Stage-1 - · PDF fileStage-1 FOUNDATION LEVEL. ... 9 URDU SECTION 20 APPENDIX I 26 ......


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Ka‘aba, House of Allah in Makkah

National Syllabus Stage I

a Table of Contents




3 §A LA T (Prayer) 8


5 AH A D lTH (The Sayings o f the Holy Prophet ) 13







Ahmadiyyah Muslim Association UK

National Syllabus Stage I

E d ito ria lFazal Ahmad Secretary Ta’ITm UK

R e p resen ta tiv e o f A ux ilia ry O rg a n isa tio n s

A ra b ic TextZceshan Shafique

Ahmadiyyah Muslim Association UK

# FOREWORD......... 1

For a num ber o f years, our auxiliary organisations K huddam -ul-A hm adiyya, Lajnah Im aillah and Ansarullah have been preparing and applying the annual Education and Training Syllabus for their respective m em bership. A n urgent need w as felt for a unified and graduated national syllabus on Islamic teaching that could cater for all m em bers o f the Jam a‘at, including children and new Ahm adi brothers and sisters. The W aqf-e-N au departm ent also has a separate syllabus for W aqf-e- N au children. To create uniform ity, all elem ents o f the W aqf-e-Nau syllabus w ere m erged in one national syllabus. Indeed, the W aqf-e-Nau syllabus has been used as a basis and has been supplem ented by other subjects to m ake it a com prehensive educational program m e.

The U.K. Ta’ITm and Tarbiyat Com m ittee w ere assigned initial responsibility for co-ordinating with the auxiliary organisations to com pile a syllabus that w ould fulfil the needs o f all sections o f m em bership.

The syllabus and its structure w ere discussed and agreed to present it at three levels; Foundation, Interm ediate and A dvanced and that each level should have several independent stages.

The Foundation Level has seven stages w hile Interm ediate and A dvanced Levels have five stages each. It is hoped that children as young as five years old and new A hm adis will be able to start at Foundation Level.

To m onitor the progress, it is advisable that b rie f exam inations at six-m onth intervals should be carried out at Regional level and at the local Jam a‘at level. A sum m ary o f the Foundation Level is given in A ppendix II.

To m ake it easy for beginners the Arabic text, a transliteration is also provided.Ch. Fazal A hm ad Tahir and his team , did m ost o f the w ork in com piling this syllabus. They and m any others, who rem ain anonym ous, deserve our thanks. M ay A llah the A lm ighty rew ard them and bless them for their efforts. Finally, I pray that A llah enables our young generation to benefit fully from this unified national syllabus. Amin.

A m ir Jam a‘at UK

Ahmadiyyah Muslim Association UK

National Syllabus Stage I


At the beginning o f a w ord pronounced as a. i, u Preceded by a very slight

aspiration, like h in the English w ord 'honour'.o Th : Pronounced like th, in the English word 'thing'

c H. a guttural aspirate, stronger than h.

c Kh: Pronounced like the Scotch ch in ’Loch'

j Dh: Pronounced like English th in 'that', 'w ith'.o** S : strongly articulated s.

D: sim ilar to the English th in 'this'L T. strongly articulated palatal t.

Jo Z strongly articulated z.

1 : a strong guttural, the pronunciation o f which m ust be learnt by the ear.


(Hi: a sound approached very nearly in the r'grass eye' in French, and in the

G erm an r. It requires the m uscles o f the throat to be in the 'gargling' position

w hilst pronouncing it.

3 Q: a deep guttural k sound.p >

: a sort o f catch in the voice.

j Z

Short vowels are represented hy:-a for -

(like u in 'bud').

i for (like i in 'bid').

u fort

(like 'oo' in 'wood').

Long vowels are represented by:-a for — or T (like a in 'father')

I for (like ee in 'deep')

u for J — (like 'oo' in 'root')

ai for <S (like i in ’site').

au for J (resem bling W in 'sound').

The constant arc the sam e as in the Principal languages o f Europe.

Ahmadiyyah Muslim Association UK

National Syllabus Stage I


The aim o f this stage is that a learner should gain know ledge of:

The foundations o f Islam ic faith.The prescribed Islamic greetings.The 5 Pillars o f Islam.The corrcct recitation o f som e parts o f Salat (obligatory Prayer), ic. N iyyat (Taujlh),T hana’, Suratul Fatihah and Suratui ikhla? in Arabic.The basics o f the Holy Q u r 'a n and correct reading o f the first 19 lessons o f the Yassam al Q u r’an.The sayings o f the Holy ProphetThe recitation o f som e prayers in our daily life.The basic facts and early history o f Islam.The Urdu Alphabet.Som e U rdu poem s with translation.

In view o f the fact that children should start as early as five years o f age, parents should encourage them to learn and get audio or video cassettes for Salat (obligator)' Prayer) to ensure that the children leam the corrcct pronunciation o f the text.

Each section is clearly m arked w here parents/teachers are required to recite and read the lesson and the children/learners should repeat or leam verbally. It is anticipated that this stage should take about six m onths to com plete a lte r w hich the children/learners are expected to take a sim ple exam ination for which the procedure will be advised later to their local Jam a'at.

Refer to A ppendix II for a sum m ary o f stages 1- 7

A certificate w ill be issued to those w ho successfully com plete this stage.

Reference Reading for Stage One

1. Yassarnal Qur'an (Chapters 1-19)

2. Ahmad and Sarah Book-1

3. Selected Sayings of the Holy Prophet > -

4. ABC for M uslim Children

Ahmadiyyah Muslim Association UK

National Syllabus Stage I


The Parent/Teacher should read the text and children/learners should learn by heart.

Our God is Allah; the only one: B elief in one G od is the foundation o f Islam. Allah is the personal nam e o f God Alm ighty. The nam e Allah cannot be used to describe any other being. A llah has m any attributes for exam ple Rabb. Rahm an, Rahim and M alike - Yaumiddln.

Our religion is Islam: The word Islam m eans com plete subm ission to the will o f Allah. This was also the religion o f all the Prophets o f Allah, but its com plete and final version was revealed to the Holy Prophet M uham m ad (peace and blessings o f Allah be on him). The w ord Islam alsom eans peace.

Our prophet is M uhammad (peace and blessings o f Allah be on him). He w as the last o fthe law bearing Prophets o f A llah. There will not be any other Prophet who can bring a new shari‘ah (D ivine law) or change the law revealed in the Holy Q u r’an. The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings o f Allah be on him ) has been given the title o f Khataman-nabiyyTn i.e. seal o f the Prophets.

Our holy hook is The Holy Qur 'an: This is the revealed word o f A llah, and w as revealed to the Holy Prophet (peacc and blessings o f Allah be on him ) over a period o f 23 years. It hascom e down to us unchanged and unaltered, unlike the Bible. It is in the First person and is not the w ord o f any person.

B elief in His Angels: A ngels are spiritual beings w ho are assigned various duties by A llah. They obey all the com m andm ents o f Allah.

R elief in all o f His Prophets and Messengers: Since the beginning, A llah has provided guidance for m ankind. A llah chose people from am ong m en and m ade them Prophets. A llah 's Prophets were sent to guide and to m ake m ankind better.

B elief in His Revealed Books: Som e o f the revealed books o f Allah, which w ere revealed to His Prophets, arc The Torah (The O ld Testam ent), The Zubur (The Psalm s), The Injil (The N ew Testam ent) and The Holy Q ur'an .

B elief in the D ay o f Judgement: This will happen in an other w orld, called the Hereafter. Allah will then judge us according to our deeds, w hich wc did during our lives in this world.

We also believe in the Promised Messiah and M chdi Iladrat M irza Ghulani Ahmad(peace be upon him). His com ing in the latter days w ere prophesied by the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings o f A llah be on him).

We are A hm adi M uslim s. Wc believe that Hadrat M irza Ghiilfim A hm ad (peace be uponhim ) is the Prom ised M essiah and M chdi. The Prom ised M e s s i a h h a s explained that the nam e A hm adiyya and Ahm adi are expressions o f the fact that in this age God has destined that the attributes o f the H oly Prophet (pcace and blessings o f Allah be on him ) by virtue o f hisblessed nam e A hm ad (peace and blessings o f A llah be on him) should be m anifestedthrough him, that is through the Prom ised M e s s i a h ( p e a c e be upon him).


* Ahmadiyyah Muslim Association UK

National Syllabus Stage I

We should begin everything by saying this prayer


Bismillahir-rahmanir-rahlmIn the nam e o f Allah, M ost G racious. Ever M erciful.

The w ords that everyone who jo ins the fold o f Islam should recite are called K alim ah Shahadah and are the declaration o f our fundam ental belief.

j p j y j tfii *1 5 ' -Lg-iTAsh-hadu alia ilaha illallahu wa ash-hadu anna

M uhammadar-rasulullah1 bear w itness that there is none w orthy o f w orship except A llah and I bear

w itness that M uham m ad is the M essenger o f Allah

Faith o r Tman is to accept som ething in one 's m ind and heart. In Islam one w ho believes is called a M o’min.

Islamic greeting: When Muslims meet each other they should say

f o l S * j j j

Assalamu Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhuPeace be on you, and m ercy o f Allah and His blessing

When we receive some favour or something from someone, we should thank the person and he grateful to him/her by saying

J j l I *iJlJazakum ullah. Jazakallah. Ja/akillah .

M ay A llah rew ard you. M ay A llah rew ard you (to singular male).M ay A llah rew ard you (to singular female).

Ahmadiyyah Muslim Association UK

National Syllabus Stage I

When someone makes a mistake or commits a sin they should say

AstaghfirullahI seek forgiveness o f Allah

The Parent/Teacher should slowly read out this page to pupils and explain to them, sentence by sentence, in simple words about Allah, giving examples from our daily life.

Allah is our God. our Lord, our C reator and our Sustainer. He is O ne and One alone. There is none w orthy o f w orship except Allah.

He is Independent. He does not need any support. Everything depends on Him.

He has no father and has no son o r daughter. There is no other thing like Him. He is unique in every respect.

A llah is A ll-Pow erful. W hen He w ants som ething to happen, it begins to happen at once. N othing is outside His creation.

He is not a physical being, therefore, he cannot be seen w ith eyes but reveals H im self through His Prophets and through His work. We cannot understand G od w ith hum an reasoning alone. Divine help is needed to understand H is true nature.

A llah provides His creation w ith all that is needed for them. He is indeed the Provider for every creature in this Universe.

A llah is Eternal and Infinite. He lives today and l ie lived before and will continue to live forever, l ie speaks to people today as He spoke in the past. He listens to the prayers o f His people and responds accordingly to w hom soever He pleases, as He did in the past. All H is attributes are Everlasting.

Ahmadiyyah Muslim Association UK

Zaka tG iv in g a set po rtion o f o n e 's w ea lth fo r C harity

Fast ingFasting in the m onth o f R am adhan A bstinence from food and drink from daw n to dusk fo r the sake o f A llah

National Syllabus Stage I

HajjP ilgrim age to th e o f A llah in M ecca

Ahmadiyyah Muslim Association UK

j L i j J) j i i j i i \ ^ \ y J U i '

I bear witness that there is none w orthy o f worship except Allah and I bear witness that M uhammad is the M essenger o f Allah

A sh-hadu alia il3ha illallahu wa ash -hadu anna M uham niadar-ra«uhill3h .

SalatFive daily P rayers a t their appo in ted tim es

National Syllabus Stage I


Parents/Teachers should recite the prayers and demonstrate the various salat positions; children/learners should repeat and learn the prayers andfollow the actions.

Allah is our crcator. He has not created us but to w orship Him. He has bestow ed upon us lim itless favours. For this we should all w orship A llah and thank Him. This we do in m any ways, the m ost im portant o f which is by offering prayer or Salat.

N iyyat m eans the intention to perform a prayer and is an essential part o f salat.

We start our prayer by standing straight, facing tow ards the K a’abah in M akkah, and saying the follow ing prayer. (Taujlh)

I have turned m y full attention tow ards the Suprem e Being,W ho has created the heavens and the earth. And 1 am not one o f those who associate partners with


Before congregational prayer Adhan is called loudly and Iqam at is said ju st before the start o f the prayer. (A dhan and Iqam at will be presented in the later stages.)


W ajjahtu waj-hiya lilladhi fataras-samawati wal arda hanlfanw-wam a ana minal mushrikln

Ahmadiyyah Muslim Association UK

National Syllabus Stage I

The Imam then raises his hands to the level o f his ears and calls out Allahu Akbar. “ Allah is the G reatest", and folds his hands on his chest. The congregation do the same.

This action is called Takbir-e-Tchrim ah and the standing posture is called QiySm. The following glorification is then m ade silently:


\ ~~

Subhanakalla humma wa bihamdika, wa tabarakasmuka wa ta*ala jadduka. wala ilaha ghairuk

Glory to Thee O A llah and all praise is Thine, B lessed is Thy nam e and exalted is Thy M ajesty andthere is none to be w orshiped besides Thee

Atiaiawn dIt

lib ijjA ‘udhu billahi minash-shaitanir-rajlm

i seek refuge with A llah from Satan, the accursed

It is the com m andm ent o f A llah in The H oly Q ur'an , that before reciting any portion o f The Holy Q ur'an , we should say A tta‘awudh as shown above.

Association UKAhmadiyyah Muslim

National Syllabus Stage I


AL-FATIHAH(Repealed before Hijrah)


1. In the nam e o f Allah, the G racious, the M erciful.

2. All praise belongs to A llah. Lord o f all the w orlds, O j <UJ

3. The G racious, the M erciful, GK*1̂ 3 '*

4. M aster o f the Day o f Judgm ent.

5. Thee alone do we w orship and Thee alone do we A ' A ; a V #l: 'A ltt im plore for help. **VU —

t K ' - A6. G uide us in the right path U.L&1


7. The path o f those on w hom Thou hast bestow ed ^Thy b lessings, those w ho have not incurred Thydispleasure, and those who have not gone astray. ^ ^ J G a J ' j \

Bismillahir-Rahmanir-RahTm (1)Al hamdu lillahi Rabbil 'alamin (2)Ar-Rahmanir-RahTm (3)Maliki yaumiddln (4)lyyaka na ‘budu >va iyyaka nasta*In (5)Ihdinas-siratal-musta(|ima (6)Siratalladhlna an*amta ‘alaihim. ghairil niaghdubi'alaihim wa lad-dallln (7) (Amin O Allah! Accept our supplications)

A fter the Fatihah, a few verses o f the H oly Q u r 'an are recited. For exam ple here is one chapter o f the H oly Q u r’an ’Suratul Ikhlas’.

Ahmadiyyah Muslim Association UK

National Syllabus Stage I


A L -IK H L A S(Revealed before Hijrah)

1. In the nam e o f A llah, the G racious, the M erciful.

2. Say, ‘He is A llah, the One;

3. ‘Allah, the Independent and Besought o f all.

4. ‘He begets not, nor is He begotten;

5. ‘A nd there is none like unto H im .’

Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahlm (1) Qul hu wallahu ahad (2) Allahus-samad (3)Lam valid, walam yulad (4)VV alam yakullahu kufuwan ahad (5)

N o te : In stage one, we are taught the Salat up to Surat-ul-Ikhlds. But children/learners are encouraged to proceed to learn the rest o f the prayer i f they wish to do so. Tapes on Salat may be purchased from the Jama 'at to make this process easier. However, at this stage such learning will not be examined.

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Ahmadiyyah Muslim Association UK

National Syllabus Stage


Parent/Teacher: Read this passage out slowly and explain in sim ple words where required.

T h e H oly Q u r’an is the nam e o f the H oly book o f Islam. It is the word o f G od and w as revealed to

the H oly Prophet M uham m ad ^ (peace and blessings o f A llah be on him). The H oly Q ur'an

w as revealed to the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings o f A llah be on him ) over a period

o f 23 years in Arabic. It is a perfect book and contains guidance for all m ankind. All M uslim s arc

advised to read, learn, recite and act upon it. The Holy Q u r’an is divided into 114 C hapters callcd

Surahs o r 30 parts. One short C hapter is given in the §alat section for you to learn by heart. Its name

is Surat-ul-Ikhlas.

Surat-ul-Fatihah is the first chapter o f the H oly Q u r 'a n and is already included in the Salat section.

In order to learn the Q u r 'a n correctly you should first learn to read the Yassamal Q u r 'an correctly.

Copies o f the Yassam al Q u r’an are available from the centre in book and audio cassette form ats. In

Stage O ne you are expected to learn the first 19 chapters o f the Yassam al Q ur'an .

Ahmadiyyah Muslim Association UK

National Syllabus Stage I


Parents/Teachers to read this page slowly and their meanings should he explained to children/learners.

Some important phrases

A saying o f the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings o f A llah be upon him ) is callcdHadlth. There are m any im portant A hadith that you will learn in this course.

Note: A single saying or tradition o f the Holy Prophet o f Islam is called Hadlth. InArabic the plural (m ore than one) o f Hadlth is A hadith.

Each tim e we refer to the H oly Prophet o f Islam , M uham m ad > * , w e alw ays say thewords: {sallallaho alaihe w asallam (saw); m eaning peace and blessings o f Allahbe upon him (pbuh.)}

Som e Ahadith to he learnt

Assalamu Qablal kalainiSay A ssalam u A laikum before you begin to speak to each other

A ^ S $ S

An-nazafatu minal ImaniC leanliness is part o f faith

Innanial A'malu binniyyatiD eeds are judged by m otives

Ahmadiyyah Muslim Association UK

National Syllabus Stage I

. A J * . s

^ L J i \j J J \

Afshus-salamaLiterally m eans “spread sa la n r’- that is to say w hen m eeting each other you should alw ays say

“A ssalam u A laikum wra R ahm atullah"- Pcacc be upon you and the m ercy o f Allah.

Al Ghina Ghinan-nafsiThe real rich one is the one who is rich at heart

Khairuz-zadit-taqwaThe best provision (for a journey) is Taqwa (the fear o f A llah)

Ahmadiyyah Muslim Association UK


National Syllabus Stage I

H hen going to sleep

Allahum ma Bismika amutu wa ahvaO' Allah with Thy nam e I die (sleep) and I rise again

When getting up after sleep

J j J L l l aJLSa ^ xJ i

Al-Ham du Liilahiladhi Ahyana ba‘da ma amatana wa ilaihin-nushurA ll praise belongs to Allah W ho has raised us a lter our tem porary death (sleep) and tow ards H im is

our return

Prayer before eating

Bismillahi wa ‘ala barakatiliahiI start w ith the nam e and blessings o f Allah

Prayer after eating

j U U L o j l u * ! ? '

A1 Hamdu I.illahilladhi A t ‘am ana w a saqana waja ‘alana minal muslinilnAll praise belongs to Allah w ho has fed me and qucnched my thirst and

W ho has m ade m e a M uslim

Ahmadiyyah Muslim Association UK

National Syllabus Stage I


In the case o f young children who cannot read, parents should read and explain very briefly to children the contents o f this short lesson.

The Holy Prophet o f Islam

Allah, our Creator, is m ost M erciful to His people. He sends His prophets to provide divine guidance and brings people to the right path which is close to Allah.

M any such prophets have appeared in the history o f m ankind such as A danv*-11̂ , A b r a h a m ^ '4*1*, J a c o b r^ '-A , Joseph M oses Jesus and m any more. The greatest o f all prophets is our H oly Prophet M uham m ad (peace and blessings o f Allah be on him ) who cam e forall m ankind, for all tim es and for all nations.

The Holy Prophet o f Islam M uham m ad (peace and blessings o f A llah be on him ) wasbom in M ecca in Arabia in the year 571 AD (about one thousand and four hundred years ago).

Prophet M uham m ad (peace and blessings o f A llah be on him ) brought the perfect anduniversal religion o f Islam for the whole o f humanity.

in order to revive Islam , A llah sent the Prom ised M essiah, the founder o f the Ahm adiyyah m ovem ent, H adrat M irza Ghulam A h m a d ^ 14̂ (peace be upon him), in this day and age as prophesied by H oly Prophet M uham m ad .

We shall tell you m ore about the H oly Prophet (peace and blessings o f A llah be on him)in the next few stages.

Here we give a few events from his early life.

In his young age the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings o f Allah be on him ) was a verywell-m annered and w ell-behaved child. Because his father (A bdullah) had died before he w as bom and his m other (A m ina) also passed aw ay when he w as only 6 years o f age, he w as looked after by his grandfather ('A bdul M uttalib) and then by his Uncle (Abu Talib). It is said, that in his uncle's house at m eal time, when all o ther children were trying to get the food before each other, the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings o f A llah be on him ) w ould sit aside and w ould not take partin such struggle. W henever he w as given his food he w ould take it and never com plain.

Holy Prophet (pcacc and blessings o f A llah be on him) w as a very kind person. He wouldalw ays help those in need. At the age o f 20 he jo ined a group w hose m em bers pledged that they w ould alw ays help those w ho w ere wronged.

O ur beloved Holy Prophet, M uham m ad (peace and blessings o f A llah be on him ) was avery truthful person. He alw ays spoke the truth in all situations. He w as renow ned for his quality o f alw ays telling the truth.

Ahmadiyyah Muslim Association UK

The people in M ecca loved him very m uch for this excellent quality. So m uch so that he was called A l-Am in and A s-Siddlque ('Trustw orthy' and the 'truthful’).

He used to w orship A llah, pray to H im and was alw ays thankful to Him for His favours on him. At the age o f 40 Prophcthood was bestow ed upon him by A llah the A lm ighty. He w as the greatest o f all Prophets and brought the religion o f Islam for all m ankind for all tim e and ages.


A fter the dem ise o f a prophet. A llah the A lm ighty appoints a K hallfah to lead the believers. Four Khulafa' after the Holy Prophet were,(1) Hadrat Abu Bakr Siddiq(2) Hadrat ‘Um ar Faruq —i <lii »j(3) Hadrat ‘Uthman Ghani(4) y ad rat AIT M urtada <*<1)1̂ .,

The nam es o f the K hulafa' after the Prom ised M essiah r3L-i>^are(1) Hadrat Hakim MauIawTNur ud Din(2) Hadrat Mirza Bashir ud Din Mahmud Ahmad(3) Hadrat Mirza Nasir Ahmad(4) Hadrat Mirza Jahir Ahmad *~j(5) Hadrat Mirza M asrur Ahmad

Khilafat M onument in Qadian

Ahmadiyyah Muslim Association UK


National Syllabus Stage I

Islamic Knowledge

Basic facts about Islam are given here in Question & Answer form . Read these questions and answer them in fro n t o f the child/student.Parents/Teachers should encourage the child/student to learn the answers to the questions and they should he tested regularly.

01 W ho is our Creator?

A 1 A llah the Almighty.

Q2 W hat is the nam e o f the religion brought by M uham m ad ?

A2 The nam e o f the religion brought by M uham m ad is Islam.

Q3 W hat does the word “Islam " m ean?

A3 " Is lam '’ is an Arabic word w hich literally m eans to enter into “peace” . It also m eans “O bedience” or “Subm ission” .

Q4 W hat is a follow er o f the religion o f Islam called?

A4 H e/She is called a M uslim.

Q5 W ho gave the name o f “ Islam ” to this religion?

AS A llah gave the nam e o f “Islam " to this religion. (Ch. 5:4).

Q6 W hat is “ Im an”?

A 6 “ Im an” m eans be lie f or faith.

Q7 W ho is a Prophet?

A 7 A Prophet is a person choscn by A llah for the reform ation and guidance o f m ankind.

QH W ho is K hatam an-N abiyyin ( the c h ie f o f the prophets)?

A8 H adrat M uham m ad is K hatam an-N abiyyin (the ch ie f o f the prophets).

Q9 W ho are A ngels?

A9 A ngels are spiritual beings. They obey the com m ands o f Allah. Each one o f them has been assigned various duties by Allah.

Ahmadiyyah Muslim Association UK

National Syllabus Stage

Q10 Nam e som e o f the Angels.

A 10 Gabriel (Jibra'Tl), M ichael (M ika'Il), Raphael (IsrafTl) and Israel (Izrail)

Q ll N am e the Angel w ho brought A llah 's revelation to the Holy Prophet

A l l Hadrat Gabriel (Jib ra’Il).

Q12 Nam e som e o f the Prophets o f Allah.

A /2 A d a m ^ 1̂ , A b r a h a m ( I b r a h i m ) , J o s e p h ( Y o u s a f ) , M oses ^ (M usa), Jesus ^ ' ^ ( ‘Isa), M uham m ad

Q13 Nam e som e o f the revealed books.

A 13 Som e o f the revealed books are: The Torah (The Old Testam ent) revealed on M oses ^ (M usa). The Zabur (Psalm s) on David (D aud),The Injll (The G ospels) on Jesus ^ ' ^ ( T s a ) , and The Holy Q u r’an on M uham m ad

Q14 Nam e the five pillars o f Islam.

A 14 The five pillars o f Islam are:

Kalimah To declare that there is none w orthy o f w orship except A llah and M uham m ad is His M essenger.

Salat To offer five daily Prayers at their appointed times.

Zakat To contribute a certain percentage o f w ealth for the re lief o f those not capable o f looking after them selves.

Fasting To fast each day during the m onth o f Ram adan.

Hajj To go for pilgrim age to M akkah at least once in one's lifetim e i f physicallyand financially possible, and if the jou rney to M akkah is safe.

Q15 H ow m any obligatory Prayers are prescribed in Islam?

A1S There are five obligatory Prayers. They are called Fajr. Zuhr, Asr, M aghrib and 'Isha'.

Ahmadiyyah Muslim Association UK

National Syllabus Stage


Poem No, I: Nusrate I la hi (Urdu)

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Ahmadiyyah Muslim Association UK

National Syllabus Stage I

Nusrate I Id hi (Transliteration & Translation)

First poem from “ Durre Thamin**

Durre Tham in is the collection o f U rdu poem s By Hadrat M irza G hulam A hm ad The Prom ised M essiah

Nusrate IlahT Allah's help

Khuda kay pak logon ko khuda say nu§rat at! haiRighteous people o f A llah alw ays get help from Allah

Jab at! hai to phir ‘alam ko ik ‘alam dikhatl haiAnd w hen the help from Allah com es, it com es in a strange way

Wo bantl hai hawa aur her khasav-rah ko orhati haiSom etim es it becom es a storm y w ind and sw eeps one like small particles o f dust

Wo ho jati hai ag aur her m okhalif ko jalatl haiIt changes into fire and bum s every hostile person

K abhl wo khak ho kar dushmanon kay ser pay parhtl haiSom etim es it becom es dust and drops over the heads o f the enem ies

K abhl hokar wo pan! un pay ik tufan latf haiAnd som etim es it turns into w ater and brings a storm unto them

Ghard ruktay nahlri hergiz khuda kay kam handun sayIt m eans that thus A llah 's designs cannot be stopped by hum ble m eans

Bhala khaliq kay agay khalq kl kuch pesh jati haiThere is no m atch betw een the C reator and the creation

Ahmadiyyah Muslim Association UK

National Syllabus Stage I

Poem So, 2: Meri Rat din basyahi ik sada hai (Urdu)

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Ahmadiyyah Muslim Association UK

National Syllabus Stage I

M en rat din basyahi ik $ada hai (Transliteration & Translation)

From K alam -e-M ahmud

K alam -e-M ahm ud is a collection o f urdu poem sby Hadrat M irza Bashiruddln M ahm ud Ahm ad. K hallfatul M asih II.

M erl ra t din bas vahT ik sada hai The only call which I make, day and night

M e n rat din bas yahi ik sada hai, keh is ‘alame kaun ka ik Khuda haiThe only call w hich I m ake, day and night is that there is a C reator o f this U niverse

UsT ne hai paida kia is jahan ko, sitaron ko suraj ko aur asmari koHe is the One w ho w ho Created this w orld, the stars, the sun, and the skies

Wo hai aik uska nahin koi hamsar, wo malik hai sab ka w o hakim hai sub parHe is alone and He has no partner. He is the O w ner and Ruler o f everything

Har ik chlz per usko qudrat hai hasil, har ik kam kT usko taqat hai hasilHe is The M aster and M ighty o f doing as He pleases

Wo zinda hai aur zindgi hakhshta hai, wo Q a ’im hai her aik ka asra haiHe is alive and bestow s life. He is everlasting and source o f help

Diion ki chupl bat bhl junta hai. badon aur nckon ko pchchanta haiHe know s w hat is hidden in the hearts and He know s the w icked and the righteos

Gunahon ko bakhshish se hai dhanp deta, GharTbon ko Rahmat se hai tham laitaHe covers sin by forgiving and takes m ercy on poor folk

Vahl rat din ab to merl §ada hai, yeh mera khuda hai, yeh mera khuda haiThis is m y call day and night, that this is m y God, this is my God

Ahmadiyyah Muslim Association UK

National Syllabus Stage I

Poem So. 3: Allah Mian Ka Kltat Mere Mam Ay a (Urdu)

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Ahmadiyyah Muslim Association UK

National Syllabus Stage I

Allah Mian Ka Khat Mere Nam Ay a (Translation & Transliteration)

M em orize the follow ing poem from "B u k h a r-e -D ir byDr. M ir M oham m ad Ism a’Tl Sahib, w ho w as a brother o fHadrat A m m an Jan (w ife o f the Prom ised M essiah (1st 8 verses)

Allah Mian Ka K hat M erl NamA letter from Allah in my name

Qur'an sab say acha, Q u r’an sab say piaraThe H oly Q ur'an is the best and m ost beautiful book

Qur'an dil kl quwwat. Q u r ’an hai SaharaThe Holy Q u r’an is the source o f com fort and support for the heart

Allah Mian ka khat hai, jo m eray nam ay aIn fact it is a letter from Allah in my name

UstanI ji parhao, jaldl m ujhey siparaO my teacher, teach me to read it quickly

Pehlay to nazray say ankhien karun gl raushanFirst I will enlighten my eyes by reciting

Phir terjamah parhana, jab parh chukun main saraThen teach m e the translation once 1 have com pleted reading

M aflab na a ’ey jab tak kiun kar ‘amal hai mumkinW ithout know ing the m eanings you cannot put it into practice

Bay tarjamah kav hergiz, apna nahlh guzaraW ithout the translation I do not feel fulfilled

Ahmadiyyah Muslim Association UK

National Syllabus Stage



The U rdu A lphabet has been included here to aid pronunciation o f the Urdu poems.

It should be noted that the U rdu letters j 5 > & ^ are additional to the Arabic A lphabet and therefore are not present in Q a‘idah Yassemal Q ur'an . A substantial am ount o f tim e should be spent on learning these letters and their phonetic sounds for it will be a great help as this course proceeds.

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Ahmadiyyah Muslim Association UK









HolyQ ur’an


5Prayers &


6History & Religious Studies

7Question &


8Urdu Section


Basic Concepts, A llah.Five pillars oflsl&m.

Niyyat (Taujih), Ihana. A tta’w udh, Surah F.itihah. Surah Ikhlfts

B rie f H ittroy, Yassamal Q ur’an (fust 19 lessons).

Some im portant phrase! Prayers for everyday life.

Childhood o f the Holy Prophet r i- jV * «!;•>- O f Islam.

Basic M amie Knowledge

Three U rdu Poems


Basic Phrases, Im portance o f Prayers. Islam ic W orship < Adhftn, Wutfu etc)

Positions o f Salit, Qiyfim, Rukft*. Q aum ah. Sajdah. Jilsah, Q a'ilah, $alSt with translation <& transliteration up to Durod

Complete Yassamal Q ur'an chapters 110 to 114 o f the Holy Q u r 'in by heart

Five basic points, greeting, cleanliness and intentions o f actions

Table manners. G lorification o f Allah (Tasbih)

Islamic History, C haracter o f the Holy Prophet r-**j '•** *i» j 1—. three stories from early Islamic History, Intro to Ahmadiyyat

Early Islamic ReligiousKnowledge,Ahmndiyyat

Tw o Urdu Poems


Holy book*, The Holy Q u r’l n (2 :1 3 ,7:205>. writings from "O ur Teaching^''

Revision of fa hit Ac D u V -e - QunuC (with translation & transliteration)

Surah 105 • MW (learn), C oriect reading o f 1st ten parts o f the Holy Q ur’An

l ladith about mot her, peace and truthfulness

hntcring ami leaving the mosque, seeking help. Two revelations ol the Prom ised Messiah . U v l .

l ife o f the Promised M essiah >*--.» **i*, Jihad. L ife after death.

M ote questions about eafly I slam and Ahmadiyyat

Poems about the 1 loly Q iit ‘Sn


Sunnah & Hadith (53:4- 5 ,3 :32 ), Three sources o f guidance from “Our Teachings**

Revision o f $alfil (with translation & transliteration), D u 'a '- e- J a n i/a h . MasSil <- NamSz (from Fiqah Aljm adiyyah)

Ayarul Kursl & first five verses o f Al Haq.srah. Read parts 11 • 20 o f the Holy Q u r’an

Hadith about fact and fiction, gratitude, righteousness

Seeking help protection, attributes o f Allah, tw o revelations o f the Promised M essiah '***

K lulafai - c -Rashidin, Life o f l.ladrnt Abii B akr -•* j - ' i ^ - j . Pardah

M ore questions and answers

Poem s about Kalimah fayyibah


A nbiya (35 :25 ,2 .254 . 21:28)

C onunentary on text o f salat (Friday S cnnon of June/July 1991 >

First 17 verses o f Al Baqarali, Read parts 21 - 30 o f the Holy Qur'fln.

Praise o f Allah, Knowledge, Parents. Racial equality. M uslim brotherhood

Prayers told by llad ia t A m ir ul M o'm inln for daily recital

Klnl.ilat in Ahniadiyyat. L ifeo fH a d ra t M aulawl N Q rudD In

M ore questions and answ ers

Poems praising Allah


Truthfulness o f a Prophet (3:103)* (Revelation and the Prophets)

$alSt-c-lsiakhflrah (seeking guidance), Salat Tahauml

Lean) SOiah 93 - 95. First half o f SWT o f Pi 1 o f the Holy Q u r’Sn (learn translation)

First 10 Ahadith from "NibrAs ul M o’minTn" (with Translation / i Transliteration)

Five prayers from the Holy Q ur'fln. two revelations o f the Prom ised Messiah.

'O ur teaching (entire book)

Prophecies from the Bible about the advent o f the Holy Prophet o f Islam ,i—j «iu y —


Khatamun - nabiyyinSaiat-l.vta/qah (eclipse prayer), SalfK e-kusiil- o -K husiif (P rayer for nun)

l.carn Surah X7. KX, 97 Second h a lf o f SW T o f Pt 1 o f the Holy Q u r’An.

Ha.lnli 11 • 20 from “Nibri>. ul M o 'm in iir Five prayers o f tlie

Holy Prophet

A book o f the Promised M essiah

Prophecies o f the Holy Prophet »‘-*j *•* ‘I" > - for the Promised M essiah and Mebdi

This was the matrix agreed some years ago by all auxiliary organisations but after incorporating the waqfe-nau syllabus, changes have been made with consultation o f the auxiliary organisations. After all the changes are agreed on all the stages, a new matrix will be added. For the time being this matrix is added to give a rough pattern o f all the stages in

foundation level.





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National Syllabus Stage I


Ahmadiyyah Muslim Association UK

National Syllabus Stage I




Ahmadiyyah Muslim Association UK

National Syllabus Stage I


Ahmadiyyah Muslim Association UK

Holy Prophet’s - ^ ^ Mosque in Madina

The Fazl M osque



Produced By:National Ta‘l!m Department UK
