Task 2 and 3


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VIBE FRONT COVER ANALYSISThe mast head uses a gradient colour from black to red, these are stereotypically masculine colours that would automatically entice a male audience.

The cover main cover line uses large font of “Eminem” showing star power and enticing the audience as he is a star. Moreover the other cover lines are placed around the main image showing the importance of the artist as they frame him. They build a house style of grey, black and red reaching a male audience.

The header uses more star power and names of famous artists to entice the audience further as it shows there is more famous people inside the magazine and things to find out about these people. Moreover it would target people interested in rap as it uses a flasher on the banner saying “the real rap” giving the impression that it is a special rap issue.

The main image uses Eminem as star power. He has a stern facial expression with his arms crossed giving the impression he is strong and making him seem intimidating. This would appeal to an audience of males as they would also want to be this was and to be seen as intimidating to other males and may feel they can relate to him whilst also wanting to read more about his story due to him being famous and an aspirational figure.

Within the use of rule of thirds Eminem is centred in the page showing his importance to the article. As the text is in the left and right thirds and in smaller writing than the main cover line it shows the issue is based around him again showing his importance. The cover line “Vicodin. Valium. Methadone” suggests the use of drugs showing a rough time that Eminem has had and the caption “I literally almost died” would make the reader question why and would therefore want to read on.

Moreover the other cover lines suggest a magazine/issue based on rap which would appeal to males as it is likely males would be attracted to a rap magazine. Moreover more star power is used with names such as “Lil Wayne” and “Swagga Jack” which would be people who are well known within the rap genre giving the opportunity for the reader to have more of a personal insight into the rap industry of which they may find popular.

BILLBOARD FRONT COVER ANALYSISThe mast head of billboard is positioned across the top third of the page behind the main image yet still shown on the left and right thirds of the page. The colours in the round letters of the mast head become a recognisable brand for the reader and would attract younger teenage audiences as it features bright colours.

The main image is centred in the page, using star power of Taylor Swift this again would appeal to a young teenage audience, whilst the positioning of the main image over the mast head puts attention primarily on Taylor Swift. The main cover line is large in the bottom right third of the page, using a recognisable name in large font to grab the readers attention and beneath referring to her as a queen creating a figure the audience of young teenagers could aspire towards again focussing the cover on the star.

The other cover lines are positioned up the left third of the page around the main image giving the reader an insight into what is in the magazine. Some large copy is used on the cover lines to draw the reader in, as they use one word in bold font, this would grab the attention of the reader making them look in detail at the cover lines, of which would entice the reader further to buy the magazine.

Finally the house style of the magazine uses black for the mast head with blue and yellow in the circular letters drawing attention to the reade3r through the use of bright colours whilst again familiarising a reader with the brand. Moreover the cover lines are in yellow and white font, which may be seen as more feminine colours which would entice a younger female audience.


VIBE CONTENTS PAGE ANALYSISThe mast head of vibe is placed in the top right third of the page creating a sense of familiarity. The heading "contents" is written in large font matching the house style of the magazine alongside the mast head catching the readers attention as it is large and bold covering the logo of the magazine which is in a low key lighting to help brand the magazine. The main image in positioned in the bottom uses star power based on the front cover and shows a man with a lot of jewellery showing he is rich, he looks intimidating which a male teenage reader would aspire to be like. Finally the contents is listed down the left third of the page in white text standing out from the background, yet being understated due to the main image and size of the headings which shows the importance primarily of the artist photographed.


The billboard contents page features a house style of blue and white, this matches the blue in the mast head familiarising the brand of billboard. The heading “contents” is placed across the top right third of the page in black standing out from the white background giving a clear instruction to the reader it’s the contents page. Moreover three secondary images are placed below the heading, using star power this familiarises the reader with them and makes them want to read on as there are inspirational figures featured in the magazine. Moreover the main image is used along side with star power positioned to the left of the page, contrasting with the white background attention is drawn to the larger picture making the reader want to read the main article of the magazine. Furthermore the contents page features a chart with the best selling albums and singles in, this would interest the reader as they open the magazine they have information on the charts and music industry straight away. Finally the contents is listed through the centre of the page positioned around the main image. Using blue headings which draw attention to the reader and familiarise them with the brand the contents is listed in black underneath. Across the bottom third of the page features online events and general events to excite the audience. Overall the contents page gives the reader a large amount of information about inside the magazine and shows what they could enjoy within the magazine.


DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD ANAYLSIS - BLENDERThe main image on the double page spread takes up the entire right page of the spread whilst the background overlaps behind the article on the left page. The use of star power using Amy Whinehouse gives the reader a familiar and inspirational figure making them want to read the article as they would see the large main image straight away as it takes up the left and centre third of the page, with her face taking the top third of the page it gives a large image of her for the audience to familiarise themselves with enticing them to read the article. Moreover The use of a grey scale picture gives a quirky image to the double page spread which would entice a young reader who may want to be different and aspire to be different like the star featured in the article.

The double page spread from Billboard magazine is headed in the top centre third of the page, it is in large black writing standing out from the pale gray background it catches the readers eye automatically. The use of what seems to be a dripping ink font would give the impression of a tattoo parallel with the heading “Amy’s Ink House” this would be seen as cool having a tattoo to a young audience. Moreover the use of star power is apparent in the header calling her “Amy” only the use of a first name would give the audience a more personal relationship with the artist.The use of the writing in two columns gives the reader something easy to read. As Billboard is aimed towards a younger audience they would not want to read a lot and would be more interested in pictures therefore information is given to the reader in easy to read, small columns.

The article itself tells a story of Amy’s arrival somewhere. The article gives a strong sense that Amy is special and different from others. It also gives the impression she is a down to earth star, which would entice the reader further as it would allow a more personal relationship with the star and moreover the magazine as a whole.
