Stoneridge Electronics Ltd · 2009. 3. 31. · © Stoneridge Electronics Ltd DD55523 Rev 01 3...


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© Stoneridge Electronics LtdDD55523 Rev 01 1

Stoneridge Electronics Ltd

Digital TachographRecertification

Training Course

© Stoneridge Electronics LtdDD55523 Rev 01 2

Stoneridge Electronics LtdCOPYRIGHT

This training course and all material used and issued throughout this course is the sole Copyright of Stoneridge Electronics Ltd.

The information contained in this document is the Property of Stoneridge Electronics Ltd. and should not be disclosed, reproduced in whole or in part, or used under any condition by anyone without the written authority of Stoneridge Electronics Ltd.

© Stoneridge Electronics Ltd DD55523 Rev 01 3

Training Course Agenda

08:30/13:00 Welcome, Introductions & Issuing of Training Pack

08:40/13:10 Digital Tachograph Presentation

09:30/14:00 Digital Tachograph Inspection Procedure

10:30/15:00 Tea Break

10:45/15:15 Digital Tachograph Inspection Procedure

11:15/15:45 Practical Exam Group 1

11:35/16:05 Practical Exam Group 2

11:55/16:25 Written Exam

12:25/16:55 Course Feedback

12:30/17:00 Course End

© Stoneridge Electronics LtdDD55523 Rev 01 4


This course has been written and created in conjunction with the VOSA published document

‘The Approved Tachograph Centre Manual’

Please consult your copy of the VOSA manual

This is a VOSA approved training course

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Section 1 – Digital Tachograph Presentation

Digital Tachograph Legislation

The Digital Tachograph System

Digital Tachograph Smartcards

Using the Vehicle Unit

Workshops and Digital Tachographs


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Section 1.1

Digital Tachograph Legislation

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What is the Digital Tachograph Legislation?

Hours law rules published in EC No 3820/85

Annex 1B Originally Announced in Council Regulation EC No 2135/98

The final Annex 1B Legislation was published in Commission Regulation EC No 1360/2002 published 5th August 2002

In April 2006, the Regulation (EC) 561/2006 was published and this stated that Digital Tachograph fitment was mandatory for all non-exempt new vehicles registered on or after 1st May 2006

Vehicles registered on or before 30th April 2006 can be fitted with either a Digital Tachograph or an Analogue Tachograph at the customers request

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Section 1.2

The Digital Tachograph System

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Digital Tachograph System

Driver SmartcardCluster

Motion Sensor

Vehicle Unit

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Description of the VU System

The Vehicle Unit – SE5000

Radio sized unit containing printer, display, user controls & two smartcard slotsInformation stored consists of vehicle parameters, driver duties, events & faults information, speed and distance informationCan supply signals to other vehicle systems that require speed or distance information

The Smartcard

A Driver smartcard is used when a vehicle is being driven to store driving data relating to the named driver on the card

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Description of the VU System

The Motion Sensor

Provides VU with speed signal pulses from vehicle gearboxSpeed signal is encrypted to ensure integrity of signal, any tampering will be detected and recordedPaired with VU at installation to work as a mutually inclusive pair

The Remote Display

Usually takes the form of an instrument clusterUsed to display speed and distance, using information passed from the VU

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Other Digital VUs

Siemens-VDO 1381 Vehicle Unit

Actia SmarTach Vehicle Unit

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Section 1.3

Digital Tachograph Smartcards

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The Driver Card

White in colour

Valid for 5 years

Personal to the driver

Data can be manually entered via a VU

Can store 28 days of typical driver activity

A typical day is defined as 93 duty changes per day

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Driver Responsibilities

Must obtain Driver Card prior to driving a vehicle fitted with a Digital Tachograph

Retain the card for their personal use – a card is not transferable

Get printouts as required, e.g. before starting driving in a vehicle not fitted with a Digital Tachograph VU

Report a lost, stolen or faulty card to DVLA within 7 days – a replacement card after loss can be collected from any nominated VOSA test station

Printouts should be taken during the time the card is lost, stolen or faulty. This can be for a period of a maximum of 15 days. At least one complete spare paper roll must be carried at all times

A driver must learn to operate the VU correctly

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The Workshop Card

Red in colour, valid for one year

Workshop may only hold one card per technician

PIN issued to technician, card to workshop

Card self-locks after 5 consecutive incorrect PIN entries

Card/PIN must NEVER be used by anyone other than the named technician on the card

Card lost, or PIN forgotten, means new Card and PIN

Allows for activation, calibration and data downloading

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Workshop Responsibilities

Obtain approval from relevant authoritiesArrange approved training and Workshop cards for technicians

Install VUs

Carry out VU Inspections e.g. 2 yearly – must use own paper for calibration printouts etc

Decommission unserviceable VUs & Return data to “owner”

A technician must use a ‘Driver’ card for all driving out with a Road test, which is not covered under legislation

Workshop cards not being used MUST be securely stored in the safe and must NEVER leave the workshop premises

Lost workshop cards must IMMEDIATELY be reported to VOSA. Initially report loss to police to get crime incident number which can be quoted to VOSA when getting a replacement card

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The Company Card

Yellow in colour

Valid for 5 Years

Company may hold up to 2232 cards

Allows for locking of company data

Allows for the downloading of company locked data

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The Control Card

Blue in Colour

Valid for 2 years

Issued to enforcement officer or enforcement authority

Allows read only access to driver and recording equipment data

Tied to the officer and the authority

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Digital Tachograph Modes of Operation

Operational Mode - Driver Card Inserted ()

Calibration Mode - Workshop Card Inserted ()

Control Mode - Control Card Inserted ()

Company Mode - Company Card Inserted ()

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Section 1.4

Using The Vehicle Unit

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Description of Controls

Cancel Button

Driver Smartcard


Enter Button

Display Paper Cassette

Down Button

Driver Duty-Change /

Smartcard Eject Button

Up Button

Crew Smartcard


Crew Duty-Change /

Smartcard Eject Button

Printer Paper Slot

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User Control Buttons

Duty-Change / Eject Buttons‘1’ for Driver, ‘2’ for Crew‘short-press’ – duty change, ‘long-press’ - eject

Cancel ButtonIs used for returning to the main menu

Up/Down ButtonsScroll through menu options or increment/decrement displayed values

Enter ButtonEnter main menu, confirm selectable options, acknowledge and clear warning messages

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Universal Time Co-ordinated - UTC

ALL VUs operate using UTC as their master reference time – all driving event times stored, displayed or printed are UTC times

UTC replaced GMT in 1986 as the world standard for time

UTC does not change due to seasonal adjustment i.e. no concept of “Summer time”

Workshops MUST set VU master time to UTC

Local time is available to a VU user for display purposes only

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Standard Driving Display

Top line relates to driver and shows from left side; current activity and duration, cumulative break time, and VU mode of operation

Bottom line relates to crew and shows from left side; current activity and duration, and the current local offset time in 24-hour format

01h24 03h35

00h42 08:24

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Drivers must take printouts ifTheir driver smartcard is lost, stolen or faulty -take printout at the start and finish of drivingThey are mixing driving in vehicles fitted with Digital Tachographs and paper chart based units

Printouts must be stored along with any paper charts and be readily available for any enforcement checks

Printouts must be taken on approved paper – the rear of the paper has approval number E5 0002 shown for SE5000

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There are 6 legally required types of VU printout available

Daily driver activities from card

Daily driver activities from VU

Warnings from card - events and faults

Warnings from VU - events and faults

Technical data

Overspeed data

Note: Additional non-legal printouts are available to show ‘Local-time’ versions of Daily Driver Activity for a card or a VU, and whereapplicable, occurrences of D1/D2 events, vehicle engine speed bands and vehicle speed bands

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VU Warnings - Events & Faults

A VU can detect a number of different types of Events and Faultsconditions

The VU will warn a user of a detected event or fault condition by displaying an appropriate warning message

Messages can be acknowledged and cleared by pressing the ‘enter’button

A printout of any Events and Faults stored in a VU or on a driver smartcard can be obtained as required

There are 6 types of VU Warning Message

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Section 1.5

Workshops and Digital Tachographs

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Workshop Approval

All workshops must have VOSA approval before they can work on Digital Tachograph systems

Workshop technicians must be holders of current analogue and digital certificates or a combined certificate before they can work on Digital Tachograph systems

Workshops must have a Designated Manager responsible for Tachographs, in their absence a deputy must fill this role

Workshops must operate as a secure environment ensuring that allworkshop cards are properly used and securely stored when not in use

VOSA approved equipment must be used for all Digital Tachograph work

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Pre-Installation of a Digital Tachograph System

It is essential that prior to fitment of an SE5000 VU the following items are checked,

• The VU data label must show the correct Stoneridge VU type approval number, i.e. E5 0002

• The tamper label must be intact

• The Stoneridge hologram must be correct

• The VU should have no evidence of physical damage or tampering

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Installation of a Digital Tachograph System

Fitting the gearbox motion sensor and the sensor cable

Making required power and signal connections

Mounting the VU

Pairing the VU and motion sensor. This will automatically occur as part of the activation process – all VUs will always auto-pair

Activating the VU, verify the activation symbol () disappears

Calibrating and programming of the VU system

Sealing the VU system

Completion and fitment of a VU installation plaque

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A VU is delivered non-activated. Activation occurs automatically on first insertion of a valid PIN authenticated workshop card and must be done prior to the vehicle being put into service

Access to Calibration functions is granted while non-activated, even when not in Calibration Mode

After activation, VU is fully operational including recording functions

A Workshop card is required to program VU calibration parameters

Programming should be carried out using a VOSA approved device such as the Stoneridge Digital Tachograph Programmer

1st calibration of the VU system must be within 2 weeks of installation or VRN allocation

Activating, Calibrating and Programming the VU for Use

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Sealing the VU System

Sealing the motion sensor to the gearbox is a necessity – an approved method must be used

Any VU system presented with a broken seal must be re-sealed and re-calibrated but a report must also be prepared and made availableto the relevant authorities as to why the seal was broken

The VU installation plaque must be sealed unless it is of a type that cannot be removed without damaging it

All sealing of Digital Tachograph systems must be done by an approved Digital Tachograph workshop technician

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Installation Plaque

The final part of the Digital Tachograph installation procedure is the generation and fitment of an installation plaque. Note: the installation plaque must be generated automatically

Installation Plaque must be fitted on or beside the VU and must be visible at all times. The plaque is valid for 2 years

After each inspection a new plaque must be fitted in place of the previous one

Information on the plaque must include,Name and address of approved technician or workshopW, K and L factorsTyre sizeVINDate of W & L factor determination

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Workshop Inspections – Reasons for Inspection

After any repair of the equipment. Replacement of the paper cassette does not constitute a repair of the VU

If the motion sensor seal is broken

After any alteration to the W or L factors

If the VU UTC clock time is inaccurate by more than 20 minutes

When it has been 2 years since the last inspection

If the VRN has changed

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Workshop Inspections – Inspection Procedure

A visual inspection must be carried out to ensure that the unit has not been tampered with and no security breach attempts have been made. In cases of tampering see VOSA warning notice GV215 for further advice

The VU type approval mark must be checked, i.e. E5 0002

Check all system seals are intact

Bench Test the Digital Tachograph

The tyre size and actual circumference of the drive wheels must be checked

The presence and content of the installation plaque must be checked

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Workshop Inspections – Inspection Procedure

Check that the recording equipment functions correctly, including data storage on smartcards

Check the integrity of the Motion Sensor/VU connection using an independent cable connected directly from the sensor to the VU

Confirm that the unit operates to within maximum tolerances for both speed and distance

A mandatory vehicle re-calibration must be carried out

A new installation plaque must be fitted after the inspection iscompleted and an inspection report/calibration certificate must be issued to the vehicle owner to confirm the inspection completion

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Repair and Decommissioning of Vehicle Units

Due to the security requirements of Digital Tachograph systems there are no repairable parts in a Stoneridge VU

A VU case must never be opened as this would be a breach of Digital Tachograph security, making the unit invalid

Replacement of the paper cassette is permitted – this is NOT classed as a repair

Faulty VUs must be decommissioned using the method as follows –

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Decommissioning Procedure

Remove the VU from the vehicle

Download the VU data memory contents

The downloaded data must be securely stored for at least 1 year

The workshop must inform the current vehicle owner in writing that they are holding data which belongs to the owner

After a written request, a copy of any Company-locked decommissioned data can be exported to the data owner. Note: keep a copy of the written customer request

If download is not possible, a certificate must be issued and a copy of the certificate must be kept for 1 year

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Data Download Process

Downloading is the copying of a partial or a complete set of data that is stored in VU memory or on a smartcard

All VU downloading when decommissioning must be done when the vehicle is stationary or the VU is removed from the vehicle

The actual download process is controlled by the download tool, with the VU automatically responding to download requests from the download tool, assuming the VU is in the calibration mode and the vehicle is not moving or the VU is removed from the vehicle

Downloading can be very easily achieved using the Stoneridge CITO Download Tool ‘Quick VU Download’ and ‘Quick Smartcard Download’Buttons

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Workshop Download Tool - CITO

Sufficient Memory space for 20 full VU data downloads

Decommissioned Data download from a VU is via RS232 communications interface, front 6-way connector

Data upload to PC via USB interface

PC CITO Software for legal Data Storage, Printing reports and exporting data to owner

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Any Questions?

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Section 2 – Digital Tachograph Inspection Procedure

Digital Tachograph Security Inspection

Digital Tachograph Bench Test

Digital Tachograph Calibration and Programming

Downloading Workshop Card Calibration Records

CITO Installation Plaque Generation

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Section 2.1

Digital Tachograph Security Inspection

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Inspection Procedure – Security Checks

A VU visual inspection must be carried out to ensure that the unit has not been tampered with and no security breach attempts have beenmade. Check VU/Sender connection integrity using an independentcable. In cases of tampering see VOSA warning notice GV215 for further advice

As shown over, check the following,

• The VU type approval mark, i.e. E5 0002 for SE5000

• Tamperproof Label intact

• All system seals are intact

• The presence and content of the installation plaque

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Tamperproof Label

Type Approval Label

Inspection Procedure – Security Checks

Visually check the following items

Installation plaque

Sealing of the VU

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Section 2.2

Digital Tachograph Bench Test

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Inspection Procedure - Bench Test

Take a technical printout from VU

Remove the VU from the vehicle

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Inspection Procedure - Bench Test

Insert a Workshop card into slot 2 then slot 1, verifying it can be authenticated in each drawer by entering the PIN code through the keys on the VU front panel. Note: ‘Long Press’ the ‘Enter’ button to authenticate the input PIN code

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Inspection Procedure - Bench Test Using MKII

Perform the 1000m Distance Test using a MKII programmer

Use a test speed of 50km/h for the current VU K-factor setting

Verify the VU odometer is accurate to 1%

Confirm the speed displayed on the VU is accurate to 1km/h

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Inspection Procedure - Bench Test Using MKII

Perform a clock test using a MKII programmer, verify the clock accuracy is within 2 seconds per day

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Inspection Procedure - Bench Test Using MKII

Perform a Bench Test Program using a MKII programmer

Perform a speed test using the MKII programmer, checking the three speeds 40, 80 and 180km/h are all displayed on the VU to an accuracy of 1km/h

Verify that each duty, in the order; work, rest and available, can be selected by the duty buttons on the VU, checking that the appropriate symbol is displayed on the VU

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Section 2.3

Digital Tachograph Calibration and Programming

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Inspection Procedure – Vehicle Calibration

The Vehicle Tachograph parameters must be re-determined as a mandatory requirement

Usually this is done using a Rolling road in the same way as foranalogue Tachograph vehicles

The actual circumference of the drive wheel tyres (‘L-factor’) must be measured and recorded

The characteristic co-efficient of the vehicle (‘W-factor’) must be measured and recorded

The drive wheel tyre size must be checked and recorded

Modification of VU Stored Parameters Using a Stoneridge MKII Tachograph Programmer can then be carried out

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Inspection Procedure – VU Parameter Update

New updated version of software for VUs

MKII Tachograph Programmer Supports analogue and digital Tachograph types

All existing MKII Tachograph Programmers are software upgradeable

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Inspection Procedure – VU Parameter Update

Interfacing of the MKII Tachograph Programmer to a VU is done via the programmer 8-pin DIN connector and the VU 6-way front calibration connector

Both connectors are keyed so that wrongly inserting them is not possible

The SE5000 VU 6-way connector is exposed by first removing the paper cassette

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Inspection Procedure – VU Parameter Update

SE5000 VU Front 6-Way Calibration Connector

SVDO-1381 VU Front 6-Way Calibration Connector

Actia SmarTach VU Front 6-Way Calibration Connector

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Inspection Procedure – VU Parameter Update

All interaction between the MKII Programmer and a Stoneridge VU is controlled by the MKII Programmer

In the operational mode, the VU will only allow its internal parameters to be read by an external device

In the calibration mode of operation, i.e. VU has an authenticated Workshop card inserted, the VU will respond to bench test, speedsimulator and parameter re-programming signals

A Workshop card that is inserted into a VU can be PIN code authenticated using the VU keypad. However an SE5000 can also be remotely authenticated using a Stoneridge MKII Programmer. Note: for SVDO and Actia VUs the number of digits in the PIN code must be entered before the PIN code itself

Always set the clock on the MKII Programmer to UTC time

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Inspection Procedure – VU Parameter Update

For an activated VU, once the Workshop card PIN is authenticated, the VU display will be as shown. Cancel the manual entries option by selecting ‘no’ ()

00h24 00h32

00h42 08:24

Enter the start location on the VU as ‘UK’

Check the ‘calibration mode’ symbol is shown on the top right corner of the VU display to confirm the card has been authenticated


manual entries?

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Inspection Procedure – VU Parameter Update

Initially the VU parameters must be read from the VU and a copy transferred to the MKII Programmer using the MKII ‘READ ALL DATA’option



Press the MKII ‘ENTER’ button to initiate the parameter data transfer from the VU to the Programmer. The MKII will display the message shown while the data is being transferred and then a second message as shown once the parameter transfer is completed

Reading data

. . . . . . . .

Data transfer OK

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Inspection Procedure – VU Parameter Update

Once ‘READ’, the VU parameters can be modified using the MKII Programmer ‘MODIFY DATA’ SE5000 menu option

Once a parameter has been modified the new value can then be ‘sent’back to the VU. The VU must be in calibration mode or it will reject any attempts to reprogram. The Programmer ‘SEND’ key can be used to transmit individual parameters. The display will be as shown

Sending Data Sending Data

Data transfer OK



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Inspection Procedure – VU Parameter Update

The successful transmission of the parameters can be confirmed by ‘reading’ back the programmed data and then checking the parameters from the VU via ‘modify data’ as described previously





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Inspection Procedure – VU Parameter Update – Modification

Press the ‘Left’ and ‘Right’ Programmer arrow buttons to scroll through the parameters that can be ‘Modified’, e.g. K-factor as shown. The updated parameters can then be ‘sent’ back to the VU as explained previously



The full list of VU parameters that can be modified is vehicle OEM specific and thus differs for different OEM specific VUs e.g. Scania, MAN, DC etc. The main ‘common’ parameters are as follows:

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Inspection Procedure – VU Parameter Update – Practical Exercise

Use a MKII Programmer to ‘Read All Data’ from a Stoneridge VU

Use the ‘Modify Data’ function to update the W & K-factors to 4567 pul/km, the L-factor to 2345 mm and to program the ‘Next Calibration Date’ appropriately

Update the VU with the modified parameters using the Programmer individual parameter ‘SEND’ function

‘Read’ the VU parameters again with the Programmer to confirm the VU parameter update has been successful

Remove workshop card from the VU to close the calibration session

Take a Technical Data Printout to confirm the calibration update

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Section 2.4

Downloading Workshop Card Calibration Records

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Downloading Workshop Card

The CITO unit should initially be powered by pressing the ‘ON/OFF’button – wait for the unit to initialise

The required workshop smartcard to be downloaded should be inserted into the CITO unit smartcard socket with the smartcard chip facing upwards

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Downloading Workshop Card

Reading data

. . . . . .

For downloading the entire smartcard data memory contents the ‘download-smartcard’ ‘Fast-Key’ should be pressed and the data download will then begin

Whilst the download process is continuing, the CITO unit will display a ‘Reading data’ message as shownOnce the download process is complete, the CITO unit will display a ‘Data Transfer OK’ message as shown to confirm the download

Data transfer OK

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Downloading Workshop Card – PC Upload

Insert USB Cable Connector into CITO USB Socket

Insert USB Cable Connector into PC USB Port

Insert USB Software key (Dongle) into PC USB Port

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Downloading Workshop Card – PC Upload

Upload of data held in a CITO Tool can be carried out by a PC running the CITO Workshop PC software

All interaction between the Stoneridge CITO Tool and the PC is controlled by the PC with the CITO Tool acting as the slave

The CITO Tool will automatically respond to upload signals from a PC

For upload to be possible by a Workshop, the PC CITO Workshop software must be operating in a password protected mode of operation for data security purposes, and the software key (dongle) must be present in the USB port

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Downloading Workshop Card – PC Upload

The CITO Tool must be switched on or the data upload to the PC CITO Database will not be possible

The data upload USB cable must be connected between the CITO Tool and the PC USB port as shown above

The CITO Workshop PC software must be ‘run’ on the PC by clicking on the CITO Icon on the Desktop

Initially the CITO login screen will be displayed on the PC

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Downloading Workshop Card – PC Upload

The User Name and Password must then be input to access the CITO database

The Password is personal to each workshop technician and must not be given to other workshop personnel

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Downloading Workshop Card – PC Upload

If the correct password is input for a valid User name then the main menu will be displayed as shown below

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Downloading Workshop Card – PC Upload

To upload data from the CITO Tool to the CITO PC database, the ‘Download Centre’ should be executed by clicking on the correct Icon

Click ‘Next’ and the Download wizard will automatically begin the data transfer to the PC database

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Downloading Workshop Card – PC Upload

The PC with then automatically find the CITO tool and download the data. Once the data transfer is complete, the PC software then saves the data received to the PC CITO database

The data in the CITO Tool will be automatically deleted once it is saved in the PC database

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Uploading Data from a Stoneridge CITO Tool to a PC

Once the VU or Card data, as listed, has been saved to the database click ‘Finish’ to return to the CITO software main menu

Click ‘Sign out’ to return to the log-in screen for security purposes

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Section 2.5

CITO Installation Plaque Generation

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CITO Installation Plaque Generation

From the Main Menu the ‘Report Centre’ option should be selected by clicking the Icon

The screen will then be as shown and the required report option should be highlighted before selecting ‘Next’ to proceed

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CITO Installation Plaque Generation

Assuming the ‘Digital Plaques not yet printed’ option was selected previously, the next stage is to select the vehicle for which the plaque is to be produced

The screen will be similar to below and the required vehicle option (VIN/VRN) should be highlighted before selecting ‘Next’ to proceed

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CITO Installation Plaque Generation

Once the vehicle is selected, the next stage is to select the date for which the plaque is to be produced

The screen will then be similar to that shown and the required date option should be highlighted before selecting ‘Next’ to proceed

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CITO Installation Plaque Generation

The installation plaque details to be printed will then be automatically created from the database stored information, and the screen will be as shown below

The ‘Print’ option should be selected to print the plaque and the ‘Finish’ option selected to end the operation

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Any Questions?

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