St. Rita in the ·...


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St. Ri ta in the Deser t Dedicated March 31, 1935


Daily (Monday-Friday): 8:00 am

Saturday: 5:00pm Vigil Mass

Sunday: 7:00am, 9:00am, 11:00am,1:00pm in Spanish

Holy Days: 8:00am (may vary/check bulletin)

Confessions: 4:30pm on Saturday or call the Parish Office for an appointment Baptisms: P lease call the Parish Office to register for the next Baptism class. Confirmation: Contact Youth Minister or RCIA coordinator Marriage: Marriage arrangements must be made at least 4 months in advance. Please contact the Parish Office. Ministry to the Sick/Bereavement: I f you or someone you know is dealing with illness or death, please call the Parish Office.

13260 E Colossal Cave Road Vail, AZ 85641-9001

Parish Office: 762-9688

Parish Office Hours: Monday—Thursday, 8:00am to 2:00pm

extended hours until 5:00pm on Wednesdays when Religious Education is in session



FAX: 762-5967

St. Rita in the Desert is an Arizona Non-profit Corporation

July 7, 2019 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dan Gullotta

Ron Desmarais

Beth Greene 520-762-9688

Gayle Sueskind 520-762-9688

Suzanne Roelike 520-909-8845 (leave msg)


Parish Staff & Committee Chairs

Dear Parish Family,

In today’s gospel, Jesus enlists the help seventy-two disciples and he sends them out two by two to heal

the sick, forgive sins, cast out demons and announce the kingdom of God. The Lord wants us to assist

him in building the kingdom and bringing salvation to all humankind. He is setting in motion the building up of the Church that will take

the reins of leadership after he has ascended into heaven. Jesus has already begun his final journey to Jerusalem and to Calvary. Jesus

knows his days are numbered, but the whole world must be touched by his message. The chosen ones are told to travel lightly; all they

can carry with them besides the clothing on their back is total trust in the providence of God to meet their needs. Hospitality would be

the measure by which they would gauge the success or failure of their mission. Where God’s word was welcomed, people would a lso

welcome those who preached it. Likewise, where the Gospel was rejected, these disciples would shake the dust from their feet and

move on to other towns.

The underlying truth of these instructions, it seems, is this: Whether people want to listen or not, regardless of whether they come to

believe it or not, the Kingdom of God is at hand. And this fact requires something of everyone – repentance and faith. Jesus has given

the disciples power over serpents and scorpions. They have nothing to fear if they trust in the Lord. The same is true for all who

believe. Remember that Jesus said, the harvest is abundant, but the laborers are few.

The laborers are you and me. They are not some “other people.” How might your gifts and talents help to build the Kingdom o f God?

As we continue the work of the kingdom, we depend on God’s grace to complete the great work he has begun in us.

Fr. Martin S. Martinez

Parish News

Sebastian Grey Case Entered into our faith community

through the waters of Baptism.

Welcome to the Family of God!

St. Rita pray for us!

Do you want to become a Catholic?

Do you know anyone who wants to

become Catholic?

Are you an adult Catholic, but have

not received Confirmation? You can register now to joining the RCIA (Rite of Catholic

Initiation of Adults) process. Pick up a registration sheet on the

vestibule table. The two-part sessions begin Wednesday, August

21 and Sunday, August 25. For more details call Sr. Noelle at 520-


Funeral Notice:

William "Bill" Ruiz, Jr

Friday, July 12, 2019

in the St. John XXIII Center

Viewing: 9:00am

Rosary: 10:30am

Mass of the Resurrection: 11:00am Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine

upon him. May his soul and all the souls of the faithfully departed,

through the mercy of God, rest in peace.


Be Aware: Cooper’s Hawks on Campus

The Aleppo Pine tree next to the

Shrine is the home for Cooper’s

Hawk and her chicks. Mamma

bird is protect ive, and may

aggressively defend the area

around her nest.

Please be cautious around

the Shrine.

The chicks have taken flight and

been observed flying around the

shrine and office. They have the appearance of a full -

grown hawk, but are a little smaller than their mom.

Dear God our Father,

We praise you today for who you are: a God of love

who reveals to us that love is truth and freedom.

Thank you for our country, the United States of America,

conceived in liberty, and for all those who have

sacrificed that we might enjoy these freedoms.

Like a city on a mountaintop, help us to share our blessings

with the world, and to allow the light of your Holy Spirit

within us to set others free in spirit, soul, and body.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

July 7, 2019 / Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Parish News

Sundays 12:30pm - 2:00pm all summer long in the St. John XXIII Center

Middle School and High School Teens

Sunday Contributions


Thank you!

Baptism Classes If you are seeking Baptism for a child who has not started first

grade or would like to sponsor a child for baptism at another

Catholic church, classes are held the second Thursday of each

month at 6:00pm in the office conference room. Registration is

required so call the office at 762-9688.

St. Rita's Outreach Ministry helped Christ

Lutheran Church’s Pack-a-thon on Sunday,

June 30. 14 of us helped pack 30,000 meals in

an hour! And had fun too!

A statement from Archbishop John Wester This document is posted on the home page of the Diocese of

Tucson. It is a statement from our Metropolitan, the archbishop of the

ecclesiastical province to which we belong, which includes New

Mexico and Arizona. In his statement, Archbishop Wester

describes the plan for laity in the province to report any

suspected abuse perpetrated by bishops. Bishop Weisenburger

encourages you to read the message closely, as it provides a

telephone number in the event that anyone needs to report


The reporting process includes director reporting first to civil

enforcement agencies, then to the Metropolitan, Archbishop

Wester, “where the layperson who handles these calls will

immediately inform the Archbishop of Santa Fe as well as the

Apostolic Nuncio” in Washington, D.C.

This action is the direct result of the recent Plenary Assembly

of US Bishops that took place in Baltimore.

Vail Family University FREE Event You are invited to and opportunity to be refreshed,

refocused, and renewed! Come to the Vail Family

University and listen to the keynote speaker: Dr.

Gary Chapman. He is an award-winning author and

speaker on the five love languages. Free childcare

will be provided if you pre-register. Immediately

after the Vail Family University, your child can receive a free

backpack full of school supplies and other free items at the School

Resource Fair. The Vail Family University will be held Saturday, July

13 a t Emp i re H igh Schoo l . To reg i s te r , p lea se v i s i t :

Novena for our deceased:

Mirna Gabriela Korchmaros Come join our newest tradition at St. Rita’s!

The Legion of Mary will lead a Novena Rosary for

the Deceased for Mirna Gabriela Korchmaros

whose Mass of the Resurrection was celebrated in our

community on Friday, July 5.

Succinctly, a novena is a nine day period of private or

public prayer to obtain special graces, to implore special

favors, or make special petitions. (Novena is derived from the

Latin novem, meaning nine.) The number “nine” has a great

symbolic richness. It is is derived from the Trinitarian and

Divine number “three” – being “three times three”. Before

Christ ascended into heaven, he commanded his Apostles to

remain in the city of Jerusalem for the nine days until the feast

of Pentecost, and there to await the descent of the Holy Spirit.

It seems that the first “novena” was carried out by the

Apostles (together with the Blessed Virgin Mary) in an upper-

room in Jerusalem during the nine days between the

Ascension and Pentecost. The Novena for the Deceased is a

prayer for the soul as it ascends to heaven.

The Rosary will be prayed at 6:00pm in the Shrine

for 9 days beginning Sunday, July 7. YOU are invited

to come join us in prayer.



21: Steubenville Conference

Knights of Columbus Rosary for Life 10:15am

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

July 7 July 8 July 9 July 10 July 11 July 12 July 13

Middle School Youth

Ministry High School Youth Ministry


AA, 7:00pm

8:00am Mass

Mah Jongg 1:00pm

St. Vincent de Paul

Society Mtg 6:00pm

8:00am Mass

Calendar Meeting 5:30pm

AA, 7:00pm

8:00am Mass

Legion of Mary 6:00pm

8:00am Mass

Adult Education The Wild Goose


Music Ministry Practice 5:00pm

Adult Education The Wild Goose


AA/Al-Anon 7:00pm

8:00am Mass

Holy Hour 8:30am

Mah Jongg


Men’s Bible Study 7:00am

Spanish Choir Practice


Saturday Singers Practice 4:00pm

July 14 July 15 July 16 July 17 July 18 July 19 July 20

Middle School Youth

Ministry High School Youth Ministry


AA, 7:00pm

8:00am Mass

Mah Jongg 1:00pm

Welcoming Committee

Meeting 5:00pm

St. Vincent de Paul

Society Mtg 6:00pm

8:00am Mass

AA, 7:00pm

8:00am Mass

Legion of Mary 6:00pm

8:00am Mass

Adult Education The Wild Goose


Music Ministry Practice 5:00pm

Baptism Class


Adult Education The Wild Goose


AA/Al-Anon 7:00pm

8:00am Mass

Holy Hour 8:30am

Mah Jongg


Steubenville Conference Begins

Steubenville Conference

Men’s Bible Study


Spanish Choir Practice 12:00pm

Saturday Singers

Practice 4:00pm

To view a complete St. Rita in the Desert Activity Calendar, visit our website at

Readings for the Week

Monday, July 8 Weekday

Gn 28: 10-22a/ Ps 91 / Mt 9: 18-26

Tuesday, July 9 St. Augustine Zhao Rong & Companions

Gn 32: 23-33/ Ps 17 / Mt 9: 32-38 Wednesday, July 10 Weekday

Gn 41: 55-57; 42: 5-7a. 17-24a/ Ps 33 / Mt 10: 1-7 Thursday, July 11 Weekday

Gn 44: 18-21. 23b-29; 45: 1-5/ Ps 105 / Mt 10: 7-15 Friday, July 12 Weekday

Gn 46: 1-7. 28-30/ Ps 37 / Mt 10: 16-23 Saturday, July 13 St. Henry

Gn 49: 29-32; 50: 15-26a/ Ps 105 / Mt 10: 24-33 Sunday, July 14 Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dt 30: 10-14/ Ps 69 / Col 1: 15-20/ Lk 10: 25-37

Readings for the day:

St. Rita pray for us!

USCCB Call to Prayer This Week’s Prayer:

God, our Father, look upon our country with your

loving care.

St. Rita’s Gift Shop

The Gift Shop is closed for the season.

Reopening date: Sunday, August 11

Mission Rosary Group Meetings will resume on Tuesday, September 10, 2019.


You are invited to pray with Bishop Weisenburger

Msgr. Raul Trevizo, Father Jorge Farias Saucedo, Sister Gladys

Echenique, OP, Sister Jeanne Bartholomeaux, SC, and I recently

recorded a recitation of the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary.

The recordings in both English and Spanish now are available at

your for no cost while supplies last. The recordings are available

as downloadable MP3 files, at no charge, at our diocesan webpage



As I wrote in a letter to our priests, “As we journey

through the season of Easter, I would

like to focus attention on sharing the power of prayer with

our brothers and sisters, specifically prayer for vocations to

the priesthood and religious life. In the short time that I've

been in our Diocese I have come to understand that the need

for more priestly vocations is at the top of our most critical

issues for the future. Addressing this need first and foremost

with prayer is critical, and for that I need your help.”

Each CD or MP3 download includes a very brief

introduction to prayer followed by me praying the first

decade. The others follow me, each praying a decade or

two. I encourage you to join us in prayer for priestly

Wednesday Morning Ladies Scripture Study

All ladies are invited to join the Bible Study

Group for this important look at our

celebration of Mass in which we participate

as Catholics. It will be enriching and will help

us to fully enjoy this meaningful celebration

which is the center of our faith.

When: Beginning July 17 following morning Mass (closes at 10:30am)

Where: Oscar Romero Room in the Verhagan Building

Topic: The Mass - A Presentation by Bishop Robert Barron

Bishop Barron is Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. His books and DVDs seek to enlighten all

people about the gifts of the Church which Jesus wants us to enjoy. When you come to Mass, do you think of

it as an intimate encounter with our Lord Jesus Christ? Bishop Barron will explain how the Mass brings us

out of the fallen world and into the heavenly realm with a call from God and a response fro

us, His people. At Mass we are intimately joined with the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of

Jesus through the Holy Eucharist.

This brief course will help us to understand how to fully, consciously and actively participate

in the source and summit of the Christian life. The study includes Bishop Barron’s

presentation on the Eucharist. He offers insights into the mystery of Christ’s

presence in our lives and the Eucharist as the

fullness of that presence.

The Mass

July 7, 2019 / Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Faith Formation and Prayer

“How marvelous it would be if,

at the end of the day, each of us could say: today I have performed an act of charity

towards others” – Pope Francis

Please make a commitment to support the 2019 Annual Catholic Appeal. Ministries supported by the appeal

have a direct impact on the administration and evangelization efforts at our parish – and all parishes, missions,

and communities of our diocese. Your generous support and participation is critical to the success of the 2019

Annual Catholic Appeal. Help move us forward in hope as we seek to better embody the Gospel message in our lives.

“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace” – 1 Peter 4:10

Thank you for your prayers, support and participation!

text ACA to 41444

~ OR ~


Parish Goal: 99 participants $47,340

To date: 72 participants $20,005

St. Rita pray for us!

Parish News

Enjoy a free subscription to FORMED.ORG - in incredible

online gateway to the best Catholic content, all in one place

Videos audio, movies, stories, bible study,

children’s movies, and more!

It is easy to register and FREE!


Click on REGISTER (lower right of page)

Enter the Parish Access Code: FKPCB3

Enter your email and create a password

Enter the world of Catholic content!

A Modern Example of Virtue Athlete, outdoor enthusiast, avid skier….and possible future saint?

See why the life of Blessed Pier Giorgio has inspired so many to

embrace Jesus and pursue holiness

An easy way to support St. Rita’s ST. VINCENT de PAUL SOCIETY

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On your first visit to AmazonSmile (, you need to select a charitable organization to receive donations from eligible

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a donation.

If everyone in the parish who shops at Amazon will use AmazonSmile, the resulting donations could be significant. Thank you, and SMILE!!!!


July 7, 2019 / Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

One of the most amazing volunteer positions you will ever have!

Pass your faith to the next generation!

Learn so much about your own faith!

Call Beth in the parish office at 520-762-9688 or email

Lead Catechists and Assistant Catechists are needed

Our 2019-2020 Religious Education year begins in August

and if you feel called to share your faith with our children, please contact Beth.

That’s the Holy Spirit calling!

Faith Formation

Adult Faith Formation

by Father Dave Pivonka, TOR

This week’s topics

The Spirit of Adoption

Session 7: Did you know that ancient Roman law allowed parents

to abandon their biological children but not their adopted children?

In like manner, when we experience God’s Spirit of Adoption, we

enjoy a forever, intimate relationship with the Father. Come find out


The Spirit and the Sacraments

Session 8: How is Baptism like the Gateway Arch in St. Louis? In

Episode 8, Fr. Dave not only gives us the answer to this question but

explains how the Holy Spirit is omni-available in the Christian


Classes are Thursdays in the

St. John XXIII Center

9:00 - 10:30am or 6:30pm - 8:00pm

Come join us anytime!

Facilitators: Lorrie Pepper and Mary Ann Cleveland

For information, please call Mary Ann at (520) 248-8472

Religious Education

Pre-K and Kindergarten

Beginning August 4

Sundays from 8:45am to 10:00am

Elementary (grades 1-5 & Upper Sacrament)

Beginning August 7

Wednesdays from 3:30pm to 5:00pm

Teen Sacraments Beginning August 7

Sundays from 10:00am - 11:00am


Sundays from 9:30am-10:45am (beginning Aug 21)

and Wednesdays from 6:30 - 8:00pm (Aug 25)

Middle School & High School Lifeteen beginning Aug 4

Sundays from 12:30pm to 2:00pm


Wednesdays from 6:30pm to 8:00pm

Prayer and Worship

Saint Henry - Feast Day July 13

As German king and Holy Roman Emperor, Henry was

a practical man of affairs. He was energetic in consolidating

his rule. He crushed rebellions and feuds. On all sides he

had to deal with drawn-out disputes so as to protect his

frontiers. This involved him in a number of battles,

especially in the south in Italy; he also helped Pope

Benedict VIII quell disturbances in Rome. Always his

ultimate purpose was to establish a stable peace in Europe.

According to eleventh-century custom, Henry took

advantage of his position and appointed as bishops men

loyal to him. In his case, however, he avoided the pitfalls of

this practice and actually fostered the reform of

ecclesiastical and monastic life. He was canonized in 1146.


All in all, this saint was a man of his times. From our

standpoint, he may have been too quick to do battle and

too ready to use power to accomplish reforms. But

granted such limitations, he shows that holiness is possible

in a busy secular life. It is in doing our job that we become

saints. Franciscan Media

St. Rita pray for us!

Mass Intentions Saturday, July 6, 2019

5 pm / Jake Scherzinger

Sunday, July 7, 2019

7 am / James Brink

9 am / John Grimm

Mark A. Lopez

11 am / Gabriela Korchmaros

1 pm/ The Living & Deceased of St. Rita’s Community

Monday, July 8, 2019

8 am / SI: Linda & Eddie Salgado

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

8 am / Fred Taeger

Joe & Louisa Moreno

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

8 am / Teachers, Staff, and Administration of Vail Schools

Thursday, July 11, 2019

8 am / Joe & Louisa Moreno

Friday, July 12, 2019

8 am / Youth of St. Rita’s Community

Saturday, July 13, 2019

5 pm / Jake Scherzinger

Sunday, July 14, 2019

7 am /

9 am / Marie Bialozynski

11 am / David Burns

1 pm/

Saturday 5:00 pm Mass

Greeters: Carol Cwiak, Frank Hall Server: Mark Fimbres, Bella Staniszewski Lector: Joie Murray Ministers of Holy Communion: Deanna Fimbres, Frank & Mary Giegerich

Sunday 7:00 am Mass

Greeters: Shannon Tiedemann, Regina Tiedemann Server: Hannah Adams, Braedynn Adams Lector: Oscar Campas Ministers of Holy Communion: Cynthia Campas, Willard & Debbie Adams

Sunday 9:00 am Mass

Greeters: Claudia Andersen, Ron Hill, Mary Ann Cleveland

Servers: Jett Scruggs, Raymond Scruggs, Nathanael Ownbey

Lector: Pam Gadziala Ministers of Holy Communion: Joe Grossi

Pam Hill, Tisha & Wesley Lee

Sunday 11:00 am Mass

Greeters: William & Bondee Perkins, Carol McCarthy

Servers: Thomas Kjolsrud, Danny Oakes Lector: Sharon Englert Eucharistic Ministers: Susie McHugh

Jeff & Donna Morgan, Greg Peters

July 13 & 14 Minister Schedule

St Rita’s Prayer Line

Ramona Braza

Mike Foley

Chris Lewis

Barry Blackwell

Allen & Jean

Frances Weber

Mark Golembiewski

Romulo Barreno

Vincent Radzik

Don Crater

Maezzie Roller

Calvin Baker

Donald Bristow

Jennifer Cook

Martha Garmon

Charlette Jacobs

Steve Langenfeld

Martin Pconka

Dana Rones

Alfred Remetch

Dcn Dan Gulotta

Joe Bucyk

Lynn Rice

Margaret Braun

Julieta Alvarez

Kathleen Buske

Francisco Rodriguez

AJ Wesolowski

Carry Reitz

Richard & Karin Radzik

We are the body of Christ and we support one another. You are

invited to share your prayer intentions. We will pray for intentions for

one month, but, of course, we can continue our prayers for your intentions

longer if requested. If you would like to have your prayer

intentions on our prayer line, or if you would like to

participate in prayer, please contact Leta Davis at 647-3572.

If you would like a quote on

our very reasonable

advertising rates, please

contact Priscilla in the

Parish Office at 762-9688.

Bulletin Brought to You By:

Around the Area

Magnificat Women’s Brunch Saturday, July 13 from 10:00am-12:30pm

St Francis De Sales Church (1375 S. Camino Seco) in the Parish

Center. Join other women from around the diocese for a

continental breakfast, fellowship, music, prayer and worship.

Come be inspired by Marie Watson as she shares with us her

journey back to God. Contact Gloria (parishioner) at 520-237-

7060 to purchase a ticket. Now only $15.00.

Wednesday Update Each week Bishop Weisenburger publishes his Wednesday

Update to share news in the Diocese of Tucson.



See pictures from Father Justin Agbir ‘s ordination in Nigeria and

information about the Spring Assembly of the United States

Conference of Catholic Bishops and their response to the sexual

abuse crisis in the church.

Marriage Help A Retrouvaille Weekend can help couples rediscover hope and

purpose in their marriage. Register Now for a Retrouvaille

Weekend beginning Friday evening, August 16 - Sunday, August

18, 2019. Visit: or Call 520-686-1598.

Let the Spirit Flow! “No one can say, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ except by the Holy Spirit.” (1

Cor 12:3) Let the Holy Spirit enliven your praise and worship,

share the Spirit’s gifts with others in our Charismatic group, and

worship Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration. Come to Alive in Christ at

6:30pm on July 11, 2019 at Sacred Heart Parish (601 E. Fort

Lowell). Visit or call Gloria (520-237-7060)

for details. Hosted by the Diocese of Tucson Renewal Ministry

Love Cast Out All Fear! Women’s Retreat Join in a day of praise, adoration, anointed teachings, prayer,

Holy Spirit power & healing! Saturday, August 10, 2019 at St.

Joseph’s Church (215 S Craycroft Rd) from 8:30am - 4:30pm.

Bring your own sack lunch, bible & an open heart! Beverages &

snacks will be provided!! Cost is FREE. A love offering request

will be made at the retreat. We ask that you register or for

m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n v i s i t w w w . v i n e o f g r a c e . o r g o r

write: or call: 520.631.1408 .Invite your

friends to join you for this very special day!

Notary Services available in the parish office

call Priscilla (520) 762-9688

Bulletin Brought to You By:

