SV Bulletin Dec 2011


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8/3/2019 SV Bulletin Dec 2011 1/2




President’s Message 

W W i i sshhi i nngg aal l l l SSeennt t oossaa V V i i l l l l aass RReessi i d d eennt t ’ ’ ss aa f  f aannt t aasst t i i c c 220 0 1122 N N eew w Y Y eeaar r aannd d MMeer r r r y y C C hhr r i i sst t mmaass

t t oo aal l l l C C hhr r i i sst t i i aann nneei i gghhbboouur r ss 

Dear Neighbours

Merry Christmas to all whom celebrating! 

The month of November was a dark month for us at Sentosa Villa. No, nothing bad really happened to our beloved Taman, thank

goodness but it was the bungling MPKJ and TNB that kept us in the dark at night. Apparently TNB people came in to plug off the street

light main fuses when MPKJ failed to pay for the bill. MPKJ on the other hand blamed the developer Metro Kajang for the error. Why 

we were caught in the middle was the question everybody asked ; the SVRA and the committee members had lodged at least 20

different complaints to TNB, MPKJ and Metro. At last the problem was rectified a few days ago. But the question that kept hanging

above our heads why were we penalized in this issue is still hanging there unanswered.

Change of Security Company 

We changed security guards services beginning 1st November. This new company promises better surveillance and security but cost abit more. However, many complaints were received about the initial chaotic conditions once they took over and we have notified the

company about them and expect that the service responsibilities are rectified quickly. Hopefully it is just the normal teething problem

and SVRA is working closely with them in term of our expectations

The badminton court firework mess has been cleaned (Thank you very much) a few weeks ago. We appreciate the cooperation of our 

concerned residents concerning cleanliness in the Taman.

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Security Plaques for paying members

We have ordered security plastic plaques that will be given to all security fund paying members to stick on to their gates. This is to

help the guards know which house should be provided security. We hope that you have ensured that your monthly dues are up to

date. To help you make sure, we will put up the payment tracker for all residents at the notice board at the guard house by this

weekend. The plaques will be handed out at the upcoming payment this 8th

and 9th

December, as usual from 8.30 pm to 9.30 pm. We

will also be ordering new car stickers of the same format to replace the car sticker provided by Metro Kajang earlier. This is for the

guards to know which car belongs to the paying members and which outsiders to our Taman.

 Automatic Boom Gate

Discussion on implementing the automatic boom gate at the main entrance are still on going and we will 

 present to you the various quotation before calling for an EGM to approve it. This will make it easier for residents to go through and 

the guards can properly screen outsiders from the residents 

YDP Meeting

The meeting with the YDP has been postponed by MPKJ again and is still pending. We are still pushing for a meeting ASAP to explain

to the YDP why we need to close up all the gates for the sake of security in our Taman. Some residents are asking us to go to the

media to highlight out problem. Should we? You decide as we have put up a poll to see your support on our Facebook page. Please

vote and let us know what you think.

School Holiday and Festive season

School holidays mean family holidays too. For those planning your cuti-cuti vacation, please let your neighbours and the guards know

your plans so that they can watch over your house as well. We hope you have a good time and to stay safe.

 Join us at Facebook and show your support !  Thank you for those joined our Facebook community and actively contributing your comments and votes. To the rest, please join us

by searching “   Sentosa Villas Resident's Association  “ in Facebook’s search window. Your view ’ s are important to us ! 

Sentosa Villas Residents ’   Association