Some Known and Unknown Facts about English. You Know


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Some Known and Unknown Facts about English

You Know

English as the International Language

Many people can speak English

375ml- first-language speakers375ml- second-language speakers375ml- foreign-language speakers

Language Families

The Celtic Tribes on the Territory of the British Isles

Germanic Tribes and Their Influence on the Formation of the Basis of the English Language

Other Languages except for English

Old English(the 5 cent.-1066)

Middle English(1066-1500)

Modern English(1500-present time)

The first English dictionary was written in 1755!

The oldest word is

More English words begin with the letter "s" than with any other letter.

The longest word with only one vowel is ‘strengths’

The top five most-used English words are:


The most commonly-used word in conversation is

is the most-used word in the English language.

Only two English words in current use end in "-gry"

No words in the English language rhyme with orange, silver or purple.

The words 'Bookkeeper' and 'bookkeeping' are the only 2 words in the English language with three consecutive double letters!

The word 'almost' is the longest in the English language with all the letters in alphabetical order!

The word "uncopyrightable" is the longest English word in normal use that contains no letter more than once.

The longest words in Oxford Dictionaries Online are:

Antidisestablishmentarianism- 28 lettersFloccinaucinihilipilification- 29 letters

Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis- 45 letters

The longest official word ever (1,913 letters) is the term for the formula C1289H2051N343O375S8

10 English words voted hardest to translate:

1 plenipotentiary 2 gobbledegook

3 serendipity 4 poppycock

5 googly 6 spam

7whimsy 8 bumf

9chuffed 10kitsch

The shortest complete sentence in English is the following

A sentence that contains all 26 letters of the alphabet is called a "pangram".

English is changing every day. It means that there will be more new longest, new shortest and new most-used words in future.So, we’ll never say that we know English perfectly
