Sings: gangs “Bonaca” Song: In Mali Losinj must depart


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Sings: gangs “Bonaca” Song: In Mali Losinj must depart

Mali Lošinj

Veli Lošinj


Sveti Jakov



Sv.Mikula (557)

Televrin (588)




The island of Losinj is an island of such vitality: the 1018 described species (939 native, 230 healing), clean air, dolphins in the waters, 220 km of trails and walking trails, two park forests, beaches, gastronomy ...

In Mali Losinj we arrived in the evening…

and we walked along the seafront…

Next day from coastal place Nerezine...

…we went to the top Osorčica (557m).

Spring is in full swing...

Fields medicinal sage...

In the distance we see a place Osor and island Cres...


Punta Kriza is the southernmost point of Cres…

We meet people smiling and singing…

A view to the south of Losinj…

At the top of the Osorčica there is chapel St. Nicholas…

The southern part of the Lošinj archipelago…

Mali Losinj in the haze

In the distance we see the islands Susak and Srakane

The beach just for you…

View from the Osorčica on Nerezine

Endemic species of lizards…

Lichen is the best proof of clean air...

In intact nature grow orchids…

In front of Mali Losinj a channel is divided island into two parts, the bridge will open twice a day!

Promenade of Mali Lošinj…

The narrow streets of old town…

Between houses are gardens, palm trees, orange…

Only two kilometers to the Veli Losinj…

In Veli Losinj we arrived at the festival, the city has honored…!

Facades in bright colors lift the mood

Everyone is relaxed…

View of Mali Losinj from lookout point…

The best Aromatherapy is a company with plants…

healing sage…

On the way to the south there is chapel of Sv. Ivan…

View at Veli Losinj…

From the southernmost point of the island of Losinj we see island Ilovik

Mali Losinj has many beaches: Sunny Cove…

Famous walking trail of Losinj…

Silver Cove…

Aristocrats of the Austro-Hungarian empires have left their marks

Golden Cove…

We want you to at least a few mornings in the year starting day with such scene and make you feel AT HOME!

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