Tally ERP 9 for Builders


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  • 7/24/2019 Tally ERP 9 for Builders


    Tally.ERP 9 for builders and property developers



    1.1. Tally.ERP 9 For Builders and Property Developers Sale and Post-Sale

    Module Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved

    2.2.Agenda Builders and Property Developers Business An Overview

    Structure of Builders Operations Tally.ERP 9 for Builders Business

    Process Flow Primary Requirement Tally.ERP 9 Fitment Tally

    Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved 2

    3.3.Structure of Builders Operations Enquiry MIS Management Builders

    Reports Solution Property Accounts Configuration Management Booking,

    Sales, Allocation Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved 3

    4.4.Builders Business An Overview Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    Reserved 4

    5.5.Builders Business Enquiry Management Enquiry MIS Management

    Builders Reports Solution Property Accounts Configuration Management

    Booking, Sales, Allocation Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved 5

    6.6.Process Flow Enquiry Management Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. AllRights Reserved 6

    7.7.Primary Requirement Enquiry Management Category / Module Major

    Requirement Explanation Enquiry Management Customer database

    Customer name, contact details, projects interested in, management

    recording communication history is important for tracking the enquiry

  • 7/24/2019 Tally ERP 9 for Builders


    status. Lead source management Leads by brokers need to be recorded to

    manage broker commissions. Tracking the lead progress Customer

    handling becomes a challenging task when several customer enquiries

    arise for different projects. Tracking these enquiries will help the sales

    department to sell effectively. Tracking site visits Site visits by customers

    needs to be tracked as this involves additional costs. Sales department can

    effectively handle these customers if additional reports are available.

    Measure the performance of Measuring the performance of executives

    based on lead sales executives conversions prospective customer is

    important to understand effectiveness of sales force. Also, useful for

    providing the performance based incentives. Enquiry and conversion

    Reports showing the enquiries during a specific month, with reports how

    many enquiries were handled and what percentage was covered are usefulfor management. This can also help them position, advertise the property

    better. Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved 7

    8.8.Tally.ERP 9 Fitment Enquiry Management SL No. Requirement

    Available in Customization/ Tally.ERP9 ? Integration needed? 1 Source of

    lead Yes 2 Lead details, prospect details Yes 3 Follow-up details Yes 4

    Follow-up reminders Yes 5 Sales executive-wise lead generation summary

    Yes 6 Lead progress report Yes 7 Site visits of the day Yes 8 Enquiry

    conversion report Yes 9 Project-wise report Yes 10 NRI customer databaseYes 11 Prospect database Yes 12 Excel sheet import of leads into

    database Yes Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved Contd.. 8

    9.9.Tally.ERP 9 Fitment Enquiry Management SL No. Requirement

    Available in Customization/ Tally.ERP9 ? Integration needed? 13 Broker

    commissions Yes 14 Website enquiries own and 3rd party Yes 15 Sales

    executive commissions Yes 16 Ad media expenses Yes 17 Advertisement

    master Yes 18 Appointment booking Yes 19 Lead status : hot, cold, warm

    Yes 20 Conversion reports Yes 21 Automated reminders to customerthrough SMS Yes 22 Customer interaction history Yes 23 e - Mail

    enquiries, SMS enquiries Yes Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    Reserved 9

    10. 10.Builders Business Property Configuration Enquiry MIS

    Management Builders Reports Solution Property Accounts Configuration

  • 7/24/2019 Tally ERP 9 for Builders


    Management Booking, Sales, Allocation Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All

    Rights Reserved 10

    11. 11.Property Configuration Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    Reserved 11

    12. 12.Primary Requirement Property Configuration Category /

    Module Major Requirement Explanation Property Location based

    configuration Builders with projects in different countries, states, cities and

    Configuration locations need to individually configure and group the

    projects for understanding the projects profitability and expenses. Project

    based configuration Builders with multiple projects need to configure rates,

    dimensions specific to the project. Multiple units Plot dimensions like

    square meters, square feet, total area etc. needs to be configured for each

    property. Flat dimensions like carpet area, wall area, construction area,built-up area, private pool, garden area etc. needs to be updated to record

    complete details of the property. Amenities configuration Based on

    projects, project manager has to add new amenities like swimming pool,

    parking lots, garden, club house, children play area etc. to individual

    project. Authorizations Project manager, regional manager needs to have

    authorization for receipts, price changes, so that manual errors in

    contracts, communications are avoided. Mass update option Board,

    Management needs to have the option of rising the property price as permarket trends. These mass configurations reduce the effort involved when

    several units needs update. Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved


    13. 13.Tally.ERP 9 Fitment Property Configuration SL No.

    Requirement Available in Customization/ Tally.ERP9 ? Integration needed?

    1 Project location : Country, State, location Yes 2 Project stages definition

    Yes 3 Multiple projects Yes 4 Plot dimension update on projects Yes 5

    Project costing configuration Yes 6 Amenities configuration Yes 7 Parkinglot configuration Yes 8 Price configuration, Sq. feet Yes 9

    Increasing/decreasing price across projects Yes 10 Price change

    authorizations Yes 11 Multiple units for property dimensions (Sq. Mts, Sq.

    Ft) Yes 12 Auto calculation of dimensions for multiple units Yes Tally

    Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved Contd.. 13

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    14. 14.Tally.ERP 9 Fitment Property Configuration SL No.

    Requirement Available in Customization/ Tally.ERP9 ? Integration needed?

    13 Common amenities, private amenities distinction Yes 14 Assign sales

    executives to project Yes 15 Assign sales executives to multiple projects

    Yes 16 Cost center setup for projects Yes 17 Management mass update on

    projects Yes 18 Authentication setup for voucher approval Yes 19 Invoice

    component setup specific to project Yes 20 Classification of property as

    plot, villa, flat Yes 21 Unique property code for identification Yes 22 Project

    stage definition (eg. stage 1 is approval, stage 2 Yes is roads development

    etc.) 23 Government approval details in project creation Yes 24 Project

    completion stages configuration Yes Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    Reserved 14

    15. 15.Builders Business Booking, Sales, Post sales, AllocationEnquiry MIS Management Builders Reports Solution Property Accounts

    Configuration Management Booking, Sales, Allocation Tally Solutions

    Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved 15

    16. 16.Process Flow Booking, Sales, Post sales, Allocation Tally

    Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved 16

    17. 17.Primary Requirement Booking, Sales, Post sales, Allocation

    Category / Module Major Requirement Explanation Booking, Sales, Post

    Booking management Accepting different booking amounts for differentproperties sales, Allocation (partially/fully completed) through different

    modes of payment, tracking them is an important task. Property sale, sale

    Property can be sold as sq.ft sale, fixed amount. The sale agreement and

    sale agreement and conditions are to be kept as reference while conditions

    recording the customer details and payment scheduling. Payment

    management Installments and tracking the payments as per payment

    schedule, tracking multiple payments, payment modes, payment history,

    sending reminders to customers as automated SMS become challengingtasks for commercial department. Monthly invoice generation Generating

    the monthly invoice as payment against installment and commercial receipt

    issue due is important to track the debts/receivables. Sales executive

    incentives It is key to incentivize the sales process through performance

    based on sale figures measurements of executives, this can be across

  • 7/24/2019 Tally ERP 9 for Builders


    projects. Discounts management Tracking of discounts given to different

    clients, like management discounts, based on the project is important. Post

    dated, due date cheque Tracking of checks which are post-dated, due-

    dates is management necessary to avoid additional effort needed for

    payment collection. Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved 17

    18. 18.Tally.ERP 9 Fitment Booking, Sales, Post sales, Allocation SL

    No. Requirement Available in Customization/ Tally.ERP9 ? Integration

    needed? 1 Booking amount collection Yes 2 Blocking a property based on

    booking amount Yes 3 Multiple property booking Yes 4 Different booking

    amounts for property dimensions Yes 5 Property availability list Yes 6

    Booked property list Yes 7 Property unblocking and adding to available list

    Yes 8 Management Freezing of flats Yes 9 Frozen flat report Yes 10 Un

    freezing of property for sale Yes 11 Sale agreement drafting Yes 12 Saleagreement conditions Yes Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved

    Contd.. 18

    19. 19.Tally.ERP 9 Fitment Booking, Sales, Post sales, Allocation SL

    No. Requirement Available in Customization/ Tally.ERP9 ? Integration

    needed? 13 Sale discounts Yes 14 Management discounts, bulk discounts

    Yes 15 Invoice generation for installment pay Yes 16 Tracking payables for

    installments Yes 17 Property booking with different completion status Yes

    18 Post dated cheques report Yes 19 Post dated cheques on start-up Yes20 Project-wise PDC Yes 21 Client-wise PDC Yes 22 Staled cheque

    reports Yes 23 Sale contract reminders Yes 24 Executive wise sale reports

    Yes Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved Contd.. 19

    20. 20.Tally.ERP 9 Fitment Booking, Sales, Post sales, Allocation SL

    No. Requirement Available in Customization/ Tally.ERP9 ? Integration

    needed? 25 Multiple loan details Yes 26 Multiple payment options Yes 27

    Payment schedule Yes 28 Property ownership and possession transfer Yes

    29 Installment payment defaults receivable reports Yes 30 Project-wisepending installments Yes 31 Swapping of property Yes 32 Square feet

    sale, Fixed amount sale Yes 33 Property registration details Yes 34

    Commercial receipt report Yes 35 Commercial land, residential land

    distinction Yes 36 SMS reminders Yes Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights

    Reserved 20

  • 7/24/2019 Tally ERP 9 for Builders


    21. 21.Builders Business Accounts Management Enquiry MIS

    Management Builders Reports Solution Property Accounts Configuration

    Management Booking, Sales, Allocation Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All

    Rights Reserved 21

    22. 22.Primary Requirement Accounts Management Category /

    Module Major Requirement Explanation Accounts Management Statement

    of accounts Balance sheet, profit and loss statements in schedule VI

    format, trial balance are needed for the management to track the

    profitability and expenses. Statutory compliance (VAT, Land tax, VAT, sales

    tax need to be tracked for compliance of CST) statutory rules. Summary

    report is important to see monthly and annual status of tax related

    expenses across projects. Branch-wise, Project-wise In multi-location

    projects the reports desired by each project account managementmanager are different. The reports should consider the cost incurred by the

    location and actual profit from the project. Payroll management Employee

    database tracking, different levels, pay head configuration, attendance

    tracking are important for salary and compensation. Auditing direct and

    remote Annual auditing is an important factor for every business. Builders

    need to get the declared assets, expenses, earnings audited by CA. Group

    companies When more than one companies join to form a parent company,

    it is important to track them individually and also as one. Remote accessand SMS All the company details could be accessed from anywhere,

    anytime, details should be retrievable from mobile phones. Tally Solutions

    Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved 22

    23. 23.Tally.ERP 9 Fitment Accounts Management SL No.

    Requirement Available in Customization/ Tally.ERP9 ? Integration needed?

    1 Balance sheet Schedule VI Yes 2 Profit and loss statement Schedule

    VI Yes 3 Daily receipts and payments Yes 4 Multiple payment mode

    handling Yes 5 Stock summery report Yes 6 Branch wise stock summaryYes 7 Branch transfer report Yes 8 Outstanding receivable and payable

    Yes 9 Trial balance Yes 10 Multiple cheque payment option Yes 11

    Reminder letter, e-mails Yes 12 Staff database handling Yes Tally

    Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved Contd.. 23

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    24. 24.Tally.ERP 9 Fitment Accounts Management SL No.

    Requirement Available in Customization/ Tally.ERP9 ? Integration needed?

    13 Employee payroll management Yes 14 TDS, PF, ESI, Bonus, for

    employee Yes 15 Employee attendance and leaves Yes 16 Employee cost

    tracking Yes 17 Employee income tax and e-Return Yes 18 Project/branch

    transfer management Yes 19 Project/branch synchronization Yes 20

    Project/branch sales and purchase management Yes 21 Project-wise cost

    tracking Yes 22 Executive-wise sales report Yes 23 Project-wise balance

    sheet and P&L Yes 24 Company grouping Yes Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All

    Rights Reserved Contd.. 24

    25. 25.Tally.ERP 9 Fitment Accounts Management SL No.

    Requirement Available in Customization/ Tally.ERP9 ? Integration needed?

    25 Cash flow, fund flow statements Yes 26 Ageing analysis of receivables,debtor wise Yes 27 Scenario management Yes 28 Ratio analysis Yes 29

    Statutory compliance VAT, CST Yes 30 Interest calculation Yes 31 Remote

    auditing Yes 32 Contract-wise profit and loss Yes 33 Foreign currency

    handling Yes 34 Budget and Variance Yes 35 Bank reconciliation Yes 36

    Remote access Yes Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved 25

    26. 26.Builders Business MIS Reports Enquiry MIS Management

    Builders Reports Solution Property Accounts Configuration Management

    Booking, Sales, Allocation Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved26

    27. 27.Primary Requirement MIS Reports Category / Module Major

    Requirement Explanation MIS Reports Management summary A

    comprehensive summary for the management to analyze the health of

    business would necessary. The report summarizes financial position from

    balance sheet, receivables, payables and profit and loss statements from

    all the projects. Cash flow projections Project-wise cash flows are

    important to assess which projects are more profitable and where the costsare increasing. Based on the attractiveness of cash-flow, focus can be

    given. Project-wise reports Balance sheet, P&L, accounting reports,

    statutory reports are more meaningful if these can be obtained for specific

    projects. This also provides clearer picture to management. Client registers

    Client registers, country-wise, executive-wise, cancelled client reports are

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    important to track clients. Client-wise profitability reports are important to

    track the profitability by individual customer. Flat reports Complete list of

    flats from different projects which are available, blocked, frozen, completion

    reports will give the project administrator a clear picture of the status. Excel

    integration and data Ability to migrate data from the existing systems,

    excel, XML migration format is very important without interruption to

    business. Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved 27

    28. 28.Tally.ERP 9 Fitment MIS Reports SL No. Requirement

    Available in Customization/ Tally.ERP9 ? Integration needed? 1

    Management summary Yes 2 Project-wise cash-flow statement Yes 3

    Stage-wise cash-flow statement Yes 4 Date-wise cash-flow statement Yes

    5 Flat reports : allocated, available, blocked, frozen Yes 6 Flat reports:

    completion status Yes 7 Flat reports: executive-wise sales Yes 8 Flatreports: floor wise Yes 9 Client registers with filters Yes 10 Payment

    history Yes 11 Cancellation reports Yes 12 Project-wise realized amount

    Yes Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved Contd.. 28

    29. 29.Tally.ERP 9 Fitment MIS Reports SL No. Requirement

    Available in Customization/ Tally.ERP9 ? Integration needed? 13 Project

    wise outstanding with overdue Yes 14 Management(JMD) price hike trends

    and report Yes 15 Finance department report on profitability including Yes

    utilities 16 Project-wise report with client details Yes 17 Departmentalreports: Sales, commercial, project Yes administration 18 Executive

    summary across projects Yes 19 Flat registers with filters Yes 20 Unique

    client ID for tracking the customer Yes 21 Excel integration Yes 22 Data

    import/migration Yes Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved 29

    30. 30.Thank You For any queries, write to us :

    team.ti@tallysolutions.com To find out more, visit :


    solutions.php Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved 30
