('"'·-~-, ., ' .... ~· ... -~... i.

. i.J · ·-·• :.IJ... \ . .. .. \.~.\.



. --------1· JACOBY




__ ......,

· By OSWALD JAt:OBY East and West have one of


:hose h?ldings that delight rub· : ber bndge players, but that I cause duplicate players to tear I

I their hair. 1

They can make all 13 tricks ! : at either clubs, diamonds or I no-trump and their non-vulner· ~ able opponents have a nice : save in spades against anything

For Coal and Wood . i except seven no-trump.

1 The bidding started out the i same way at both tables with a ! no-trump by West; two spades 1 by North; six diamonds by ' East; and six spades by South. ........,,,

. ;,1;#:•4

. ·: ::

: . . i


s212.oo L'lslet models are also available with factory-installed nnits 'that ,•nablc them to burn •·nal. woud or oil without change in the fire box.

The L'Islet range has 1mi1t a reputation for depend~bility and ~ervice in hundreds of homes all over I\ewfoundland. The fmest matenals are combined with modern foundry engineering methods to ~roduce. a ran_ge ideally suited to local conditions. ~rom . the wh1te porcelain ~namel finish to the sturdy cast-tron fire b_ox, tt ts a com­bination of strength and beauty that spells real quality and value.






This factory-built range is engineered to the latest standar~s of safe!y and service. It features a breeze-pot type burner, durable whtte porcelain enamel finish and polished steel top. An important feature of the President is its ability to continue burning without electricity • , • a blessing in the event of a power failure.

LOCOMOTIVE --~ ....... ·.

. ·.!.A: STA~mARD ......



.~ ...

Locomotive arc more than ever a bet­ter buy. The four decades plus a research and experience in buiiC:ing better washers puts Locomotive at the top of vo·ur list when YOU

:::.: want quality_ aud serv_ice at bud~et jwices. With the built-il1 features lor depemlabi ity, you ~et the added advanta~cs of sleek , Locomotive styling and the endurin~ heauty of high-~loss acrvlic enamel finish that's stain and fade­proof. Compare them all ... vou'll come back for a Locomotive electric washer and be glad you did.

Electric Washers e SHROUDED








For prompt and efficient furnace and stove ·oil d~li~ei-y


Dl~ 7469- 3007- 3001




At one table West looked at his two diamonds and put in a prompt double. Every one pass­

. ed and North was set five : tricks, for a 900 point loss. · At the other table West was : made of sterner stuff. He de-

NORTH S • KQJ 1093 "QJ7

i' U2 .. 96

WEST (D) EAST •A87 •None

1· ¥A653 ¥42 • QJ • AK 106548 .. KQlOB ... AJ72

SOUTH .6542 ¥KlOSS • 97 ... 543

East and West vulnerable (See article !or bidding.)

Opening lead-+ K

! i cided that seven diamonds might well make and instead of doubling West passed and left the decision about seven to

, his partner. ! East hid seven diamonds all i right and when it got back to j North he went to seven spades. i East doubled that and picked . ! up 1100 and a net profit of 200 ! i points. or five IMPs for his side. \ ! How could East and West ~ have reached seven no-trump : for the maximum? All East i would have had to do would be , : to pass over North's seven ~ 1 spades. In that case West: I might have tried the no-trump

grand slam. I say. might have tried because I rather feel that he would have settled for the

j sure profit and doubled.

i CARD Sense , Q-The bidding has been:

North East South West · I

I I "' Double Reduuhle 1 • , Pass Pass 2 "' Pass ' 3 + Pass 3 • Pass

4 + Pass ? You, South. hold:

.A87 ¥KJ 54 .Q4 ... 9632 I : What do you do'! ' A-l'ass. As the song says: !

"Ybu're gone about as far as 1

1 you can go." ', TOUAY'S QUESTION ' The bidding has been: . . N m·th East South West 1

l "' Double Redouble 1 • • Pass Pass ? I

: You, South, hold: ; (IA87 ¥KQJ4 .A2 .... !832 ·

What do you do'! Answer Tomorrow

. -·-··-·-··-··--··-··-··--··· \ • BARBS • I -I

. -··-~·-··--.. -~-··--~·-· .. -... I By HAL COCHRAN ! A boy was sentenced to plant

1 200 trees after a fire he set

1 destroyed that many. He's still burning.

0 • 0

Your friends can always solve ; your problems, but few of them

get the right answers. • • •

A zoo attendant says baby . pigs can learn things. At least I how to make hogs· of them· :

I selves. 1

• • • i You're just kidding yourself i when your social standing

comes by the quart.

NEVER PROVED While the Continental Con­

gress was debating whether to admit Vermont into the Con­federation, the • commander o! the British forces in Canada suggested that Ethan Allen make Vermont a British prov­ince. Their correspondence was discovered and Allen was ac­cused of treason, but his guilt or Innocence was never proved.


ALLEY OOP "!14A~t~·::, l;:.Jt ... 1!UT · ITS LikE lllTLE 0!: MOC'N6EAM 5AJD ... I'VE l-11\D



'IOU 0 •l CO~\E It~, BCJT THE





I}.IKE. llE•C::'> WI''"" rU6E ~·~'NCO ~p.:,:!, l11:; \·1!-\C~J

LI,.',\Tt=D TO SM~LL $1D;; Wi~CJW? :N H'::. C0''.C~I:T·

Mer.JT ...


---- ,_.-----.-. "J l-"'7.'"1: .'­'.: ··: : ::-~ _,--,f:/,•,1 .. ~'1;. I ,'t, I . ~ .• , '\\

, '1 -x; ~ND SJ a:R. ;;, !ill ; , / ~-- HEI=:.O '! '



. . ~ . . '· . '-

.......... , ··- ....... .


By \H:l\1\ELL Bl

WAIT/ l cAN s:~ l'1E ~,IADo A MISTAi<E. .'f




SCHOOL Exposition \1

put up b' of a Na\·;~

Go Na\·y·· W<l

en1 Th last week

organization 01

alcoholics knowt We showed


-------------------------------------___________________ T::_H:__E::_·_D::_A.....:.IL::..::Y:__N:__E=-W=-S:::..:,-=-=ST TQHN'S, NFLD., FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1961

(Daily News Photo).

S('liOfiL STUDENTS gntherecl ~·eslerday morning to \'iew the various stalls put up in the t:'P""itiPn whil:h ran Wednesday and Thursda~· at the Prince of Wales Arena. Shown above is



1:h put up by the Ro~·al Canadian Navy. Schoolgirls disl'USS with the personnel on hand, the

THIS BOOTH proved quite 11n · tt. · • rDail\· ;..Jews Photo,, umque a tartwn at the Career~ ExpiJsition held in the Prince of W~le~ Arena. In one corner abo\·e. there were tllutm nuted X-ra.,·~ of arms . 1 .·1 . . ". c

some of the work undertaken by the X-ra'· h anc 11

J ~ltuctures. showtn~ of Health. ·' tee nol<•gist. This booth WilS spon~ured by the Department

, C> of a :\<1\'<11 career. Photograph~ and pnstcrs highlighted this booth, and the slogan, "Go

L;n \;n·,·" \\'CJ~ hoisted on the wall behind. ........ ---------------------------

--~M-Y• _______ _

:Distribution of Prizes and Conception Bay News Diplomas CL:\IlKKS BEACJ!-.. On W<·d :

Te111perance Thoughts l .~pril 26th. the pupils or. tlw All Annua I parish ! Red Cross Persona I 5 ! Attend Youth

Samts School, Soul h !111'er. rc· ;.:,n I"'' "·•·<·k our ac· point of being able IB ~ay \<1 cei_ved their _di~lomas an;l Meeting 'Collection Mr . .Tames llcid and ~llss ( 'I

IIW nl"'~ll!Zation of chil· her ho\'·friend "I'll meet \'0\l' pnzes. The pnnclpals. Ml'. I•.' . ' ' . ! • ,. Loui~e Taylor spent thr_ \leek.·· ounc I . -. : : . : k 1 Greenland and Canon lltl"l1 L"a 1 he annual pansh meet rna of: end m Gander ntlests ol J m L . . ''""""" '""' " oo t tom ght my loth" " '"" ·, ' , ' · , " ' . " ' " · · ' ' ' C ,\R K E'S R h.\ nl-. ,\ "" m :r, ·'"""' how ' iog ,'' ' I "' '"' io>Pi<lo g w"'"' to tim th•, Atl ""''' Ch.,,.h, So"t h ' CLARKE'S BEAcH - Tim • "'" "' h~olh od" ·low, K """ "" .,r c o<P• cod

01, r com , be

o .


: " f I Th h'l h f AI 1 1

pup1ls, also to the parents. nw· Rllcr. was held m the new· annual Red Cross collection has. and Lorne Sheppard. , Salvation Arm I.·. Clarl;l''' B<•a"lt

Dr .•m1a .on ~rew rom e P 1 osop Y o a et•n s · . School Hall on :\Iunday April · · • ~ ' "" " , he ""' ,1

tho" : imP'••i"'' reoliotio 1,. ,,.. ' '!" wm olw 'howo by Mo ; . , · • . .,,. '"' '""' lotod m c '"'" • , C "'''· mo 1 o "" t


Dold "· '" '"""' dop ti"d of ' ' plo " JO"< Th" ore i otol· ' "'"" lo"d, Tho I' tlowm S ,.. .A< b. 'I 8. 00 ' dock p,m , ",. B" oh "d d'"ITml. 'lho ommml ' . '" II"""" B'""' ol Sooth doy, ,\ ptil am h, to 'H "'' ' !Uo bo


be rooditioo ol ' ""' ol ,.11

pity Th" koow : "i•·•d pt ''" ,., di p!om"' I d" tho tho """'hop ol 1h• . retoi"d '" '"' gtotilri 0

g, ' R ""· I .C t br· t "io " Th "~ ymo I h , II 1

hoi, g hold """ '"' ~""''· w, ""' ' I hot thoio probl•~• ore toogh ; G "'' Oo" lloh·io llooto '"' • ","' '~· tho R" · C""' H, W · , ""'·", ll ony ""'" to tho '" I" Bo dget, wh m bo ; e om· Th "" ,,.; ,. "" "',. • · ' ' ;•i• i o m"tol h"lt h · bwl tlioy koow olw tlot ru•· · T "' Boon• · I 1 '"'' ' B. A, . , I '"'" "' tho "11"

1."'· who ployod. ll i" Lot"' Reid, "'" Fl<ot.

"'"''' ,00 1

ho i• 00

, ' '" ow., 0 00

rolwti". "'' • G nd• Tw"' '" '" G ""' lo"l 1 A """ ""m 1m of ''" • h<Oo· ' '" lm~ ol thO<t hm •, "' ' '"" 'ow ol 1. " '" D'f•lm






., "'" "' tho , boY thoo sh I tMt hi< loth" .,, "' 11<1" T"' lot. , . o" •" """!. Ti<'. mmwt" to M••. G "' wld Rolph, . •~h• Con'" ho to""'" to ll t. "' d 1,", ll i" cow 11 "" 11

,., , 'f ; w

Daily Recipe

nin ; nu knnw that 'ou can ma~~ a ddiciou~ Chinc;e-slyle chor oucy at homr·.• It's a 1·e, ... ~o01! way to use up the last. ~I a roa>l of pork and if you don 'I want to serve it right awa·1 you can >lore lhe chop suev j, Your home freezrr fur a • fc1·. IYCC!iS.

''""' w hioh


., ld : "I ho """"""db~S"tdn<Ok < Gndo Th "" El" '" Boll,'". o I I h o pm '"'" m"tmg "" •" m o h"g< ol lh<' d"t nd. l I"· Rolph Dow o, I lw B wmdo 1 ;., hi wy• C" Hllee t 'I•" Dow, • wid '" f "" h" th< · tho! ~·" •"·" Ho "" lb\00 II" th" ~of'" "' Goy S"'" '' · ""' '"d odoptod · Tho '"0

""" . Tho "'"'" "'" ''" I 0 """ · who "lo ht" <d "'"' otb wod · lll<> Hit • I o R "id, ) It, R illr· Bot.

,,,..,. \\', "" tio "', by ruooiog , • ., loom homo, Of ' G ~odo t o"" All"" B ""' ,; "' " "'" bY tho t """ hw"''"' od I o beod '" "'"'· Nom" o I ~I" 0 • "" h'"·"' tr o" . Aptil < ,.,, Jl,, o ,.. ;t 1, r: .,Jo, llt < '"" """' I oom!M blo ~ ""~· •it dido 'I wook. 1, Alo. Srh " H ""'')' · ""' tho dm i om'" of t h• tomo· roll"t "", '' rltmh om I '""'" lr "'h · Thor """ • .,.,. ''" hr· """ oo r 1 "'", J, '"" n, 1 p


, '" '"' ""''"' ol , I· · 1 ~· it fi~lly got

1 hro,gh

1, ' G rndo , Fi"' r.'""'"' Sm ;t h • "' '"m mill" <bowod tho '" " I ol "' "' I ~ "' · > 1 '. ~ owr~ II "' • "" l'' it od '", "". Jt i,


,. """ ,. . Jh" " \he P"hl k "I"~ I ' him I hot ho "" h><ll"g ""I y ""' ""' J'"" · , P'"' h '" bo i" ' "" '""'' ' M · . 'I , , """''h,


8""' h · '""" 'P , . .,,,h.,, l h'> t: m m r·

il 3' an illness The. himself A 14 year old l'nn· Grade Stx: Sylrta ~~~~~ford condil:on, fmanctall)'. ' I' ISS Jo orenred :"\c\\ell and Snow and ~lis> :.lilrlren Snoll' . · . · · . ' · . . 311

!1 El·"l)'l1


·11 'fl , 1 • . t " F' ~ 1"" Lorna Re1 ; l\!rs. llarm :\!iss :\nnir Sno

1r ll'ho


011 • • · "~' wb"'h "~"" "''' thol >I .,..,., >mhl h• ' " "' '· " '"'" " "" '"· "''· · c · t k 1 h - .-~--·-

"""""" '""holt!""' J• '""' A'"''"' , lrnt howob, "' , G "" d• '""'" .I o'"oll, Sk W, II'""""' hi> m ''"" ""'· ' ""; ', "' '"' , ] 1 "· Atllmt "" >I' ff "f ""' Jl""' • I It"' Q y 8 p d

' ~~ hon~h this recipes calls 1oi

cJnned m:~shrooms. vou rna' prefer to use the fresh. If s~. :,imp!)· simmer them alon~ with the other w~et<IJI?s ~nrt •lte mo~t instead o~ act.iio1~ ·item later. For 1 can Jl <!ems and pice~> or slic:·11

:nushrcoms. ,ul»litulc ', :'otmrl of frr~h l~1ll:-;l11'1Jor~s ~r:' :;~e t.~ cun of \•·ate~' in plat~ n: thr mu::lnnnm jLJiC.c:· tfJ q~i·. ··rith lhc col'll'l;1rd1 ..

fiiOP !:'l'EY

• lhdto o· to m ld th o• I o I h o r .. ; tb ot hi> mo> ho•t , . .,,, m>d Jo"' II"'""· "[\"' "" '"' "''""Jolt d .. Wm !" 11"' M t,;. "" , B" liN om I pi" I. '"''"' '"" ,.,. ' ;, h ; "0 • • , a r 3 €


. I ro I L"' II 1• · c rt

11[ s

11111n tht"rl,. \'cars

1·n th of J•lrs. Alfl ed Boone. ~Irs Bert rel"ll·,·n< "llr! ft·c·nnrls 'It ('f·

11·ko'c- .1

1 m;cr when thcl' shou!d wasn't gomg to ~top dl'inkin~ .. ra< c r,l)! 1: •,nc .olt•vrn~ ;on · ' · · e .. B d 'I H 1 ' n ' n ' ' ' ·' ' •• !. ,,\JlKE'S BE:\Ul-011 Sun · · "" tt I"IA fl'"n 'It' Htl"snv \"as tcnclerc<l oone ~n "rs. er Jerl ;llu~· lleat·h. 1 :lrlu~lll' the puhht· hecausr he wrnl out and stole r.l'rrc ~ru)', "' ·' · ·•·•· '· · , r ·I· 'I J· Eff d ';\\·. April :10th. till' Oran~<' · a nn· hc·1rty vot of apprccia ' ot < . ·' rs. saac or an1i

of thr alt·oholic is. cars. A 17 year old girl credit·: Diplomas, r;ra<le ~irw: S~n-' 1. ·r . •

11. f·el. ~· 1 . · Mrs. stank'' Burscv: Mrs. Frcrl ;'l!r,. ,\nnie Trimholi ~prnl Young Bntun> of t"J;~rke'> Beach

true-not more th~n ed Alatcen rompaniom for mak· rlra Morccomhe .. h·~n lloonr. 1011 m 15 1111 at m,.. zea 111 Snol" and •]'r· l·laro.ld '·111 nrord· hrlr\ their nnnnal cln•rrh par· ath•tHhn~ to all matt r p r • 11 '· " " Sunrlao· ri>itin~ her twn d1il· · 1 1

•c1rn_ prr·t·cnl of a leo· ing her sec that flight inl.o what . Eugene Smith. :\lax Jlusst')'. · ... ~ "' . . e 5

;_ • 'Irs. (',arr1·eld Ralph·, · aoP n t


e l'nitrd Churdt.

Sk d

talnl11.. to cl1ttrch and par1 11 " rlren. l.aur~ Ann and Frank at ('! k · B

'" , ·' '"' tr·po•. Tho . "" ld hm ol •m•t o""'' I y · G ""' To"' Phylli• N ,.,, 11, , ; . , , ' , · "" " ·' ,o,.· h. The Reo·. 'f t ' • .,. • "' lh• """'! .... 0 di~·· ro... mootiog 0 • "" hM 1 h""l'' Rito Aot ""'' d """" h" lo~' "' m •I orr... I ' a"'" Bmh' $110' "' 'I ok'

50"1 h Ri .... ' II""'" ,, li ""'" "" "''"'"" \"

the cxrrut!l'e, the Jeans· would not make any sense. I Bill Wells , Mr. R. W. She~pard. who has: msons, $52.60; Broads, $30.50: the mcmhrrs. •ill " "" j "kM ol I ho • Th• k"wlodgo I hoI AI""" ' I 1•'" '"' "'' W "''" I"' , ' . S.lm" ''"', $23.55; Sw>H b lli" Ph •·llio H "'"" · wh• i• ' - ____ ..... ---

: th ... t'"· brd or t'IHlki'l£. oil 1'·: r~tiP< diced c·rtttkcd p•t!'k '! fh..:p~ ~oy :-CHI<'fl :~ cup~ :-I ic<'d 1:-:-lcr~·

1 <""P rholtprrt onir•ll' · ''"P' chicken boui11on N' ~t·"

,tock 1 can 110 oz.l Jlll1shl'OQ:1;·

Cclrain. re;.en in~ jniccl l'an 1 ~0 oz. l h~:tn spro:r: · dr~ined

S:1 it and pepper 1 th;:o. ~oy ~aure

2 tbsps. corn<tarch Po •hi om d<ioki og . ""' "'h oth" "

0 foot"'' ol . G todo F. I"'"; G'" "" G "'"'' '""' "" of Y"" w" ogo" m· .. "'"· $46.25; S pri« slid d "'pi<o y od ·,, S> • J •h' ''· ''""i : 1' I •• >X W .ox JR SF. U'f

. •I .. ~,~· i •I =gth. Bwt It lo oot ""gh, ' l.,d, »":" M "'I otd ""i"d ' m I od ~~ I oil tho t oil mo. ' $42 25> 01 I otbwcy' $17,00; Grn"'; Sm>dor wH ~ h" P'""' '.' 11 t ; T DR OXTO ' C P ' - B«onl of

' . , M "" ghim"'h""d, oJ . ThOl' koow t hot ''"" oil tl>OY • ~holo""• p, 1 M', 1• "d G"'" l"d "" •1~1 · ; Toto!, $322.25. , ;"' ll "c , "'"''' t1 ""'' "' '"''"' '"""' "m"""' W .,, "' .,. stalus. of ,·ocation.

1 can turn to God for ultimate \ . I ed Financial Secretary Treasu· I I onth Rl\ er. .lay that the cit)' allow \\'e't


""1' ohild "'"· how"·"' • holp m 11>' io "'"'' lo. So !dom >It, G "'" lo"d m I'"."'"! ·. "'. ll t, Lloyd II """Y w" ol~l· "", Cb6 ''""or of H "' hm ,, ., . .,,' K iw,i; Ci<o h I o ~""' "'' n•n ,f """' bo· · '" P~"" mon hoottlolt t Mo , I h~ pm" "' Umt >I', IV' tw" ·. od Po.,pl, '< W otd", , , G ~'" P"'d o hn of m>t I o h• , ;, 1,. w" om«

1m ; "

11,. "'"' II • ot 1b, I,,, "' oookiru: oil '•

Jearn that akoholics those ~·hich open and close . had \'ery. ~ractously donale~l 3 : The Select Vestry is compris· ' 81 rthday mer~. and nc~lww .. Laura Ann. men! of Casa l.oma. sldllet: nrld pork and 2 table· nite p<·nplr. I C\'erv Alate-en meeting. 'l'hen

1 scholar:;lups to the. All Samts. cd of Mr .. George Wilson, Mr. I G . and !•rank Tnmboh on Sunday. spoons soy sauce. Brown ment

"" '"'" q """""'- IJ>•,.. ,... I'· ....... h '"' ... n. ' ""'"i' '" I h.' '" ,, lo who ~· 110 "' Sh .,,.,,, M'' """" ' r ee t In g S' eRA XES S1 c. UTED ·'"' hllr·' "'" odd .. t..,' "'""' on~s as other new· (or weaknesses so we may de·' Cel\.e the ~lghest marks Ill' 1\loore. Mr. Fred Batte~. Mr. I ~ . . Chr' ste . LLO\'Dm~sTER, Sask. i('pl and houillon. Let simmer . F"' "'""''''' '"'ld , ho . ""' y '"' holp.'' Tho" hoy, ; tb "' '"'"· 1 AI'" ,-,.,. h '"d >lo, Boll ·""'. . Cf.A R KE S BEACH - >h• , I n I n 9 Fr.·, "h""pmg "''"" '""', oloott W mi"'l", Add m,.o. lo f uhot'" oloob oliom' . '"' giel' '"" t hot thoit pto· I G '"'' Ni"" $20 00 "h" J.,. . t "· Tho ""' t "' romm •11" ' M oil~• """~"· "'' 4th. rim. , CLARKE's BEACH~"" ; " """ '' '"'""' '" "" Hi 11 "'"" 'Ii• w< """, '"'""'"h ""

. ""'"" I hot tho" •" . gtom I• ' op ioil "'I '" io i" •h i p; G ndo T '"' $30.00 "hoi", . " '""'"~"' ol M t, Roy Boo,., "":' p' ko' Moy 14th.' )I m .. I'"' '"" ol M t, ""' M "· R" I'' i' di.;ldd W od• ord 'r li; R. •' . I ho '"'" oil "'"h'"""' ""' id~nt~ lo su}lpnrt such a d<'epPst sen st-. I •hip; Gtodo El"'", $50 00 oh.,,m.,, Mt. ~loiToy Toy!Ot CIO)t"" Pd<o, "" lffih. '""I Aod'"'" .,. eht"''""' ot AI' 'Jill" "' L!oydmio<oc, o """' it i"'" lbo """' """ '"' ~ W • " bo< f "'h "' h" ITo b< '"oli '"'" "ho lomb tp, , , ' "'' Mo. IV m. B"h", \ Ld h" CiMko' "'' 121 ~. , i S~>~l" A''"""' '""" h, '"'" h ,,.,. ol >ho F i;h '"'' ""'" .\o , "'"" "'"''" omlil """ "

. I""" \ h" '"' loth• ' f Th6• utid<> ... """ pilod ' I Tho m" ' ' ' Co""'·"''ho"' I" M•' '"' ' R " ... "" "'"'' 0 d ""' '""'"' '""'""""' '"" oli>N' "''"'"'' "' I h iek '"'' """ "" "'"' ''' hom•tim" · hy "" Now I .,mdl '"' TomP"' ! R "I "mo "' "Bill• "" Kid" i ''"'"' hy ;:• "~ ,; 10"~ 1" '

1 h ";'· '"";t """"'· '1

"' '"' " 1 Cl '"''" · 8

' I Ph· godp•~"'' wm II" di '" i< ' . o "Ir » w """" ;, •, ''""'


" it'' """, "" iled ci"


, ~•, '""' ict io"' w~re ' '"' F """ i" to whom .,. . w" Willi'"' H Bo" ;,.,. , i p, ~. , 0 " "' '

0 " " ' w om

0 ""hi" w"' "''" "' · ~I" f:m "\ '"''


II· 11 c · I'"" " ""' " ' k """ " I o .,;,1 i• lot <wol '"'"'" io """ he '"""'"' ''""''"' qoki" moy bo '"'~"I) , , A P"l 2R<h, W "'"" '"d Jt t R" '"" "o. tlw" """'" 1 ,, '". I ", 1 ""' '"" 1 ,.,.,,

drunken at•cusations. The i discus~iuns taught her '·

alcoholics. in their i , PASS WAGE BILJ, need for self-justifica· i \\ ASHlNGTON <A PI - Con·

incredibly skillful gress Wednesday g~ve P~esl· the blame onto the : ~ent ~ennedy a maJor .IegJsl~·

faults of others. The : ttye v•c~?ry by approv1~~ h1s discussed at a typical ! bill to mcrease the nummum

are of infinite variety .1 wage to $1.25 an ho~r from $1 groping for guidance 1 over a _28 • month per10 dand ex·

to know if a teen·ager ! tend 1ts coverage. The hill o?el·. an alcoholic when ! ra!s~s the present. $1-an·hour

drmkmg. The general 1 mm1mum to $1.15 thiS year and ~~ that be should of the · $1.25 two years later for the ts at all reasonable. 24,000,000 workers already cov-wants to know if a ered.

s~ou!d make amends to a --------If he Dr she sobers up. WINS ARTS AWARD

is that praise and TORONTO CCPl - The Di· ""-1'•m•·~• are in order but plome d'HGnlleur for 1961, an

and excessive sen· annual award by the Canadian are not. They talk Conference of the Arts to a Ca· and means of deal· n a d i a n particularly dlstin·

e~onomic insecurity, guished in the encouragement avo1d being "used" by and advancement of culture, Parents, . about moral will be given to Mrs. Otto

values, about divid· Koerner of Vancouver, it was announced Wednesday. The an-

girl at one meeting wanted nouncement s a i d she was chosen be<!ause o( her "wi.!e irterest, her leadership and contribution to the development or the arts In western Canada."

lh what to say to friends ey. saw her fatller She was counselled to ~~lh and say her father

stc man but also let It MEMBERSIDP UP that she believed be TORONTO <CPl-Adult mem~

some day. A boy, bership in the United Church of some friends Canada exceeds 1 ,000,000, It was

<~Ution •• dvisiting his home, announced Wednesday. In ;tis against trying to annual report to the executivt

h' but encouraged to of the general council, secre· aeti:~ti partl~ipatlon in. tary Dr. jernest E. Long ~aid

are es. Show them total membershiP rOSe to I ,016.· an~ot ashamed of your 879 at the end of 1960 compared

that his illness has with 99,576 in 1959. Is you." In this age

di to ~ expected that RECRUITING TOUGH lndiiCUSSions focus on OTI'AWA CCPI - The agPn·

the special problem~ cies division of tl.e federal Tl!· to the child of an dhn Mfalr~ branch 1~ havinrt

hadOne girl reported fllfficultv recruitln~ . well • qu:~l· ~~~tlmeratil@refUJed dates, !lied staff, the joint Commoll~·

t ld exeua(s and Senate committe(' on· Indian ~!· h~I ed the truth. fairs . was told Wetl11e~d~v t,,.

lht h.:' her Alateen .Jules D' A~tous, chif of the di· reached tbe vision.



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I. I

. Antonelli, 1 Wallop· In

Bell Could Dykes' Stori

By HARRY GRAYSO~ 1 Th~ Ya~kees couldn't make up 1 Phillips has to bit more ihan Perry was an 18·game

Newspaper Enterprise Assn. ;their l_lllnds where Held belong-lthe .207 he turned m last year. last _season and Is JUst NEW YORK (NEA )-The In· , ed. His development was .Joe: Bic Power could help no end by to hts peak. )ludcol

I dians bavc a manager, James 1 Gordon's _outstanding ~chievc- [making more of his streaks good Stigman and Barr:· Joseph Dykes, who tens funny, ment as fteld marshal m the: ones. ·other starters ..

I stories.


h~ge Cleveland Municipal Sta- • Willie Kirkland . should helt Wynn Hawkms is a And a couple of pitchers who ; dmm. mor~ balls out of sight now that pect Bob Allen

I coulrl put considerable wallop· he IS away from the vagrant ~Iob1le. Coach :\lrl 'into .Jimmie Dykes' yarns. They'. GARY BJ,LJ, winds of Candlestick Park on about Frank Funk. a arr Johnny Antonc11i anrl Gary. "Only has to re\·ert to form" San Francisco Bay. Tito Fran· brought up from

' Hc11. With pitching. and provid- · • cnna hits for distance and last The Cleveland henrj rd no one of importance gets The elub went to pol last trip season .Jimmy Pi_crsall demon· a:erage.. hut thai\ a hurt. the Tribe could challen~c when a broken index finger on strafed that he IS a whole lot ailment 111 thr Ame the Yankees, Orioles and White his throwing hand put Held out more than an All-Amrrican out smcc each duh gare Sox. Antonelli and Rc\1 onh· for 40 clays. nwking npar-miraeulnus calchc> dozen athletes to the hai'C to revert to their form of For the Indians to be a threat,· in center field. in;,!ton and Los

.. 1wo \'l'ars a~o to provide the rc- .Johnny Temple has to ~rt hark Tlwrr is pitthing to ~o 11'ilh The Indians

FOUR A DAY-MILWAUKEE, Wis.: San Francisco Giant slugger Willie Mays holds up four baseballs quir~rl pitchin!(. in the N<~tional League :.;trirle Anlonelli a111! Bell. all_hon~h it front linl'. hut sil'(nifyin~ fo~r home runs he hit, April 30th, against the Milwaukee Braves here, tying the record. The Anyone wanlin!! to gd away lw hac! with the Heds. lluhha could he on the shy s1de. .11m hrttrr st~y 1n·ll.

s~ar center fielder. slammed the four. 400-footers in the game to become the ninth man in major league ~;;o~;c~~; t~;r~m~~~!ca~a~~~~~;t~~ · -. .·.. . - -.:- ---::,~;,;· . : , •

h1st~~y to a~com1 pllsh the fkeatM. The ~,11ants W?n, 14-4, has the team blasted a total of eight homers to tie flag winner could do consider- • .4 ..,;. ano er maJOr eague mar . a~s: was JUSt up t ere swinging." . i ably worse than string along, . - ·

------------·---:-1 with the Jnclians. Frank Lane

V.· -}_,,.

Dances For F eildian ! Gardens' Campaign i The social season will be · June 3, with top-flight musical ·

brightened in St. John's this entertainment, a floor show, I year by the injection of special 1 novelties and the selection · of 1

monthly dances organized br 1 some beautiful young miss as 1'

the Feildian Athletic Associa- , Queen of the dance. A Queen lion. ! will be chosen by a panel of I

The dances will feature uni· ' judges at each monthly dance, que entertainment and attrac· ; and she will reetive a valuable I tions and a special three-man : prize, along with ticketa for : committee has been establish· herself and her escort to the • ed by the Association to plan : next dance. The various Queens the events. Fred Phillips, Carl: will be eligible for a grand Brown, and Da\•id Burnell have : prize after the series of dances outlined plans which will make ' has ended. , these dances a social hi_ghlight ! Tickets for the informal I in the capital city. : dances will go on sale shortly, ·1

Proceeds of the dances will i and will be available from any be in aid of the Feildian aGr-\ executive member of the Feild·

. dens Campaign, which is a drive ian Athletic Association. to provide funds for the con­•truction of a fourth artificial ice arena had recreation cen· tre In St. John's.

Skin Is dry and acaly from the indoor heat and outdoor cold of winter, takes kindly ta the nightly us• of a soothinl bath The first dance will be held .

1 at the Old Colony Club on oil. '=



~ ~· '-:~ . ' .. ... ... ...• ~ ... ~ .. ~-·: , .. ~· .... ! .. ..


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the more you like Ballantine's


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"the superb Scotch"

-- - -- --- --- - ----------- -- --~

(Kot ~rted by Board of Liquor Control)

• . may be trade happy, hut the· departed general mana1<er left,

... · :the outfit on the lakcfront in

.... '.'··•.r.~·.··~·.··~1 good shape in e\'crything but: ./A:•;-.. depth. : #i' ! Dykes. who broke into the

'··• ·American J.ea~ue whrn Connie . :\lack was still a ~ay hlwJe, :never hac! it so good a> a man·' ; ager as he has this spring. The 1

: ofd third baseman coulc! have : i named his starting lineup tl~c ~ ; day the hired hands checker\ m .


. .-I

. COOT CAUGHT-Chuck Schilling (left) of the Red Sox g-ol's

after tagging out Coot Veal of the Washington Senators during an • steal of second in the first inning of a game in ·Boston. Calling t·he play pire Ed Runge. (NEA Telephoto)

(UU11B~a(U1sei(:Q'b"*al:u1l~', K of C Billiards Demeter T I LOS :\:"iGELES '.\P

I The K. of C. Billiards Tourna- \n«e\ D \0 1 '•' ' ~ es oc ~crs rau,. ment finished its regular sched- der Charlie Smith ::1:d

1 ule last night as Frank Hickey Don Demcier to

HOURS ARE GOOD, TOO-Fred Green, towel over his head, relaxes in the bull pen. _The big le~t-hander 1

shows unmistakable signs of raptdly becommg more than a middle man in the Pittsburgh Pirates' pitching 1

h I .


I of Plain defeated J. W. ;'\Ia· : honey of Spot 20R-118. The I final standings in the tourney 1 had Spot well out front with I the exact figures expecterl to I be rrleased toda~·­. Hickey ran up 132 in breaks last night !taring 45 16 13 13 13 11 11 10 10 and 10 while ~lahoney got 42 in breaks with 11 11 10 and 10. Plans call for a dinner and presentation of trophies within the near future.

Thnr,day for re:i<'l Farrell and infield.-:·

Koppe will repo:· to ;!ers' Sptk3nr. '.\':,,: club in the Pacifi<- , .• ,,:

Smith. 2~. hit ::" a: la:;t vrar and is proniising youn~,t. r. He· used at short-top hy lies. ae erne. · ·

New Trophy For Softball

-Th1 lt. John's Senior Soft­

ball League announced yester­day that they have received a new individual trophy for the coming aeason. The .. Examiner will present the player in the league judged "the most im­proved" with an award this coming aummer.

The addition of this trophy brings the number of individual awards to six with trophies be· lng given for the most home runs, top batting average, most runs batted In, most valuable player and best pitching record. The Howie Meeker Trophy goes to the championship team with the VOCM award for the first place finishers.


at Hi Corbett Field, where the W L Pet. GBL Indians trained on the edge of· San Francisco 12 7 .632 - 1 B f t 1 d'ff' It· I

ecause o rave 1 1cu 1es.

"Not much choice, but they're · :\Iilwaukee B 7 .533 2 Washington as president of the

ORJEST.\L Rug dealers rlf'f1nP

Oriental rugs a~ th•;e have been in actuol u'!

countries in wlwh · · woven for 50 ~-ear< 0r .

Commercial Bowling Booklet

Tucson. . Pittsburgh 10 i .sgs 1


. the first inauguration of George

all god ones," beamed Jamesie Los Angeles 11 10 .524 2 1 United Stat~s was delayed from Boy. "Power, Temple, He,ld and Cincinnati 10 10 .500 212 1 March 4 to April 30, 1789. so :\PPROH: n!LL Phillips in the infield; Kirk· Chicago 9 10 .474 3 J his first term was cut short by OTTAWA (CP

1 ··- Trr

'A most interesting book~et 11and, Piersall and Francona in St. Louis 8 10 .444 312 1 almost two months. . banking committPr

on the St. John'• CommerCial the outfield. Romano is the Philadelphia 6 13 .316 6 , ------- proval Wednesday to a Bowling League has been plac· catcher." International League . Jersey City 5 4 .556 2\z implement a C:u;~l!ia · ed on the market. It is the first The Redmen possess no out- W L Pet. GBL ·San Juan 8 7 .533 212 States com·ention · of ita kind to be published on standing stars, although Woodie Columbus 9 3 .750 ·- 1 Rochester 6 8 .429 4 ; avoid double taxation. the League in ten years and con· Held easily could become one-\ Toronto 1 6 4 .600 2 1 Buffalo 5 7 .417 4 , tales. It now gor; to tains much information of the a home run hitting shortstop. Richmond 8 6 .571 2 1 Syracusa 3 11 .214 7 i ate for final readin~. League.

The booklet is the work of Bill Abbott and Bruce Perry two of the top bowlers in the circuit, and besides containing the League's constitution lists the various winning teams and individual highlights for the past ten years.

The booklet will be on sale within the next few days and it is expected to enjoy brisk sales as It one of the better publications to be forthcoming on local sports.

Legion-Guards In Semi-finals Canadian Legion and Guards

advanced Into the semi-finals ot' thi: Club Darts Knockout series last night. L,egion blank­ed St. Pat's 2-0 while Guards came up with a 2-1 win over Star. ,

Ted Morton with double two and Sid Molloy with double eight were the Legion finish· ers .. Ted Spender hit double 16 for Guards In the first leg but Peter Deutsch evened it up for Star in the second leg on double nine. Junior Pelley had Guards winning as he clocked ·double eight in the last leg. Frank Hynes of Guards and Peter Deutsch of Star registered . a tun each.

( I




STEADY THERE-Big Mike Souchak even growls 1111 · lon1 putts into the lictle.

The semi-finals will be play­ed tonight with the • winners moving into the best of nine le(S finals for the Dwyer Me· moria! Trophy. Tonight at 7.30 Feildians clash with CNRA while at 9.00 Legion faces Guards ..

WATCHING AND WAITING-CHICAGO: Chicago Cubs Sam Taylor (catcher), Glen Hobbie and Ron Santo (3b) cruuch along the third base foul line during the first inning of the Cubs-Los 1 game. The ball, straddling the foul line, is the cause for all the concern. It eventually went foU · ball was off the bat of Charlie Neal.-(UP Telephoto).

ly Cop The

I. eon:

marks the rourtl has won the Lad~

Trophy and !h~ that goes with it receh·cd lOR of

of 180 point~ Closest. with ;;n

~orm l!llman of \\'in2s. ..\m\1• l!che York R~n::crs. ~

of the trophy. '·': noint~. is the only rl~~­

thc t ro•1hy both <

and a crntrc the few to win

of diHerent te;

J. Carey. Holy M. Spcarns. P: R. Lane, l\I. C J. Kielley, St. E B.-1

'226 223 . 190 184 210 193 236 247 152 197


206 251 231 189 166 222 161 172 205 185 969 1019

190 23Ci 185 15-1 266 223 234 283

:.anmellson 206 255

TS--G Smith

alsh Walsh Whalen Bursey


182 111(] 191 234 218 186 190 221 262 19!

1043 99!

ITKIICIA,NS NO, 1 262 22: 166 32 201 22~ 170 30

Kearsey 204 19 1003126

JOSEPH'S-1 Maher 161 31 Co~!ins 213 19 Cr•tcb 260 1B Coish 190 1~

225 1~ 1049 9'

c. UNITE~ La_ne ..... 275 2~ WJght . . 228 21 Holloway 140 11 Andrews . 204 2•

169 2• 101611:

, .... ,.lll"l!l-..;...o Hall · .. , .. 205.11 P~Yne :.:· ... 1~ 1'.·

Way ...... 16\ 2 heeler :.182 2

Murphy . 209 2 82510



I -·~---f:IL:'\T:\1, Rl'GS

I. ,, lrT' drfine '''~' a~ those

! '" actual ust , 111 whieh they ! , ~n ~·cars or


ly Cops Lady Byng The Fourth Time

Bowling Scores


. ' .

Gander Bowling Has Champions Declared

' GANDER (Staff)-Bowling the latter part of the schedule. at the RCAF Alleys here has CNT were leading RCAF by come to an end with two cham- 80 pins going into the last pions being declared. Customs frame but RCAF outllcored the copped the Mens' League while CNT by 88 pins in the third the RCAF team number four frame of their three frame were the !rlixed League title playoff for the championship by 1inners. only eight pins.

Customs and Operations, with Each of the championship 'he highest semi-final pinfalll teams will receive a large ·noved into the Men's League .

1 trophy with individual awards

:inals. In the final night of the , being presented to the various ~ircuit Customs rolled 2975J members of the winning squads. ·vhile Operations had 2844 to i These will be presented at a 1ave Customs capturing the • dance to be held at the Recrea-·rown by 131 pins. ' tion Centre.

In the Mixed League RCAF With the season completed Number four and CNT clashed the DAILY NEWS extends in the finals. RCAF had been their thanks to Mr. F. O'Don­the top entry all season with : nell for his many favours and

CAUGHT IN THE ACT-Norm Cash is out attempting to steal second base at Tiger Stadium in Detroit. ; the CNT coming on strong in ' co-operation over the past year. i -~--=-·-----~---

Bobby Richardson takes Yogi Berra's throw and makes the tag. Yanks' second baseman is backed up by ~~~~ Gander. Elks Present Tony Kubek. Umpire is Johnny Stevens. _______________ _

Tigers -Yanks Still Winning; 'Darts League Awards

G • R • I F • pI I GANDER (Staff)-The Gan- 1 Eaton Trophyy by Mr. D. Shep-a n ts em a n. n I r st a c e : der Elks Club held their Darts pard. Gordon King won the I I League Trophy presentation :Oiost Valuable Player award . . ' here on Wednesday night with and received the Lloyd Trophy

Joey Jay Hurls One Hitter 70 members and their guests .from ll!r. John Lloyd. attending. The presentation · Members of the winning Jets took the form of a flipper din- . team were Jim Miller, John ner with the flippers being Simms. Frank Roach, Bill Kel­[lown in from Horse Islands es- . land, Ron Locke, Laurie Brown pccially for the affair. . and captain Gerard Hollohan.

Chairman for the affair was The Darts League was a three Ray Penton and he expressed .

Learn affair and had its sched- · the thanks of the Club to Heber tled running from October to · DaYis, and Hubert Wells, the March 17. It was termed a. cool<s for the night, for their ·'huge succe~s" by an Elks Club efforts on behalf of the Club. official and will be held again i next season.


Jets were the championship ' team in the league and the ~~ & T Trophy was accepted by . their captain Gerard Hollohan with Mr. Moss making the pre­sentation.

Club . Leaves For narts Semi-finals





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shopping with us. , "' Use our Convenient C.O.D. SERVICE 01




• •


I '

·· ..


I ;; ,.,, ' II"" > : l' .. 1 Ejht Documents

. .. , .. +' • t. The

Will Be 1961 · Census

famDJ elze and lneome will dlvidual may not be awed for be left fer cempletlon by each taxation, military, or any penon 15 years and over. It other purpose except the cal· wiU ask the place of resi· culation of statistics, And dence five years ago, as well third, answers given by the. 11 each married, widowed individual are absolutely con· and divoreed women In the fldentlal, They are not avail·

1 :~.~ u d .... , se hoaaehoid, the date of her able to any department or

.f. census of canada hall been of recent yeau ar1 baaed partl)' delllky and ellaraaterll&lca ol flnt marrille and &be num· agency other than the Dom· La~:: every ten )'1181'S MiliCI Qil population. tile fOPWIUIIA art avlillbll. ber of live-born dllluren Mhl iluon Bureau of Statlltlca •. t;o~ilel·llnun. •

1·11e lll'tit Willi 1n . l'~rlol11call)', all bualnlllll&l There 11, in fact, tcarcely a hat had • .t'lnali)', 1& wW 18k Anll every census taker and

In ., .,

lll'/l( ·'l'ne tentu, on Jw111

1, take mventory of meir po~ition. br11ncll of bUilneu activity - aiHIUl 111come Uf any J eltner ali other emp1o)'ee~ of tile •• · 1 · · m nufacturln" ellln" or fin from 1a1arlea and waaes or Blll'eau are Witter oath not 10

1!1tU, Will be Ule largest; ~~ Wlll • .. ne census 111 a mm1 ar proc• a •• 1 • • • t f · a th t do n t hav (rom any otller 110ur~:~. l'er· reveal a single item about coWtt·• population wn~en IS ex· dure. 'Ine prm111ry asae o any ancm.- a ea o e pellted tu oe almos·t one-third country is its population-the Jpecl11c Ul81 for census fl1:urea. 11011s llvma in hou•eholda at any lndlvlduat, under penalty ere'ater tnan when the tast de· number of people and their They are u important to busi· whicb this document Is leU of fine, Imprisonment or both. cenrual census was taken in characteristics. lJata about sex, ness •• they are to 11overnment. lone In Uve) will be asked to 'fh~ Bureau 1\self is lorold· 1'951.

1ge, occupation, orilin, lan·· In addition, there Is a host of answer the queltlona, aeal II, den by : · Je Statistics Act from

Tlialll61 Censu~ will measure auage and education conatitute other ustl too varied to lial. and hold it tor plcklnc up 11 Issuing any stalemenl that popu.illtlon, housmg, a~:r1culture tile background against which Census facts become part of the a later date by the census would disc10se facts relating and me

1·cnandising characteris· other economic and social ••· backilround knowledge that al· taker. I to individuals. The name or

tics o.l canada. Its uses are so peels of the country must be most every member of the com· The houoinl: document will be every person is nO'ted by the varied that ·there is scarcely a al!Sessed. The well-beinG of the munity requires at one time or used at every' fifth house to re· I census taker; but this is to pha&e; of economic and social state can be measured only another. And every organization cord such characteristics as , serve merely as a check on activity that cannot be related through the medium of popu· that ia concerned with people- type of dwelling, age, number the completeness of enume· to it. lt is of great value to all lation statistics. from churches to housing auth· of rooms, water supply, beating ration, not to associate the

• I

basis; that i~,' according to the ers hu been checked by com· population and farms they mis!loners, returns will be for· enumerate. warded to the Bureau'• re&lonal

For a census that covers half office• at St. John'1, Halifax, a continent, embracing the most Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, varied conditions of nature and Winnipeg, Edmonton and Van· settlement, uniformity of pro· couver. In these centres, several cedure Is clearly impossible. 1n hundred employee• will carry Labrador, Ute northern parts ot out the initial proceeding of re­the l'rairie l'ruvmce~, the turDH. Before the 1951 l.:enaus, •~orthwesL 'i'erntunes ami !II!!W Uus work was done in Ottawa; ~usbec, tne vomm10n Bun~au startm& wltll that census, tll1 of Stattstlcs Will b11 assisted by Bureau decentralized the oper· the H.t;.M.l'. m takllll: 11111 ccn· ation. After the regional otflce sus. ~·or the enumeration ol stafla have completed their military perHonnel in Canada stage of the proceedings, the and abroad, the Bureau will be I populatiOn and housma docu· aided by the Department oil ments will be forwarded to Ot· Natwnal ~cfcnce .. Tha Depart· I tawa for further processing and ment of CitiZcnslup and Immi· 1 tabulation. Al:rlculture sche· gration assi~ts in the enumer· \ dules will be handled different·

· atmn of lnd1an Reserves. · ly; those !rom Eastern Canada When the work of census tak· ' anJ British Columbia wiii be

Tales" But Letters


une ~nt to CornwaU and and from the Prairie to Wlnnlpe& for checkinl transter of Information to 1heds which will then bt lated In .Ottawa .

ln Ottawa, the do!:um~nt .. be fed into an electronic er" -the only one of it1 the world. The reader, the recordJ of 800 mmute, wlll tranafer from· paper tu nameleu doh mo~aneuc tape. Tbe tape, turn, will be run throu14 electronic computer; the in& totals will b1 edited zed and printed by tbe ' staff. The first tabulation series w Iilbt available in ember, 1961. The last should be compiled by ber, 1962.

We'd leve!J.. of government, business, In allocating health and other oritiea - find cenaua resulll and other facilities. Those who Individual with any of the I "fal"ry industry, labour, as well as srants, provincial authorities enable them to render better own the home in which they facts recorded. 'l'he census is those responsible for the ad· 1·equlre population fisure1. In service. reside will be asked to estimate for atatlstlcal purposes only. ----------------------------------numstrauun o! agcnc•es of arranging tughway development CENSUS DOCUMENTS its value and state whether For purposes of taking the


social weHare, Justice anu edu· and education pr~J;!rams, pro· Eight documents will be used there is a mortgage. Tenants census the country 1s d1vided I By 11;\L BOYLE "f'rankly, this time the bank\ "It waa awfully awetl 11 catwn. 'l'ue many lacts Wli!ctl vinctal authorities need cen1us In the 1961 Census. 'fhoSI of will be asked the monthly rent i first in!o .census d1stncts, each. :-lEW YOHK •AP•--Exccm's is in error, and we regret any. to pay me S75 a \llllek it

15 only posswle to obtam . ,. general lnteriSt deal with ( 1) and what serVIces are mciuded · ot wh1ch 1s m charge of a cen· ; from letters llcople would like · inrom·cnience to you or your I out of your $125 aaJ

1ry II\

tnrou~;h 11

Ct!II>U> will lie uscu IlgUI'es. Suntlarly, censUI data population, (2) m1gratioll, in the rent. I :;us commlsswner. lo'or the 1961 ito gel-but rarely do: :husband. Our recheck show• laet 20 yearJ, Geor1e. but in reaching dccJ;wns that Will

1 ~~:s ~~~e~~:11t1~~~ft~1~r:~n~~~h~~~ tamily lize and income on a 'l'he mam agricultural ques· ! Cen>us, there will be about ! "\\'ell, dear brother-in-law. that instead of being overdrawn don't have to any longer. 1

make Cand<ia au even beucr llocatmg schoolli and to public umple basts, (:l) housing, also lionnatre will record facts allout i 1,a~o census tlJstncts. Each dts· guess I won't have to be llor· Sl:l9A8, your joint account ac· a well-to-do retired bu1 int~ti!O' , . place m wtucn to Ill e. 1 . . .' . on a sample basis, (4) agricul· lhe location area, tenure and I trlct is next. subdivided into rowing Jrom you and Sis any· tually has 11 balance of $367.29. on a trip to Florida la1t

•• While cvel~u1w 1s reqUired I Ullhlle.s m provtdmg ser\'lcea to lure and l5J merchandising. value of the farm; crop acre·! enumeration dreas with pupu· more. After 15 years of unem· If you wish, we will be glad I who 8imply insiltld that

. bv lbW to answer the quc:;tiullS • a .vaned and &rowinl popu· The main agricultural uocu· ages and land use; farm mac· ! latwn ,·arymg from 400 to 700 pluymeut, I finally have fom1il to write another letter to your I, well I 1uppose you ~an ' · · . . . , llatwn. t · 11 b 1 d h · d I · I · I i I


• I the I ; put to Jum IJ) Ute census taker, 1

Census reaulta are used U· men WI e aupp emente with mery an e ectr1c power; live Ill rura oca 1ties and from 500 a Job. have becu selected to husb~nd explaining the mistake i rest. s.nce your Ja~t at~ the succebs of the census docs 1 tensively by businessmen. separate questlannaires dealinl: stock and poultry; dairy pro- I to 1,200 In urban areas. Bach be the first man shot to the is entirely our fault and yoa

1. cheue arriVed after . tht eti no~ rest on tlus legal reqUire· 1 Boards of trade and chamben with irrigation, small holdings ducts; agricultural labor and of the approximately 30 000 moon. While the job may he bl 1 ., ' mony, I am retumiDI It

ment. it depends rather on a I of commerce use the fl urea and woodlands. part-time work of farm oper· enumeralion areas io alloited only temporary . , ." ,a _r_e __ am __·.c:::---~c;a~sh:e;d~.':' ~~;;;;;;;;;;;;; general apprccta~to.n .of the pur· to study and promote 'com· The population document has ators; and value of agricultural to a census taker, who will go "It is our pleasure to inform: CubanS poses of tlte census, and the co· munity projects, and to fur· 26 questions. Fifteen of these products sold ,during the 12 from door to door collecting ·1 you tl~at as holder of ticket \o. ! operation of everyone m ans· ther business and Industrial will bt aaked for each person months precedmg the cen~us. the faels requiretl. The census Z-16411a!l214 you ha\·e won H: wenng census questions fully

1. development St

11 tie pply by the census taker. These deal Another questionnaire will col· taker is the only official whom I gr~nd lottery pl'i7e ot SI4Z.Oflll, i p• k d

and accurately. . • I s I IU with relation to bead of house· lcct data for very small hold· the general public meets. and \\'~ respectfully in q IIi r p' IC e . Up USES Ot' 'l'HE n:NSUS the busmess man with lnfor· hold, nx, llle, marital ltaii!S, ings. Since one obJ'ect of the cen·! whethc•· you would likr this sum.

• matlon on the size of dome•· ' · 'll h ' In Canada. the fundamental tic markets The h 1

IIi citizenship, birthplace, year of For the census of merchandis· sus is to assist m establishmg 1 m lu s or by c cque? · ;.;

ie••al reason for takmg the · Y e P m lmmllration for those born out· · k P r· ' "UPon rcconsid{'ration .,. · El\' ORLI-:A:\S 'API ., mg, census ta ers in June will ar tamentary representation, : . . . . . ' '' Twch·e Cubans. believed survl·

census, as set forth in the decide on the advllabQity of side Canada, ethnic or cultural record facts concerning the the Act directs that the census reahw Jt w~s nd~eulous to 0~~~r vors of the unsuccessful inva­

Brillsh North Ameri~a Act, is 1 expansion and possibilities of oritlln, relif'on, lanKuage and name, address kind and size of districts shall correspond .. you a trade·m palue ot only )""'' u ed · ' • as ld w · sion of Cul:Ja two weeks ago, to etermme representation of I store and plant locallon. They ucahon. or all persona 15 business for all retail, whole· nearly as possible, with the

01' your

0 car. r are uppm~ hare been picked up from a :!.'i·

. provinces 111 the Federal House i help determine quotas for and over, ten additional ques· sale and service establishments. electoral divtsions. ·the ,C,1gure to


and lvwe foo, sailboat adrift in the 'iulf I ol Commons. The census pre· I salesmen, and Indicate where tioas will be asked on employ· This will provide a mailing re· ' Census commissioners, ap ' · · · ol· .\!"'···,·co. ' h I I of. ROL'GII OS, OASJ>RUI'I' -..

1 ~ents a count of t e population

1 necessary occuplltional 1kllls ment, occupation, the kind of cord which will servP. as a bisis pointed by the l\linister .. 0 . 1 1 .. . . . . , · Tlirrf rlead men also were In

! of each provmce so ttlat an act! are available, They aupply the busines1 or Industry in which for a questionnaire survey earlv ·rrade and Commerce, arc in· 11 t ut\ a1 J 01 '1 t 01 1 ~ 1 tt'.t' 1·11'1'·' lilt• ho~t.

1: mJ.Y be passed by I;'. arliament to 1


business a. nd financial com· they work, and if they are wage. in 1962 · structed b ff f 1 w •r ormu a t e\ eHJ!)Cr '1

1'1 1 · · d , h · I! IJ . Y 0 leers . 0 . t •e ·your ~mall son with his ho111~ Je 1 ,. 1 11 !I. were suffering : a JUst representation. · munlty w•th a variety of In· earners, the number of weeks r ree points about the 1961 ommwn Bllrcau of Slallsllcs. 1 . ·t 1 . til from shock, dch.l'flration 11nrl ex-i A aecond reason is that a ' formation useful In appral•· they have worked during the · • . · · c wmJs n· sr " \':or ' c,;s as a Censu~ ahould be e~pham· 1 fhe;, m turn, tram the census: tlandi'Uff. cure hl'c~W'~ of its !<'ll· po.,urr. Some were delirious.

1 number oi lederal payments to i lng bualneaa development• 12 months prior to the census, ed, Joust, no question has \ takers m thetr at.·eas and gi1·.e dcnc t d 1 th 1 the pro\'inces are based on 1 and investment opportunities, · and their wages or salaries. Fin- been 1 d ·' ·1 1 · · '\'

0 c' roy c se•• "·

h nserte m. creiy to 1 uetat e! . supcri'ISIOn to lhc•r How~rcr, \\'" al'" . ~l'",·•ll\· ,.,,. '!'lie .'tiprellle Ja1" of the land

population. T e original pay· Newspaper and olher perlodi· ally, one question will be asked sati f 1 1 K b 1 k c k c ' •• ' ' ments granted under the cal publlshen, alona wttll of every male 25 years and over onl 5 Y 8 mp e curios y, . ut · wo.r · ensus Ia. ers are ap· ! cited orer its put entia! . as ~ of the t:nited States consists of , . . ! becauae the informatmn I pomted by comm1sswners and : crah"rass rcmon~r autl if vo•1 the Con>titut•·on la1vs mad t'n Brttlsh North America Act fall radio and televlalon ata&!Oillo coacernlnl war service. 1s m widespread demand f r ar r q · d t · . · , 11 ~ ' · · ' e into Utis category, and the fed· can better serve tbelr e- At every fiftb houaehold

1 im 0 e e utre 0 pass a practlca 1 and the boy would dtop in to· pursuance of the Constitution

1 .

1 portant purposes. Second, I test. They are patd, for the 1· tnlk o\·er terms 11·e at·c -u1·e and tr"", ti·e·. n1ade under au·

era ·pronncia tax agreemenll munltiea when fllllrH 111 tile •untlonnalre •• ml1ration, ra•t btal _.. b t 1 " "' ' ._--------------------~---------------------~·",;r.-------------~--~~~~·:s~o:::n:~~~·::ou~~a:n_:n:· __ :m~o:st~p~a~r~t,~o~n~~a~~PI~·e~cc:·~w~or~k~t~ha~t~. ~·-~:~·--------------~l~ti~Io~r~itt~y~of~th~e:~l~ln~i~te~d~S~ta~t:es:·~~!!~!!~~~~~!!

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Newt oi the M~ [tlews and

Clock ••.,•rnliiK DeVOll

previl Playtime

News. at Rat


Rand for


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. ~~·.··,


DAILY ~EWS, ST. }Oh1' .. , _ .liDAY. !\·fAY 5, 1~61

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•• l ' • . ' •


AD '(OU 00\LII'lE'O ~r;ve~AL AMSiiiOU~ SCI-I!:.t..\'£:S!YOLJR '&'EI'IEFACTOR SENT US :1'2,000 TO G'E:\ YOLJ 5TA~T60.-f.IE­SAID H& LIKED 'fO SeE: WH61'f-IE~ A 91<5 'TALKeR CAN D'E':LI\JER 1"1-\E 601:)0!51


Newspaper Enterprise Assn. ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. -

(NEA )-Making air travel safer for you through automa· tion is one of the main tasks



Air Traffic

Altril 21st.

6.45-Ncws and Weather 6.50--Bob Lewis Show 7.00-Ncws 7.05-Bob Lewis Show

iHA'i'.G WHY 1-\"E: A TTACI·\'E:"O\i'tO N

1 being carried out at an old Na-

1 val Air Station outside this bust· 1 ling bcarh resort.

News ot the Mornln.; :-~cws wnd Weatbea

Clock De1·ot1olll Preview



)'o'.l'ef t.:0u;umcrs ~,·h11ol Broad"a;t

111 th~ :.tornmll :. n~ f'ops

111 Toudl Sdit"'l Broautast;ricle


7.15-News 7.2a-5ports 7.25-Bob Lewis Show 7.3o-Ncws 7.:J5-Wc3thcr Foreca~t 7.40-Bob Lewis Show 7.45-News 7.5tJ-What's Cookin 7.55-Bob Lewis Show 6.CO--!';ews and Weather 8.05-Spor\s 8.10-llob Lewis Show 8.15-'fran~pcrtation Hcport 8.20--Boh Lewis Show 3.2:>--Kiddi~s Korner s.:;o-Ncws and Sports 8.35-Wcather Forecast B.40-13oi> Lewis Show 8.55-Just a Minute , 0.00-News and Weather 1-!l.O~::\lu>ic for Million~ 1 5.01-Danee Party 9.20-Star TiJne 6.00-News Highli{:htl 9.3a-Austin Willis 6.01-What's Cookin' !1.~3-Weather Forecast 6.02-Weather Forecast

·-·-'·- -- - ·-·------

.llt'>><'r MO.-Jerr~· Wiggins Show 6.05-Bul\etin Board \l'IIS and \\'cathm 9.35-Jnne G1·ay Show 6.10-National News

8.00--Torbny Weather 8.05-News 8.10-Brcakfast Club 8.15-Sportscast 8.25-News 8.30-llit Tunc of the Day 8.35-Sport!:rast · · !Juntrr Show., · 10.00-Ncws in a Minute 6.15-Sports

R:mdet1ous ~ 10.01-i\lartin's Corner 6.25-News \lbs 'f1me . 10.15-Jcrr~· Wtggins House· 6.:l0-Dare Maunder·~ Club 93 8.55-Ncws

wives Choice 7.00-News Highlights . ! 9.00-Ki1ehcn Corner l::lllrleLvuu~ 10.30-:\ational News 7.01-Club tl3· [10.00-Newa

c r•ul for ~lelmly . lll.~l3-What's Cookin' 7.30--N;.ws 10.0!">-Storli Club r.. ~·.n,lll'r~" Pll o[ .the Air . 10.35--Jerry Wiggins House· 8.00--News in a Minute 10.10-Homcmakcrs :\'ell's

and 1rans · wil·cs Choice 8.01-Best from the West 10.15-VODI Coffee Break 1 tM5-Homcmakcrs News 8.30--Nationa! News Special

. · 10.50-Jcrry Wiggins House- 8 31-Best from tbP- West 10.55-News in the Air wives Choice 9.00--Ncws Highlights 11.00-King Cole S1000 Club

Brnarlca~t .11.00-News Highlights 9.01-Nfld. Soiree ~ 11.15-Ju\:c Box Jamboree tile Alhums , ll.ol-Jerry Wiggins House· 0.40-Snlt Lalte Choir · 11.30-Wcstern Jamboree

: wives Choice !1.45--News I 1.55-News · 11.15-The Right to Happiness 10.00-Ncws Highlights 12.0().-l\lom·y Barrell 1 11.30-:'>/cws tO.ol-The falcon 12.05-Rnmhlin' with Rc<'ords : ll.:l5--)lC\d. Qmz 1tl.:l0-Natinnal :-lews l:!.:lO-Ncws

"1'J.·It'. , . 11.15-Moncyman 10.45-SporL~ 12.35-Ramblin' with Recot·ds . \~w;' ~n~ \\ eatner 12.00-Ncws Highlights 10.55-Lelicrs and Messages 12.45-Fishcrman's l•'orccast

o-Jll""1 :'" 1 r l'llnram . \12.01-Bob LeWIS Town and 11.00--News Highlights 12.50-Ramblin' with Records T<~d•~ • Country 11.01-Paul Hershon's Music in 12.55-News !l~letin, 1 12.30-i\ews the Night 1.00-Ramblin' with Records

. ii-~.aunn' usme. 5 !2.31-Town and Country 12.00-News Highlijlhts 1.15-Sportscaot 11-hlll'"'~nr.Cornrr 1.00--News 12 01-Music in the Night 1.30-News

tor ~lariners 1.01-Town and Country 12.30--News · J .45-So the Story Goes Wurk;hop 1.05-Weathcr Forecast 12.:l3-!llusic in the Night 2.00-Pri<cs and Problems

' 8.40-Brcaklast Club

, 8.00-Cream of the Crop · 9.45-News 10.00-VOCI\I Gold Record

Show . !0.45-~po•·lscast 1 0.55-:\' ews J 1.00-Torbay \\' c~ther 11.02-Rig Top Ten 11.30-Cl. '> 59H 12.00-!\cws

· 12.05-f.'lub 5ll0 1.00-C\osedown

CJON-TV FUlDA\', Ap;·l\ 21st.


, 10.45-Curtoon~ ll.Otl--llompt·:· Room

112.00-Local untl !liottion;~J !'\rws Summary

2.00-1 Rcnwmbrr llama ' 2.30-Chrz IIelrnr

2.45-Nurserv Sdmol Timr 3.0ll-Thc V~rdict is \'ours 3.30-The G~le Stonn Show 4.1111-0pen !louse . 5.00-Jnnior Ronmlup G,Oti-Ca!'loon Cami·>al. 6.25-Th~ World of Sport

with ltowi~ iilcckrr 6.30-Xrws Cavalcade 1.15-News 1.110-Ncws in a minute 2.55-I\ews

1.35-Don .Jamieson's Editorial\ 1.01-Sign Off. 3.00-11\akc Bcliere Ballroom

1.40--Spol'ts ----------- ;J.55-Ncws 1.45-t\rt Baker's Nolebook 4.00-Boh's Bandwagon

7 .00-1..' .S. :uarshall 7.30-Amos and Anti~· 1\.:JO-TJrcnt S!ioii'C~·.c K.lii-Natlonal :'\cws ~.~0-Lorkup \atlllnal News,

and Talk. 0 Canada. The ·

2.00-:"ews Jli:;h\ighls VOCM 4.55-Ncws ::!.01-What's Cookin' 5.011-Supper Srrenarle :!.03-.1err)' Wl~gins lllahnee }"RUU \', April ~I st. 5.50-Fishermnn's forecast 3.00-News !llghlights 6.:lO-Sign on and News 5.55-News 3.ot~lohn Nolan's Western 6.35-Breakfast Club 6.00-Bu\letin Board

Jamloree 6.55-News 6.15-Sport~easl and Trawl·

!l.Otl-'fhird ~Ian. 9.:10-Country lloetlown

10.00-Prrry Mason 11.00-llangrr ~1an.

Here the Federal Aviation At:cncy has created a multi· million-dollar research center for the dc,ign and testing of ullra-modcrn gadgets to elimm­atc ct age flying hRz~s

Directed by Jim Anast, FAA's Chief of Rcs~arch and Dcl'rlopmcnt. thr 6.000-acre I laboratory i~ staffed )Jy 2.000 scientists. en~inccrs, pilots and ! administrative personnel.

All arc working toward one I ~oal-to relieve the mountin~.l ncrrc wrad;in~ pressure;; that . hc,;d hoth pilots and traffic; controllers as airways hr.comc 1

intrcasin~Jy crowded. : Todav thrre arc ~bout !19.080 1

\ planes 'or all types· and speeds ; flying in the t:nited States. I Within a fl'll' years, the nnm-: her is expected to top 12"·0~0 · FAA orrtdah rhtck over 1 ~ompnter, ' Ke·~ping track of so many a1r· · :<-raft. especially ol'er (•ongcsled' with nlh~r ~rhcdnlrd flights messa~e in code. A 1111aUez , airpPrt Hrr3s, is hecnmin:: too. ami then s('/ect a dcparlure' sending unit haa been de~igned : mneh for the hunmn brain. i tunr. i for pilots. The system t111ble1 '\ • • • lniormation radioed hy the· warnings to be sent in a frac-

That is wh~· FAA scienli~ts pilot to an· <0ntrollers al•Jng. tion of the time it talcea to nrr drn>t111rl, so mnrh cHurl to hi> routr w:ll t>e fed mto com-, broadcast them.

'lli:;htcnin;: the workload of t'Oll·. pulers to insure the plane is· . trollers and pilots. One of thr not on a coliis'on course with· The A1r Foree. however, lias moc-t dramatic of thcrs de\'ircs o<hcr aircraft. Whru the pilot cfevelopcd a computer aystem

' undergoing tests here is the nears h:s destination, a com·, that ~eeps track of. a plan• In Data Prorcssin~ Central. puler in that airport will cstab· the at~ and autol!'allcall! warns

It's :111 electronic comnutrr !ish hi> Jandmg scqurnce. · the Pilot about tmpendlnl dan-. sy,.tcm that can fignrr out flight , ,\ porlion of the !>PC system gcrs. FAA will start te1tlng rl~ns, kcrp track of· t11e planes i' >Ci~cclulcd for usr at Boston . lhts devtce in the near future.

· in ti~r· air and :wruratrly srhrd- ~ Airport ucxt year DPC is ex·, lull' thc·m for safe landinr.,;. To-' {Jt•ctrd to C'Uiltml ;-:cw York I Ida)' thr'e johs are hanctl~d h::. City air traffic hy 1964. TilE L\ND OF ALGERIA.

1 tn1·n. . Human traifir: controllers. A\;;cria, much in the news of

1 Saf<'l'' experts pomt ont tl•at will 'till supervise lhr rom nul-· late, has an area of 846,124 · ton maeh r:· a coutrollcr's t1mc rrs :md relay th~ instruttilons · square miles and a population

i' C'onsumc•1l with l:ri•ping tlr- hy ptlof>. i of about 10 million. The Book taii<-d reconls of flights and • Safe!)' exprrts. howc\'rr. of Knowledge says that Arabs

' Pn,slll~ 1hi~ informat•on to and Berbers make up nearly rompl:lin that bro;•dcastin~ in· 9 f · other ('On! rollers. The control· · ~tructim~s and warnin;;s bl'; ; 0 .rer c.ent o the population.

. l~rs dPn't hal'c cnmP;h t<me roke is too slow for the i~t, fh1~ anctent land has been rul-for their mest imeorl:-nt job-. . .. . . . · cd m turn hy Cathage, Rome, I. , . . t ,.. ,1 0 <'. Tnerr s alwa1s the chanrc II A b th T k d th c trrt,mg mr ra.t•c. 11 ~t 1 . , f · .1 .• t 11 1e ra s. e ur s an e Con~cstion o1·cr airports is 1.~· h 1 :, 11tc~~ r~;]r~:~, 11P 1~~:~::~. 011~. Fr~neh. The French occupation

one ,,f the rr>ills bee:w>e the · l\'o11't \me time to anJid di; bc~an about 1830 and went on rl'lltrol!cl' cannot sthedulr <liY " :l'lrr. ' · p!Jnr fnr a lnndin~ "'ilil hr <irldily fnr 70 ~·e~r~. \1;~• l'lll'~ked a!l rreords to i~·· c· . ., ,,.Ifill I,\:- h·, P ron:o up

''··;1 !1 ~ pn:--11 h1~tit:1 rnlllJIPI!IiL''-~·

!tPW: . .:.~·:--t~_·tu 1!•:11 1..;. nn1·· b~in;:: te,frrl hl'i'·, Tlw l'nll;TI)!h· on-

surr.1 ll1at ntll;_·l' :1it'('l'~f1 nn· nu~ m lhe 1ra)·. ~lo'l "ir ('n)k'l'n< a1Jd l!f'ar mi; .. 'r' han an::nTrd uear IH"'Y airports.

• • • ~ (•ra~c:... :111 in:-.nimrJ:l p:H1•·~ th:.;t • ha!; a button lor p•;pr:· impnr­

. ' lant n1r.";agr tliat mi~hl be The DPC b rxpr•l•·d In 1•l:m .,,.111 1., pJi,l,:.

4.00-N<'II'S 1Jighlil:hts 7.00-Ercakfast Club guide 4.05-Ranch Party 7.15-Sportscast 6.30-News

ll .. lO-llavr Gun, Will Tra\'rl. inatt• mo:;l nf th<'se prnb\cms. A pilol will fik hi;; flidll plan; l'uu•·:, n•; a hul:nu lri~~"l'' <1

I into thr computrr which will l•i:;hopel'd f>·pcwriter in the

cu-; \~I;R'- 1.TJ) !ur :.our SHlll"l.•

f'hnne.s 9i021·Z-Il-~3 21St. 4.30-National News 7.30-News and Travel&ulde

4.33-Ranch Party 7.45-Sportsca•t 7.00-Hymns for E1·eryone 7.15-Shillelagh Showtime \

. 12.00-l"ews Headline~

~- 11.00-Newa Hlebllahtl 7.55-News 12.05-Movle at Midnight.

" . . '.· ~·'· . . : . r ..

··, ----·-· . ----·~· _.;.._ ........ -. --·-··-\

determine if there are conflicts p\one·~ rabin whil'h <'opies the ' '----------

' ' • ,.. • • • ·- • .I '

1 ·.1

. .:,


---- -··- -·- ·- ..

I I ! I



. I I

; .

i I I ; •'

. ... . They came steadily on, three

dark, narrow faced men. Barney had an old hickory

liDJle·tree balanced across his lmeea, usln1 it u a base to drive his awl against. Now he liid it acrou the waeon toneue, llllldy to Waddell's reach.

"They jump you, take this tt:'em." · · Watehlnl the Spooners care- · fully, Waddell nodded his thun. . The Spooners came to a

loonlinl halt. Their 1aze .was u 11114jlent u their approach. One of them said: "1 1\lell you didn't hear?" · · ·"Am· I," Waddell drawled,

· "IUppoJed to say -hear what?" ADler touched Elvie Spooner's dark face. "Smart one, eh 7 Ever hear about another amart one, named Belsen 7"

"I'm not. Belsen. You C¥ 10 tell Hocan Geer that." ,

Speakin.a, Chris Waddell slid his rleht band Inside biJ par· t.lally buttoned jumper.. Tbe J!!OVI waa cuual, apparently with no particular purpoae .or daiJD, but Elvie Spooner mark· eel .It and a ,bard, narrow apecu· latJon t11htened · hll face. · "Thit kind, eb?" be said, the worda• thin, arudilne.

. · "l don't know jwt what you · mean~·by ·that kind," Waddell retorted. "But whatever kind I

; have· to· be, thtt'a ·;tbe .. klnd I ··lilt"' .j •

; Be ~lltted hJa. hidden .hand a, :little ·11Je~~er now, ud from the · poeket ot hit lbirt broulkt out :tebacoo ud·JIIpera, He:PM)e~t :alfa wheat ltraw·paper Cl'tlfed. : Jt; lifted ·tObacco lbto• It ud · . tapcwd up I IIIlO b. He IJt' it ' · ;1114·- ·BlYie·llliJ1·tbrouP ; tilt ..m. ~ettmr tlle preaure :., li1tiael bufld up. : ll•ie ··~poour Hnied ·at · a P. ·• ·fartbtr wordl, and now :H .... . till 7,0»Qat of . abe ..

i~·~ ~ ~ trueaJdt . L. ... . . ' I




For just 7c. per day or 42c. for SIX Days

Per Week you can have Delivered to Your

Door or Place of Busine~s. EARLY EACH MORNING-

The Latest: • World News.

• Local News.

• Social News.

• Sports News.

• t .. n News

• Entertainment News.

. • Shopping News, Special Sales etc.

• General lnforma,tion.

• Stock Market Reports.


·····The t• . ,,

D. ·1· .N· ... :·. a~l·y< . ews

---------------~--------------· AUTO PARTS (Whole) 1

38 Bambrick

Street Dial 1191·2



WhereTo Stay Balsam Hotel

BARNES ROAD Situated in the Heart of the City.

Quiet, Comfortable Mmos­phere.

For Reservations and information:

Dial6336 MRS. JOHN FACEY, Resident Managere•


FOR SALE !-1 only Crosley Shelv-a·dor Refrigerator for Only $75.00. Call Fred Goode at •4041. my5,6

BARGAINS !-2 Real Good Used Washers, 1 at $30.00-1 at $50.00. Both in good working condition. Call H. Noseworthy at *4041. my5,6

1 CAN ACCo~iMoD.\TE llt~l~-1

boarder. Phone 91661A. my5,6

I FOR SALE !-1 only large size Kclviqator Refrigera· tor. Ideal for store use. Only $tlo.oo. can c. Andrews at •4041. my4,5


·The O~d you may enjoy


The finest m FOODS and

at prices YOU CAN AFFORD Wed., Fri. and Sat.

Orchestra Dante Sat. broadcast . . . n~,

Prizes. · Sun.: Cinemascopc Sho1 See for yourselt why

The 'Old

Prompt Delivery On I

REQUIRED in near future one Registered Nurse for •'osition of Night Super· visor, one Registered Nurse for Operating Room, one Laboratory Technician. Ap· ply Superintendent, Queen's General Hospital, Liver·

Save your Energy Use ELECTRICITY



DIAL 4183 !16 WATER ST.

GROCERS (Retail)


I 9 .... ' 'Y I ... I I ! I JOB BROTHERS Cheap Reliable Electricity I & COMPANY, Ltd.

, Water Street In and Around St. John s DIAL Z658 _ 41%3

REG. T. MORGAN INSURANCE Ltd, Temple Bldg., P.O. -os 16S,

341 Duckworth St. DIAL 80370 u 7751





.2011 - 5 LINES •

pool, N.S. my4,6i

I. GENERAL SPRING CLEAN· UP-Gardening, Driveways

I, · Filled, Graded and Rolled. 1 Also Chain Fencing Erect·

ed. Sparkes' Paving, Phone 6317. my3,tf

i COPYING SERVICE-White ' Printing, Mimeographing,

Photocopying and Typing. Personalized attention. Call Mrs. Halley, at 90876. apr27,1mth

WANTED-We buy comics, magazines, pocket novels, and books. John D. Snow, 9 New Gower Street.

, aprl7,1mth

"But you promised "'' :\Iodern Home wil h a \I · Up-lo·datc com·cnirnw · and what do I ~rt - an door barbecue :"

... ~- .. But if YOL' w~nt a patio with harhe<'\1<' lor.· tloor cookin;: Ri~<l I•· then look to Hor.

1 for up-to-rlate irlra; a terials to make yo11r living area the mo.-t · I" terms too.

: THE CENT_R_A_L-:BARBER SHOP-We are now operat· · ' ing 10 chair~. you can be '

1 assured of prompt, effici­ent, sanitary service. No waiting problem. 24 New Gower Street opposite Ade· laide Motors, Ltd.

OIL BURNER SERVICE­Furnaces, Ranges and Space Heaters, dependable service at reasonable rates, George Royle, Phone 47793 marl,lmth

1 Accountancy and Auditing Service-Anyone requiring assistance in preparing in· come tax returns can have expert help. Dial 4908·H for appointment. mar29,(lm)


zXXXXl(l(x X'lC( X

XXX: X •~xxx~xxxxxxxxxxxs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx






·xxxx x xxxx x x X X X X X XX X XXXX X XXXX ¥ X X




for our Seed Packii·: DEPAHDIE\T

.'\ pply in per~on to MRS. POWELL


. 111)'5,6 : ---·-·-- --------

WANTED. a reliable

Girl or Woman· . for familv ·of two adli

Rrferei1ces required. • Highest wa~es. ,

Will await oulport

Appl~· in writiu~ BOX 705 c/o The


,.,m.lf Notice -Public Notice Prescriptions Pickup aDd

delivery service. PHONE 2201 Tendera are invited and will __ ,_ __ ._ ___ _

oA~CtR 6 G1SS[ ~Ql •

G0ANO fA'.lS ~f~O BR!I'I[RY 2541


THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA I 3 weeks after date

application will be made -----------. Board of Liquor Con:rol

be received up to s p.m. on RADIO-TV REPAIRS Monday, May 29th, for the con· struetion of a Women's Dormi· ---------­tory on the Campus of the Memorial University oU Irwin's Road.

Plans and apecifications may be Inspected in the office of the Associate Architects, Messrs. Horwood and Guihan,



APPLIANCES DIAL 11101 to 31j15

Kenmount Building, Elizabeth ---------­Avenue and copies obtained on deposit of $50. This sum will be returned when the plans and specifications are returned.

Tenders are to be submitted in sealed envelopes ·addressed to the undersigned which will be provided to bidders by the Associate Architects with the plans and apecifications.

Tenders are to be submitted on the forms provided with all blank spaces filled in.

Tenders are to be accompani· ·ed by an approved, accepted cheque in the amount of 10% of the amount of the tender. At the successful tenderer'• option a performance .bond for 50% of the amount of the tender may be submitted for this cheque after the contract is awarded. The cheques will be returned to unsuccessful



HOSTESS tenderers when the contract Is W'll K 'k t D awarded. 1 ~oc a your oor · Tbe ·deposit, or. the perform· with· Gifts · and Greetings

ance bond, •• the case mlf be. . from Friendly Business will be retained until 110 dqs N . hb · .d y after the completion and accept- ~11!, ours an our . ance of the contract. . CiVIc and Social Groups

The Department dOel not On the occasion of: bind itself to accept the lowest ·or· any. tender. . . ·'·

' I . .


Public Notice Department of EducatiOJl

V oc:ational Education Division i

ATLANTIC, PROVINCES Applications are . invited . tor ; EXAMINING BOARD, the post of Educatio~ !JffLcer I

at the Vocational Trammg In· I 1961 slitute, St. John's. This is a

Senior Teachers h o I d i'n g Grade V post, on the scale $4020·1()()..4610.

Grade III or a higher teaching Applicants for this post must · certificate or who have held the Grade 11 teaching certifi· be competent to give instruc· 1 eate for not less than Jive tion in applied mathematics at 1

years, and who taught the the trade level to all students Grade Xl course within the of the Institute. past three yeara, are invited It is essential that applicants to apply for the position of have a thorough knowledge of Reader oil the Atlantic Prov- vocational mathematics and be lnces Examining Board. capable of liv~ng proper applic·

Applications should be ad· 1ation to tbe ~de range of trade dressed to the Director of Pub- ud occupational. courses ~f~er· lie Examinatoins, Department ed ~~ the Vocat10nal Tram1ng of Education, ·St. John's, and Institute. . should be in his hands not later Applications should be for· than May lOth; warded to the Principal of the·

Remuneration wiU be at the Vocational Institute, P. 0. Bos rate of $20.00 a day, plus board 1568, not later than· 31 May, and lotfging. Regular travelling 1961. exJ)enses, supported · by vouch· P. I. HANLEY, ·

Deputy Mlnitter of Education. en, will be paid.

The Reading Centre will be _m;jyi:jl5,Ql2iii~~kij~~~;i at Acadia Univenity, Wolfville, K Nova Scotia, and reading is aet IT'S A HONEY OF A to commence on or about July LOAF :ird, 'and terminate on o'r about

' Beer Wines and SpiriU ' '" Hotel·Motel on the l·•.

Canada Highway, 5 mil!1 1


JESSE COLLI!'<S & SO~ Hare Bay, Bona1·ista 111'


TO· NIGHT 8 o'dock


Admission with ~o Skates ....... J


H .. ~a.,A . . : If MANNING, · Deputy . Mlnl1ter of. PubUc


New Comer to the City, ':fhe Birth of a Baby ..

PHONE 964273, ·· 90943 · and 3582

july 31st. , ~OUR eOWN BREAD .1 n.:;;~r;IIJ. · P. J .. HANLEY, 1 Deputy Minister of Education. BEST BY TEST PHONE 612 apl21,28may5 • ~u:uu~··~-m ._ ____ _




KIN~ Boy


B I 15 24 14 29 6 ·19 9 30

12 27 13 20 1 18


20 Consolatim1

Help Kin




The Chief Set


(A (Featuring


'FOCUS OX S.A. College


Everyone wt

SUNDAY (Age 14-30)


Sp TIME-lO:lf.


The Temple



14 fl "CHE PlyWood Boat 27.7 hp. "SPOI


14 ft. "CUTT! 43.7 hp. ROY


Or ~ny one 1

to flt your dn of course.

liT GOWER my5,12,19,28

One I REQ\

for posltl1 Reaiste,. ~~ .... ., . .

.SUPl •,,: ...


DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD.; FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1961 15 ~----------------------------------------------------------------------------~·--~--


'.' Plljoy

: DINI~C ] \~\.INc 'lt':-;t m ~a:n:R.\GE~ , :. 't't'S

' .\FI'ORD 1. an1l Sat.

. Da lll'r

'"',,·ope Sho" " lr,l'lf Why

~:d Mill'

•misrd me ,. with all · ~nYrnlencN I !!.~t - an

NTED iris

· e('d Packin~ " ln'\IE\T


otice >Iter date

"111 be made to 1 u or Control to , and Spirits lJ

on the hway, 5 milts




B I N l G 0 15 24 32 52 74

14 ~9 39 59 62 -· 6 19 40 57 (}.!

9 30 38 51 65

1~ 2i 31 60 63 13 20 45 47 1 18 34

25 43

20 Consolation Prizes for the Letter "T"

Help Kin - Help Kiddies



YOUTH COUNCIL WEEK-END­MAY 6th, 7th, and 8th.

Conducted hy The Chief Secretary and Mrs. Colonel A.

Cameron. SATURDAY, ·May 6th-2.30' p.m. JUNIOR YOUTH COUNCIL

(Age 11-13 years) (Featuring Flannel Graph stories and


EVENING-7:45 p.m. 'FOCLTS ON YOUTH'-PUBLIC RALLY S.A. College Auditorium-Adams Avenue.


Everyone welcome to this special rally.

SUNDAY YOUTH COUNCILS (Age 14-30) including all Corps Cadets

and Youth Workers PLACE-THE .TEMPLE CORPS­

Springdale Street. TIME-10:15 a.m.; 2:15p.m. and 6:15p.m.

MONDAY-May 8th., 8:00 p.m. 'AFTERGLOW'

The Temple Corps-Public invited to attend.



14 ft. "CHESTNUT" Moulded Plywood Boat ) $1045 27.7 hp. "SPORTS SCOTT" Motor)

and ) "COMMODORE'' Trailer )


14 ft. "CUTTER" Fibre&lab Boat) 43.7 hp. ROY~~lCOTT" Motor~ $2030

"CO!'tiMODORE" Trailer ) Or ~ny one of many other combinations tailored to rn your dreams. Easy Payment Terms available. of course.

10'1 GOWER STREET my5,12,19,26

PHONE 494't


for position of. Night Supervisor, one Registered Nurse for Operating Room, one Laboratory Technician. · ·






NEWFOUNDLAND Applications are now invited for two Scholarships for. the College Year 1960-61. The Scholarships which are to the value of $400.00 each, will be awarded to students who have successfully passea at least the ~irst year of Unh•ersity work. The. award will be ~ranted on the basis of academic attamment, finanCial need,• and extra curricular le~dership. The preferential selection of candidates w1ll be:

(a) Children of parents killed in aclion. (b) Ch.ildren of deceased or disabled Veterans. (c) Children of Veterans.

Students wishing to make application for this Scholarship should write directly to Mr. W. It. Martin, Secretary, Provincial Command Scholarship Committee, Canadian Legion Headquarters, St. John's, and application form will be forwarded. All applications must be received on or before 30th. June, 1961. my5,9 -------------------------

Manufacturer's Agent

Covering tohacco-confectione.ry jobhers in Newfoundland, wanted by leading Montreal importer-distributor of nation­ally distributed chocolate line. Also required agent calling on hetter·type outlets to distribute line of imported gourmet foods. Send complete infonna­tion of experience, trade covered, refer­ences, etc., to BOX 701, ST. JOHN'S DAILY NEWS,



Tenders For Water and

Sewerage l'nstallations SEALED TENDERS, properly marked as to contents and addressed to ~-Ir. C. W. Powe11, Deputy Minister. of :Municipal Affairs, Confederation Building, St. John's, will be received up to Noon, NDST on MONDAY, 29th Mav 1961, for the installa-

. tion of approximate1y 6000 linear feet of water lines and 13,000 linear feet of sewer lines. Plans and specifications may be obtained from the Local Government Engineer, Department of Municipal Affairs, Confed­eration Building, St. John's Newfound-

. land, or Canadian-British Consultants, 513 Barrington St., Halifax, N.S., on payment of a $50.00 deposit, which will be refunded in clue course on return of the documents in good condition! The lO\yest or an)' tender need not neces­sarily be accepted.


Town Council of Carbonear.

N~o Down Payment at


Remanufactured Engines Austin 46-54 ........ ... .. .... ..137 .. 00 • Chevrolet 6 cyl. 49-57 ........ 169·00 ° Pontiac 6 cyl. 55-57 .......... 193.00 •

Ford 8 cyl. 49-54 ............... 215.00 • Dodge and Plymouth 6 cyl.

49-59 ................................ 204·00 ° REMANUFACTURED

TRANSMISSIONS Standard as low as .................. 55·00 • Automatic ........................... ·1 ss·.oo o

• With your trade-In ~e~ardless of condition.

All units guaranteed 4000 miles or 90 days.


' .


:MEN'S SERVICE CLUB Annual Flipper Supper

a"d Variety Sale will be held

Tuesday, May 9th, 1961 IN THE LECTURE HALL OF THE

CHURCH Dinner will he served from 6 p.m.-8 p.m. Tickets obtainable from members of the Club or from Butler Brothers Ltd., Water Street.

Price: $2.00 ·-----·-~-


the opening of his office :\IONDA Y, May 8th.

at 340 Duckworth Street for the practice of internal medicine. Office · hours by appoinbncnt. Phone Office 2680 Residence 95539


(Under auspices Lions Club of St. John's

on behalf of Swimming Pool Account)



. AT 9 P.M. PRIZES: $2,500.00

Last Game Worth $1,500.00

CARDS $2.50 ---- ·---- ··--





FOR RENT A furnace heated five

room Bungalow. Apply to

William Walsh at Sopers, Topsail Rd. ,or .

Phone 93952 I

LOOK! Reconditioned

TV's As low as $49.95

All makes, models aQd sizes. #-.

Call R. WALKER at e4041

my4,5" m_y5_,6,_B ___________ ~~~~~~~~~

FOR RENT APAHD.lENT to rent. Self-contained, heated, separate entrance, living room, dining room, three bedrooms and hath­room. Situated residential locality East End. Off street parking.

. Apply· BOX 708 c/o DAILY NEWS.


NOTICE To Shareholders of:


We gladly offer our services, free of charge, to shareholders of the above Company in facilitating the exchange of their shares for shares of PHICE BROTH­EHS A~D CO~lPANY Ll~llTED on the basis of 2 shares Price Brothers and Com­pam· Limited for 11 shares of Anglo-New­fonudlaud Development Company Limit· eel.

Parsons & Landrigan Ltd. · :319 DUCKWORTH ST. PHONE 3731 my3,5.8

- -. ----------- ------------------------------ --------


Flipper Dinners Price . . . . . $3.00


----- ----· -----


Year after vear, more construction is bonded by ··

USf&G than by any other Insurance Company.


U.S. FIDELITY & GUARANTY Co.· J. K. LACEY, Resident Manager


' ' I

i I ! I

Now discharging Ex .M.S. Nol'aporl

Fresh cargo, screened and washed

J. J. LACEY INS. Ltd. (Associate Agency)

211 Water Street Phone 7035 ! NORTH SYDNEY·COAL

$26·65 ton delivered



PLACENTIA BAY MONDAY Regular 8:30 a.m. train leav­

ing St. John's Monday, May Bth, will make connection at Ar· gentia with Motor Vessel on West Run Placentia Bay.


SERVICE Freight is accepted daily at

the Railway Freight Shed for Ports on the South Coast Ser· vice, but in order to guarantee movement by this trip of the M.V. Nonla, freight must be at the Railway Freight Shed not later than 1:00 p.m. Tuesday, May 9th.'



to be held

f.HURSDAY- MAY 18th- 9 P.M. •

at the

(Formerly known as the U.S.O. Building) ·

'Formerly known as the U.S.O. Building)

Tickets may be obtained from inembers of the executive or · the Manager of the Laurier Club.


\ , I

' I , I !. I

I : ~ i , ~ . i

i : . :· I . ' I . ! .

·. ·' : :I' ~~ .

• ~. ' I f , t I . r . ,. ..


1~.-_...!.-·-------------..--J ..


I·'· ..




New Shipment of '

Ladies' MISSES'







!Capitol Tomorrow


I Thundct·in~s th~ scree.n. ' their banners of infamy flying, ,

o:r THB

OK and shaking the earth with THE LAST OF tldr onslaught, wild barbarian THE I UST horsemen by the thousands 1 . ' sweep into the peaceful valley ! Audre Schwarz-and the rape of another city ! Bart ............... $5.00 ;

. begins. From this stirring open· ! V ~NGEL GRIFFIN ' ing, "GOLIATH AND TilE ! ' ' ' ' BARBARIANS" never loses its ' Herbert Lobsenz 4.50 I grip upon audiences, for ex· THE WiLDERNESS citement does not Jessen - it


- STONE mounts!

The screen has never looked I Robert Nathan . 4.00 1

bigger than when Steve Reeves; ONE MAN AND. as Goliath in the film, strides I' HIS DOG into view in one of the most J · . excitingly ·spectacular motion 1 Ant 10ny Rtchard-pictures of the year. I son . . .. . .. .. .. . . .. . . .. .. . . 3.50 '

With a cast of thous~~ds I THE DRU~IS OF headed by Reeves, exc1tmg : . actress-dancer Chelo Alonso as I MORNING daughter of a Barbarian duke, I Rllpert Croft­


NOW BOOKING ORDERS All varieties of Certified Seed Potatoes including approved

-Newfoundland Blue (Arran Victory)

Potato, Cabbage, Turnip, and General Fertilizer.

Nitrate of Soda.

Hayseed - Turnip Seed etc.

Cabbage Plants- Hot Caps.

and Bruce Cabo~ as , Cooke .. . . . . . . . .. . . 4.25 Alboyna, kmg of the bat·banans., CHINA DOCTOR the story unfolds the VIolence 1 PHONES 5I4:l - 5144 QUEEN STREET and destruction that followed : Rannond S. !.=============================::: when wild barbarian hordes : ~Ioore .. .. . . ..... 3.93 swept a.cross tith .century Italy· I \:\TFHNS & I Al'\CES -------------.. ----------------------plundenng, ravagmg, ami des· "1

' · " ~ " 1

' N z I d troying all who opposed them.. James Thmber ... 3.95 1 eW ea an For sheer "gusty" scene~. :SEVEN MILES DOWN "Goliath and the Barbarians" Jacques Piccard and has never been topped. . ,..,~

Steve Reeves brings a new Robert Dietz .... 5.1 i) kind of heroic, virile characteri- WILDERNESS

•zati_o.n to t~e screen for he is I Rutherford Platt 6.50 enhrely bel_tevable as the m_an ! BETTER HO\IES &

A HUNTER'S PARADIS who can ktll three men wtth •- ' · ' R)' .1. C. 1;raham one blow but can be equally at·; GAHDEl\S SE\VI:\G Canadian Prrss Corrrspnnrlrnt

i tractil'e an~ appealing to wo·: BOOK . .t,,j() ,\tTKLIIi\'D !!'Pl--Whrn a men. In h1s lo\.r scenes w1th ; THF \V!CKEDFST :\rw 7.calandrr slum!~ a 1kN sultry Chclo Alonso he 1s ten· ' ' ~, l1r rincs not hare In pay a li-der and pt'rsuasil'e. Reeves PILGHI ~I ernce f~r. Instead. hr~ l(oe' to the man nff-s c r e c n. and . Donald Barr thr ~o1·ernmrnt which ~i1·rs "GOLIIITH" on-screen hal'e this . l 4 g- him frrr three r·nunds of am· in common: both are possessed ; Che~( s.ev :. · ...... : · iJ munition to ~hcot more de~r.

I of tremendou~. almost super- : DAHK SPLEKDOl R . . . . 1

human strength. The tall. hand· ' E . .\l. Almedingen 3.2.) . 1 his I>~~P of free ammunl· . some Reeves has won more im· , . • , , , t1nn for e1 ery deer shot. 1s J.ust , portant physique titles than any

1 .\IY, I-LACE I~ I HE one of many ways used ~~~ i\rw:

man of our day. having been :BAZAAR Zealand to kcrp . the Ol crflow- !

Thr rra,un for thr u1·~enc·)· In n~dnrr dr1•r numher; i; thr rlam~ge tiH• lar~e :\cw Ze~land lwrds •·au;c tn forest>. csprdal-1)' in high rlllll!lry. ill SOIIIC ;~rras th~y arc ruin;n~ the fur­r~t rnrrr. clrarin~ a11·a:v thr

unclPrhru,h. and lral'in• tk• c·'h as littlr prn\ret ion . · rapirl run-off of flnurl 11aten

:\ rll' Zeala11d is ri•nonn.,., ih pasture lands for anrl l'annnt af!orri lrr h•n e\pnsed tn rrosion.

hailed as "Mr. Pacific," "Mr. . Alec \Vaugh .. 4.25 rng deer herds 111 control.

--------------------------------, A~erica," "Mr. ~Vorld," "Mr. 'WORTHY' . Larry There -is no licence fee in 1 Umverse," and JUSt recently. · • ' ~cw Zealand, no closed season. '

i "The Most Handsome Athlete W orthmgton · · · 5.00 and no limit bag. !

To The TRADE and Contractors Masons Hydrated Lime Plasterers Ivory Finishing Lime· Hardwall & Unfibered Plaster


Plaster of Paris

ROACH LIME in new packa~e for easy handling

4-l.fs, 2-28's, 80's and 112's.

VISQUEEN POLYETHYLENE FIL\t The life time water proofing and water proofing membrane for:

UNDERSLABS TEMPORARY VISQUEEN Film comes m IN WALLS SHELTERS rolls, folded for easy hand!·

IN CEILINGS MATERIALS COVERS ing. It can be delivered in

AROUND ENCLOSURES a single conlinuoos roll up to 32 ft. wide, which means


IN CRAWL SPACES DROP CLOTHS Standard seamless sheet widths are 36", 50". 72.''

UNDER ROOFING EQUIPMENT COVERS 100", 120", 240" 288" and 384". •

·in France.'' BUY I\OW PAY LATER 1 As the young nobleman who I-I· ')) I Bl k 4 w() The ammunition scheme has i defies the barbarians and strik· ' 1 C ac .... ... .u been successful in encouraging ! es terror into the hearts of their • 0. k & C L d ; more hunters to stalk deer an•l : ranks. and later when he is ; I( S 0 t has been extended for another ' • captured. tortured. and put ., • , )'car. I through the aweso~nc ordeals of The Booksellers i Game which qualifies under ' · ~he Test of Tru~h, Reeves p~o- this scheme includes deer, cha-: : ]eels a dynamism and qu1et '. S . 44:,• "008 3191 mois wild «oats and thar a · ' th 't t' • a that is I pm :OJ or ... or · • o • au ~rt a ne m ~ncr 1 __ . _____ _ __ ____ ________ type of Himalayan mountain. . certam to make htm one of the

1 : goat. In the last year. almost

: mos~ po~ular star~ on todays Snowplows . [140.000 animals were killed un- • . motiOn p1cture honzon. . · der the scheme. The a1•erage · Bruce Cabot as the km~ of cost to the novernment worked ·

the barbarians brings t_o the I M · out at about 10 cents a hracl, , role a ruthlessness and Ill-con· , n ay · whieh is considered good l'aiue. • cealf.'d s~vagery. Chelo Alonso, 1 ·

• the C~tb~n dancer who_ went to , Snowplows n('rllf.·d Wrd· PROS HEJ,p OUT the F ohes Bergcre m_ Parisi m•>ci<>Y night on sections of Thr cffurb or prinlfl' hunt-

: from whence she was d1scovcr-' road un the A1·alon Peninsula rrs arr. supplrmcntcd h)' other· ed for films, performs two as Wcdnesdav's snowfall dog- campai~ns. The J(OI'crnment .

. dances; one a sword dance in gcd them a~d made dril'ing employs professional cullers.: the banquet hall amidst bar- difficult. who work S\'Stcmaticallv ·

' baric splendor, and the other, a As the rcsull of wcl weather through areas of forest killin~' ~ wild, untamed fire dance at all this week, roads ha1·c not nff deer herds. Some cullers , : night in the open courtyard had a chance to dr)' out and • chalk up personal tallies as high · ! with her bare feet stamping there are many muddy, sort as 2,000 head in a season. 1 into the earth. She. is one r.f sections, particularly on dirt : the most provocative yourq roads. . The government has also been I actresses both in appearance Sections of the Trans-Canada experimenting in the large-scale ,

and personality to come to the 1

Highroad. the Hodgewater, _Sal· spreading of poison baits, either i

screen recently. monier and W1t1ess Bay Jmes dropped from the air or spread : The brilliant supporting cast ~ are bad and driring will not • from the ground. To minimize I

is headed by Livio Lorenzon, ' improve much until eastern ; lo~ses 1~f birds. poisons are u>cd J

Luciano Marin and Arturo Newfoundland gets some ex- w1th d1ccd carrots whirh ha1·e ' Dominici. As general of the tendt>d dry weather. , hccn dyed green. The birds are I army, Lorem.on brings a chill- not attracted to the green baits ing and ter~ifying typ~ of men·! RECO!IiSTRUCTIOX I~ . but deer eat them greedily. UTHE BEST IN THE HOUSE!l

, ace t~ t?e f1lm. Mann ts cast as ! KOREA Poisoning of deer is strongly 1 a sadt~llc cut-t.hroa_t w~~se dconf : Although south Korea is .~rnd· opposed by hunters. But the · k

NFLD. LIME MFG c L d 'summm_g passion lSD a :e.· 0 · uallv recovering from its war- gm·ernment replies that shoot- IN 87 LANDS ?-Y·= .. ~[... • • 0

8 I . t

8 . ~~:t ~~~~~~ba~i~~rguk~m~~:~~. 1! : :~~:~vlc:f;~ag~~~nu~;e p~i~~ o::f . ~~~;p 3~0e~~ ~'er~~t i1~ 11!~:~~~t to G~ ~~ ~~i ~it

complex role. comb1mng ru~h- · that recovery wunld be even . _ _ /.• 1... I ~-. WHOLESALE and RETAIL 1less _leadershiP and man-or-~n-! raster but for the need to main· ~"f~.-.u~~.,. '~anaat{ti)Z. .. ·


WATER ST. EAST P.O. BOX E-5041 DIAL 91166 . 2910 'tegrltY whose word, once agam. 'tain 're!ativch· hu"e military :ITS A HONEY OF A!". · becomes law. ! forces along ihe 1•i'4-milc truce • LOAF ~ 1

------------------------------- With authentic costumes and I. line that divides it from North 'S S makeup, and settings lavish, Korea. 1 ~OUR OWN BREAD;, ( 1\' ot inserted by the Board of Liquor Control)




No. lC


a 25-mim with Pope ;

\'ali can ami( splendor

Philip join 1!,3P

f.tlleigt~inl! Britis when

, the I V, met the

the aud privat.

palace declared

his nearby relations t the Holy

comlorti ~ith. ~utdo~r mou~tain scenes ': ~ BEST BY TEST ; mspmn~, m thetr pastoral WOMAN APPOl!'(TED i .,,,u.:~U,t:1'U1'1'1'1'~-, beauty, GOLI~TH_ AND THE GENEVA jCPl _The office; __ _:.__:._.:....:..:...:........:..:.....:.~=:...:....:._ ___________________ _ B_ARBARI~NS bnngs a new of the United :Nations hi~h com-· k;nd of b1gness to the screen. missioner for refugees Wedn~s- I From the mome~t when thou- day announced the appointment :








GEOR&E NEAL LIMITED PHONES 2264- 4440 · 3420

, sands of barbarran hor~e~en of Miss Muriel w . .Jacobson of! lash across the scree~ brmg,mg Toronto as its Canadian con·e~- ' terror and fury until _the :ast : pondent. She will assist Cana- '· m o.m e n.t when. vtctonous 'dian groups in carrying out :n- , ~ohath r1des O~f With the beaU· , formation and fund • raising ar- i t~ful _blac~ ~atred Lopdo_, the . tivities, and will report on thl' i ftlm IS grJppmgly dramattc. I situation of r;r~ge_es in c_annda, i

In Color and Totalscope the :_and on other stmllar top1cs. \ film has a musical score to . : match its bigness and was writ· , ' ten by Les Baxter, a composer I WINNIPEG !CP\ - A much- : noted for his originality and ' heralded mechanical s t r e e t ·. fresh; dramatic approach to ' sweeper imported for use on 'I

motion picture music. An album I Winnipeg streets _from We;;t or the film's music is being re- , Germany, has met 1ts mate~ m ' leased by American . Inter- ! Red River gumbo. The $22.~00 : national Records. j machine clogged up on the Red i

• . ! River Valley clay on Winnipeg · . James H. Ntcholson, pres•· streets and as a result the city, \

dent, and Samuel Z. Arkoff, which was to buy another rna- ' vice-president of American In· chine, has cancelled the second ' ternational Pictures, are proud order. of this, their Goliath motion ---.!......-----­

TV REPAIRS picture addition to the coun­try's best films.


court judge H. W. Timmins Wednesday criticized rhe "sleazy" methods of an inve;t­ment mortgage company as he granted relief to a suburban Scarborough couple u n d e r the Unconsclona b I e Transac­tions Relief Act. Relief was granted to Mr. and Mrs. Wil­liam Scott after the judge $aid the cost or their loan from Scotts and Manor Investments Limited worked out at an inter· est rate of 27.5 per cent.



PHONE 941231 Electronic

.. Centre Ltd.

'90 CAJt~PBELL AVE. 'fter hou~ 'PHONE 7313

We Can Supply Your Wants Stock On All Sizes Of From


We Also Have A Full Line Of


A. H. MURRAY & Co., Ltd. ST. JOHN'S

and I chairs o

of 'the pont the royal p

11:44 a.m. 5:56 1.11

SUNDAY • today


8:58 a.J:
