Student Support Services System




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The purpose of establishing the Student Support Services System is to provide a guide to the incoming manager of this system to provide support and interventions for student struggling in the classroom. These services include, but are not limited to the following:1. Behavioral, emotional and academic assessment and interventions and other subjects necessary for success beyond FAST Academy, Inc.2. Personal counseling3. Academic advice and assistance with course selection4. Personal Counseling and Peer Counseling5. English language proficiency for Non-English Speaker student6. Emotional counseling7. Learning disability in a specific course of study. This is to be utilized only after the teacher has exhausted his or her strategies to meet the need of the students, conferred with other collegues for assistance, and worked closely with the parents in doing so. The goal is to develop support in an area in which the students are seeking guidance especially in their decision making process to be sure they are on the right track of their choice, so they may become successful. Interventions should also be established to help students struggling in the following areas: a) Emotional disturbances caused by the following: conflict in the family, peers, teachers, classmates, etc. and b) Behavioral c) Academic Assessment. These programs should be established to create students success within the regular classroom environment. Interventions should be executed with fidelity for a minimum of 4 weeks. Only when such interventions delivered in such manner fail to produce anticipated results, should a child be referred to the Individual Education Plan (IEP) to be considered for possible evaluation.

A. Intervention Program

1. System Flow: The following gives the flow of the SSS process, and how it interfaces with classroom interventions, the Exceptional Students referral process, Plan Referral. The process begins whenever the teacher or parent identifies an academic or behavioral problem or issue. The next steps below are taken only after interventions have failed to produce results. Each schools interventions program may be utilized at any point in this process as determined appropriate:

35 1st The teacher and parent work together to address the needs of the student and develop a Personal Evaluation Plan (PEP) for the student, if needed and should be administered by a professional Counselor. 2nd The teacher should consult with the year level or subject area peers for additional suggestions to address the students need, for possible resolution. This is a valid function of Professional Learning Communities. 3rd The teacher refers the student to SSS if the issue is not resolved. 4th The SSS accepts the referrals and monitor interventions. The SSS shall reference the special cases found in this document as appropriate. 5th Possible outcomes of the SSS process are:

1. No additional steps. Interventions were successful.2. The SSS refers the students to IEP for consideration of Evaluation (EC)services3. A Referral Plan may be considered. 6th The SSS may continue to monitor the student if he or she is found illegible for Evaluation Plan. 7th Teacher Responsibilities prior to consideration of SSS referral:

1. Be familiar with the REF1a-REF1c forms used to refer a student to SSS. If a student is referred to SSS, this form requires significant documentation of efforts to address the concern prior to referral. Being aware of these documentation requirements and ensuring that the documentation is maintained will provide a more complete referral and will save time.2. Consider the following as to work with students area of concern.a. Describe and document all specific area(s) of concern (behavioral, learning disability, emotional & focus, etc.)b. Check whether the student has previous evaluation for Exceptional Studentc. Attendance concerns

36d. Medical diagnoses that seem to impact his or her learning (i.e. ADHD, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Traumatic Brain Injury, etc.)e. Use the school intervention program as to address the area of concern. Be sure to develop and implement a Personal Evaluation Plan (PEP).

3. These steps are REQUIRED prior to bringing a student to SSS:

a. Intervene and document the activities as the teacher used their effectiveness in addressing the area of concern.b. Engage the parent in addressing the area of concern. Documents your contacts, the action taken, and the results. The teacher must document at least two (2) contacts with the parents at the SSS meeting.c. Seek additional suggestions for the interventions from the department peers. Utilized the interventions and document the results. This is a valid and excellent used of Professional Learning Communities.

2. Implementation of Intervention

1. Start with baseline data, e.g. administration of OLMAT to incoming students in 45 minute- time interval in each set of test.2. Document the intervention implementation and results on REF 1b3. Intervention must be intensive (at least three times a week), focused (individual or small group), and direct (direct instruction or behavioral intervention is needed for each area of concerns). It needs at least two (2) total interventions.4. Intervention should run at least four (4) weeks 5. Plan to present results at next SSS meeting.


5.1. Intervention during SSS meeting:

5.1.1. At least one researched-based instructional or behavioral intervention is needed for each area of concern, for at least two (2) areas of interventions.5.1.2. Accommodation such as preferential seating, shortened assignments, or general reinforce such as praise are important strategies and accommodations, but not acceptable as interventions.5.1.3. Intervention must be focused (individual or small group), intensive three (3) times / week or perhaps daily), and researched-based (found to be effective in addressing the focus of concern).

5.2. The researched-based intervention

5.2.1. Effectiveness is backed by research In a peer reviewed journal Evaluated independently (not just by the publisher). Is proven to be reliable and valid Example:A behavior analysis leading to a behavioral contact with charting of improvements

5.3. Positive behavior intervention and support

5.3.1. A computer-based program with documented results.5.3.2. Small group remediation and direct instruction on the focus of concern.5.4. Complete Observation setting

5.4.1. For academic concerns, complete an observation in two (2) academic settings where the concern is demonstrated.5.4.2. For behavioral concerns, complete observations in at least two (2) different settings in which behavior may be problematic (e.g. classroom and enhancement classes).

385.5. Subsequent SSS meeting

5.5.1. Review the interventions and post-intervention data.5.5.2. Complete and sign bottom of REF1b5.5.3. Determine if additional intervention or referral is warranted.5.5.4. If referral to IEP or EC is warranted, assemble all relevant forms and data and forward to EC facilitator5.5.5. If referral to IEP is not warranted, the child can continue in SSS with revised strategies or exit SSS because strategies were effective.

5.6. Effective EC Referrals

5.6.1. Usually, first quarter referrals that take place regarding students who have not previously demonstrated the area of concern should be avoided. If the student has had documented in previous years, referral during the first quarter maybe an appropriate continuation of the process. Fourth quarter referrals typically cannot be completed during the academic year and call into question why the referral was not made earlier.

5.6.2. Effective referral After a behavior analysis, behavior contact, and 4 weeks of small group counseling, on anger control, Johnny continues to use physical and verbal aggression. History of poor grades and test scores.

5.6.3. Ineffective referral: Johnny has a limited vocabulary and cannot manage to get along with his classmates. Johnny passed his behavioral examination, but still cannot get along with his classmates.

395.6.4. If the disability appeared to be an intellectual impairment affecting learning, students must go through the SSS and be referred to the IEP for evaluation and for evaluation prior to consideration for a plan. Other impairment maybe referred to other IEP depending on the nature of the impairment.5.6.5. If the IEP determines that the student is not eligible for EC services, a recommendation to the SSS for consideration of possible eligibility may occur.

5.7. The EC facilitator will not accept any referral that has not gone through SSS, unless there are extenuating circumstances (see special cases).5.8. The SSS will have standing meeting scheduled at least once a month during the school year. If there are no referrals to be reviewed, the SSS head will cancel the meeting. More frequent meeting shall be scheduled as dictated by the case load.

5.9. Special Cases

5.9.1. Behavior Problems. The SSS will designate an appropriate individual to conduct an interview with the parents regarding behavioral concerns

5.9.2. Emotional Disabilities Note that the category of eligibility under individuals with disabilities under Special Education act is serious emotional disability. It is not merely for behavior problems. Intervention must address the emotional concerns and their impact on academic performance. English as a Secondary Language Teacher (ESL) shall be on the SSS, if the referred student is an English Language Learner (ELL). The SSS should consult the ESL teacher or other ESL staff to determine whether the childs difficulty appear to be a lack of English Language Proficiency. The SSS shall review the ESL Portfolio and cumulative record for evidence of academic progress and for historical data concerning the childs academic background.

40 If the evidence is not clear that the student has learning disability, the assumption should be made that the lack of performance is a language proficiency issue and the ESL strategies be continued or modified until such time that it is clear that the lack of performance is the cause of learning disability. Remember it may take students many years to reach academic language proficiency, unless students from other countries have learned initially the English language from their country of origin, but have not mastered it and it only needs to have mastery learning in the Academy. Wisely, the Academy will strain the students very well before enlisting in the Official List of Enrolled students by the registrar, since the courses being offered are special courses of study. Students with emotional and learning disability cannot be accepted in the academy, since Aviation industry is a special area that holds peoples lives at above sea level.

6.0 Parent Referral

6.1. If a parent indicates that they want their child to be evaluated for EC services, advice them to put their request in writing. The 90 day timeline for the EC evaluation process to be completed, begins when the written request is received by anyone at the school. The receiving school personnel must notify the EC facilitator of receipt of the request. (see the Private Testing as an example of the parent referral). 6.2. Always explain to parents the existing referral process as the best means to Determining the students needs. 6. 3. Remind parents that, reservations, researched-based intervention, etc. must all be completed for eligibility.6.4. The IEP will meet to consider the parents referral and will determine which of the following applies:


6.4.1. If an evaluation is warranted and SSS procedures occur concurrently with the evaluation process.6.4.2. If an evaluation will not be conducted at that time.6.4.3. If a recommendation should be made to initiate the SSS process.

6.5. Transfer students

6.5.1. There may be EC students referred to SSS who have transferred from out of-state with incomplete records.6.5.2. SSS procedures should be followed 6.5.3. Interventions may come from within EC services

7. Pre-SSS Process

7.1 Academic or Behavioral

7.1.1. Problem Identification7.1.2. Process to continue7.1.3. Identifying the intervention7.1.3.1. Process to continue the intervention7.1.3.2. Teacher refer to REF1 & REF1a7.1.3.3. Identification of year level7.1.3.4. PEP maybe developed

7.2. SSS head receives REF1 & REF1a from teacher7.3. SSS head sets meeting, send REF1 & REF2 to parents, initiates search for previous EC records, request hearing and vision screening7.4. SSS head schedules two (2) observations (RE1c), select two (2) researched- based Interventions & a performance measure (RE1b), & documents meeting (REF4)7.5. Teacher implements interventions & documents results (REF1b), refer to SSS7.6. SSS reviews data and considers referral for disabilities7.7. Subsequent SSS meeting reviews intervention data, completes sign (REF4)7.8. The SSS process ends and the interventions will continue7.9. Referral may be done and students may qualify for the EC services7.10. If the student does not qualify, determine if the intervention is successful or not.42

B. Support Program

II. Nature of the Student Support Services (SST)

1. Designed to provide additional assistance to teachers in dealing with the focus of concern still within the regular classroom.2. Can address academic, behavioral, attention, and / or emotional concerns.3. The SSS will have a representation from a regular education across the year level, Evaluation Case (EC) Staff, and administration. Additionally, if the learner is an English speaker, a Counselor and /or a Psychologist should be present. Additional staff may be represented as needed (Nurse, Coach, etc.) The referring teacher must be at the SSS meeting. If the required staff is not present, the SSS head must reschedule the meeting.4. The Management of the School must appoint the Head of the SSS.5. The SSS head must have the following responsibilities:a. Send SSS notification to the parent prior to the meetingb. Request vision and hearing screening prior to the first meeting.c. Request the EC staff to research on the existence of any previous EC referrals of the student to bring to the SSS meeting, or any active or inactive EC folders of the student.d. Schedule SSS meeting in a timely manner.e. Inform all members of time, date and location of meeting.f. Facilitate the SSS meeting.g. Monitor all paperwork for accuracy and completion.h. Present the referral to EC facilitator when necessary.

6. Teacher Responsibilities:

a. Fill up REF Form and REF1a Form completely and submit to the SSS head. This information is vital to good decision making.b. Bring the following to SSS:1. Cumulative Folder2. Documentation of Tried Interventions3. PEP4. Current grades, report cards, work samples, related to focus of concern

435. Discipline history / behavioral intervention documentation, if applicable Referring Teacher should be prepared to do the following at the meeting:1. Describe and document specific area(s) of concern.2. Share pre-intervention data to establish baselinec. What to do at the SSS meeting:1. Review data regarding all previous interventions that were utilized with the student.2. Review REF1, REF1a, inactive EC Folder if applicable, work samples.3. Identify and collect any missing or needed data.4. Specifically define your concern.5. Schedule two (2) observations in relevant settings using Form REF1c6. Select researched-based interventions in each problem area, to be implemented over at least four (4) weeks, a minimum of two (2) interventions are required. If there are multiple areas of concern, it is permissible to implement a single intervention per area. Record intervention on form REF1b.7. Set a performance goal and select appropriate form of measurement on REF1b (e.g. running records, formative assessment).C. Other Programs Related to Students Activities / Organization / ClubThis program needs an interactive participation of the student body. Student Officers should be facilitated with the Faculty Adviser in interactively encourage and organizing students through self discovery, especially with their gifts and talents. Extra-Curricular Activities should be organized to have a holistic approach in bringing the Academy to fulfill its purpose, vision, and mission.

III. AppendicesAPPENDIX A Requirements: Identification shall occur as early as can reasonably be done but not later than the end of the first quarter or after nine (9) weeks of instructional time with the student Must include focused intervention and performance benchmarks Interventions, support, services, and accelerated activities should include evidence-based practices that meet students needs. Parents should be included in the implementation and the on-going review if the information on the Report Card is not completed.44 FORM CODE: REF1 is a Teacher Referral Form that contains students information REF1a is a Teacher Referral Form that contains tried intervention records REF1b is an Intervention Result Form that contains the documented performance goal REF1c is an observation Schedule form use for recording intervention sessions REF4 is an Intervention data Form that completes the information process to determine recommendation for student to undergo the SSS Program

DEFINITION: Personal Education Plan (PEP) is a personalized curriculum for a diagnosed students disability Evaluated Case (EC) is a result of an individual evaluation of student with suspected disability English Language Learner (ELL) is an English Student Learner

