Study Guide for “When God Spoke to Me” - The Voice for Love Guide - When God... · 2019. 11....


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  • Study Guide for“When God Spoke to Me”

    By DavidPaul Doyle

  • Table of Contents

    How to Use This Study Guide 6

    She is Mine 8

    The Subway Train that Saved My Life 15

    The Whisper in My Dreams 21

    The Lesson from the Tattooed Angel 27

    A Prisoner's Experience 34

    Goose Bumps from Heaven 40

    Lord Stay with Me 46

    The Buick That Changed My Life 50

    Throw-Up Yellow Just Like Me 57

    The Man Who Hears the Voice 63

    The Day the Twin Towers Fell 66

    A Surrogate Sermon 71

    Tiny Prayers 74

    The Gift of Grace 77

    Remembering Oneness 82

    Lukie’s Love 87

    From Monster to Emissary 90

    The Listener 96

    Initiation 99

    New Beginning 1042

    © 2010 by DavidPaul Doyle. All Rights Reserved. Duplication and Sharing Prohibited. The Voice for Love. P.O. Box 3125, Ashland, OR 97520


  • The Shade 111

    Drive South 116

    On Loan 122

    Through the Mouth of a Stranger 125

    Four Glorious Days 131

    Three Words 137

    Succumbing to an Unlikely Death 140

    Now Is the Time, This Is the Place 143

    In My Own Backyard 146

    My Angel 152

    The Day I Got a New Name 158

    Just in Time 161

    Free At Last 167

    Finding a Personal God 173

    Clarity 180

    The Simplest Thing 185

    Brothers and Sisters 189

    Healing with God 195

    Mom and the Birdhouse 200

    Cutting Through the Fog of Uncertainty 205

    Journeying to God's Voice 210

    One Breath at a Time 214

    Expressing God’s Voice 217

    3© 2010 by DavidPaul Doyle. All Rights Reserved. Duplication and Sharing Prohibited.

    The Voice for Love. P.O. Box 3125, Ashland, OR 97520


  • A New Sensation 224

    Twist of Faith 230

    Falling in Love 236

    Love in its Purest Form 241

    Don’t Judge A Book by Its Cover 244

    God’s Whispers 247

    Simple Synchronicity 252

    Overcoming My “Autism” 257

    Tap, Tap, Tap 262

    A Homeless Man 265

    Awakening 268

    Ugly Teddy 274

    God Speaks Up 277

    Eggs, Farm Smells and Hidden Gifts 282

    Alone But Not Alone 287

    Becoming the Change 290

    Follow Me Home 295

    I Do It For You 300

    Healing for a Wounded Heart 303

    The Auction 306

    Finding Peace Amidst Despair 309

    Fall in Love with Yourself 312

    Third Time's the Charm 316

    4© 2010 by DavidPaul Doyle. All Rights Reserved. Duplication and Sharing Prohibited.

    The Voice for Love. P.O. Box 3125, Ashland, OR 97520


  • Coins from the Hear 319

    Advice from a Dear Friend 322

    Life Changing Birthday Gift 325

    He Was There All Along 328

    5© 2010 by DavidPaul Doyle. All Rights Reserved. Duplication and Sharing Prohibited.

    The Voice for Love. P.O. Box 3125, Ashland, OR 97520


  • How to Use This Study Guide

    The stories included in When God Spoke to Me are inspiring, heart warming, and profoundly moving. Many will move you to tears. Others will force you to pause, contemplate, and recount important moments in your life. This study guide was put together to support you in getting as much as you can out of these stories.

    When you read a story for the first time, I recommend that you read through the entire story without stopping so you can fully enjoy it without dissecting it, analyzing it, or contemplating your own similar experiences. Once youʼve read the story in its entirety, use this study guide to deepen your experience, insight, and understanding of hearing Godʼs voice in the story by filling out the worksheets and reading the commentary for each story.

    Below is a brief description of items included on the worksheets.

    Description: Write a brief one or two sentence description of the story so you can easily jog your memory about it in the future.

    Inner Struggle: Describe the inner experience of the person in the story just prior to hearing Godʼs voice. What were they thinking or believing? What were they feeling or experiencing? This will help you to identify the “before” and “after” experience of hearing Godʼs Voice.

    Miracle Mindedness: Contemplate and describe the qualities of heart and mind present in the individual that brought about their experience of hearing Godʼs voice in that exact moment. What were they thinking, believing, feeling, intending, or doing the moment they heard Godʼs voice which opened them up to having that experience?

    Moment of Hearing: What moment in the story did they experience “hearing Godʼs voice,” or what was happening in the story the moment they “heard Godʼs voice?”

    Form of Hearing: What form or expression did Godʼs voice take in that moment? How was Godʼs voice perceived in that moment?

    Result/Benefit: What was the immediate result, outcome, or benefit the person received in hearing Godʼs voice? Were there any long-term benefits the person received from having this experience? If so, what were they?

    Message/Lesson: What reminder, lesson, or message do you personally take away from this story?

  • Notes: Write down any additional notes, ideas, or reminders that come to mind as you contemplate this story.

    Commentary: Before I (DavidPaul Doyle) ever thought about creating a study guide for When God Spoke to Me, I went through these stories myself and wrote down my own thoughts and insights on each of the items above. I never thought I would share these notes and comments with anyone else. I simply did it for my own benefit. However, as I started putting these worksheets together, I envisioned the possibility of making this study guide available to individuals who may be studying the book on their own and do not have the benefit of enjoying other peopleʼs insight, ideas, or experiences as part of a group. As a result, I decided to include my personal notes in this study guide so others may benefit from them. However, I do recommend that you fill out the worksheets on your own prior to reading my commentary. There is tremendous benefit to thinking about these stories on your own before ever soliciting other peopleʼs opinions and experiences. So please fill out the worksheets for each story before reading my commentary.

    7© 2010 by DavidPaul Doyle. All Rights Reserved. Duplication and Sharing Prohibited.

    The Voice for Love. P.O. Box 3125, Ashland, OR 97520


  • She is Mine

    Contributor: Rita Carlson "" Pages: 15-18Description: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Inner Struggle: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Miracle Mindedness: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Moment of Hearing: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Form of Hearing: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Result/Benefit: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  • Message/Lesson: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Personal Experience: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Notes: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  • Commentary

    Description: With her daughter gravely ill, lying on the floor no longer moving, God asks Rita the unthinkable. He says in a very loud voice, “Will you give her me?” Sobbing hysterically, she does what God asks and experiences the most profound moment of her life.

    Inner Struggle: Tremendous fear, desperate, imminent loss of a loved one

    Miracle Mindedness: Recognizes that it is not in her control, out of her hands, nowhere else to turn, surrender, willingness, directly asks God for help, not knowing

    Moment of Hearing: Driving down the road in her car crying and screaming at God to save her daughter

    Form of Hearing: Audible voice, all encompassing, from everywhere, ultimate surround sound

    Result/Benefit: Loss of fear, relief


    1. Our children are not our own. "I realized that, in Truth, she was already His. She was “on loan” to us from God. It was the single most profound moment of my life. My heart was breaking, yet at the same time was relieved because the fear had gone. I couldnʼt lose what I didnʼt possess. This was the first time since her birth that I fully realized my little girl belonged not to me, but to her Creator.

    2. What does it mean to be of service? What does it mean to serve God. What is required to be worthy of serving God?

    Notes: Importance of surrender, letting go of one's attachments, willingness, not knowing: qualities of mind, state of mind and heart that opens the door. God speaks to us exactly where we are, we hear what is in our highest good, Hitting Bottom, Ya Gotta Ask, Hearing in Any State of Mind. Possible loud voice, what brings it about?

    Commentary: She Is Mine by Rita Carlson

    In the story, Rita is a young woman who did not grow up in a religious household. As a young girl, she neither read the Bible nor attended church, but regardless of her upbringing, Rita spoke to God as a child. She says she doesnʼt ever remember hearing God speak back to her, but that it didnʼt matter to her. She had a relationship with God nonetheless, and she called Him her “imaginary friend.”

  • Now for this story, let me set the stage.

    Here Rita was...

    • A 26-year-old new mother• A physically ill daughter, hospitalized twice in her first 90 days with pneumonia• Ritaʼs working two jobs just to make ends meet• She has no health insurance for her herself for her family• And then she gets in a car crash and becomes unable to work

    For the first time in Ritaʼs life, she truly felt helpless and real depression set in.Right when she was at her lowest, the unexpected happens, her daughter suddenly becomes very ill, “a lifeless form lying on her living room floor with a 102 degree temperature thatʼs climbing.”

    Now letʼs fast-forward to for the moment God spoke to her.

    Ritaʼs racing down the road in her car trying to get to the pharmacy before it closes. Sheʼs hysterical. Sheʼs crying and screaming her pleas to God to heal her daughterʼs body. And then she hears it... a firm and loving male sounding voice that seems to fill her car and yet also seems to be coming from within her.

    “Will you give her to me?” the voice asked.

    Now letʼs pause for a moment and take a look at whatʼs really happening within Rita right now.

    Rita is terrified of losing her only daughter. This moment is her lowest of lows. She might lose what she loves more than anything else in the whole world. Her heart, mind, and body are doing everything they can to hold onto this child, to not let go, and to somehow keep her precious baby alive. This fight for survival is the relationship that Rita is having within her right now—this—holding on with all her might to keep something alive, BUT there is so much more going on within Rita than what appears to be happening.

    While all of THIS is going on, Rita is simultaneously asking for Godʼs grace and healing. At her lowest of lows, she asked God with all her heart and all her willingness, for help. She had nothing more to lose. There was nothing more that could possibly be taken from her in that moment. In her mind nothing else mattered. Nothing else had any meaning besides this one event, and she fully knew in her heart that she did not have the power or the capability to make it happen on her own. So at her lowest of lows, in the same moment as this excruciating relationship within her, Rita finds the willingness, the tiny grain of willingness, to ask for help from that which is greater than herself.

    Let me repeat this.

    11© 2010 by DavidPaul Doyle. All Rights Reserved. Duplication and Sharing Prohibited.

    The Voice for Love. P.O. Box 3125, Ashland, OR 97520


  • At the very same moment that she finds herself at the end of her rope, committed to this THIS, this relationship of survival, she simultaneously connects with this grain of willingness within her and directly pleas for Godʼs help.

    So what does God say to her in this moment of joining?

    “Will you give her to me?”

    In this profound moment of absolute survival, absolute desire, absolute attachment, God asks the unimaginable, “Will you give her to me?” Or in other words, “Will you surrender? Will you let go? Will you have faith? Will you surrender your will to Mine? Will you serve my will, instead of your own?”

    God sees and understands the dynamic, the relationship that Rita is in, and with one small question, asks her to let it all go.

    God is so brilliant! He knows exactly what to say to each of us to heal our hearts and minds, for it is exactly these words, this question, “Will you give her to me?” that forces Rita to get that she is not the one in control; she is not the one in charge; she is not the one who is ultimately responsible for whether someone lives or dies.

    Rita screams out, “Why would you ask this of me?” and God answers her, not in words, but with the message and the understanding within her heart and mind that truly her daughter is not her own, that in fact, she was already His ... regardless of whether she lives or dies.

    So God is speaking to Rita in both words that she can hear as well as silently within her own heart and mind, inserting a truth within her mind that she experiences as a shift in perception or a new way of seeing her relationship with her daughter. And itʼs with this change in perception, this new way of being with her daughter, that allows Rita to say, “Yes, I will give her back to You.”

    And what did Rita say happened to her in that moment, that moment of seeing her relationship with her daughter through God eyes? Her fear disappeared.

    In one moment of seeing the world through Godʼs eyes, her fears were gone, dissolved instantly within her heart.

    By sincerely asking for Godʼs healing, hearing His words, and taking those words into her heart to become her own, Ritaʼs fear existed no more. Rita didnʼt just pay lip service to God. Sincerity of heart is a huge piece of the equation. This sincerity came in part because of her sincere love for her daughter, but it was also born out of the fact that her mind had nowhere else to go. There were no other solutions available for her mind to grab onto. There was no other hope available to her. This is the blessing and the gift of

    12© 2010 by DavidPaul Doyle. All Rights Reserved. Duplication and Sharing Prohibited.

    The Voice for Love. P.O. Box 3125, Ashland, OR 97520


  • hitting bottom in oneʼs life, whether it be in oneʼs finances, in oneʼs marriage, in oneʼs dreams or aspirations, or anywhere in oneʼs life. When one truly hits bottom, the mind has exhausted all other avenues for safety, security, and fulfillment. In Truth, there is nothing in the world that is capable of fulfilling our needs for safety, security, happiness, love, or fulfillment than God. Nothing else is capable of filling these voids within us. When one hits bottom, the world is finally seen for the empty promises that it offers, and in that moment, one surrenders to the only Source that offers true healing, true comfort, and true joy, and that is God.

    For Rita, everything came together in that moment, the circumstances, the relationship, and the willingness to ask for help, the willingness to see things differently through Godʼs eyes. And it was this magical mixture of love, fear, willingness, surrender, hitting bottom, and asking God with all her heart for help that enabled Rita to experience Godʼs miracle.

    Of course, I love that God says to her, “Well done, my good and faithful servant,” in the most loving voice she had ever heard.

    What does it mean to be of service? What does it mean to serve God. What is required to be worthy of serving God?

    I think there are many valid answers to these questions, but in this particular context, every time that we surrender our small, fearful, and limited will to Godʼs all loving, all-knowing, all-powerful will, we are being of service to God and to all of our brothers and sisters in the world. In the moment we are willing to hear and follow Godʼs word, regardless of our backgrounds, our education, or our life experience, we are serving God and all of humanity.

    It doesnʼt take much to serve God. All that is required is the desire and the willingness to do so. In any moment that we are willing to release our fears, our judgments, our attachments, and anything else in our lives that keeps us in survival or separate from our brothers and sisters, and any moment that we are willing to give those things to God and to receive Godʼs love and faith in return, we are serving God.

    Thereʼs one more important point that Iʼd like you to take away from this story. While it was necessary for Rita to hit bottom in this particular moment of her life in order to motivate her to put her daughterʼs life into Godʼs hands, it is not necessary for you to hit bottom in your own life to create what I call miracle mindedness, the state of mind and heart that opens the door for you to hear Godʼs Voice. All it takes to hear Godʼs voice is the desire and the willingness to do so.

    In any moment that you want or need to hear Godʼs voice, can you let go of your own control? Can you let go of your own fearful, limiting, survival oriented desires, so that you can be open to receiving what God truly wishes for you? Its our attachments to

    13© 2010 by DavidPaul Doyle. All Rights Reserved. Duplication and Sharing Prohibited.

    The Voice for Love. P.O. Box 3125, Ashland, OR 97520


  • what we want, to how we want things to be, to what we want other people to say or do, that keeps our hearts and minds closed and shut off from hearing Godʼs voice. We must be willing to let go of our limiting and fearful wants and needs in order to receive the loving, compassionate, and caring wishes of God in our lives.

    It is these fearful, judgmental, and controlling thoughts within our own minds that keep us closed to Godʼs unconditional love and grace. But as Rita demonstrated, it is okay if we find ourselves clutched like THIS from time to time in our lives, in our jobs, or in our relationships, but if we can be willing to release our catchmentʼs to THIS and ask for guidance, wisdom, healing, forgiveness, and love from our Creator, the door will be opened to us and Godʼs all-powerful, all loving, all-knowing wisdom will be given to us and will immediately dissolve and erase every ounce of pain within our hearts and minds.

    Darkness cannot exist in the light. Fear cannot exist in the presence of Love. When we are willing to surrender our attachments to these limiting and fearful thoughts and beliefs within us, Godʼs love will pour into our hearts and minds and eliminate every ounce of pain and separation within us. That is indeed the purpose of the Holy Spirit, to heal our hearts and minds and restore our awareness God.

    Ritaʼs gift to us is the reminder that all we need to do to hear Godʼs voice is to to ask, be willing, and surrender with all our hearts, with absolute sincerity, and it will be done.

    14© 2010 by DavidPaul Doyle. All Rights Reserved. Duplication and Sharing Prohibited.

    The Voice for Love. P.O. Box 3125, Ashland, OR 97520


  • The Subway Train that Saved My Life

    Contributor: Leonard Robertson" " Pages: 19-22Description: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Inner Struggle: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Miracle Mindedness: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Moment of Hearing: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Form of Hearing: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Result/Benefit: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    15© 2010 by DavidPaul Doyle. All Rights Reserved. Duplication and Sharing Prohibited.

    The Voice for Love. P.O. Box 3125, Ashland, OR 97520


  • Message/Lesson: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Personal Experience: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Notes: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  • Commentary

    Description: After being hit by a train, Leonard watched from above his body as the doctors attempted to save his life. Attracted by a bright light, Leonard traveled to the light where he felt energized, buoyant with joy, and infused with the warmth and calmness of perfect Peace. It was then he heard a calm, loving, soothing, but strong male voice say, "Go back. We are not ready for you yet." His life was changed forever when given a second chance to learn the lessons of Love.

    Inner Struggle: Angry, bitter teenager who battled with epilepsy. Rough childhood. Felt unloved and alone.

    Miracle Mindedness: As I approached the light, it became obvious this was no light bulb. I walked toward it until I was surrounded by a glorious brightness that soothed my core. I felt energized, buoyant with joy, immersed in a welcoming brilliance that filled my heart with great love and infused me with the warmth and calmness of perfect Peace. It was then I heard the Voice.

    Moment of Hearing: The moment he was surrounded by the soothing peaceful light.

    Form of Hearing: Calm, loving, soothing, but strong male voice, and also the warm, calming, peaceful light he felt.

    Result/Benefit: Energized, buoyant, infused with peace by the light. He reacted to the words God spoke, but the long-term result was to rid his heart of self-pity and anger and learn the lessons of love.


    • All of Godʼs children are worthy of love.• We are here for a reason. We are here to learn the lessons of love.

    Notes: God speaks to us not just in words, but in feelings. God is love. All the qualities of love, compassion, peace, joy, etc. are all communications from God.

    While we might not understand why God leads us in certain directions that we might perceive as fearful or painful, we can trust that God is always leading us deeper into His love. What might seem like a punishment, or an unloving act, is in fact what will deliver us from the thoughts and feelings that separate us from our experience of God's love. All things have a purpose, everything can be used by God to restore us to the awareness and presence of love that God is.

  • Love cannot lead us into pain. We can resist or judge laugh and put ourselves in that pain, but God cannot and will not lead us into pain or suffering. That is only of our doing with how we relate to God, to ourselves, to those in our lives, and to the world.

    Commentary: The Subway Train that Saved My Life by Leonard Robertson

    Leonard was a troubled, angry, and rebellious youth who also have a severe case of epilepsy. One day after sneaking across the border from Canada to Philadelphia, he suffered a petite mal seizure on the platform of a subway station. In his dazed and confused state, Leonard inadvertently stepped in front of one of the moving subway train and was run over by it—full force.

    Rushed to the hospital, Leonard recalls looking down upon his body in the operating room as the doctors frantically worked to keep him alive. But this didnʼt last long. He was overwhelmed by the site of the doctors trying to resuscitate his body below him and soon found himself flying through the night sky where he approached a bright light at the end of a tunnel.

    He said, “I walked toward it until I was surrounded by a glorious brightness that soothed my core. I felt energized, buoyant with joy, immersed in a welcoming brilliance that filled my heart with great love and infused me with the warmth and calmness of perfect Peace. It was then I heard the Voice.”

    Now, before I tell you what the Voice said, Iʼd like to talk a little bit about the many ways that God speaks to us in our lives.

    As it says in John 4:16 in the Bible, "God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them."

    God is love. God is infinite, all healing, all powerful, unconditional, love. Whenever we experience love, share love, or receive love, we are joining with God in that moment.

    True love only comes from one place, one Source. The moment that we experience love, we are experiencing the Presence of God.

    Now, there are many different qualities or aspects of Love, or what I sometimes like to call, flavors of love. These aspects or flavors of love include peace, compassion, understanding, acceptance, kindness, generosity, forgiveness, joy, passion, and all the many other qualities that God possesses. These love based qualities are all flavors or aspects of God, and as such, they are also flavors or aspects of Love as well. so whenever we experience some quality or aspect of Love, whether it be peace, joy, happiness, compassion, or any other quality of love, we are experiencing God in that moment.

    18© 2010 by DavidPaul Doyle. All Rights Reserved. Duplication and Sharing Prohibited.

    The Voice for Love. P.O. Box 3125, Ashland, OR 97520


  • Thereʼs another quote Iʼd like to share from John 1:5. “This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all.”

    So letʼs listen again what Leonard shared with us. He said, “As I approached the light, it became obvious this was no light bulb. I walked toward it until I was surrounded by a glorious brightness that soothed my core. I felt energized, buoyant with joy, immersed in a welcoming brilliance that filled my heart with great love and infused me with the warmth and calmness of perfect Peace. It was then I heard the Voice.”

    Leonard was already joined with God in light and love before he ever heard God speak to him in actual words. Leonardʼs first moment of hearing Godʼs Voice was not the words he heard, but the glorious brightness of love and light that soothed his core and fill him with the greatest joy and peace he had ever known.

    Hearing Godʼs voice is much more than hearing words spoken to you. The purpose of the Holy Spirit is to restore our awareness to God. The purpose of the Holy Spirit is to extend Godʼs love and light into the world to heal our hearts and minds so we can remember our union with God. So whenever we experience any aspect or quality of Godʼs healing love, whether it is peace, joy, comfort, compassion, or understanding, we are hearing Godʼs Voice in that moment because our minds are being restored to the awareness of God.

    In truth, Leonard heard Godʼs Voice calling to him the moment he began moving toward the light. The more he moved into the light, the deeper his awareness of God became. Although not expressed in words, what Leonard heard and received by the light and the love was, “You are safe, you are loved, and you are whole.” Those were the messages that Leonard received from Godʼs love and light.

    How many times have you felt Godʼs love in your life? How many times have you felt comforted knowing that God was with you? How many times has Peace been with you when youʼve asked for it?

    One of the most important steps in hearing Godʼs voice more consistently in our lives is to recognize how God is already speaking to us and we didnʼt know it. From this day on, begin to recognize all the times in your day where you feel love, joy, happiness, peace, or any other quality of God. When you notice that you are experiencing one of the many qualities or aspects of God, stop for a moment and validate the fact that you are hearing Godʼs voice right now, in this moment of joy, in this moment of peace, in this moment of love. Say to yourself, “I am hearing Godʼs voice in this moment. My mind is being restored to the awareness of God.”

    The more often you can acknowledge and validate these moments in your life, these moments of union with God, these moments of hearing Godʼs voice through your heart and emotions, the more consistently you will experience hearing Godʼs voice all through your day.

    19© 2010 by DavidPaul Doyle. All Rights Reserved. Duplication and Sharing Prohibited.

    The Voice for Love. P.O. Box 3125, Ashland, OR 97520


  • So Leonard first experiences Godʼs Voice in the form of love and light. He then experiences Godʼs Voice in the form of words.

    He said, “It was a male voice; calm, loving, soothing, but strong. It seemed to be coming from everywhere—surrounding me just as the light did. It spoke words I could hear and words I could not, saying, "Go back. We are not ready for you yet."

    To Leonard, hearing those words was heartbreaking. He didnʼt want to go back to all the pain and suffering in this life. Heʼd never felt so loved and so filled with peace in all his life, but then Leonard said, “What had changed me were not the words God had spoken to my ears, but the subliminal words He had spoken to my heart—the message that I wasnʼt done here on earth yet. Now I had a second chance—borrowed time to learn the lessons of Love.”

    God and the Holy Spirit healed Leonardʼs heart and mind in those brief moments. When he woke up in the hospital from a coma three months later, he was not the same angry young man he once was. He was motivated and inspired to learn the lessons of love, the lessons of the Holy Spirit.

    Leonard himself demonstrated, all of Godʼs children are worthy of love, and each of us is here to learn the lessons of love, just as Jesus did.

    Earlier, I shared with you the following quote from John 4:16, “God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.” But if I had read the two sentences following this quote, you wouldʼve heard this: “God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. This is how love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment: In this world we are like Jesus.”

    We are all here to learn the lessons of love, just as Jesus did, and every other great teacher and master who has ever learned these lessons before us. This is indeed the purpose and function of the Holy Spirit, the Voice of God within each of us, to help us, guide us, and support us in learning the lessons of love in our lives.

    Every time you experience love, you are hearing Godʼs voice. You are remembering Godʼs word. You are receiving the Holy Spirit. Live your life in love as Leonard did, so that Godʼs love is made complete within all of Godʼs children.

    20© 2010 by DavidPaul Doyle. All Rights Reserved. Duplication and Sharing Prohibited.

    The Voice for Love. P.O. Box 3125, Ashland, OR 97520


  • The Whisper in My Dreams

    Contributor: Janice Uebersetzig"" Pages: 23-25Description: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Inner Struggle: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Miracle Mindedness: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Moment of Hearing: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Form of Hearing: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Result/Benefit: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    21© 2010 by DavidPaul Doyle. All Rights Reserved. Duplication and Sharing Prohibited.

    The Voice for Love. P.O. Box 3125, Ashland, OR 97520


  • Message/Lesson: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Personal Experience: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Notes: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  • Commentary

    Description: After seeing her husband's death come true in exactly the way she dreamt it, Janice realizes that her dream was no nightmare at all but God's voice speaking to her letting her know that she is always where she is supposed to be and that God can speak to her in many different ways, not just riding a bolt of lightning out of the clouds.

    Inner Struggle: Death of her husband, but God's loving message and communication created profound grace and peace in the process.

    Miracle Mindedness: Open, willing

    Moment of Hearing: Having a dream while she slept.

    Form of Hearing: Seeing the future in her dream.

    Result/Benefit: Once she recognized her dream as God's voice speaking to her, it brought her understanding, peace, and the courage to be present and appreciative of her time with her husband before he passed away The peaceful memory of him was a gift to her, but the greater gift was the knowledge but she will always be where she is supposed to be and that God can speak to her in many different ways. As a result, peace, faith, allowing, surrender, acceptance, grace.


    • God can speak to us in many ways• There is a plan, there is something bigger going on than we can't possibly understand,

    and orchestration for our deepest learning and growth, and if we can embrace that, we receive all that God would give to us, peace, faith, allowing, surrender, acceptance, grace.

    Notes: Seek faith in difficult times, you don't need to know and can't possibly know what something is for, or how it serves the greater good. How might I see this differently? God, what would you have me know in this? What would you have me learn from this? How can I see this through your vision?

    Commentary: The Whisper in My Dreams by Janice Uebersetzig

    Janiceʼs story starts out with her husband being rushed to the hospital. But before they get there, she shares with us a dream she had had one night while sleeping. In the dream, her husband whispers to her, “I hate to put you through this.” And she assures him, “Itʼs okay. Iʼm supposed to be with you when you die.”

  • Janice didnʼt understand her dream at the time. She thought it was a nightmare. But the dream had nudged and prodded her every day since to truly appreciate each moment she spent with her husband and to live her life with him to the fullest.

    And then BAM, there she is, suddenly sitting by her husbandʼs side in the hospital when he looks up at her from the bed and says, “I hate to put you through this.”

    Even though she had remembered the dream every day since she had had it, it was gone from her in that moment, until he said those words. And then she remembered it.

    “Itʼs okay,” she said, “Iʼm supposed to be with you when you die,” the very same words she and he had said in her dream.

    “Thatʼs when I knew,” she said. “I had been lovingly prepared so that I might understand the tumor wasnʼt just some random horror. It was simply part of a picture too big to see. A purpose too great. What Iʼd thought was a nightmare had been the voice of God.”

    I love this message. Not only can God use everything in our lives as an opportunity to communicate to us, including our dreams, but the message that this was meant to happen, that it was somehow scripted long ago, was an incredible gift for Janice. It brought her tremendous understanding and peace, and the courage to be present and appreciative of her time with her husband before he passed away. But the greater gift was the knowledge that she will always be where she is supposed to be and that God can speak to her in many different ways.

    In my own life, Iʼm constantly getting messages, communication and healing from God in my dreams at night. Iʼm a really light sleeper, and I wake up a half a dozen or so times each night just rolling over or changing position, but each time I wake up, Iʼm usually in the middle of a dream, and because my dreams are so much more dramatic or intense than my normal waking life, what I become aware of as Iʼm rolling over is usually pretty captivating, and I asked God nearly every time, “what does that mean? or how does that relate to my life? Or what am I learning or releasing in that experience?” I donʼt wake up fully to ask those questions or it would be too difficult for me to get back to sleep, but Iʼm aware of whatʼs happening in my dream and I simply pose the thought that God to tell me what I can learn or gain from it, and I almost always get a thought back immediately with some sort of insight or understanding about how it relates to my waking life.

    To God, everything in the world can be used as an opportunity to communicate to us. everything in our life is symbolic of a deeper learning or lesson that we are gaining, and God can use every symbol as an opportunity to teach us about the lessons of love, truth, and oneness.

    So if you want to practice hearing Godʼs voice in a really fun and engaging way, before you go to bed at night, ask God and the Holy Spirit to work with you while you sleep, to

    24© 2010 by DavidPaul Doyle. All Rights Reserved. Duplication and Sharing Prohibited.

    The Voice for Love. P.O. Box 3125, Ashland, OR 97520


  • help you learn, grow, heal, and deepen your relationship with them in your dreams while youʼre sleeping. you can ask for them to work with you on specific issues that are going on in your life, or general issues. And you can ask to be reminded of your dreams when you awaken in the morning or in the middle of the night .... And donʼt worry if you donʼt remember your dreams at first, or ever. If you ask for God and the Holy Spirit to work with you and to help you to heal your heart and mind while you sleep, it will happen, whether you are fully aware of it or not.

    Iʼd also like to share another story with you from my own life. When I was 20 years old as a young cadet at the Air Force Academy, I too had an experience of God showing me a glimpse of my future that changed the course of my life. It was about two weeks before the first day of my junior year, the day on which all cadets must sign their commitment to the military. I was sitting in the backseat of a friendʼs car while we drove down the highway when my favorite saxophone song came on the radio. In the middle of listening to the song, I was suddenly enveloped by the most powerful, overwhelming experience of love I had ever known. It came over me like an explosion and a very clear question came into my mind, “If I was an old man on my deathbed, what would I have done in my life to have had absolutely no regrets?”

    I asked myself that question as soon as I heard it in my mind, and within moments I knew deep in my heart that my answer had nothing to do with being in the military.

    I immediately asked the question, “Well what would I have done in my life to have had absolutely no regrets?”

    And immediately I saw this very clear vision in my mind of a light reaching out to the ends of the earth and beyond touching peopleʼs lives, and the idea came to me that I would write a book that would impact peopleʼs lives in a profound way all over the world.

    I had absolutely no idea how this would ever come to pass or what, if anything, I would be writing about, but I knew in my heart that it was true. Up until that moment, it was the most profound experience of love and truth I have ever known, and I made a decision in that moment to follow that love wherever it took me.

    20 years later Iʼm living that vision. Thereʼs been a lot of struggle and heartache during that time, but I know Iʼm living the life that both God and I wanted for me.

    There is a divine plan in place so great that we canʼt possibly fathom it. We canʼt always understand why things happen the way they do. We canʼt always understand in the moment the blessings that will come from the hardships and pain that occur in our lives. But what I do know is that if we follow our hearts, follow the voice of love within us that guides us into the moment of our compassion, into the moment of our bravery, into the moment of our forgiveness and love, the joy, the peace, the healing, and the faith that comes to us as a result is worth all the struggle and pain that we may go through to receive it.

    25© 2010 by DavidPaul Doyle. All Rights Reserved. Duplication and Sharing Prohibited.

    The Voice for Love. P.O. Box 3125, Ashland, OR 97520


  • God will replace every ounce of pain and separation within us with unconditional love and wholeness. God will replace every ounce of fear and sorrow with comfort and joy. God will replace every ounce of confusion and loneliness with truth and connection. God knows how to accomplish all things, and God has given us the Holy Spirit to fulfill His divine plan of awakening to His Unconditional Love and Truth.

    Even if you donʼt understand why things are happening the way they are, why things arenʼt unfolding as you would wish them to be, have faith that there is indeed a plan, there is a reason why things are happening the way they are, and once you get to the other side, you will be filled with the joy, the peace, and the understanding that all is as it is meant to be.

    26© 2010 by DavidPaul Doyle. All Rights Reserved. Duplication and Sharing Prohibited.

    The Voice for Love. P.O. Box 3125, Ashland, OR 97520


  • The Lesson from the Tattooed Angel

    Contributor: Debbie Milam" " Pages: 25-27Description: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Inner Struggle: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Miracle Mindedness: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Moment of Hearing: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Form of Hearing: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Result/Benefit: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    27© 2010 by DavidPaul Doyle. All Rights Reserved. Duplication and Sharing Prohibited.

    The Voice for Love. P.O. Box 3125, Ashland, OR 97520


  • Message/Lesson: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Personal Experience: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Notes: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  • Commentary

    Description: After seeings a sad and troubled, tattoo covered teen on Christmas morning, all alone with tears in his eyes, Debbie is guided to buy him a gift that changes both of their lives.

    Inner Struggle: Compassion for the young man's grief. Wanting to ease his pain.

    Miracle Mindedness: Compassion, prayer, open heart, extending love, desire to be of service, willingness

    Moment of Hearing: While standing on the sidewalk looking at the young manʼs grief.

    Form of Hearing: Still, small voice spoke to my heart—a voice familiar yet so different from my own inner thoughts. Tender and loving words reverberated through my entire being, “Buy him a present. Show him that someone notices him and cares that he is here.” Stream of thoughts that speak to our hearts with love and inspiration. I also believe her original compassion was God's voice.

    Result/Benefit: Gratitude, joy, connection, knowing that we are not alone.


    • We can make a profound difference in people's lives if we are willing to be present and to ask for God's guidance. Everyone needs love, guidance, and comfort. Every single person in the world wants to be loved.

    • The littlest willingness can create profound miracles.

    Notes: Noticed another human being! Such busy lives, walking around in our own thoughts. heart expanded with compassion, prayed for God to surround him and comfort. She welcomed the opportunity and used it for joining with God and with her fellow human being. Each one of these steps opened the door even more.

    Knowing the power of parent trusting God would take care of this child, she let it go.She asked God to show her how to uplift this young man. That was the key! Ask and you shall receive. Canʼt be fully loving when also in pain. Serving two masters.

    Experiencing the world through our hearts and not our heads.

    Commentary: The Lesson from the Tattooed Angel by Debbie Milam

    Debbieʼs story begins one Christmas morning during a quick trip to the store to buy a few forgotten ingredients for her sonʼs poundcake. As she gathered the sugar, eggs and

  • butter, she noticed a young man of 16 or 17 whose body was completely covered in tattoos and multiple piercings, and although his appearance attracted her attention, what was most evident to her was the level of pain and sadness on this young manʼs face. She described it it as a look of utter despair, deep loneliness, and mournful suffering. Debbieʼs heart expanded with compassion, thinking this was someoneʼs child in the deepest state of despair, and she began to pray for him, asking God to surround him in comfort. Each aisle she walked down, there he was—not following her, but there for her to notice and to continue praying for.

    How often do we notice people on the street who are different than we are and judge them for it? How often do we notice people out in public who look sad, frustrated, angry, or alone and turn the other cheek not knowing what we can do for them, not knowing how to handle their emotions, or feeling like itʼs not our problem? How often do we really notice people on the street at all, engrossed in our own inner world, our own needs and concerns?

    One of the reasons I love this story so much is because it serves as a beautiful model for how simple it can be to bring Godʼs love into the world. Instead of turning away out of fear or judging this young man, Debbie opened her heart to Godʼs love and extended that love by feeling compassion for this young man and openly praying for him. In this moment, Debbieʼs heart was open and not restricted by fear.

    Do any of these thoughts sound familiar?

    • I donʼt have the time right now to get involved in this persons life, or give them what they need.

    • I have no idea whatʼs going on for this person, so how can I help them?• I donʼt want to complicate my own life by getting involved with this person.• I canʼt solve this personʼs problems, nor do I want to take their problems on and make

    them my own.• What Iʼm able to offer this person right now is not enough to make a real difference in

    their life.

    I donʼt know about you, but Iʼve certainly noticed these thoughts within me and others like them while out in public, and then chose to believe these thoughts and turn away from those in need.

    Now Iʼm not saying that we should or even can solve someone elseʼs problems, nor am I saying that we all need to stop whatever we are doing and help every person we see or meet. But as Debbie so beautifully exemplified in this story, we can at least open our hearts to those we see and meet in public. It doesnʼt mean we have to solve their problems. It doesnʼt mean that we need to put our own lives on hold. But we can all open our hearts and minds to the calls for loves that we see in the world. We can all extend Godʼs love, compassion, and kindness to one another, and ask the Holy Spirit to be with one another in our times of need.

    30© 2010 by DavidPaul Doyle. All Rights Reserved. Duplication and Sharing Prohibited.

    The Voice for Love. P.O. Box 3125, Ashland, OR 97520


  • Debbie did what we are all capable of doing. She noticed a call for love and extended Godʼs love in return, that is all.

    If what we see in the world is not loving, then what we are seeing is a call for love. When we notice a call for love, we are seeing with the vision of the Holy Spirit. That is how the Holy Spirit would see things in the world, as an expression of love or a call for love. When we choose to see with the Holy Spirit, we are indeed hearing Godʼs Voice in that moment.

    The moment that Debbie noticed this young manʼs grief and opened her heart to Godʼs compassion, that was a moment of hearing Godʼs voice. Instead of judging this young man or turning away as a result of believing a fearful thought within her, she saw this young manʼs call for love and extended God love in reply through her compassion and prayers.

    We all have the capability of responding to every call for love in the world with compassion and prayer. We donʼt have to agree with what we see. We donʼt have to like what we see. We donʼt have to want what we see. But if what we see is not an expression of love in our understanding, then it is a call for love and we all have the capability of responding to every call for love by extending Godʼs love in return.

    That is indeed the purpose of the Holy Spirit, to extend Godʼs love and compassion in the world. When we extend love, we are joined with the Holy Spirit in that moment, and while we may not be hearing Godʼs voice in actual words, we are certainly hearing the Holy Spiritʼs call within us to extend Godʼs love in the world, and we are heeding that call.

    So Debbyʼs first moment of hearing Godʼs voice in this story was the moment her heart welled with compassion for this young manʼs call for love. And as Debbie said, “Knowing the power of prayer and trusting God would take care of this child,” she then let the experience go.

    But it wasnʼt over. As she exited the store, she saw the young man on the bench with his hands buried his face. “His hard tattooed exterior trembled with overwhelming sadness, each tear showing his deep vulnerability.”

    So she took her prayer to the next level, calling out to God in her mind, “Please show me how to uplift this young man. Do I need to sit with him? Do I need to call Mental Health Services? Do I need to bring him home with me?”

    Seeing this manʼs deep sorrow inspired Debbie to want to do whatever she could to help this man, and she directly, with sincerity of heart and mind, asked God to show her how to uplift this young man.

    31© 2010 by DavidPaul Doyle. All Rights Reserved. Duplication and Sharing Prohibited.

    The Voice for Love. P.O. Box 3125, Ashland, OR 97520


  • It was this depth of heartfelt willingness, surrender, sincerity, and direct asking of God that opened the door for Debbie to hear the Holy Spiritʼs still, small voice within her—a voice familiar to her yet very different from her own inner thoughts.

    People often describe hearing a still small voice within, the voice of the Holy Spirit, but very few people are able to clearly describe what this voice sounds like. Iʼve interviewed hundreds of people over the years and asked each one to describe in as much detail how this still small voice within them actually sounds, how exactly they perceived this voice within them.

    There are many variations of hearing the Holy Spirit as a still small voice within. For many, this means hearing a stream of thoughts within their mind. Itʼs not a loud, audible, stereophonic voice as you might see in the movies or read in a book, but itʼs simply a sentence, a phrase, a word, or a quiet non-audible stream of thoughts in their mind that are clearly different than what theyʼre used to hearing. They are not thoughts they tried to think of, but an immaculate and unexpected stream of thoughts so different from their normal way of thinking that they capture their attention and lead them deeper into Godʼs love and wisdom.

    In addition to the very distinct nature or quality of these thoughts is the accompanying feelings of love, clarity, certainty, compassion, peace, or excitement that is also present for most people when they hear them. They notice these spontaneous, seemingly out of place thoughts, and simultaneously feel these emotions and presence within. There is a full experience that occurs in that moment, a connection to something greater and more expansive, a connection to something that feels infinite and divine.

    Debbie said, “These tender and loving words reverberated through my entire being, “Buy him a present. Show him that someone notices him and cares that he is here.”

    She didnʼt hear a loud audible voice in response to her prayer, but loving and kind thoughts to show this man that someone cares about him spontaneously arose within her mind, accompanied by a feeling of love that filled her whole awareness.

    One of the most common methods of hearing the Holy Spirit is as a still small voice within, much more common than hearing a loud audible voice. The Holy Spirit will speak to us in many subtle ways within our hearts and minds. It will speak to us through inspired, wise, and loving thoughts, and compassionate, forgiving, and kind feelings.

    When you pray to receive an answer, communication, or guidance from God, donʼt limit yourself by only listening for a loud, audible voice within you. Donʼt limit yourself by intending to hear Godʼs voice in only one way. Allow yourself to be open and willing to receive Godʼs reply in any way imaginable. When you do, you give the Holy Spirit the opportunity to use anything and everything as a means of communication. Be mindful of what you notice or become aware of as you listen for Godʼs reply in that moment and

    32© 2010 by DavidPaul Doyle. All Rights Reserved. Duplication and Sharing Prohibited.

    The Voice for Love. P.O. Box 3125, Ashland, OR 97520


  • throughout your day. Just stay open, and you will receive the communication God has for you.

    So how did it all turn out for Debbie? As she gave this young man his present, he burst into tears and said over and over again, “God bless you! Thank you! You do not know how much this means to me,” and he said he would now be okay.

    Of course, she burst into tears as well when she got to her car knowing what a profound moment that was for both of them.

    Just as Debbie did, something that took no more than a few minutes out of her day, we too can make a profound difference in one anotherʼs lives if we are willing to be present with ourselves and each other, and ask for God's love and guidance. Every single person in the world wants to be loved. It is the one thing that we all have in common. No matter what we believe, no matter where we live, no matter what our background may be, we all want to be loved.

    The littlest willingness can create profound miracles in the world. If you notice a call for love, no matter how big or small it may be, find the little rest willingness within yourself to extend Godʼs love in reply. Your moment of giving is your moment of receiving. As you extend Godʼs Love, you become joined with God in that moment and receive the love yourself that you are extending with God. This is why giving and receiving are One in God.

    Thank you in advance for every call for love you notice and fail to turn away from. When you notice a call for love and open your heart and mind to the Holy Spirit, you are bringing Godʼs Voice into the world, for everyone.

    33© 2010 by DavidPaul Doyle. All Rights Reserved. Duplication and Sharing Prohibited.

    The Voice for Love. P.O. Box 3125, Ashland, OR 97520


  • A Prisoner's Experience

    Contributor: Joseph Wolfe" " Pages: 28-30Description: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Inner Struggle: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Miracle Mindedness: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Moment of Hearing: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Form of Hearing: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Result/Benefit: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    34© 2010 by DavidPaul Doyle. All Rights Reserved. Duplication and Sharing Prohibited.

    The Voice for Love. P.O. Box 3125, Ashland, OR 97520


  • Message/Lesson: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Personal Experience: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Notes: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  • Commentary

    Description: Although Joseph Wolf had long given up on God, while serving a 10 year prison sentence and in fear for his life, his prayers prompted a profound miracle and a direct experience of his oneness with God.

    Inner Struggle: Fear for his life. Had long abandoned God, but desperate to survive and nowhere else to turn.

    Miracle Mindedness: He was at the bottom. Sincerity, willingness, surrender.

    Moment of Hearing:

    1. After hours of begging, pleading, promising, and asking God for a way out, he "had the thought to write out a note for help and give it to the next guard who would pass by my cell."

    2. Experience of his Oneness with God

    Form of Hearing: A thought in his mind, and a powerful experience of his oneness with everything.

    Result/Benefit: Physical safety, tremendous gratitude, and an all-comforting assurance that real Love is unshakable, all-prevailing, all powerful and forever devoted, like a Father has for His Child. He felt acknowledged and deeply loved. God heard his prayer and showed him how deeply loved he really is.


    • God answers all prayers.• There is a profound oneness that joins all of creation, and that oneness is God, and

    we are joined in the oneness. We are one with God, for God is within us, and within all of creation.

    • There is something there but we cannot fully understand but it is possible to experience if we are willing.

    Notes: There is something there but we cannot fully understand but it is possible to experience if we are willing.

    It doesn't matter who we are or what we have done, God is available to all of us.Our oneness with God. Surrender, willingness, sincerity opens the door. That's why hitting bottom is so effective, we are actually sincere with our intentions. Fully committed.

  • Profound experience as a guiding light, to show you what's possible. Many people. My personal experience as well. You don't have to have the same experience to have it be a guiding light for you.

    Commentary: A Prisoner's Experience by Joseph Wolfe

    Joeʼs story takes place while he was serving a ten-year prison sentence. Joe made the mistake of arguing with another inmate who was the leader of one of the largest gangs in Chicago, and shortly thereafter the order came down that he was to be killed the following morning.

    This was Joeʼs darkest hour. He knew he was going to die and he was more terrified than he had ever been in his entire life. Joe had long given up on God, but the incredible fear and dread he felt forced him to get on his knees and pray for the first time in many years.

    Kneeling on the hard concrete floor of his cell for many hours, Joe prayed, begged, and pleaded to God to save him. After several hours, an inspired thought came to him to write a note for help and give it to the next guard who passed his cell.

    This inspired thought was Joeʼs first experience of hearing Godʼs Voice, but there was much more to come.

    He continued to pray for many more hours, and his prayers were finally answered when he was given the opportunity to pass his note to one of the guards who ended up returning just before dawn to take him away to a minimum security prison miles away.

    The moment Joeʼs new cell door locked behind him, he got down on his hands and knees again and thanked God with all his heart for saving him. After hours of thankful prayer, he became weary and laid his head down on his new bed. It was in that moment of resting his head on his pillow after a nighttime of prayer and gratitude that the most powerful experience of his life unfolded: He said a vibrant sensation of comforting lightness, gentle but all powerful, engulfed his body. It saturated him and seemed lift him away. Musical sounds filled his being as if all the instruments of every band and orchestra in the world and in heaven saturated his tiny cell in perfect harmony.

    Then something else began to occur. He felt an expansion and slowly became aware of a distinct new connection with everything around him. It felt as if new life had been breathed into the walls of the cell, into the air, the floor, the ceiling, and the trees outside his barred window. He felt and heard everything around him as if for the first time, and soon felt at one with all of it, the floor, the ceiling, the walls, as well as with the air, the trees, and grass outside his window.

    And then, just as swiftly, it was gone. The experience ended, and he felt normal once again.

    37© 2010 by DavidPaul Doyle. All Rights Reserved. Duplication and Sharing Prohibited.

    The Voice for Love. P.O. Box 3125, Ashland, OR 97520


  • I love this story because itʼs a fantastic example that it doesnʼt matter who we are or what we have done in our lives. God is available to all of us. Joeʼs moment of briefly experiencing his union with God was commensurate and a direct result of his surrender, his willingness, and his sincerity of heart and intention. So many people have profound and miraculous experiences of God when they are faced with death.

    There is nothing in the world as strong a motivator as oneʼs mortality. So many people are blessed by the gift of facing their own mortality, whether it be cancer, an accident, a drug overdose, or in this case almost losing his life in prison.

    Our darkest hours are often the greatest gift and blessing in our lives because they are the only thing strong enough, powerful enough, to motivate us to seek Godʼs love and grace above anything else in the world.

    In this particular case, it took the threat of death to motivate this ungrateful, unspiritual, unbeliever of a man to give his whole heart and mind to God. He had nothing to lose, nowhere to go, and because of that, he was able to give everything he had to God. It was his depth of surrender, his depth of willingness and sincerity that opened the door for Joseph to experience of his oneness with God and all of creation.

    I donʼt share this very often with people, but I too have had a direct experience of my union with God, and Iʼm here to tell you that it is very real for all of us. When my mom died at the end of my junior year in college, I was devastated. When school ended for summer break, I hiked deep into the Yosemite backcountry and prayed, meditated, and talked to God in a small, remote cave, 8 to 10 hours a day for three weeks straight. I had never done anything like that before. No one had ever taught me how to meditate or hear Godʼs voice, but my misery and pain was so great that I felt compelled to do it. I would sit for hours feeling my union and oneness with God, the trees, the stream flowing nearby, and everything around me. Over the course of those three weeks, I went deeper and deeper into myself and into God until I felt at one with Him, one with my mother, and one with all that is.

    I came down the mountain three weeks later a different man, a healed man. Every ounce of grief and sadness for my motherʼs death was gone and I only felt joy and connection with her, knowing she was in a better place and feeling no pain herself. I never heard God speak to me as an audible voice, or even a still small voice within me, but I can tell you that I changed more in those three weeks than I ever had before. Simply joining with God and feeling my oneness with Him erased years of sorrow, grief, guilt, and confusion within me.

    When we join with God and experience our union with Him, in any way, we do hear Godʼs voice. We may not understand or recognize the form or expression that Godʼs love, wisdom, and truth take in that moment. We may not understand how God is giving us all that he has to give, but by the mere fact of our joining, we do receive it. We

    38© 2010 by DavidPaul Doyle. All Rights Reserved. Duplication and Sharing Prohibited.

    The Voice for Love. P.O. Box 3125, Ashland, OR 97520


  • receive Godʼs wisdom, Godʼs wholeness, and Godʼs love and truth. Whenever we join with God, all that God has to offer us is given. It doesnʼt matter whether it takes a form that we can recognize or identify visually, verbally, or perhaps physically. Our union with God goes beyond what our bodyʼs senses can recognize, and we receive Godʼs blessings and truth directly into our being.

    The truth is, you are always joined with God. You are part of God and God is part of you. The only thing we are really praying for and receiving is the awareness of it. All that God has to give us has already been given to us by the Holy Spirit. Our union with God has already been given. God is all that is and we are part of all that is. What we are each praying for and striving to experience is our awareness of that truth. That is indeed the purpose of the Holy Spirit, to restore our awareness of God. To restore our awareness of our union with God, our oneness with God and all of creation. When we experience our union with God, we immediately become aware of the joy, the peace, the wholeness, the wisdom, and the love that God is and we are.

    We are all worthy of experiencing our union with God, because in truth we already have it. All that is necessary for us to become aware of it is our sincere desire for it and our willingness to surrender that which keeps us from it.

    When you are sincere and wholehearted in your desire to experience your union with God, and youʼre willing to release the fearful and limiting thoughts within you that keep you from that awareness, you will receive the gift of the Holy Spiritʼs awareness of your oneness with God, your oneness with the Holy Spirit, and your oneness with Christ.

    By opening up to receiving God grace and union in his life, Joseph became a guiding light in the world. He was not a special man. He was not a devoted man. Nor was he a religious man. But in his moment of sincere prayer, willingness, and surrender, he opened the door to the awareness of his union with God and it changed his life forever.

    You are no different than Joe. It is through your sincere asking and willingness to receive that you will become aware of what God has already given you, your true and everlasting oneness with Him and all of creation.

    39© 2010 by DavidPaul Doyle. All Rights Reserved. Duplication and Sharing Prohibited.

    The Voice for Love. P.O. Box 3125, Ashland, OR 97520


  • Goose Bumps from Heaven

    Contributor: Terri Nelson" " Pages: 30-33Description: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Inner Struggle: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Miracle Mindedness: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Moment of Hearing: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Form of Hearing: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Result/Benefit: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    40© 2010 by DavidPaul Doyle. All Rights Reserved. Duplication and Sharing Prohibited.

    The Voice for Love. P.O. Box 3125, Ashland, OR 97520


  • Message/Lesson: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Personal Experience: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Notes: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  • Commentary

    Description: Attending the funeral of her beloved sister, Terri prayed to Jesus to help her get through delivering the eulogy. When she opened her mouth, the words were not her own.

    Inner Struggle: Sad, confused, exhausted, loss of her sister, fear, willingness. She prayed silently, “Please help me get through this crisis. I need You, oh Lord, so much!”

    Miracle Mindedness: Willingness, prayer, faith, courage, integrity, staying true to oneʼs heart, intentions of doing what is in the highest good

    Moment of Hearing: Moments after confirming her willingness at the podium, “No, I will try to do this.”

    Form of Hearing: A warm sensation spread over her. She felt a presence holding her left hand. A bright light beamed upon her from the window as she spoke God's words to the congregation. Speak Godʼs words.

    Result/Benefit: Felt at total peace with an inner calmness she could not explain. Her weakness was replaced with the strength of security. All her fears and emptiness were erased. She felt like she could go on forever in joy and bliss. Very inspirational to herself and to those in the church. Comforted Terri and her family. Reassured her that her sister would live a happy life eternally with God, and gave Terry hope to continue her journey without her sister, knowing that Jesus and God were always with her.


    • We can all be messengers for God. All it requires is our desire and willingness to open our mouths and allow God's love to come forth. God is always with us.

    • We can receive God's messages to us through others as well.

    Notes: Step four: expressing God's voice, opening our mouths in trust and faith. Intention. Surrender, willingness, not knowing. Practice makes perfect. Can practice on your own.

    Commentary: Goose Bumps from Heaven by Terri Nelson

    Terri is a devout follower of Christ who experiences the heartbreaking loss of her beloved sister. At the fu
