Spring DLSSP Newsletter


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  • 7/29/2019 Spring DLSSP Newsletter


    From Your DistrictService Chair

    Sup everyone! My name is LJ and I am your

    District Service Chair for the Carolinas

    District (you guys better know this by now

    ). This semesters District Large Scale

    Service Project will be in Lexington, NC at

    Kamp Kiwanis and I invite all of you to

    come out and help Circle K end this year of

    service with a bang! BANG!!! Im glad to

    have served as your DS chair and I hope to

    see a lot of familiar and new faces in

    Lexington. This is a FREE event and will

    occur the weekend of March 22-24. Howmuch does this event cost you ask? Damnit I

    just said that it was FREE so why you asking

    questions?! Look just come out for the

    weekend and well have a good time I

    promise. Dont be afraid. At every district

    event you always get the chance to make

    new friends from other schools and perform

    service that really does make a difference in

    these kids lives. Cant wait to see you all

    again and embrace the spirit of Circle K!

    For those of you unfamiliar with the event, DLSSP isa project clubs throughout our district collaborate

    on once a semester for an entire weekend. We not

    only provide service for the organizations like the

    Boys and Girls Homes of Lake Waccamaw, but we

    also raise money and hold donations throughout

    the academic year that directly benefit

    organizations like these. We hope youll make time

    and join fellow Circle K-ers from March 22-24. But

    first, a message from Jimmy Truell about Kamp

    Kiwanis where we will be volunteering.

    Spring DLSSPNewsletter



  • 7/29/2019 Spring DLSSP Newsletter


    A Message from Jimmy TruellHello everyone!

    The Carolinas District came to Kamp Kiwanis in Lexington, N.C. last March 2012 for the

    Spring Project and was VERY helpful. We are excited about hosting it again this year.Feel free to look at pictures of last years District Large Scale Service Project on Carolinas

    District CKI Facebook.

    Kamp Kiwanis is a 3 week summer camp sponsored by Kiwanis of Lexington. We send

    over 200 underprivileged children to camp in a rustic setting located in Lexington. The

    children are selected by Davidson County Department of Social Services. Children learn

    swimming, canoeing, crafts, hygiene, and other health matters. It has been in service

    since 1929. It is on a 25 acre tract which is maintained by volunteers like you and

    members of Kiwanis. We were grateful for Circle Ks help last year and look forward to it

    again this year.

    We provide all meals and materials needed for work. We have cabins to sleep in and a

    nice bath house and a big dining hall. I promise a great weekend!

    Thanks for all you do.

    Jimmy Truell

    Kamp Kiwanis

    Kiwanis of Lexington

  • 7/29/2019 Spring DLSSP Newsletter


    Well first theres service. Second,

    you get to make friends from other

    schools, cool Kiwanians, and the

    awesome District Board! You need a

    third reason? All right then. You also

    get to chill and participate in fun

    group activities, outdoor games,

    and bond over card games and

    Circle K stories. You want a fourthreason dont you? (okay I already

    gave you three but whatever) The

    fourth reason to come is because of

    the food that is being provided by

    Kamp Kiwanis and I can guarantee

    its better than what youre served

    in college (well I guess that depends

    on where you go). You probably

    need a fifth reason. Well why not just

    come out and help support a great

    cause? I mean why not right? Okay

    how about this: you come out, you

    bring no school work for the weekend

    (unless you really want to) and you

    get to enjoy the great outdoors.

    Something tells me youre greedy

    and want another reason. Thatsokay I have plenty. How about you

    get to experience Circle K at the

    district level and you get to learn

    about the various leadership

    opportunities that Circle K has. You

    can even come to learn more about

    the service we do and rack up

    service hours for next year. There!

    Why come to DLSSP?

    Ill tell you why just watch

    This Is How We Service

  • 7/29/2019 Spring DLSSP Newsletter


    Carolinas DistrictDistrict Service Chair


    www carolinascki org

    So, when is it happening?

    March 22-24

    Wait, how much does it cost?

    Nothing. Its FREE!

    And how do I register?

    Its easy. Just ask your club

    president to register you.

    He/she will then submit it tome with your info!

    Registration deadline:

    Saturday, March16

    S E R V I C E



















    DLSSP is a great place to get to

    know other members from your

    own club and clubs from otherschools by completing small

    projects and having a little bit of

    fun during down time. Being able

    to work with other members of

    Circle K from different schools

    really allowed me to see what a

    difference we can make in our

    communities, even though last

    year I washed the windows of

    residence halls. And when all the

    work was done, I got to have funwith the children at The Boys &

    Girls Homes of Lake Waccamaw by

    playing volleyball and soccer. I

    encourage all people to go because

    its a great experience to get to

    know people and see the effects of

    what we do first hand.

    The fall DLSSP was truly a different kind of service experience for me. Seeing the appreciativefaces of the children that lived there told me that I made the right choice in volunteering to

    offer a weekend of service. Hopefully I will go back one day. The Boys & Girls Homes of North

    Carolina surely offers a unique service experience for everyone. The work may seem tough at

    times, but doing this hard work makes people see how they may have it easy in life and openstheir eyes to the much larger world. It truly is a rewarding experience.

    For the past several years Ive worked with the Carolinas Circle K on DLSSP at the Boys & Girls

    Homes of North Carolina. You guys have been simply put amazing! All the great things youhave done for BGH to help make a difference to hurting children. Your service means so much

    to the Homes and the children served. Andyou guys seem to have so much fun working so

    hard! I loved being a part of it. Your energy and enthusiasm was incredible. Thanks Carolinas

    CK for making a difference.
