SINDROMUL OVARELOR POLICHISTICE (PCOS) – … 2007 nr.2/01 referat - 03...


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J.M.B no 2 – 2007


Prof. univ. dr. Teodor Leaşu,

asist. univ. dr. Ileana Pantea, stud. Mihai Greavu Universitatea “Transilvania” Braşov,

Facultatea de Medicină

Even if it has been over 70 years from the first description of

the polycystic ovary syndrome by Stein and Leventhal and with a rather high incidence (8-10 %), only in the last 3-4 years have the clinical and imagistic diagnosis criteria been precisely established by experts committees.

Nowadays, the clinical simptomatology of PCOS is well known and it consists of nonovulating cycles (6-8 times a year), infertility, hirsutism, acne, acanthosis nigricans, obesity and hypertension; the physio-pathological mechanisms as well as the etiopathogeny of the disease are also identified.

The recent data of specialty literature also add hyperinsulin-emia and insulin resistance among the complex mechanisms of the syndrome which brings exact criteria of diagnosis very much resembling the previous criteria witch are unanimously admitted in the case of the metabolic syndrome.

The main purpose for this article is presenting the best and unanimous admitted arguments witch can eventually allow the categorization of the polycystic ovary syndrome within the metabolic syndrome with all its interferences and cardiovascular affect.
