Takaw Tawa



"Voracious Laughter." A short screenplay adaptation of the Carlos Bulosan short story, "My Father Goes to Court" (1944). Genre: Slice of Life, Comedy.In Filipino/Tagalog Dialogue.

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Adapted from the short story

"My Father Goes to Court"


Carlos Bulosan, 1944

Screenplay by DENIS 'DIEM' JUDILLA diemjudilla@gmail.com 0932.456.6038 Cebu City, Philippines


In its cinematic adaptation of Carlos Bulosan’s

"My Father Goes to Court", the "Takaw Tawa" screenplay

aims to adopt the visual style of 1920s Hollywood silent

films. If we assume the short story takes place during the

Narrator’s youth or childhood, and further assume that the

Narrator is an aspect of the Author, then the story takes

place sometime in the 1920s (Carlos Bulosan was born in


The 1920s saw the development and prominence of the silent

cinema form, which composed of the use of larger-than-life

visual performances as well as stylized title cards. The

silent cinema form can be considered appropriate for

adaptation from literary sources; silent cinema with its

dynamic facial and physical movements, music to mimic human

sounds, visuals and title cards is a literary cinema

because the audience ‘reads’ the motion picture. This

‘silent’ short film doesn’t have to be a black-and-white

motion picture.

It should be shot in color however muted of tone or less

saturated to evoke a nostalgic look.


FADE IN: EXT. A MUNICIPALITY - MORNING A beautiful province: green rice fields, tall coconut trees over pristine beaches, and A SMALL BUT PROSPEROUS TOWN that’s a well-known tourist spot and an agricultural center. A LOADED JEEPNEY wheels down the highway through this pretty part of the province then makes a turn into A DIRT ROAD, kicks up a cloud of dust. INT. THE JEEPNEY - MORNING Inside the jeepney rides THE FAMILY: TATAY (mid-30s), THE DRIVER, handsome in a down-to-earth way. Soft in the eyes, strong in features. NANAY (mid-30s), beautiful like Mother Nature. She sits in the back as she holds and watches the family’s precious cargo which are not their luggage. THE CHILDREN, some asleep, numbers six to eight with THE ELDEST SON in his mid-teens but already a double of his Father and the YOUNGEST DAUGHTER still A BABE in the Mother’s arms. TWO OR THREE of the Children, ages 6 to 12 sit in front with the Father for company. TATAY wipes his face clear with A KERCHIEF peers forward through the windshield then turns to everyone and smiles. INSERT TITLE CARD:

TATAY Malapit na tayo! Tingnan niyo!

The family do as instructed. Each peer forward or lean their faces out the side windows of the jeepney. EXT. TALL MANSION - DAY Before the family’s eyes, A TALL THREE-STOREY TOWN HOUSE, rise out a white tower, a monument of modern living.


INT. THE JEEPNEY - DAY Nanay and the Children’s mouths drop open in surprise. Tatay smiles, the beginnings of a laugh form at the corners as he turns the wheel. EXT. TALL MANSION - DAY The Jeepney turns away from the road that leads into the driveway of the mansion to the neighboring lot beside the mansion’s sprawling grounds where a MODEST RANCH BUNGALOW OR WIDE BAMBOO-NIPA HUT squats. There, the Jeepney brakes to a stop. The family exit the vehicle. EXT. THE NIPA HOME - DAY The Children jump out and look at the Nipa Hut then at the Tall Mansion. Nanay and Tatay join them, THE FAMILY LAUGHS – the warm music of a well-loved guitar (O.S) - The Children run about to inspect their roomy new yet modest home. Tatay and Nanay stand close together, arms wrapped around each other as they look over with pleasure their surroundings. Tatay looks up. EXT. TALL MANSION - DAY ON THE HIGH-RISE VERANDA, THE RICH MAN (mid-30s) stands still as a statue, well-dressed in designer clothes. His WIFE and their TWO CHILDREN; a boy and a girl, stand with him, poised perfect like a magazine cover. EXT. THE NIPA HOME - DAY Tatay flashes out a smile, a dental treasure.



Mga anak, batiin natin ang ating mga bagong kapit-bahay.

The Children obey and gather themselves around their parents. Tatay waves out a greeting, the family follow, their hands and palms out in waves. INSERT TITLE CARD:

ANG PAMILYA Magandang umaga, kapitbahay!

EXT. TALL MANSION - DAY The Rich Man’s face is immobile but his head rises but with eyes cast down. Then he moves from the veranda to the door where he waits and allows his family to head in first. His chin and nose still raised, his eyes down at the Family of the Nipa Home then he also disappears inside his mansion. EXT. THE NIPA HOME – DAY Tatay and Nanay look at each other, and they exchange looks with their Children. Tatay does an exaggerated comic imitation of the Rich Man’s upraised chin and downcast gaze then shrug his shoulders repeatedly, that’s that. When the warm music of the children’s laughter breaks Then Tatay lifts up his arms to further raise morale. INSERT TITLE CARD:

TATAY Ibaba natin ang mga gamit sa ating bagong tahanan!

The Family scrample to the Jeepney and unpack their belongings and furniture, with Tatay take the lead.


INT. THE NIPA HOME – DAY Nanay and her girls sweep and wipe the rooms. Tatay and the boys bring in their luggage and furniture. They also bring in dust and dirt. Nanay and the girls sweep up the dust and dirt. Tatay and the boys come in with more furniture and bring in more dust and dirt. Nanay and the girls stop Tatay and the boys then give them the brooms and dustpans so that they clean up their own dust and dirt. The younger, smaller children also try to help bring in larger, heavier items until Nanay finds them and gives them lighter items to carry inside. The younger, smaller children soon get tired that they motion to their older, larger siblings to carry them, child and item, inside. Then the bare nipa home looks no longer empty, filled with a sala set, a round plastic dining set and other humble furnishings. The family settle themselves on the sala or den area, all bright smiles of satisfaction. Then everyone drops down in exhaustion and falls asleep in a siesta, an afternoon slumber. LATER... THROUGH THE OPEN WINDOW, DAYLIGHT SHIFTS INTO TWILIGHT (GOLDEN HOUR) and falls warm on Tatay’s face, asleep. INSERT

A GOLDEN POOL of fresh cooking oil. SOMETHING drops in, makes a small splash.


A large breaded chicken drumstick bubbles and froths. Then MORE DRUMSTICKS fall into the oil and fry.

TATAY, still asleep, but his nostrils go wide as he breathes deep. His sense of smell touched. INSERT

TONGS reach into the oil and raise each drumstick, with its crispy gold crust. These drumsticks are placed on paper towels, then lightly sprinkled with spices. Then the drumsticks get plated in a heap.

Eyes still closed in sleep, Tatay sits up. His tongue flicks out in anticipation and then he reaches out his hand... INSERT

A LARGE CHICKEN DRUMSTICK, fried crispy to perfection. Eyes closed, Tatay bites into something. He opens his eyes. He locks gaze with that of one of his youngest boys, who looks like he’s about to cry. Tatay turns and sees Nanay’s and the other children’s eyes full of questions. Quick, Tatay kisses his bite-mark on his son's arm and consoles the crying boy. INSERT

MORE DRUMSTICKS, roll down, their golden flakes like a bountiful shower.

Tatay, Nanay and the Children cannot help but turn their faces to the open window. Their eyes close and their nostrils grow open. Smiles form their mouths.


INT. THE TALL MANSION - EVENING THE COOK delivers THE PLATEFUL OF FRIED CHICKEN on the table before the Rich Man and his family who are busy eyes down focused on their VARIOUS MOBILE AND TABLET DEVICES and ignore the meal before them. INT. THE NIPA HOME - EVENING

Nanay and her daughters lay out SEVERAL BANANA LEAVES IN A LINE for a budol-budol of fresh hot rice, cooked sardines with tomatoes and red onions and lots of cut calamansi. The family gather then Tatay crosses himself bows his head in respectful prayer, the family follow his lead. After the giving of grace, the family dig in their hands into their dinner, the older help/serve the younger first before themselves. As they share their meals, they share smiles. INSERT

DRUMSTICKS pile in a heap that becomes a mountain. INT. THE TALL MANSION - EVENING THE COOK returns to the dining table to collect the plates, only to find the mountain of fried chicken still intact. On the plates are just small drumsticks, barely touched with small bites and slices. Each family member smile, their mouths full of rice. The Cook peers in the vast dining room and find the Rich Man and his family each in their own separate space, occupied by their mobile devices. EXT. THE PROVINCE – DAY THE SUN rises, a new day.


EXT. THE NIPA HOME - DAY The Children exit and stretch and exercise and play in the sun as it warms. Then with buckets and pails they go to their water pump and make a game of filling their drums full of water. Then in batches, the children take turns in bathing outdoors. Their shouts and laughter are warm music. EXT. TALL MANSION - DAY Nothing seem to stir about the mansion. Windows closed, everything is quiet. INT. THE NIPA HOME - DAY Nanay calls the children inside. INSERT TITLE CARD

NANAY Magbihis na kayo, kay mag aamusal na tayo!

The children rush inside, still-half-wet-half-dry. The older children help the younger children towel themselves vigorously and dress quickly. Nanay spoons bowls of simple rice congee in ample amounts, each bowl has flakes of buwad (dried fish) and a slice of boiled egg. Tatay leads the family to grace and then they spoon in their bowls that they have to share, as there are more mouths than bowls. A MORNING BREEZE, WARM WITH SCENTS, come through their open window. The breeze touches their hair, their nostrils flare and their mouths widen as they’re about to spoon more rice congee in.



A STREAM OF RICH COFFEE, steam rises. LONG, WIDE STRIPS OF BACON fry in their own golden fat. SUNNY-SIDE-UP EGGS, their whites and yolk fry in perfect circles. FRESH BREAD pushes out automatically from the oven, to be greeted by blocks of soft butter and open jars of sweet, colorful jams.

INT. TALL MANSION - DAY THE COOK prepares the table with this continental breakfast worthy of a five-star hotel. The Rich Man arrives, dressed for a full-day at the office and looks hurried, followed by his Wife and Children; each holding a smartphone or tablet. They take PICTURES of their breakfast. EXT. THE NIPA HOME - DAY The Children are now dressed for school. Tatay leads them out, Nanay follow him, gives him A SMALL KERCHIEF. The children share hugs and kisses with Nanay and their younger siblings who still have to stay home. Tatay leads everyone in one last group hug. They turn to see... FROM THE TALL MANSION, the gates open and THREE LARGE VEHICLES (SUVs: Fortuners, Estradas) drive out. THROUGH THE VEHICLE’S WINDOWS, the Rich man is driven in the first vehicle, his Wife in the second vehicle and their Children in their Third Vehicle. When these three vehicle reach the road, they go in different directions.


Tatay turns to his wristwatch, his face grows in alarm. INSERT TITLE CARD:

TATAY Hala! Mahuhuli tayo sa unang araw natin.

Another round of fast hugs and kisses. The school Children pile inside the jeepney. Tatay drives the jeepney to the road. Nanay and the other children watch and wave. INT. TALL MANSION - DAY The Cook and her staff return to clean the table of breakfast, to find the food barely touched. Only a few bites of the toast and just all the coffee gone. EXT. THE PROVINCE – DAY The sun rises to its noon peak. The green fields look greener, the coastline and its waters appear brighter. EXT. THE NIPA HOME - DAY Nanay cooks with A SMALL GRILL. Smoke rises. She swipes at the smoke with a nipa/abaniko fan. The younger children are at play a safe distance, away from the grill but still in Nanay’s sight. Tatay’s Jeepney drives up. The children run to greet it. When it stops, the older siblings jump out to receive the younger ones. Tatay gets out and joins in the hug/huddle. Then he goes to Nanay, still busy at the grill. Smoke reaches him. He sniffs.


INSERT A large steak of beef, grilled, thick and juicy. Tatay looks over Nanay’s shoulder to see... A LARGE FISH grilled by Nanay who smiles at him. Tatay smiles back then stares wistfully at the Tall Mansion, where surely the scent of steak comes from. Then his children grab him behind in play and they head inside for their lunch. INT. TALL MANSION - DAY The cook and staff set up plates of steamy fillet mignon. The cook looks eagerly at the clock. It’s nearly 12. LATER The clock reads a quarter to 2. The Rich man and his family hasn’t returned home. The cook and staff collect the plates, and the now stale steaks. EXT. TALL MANSION - DAY ON THE VERANDA The Rich Man stands, sips just orange juice as he reads his news on his tablet. Something causes him to look down and over from his veranda to the yard of his neighbor... He sees Tatay at play with the Children. They tumble down together in laughter. EXT. THE NIPA HOME - DAY AT THE YARD, Tatay breathless with laughter looks up and sees the Rich Man.


He gives out a friendly wave of his hand, an action mirrored by his children. The Rich Man doesn’t appear to register or return the greeting, instead he moves away from the veranda, disappears from sight. Tatay shrugs, his children follow his shrugs and soon return to their games. EXT. NIPA HOME - EVENING The children now lean out their large window, eyes and noses directed to the Tall Mansion. They close their eyes and raise their noses, breathe in deep. INSERT BAKED GOODIES like cakes, cookies and flans.

STEWS, rich and thick filled to the brim with big chunks of savory meats. MEATS AND VEGGIES stir-fry, they jump colorful and hot from the wok.

TATAY appears by the window, above the heads of his day-dreaming children and sniffs the air appreciatively. Then he touches them gently rouses them. INSERT TITLE CARD:

TATAY Halika mga anak. Kumain na tayo.

He leads the children from the Window to their dining table where the simple fare of tinolang gulay na may malunggay (moringay and vegetable soup) wait for them, hot like tea. They say their grace with thankful faces and sip their soups. They smile at one another.


INT. THE RICH MAN’S VEHICLE - DAY The Rich Man turns from his mobile device and looks out the window as he passes by the Nipa Home. He sees the Children at play: stout, with sun-blessed skin, healthy and full of energy. His vehicle drives up the driveway. INT. TALL MANSION - DAY The Rich Man look down at his own TWO CHILDREN as they lay in rest, quiet and still, weak-looking but still able to browse their mobile devices in amusement. EXT. TALL MANSION – DAY. FROM HIS VERANDA, the Rich Man watches his neighbor’s children run, play and laugh as healthy and blessed children do. His lips purse and his brow frown, thoughtful as envious men do. The Cook brings him out a snack, inside in a cover dish. When uncovered, it reveals a thick pulled pork sandwich, its juices seep out on the thick sliced bread. The Rich Man looks at it briefly with disinterest, he takes the drink that accompanied the sandwich instead then looks back the children below... They’re no longer play but sit or lie down, their noses raised up to the air and sniff the air with deep breaths. Then they smack their lips, and roll out their tongues and laugh warm music out as if tickled. The Rich Man then looks back at his sandwich, it still looks substantial but somehow it looks less colorful, less appetizing than before. He pulls in the Cook, who carry the meal, inside the house. Closes the veranda doors.


Then all the windows of the mansion gets closed. EXT. THE NIPA HOME – DAY Tatay and Nanay have a simple picnic on their yard of fresh fruits like bananas, manga and rambutan to share with their children who laugh and play. NEIGHBORS come by, watch the children play their games and laugh out when the children laugh out. Tatay and Nanay invite these passers-by to share their fruit. Most never decline. A COUPLE OF POLICEMEN arrive, in a casual manner, as if on patrol and watch the children. ONE POLICEMAN (late 30’s) approach Tatay slowly. Wiping his face with a kercheif, Tatay rises up and greet the Policeman, offers him and his companion some fruit. Grateful, the policemen accept the offer. They both cheer the children as they watch them play their game. Then as the game ends and the children all fall in a huddle of laughter, the policemen join in the merriment by laughing with them. Then with reluctance the older policemen hands Tatay covertly a sealed envelope. INSERT TITLE CARD

POLICEMAN Ginoo, pinatatawag kayo sa korte. Meron nag pataas ng kaso laban sa inyo.

Tatay looks surprised, then surprise turns to shock when he holds the envelope. INSERT TITLE CARD

TATAY Kaso, laban sa akin? Bakit? Sino? Anong ginawa ko?


The older policeman looks sad and touches Tatay’s shoulder in apology. INSERT TITLE CARD

POLICEMAN Nasa sobre ang lahat na detalye. Pero nagsulat iyan kay abogado baka di mo maintindihan. Pumunta kayo sa korte, ang klerk po ang magpapaliwanag.

The policeman offers a quiet smile. INSERT TITLE CARD

POLICEMAN Pasensya na po sa abala. Sigurado ako isang di pag kauunawaan itong lahat.

The policemen take their leave, the older casts one glance at the children. INSERT TITLE CARD

POLICEMAN Masasaya at masisigla na mga bata... totoong yaman ng pamilya.

The older policeman then cast a long glance at the Tall Mansion, then shakes his head. Tatay sees the policeman’s action and then also looks at the tall mansion. EXT. TALL MANSION - DAY The tall mansion stands still like a statue, asleep, its windows and doors closed and barred. EXT. MUNICIPAL HALL – DAY The Jeepney parks at the Municipal Hall.


Nanay leads the younger children to play at the near-by plaza/park grounds. Tatay, accompanied by his eldest sons and daughters, approach the steps and go inside the municipal hall. INT. OFFICE OF COURT CLERK - DAY The older policeman from earlier receives Tatay with a handshake. Then he motions Tatay over to a desk where THE LADY CLERK (50s) takes the now-open envelope and reads the forms through her thick spectacles. INSERT TITLE CARD

LADY CLERK Dapat pumunta ka sa korte bukas para sumagot sa paratang na ninanakawan mo ang espiritu at yaman sustensya ng mga pagkain ng iyong kapit-bahay.

Tatay’s eyes grow wide and his jaw drops. Also his older children. The policeman shakes his head and shrugs. Tatay and his children look at each other. They laugh out loud. Then the laughter instantly stops when Tatay turns serious back to the Lady Clerk. INSERT TITLE CARD

TATAY Seryoso?!

The dry stern face of the Lady Clerk, who does not laugh or smile, says it all. INT. THE COURT ROOM - DAY THE FAMILY are the first to arrive in the empty courtroom.


Tatay takes the seat on the table on the right side while Nanay and the children sit directly behind Tatay, take up a whole long bench. Silent, Tatay leaves his chair and paces to the floor before the Judge’s bench and stabs the air with his open hand and outstretched arm, as if to rehearse his defense before the judge who will serve as jury. He acts out several dramatic actions of appeal, from serious to downright pleas. His performance turns out to be comic that the younger children couldn’t help but laugh. Even Nanay has to smile. But the merriment stops when the Rich Man arrive. He now moves feeble; his face full of deep, dark lines of anxiety or insomnia. His neck is wrapped with A NECK-BRACE. With him, HIS YOUNG LAWYER (30s, geeky) aids him at every step. They take the table on the left. Tatay and Family look at the Rich Man. When he turns to their direction, they look away as if nothing. When he turns away, they steal a glance at him again. When he turns back to them, they turn away as if nothing. Soon the courtroom gets filled with SPECTATORS; the two policemen, the lady clerk, the neighbors from earlier, and the Rich Man’s Cook and kitchen staff. THE JUDGE(50s, thin as a rail) enters the room and sits on his bench and raps his gavel once for everyone’s attention and to order. Everyone stand in a hurry and then sit down. The Judge scans the courtroom and finally settles his gaze on Tatay for a long beat. INSERT TITLE CARD

THE JUDGE Wala ka bang abogado?


Tatay rises and respectfully bows then raises his face along with his answer. INSERT TITLE CARD

TATAY Kagagalang na hukom, ako ang magdedepensa para sa akin po.

The Judge nods, then waves his hand for the court to proceed. THE RICH MAN’S LAWYER jumps out from their table. Then stabs a finger to Tatay’s direction. Tatay and his family lean back as if pierced. INSERT TITLE CARD

RICH MAN’S LAWYER Tinatanggi mo ba na ninanakawan mo ang espiritu at yaman masustensya mula sa pagkain ng aking kliyente?

Tatay stabs a finger back, just as forceful that the Rich Man’s Lawyer flinches. INSERT TITLE CARD

TATAY Oo, tinatanggi ko. Walang basehan ang inyong akusasyon!

The Lawyer doesn’t relent. He changes tactic and heads out to the floor before the judge’s bench. Tatay is quick to follow or mirror his action. INSERT TITLE CARD

LAWYER Tinatanggi mo ba na habang nagluluto ang mga kusinero ng aking kliyente ng piniritong manok o adobong baboy, ikaw at iyong pamilya ay nasa labas sumisinghot sa espiritu ng pagkain?


Tatay looks conflicted. He looks back to his family. Nanay only nods serenely. Tatay looks back at the lawyer, with resolution. INSERT TITLE CARD

TATAY Hindi ko tinatanggi. Totoo ang sinasabi mo.

The court’s spectators become animated with Tatay’s declaration. They whisper and stir in their seats. The Judge raps his gavel, calls for order. The courtroom settles down. The Rich Man manages to smirk, despite his high neck brace holding his chin frozen in place. The Lawyer looks pleased at this development. More confident, he moves close to Father. INSERT TITLE CARD

LAWYER Tinatanggi mo ba na habang ang kliyente ko at ang kanyang pamilya ay naging mahina at masakitin, ikaw at iyong pamilya ay naging malusog sa katawan at kaakit-akit sa pananaw?

Tatay responds as if he’s being overly praised and complimented. He waves off the Lawyer’s words then looks at his family. True, Nanay looks younger and more beautiful. The Children turn in their seats and look shy as the spectators rise in their seats to look over the family and nod appreciatively for their natural, healthy-handsome appearances. Tatay shrugs.



Di ko tinatanggi iyon. Paano ko matatanggi iyon?

He motions to his family, look at them! The Lawyer himself could only nod in agreement. Then he shakes himself, remembers his place. Turns to his client. Then turns back to Tatay. INSERT TITLE CARD

LAWYER Kung ganoon nga di mo tinatanggi. Paano mo mapaliwanag sa korte, sa ating kagalang-galang na hukom itong pangyayari?

Tatay scratches his head in confusion. He taps his fingers on his lips in thought. He turns to Nanay and the Children for answers or hints. They all simultaneously shrug their shoulders, Tatay-style. Tatay then turns to look at the Rich Man, who ignores him. Struggles to turn away in spite of the neck brace. Then Tatay looks at the Judge, who looks back at him. INSERT TITLE CARD

TATAY Kung marapatin niyo, kagalang-galang na hukom, nais ko po makita ang asawa at anak ng Reklamador.

The Lawyer turns to his client, the Rich Man who doesn’t seem bothered by the request. He tries to nod in spite of his neck brace but couldn’t so he waves his hand, yes. The Lawyer addresses the court.



Walang problema sa amin. Sumasang ayon kami.

The Judge raises his gaze to the Two Policemen, his bailies. INSERT TITLE CARD

JUDGE Papasokin niyo ang pamilya ng Reklamador.

The policemen make their exit and make their return quick. The spectators in the court, the judge, and Tatay turn and their jaws drop wide open simultaneously. The Rich Man’s Wife enters accompanied by nurses, her children follow sitting in wheelchairs, ignoring the stares by looking down in their smartphones. The entire family wear matching neck braces. The Rich man’s children look frail and pale, and fussed by their nurses. The Rich Man’s family gets wheeled to the table where the Rich Man and his Lawyer sit. Frozen in surprise, Tatay has his mouth open while he moves closer to the Judge who also has his mouth open in shock. Tatay finally closes his mouth. INSERT TITLE CARD

TATAY Gusto ko po tanungin po ang Reklamador. Pwede po ba?

The judge closes his mouth and motions with his hand, proceed. Tatay approaches the table of the Rich Man. The Lawyer leans forward as if for defense.


Tatay looks serious. The Rich Man ignores him, with difficulty. INSERT TITLE CARD

TATAY Ipinipahayag mo sa kagalang-galang na korte na ninanakawan ng aking pamiya ang espiritu ng sustansya ng iyong kinakain kaya kami’y malusog at masaya habang kayo naman ay naging masakitin at mahina?

The Rich Man leans to whisper something to his Lawyer. His Lawyer whispers something back in counsel. The Lawyer leans forward to answer. INSERT TITLE CARD

LAWYER Sabi ng aking kliyente ay oo.

Tatay purses his lips, then shrugs as if resigned. INSERT TITLE CARD

TATAY Okey sige. Pagbabayaran namin. Ngayon din. Ora mismo.

The spectactors in the court turn to each other surprised at this declaration. The Judge raps his gavel for order. The Rich Man looks surprised. The Lawyer looks smug. Tatay picks out his pocket for HIS KERCHIEF which he unfolds on the table, reveal it to be a large piece of cloth. Then he pulls out all the money he has in his wallet and his pockets which turns out several bills and plenty of coins.


He bags all these inside his kerchief and takes it to his side of the court where his family is. He whispers close to Nanay, who listens, then a smile glows in her face then she nods. She opens her bag and pours out a purseful of coins. The Children follow their parents and hand all the money they have in their pockets. Then more hands bring over coins into the pile in the kercheif, surprising Tatay and his family. Spectators; neighbors, the police men hand over more coins and motion to their rear... Behind them, hidden are the Cook and Staff who raise their hands discreetly in support. Tatay and his family smile in gratitude. Tatay’s kerchief becomes a heavy bag of coins. He hefts it once, twice. He looks at the Judge. INSERT TITLE CARD

TATAY Kagalang-galang na hukom, humi- hingi ako ng permiso tumayo po sa pinalikuran ng silid na ito.

The Lawyer stands up, both puzzled and irritated. INSERT TITLE CARD

LAWYER Meron ba ito patutunguhan?

The Judge looks thoughtful. Then waves his hand, ignores the lawyer’s objection and motions Tatay to proceed. Tatay nods his thanks and moves to the back of the courtroom where he heads to the wall, almost unseen, hidden by the crowd of spectators.


The Rich Man tries to follow him by sight but struggles against his neck-brace. Even Nanay stands up on, the Children stand on the bench to find Tatay among the sea of heads and faces. Finally, Tatay’s arms spring out of the crowd, in his hands he holds the kerchief bag full of coins. Then he starts to shake the bag. Many times. The loud, sweet tinkle of the coins carry beautifully in the courtroom. The spectators turn their faces toward the sound and the strange sight of the bag of money with wonder. Tatay returns to the front and stands before the Rich Man’s table. He leans close to the Rich Man. INSERT TITLE CARD

TATAY Narinig mo ba?

The Rich Man gives Tatay a side-way glance. A beat. INSERT TITLE CARD

RICH MAN Narinig ang alin?

Tatay hefts up the heavy bag of money. It tinkles again. INSERT TITLE CARD

TATAY Narinig mo ba ang tunog, ang espiritu, ng kwarta nang kinalog ko ang supot na ito?

The Rich Man stares at Tatay, he frowns confused. Then he slowly nods. INSERT TITLE CARD

RICH MAN Oo, narinig ko.


Tatay’s mouth stretches into a smile. He then nods. INSERT TITLE CARD

TATAY Kung ganoon binayaran ka na para sa espiritu ng yaman sustensya ng iyong pagkain gamit sa espiritu ng tunog ng kwarta ito.

The Rich Man opens his mouth to speak then his jaw just drops open and he becomes frozen. Tatay’s youngest child, the baby carried by the oldest daughter, coos and giggles. Followed by the older siblings, then the eldest children. Nanay tries to settle them but laughs herself. Their laughter is music, and it is catchy. The whole courtroom laughs. Even the Cook and the Kitchen staff(!) The Judge pounds his gavel hard for order. Everyone becomes quiet, and embarrassed. The Judge looks sternly at everyone then at Tatay, then finally at the Rich Man and his Lawyer. INSERT TITLE CARD

JUDGE Ang desisyon ng korte ito ay... ipapawalang bisa itong kaso!

The Judge breaks into a smile, then laughs. The court breaks out in more laughter. Tatay goes over to Nanay, the entire family embraces. The Rich Man looks sullen. Then he turns to the sight and sound of HIS OWN FAMILY laughing at him!


He looks surprised, he could not believe his eyes. He shakes and then starts laughing himself. Tatay points it out to everyone. Everyone continues laughing. The Rich Man laughs so long and hard, that he suddenly stops to let out a LOUD BELCH! (BURPS!). He looks surprised!


