Sizing Guide 40 V5


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8/6/2019 Sizing Guide 40 V5 1/14

Released for SAP Customers and Partners



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  © SAP AG Sizing SAP Solution Manager - SAP Customers and Partners 2

1 IntroductionSAP Solution Manager supports your entire product lifecycle on one platform.

1.1 Functions of SAP Solution ManagerThe Implementation and Upgrade scenarios support the implementation of customer projects andthe definition of template projects and upgrade projects. In template projects, you define one or moretemplates containing scenarios, documents and configuration for re-use in other systems, e.g. for aglobal roll-out of centrally defined implementation settings. These Implementation and Upgradescenarios include roadmaps, an editor for creating and maintaining business blueprints, access to theImplementation Guides (IMG), and tools for testing, monitoring and distributing Customizing.

The Solution Monitoring scenario provides support for functionalities such as Service-LevelReporting, EarlyWatch Alert, Business Process Monitoring, System Monitoring, Central SystemAdministration, System Landscape Reporting, as well as user-defined alerts.

The Service Desk of the SAP Solution Manager offers a complete infrastructure for organizing and

operating a solution-wide support organization at your site. The Service Desk promotes effective usersupport in your SAP solution landscape every step of the way - from the end-users to your internalsupport organization and when necessary to SAP.

Change Request Management in SAP Solution Manager is aligned to the processes in the ITInfrastructure Library (ITIL), the de facto standard for service management. As defined in ITIL, theobjective of Change Management is to carry out changes economically and in a timely manner withminimal risk. Change Request Management includes processes for managing change requests,project management, and change logistics.

The operations Collaboration section of the SAP Solution Manager is the point of access to SAPsupport services, including remote services, on-site services, self services, and Best Practicedocuments. Based on your solution configuration, recommendations for these services are triggereddynamically. The reports resulting from each service are available and are archived in the operations

section. The reports are useful documentation stored in the SAP Solution Manager and serve asreference information for the efficient future operation of your solution landscape.

A key requirement for efficient and safe support of IT solutions is the ability to perform root causeanalysis with speed and efficiency. Diagnostics in SAP Solution Manager provides standardized toolsfor the support of customer solutions, including third-party components. The tools enable a systematicand targeted cross-component localization of the root cause of IT problems. The centralized approachavoids that many experts have to search for possible root causes on all components involved, in mostcases without success. With the possibilities of Diagnostics, your support organization can both savecosts and accelerate the time required for problem resolution.

1.2 Architecture of SAP Solution ManagerThe SAP Solution Manager runs in a separate central system, to which all other SAP systems areconnected. Systems that are administered using the SAP Solution Manager are referred to as"satellite systems". These satellite systems are bundled either within a solution or within a project.

Sizing of Solution Manager does not include and is not dependent on the sizing of any of the satellitesystem types, but on the number of satellite system types connected to the Solution Manager. Followthe Solution Manager ABAP sizing for the ABAP stack requirements and the Solution ManagerDiagnostics J2EE stack sizing for the J2EE stack requirements. 

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  © SAP AG Sizing SAP Solution Manager - SAP Customers and Partners 3

When sizing your SAP Solution Manager system, you should consider the following questions:

What is the most important business or scenario in Solution Manager?

Which process or customizing influences the estimated business throughput?

Are there limitations on the time window?

What is the number of entries stored in the database including indexes?

In ABAP stack, how many users will work with the system?

In ABAP stack, how many documents will be processed?

In JAVA stack, garbage collection runs should be used for sizing.

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  © SAP AG Sizing SAP Solution Manager - SAP Customers and Partners 4

1.3 Factors that influence performance

Scenario Performance influencing factors Note….Solution Monitoring •  alerts of System Monitoring

and Business ProcessMonitoring per connectedserver that are to beprocessed (see Appendix forExample)


• data download for and

processing of EarlyWatchAlert/Service Level Reportsper system (see Appendix forExample).

We recommend not setting up morethan 2000 alerts per solutionlandscape. If you want to monitormore alerts you should create furthersolution landscapes. We recommendmax. 46 - 60 systems per solution



After the EarlyWatch Alert datadownload, the system processes thedata, sequentially. This action istypically performed as a background  job at night or other times with lessload. We strongly recommend automatically deleting or archiving olderreports


Implementation andUpgrade

• number of users anddocuments processed

Service Desk andChange RequestManagement

• number of users

Collaboration • documents processed Number of Service Reportsdownloaded

Diagnostics • garbage collection runs  The Diagnostics Server runs in 2different modes :

• Dialog Mode: Times of dialoguser interaction, e.g. performanceanalysis of a monitored satellitesystem.

• Background Mode: Time windowfor automated tasks, e.g.gathering configuration data of amonitored system.

Normally, these tasks are scheduledin times of low dialog usage (nightly).There is no technical dependencybetween the two modes - dialog andbackground activities can be mixed. 

1Average assumption: 40 alerts per connected server/2000 alerts per solution, independent of the

number of servers (for more information on alerts in the Setup System Monitoirng session, seeappendix). In the System Monitoring session you should define for one Solution not more than 2000alerts, disregarding the number of systems.

Time scale 2000 alerts per solution:

Initial call of System Monitoring graphic: 75s; Refresh of System Monitoring graphic: 30s

2SAP Note 546685 (Archiving in the Solution Manager (Operation); SAP Note 638785 (SAP Solution

Manager - reduce data volumes)

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  © SAP AG Sizing SAP Solution Manager - SAP Customers and Partners 5

2 Initial Sizing for SAP Solution Manager


General Information

1. Sizing assumptions for

Implementation and Upgrade are based on SD user SD-USER in the Quick Sizer Tool;

Service Desk und Change Request Management are based on CRM user SRV-USER in theQuick Sizer Tool;

Collaboration is based on CRM user SRV-USER in the Quick Sizer Tool;

Solution Monitoring and Diagnostics are not included in the Quick Sizer Tool.

For more information on the Quick Sizer Tool, see Appendix: Using the Quick Sizer.

2. All assumption examples should be regarded as general assumptions regarding numbers ofservers, etc.. In practice, you may have a greater or smaller number of servers, etc. Werecommend that you base your sizing estimate on the assumptions for the landscape with the nexthighest number of servers. For example, if your server number is 60, then you should base yourestimate on the sizing recommendations for Large sized system landscapes.

3. In general, all assumptions in this paper are based on Unicode.

For more information on specific dependencies, see: -> Unicode atSAP -> Unicode Media Library -> Unicode Information on Specific Topics -> Unicode: HardwareRequirements and Customer Experience.

Large sized system landscape

Assuming you use all scenarios, we recommend3:

SAPS: 3300

Memory: 8 - 16 GB (depending on the scenarios in use)

Disk: 600 GB + 11.5 GB growth per month due to EarlyWatch Alert Reports and projectdocumentation

This recommendation specifies hardware requirements for the use of all scenarios in a large sized system landscape example (all ABAP systems -> without Diagnostics) with the following exampleproposition :

Number of alerts per server: 40

Number of servers: 75

Number of systems: 95 (= number of EarlyWatch Alert Reports per week)Number of users for Implementation or Change Request Management: 120 (30 with 10 dialog

steps/min and 90 with 10 dialog steps/hour)

Number of documents processed during Implementation: 25,000

Number of users for Collaboration: 5 (2 with 10 dialog steps/min and 3 with 10 dialog steps/hour)

3For detailled hardware recommendations on the individual scenarios, see: Appendix (Table: Large

sized system landscape)

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  © SAP AG Sizing SAP Solution Manager - SAP Customers and Partners 6

Medium sized system landscape

Assuming you use all scenarios, we recommend4:

SAPS: 1650

Memory: 4 - 8 GB (depending on the scenarios in use)

Disk: 400 GB + 4.75 GB growth per month due to EarlyWatch Alert Reports and project


This recommendation specifies hardware requirements for the use of all scenarios in a medium sized system landscape example (all ABAP systems -> without Diagnostics) with the following proposition :

Number of alerts per server: 40

Number of servers: 35

Number of systems: 45 (= number of EarlyWatch Alert Reports per week)

Number of users for Implementation or Change Request Management: 40 (10 with 2 dialogsteps/min and 30 with 10 dialog steps/hour)

Number of documents processed during Implementation: 10,000

Number of users for Collaboration: 3 (1 with 2 dialog steps/min and 2 with 10 dialog steps/hour)

Small sized system landscape

Assuming you use all scenarios, we recommend5:

SAPS: 600

Memory: 2 - 4 GB (depending on the scenarios in use)

Disk: 300 GB + 2.5 GB growth per month due to EarlyWatch Alert Reports and projectdocumentation

This recommendation specifies hardware requirements for the use of all scenarios in a small sized system landscape example (all ABAP systems -> without Diagnostics) with the following proposition :

Number of alerts per server: 40

Number of servers: 5

Number of systems: 6 (= number of EarlyWatch Alert Reports per week)

Number of users for Implementation or Change Request Management: 13 (3 with 2 dialogsteps/min and 10 with 10 dialog steps/hour)

Number of documents processed during Implementation: 5,000

Number of users for Collaboration: 1 (1 with 2 dialog steps/min)

4For detailled hardware recommendations on the individual scenarios, see: Appendix (Table: Medium

sized system landscape)5

For detailled hardware recommendations on the individual scenarios, see: Appendix (Table: Smallsized system landscapes).

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  © SAP AG Sizing SAP Solution Manager - SAP Customers and Partners 7

Root Cause Analyses: Diagnostics


We recommend6

: SAPS: 550

Memory: 1.1 GB

Disk: 500 MB

This assumption specifies hardware recommendations for Diagnostics (J2EE) based on a minimumscale. They are to be added to the hardware recommendations for the scenarios based on the ABAPstack:

Number of servers: 1

Number of users: 1 (high load user)

Number of active running tasks: 1

Time window reserved for background mode: 8 hours7 


We recommend8:

SAPS: 1500

Memory: 2.5 GB

Disk: 5 GB

This assumption specifies hardware recommendations for Diagnostics Add-In (J2EE) based on alarger scale. They are to be added to the hardware recommendations for the scenarios based on theABAP stack:

Number of servers: 10

Number of users: 3 (high load user)Number of active running tasks: 1

Time window reserved for background mode: 8 hours9 

6For detailled hardware recommendations on this scenario, see: Appendix (Table: Medium Scale


7Diagnostics can handle four monitored servers per hour in the background mode.

8For detailled hardware recommendations on this scenario, see: Appendix (Table: Large Scale


9Diagnostics can handle four monitored servers per hour in the background mode.

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  © SAP AG Sizing SAP Solution Manager - SAP Customers and Partners 8

AppendixUsing the Quick SizerFor your own calculations, please refer to (this example is based on SD

user SD-USER):

1. Insert your customer number.2. Choose a project name.3. Press Create Project. 

4. In the hierarchical tree on the left, choose mySAP Business Suite-> Enterprise Resource Planning-> Sales and Service. 

5. In the fields for SD-USER, insert the number of estimated concurrent medium activity users (assuming two dialog steps/min.) and low activity users (assuming 10 dialog steps/hour).

6. Choose Calculate result. 

RESULT: The Quick Sizer calculates CPU, disk and memory resource categories.

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  © SAP AG Sizing SAP Solution Manager - SAP Customers and Partners 9

Detailled Sizing Recommendations

Large sized system landscape

Hardware Recommendations (to be added, ifapplicable)

Scenario Memory in GB(RAM)


Disk in GB

Solution Monitoring 8 1000 50 (+ 1.5 GB/ growth permonth due to EarlyWatchAlert Reports)

Implementation ORUpgrade of SAPSolutions

4 400 150 (+ 5 GB/ documentation


Service Desk ORChange RequestManagement

4 700 100

Collaboration 3 100 50

Medium sized system landscape

Hardware Recommendations (to be added, ifapplicable)

Scenario Memory in GB(RAM)

CPU in SAPS Disk in GB

Solution Monitoring 6 550 50 (+ 0.75 GB/  growth permonth due to EarlyWatchAlert Reports)

Implementation of SAPSolutions OR Upgradeof SAP Solutions

3 200 100 (+ 2GB/ documentation


Service Desk ORChange RequestManagement

3 300 50

Collaboration 2 100 50


SAPS is a hardware independent unit to describe the CPU-related performance characteristic of agiven hardware configuration. For more information on SAPS and their equivalent in hardwareperformance, -> SAPS.

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  © SAP AG Sizing SAP Solution Manager - SAP Customers and Partners 10

Small sized system landscape

Hardware Recommendations (to be added, ifapplicable)

Scenario Memory inGB (RAM)

CPU in SAPS Disk in GB

Solution Monitoring 4 100 50 (+ 0.5 GB/ growth permonth due to EarlyWatchAlert Reports)

Implementation or Upgradeof SAP Solutions

2 100 50 (+ 1 GB/ documentation


Service Desk or ChangeRequest Management

2 100 50

Collaboration 2 100 50

Small Scale Diagnostics

Hardware Recommendations (to be added, if applicable)Scenario

CPU in SAPS  Memory in MB(RAM)

Disk in MB

Solution ManagerDiagnostics (DIALOGMODE)



(Virtualize 1 CPU by 50%)


Solution ManagerDiagnostics(BACKGROUND MODE)


Virtualize 1 CPU by 60%

500 500

Large Scale Diagnostics



Memoryin GB(RAM)

Disk in GB

CPU (dialog mode) 2 CPU (3 users)

CPU (background mode) 1 CPU (10 servers)

Memory required forbackground processing

100 MB (1 task)

Memory required for dialogprocessing

600 MB (3 users)

1500 2.5 5

11See as well SAP Note 915676 for sizing Diagnostics, and SAP Note 797147 sizing of Wily

Introscope Enterprise Manager.

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  © SAP AG Sizing SAP Solution Manager - SAP Customers and Partners 12

• Field description buffer

• Initial records buffer

• Short name TAB

InternetTransaction Server



• Threads used


Internet Pricing andConfigurator (ICP)

IPC Server Alerts • Server

Server • Pricing

• Configurator

The proposed limitation of alerts depends on the Solution Manager architecture. Within SolutionManager you need to define so-called Solutions. You can regard them as containers for systems. Inthe System Monitoring session you define/configure for these systems (in your solution) which alertsfor each system you would like to see in the Monitoring graphic of Solution Manager (in the graphicyou see all systems which are in this solution in one glance). The refresh from the Solution Manager

CEN to this graphical overview runs every 5 min by default.

System Monitoring and ALM

In general, ALM is not supported by Solution Manager. If needed, you can integrate ALM manuallyinto SAP Solution Manager and use it as an alert notification infrastructure. 
