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KEVIN RENZ M. SANCHEZDiscrimination among sectionsTeachers exalt their students, students raise their teachers, and this relationship benefits them both.Mutualism is the conjoint relationship between two organisms. Just like the teacher-students relationship. Before, there is a greater success among students through the collaboration of teachers and their deeds certainly eliminate preconception. And through this, teachers are considered teachers of all professions for they are the foundations of the lives of all successful individuals. How about the students? Well, they are the outcomes of the proficiency of teachers. But whats happening now? What is this problem that gives stain to their relationship? How can this be solved?This factor that often results to inappropriate treatment among students is what we call discrimination. This has tree cases: First is teachers factor; this upsets the behavior of students in studying their subjects. How? Through favoritism. We cant deny the fact that some teachers use to do it just because they really like that student. Why? Hes the most intelligent student in class? Hes the son of higher officials? Or for instance, on sectioning, first section will always be prioritized and the others will be rejected?Next is students factor; this affects the familiarity of individuals. Self-efficacy would boost one student and his identity would relief his capabilities to stand in class. How about the others? Now we move on to a more complex case, sectioning; this often touches the grades of students. We all know that grade is the groundwork of students to pass all their subjects. But this is also the reason why there is a need of separation among sections. Some teachers impart leveling in grades. A range of grade is followed by some teachers that they know would best suit with every section. Where can we find now mutualism? Equal treatment? How can we eradicate discrimination? Manipulation of grades? Let start with students, if you know that there is something wrong with your teacher, ignore it first, just focus with your studies, have an advance reading. Dont be afraid to show what you can do regardless of sections. On the part of the teacher, be fair to your student. Whether hes intelligent or not, show equal treatment. Only in this way that students could decide to continue their studies and strive for excellence. We could return mutualism if there is no discrimination among sections and if the concerns of teachers are for all students. Give service with good values. For students and teachers, lets follow the rules and regulations as well as the grading system of school so that our relationship will benefit us both.