SILVER LAKE NEWSLETTER · February 17, 2010, was the day 200 more acres on Silver Lake were...


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The Blue Heron

stops for a bite on our beautiful shore.

Remember...a good vegetative buffer is

essential to keeping our wildlife healthy

and happy!



STORM 2010

According to the National Weather Service,

microbursts are what hit Silver Lake on Sun-day, June 6. In this kind of a storm, the air

rushes straight towards the ground and then

radiates out in damaging straight-line winds

which is what distinguishes it from the circu-

lar pattern of a tornado. Those who were in

their homes on or near the lake relate the hor-izontal rain and winds which may have

reached 100 mph. Right is the view from the

top of the driveway at 113 Eastside Road, the

property of Jim and Judy Putnam. From #97

(O’Conor) on down to 145 (Walker), and up to Bacons on Cricket Hill Road, the trees are

down everywhere. The loss of these stately

pines is devastating, but they will grow

back...we are most grateful no one was hurt.


August 21...10am...Hilltop at Camp Marienfeld...Enter by the BB&N gate

(Rain location Wells Memorial School) Members and Non-members alike are welcome

Featured Topic...New Conservation Easement!





Hello Everyone!

When you arrive at Silver Lake this year, you

can’t help but notice the difference at the Nel-

son end of the lake. ―The times they are a


How about new you have any?

We are always looking for new members to

add to our list. Just like the boat ramp our

membership grows and changes every year. If you know anyone new on the lake or if you

know someone who would enjoy meeting peo-

ple on the lake, please bring them to the Lake

Association meeting.

We all like to keep up with events and hap-penings as well as learn about water quality,

campsites, Stony Beach, etc. Membership is

only $10.00 per person per year. Hope to see

you all there. Have a great summer!



The Silver Lake Association is one of 140 lake

associations that are NHLA members. Their full-time lobbyist helps represent your inter-

ests on Statewide issues such as boater safe-

ty and appropriate public access. NHLA has

initiated bills to strengthen the Shoreland

Protection Act, significantly increase funding for the Marine Patrol, and create a dedicated

fund for milfoil prevention and research. This

latter legislation provides funds for our Lake

Host program.

We encourage you to join the NHLA and be-

come an advocate for the Lake you love, or

just keep up with the latest news by contact-

ing NHLA at 5 South State St., Concord, NH

03301, or on the web at


Camp Marienfield Conservation Easement

February 17, 2010, was the day 200 more acres on Silver Lake were protected forever. What

a great day for the Silver Lake Land Trust (SLLT), The Harris Center for Conservation Educa-

tion, the Monadnock Conservancy, and for all of us who abide on her shores.

The land upon which Camp Marienfeld sits was originally purchased in 1896 by Dr. C. Han-

ford Henderson, a noted educator, and there he established one of the country’s first summer camps for boys. When it went bankrupt in 1958, the land was purchased by the Henderson-

ville Corporation…a group of neighbors who wanted to protect the land from subdivision or

development…and was donated to Buckingham, Browne and Nichols (BB&N) in 1964.

BB&N, a private school based in Cambridge, MA, has used the camp each Fall since 1975 to provide incoming ninth graders with outdoor education and team-building, a twelve-day expe-

rience known as ―bivouac.‖ They also host six, week-long camps for their third to seventh

graders…truly a worthwhile use of its 200 acres of fields and forest.

Most of you are probably aware of what a ―conservation easement‖ means, but just in case

some of you would like the definition, here it is: a restriction placed on a piece of property to protect its associated resources, either voluntarily donated, or, as in this case, sold to a pri-

vate organization or a public agency which will hold the right to enforce the landowner’s

promise. This legally binding agreement provides that, if the land is sold or passed on to

heirs, the easement will continue. BB&N will use the camp as it always has, but the land will

be permanently protected from development. The price was $282,700…no more and no less than the appraised value of the easement. When the Monadnock Conservancy held its capital

campaign a few years ago, a number of interested people made donations to establish the



―Silver Lake Fund for Land Conservation‖. The funds are available to be spent on land con-

servation at Silver Lake upon agreement between the SLLT and the Conservancy. This partic-

ular project was also financially supported by the Quabbin-to-Cardigan Partnership, a group of more than two dozen agencies and organizations aimed at protecting the highlands between

Quabbin Reservoir in Massachusetts and Cardigan Mountain in New Hampshire.

I don’t pretend to have all the answers, but if you are wondering why this easement is so im-

portant, there is one very good reason. In a study done ten years ago by Amy Smagula of the

New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services, it was determined that more than 60% of Silver Lakes tributaries flow under, through and over Camp Marienfeld…reason

enough in itself to seek protection of those precious resources. You may disagree with the

concept of conservation easements if you base your opinion on the value of the property on

the open market, but where Silver Lake is concerned, I think we can all agree that, in this

case, it was the right thing to do.

Doz Putnam Delori has kept us informed and has worked tirelessly to finally achieve this

much sought-after outcome. As quoted in The Harris Center news release regarding the sign-

ing, Doz said, ―Preservation of Camp Marienfeld has been a major priority of the Silver Lake

Land Trust and its leaders, David Putnam, Duke Powell, Bill Walker and Wally Francis, for

nearly 20 years. Little by little, the land surrounding Silver Lake, with its tributaries, flora and fauna, is being protected for now and future generations.‖

We all say bravo, and thanks for a job well done.


That 18-year-old Emily Miner has been studying abroad in Chile since the Fall and experi-enced the February 27 earthquake first hand? She bravely made the choice to stay, volun-

teered with the local Red Cross, helped to build a home for an elderly woman, will finish up

her year of school in June, and in the meantime will do everything she can to help her host

family recover from the disaster.

That Common Threads is mailed free to every Harrisville resident and to nonresident property owners of improved properties who wish to receive it? It is published bi-monthly and they

welcome your input with news, stories, etc. If you don’t fall into one of the free categories

above, you may send $12.50 per year to P.O. Box 164, Harrisville, NH 03450 (603 924-6537)

Jeannie Eastman, Managing Editor…well worth the price!

That there are at least two sources for computer access at Silver Lake? Fairpoint is offering

DSL and is offering Broadband…at last, something better than dial-up!

That the Geddes property recently acquired by the Town of Nelson through tax deed has been

posted for NO TRESPASSING? With the onset of warmer weather there has been an increase

of traffic onto the property resulting in more littering. In an effort to keep the property clean and safe, the police will show a continued presence to discourage people from going there.

That NH Lakes Association suggests you can spray your grass with methyl anthranilate, a

registered chemical that is a derivative of grape juice, to repel those pesky Canada Geese?

That our law suit against the Town of Harrisville regarding the high tax rates on Silver Lake

properties came to naught? Many property owners met with Attorney Gary Kinyon on July

13, 2009, at which time it was decided to hire an appraiser to research the issue. The report

submitted by John Crafts stated in part ―…we believe the $400,000 base value…on Silver

Lake is reasonable, and that there is insufficient evidence to support a meaningful reduction

in this base value.‖ Needless to say, that was that.




Fish and Game…Silver Lake is a healthy body of water with plenty of fish for anglers of all


Water Quality…According to the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES), phosphorous levels in Silver Lake continue to remain at a low level.

Loon Protection…The ice went out on April 3, and the first loon was heard the day after! A

missing no-wake marker will be replaced near loon island which should be helpful during

nesting. Last year Loon Biologists, Phil Brown and Julie Tilden, removed broken loon eggs

from our nest to do testing in hopes of finding the reason the chicks did not survive. SLA

contributions to the Loon Preservation Society go in part towards this type of investigation. George Colony reported to our ―Loon Ranger‖, Polly Croteau, that ―loon eggs make the best

omelets!!‖ She will be turning him in to the Loon Police!

Weed Watch…Diligent Silver Lake Weed Watchers found no evidence of invasive exotic plants

in 2009, but the threat is real and significant. The ―double-barreled‖ approach of Lake Host-

ing plus Weed Watching seems to be working to prevent infestations in the lakes that have

both programs. We will be hosting free training at Silver Lake on Sunday, June 27, at 9am. Amy Smagula is the Exotic Species Program Coordinator for NHDES, and she will be our

trainer. We thank all of our dedicated 2009 volunteers; and, because we need new watchers

this summer, please contact Beth Caldwell by e-mail at or call

her at 603 357-0130, to volunteer, and/or to sign up for the training…all are welcome!

Lake Host Program…Volunteer Lake Hosts Tom and Edie Fallon returned to their duties this year and will work early morning hours on weekends from May 29 to June 27. As funding for

this program is now based on the number of boats inspectioned, the added hours are help-

ful...if you are interested in volunteering, please contact Judy Putnam at 603 827-4115 or Returning paid Lake Hosts, Jeff Braun, Emily and Anna Miner

and Rebecca Anderson will work full weekend hours July 2 to August 29. Our grant from NH

Lakes for the 2010 season was to be $1,000; however, thanks to the generosity of the Badger Monadnock Fund of the NH Charitable Foundation and their interest in exotic species pre-

vention efforts in the Monadnock Region, we were awarded an additional $1,000 for a total of


Recreation and Safety…Very few Silver Lakers participated in the Sailboat Races or the

Boat Parade. We will continue to schedule sailboat races, but they are ―friendly pick-up rac-es‖ which are not sponsored by the SLA. Due to the lack of participation in the boat parade,

we are sad to say that it has been canceled for 2010. If anyone is interested in giving it an-

other try, we welcome your assistance in organizing what could be a very enjoyable event.

SLA/SLLT Water Quality (Storm Water Management Project)…The Stoney Beach project

is now complete. Its primary purpose was to reduce storm water runoff and erosion of the

bank which contribute to the pollution of Silver Lake. This pollution should be reduced as the result of the following improvements: 1) increased vegetative buffer; 2) stabilization of

banks with live stakes, shrubs and matting; 3) stone steps leading to the water; 4) grading of

the parking area away from the Lake; 5) trees and grass planted in the western end; 6) a

raingarden to catch and filter rainwater; and 7) a new concrete boat ramp with an infiltration

trench to carry off excess water. Significant funding was provided by NHDES through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, the Town of Harrisville and the Silver Lake Land

Trust. An analysis will be done in the Fall regarding the effectiveness of the catch basins in-

stalled on Cricket Hill and Eastside Roads as part of this project. The trap rock slows down

the water and filters out silt as it flows towards the Lake.


31 Westside Road is quite beautiful and has a fantastic view. This year-round home has 3

bedrooms, 3 baths, stone fireplace, chef’s kitchen and is just a stone’s throw from it’s piece of the waterfront...$895 per week...capacity 6

Contact Dave Quimby at or 603 827-3613




Have you heard the latest plans for the Paul Geddes property on Silver Lake in Nelson? I have written this piece three times now, and I still don’t think I’m up to date…and what I think I

know is probably not fact, but merely conjecture.

The one fact we do know is that this property is now owned by the Town of Nelson which ac-

quired it by tax deed on May 21, 2009; and one of the most important things for all of us to

know is that, as yet, there is no definitive plan. When I recently talked with Warren Ham-mack, the newest of Nelson’s selectmen, I learned that they were ―still exploring what options

are legally possible‖, that selling was ―never discussed‖, and that this will take time and care-

ful study. Once they know what these options are, they will hold a public hearing at which

time they will present the options, and ―recommend one they favor.‖ The last such hearing

took place on May 26, 2010, a report of which can be obtained at the Nelson Town Office, or accessed online at Click on ―Minutes‖,

―Selectmen‖ and then the date.

In the meantime, the Town has had the property surveyed, visited by the county forester,

toured by environmentalists and studied and appraised by a specialist in land appraisals…all

according to legal requirements. They also authorized a clean up of the property which took three months, sixteen dumpsters and almost $28,000 which they intend to eventually recover.

(This is taken from Nelson’s 2009 Annual Report, which is available at the Town Offices)

Perhaps some of you attended the public hearing that was held in July of 2009 at which time

James Phippard, a Development Consultant for Brickstone Masons, Inc., presented a site re-view. The report included site characteristics, constraints, and development potential; and, if

you would like to see a copy, I have one, and it is also available at the Nelson Town Offices.

Again, this report was an opinion, and is one of the tools the Town of Nelson will use in re-

searching its options.

This next bit of information I hesitate to mention because I am no legal eagle, but it is my un-derstanding that one of the things that Nelson can legally do is sell a conservation easement

on the property. As the landowner of record, the Town of Nelson has the right to do this, and

it would stand as part of the deed if the property is eventually sold, or even if it is redeemed

by the original owner. However, this is simply one of the many options the selectmen have to

sort through, which is no easy task for them; but I truly got the feeling that they are working very hard to do what is right for all concerned.

On a related matter, it was reported in the Keene Sentinel on Saturday, June 5, that ―The

Harris Center for Conservation Education will soon be buying a conservation easement on

Seaver Farm in Harrisville…‖ This involves 33 acres between Breed Road and Seaver Road

near the Silver Lake boat launch area.

Whether or not Paul Geddes will continue in this vein with his other properties remains to be

seen, and is all up to him; but for many, many years he has made it his goal in life to be the

steward of the land that his good friend and mentor, Edgar G. Seaver, meant him to be. I per-

sonally hope that he will continue to persevere and to visit the Lake and its people frequently, now and in the future.


Evelyne Delori is looking for someone to teach swimming to four 5 to 9 year olds at Silver

Lake during August...schedule flexible. If you are interested, or know someone who might be, please call me at 781 439-5159 or email me at




Every Monday Night…8 – 10:30pm…Nelson Contra Dances…beginners welcome…all dances

are taught…admission $3.00 June 12…July 10…August 7…Saturday Contra Dances…8 – 11pm (beginners 7:30pm)…$8

or $6 for students and seniors Call 603 762-0235 or email for details.

June 16 and 19…8am – 1pm…Household Hazardous Waste Collection…Keene Recycling

Center. Open to residents of Harrisville and Nelson…Call 352-5739 for details.

June 22 – August 24…7:30 pm, Tuesdays…Apple Hill Chamber Music…Call 847-3371 or

on line at June 23 – September 26…Peterborough Players 2010 Season…924-9344/-7585 or

June 30…11:30am – 1pm…Midday Meal…Brick Church, Harrisville

July 2…6:30 – 8pm…Kick off Harrisville Old Home Days with a Sunset Beach Party…Band Concert and the movie ―Babe‖, as well as an Ice Cream Social sponsored by the Community

Church in Memory of Missy Moschan.

July 3…10am – 3pm…Harrisville Old Home Days…Kids games, craft fair, library book sale,

food, music, Historic Harrisville Tours, Cake Walk, and more.

July 3…Noon – 2pm…Open House…Harrisville Children’s Center.

July 3…5pm…Mass at St. Denis Catholic Church, Harrisville, Father Jim Walsh officiating. July 3…Dusk…Fireworks Display over Harrisville Pond…Rain Date July 5

July 4…7 – 10:30am…Old Home Days Buffet Breakfast…Wells Memorial School, Harris-

ville…sponsored by the Before and After School Program.

July 4…1pm…Silver Lake Sailboat Race…All Sail…Call Dave at 827-3613 July 5 – 22…Summer Swim Program…Sunset Beach, Harrisville…contact Elaine Belawske

at 363-2701 or for more information.

July 8 – August 27…Monadnock Music Summer Concert Series…603 924-7610,

800 868-9613 or

July 10…9am…Annual Meeting Silver Lake Association of Chesham and Nelson, Inc.

Wells Memorial School

July 17…9am—2pm…‖Christmas in July‖ Fair...Community Church...Bake sale, Crafts,

Gifts, White Elephant Table. 11:30am—1:30pm... Dine on fabulous blueberry soup with a sandwich and dessert.

July 28…11:30am – 1pm…Midday Meal…Brick Church, Harrisville

July 29…7:30 pm…Monadnock Music Classical Concert…Brick Church, Harrisville…FREE

July 31…1 – 3pm…Harrisville Firemen’s Annual Chicken Barbecue and Family Fun Day…

Lion’s Club Field off Brown Road…kids games…ice cream sundaes…raffle…tickets available

from firefighters and at the BBQ.

August 2…Drawing for Lobster Dinner Raffle…$5.00 per ticket and only 1,000 tickets sold!

Contact Linda MacGillvary at 827-3905 or

August 4…11am…Award-winning Magician Debbie O’Carroll will fish for books in a delight-

ful magic show…Harrisville Public Library…most suited for ages 3 – 12.

August 4 – 8…Cheshire County Fair August 8 – 14…Nelson Old Home Week…Old Home Day Saturday, August 14, with lots of

activities for one and all…email for details.

August 21…10am…Silver Lake Land Trust Annual Meeting...On the hilltop at Camp Marien-

feld...enter through the BB&N gate...Rain location Wells Memorial School

Members and non-members alike are welcome...The easement will be featured.

September 5…1pm…Annual Labor Day Regatta…All Sail




Harrisville Public Library…827-2918 Monday – Thursday, 3 – 7pm

Wednesday and Saturday 10am – 1pm

Children’s Storytime Wednesdays at 11am

Regular Summer Reading Program Wednesdays at 11am…July only

Susan Weaver, Director

Olivia Rodham Memorial Library (Nelson)…847-3214

Monday and Saturday 10am – 1pm

Tuesday – Thursday 3 – 7pm

Harrisville Selectmen’s Office…827-3431 Monday – Thursday 9am – 3pm…Friday 9am – Noon

Jay Jacobs, Charles Michal and Seth Kallman

Angela Hendrickson, Administrative Assistant

Selectmen’s Meeting Thursday 7 – 9pm

(no walk-in business conducted the last Thursday of the month)

Harrisville Town Clerk…Donna Stone…827-5546

Tuesday 2 – 7pm…Wednesday 3 – 6:30 pm…Thursday 8 – 11:30 am

Nelson Selectmen’s Office…847-0047

Margaret Schillemat, Mike Blaudschun and Warren Hamack Meeting Wednesday 7 – 9pm

(every other Wednesday June thru August)

Nelson Town Clerk…Teri Upton…847-9043

Tuesday & Thursday 9am – Noon…Wednesday 5 – 8pm

(every other Wednesday June thru August)

The Harrisville General Store…827-3138

Monday – Saturday 8am – 6pm and Sunday 8am – 2pm

M’Lue Zahner and Laura Carden, Proprietors

Brown House Bakery…613 Chesham Rd., Harrisville...827-3100…7:30am – 2pm…Serving

Breakfast and lunch Tues – Sun…(Breakfast to 11am only Tues – Fri, but all day Sat & Sun)

Harrisville Recycling Center…827-2920

Friday 10am – 5pm…Saturday 8am – 5pm

Phyllis Tarr, Manager

Nelson Congregational Church…847-3280

Sunday Service…9:30am

Chapel by the Lake (Munsonville)…847-9900 Sunday Service…10am

Community Church of Harrisville and Chesham…827-3733

Sunday Service 10am

The Reverend Renee Rouse, Pastor

(June through September at the Chesham Village Church October through May at the ―Brick Church‖ in Harrisville)




June, 2009…Nancy Norman, mother of Jennie Norman, 145 Eastside Road, passed away and will be greatly missed by her daughter as well as the Walker family.

June 27, 2009...Barbara Walker and her family

gathered to celebrate the marriage of her grand-

daughter, Sarah to Adam Kossayda...luckily it was

one of the few sunny days of that summer!

July 7, 2009…We bid farewell to Clara Nallett, mother of Silver Lake resident, Linda Braun,

293 Breed Road, who passed away at Langdon Place. Her favorite pastime was spending time with her family, especially at the lake.

July 19, 2009…Silver Lake lost a true and valued friend when Jim Ferguson passed away…

his family suggested that contributions could be made to the Silver Lake Land Trust in his

memory…if you would like to be in touch with his wife, Sue, her new address is 55 Barden

Circle, East Swanzey, NH 03446

August 15, 2009...Mark Mollica, son of Sal and Mary

Beth Clark Mollica, married Kate Cassella at their

cottage, Ridgewood, 80 Westside Road...shades of


September 19, 2009...Richie Johnston and Jennifer Robinson

were married on Cricket Hill at the home of Hugh and Mimi Mason.

November 7, 2009…Ken Bacon lost his mother, Janet Bacon Clark, at the ripe old age of 97…

we think it’s the good, clean air and water around Silver Lake. Her uncle bought the cottage

they call Hillcrest back in 1936.

November 12, 2009…Jane Potter Gowdy, age 68, passed away at her home in Needham, Mas-

sachausetts. She will be sorely missed by her sister, Susan Potter Smith, her cousin, Betty

Austermann, her daughter, Gretchen Lapham, and the rest of her family who loved her, as

well as all of her Silver Lake friends.

December 30, 2009…Rick and Amy Ansaldo produced a beautiful baby daughter, Francesca,

their first child…Rick and his sisters share the ―tall green cottage‖ at 165 Breed Pond Road

on the Nelson end of the Lake. Welcome to the new little Silver Laker!

January 13, 2010…Bill Robertson, former resident of Silver Lake Road, Nelson, and recipient of the 2008 Land Trust Stewardship Award, passed away at Rivermeade in Peterborough, NH.



February 18, 2010…above is little Owen Johnston who was born to Tommy, III, and Shannon

Ayars out in San Diego, California. Hope we will meet him this summer!

March 4, 2010…Frank Shuffelton passed away and will be sorely missed by his wife, Jane, of 42 Derby Hill Road, and his entire family. We send them all our heartfelt condolences.

April 2, 2010…A baby brother, Koji, for his ―big sister‖ Rosamond Neely…parents John and

Justine Delori Neely of 191 Derby Hill Road…grandparents Francois and Doz Putnam Delori

of 185 Derby Hill Road. Another Silver Lake Baby arrives just in time for the summer season!

April 3, 2010…Polly Croteau celebrated her 89th birthday with her family…even her daughter

Cee Cee and husband David made the 35-hour trek from Swaziland!

May 8, 2010…Bartek and Bea Putnam Prusiewicz welcome a son, Zygmunt Onufry, who shall

be known as ―Ziggy‖…grandparents are Jim and Judy Putnam of 113 Eastside Road.

May, 2010…Harvey O’Conor’s youngest son, Ryan, graduates from UVA, and Eva Jensen’s

youngest daughter, Allison, former Lake Host extraordinaire, graduates from Pitzer College.

June 5, 2010...Special Agent Jennifer Fallon, daughter of Tom and Edie Rowse Fallon, 117

Eastside Road, left for a 3-year adventure living and working in Guatemala City...the place will never be the same!

July 3, 2010…Francis Bacon and Sarah Jacques will tie the knot at the family cottage, Hill-

crest, 75 Cricket Hill Road. Sarah is a violin teacher and she and Francis met at the Apple

Hill Music Center in Nelson. We wish them years of making beautiful music together.

August 7, 2010…Mark Drury, son of Eleanor, 16 Derby Hill Road, will marry Jackie Sibblies.

Mark is in a Ph.D. program in cultural anthropology at CUNY in Manhattan, and Jackie will

finish an MA at Brown in playwrighting this year. We wish them well and as Eleanor has re-

quested, we will all pray for a sunny day!

August 14, 2010…Katherine E. Braun, daughter of Ted and Linda, will marry Nicholas J.

Pendergast at their lake house, 293 Breed Road. We wish them every happiness.

August 21, 2010...Morgan Nearpass, daughter of Paul and Barbara Allen Nearpass and neice

of Peter Allen, 35 Eastside Road, will marry William Powell in Virginia...reception is a cruise on the Potomac...hope they’ll do lots of future cruising right here on Silver Lake!

Fall, 2010…Do people still use the term ―a bun in the oven?‖ For you youngsters out there,

we have four new babies on tap…The parents-to-be are Andrew and Laura Jensen Guilbert,

Tom and Jessica Jensen Hughes, Tom and Katrina O’Conor, and John Courtney and Lauren

Mollica. Laura and Jessica are the daughters of Eva Jensen, and Tom is the son of Harvey O’Conor, all of 97 Eastside Road. Lauren is the daughter of Sal and Mary Beth Mollica of

―Ridgewood‖, at 80 Westside Road. As Eva so aptly put it…BABY BOOM!!!



1. Pump your septic every 2 – 3 years. Check your leach field for soft and wet areas…

replace faulty systems.

2. If you are allowing gray water to drain onto the ground close enough to leach into the Lake, you need to make some changes.

3. Compost garbage rather than using a garbage disposal.

4. Report any sudden increase in aquatic algae or plant growth to the proper officials.

5. Conserve water whenever possible.

6. Never flush toxic or bulky materials down the drain.

7. Only run laundry or dish washing cycles with a full load and only use soaps free of phosphates…better yet, take your clothes to a laundromat.

8. Do not wash autos near the Lake where soap can run into the water.

9. Keep land clearing to a minimum.

10. Roads and paths leading to the Lake should be curved to reduce erosion.

11. Maintain a buffer zone of natural vegetation along the shore and re-vegetate bare are-as to minimize erosion into the Lake.

12. Do not use fertilizer, burn brush, or dump leaf or grass clippings in or near the Lake.

13. Do not wash boats, pets, etc., in the Lake with soap or detergents containing phospho-


14. Do not urinate or defecate in the Lake and do not allow pets to do so either.

15. Do not feed ducks or other aquatic wildlife. 16. Do not use powerful outboard motors in shallow areas.

17. Follow appropriate sand dumping/beach construction regulations.

18. Use a low pollution marine engine to reduce the amount of gas released into the water,

and avoid spilling gasoline in your boat to keep toxic gas components out of the Lake.

19. Eliminate unnecessary idling and limit engine operation at full throttle. 20. Prepare engines properly for winter storage and follow engine manufacturer’s recom-

mended maintenance schedule.



1. Find receipt for last year's pumping. 2. Bring the receipt to the meeting on

July 10.

3. If you don't have a receipt, you can

write your name, address and phone on a

small piece of paper and place it in the

box the day of the meeting...if you win, we will pay for a future pump out after you

submit your receipt.

The winner will be drawn at the meeting

and you



The Harrisville Conservation Commission will be doing a septic system survey of all of the

properties on bodies of water in Harrisville.

They will base their study on our SLA study

of 2005, gathering similar information. As

Silver Lake is included in the survey, we urge

all residents around the Lake to respond to the survey. The Conservation Commission

will share the information with us which is a

great way for us to update our own study.



John Rowse of 117 Eastside Road lives in Jamaica Plain, MA, most of the year, and builds

boats with students in the Boston Public School System. He calls his work ―experiential learning‖...his theory: hands-on education works better than just books in a classroom. The

work is funded through donations and the sale of some of their boats, which are available for

$1200. They are ten feet long, carvel planked in Maine cedar, framed in white oak from Or-

ange, MA, and have a fir plywood bottom. All materials are sourced from sustainably man-

aged forests by certified loggers and milled in FSC certified facilities.

Contact John at, check him out on the web, call him at 617 595-8557 or talk to him in person at Silver Lake between August 1 and 14.




President…Dennis Fallon, 163 Breed Pond Rd., Nelson, NH 03457 (603 827-3570) or 19 Pierce Lane, Hollis, NH 03049 (603 465-3591) Vice President…Linda Braun, 293 Breed Rd., Harrisville, NH 03458 (603 827-3415) or

5 Hassell Rd., Merrimack, NH 03054 (603 424-4233)

Secretary…Terri Rowse Miller, 40 Westside Rd.,Harrisville, NH 03450 (603 827-3710) or 43 Bancroft St., Pepperelll, MA 01463 (978 433-8915)

Treasurer…Sarah Walker Kossayda…145 Eastside Rd., Harrisville, NH 03450 (603 930-8622)

or 201 Surry Rd.,Gilsum, NH 03448 President Emeritus…Judy Putnam, 113 Eastside Rd.,Harrisville, NH 03450 (603 827-4115)

or 168 Court St., Keene, NH 03431 (603 352-1233)

Class of 2010…Sal Mollica, 80 Westside Rd.,Harrisville, NH 03450 (603 827-3742) or 3 Riverfield Dr., Westport, CT 06880 (203 557-3247)

Sarah Parliman Wilson, 155 Eastside Rd., Harrisville, NH 03450 (603 827-3218) or

11 Crescent St., Keene, NH 03431 (603 357-7644)

Class of 2011…Laura Shaw, 177 Eastside Rd., Harrisville, NH 03450 (603 827-3486) or 9 Prospect St., Apt. 3, Portsmouth, NH 03801 (603 953-5157)

Dave Quimby, 31 Westside Rd., Harrisville, NH 03450 (603 827-3613)

Class of 2012…Steve Tarbox, 62 Eastside Rd., Harrisville, NH 03450 (603 827-3739) or 189 Jordan Rd., Keene, NH 03431 (603 352-1488)

Martha Mason, 53 Cricket Hill Rd., Harrisville, NH 03450 (603 827-3238) or

37 Park Street, Dover, NH 03820 (617 388-0184)



Fish & Game…Jay Croteau…827-3232/357-1379…

Lake Host Program…Judy Putnam…827-4115/352-1233…

Loon Protection..Polly Croteau…827-3450…

Membership…John Croteau…827-3232/352-8355…

Newsletter…Edie Rowse Fallon…827-3206/ Nominating…Kim Shaw…

Recreation and Safety…Dennis Fallon…827-3570…

SLA/SLLT Water Quality Committee…Wally Francis…847-9500…

Water Quality…Roger Williams...827-3724…

Weed & Algae…Beth Caldwell…357-0130…



Silver Lake Association

P. O. Box 82

Harrisville, NH 03450


A Tribute to her Life

By Gretchen Lapham Gowdy, her daughter

Jane Wilson Potter was born in Boston to Constance Dort and Theodore A. Potter, MD, on

May 2, 1941, welcomed by her sister Susan. She attended Newton, MA, public schools and

graduated from Endicott College in Beverly where she majored in Merchandising. She

worked in retail for a couple of years, but entered her true ―career‖ when she married George

Douglas Gowdy and started her family. She gave birth to three children, Christian, Gretchen and Duncan and gave them a loving and supportive life at their home on Charles River Street

in Needham, MA, where she lived until her death on November 12, 2009.

―Some of our most treasured memories with Mom come back to Silver Lake, where the Potter

family has owned a cottage for five generations. It is here where Mom could really relax and relish the simple joys of life with her family. She spent summers here with her Grandmother,

then her parents, and then as a parent, and finally as a grandparent herself. At the lake she

could sit on the porch writing to her friends, acting as a ―life-guard‖ on the dock, cheering on

the best cannon ball dives ever, or walking down to the Austermann’s to chat with the cous-

ins. She loved the Lake and our house for its timeless nature, for its beauty, and for the aura

of peace and tranquility...and for the way it brought generations of her family and friends to-gether in one heavenly place.‖

Your Silver Lake family offers sincere sympathies for the loss of someone so dear to you. May

your memories and your loved ones give you comfort now, and in the days to come.
