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urne 2 1 . N ám bar UT


For the last thr i hr final chance Of the assistant

1 News has been tr , In the position <>| Porter taking ov


fte r a season of inactivity, the tur- market will rise this week to a

t mortality rate fo r this year. A c - ' rdlng to- the old reliable W all street. 1

increase in stock lo r the past few ] s has been alarming as America,

rts her preparation for the cheeryj tional pastime that was originated

otir farsighted forefathers Lim it- i to only three days before we must J rn and start our term 's work, wei

*tlon all the students about the ger o f diccepting t hat ' ext.ra piece j. pumpkin pie. However: the S ta ffi

ends to you hopes for the juiciest, drumsticks.


feeling of brotherly love, un­to before Friday night, crept over campus when the two lower

~s officially buried the hatchet at annual barbeque. symbolic of the

o f class rivalry for the winter There w ill be no more tinnier

in icy waters by the watchful] ■rdians o f campus tradition-«, nellh- will the members o f the two lower

j » e s resort to flstic combat in up- ding their individual -rights A fter short program the lower classmen1

yfutly locked arms and tripped' light - artedly around the bonfire. p layfiiliy owing snowballs - at each other inJ

spirit o f their emancipation Then j y hurried over to aid their fellow - n in the more serious business of

uling the cider away in gallon lot» !

- last for Captain n Anderson. Bill er, Harry Kurrle and Ernie Dea-


When the State cheer leade lUM went info : he-huddle before

I combino

; de­part- !

effort* m leading theR M M (tU h iA i4 lii> game rtaturdav | Ann Arbor ^ N H e v id e i i t l y thrown into that;p f

ate o f hysteria known as stage fright buck fewer - A fter facing the awe-

ppm n.g crowds for a whole season biting Wind for the entire game

ad the most inconvenient of snow ¡Wins without, the blinking of an eyc- fr*h the mere click of a camera cans-

panic among the pep producers, (ferhaps the boys were disturbed over leir nice white pants, which had h«--

shamefully soiled during their pnous contortions ,

FO ’T V -F O ’

Th e prancing Dixie boys sure ran

Em a real handicap in our no them a lh e r when they .started a deeper• e game o f passing m the last quar-

Their lanky halfback seemed tin- ■fleeted by the mud while doing • a Ita n -o -W a r act toward., the , Spartan j ■Dal. but when the pigskin came *aii- p ig through the air his noble effortsi

own:ed to nothing more than a 1 Ballet dance that would make even t h j Benishawn dancers envious Perhap B e should ’ hank the band for w»J p a y in g "D ix ie "

m N T A L U T IO N

[•-Tonight the live co-eds chosen by

r e various units to act as sponsor» II be guided under the royal arch by «one trim looking senior men' 1 who ive taken hours of time to make leir leat her, metal, n everything line to a perfection Of course all

the junior officers will be u rott.ru ■Nmnd with that air of Indifference- H i l l i f it took seven other fellow*, to k r r e their footgear on overused fee* jlnd Oh (kw h girls, but don * the» jok too sweet for words in those p:rik reations that have been officially nctioned by the m ilitarv depart- “ i? W e hope that they t »move

wut-al spun before the dance rts. it would ease the minds -if the ; o f us who have quick tempers and

rked shins bu t. no equally brutal

Seven G ridden End C areen Dixie Eleven Snccnmbs to

State Attack.

DANZKER SHINESHarry Kipke's Green and White

Spartans closed the 1928 season in a blare of glory here Saturday in down­ing the highly touted North Carolina State college eleven. 7-.0. Fred Dan- ziger. who relieved Scliau early in the third .period. accounted for the score hv a plunge off his- own right tackle a lter gains by JJ^ckesoti Nordberg- Grove and ‘himself had carried the ball down the field in one drive fo r >7 yards.

Both tennis muffed other scoring- chances Carolina once being held for downs on State's five yard line and State twice losing the ball inside the Dixie If» yard stripe

This game was Jack Hombeck. J Hitchtiigs. B ill M<Koester Christen*« con. all seniors

A fter ¡lashing a great, passing game, acainst M ichigan a week ago it was :*\|>ected that the Spartans would re- sort to the air fo r gains against the Wolves, but State's main weapon was a strong running game centering on the tackles and ends oriiv one pass being- used to any advantage by the Green and W hite athletes

Grove's uiperiority over Meltoh in ' minting gave state an edge on nearly •wry exchange, but it was not until 'h e third stanza (hat enough concerted effort wax «exercised to reach the final white mark

\>rn Dickeson and Nordberg both •Jtdne to advantage m o ff tackle -fashes but it -remained fo r Freddy Itonziver to supply the real punch that was needed by the Spartan crew

Bill Hitching*. Christensen, Ferrari ind BUI Moeller played great games ;n the line and Captain Jack Horn- neck, wearing the Green and W hite for he last time «.pilled plav a fter pln\

ureund his end. although his game was not equal to the one lie exhibited

Johnny Anderson, a l- nfinned #m png«- *»•


Captain Brawn S affe rt’ Firat Dc- feat of Scaann a> Spartam

Cop Intercollofialc.

afternoon and

writ h berg


Stone.” From the

work o f the ttoned so ¿» knowledge ■>

re weeks o f the term, sn rotation o f duties editors o f the S tate ' ade »nth Paul Truth Ihe new* editor. Joe

*r the »o rk o f head Jack Sten-

tm. “ Blarneyrrm ngO f th e c

F I v a t p B i e r a t o b n G l v a n a ~ « « f « - T o n i g h t ! C-B.COLLINGWOOD ^ IS TO P R E S E N T


worked mio ¿li order tha'

ke over the which they

mg f'f the year, the has been appor- each a working

ivrment o f a ll di- I tie terfn o f duty

nous positions has » duration.

• rm the sopito­le «¡taf! w ill be p a d * ( l e editing o f the they may be fitted

futi*-*.- of the assis- » ’.ii inherit spring

COLD E P ID E M IC RUMOR BRANDED UNTRUE BY O U NStorks of Snrinna Epidcaic and

Quarantine Ararat« Sla k t t i Witkont Fouadatma.


na>t two days em ir of colds n early clos- s d n n i vaca-nied bv


»on.«■ ,i number •.«! . society

been q u a r a n t in e d for sundry d u ea v s was also without

i «epa and m M ipmone. who are to he installed tonight with. I n p r n lw ceremonies In the armory in which the «-nlérr radet corpa w ill participate. T o receive the Indgidn o f o ffice from Jndge C. ü. (o ilin g * «»»« ! are Virginia Kaiser, artillery sponsor, upper left; Katherine (irettenberger, ravalry sponsor, npper right; I.orile Hunge, corps sponsor, cen­ter. Geraldine Crandall, infantry, lower left; and Margaret Stephens, hand, lower right.

re lias been an ■r o f students i but .t has no

s and there is ng’ classes said »use of the lar

ioundatum in rm u c in the »■quest £Rg treat -

opm ne a t all k> necesatty for Dr d in . rr number ill.



precaution* has« it furt tier spread kill be lie Id .n-ida itu «intit «fia r

n i ' a n y -a iu te rò »- ¡he a m e _ ~lias been

Alpka Cfci Sigma la Eitabliak Al' pka U ptilaa Chapter oa



holaatir honorary will lie installed

nt initiation cere- i building followed

eveningN*_ cofmw) ««ri of

b the IfK-al who- icty. faculty mem-

lenta. alumni, and ided in the 4S who

rad -

Butlc n Brr . who

i second ; Spartans with 36

iy tlie fiade


íes of H owmT D v


;ti nts interrouegiate c reer ran a beaut tlul i

Hivak Butler arc and F distance runner Bn were neck and neck

if mlie wh«n th.t* Mutier ace tie Sparta in to »he 'a p e -

tier i tm r in third < ;*rs#-; W ilim arth of stai** who«»- n earl y caught the flyin-'* rrbains. another Butter .lied - ill ttfth place and en o f State took sixth, tohan >it Marquette fin ­enti! place and right on •re Robe^*» and Dowd


Alpha Upsilon Sigma national ''hemlatrv fraternity lie re oil Dêcemlwr H monies in the Uqiot by a banquet in th<

The chapter will member* of Ohi HI iaattr chamlMn .>« tiers, gradual«'.» «ident*, tie mg will be initiated

Alpha Chi Sil mg chemical tv country

Pmfeasxir A chemistry dejiar Mvdated with * ti fourteenth mem ma He was i « student at Wi

Installation is Alpha Beta cha of M ichigan arrangement

• entertainment committee on which will -*-rve B F .Sinclair O 'Neil Mason, and P Leedy; and program committee which is composed of J O Hardest v F H Maxflcid and A H Laxton

Ground was broken yiwterdav for the foundation o f the W A A cabin which will lie erected in the collegewoods about a rnile and a quarter to h . h . c ; p . : e l > i .the south on Farm Istne The com er- M C lW f l t r I tsum.- win im imii «onw u m , shortly ceived for Local Chapter.tfillowtng Thanksgtvtng vacation and

ia rn k wttt ranUiHM as rapidly as pos­sible to complete the structure before . A charter which was applied

i f Alpha Chi Uhristuma. last April has been granted bv 8


glutFlans are being made for 'a rather DHta Psi, national athletic society, to

• of «I»» cietles

lark Iiead of the it. who will tie as* v chapter was the >f Alpha Chi Big^ led in 1903 while •ine in charge o f the o f the University

Committees in charge, of, for ’ he affa ir are the

PnacslM U aivrruly HatNew Eafiacariaf BaiMmg

elaborate ceremony among the mem - bers o f the W A A at the time »»f the laving of the cornerstone of their new cabin I»ist Sunday several of the i.'iri.s spent a i»art of the afternoon gathering wood in pretmration for the lllst big fire.

The cabin is to tie jMttemed after an old Snitch shanty of aeveral cen- turle* ago and built o f rough logs re­inforced at the comers with stone pll- lars The siae o f tlie «'»M il will lie 21 by 28 l»Tt. and one of its greatest at- trnctlqns will be the large open fleld- stnnr fireplace at <me end. which wlU be fitted with a swivel crane and a large iron pot.


Larpc Aw«—1» a f Barf and Cider C— i —ltd bp Thr— ( .

Michiuan Htate college .Seven char members and three active memhem » been accepted, and will receive gold key the .insignia of the so-

Five Corpt and U«it Receive


BRILLIANT CEREMONYIm t»Hatton of the *corpa and unit

sponsor* of the K O. T . C. w ill M ilk place tonight at 8 30 in P i l l i o m l l l l l « hall. Judge Charles B. graduate of thi college, w ill the emblems t<f Che co-ed during a colorful and impn mony in which the entire corps Of H i H O T C and th< i and Will la R i part..

The --pon.sors. who ■' <!- • lectofl by the vote o f the R. O T ( will l ‘ their honorary commission at t M I sCatlftUon and are os follows: ihmge. corps sponsor; Virginia i iutillcrv: Katherine Grettenbergsr.cavalry; Geraldine Crandall, inf an» try; Margaret 8 frphetir* band They will he escorted during the ceremony bv the ranking cadet officers o f the branch which they represent, who w ill be Cadet pjplonel Herbert Place, < co'Timandeis Cadet Major Robert 1 ev. cavalry'. George Farley, nt Hand club band; Cadet lieu t. Col. Ted. Stevens, infantry; Cadet M ajor Ralph Pryor, artillery. All command» will lie given bv Cadet Lieut. C o l T . J. Rmnsdell

The procedure of the installation ceremony will be as follows: Th ehand will enter the* hall H ilt and wffl plav a march while the battalion» march in with the guidons of each unit and the regimental color in ad » vanre. The regiment will enter In column .of squads in order: Infantry, artillery, and cavalry dismounted), and will form into platoon» In column of squads The officers with saber» will form, a double column fa d n g In­ward and will draw and ctom sabers making an arch under which the span» sot*, and their escorts will pass as they enter the hall As the sponsors enter in order, infantry, artillery, cavalry and band, the band will play a flourish—and the regiment w ill M M to pd'srnt arms. The order by Cadet Major John Hartman, Wttt enter and present tlie emblems. A t tha conclusion o f this ceremony the na­tional colors will advance and the band will plus the national anthem W hile the band plavs a march, the sponsor» . and their escorts will retire under tha arch Of sabers and the regiment w ill march out to cnncmde the la ceremony.

'Th e «hartKo

•r jnrShr

cbembit .11

A 11

Mvarsity foottmli- an ’ on Mason cross • *ant track coach director of athjet '30 Roger R. Gru Nordberg 3Ï . hav active members I O tto Huike have i



re President », dean of professor of .arsity foot -

Casteel, assistant track coach. Mor-

-nuntry and assis- and II. II. Young, •s Don It . Grove c, 31. and (-ari been accepted as

ierre Kenvon and impleted the re-

quirements but they have not yet lieen accepted

AH men desiring td enter this term's tryouts are requested to register at onee with Miles W Casteel in room 8 of ’ he gymnasium Anv ,student in ' college )*. eligible Tryouts will begin Monday. Dec 10. at 4 <0 p m the gymnasium%floor with the hand stand, the frrmt fiand spring and the fence • ault Tue.‘ dav shot, put and high

feats will in* conducted


. - ,

Princeton. N J — 'I P i Princetonutuvetwlty recent 1> dedicated a t&00.- <if»o r»ew engineering building the cor­nerstone of which was laid on May 12.»27 Classe* lia v «—been held in the

building since the beginning o f ;ireseiit college •.••»r

inuhraand Boyd

rushed tut 1er and

i an State Normal y Seertght of Butler and Downer of

ate Narmai th I s * A B


nd n*nth of Mlch- 10th and Smith of following

took 14th jette was

fry Blasts Fail to ChillSpirits at Carolina Game

Portland. r Schneider, in ve and widely knr I no Iogurt wan : walk h«*rr rece t hé College o! Pacific college cérébral


»und dead tiy He w

Pharmacy Death was


id rrim- » n I de -

dean of f Nort h i used bv


ve men cd UÑA

r*s com pu finishing Michigan

ed on a bah n for each school state *ook flrst


an Siiand Mar-


quette fourth with 72 point*The winning time o f SJvo.it at min-

n*es ;;í seconds did not « » w close to • rw w d held ov Brown, tart . th e1

ir*«» » a * muddy and a strung wtnd a nderod ’ he runners Brown s rec­ord Ta 25 47 T

The Spartan* were to nave entered ,K~ I C A A A A meet in the «mat this week, but it was decided at the n t minute to wlthtfniW.

Despipte the prevailing cold weath­er. an enthusiastic- crowd of 3.000 peo­ple were fed to capacity at the annual sophomore barbeque Friday evening.

A temporary platform had been .pre­viously erected, fu lly equipped With iirnpliflen and loud-speakers, so that the assembly had no trouble in hear­ing the speakers Several strings of lights in addition to a flood light, fur­nished sufficient illumination

T lie large quantity o f food wasserved in record time Big professional "barbetaeri" assisted by many sopho­mores. kept the never-ending line in motion fly 9 15 everything was~?!rr f.usllv cleaned out

The Hwartz Creek band appeared on the <*ene at 7 30 and obliged withseveral selections, generously encored Following cheers for both r la B a r* Oapt R K .U rw n . toastmaster for theevening. introduced Harry Klpke Thecoach, in giving a pep talk on the N C H game, mentioned his displeasure ply topics forin those people who indulge in Prl- fectly respectable

The snow seemed to sort of baffle d»> afternoon excursions home to societyCarolina the North Caroliha team, as well a » mother.” rather than supporting their For Bphtns ;i «ponsoring the finish -

team. ,nK and furnishing o<> the ¿Massed-inthe porch adjoining the Union ballroom

Immediately ujsm the cloae of,, the cerem onle; a . I ree dance given by Um m ilitary department w ill be held a t the armory ballroom. Music w ill be furnished bv Hod Draper's orcheglra and all couples »re invited to a tM a i, .‘.tags not being allowed.


Elevtn New N— T«k— ia bjr EagiM cn’ H— r «ry.

Tau Heta pt. national honorary en » vinrerlng 1 raternity. swung out IMS morning and w ill hold form al la tt i* » tb n and banquet tonight a t H w l l for It initiate».

Dean (1 W BIsselL bead o f the M *» gineerirur departlnrient. will be maxter with Maurice flliven for lite » ( t iv r members and •Schwab fo r the initiates.

The new members are; Dale BaB,‘ Battle Creek; Gilbert Hall. M » f l » i a Horace Helfrich LanalAg: Ly le Hen- son Ixuislngf Robert Lowry. Midland; J ( i McOotter. Lansing;Murbark. Hega: Henry P ltten fV , ! vison Theodore Roth. LAnae; 9 '■ell Banders. Lansing, «a d I Schwab Holloway.


er that it irrp* c ” tog still colder and older and colder .»nd so on ad in fin i­

tum with our cnxitive ankles unpro- roward '.he end of the Kaado terted

AS ’ -> whether the wore would W e thought* «everki times, getting IOO or -tay at a mere W)-odd-' out of the <dand. ..on* what had anee

•‘ i*- whole however we ^»refer been feet, but' were how merely lumps i ¡rames it * move fun to ' heer nt ice that we would- aa tha saying • t 'mjchdown made n ’ he ' Card has it. fa ’ r (ban th i tenth am

w e liked the NorthW e u k ed the demon*i r .oofc of this reporter. It's not so usual t o have

.ding ’com m their rad pointed m ow in Dixie before Thankagtrtaf as Curt Isa Bowbeer

Gingham Dogs and CalicoCats to Aid Sphinx in Drive



a »nd calico < ats and rddflsh bowls and jien- ilkc the last pa«rn* of r » * « f delirium tremens nothing so low. Rtm- on.Mderation at a per-

ettng o f Hphlnx

H hero if you can. but I f you O M l v a king ham dog and got a U M *> ;«'timed blanket anyhow, - f t h i ghtiy mailer than those epeñeé by ’• 'cams but what's a few y u fH o f

“ ' 9

we uked ■ h » southern 1o iy - ! the quarrerbacg audible up tand« we liked the playing the ’¡core, we were much in

it la bora.présidant at

Ifartfc O r a l i - Calk««

¡cued .n ■ --eoson

The band kept

by the

T Ü M D A T . NOV 27— ^m ~ ^ . . .... _____ Chapel HOL N C - I P »—T w o gov-

• W - M I * . O T C itu d rau n p n t M p M d n , « u d I*at

>: 9 »—installation

35 coOeo» pvwddent* state superintendents o f education were among the delegates to a confer-

. *»nee o f own ami women Inte rested in

vreen flannel ? It's the the thing that mattora.

Tiwn thgre are tha fe Thev ll ■■hortlv be an sals la too in all the flam aal color tions there are. and thoy -

sophomore class, briefly reviewed the an extra lounge and the gingham mighty handy-whan youYo One grmip whose spirits werant In ; of the barbecue and then pra- dogs and ' a lico rots and bobby sox t hrough a mean and wtady

he least dampened by tha waulhsr, M>rd*d tho time-honored batclwt to and goidm h bowls and penniea rape- from Hort to the gym. AfMT aft. IBK»wever were the group o f vocationalj Kenneth Lafayette, ffootanon prad* ctaliy the pennica—are to turn the yome dOscevnlng

^ trick . th» other day. save thaYou need money to finish and fur- — welt, a good Mt, In M i M

heir heads and ral- r owd They understand how to o lM r .i W ard o iltn e r who. in gtrtng tha prtn- n,*b a louore the use o f that porch ^ goldfisham iv yutorituted the .Spartan figh t thorn lads. npal address at tha evenH t, m p ln * You need five hundred dollars, to be * rr prettv much«one for the disastrous D ixw of the o f courm. they're not the only o o n * * * * fact that this ineMtuUon r u r t Which isn't so much, after all. ^ goldflsfc howl la ■Mivux-uppi garoe. and !o and behold who do T h ere* always the band. os well aa virility and age1" . 5f on art-appreciating student body 1 ■" appearance in a tv* w«* won We hare great faith tn which instated, this la encourag- u «kM bltod by th i b o rtm m »* only gives you proper support in the 11 will * e . „ . the power o f the band ■u « the team voeaUy as wMI as tn- The ready wtt o f Ov. Q W m v i M * ! * * * * * ^ d a s

W r tmrr I w n r . no ! « * «*■*» *— mn m m tmnr . under Um — da— — at n rp u u i U n a , n . tn parfM t form S IS r ” ■ " " » " I * ° thna*>' r . - " V H W * O Sw o th r r M Ann A A t r o r hnd no thrir unpramptu choortondor, M ao- ond kopt ih , crowd I naaM Unt la w n - i L * * V n t _YouJkDOW • * * • * • "* * • * ' w rem r roi T n «l,d Id«heker and at the last game we loobid barf, lasjpired bat - BOt fBMb B M : W • " * gingham dogs are toat the clear walks and reads and whether Mo ehoraara WHO v H k M m av — th- — j. ^ _______ _ W possible, before.«nurned < M w o> « U N , Thora- m T n Z . Z f w 2 1 * ■ * ° * ° f . g * “ y 1 * * r « • tho Orton, ond

» scnooi boy. in thotr u n n i plora, mok* •M o w n noaao thon oO Um ram oI Urn

They undom aad (raw lo t i * m d Um praatm H d M — O O m

t « * mram. M1> bm unc (rari— M S m rarn— J *> plorad « r a . H r a a n M W — « — ■

ChrMrara. "<n»»ra n ;if lm And dS m o * a t nom Ira- W d d i m — S S M

I hT

f l l m C f l l l N « I A T I N i f i

State News

I I i 1

p p ;


|| ay¡̂Rahm i •*

Suriné the coltre* r*or Sy the atodent* of Mlcliieon ■M (HM MBlIrr et Um> yucUWfW. Rm I I.«

• Ä f e 1M I «W«ÌMNMM offlt« Ir located on |Im fourth ll*wr ofthc Union building

w ch a if. rat«nahm 104. Offlw hour» Sunday. Monday, and Thunder from I y. m. I » II v m.

ItÉMrtrtì nrr~r-1-r la the Michigan Stale N.w. arc written by the rditoi i ü MB w M n ta . « M arc Atíldente. They ran no way be intrri>rpf<-d a»

tontine the off trial *kw|Mdnt of the collrec or of the ¿voltage offiria

Subarritition, 11. Mi the Mrbwl Yri


RtlltORIAL STAFF Manaelng Rditer

A Rataient Miter«iarlt Strnbere Paul Troth joe porter

llmrietle Scovrii Jamea Reatina Majal Naming Katharina l.yn«h Ann An demon

AeTb«. Union I.Iterar Phi Kam*« T« Co-ed Kdilor

SiNirt* Kdltor S.H-I.I» Kdimr

Fralui Kdll*

Hale S Stanlr» Claren.


Reparlera George Marbel Leonard Hakfce Jack Oreen John flerhtar Tom Kmnberg - Kverett Knm Wilton Colt Wilbur Hr«Tin

ga th e r «* * O rel tei R w Jannlnga j o e Ratter ■ urn amt »««ron R ery l AMtar


at hr Auk o

RUSIRRKS STAFF Rualneaa Manager

Advetttotng Aealatante John Narrte Meurlee Irwin


Hale Vaughn (Sertrude Morony Dorothy Troth llertha MrCorml.'k Ruth FlahluN-k Clarlaaa Rnglebert lloralhy W ir k at mm Mildred Roy le


in c h n m e t ic r a u f l l l i n e t h e iu tr » w p m en t policy o( the production o f m m n p i m o m aa n o n w w e j n p o ctua ptajr, And let o » hove ono f a ll w h o applied w it h eider of Wh o the ploy i » about tat thewould enable th e clash t o save | S tet* News before the play I f given—

some money'. A n Arrangement «•* ‘^ " 'J E I th a n b r e w e r » . m ig h t a ls o b e w o r k e d o u t wherenly students would be permit

ted in .the refreshm ent line.It is apparent however that

some change must be made in observance o f this tradition in jirder to lighten the demand made on the treasury o f the sophomore .class. The matter should tie taken up this fa ll by the Student flouticif while the situation is at hand and new arrangements made instead o f a llow ing it t<i p


year with a probability that it w ill not be taken up until an­other class has had its financial condition more or less ruined. \

Twenty girls. who are members of the dot hint? economics class in the home economics department, “visited the Katherine Ryan fiilk shop In I*an- sltm yesterday afternoon and inspect­ed the stock o f silks and materials at the store.

Nearly the entire afternoon at the Katherine Ryan shop was devoted to showing, the students about the store 11 nd exhibiting the new patterns of

, silks Many o f tin- very latest• colors nut h e r and designs have• just come in stock


Th e second scholastic reports are due in the hands o f class officers not later than Friday. Nov. 30. As there are only two more weeks o f classes, t t , is necessary that a ll delinquent stu­dents take heed to these last minute] repor's prepared for their benefit


iloeated h e re to that the beads o f U w A ossH f t h t fhw f l » wsm tSmu who,! various departments are an engaged In a rda d m d e r « V a iM M a te ; t-m___concert stage work, a fact which is a t « O rawure. head o f tha M p a rtm en T d

ind ts volea; Ifieh ae l P iam , a f l i a violin ^ I . ___ - - U k U lw A I A . . W »gtracUng considerable attention and bringing students; to State to study, part ment, and doing concert work are: Lewis R ich- cello deparflaa

i H. L, WILLSON'S if Leather and Sporting Goods Store '■

which w ill be modes ' next sprint

the prevailing

A p p ■ i •' 900 students are nowftfo!led. m ' l;i Michigan State Instt- j dir j j i Music and Allied Arts, accord- irr*to an announrement, made late last 1

cature o f the music institute

»UNO—Bundle o f laundry which 'idently dropped from the laun-

iHiX. .Hold at postofTtcr for claim-



215 N. Washington Avrnue longing, Rflrh.

A • ■ A • A A A • A A A ■ I f I I I A'.-AWftARtARiA 1

Campus Forum 11Baked Goods for Thanksgiving

Umita JFimft d>iinpthe last Issue of th e -State News,

editor gave a splendid review of recent Theta Alpha Phi prodtic-

alpng with some Information it the play that would certainly • been welcomed before the curtain

A (Simtmas

SFOHSOR IN STA LLA T IO N jon ..the campu», s h o iih l benbnlifthed. Rather tom e move should lie made lo curtail the heavy expellee. Klim ination o f

A t an umieually atriklnii cere- mony, the eponaora choeeti hy I he vote o f the en tire cadet corps w ill lie awarded the honorary tokens o f their office tonight. ».

The ceremony o f installation w ill include a ll o f the picture­sque accoutrements o f poiiip and splendor, o f martial music and flashing suiters, o f waving Hags and manoeuvering troops, all so characteristic o f the mili- la ry . (tut apart from this dis­play, there w ill lie »notIter link forged between the student I tody and the R. O. T . ( '.

This body at numerous times during the year, serves as n background fo r many o f the more interesting and co lorfu l activitjes o f the college, form a nucleus around which events may tie built which would other­w ise tie impossible to stage. It is im portait! that the relation­ship between this division o f the co llege and the student liody,- and it la a . distinct division though its components are the same, should tie harmonious and cooperative.

The selection o f co-eds to act as sponsors o f the corps and various units, the co lo rfu l pre­sentation o f insignia, participa tion o f cadets and attendance o f the rem ainder o f th e students as spectators, unite to fo rm an im posing gesture o f good -w ill. From it arises interest, both on the part o f the public and the students, which can have none other than a beneficial effect fo r all concerned.

>ne mistake was made in intimat­ing that the play was too difficult for the performers The fact that the hardest roles wore executed so Wbly ext using the matter o f amplitude of voice in one instance, shows 11»;»* the] play is not above us O ther proof Mint we are equal to the task is evidenced in the excellent portrayals o f "Candi­da and "Kismet ’ last year, two-pi ays at least as difficult as the recent pre-j sent at Ion

I .el us. (hen. not be dtacournycri in

MOHK K X C U Si\ K W ith the grow th o f en ro ll- '

, t ro u t in the school. and increase in fo p u la t io t f o f Hast Lansing, a tradition-such as the Barbecue H rnvfs at a p lace 'w here it oe- comes a considerable burdennio the class .paying th i bills. A *

Puntik the last three years.) ihe amount o f food necessitated

to feed the large numhrr o f stu­dents and townspeople that at- tetid has practica lly doubled. The cost o f providing the re­freshments now reaches fh the heighborhood o f $1*000. In o r­der to meet this expens«', a siup- cialTtssessment w ili undoubt«'d- ly have to l»e made on the mem- le r « o f the sophomore class.

It is not to*be thought that the tradition, one o f the oldest

The Equitable L ife A — rance


■ I John

T H A N K SG IV IN G C A N D IE SFrrtk KngftaA Tnfler — ( M M Oalrn


HURTSThe Shoppe o f Friendly Service

t in KART Mlt'tllllAN AVRNtTK


Gentlemen s Apparel

211 So. Washington

T H A N K SG IV IN G D A Y D A N C E November 29,1928

r %h k H . t k - A P M h s t o k , « . » A T I I W I N t k ( .A l l ig a ru g » :

Regular Fri. and Sat. NHe Dances

* v r » * t e « e i

1 - 1To (hiM f Whom vnu would have rem em -^ ^ j her you for all « hriMnus days to com efl MpM . . . give photograph*! Your p h o to - » fl graph is a prirelens g ift heeadsr it is the I one thing that only you can buy.

LECLEAR STUDIOCapital National Rank Rldff.

I'hone 5 ?i:<* l am ing. Mlefc. j

in* photograph* appointment now.

S ’R R R • a i ! » t * » » ¿ * - 1

Y W W W W W W t M W W W W t ÿ M W W W W U W W W W W W U W V M M

N E W O VERCO ATS , s f * $25.00 ■

Wâc 'ïïlanamon“MAC”


- O v e rNikita

B l a c k C a t s O r c h e s t r aI . (O N A R I» «¿11*0. Directing


r : g ?f W I]


Patent pumps with gMatrning du« kle* always exprem an ah’ ofArt*torrary.

i i p

« fW ;

Who is She?S e e H e r a n d B e S u r p r is e d

Now on Display at


tip * W IT H THR D A N r r

The Norial *ea*on 4+ tm. • Rettrr come in and *rlert the foottrrar y«*u

R t V l | > I H F S IC R Y A T M M F A I R

BU R TO N ’S W A L K -O V E R SH O P?1 Seath W ashington Ave.

lA N f i lM . MMHHT.AN

IIU i t.raiul R iver I2K We*t l.rand River

N o t w i t h s t a n d i n g

• T H E*

'm - w i K t » • « • ■ r ■ a# .

Suits Cleaned ja

and Pressed!

T. K. SchramPMORg h im

m R. Omnd Rftvnr Aw.

1 R O F SYou can reta in your eligibility or your good acholas- tic record more easily when you feel wide awake and e n e r g e t i c . There's plenty o f roughage and bran to assure this in

S h i e d d e d W h e a iBAT IT WITH WHQLI MILK


Ifaabowt oTamatR...if jo . k a W t ■ w ^ a b i w t l l w f l e e e e . . . d o e Y l e e

P W o l Buie w am t jwm mm mm h r SSO

K « r « H

U n U N / t N C M C H K A N

Football Game Finds Campus Busy Socially Here

T h e week-end preceding Thanksgiving proved one o f the busiest, of the T h e Union dance, follow ing th? barbeque, and the Them ian open

, w rrr the only parties Friday e/ening. Saturday evening, however, ntavnltlaa and sowsrttles entertained The only event scheruied for the m ¿ i l |a the installation o f corps .<t|Hmsors, in the new armory Tues-

r 2 h t at S:S0. St w in he followed by a dance fo r which Wally Bennett's itra w ill furnish the music.ang the parties o f the past w eek - : _

"■ « « ta T m T U n i ¡iu" HANDBALL COURTS RESERVED, and music was furnished by the

..... ̂ t i 1 1 1 "IRi1 II • r pii"” ' * ! T ' H ' H ' G " f'IMIJI ''

» ■ I M I O I U A N I T A T I I f ■ f f 0

Boys. Dr. and Mrs. R M. Olin. "and Mrs C. D. Ball and Mrs. F. ; Fabian were chaperones. Dean

The handball courts arc reserved lor the use of the faculty from :< to 6 30

mi — a _ _ j U w Thnmnmn P m dally. A ll other hours of th*

Jt STSm? i V t S B » S 2Su° wh0 w,,h 10decorations were simple but very{

_ Jve. and it is reported that the; —■couples present spent a moat en joy-, o f a lnrgc tent Hod Draper's orches-

evening. , iru furnished the music for the jmrt\•turday .evening the L ittle Theater ;»nd each member wore the white made , into a Spanish ballroom, biou.se. black trousers and colorful glr-

the Chi Omegas entertained at dies typical of the Spanish senor. The kr fa ll'te rm party. The celling was j patron* were Mr. and Mrs A. J Clark tped.'With orange and block crep< Mr and Mrs H. H Halladav. Dr. and*}

and the orchestra pit was sol Mrs. E. J. Hallman, and Mr and Mrs mated that It gave the appearance j c . P. Mulligan Dean Elizabeth Con­

rad was the only guest.F ifty couples attended the tall term !

party o f the Ero Alphian society at Uie" Masonic temple Musk* was furnished by l<eonard O llleo and his Hoy Friends Prof and Mrs Hartsuch and Mr?. Kane were patrons Red, black and

i out. the pi-

T B S J f»«« lty dub orthMtrm playsd a t the Alpha Oamma Delta party a t t M r house. Patrons were Mrs. BermUMa and Mr. and Mrs R F. Renter.

A fan term party was given by the Eunomians in their house on Saturday night. Arnold's orchestra from Battle Creek furnished the music. T h e ch ip - crones were Mr and Mrs H B. Pet- tuner. and Mr and Mrs L J. L iv ing-j stnn

Patrons for the Ulyssian fa ll term ! party were Prof. and Mrs. 8 . O. Berg- quist and Prof. and Mrs. Lyle A. Smith Brtire Fayerwcather's orchestra w err : the music makers o f the evening

A dinner party for the mothers and tat hers o f the Sigma Alpha Epsilon Iratem ity men preceded the open' hotise which t hey gave Saturday even -j in^ The Delta Sigma Phi orchestra! from Albion played for the party The patrons present were rapt and Mrs P W Hardin. Mr and Mrs O. L. snow, and Lieut and Mrs I. H. Rock- 1 afellow.

nutrition DffAsnmnr isAID TO SOCIETIES HUE




nterclam co-ed hockey games, spoti- . J by the W. A. A. were played o f f ! f l i i t e decoration* caFr

Friday and Saturday between th e -rate theme o f the parthman and sophomores and sopho-1 ___ ___i and Junior teams. Oames w ill be

I o ff between all o f the four teams [determ ine the champion class team

•the end o f the term ; sophomore team succeeded in de-

Jkting the freshman class team by only [n a rrow margin in the game played

day afternoon which resulted in | score

Saturday morning the Junior Nov. 20 to 22 I i scored a victory over the sopho-, chairman of the i w ith a 7 to 3 score. Both o f th e ; tlon o f the assn

w e hard-fought and closely . s ta te repn

Jean Krueger * economics depart meeting o f the Liu st it ¡at ion in Wosl

of the home t . attended a raYit College aa- on, D C . from

Krueger was home economic ser-

i at ion O ther Mirhl- ntatives who attend-


At Variety and Gift 81m »

i*d the convention were Presiden! R K Shaw. Dean O W Bissel. Dean J F Cox. Director R J Baldwin, and D irector V R Gardner

A sale of Bobbie Box which will be held in 'lie lobby o f the Union build­ing during the week o f December 3rd

i announced last night as a feature " f the campaign Which is being spon- sored by Sphinx lor the procuring of hinds for the furnishing of the porch o ff the Union ballroom

Due t.o the popularity of and the demand for the Robbie Sox a large lot ol them has been procured In as­sorted colors and sizes to suit the taste and need o f every co-ed and they will go on sale during the week following Thanksgiving vacation 'I tie plan is Just tine o f the many ideas

' used to raise money for g o f the porch on the sec- tlie Union.nan o f the committee which arge of the sale is Ann An* other members o f the com- H la n e h e i f o ss ie . Madeline

h Mary Woodworth.Dorothy Robbins.

• r Bernice Sexton. Ruth Ranney. Clar-

The nutrition department o f the home economics division has been a great deal o f help to the stewards of the various fraternity and sorority houses in planning menus. A plan whereby society houses may buy their food supplies at reduced rates by pur­chasing in large quantities through t he woman's commons has beet) announced by Miss Elisabeth Bemis. .supervisor of institutional management. It has been estimated that frm o 10 to 2ft jier cent, inav be saved on food costs in this way. Many1 .sororities and fraternities have taken advantage o f this plan.

Guests at the Alplm Gamma J'tho open house were Dr and Mrs it « Greutner of Wauwatosa. W ls . and C O Qtichlon Chicago Patrons were Mr and Mrs C R McGee and Mr and Mr«; I! it Pet ft grove Musle was fu r - '■ pjshed by I «w is ' orchestra

»Several cltimni were barir for the Drlphic open house at which W allv Bennett’s orchestra furnished the mu­sic Prof. and Mrs. L. 0 Plant. Prof


The recent visit o f Miss Marian Ste­ven son. representing the art department of the Cheney 811k company, wai of paramount interest to co-eds on the campus Miss Stevenson talked to home economics students on fashion tend, lu ies in spring fabrics and ready- to-wear; A great deal of illustrative1 material was shown to demonstrate whftt the smart thing will la* hi gowns| and fabrics lor spring as well a« what is good and poor in modem design

and Mrs. E. A. O ee and Prot. and Mra ¡H . Wyngardner were patrons, j Another open house was sponsored by the Eclectic society on Saturday evening at which W ard Kelley's or­chestra played The chaperone* were

; M r and Mrs. J C Clark and O 'Neil ■ Mason.

Prof and Mrs H E Publow and prof and Mrs H B Dirks were pa- tonis at the last, open hou e to he held

j at t-tie Trimolra's present, homeA lull hotise enjoyed the party at the

Phi Kappa Tan house 1«" which the ¡G old Diggers played. Ma o* and Mrs Thomas-Stahle were the patrons.

. The phi Deltas held an open house Saturday evening for which .Wurord4* orchestra played Mr and Mrs G o Petersqh .md Prof. and Mr c\I »uninrd w re imtrons at this party

The Themians entertained on Friday evening at their house. Leslie Fenske i0 d his orchestra plaved tor riv*«Vs. The olmperons were Mr. and Mr». J T Caswell.

Dean Eliznbelh Conrud gave a


The Home - Economics club held a very prof able pie sale Thursday. About 40ft indlvidiiM pies were sold, netting the girls a’ profit of approximately $30 The proceeds of the sale will be used toward sending a delegate.to the con­vention of the National Home Econom­ics association' with whiph the club-4*affiliated. --------_

The concessions -committer consisted of Hina Boonstra, Frances pcrrin. Ruth Collins. Marian Koch. Marie Ben ban and Josephine Maybarker with Jape P i­att acting as chairman- Lee Irene Roth had nhnree of the advertising

• T R Y O lIR H O T F U B G E : E V E R Y B O D Y IJK E 8 IT

j CAMPUSPHARMACY\ « i r the Pod s t Wf

■ 9 ' 9 ^ W m w w 9 9 9 9 ' 9 9 9 9 V 8 1


For Your Thanksgiving DinnerBuy Your Fruit Cakes, Mince or

Pumpkin Pies at theMACHUS BAKERY

und ftoc The d

der son. iniltee «Pulso Marini Marguerite t Phyllis 8ha» Mary J TI ibi

Eng lebe rt

Attention Students

The Lansing CafelAR«tag*s Mart tp4s>llBtr

F IN - It you know ho night often prr embarassfng u

LOTH OF IT V to dance well Dance■enis une nf life's moxt

To the onewho does not know how to dance - well, nt -least, dance night doe» not mean much happiness for them Dancing is ah aft easily acquired by hose who. II give it a small 'portion >! their time and practice with a will

On» Vest Beginner* Class darts J 'TPv. Dec 4th. at 7 p m. Class lights are Tues and Thura. Enroll now *Ih-5 is limited to number Wt—rlf you already know how to dance orae on Mon at. 8:30 and learn the ate«! The Campus Drug i8 Strand A trade Hldg Phone 2-027!


New Shipments o fTWO PANT SUITS


$ .

2 2.50


[H ie awe legged guy will be gflad la meet yaw al

Teddy’s Retreatwith a full line o f Cigars and

Candy. Magaalne*. Ele.

Jnat a d ry nff Grand Kiver >

The BobetteThe Boot that In 'sweeiditf Sew Vnrk and

the entire Ka*t. Comes in all o n brown calf, brown with suede top.

also shown with tweed com­binations

EyesExaminedGlasses marie and

Repaired in our own

shop without delay

Qtaiulr ODpttral (Co.1 » Kant Allegan St.

tnmS mutr?l


Be the First to Wear If

See Thin Xeir

litad in Our W im ita r Today

SHUBEL*S tu \ Washington Ave DOWN TOW N



I.on Chaney ‘YVhile the City Sleeps”

STRANDT i l l R M » «T . I T t l l » « « 4 A N I» S A T IR I » « «

Colleen Moore “O -K A Y ”Vandevtlle Eeatare

Orvill Stann & Co.s T t i m v t } s t 'N H A V

Thomas Meighan T H E M A T IN G C A L L ’


Thu explains their pieaaed re­action

For we arrve with aatUfaction —Bay» Our Quest

Sattatied guest* who tail thatr friends about the splendid food they gat hare—that is our reward far public food-service


m e

Th« Hartan Cafa>' m am t mam am

C ^n their to here

7 B 0 O O O cigomtc* are now uilinc* South-Poleward, with the Byrd Antarc­

tic Expedition. W e arc officially informed ihat the .election o f CheMerheld m ulled from the individually expmscd preference, o f a majority o f the expedition'* member*.

When it i. recalled that thcM are— in .upcrlatne irnu — picked men . . . .elected not only fo r bravery, ability and experience, but abo by Marching m u o f phy.icai 6 t n c . . . we may be forgiven for our conudcrable pride in their vote. And Mimething o f thi. pride, w e believe, will be .barad by all Chesterfield unoken.

It is another o f the many proof, piling up the surest way to earn popularity is to f a i n » it!

C H E S TE R .F I ELDMILD emmugh for anybody. . amd jrat. .THEY SATISFY

i l i ’, ìifTiiitfidttFftfr* s>ÆiitâiiËiâiitî'tt

V I I M I C H I G A N I T I T I l ì * *

f i n n r» t U r la i H m « a M i Vi ittirIT


' ■'M ai

[(CM gU IRM k %

FROSH WIN 44-0o m m u m

Tcarlhifi Braak E w a ia Sm w m ’i GaM M -HaTt Caad

houlri i l VI»Material for

The »umili


Bitter cold Weather. typical of late Me.«on football gomes, prevailed, F ri­day a fternoon os the 1924 Michigan State freshman football tram doaed it* t o o game schedule with a entailing victory over the Aatumptinn college team o f Sandwich, o u t . 44-0

The Sparptan yearling* completely ootdawu^! the Oanadlan*. scoring in every period except the second when they had to buck a heavy wind The Woafi used their running game to such an advantage that they Itardly resorted to their aerial attack at atl.

Recen t ng tin* opening ktck/T. Jones midget signal caller for the Frosh punted to Assumption which fumbled on Its own 27 yard Itne State recov­ered and after several line plays, the.Spartan quarterback slipped through. center for the first score o f the game i Attcr one of the .Assumption punts I so play] was blocked bv a state lineman, Opal* account Ick. yearling r igh t. end, downed the ■ ball behind the M sliorv goal Hne fro the second touchdown Tate in the period Turner, state halfback, inter* cepted a (w u of the visitors and raced 35 v a n » fot a touchdoirn None of the trie* lor prints after touchdowns was lurveaat ul

A long jaunt of an yards in returning a punt by Jones, placing the year ling» in position to score, started things in the ihird quarter h u e Spartan fullback, bucked out the 15 yards fo r the .«'ore A fter a steady march o f 70 yards. Olsen carried the ball over fo r another touchdown fo r i niVkeson hi the Frosh Jones ended the scoring' H n ^ i dowt •dr’ the period when he returned a punt 70 yards for a touchdown The final period saw Faso score the final touchdown after an 11-yard buck through tackle.

CViach Koto used nlmosi his entire squad during different stages of the game T lie F rw h coach since the de­feat at the hands ot the Ferris In ­stitute team early in the season, has polished up the yearling eleven into a very formidable looking group which



A llThis


TUESDAY A N D W EDNESDAYCome on you fakirs! I w as a Mg shiak m yself at home


Five S p irlsn football veteran*' «o re the green utiH white on Ihe gridiron for the final time Sal­on !#» All were Important factors in administering! a 7-0 defeat to North ( arolina Slate In a game] which we* a A iling rhHr of their career* The mei are Rill ¡Moeller, guard; lotion* Anderson, end Captain Jack Horn hr. h end. (lien Nile hint*, gurrd. arid Her «ter t hri«tian«rn. tackle

Conch the vi

K ipkr w m . " ¿ m V A N A L S T Y N E IS S U E S C A L L


10 100


‘«Hfltmed .ut |»a«e Mi ; his last game gave >f himself

First Period Captain Warren o f N Carolina won

Ihe loss and elected to. defend the north coal Sntead kicked off to Wnr- •eo who relumed to his 27 yard Ime

First rail was issued today by Coach Ben VanAlMvne to all freshmen who desire lo become members of the freshman basketball squad The first meeting *111 be held in I demonstration

i hah at 4 o'clock Monday. Iter- 3. A f ­ter that, practices will be held every

k] dav f r * n 4 until 6 at the same place

Hitching* Christensen Horpbeck «C» Nordberg Grove ,DlckcsonSir hau F

Officials Refer- 'M ich igan*; umpti' (Springfield >. Imp- well «Ohio State-

Mayfield Floyd-

Jordan Adams I

. Melton Warren <Oi

Outen | 8 McPhall |

H McCiiUoeh I Kw P Max*

I jtidgp H. W

had W arrens long i*ass on his finger tip-* but could not hold it I f caught, it would have been a touchdown,

State look the ball on Its 90 and kicked to the N C 43 Orove

:1s and n ;! stripe Sis' t.s at the


10 rd

Melton made 20' interrupted Warren's pass and State n on the N C* 45 took ttir ball on It* own 30 yard linei punted dead Oannger and Nordberg made a firstarker aTTer three j.,wn an<j ntrkeaon was stopped for a

‘even yard loss as the game ended.C 0

a not he anothe


Prevention of IHsraw* or Poultry .Haniutlon was the subject of a lec­ture given bv Leon Todd, poultry r\ tension specialist of the college at q meeting in Okemo* Thursday

line failed uok five yard penalty and state 7. tlberg made four she took «VTATF Nordberg and lilt 'k fin n jn id e Andenwi itst down on the Spartan 34 Ferrari

losing five on a penalty. Moeller » e for 15 yards and SmeadAfield Three p lu n g e s_____

failed to gain ■ and Orove punted to N C 20 from w h e r e the ball was- re­turned to the N C 35 Tw o shots at the 'tine failed qnri Warren punted

Dickeson, Nord- berg and H« haw failed to make the re- quired distance bv a vard and Orove kicked to Ihe N C 24

Melton made # first down on the N C 34 around Horn berk and followed with 12 m otr around Anderson m ak­ing a first down on the N C 4.9 A pass. Wartyn to flood win was tnwwi for 40 yards and a first down on States |4 u* the period - ended Score


C STATE Ooodwtn

l-epo Vauuhn



CREAMSmoke Shop


M. S. C. RestaurantOpen Day and Night

We wish In evtend In vnu # most eujovsble Thanksgiving and sincerely hope that your patronage wilt eontinue in the future .is in the p »«t W> are indeed most thankful In he able I » give you the best in mnving picture*, a program suitable In vntir tastes, presenting your favorite*. We are „•ft* .ul 1l1.1t we ,is an insili ul ion o f F a il lanstn ; stand individually alone through your untiring aid and assistance

How Goltl Prospector

Scotch**Lams A Dm - Richmond Na [>ear Sirs

T w « ywer* in lo the iLs I a t - a I t \



s fr ’ I ;I ■

lo b a m - h *fui* • Help ynum if." 1. M . putting my heavy dufy $->• ffswn p m k ti, 1 in a .*1 it V 1 ijfe ■-■ petkitig it.*» * • * g : s' ai 1 co*.;grt the W-aet ltd a draw

I excused my*» If for a inomrrtetera**! ouUk-N' io rem ove »h ou t t ptpefuk to pul in my poudt. •U R w l out. .saying "1 "u 'fv * that) any S ’***. f.man 1 rver s Then I nm lnan j I toki t.:m - happened to my Kdgewort/, -t? m jktat dying for a smoke, at. m d tn ita w l n g 1 i sway l i e < " I t o j Edgeworth ia mighty a»ar. thuas part*, but I re*-kon 1 ran » «h a t ‘a left of that ran.. Help yuun

*’ou ran just bet your last n ì I guarded th w K lg e w o r ih

u cam until I got lack t

i-e in pare e t fH .rk e l with the

Y id ta very truly.C. M . Bahr

E d g e w o r t hC a s l I R M

Sm ok ing Tobacco

' o f an offside pen- Nc>rdherg made an-

■n the N C IS vard. m ied for five rards Wa* »lopped and N i n s 11 vard line and Adam* made a

n hi* own 23 vard* line lh.-kes.in fumbled and

id Melton kseked d«u1 to hw* n v*rd» but Nordberg made back

* : and iv krs.*n 4 Orm-e kicked to 'he N C 24 yard line Melton made a first down at Andrrwn and State ' -s-k a 5 ywrd penalty a* the half end­ed Score State f N c* 0

Third IVrlod Mmead kicked off Adam* t f ib re -

turned, to his 23 vard tine l»t--fcr*on m?rrr**pted W anrn * pa** and - State • » l tfw t o " on t ie N C 31 \ard line \ ,*%ss srhsu to Nordberg nuuie 12 v*d* but t'»n>5ina .‘ieU.1 and t**»k the

• oik it,, j.s sard hne After an et- hanre of purt* s*a*e gained the ball m he» 4.’ vard !*v.-ke*nn made 15a» n r hi -inI IWnsikfer w en ! out of hound* fot I*-- rain but Orove* paw So fvt'-kewm made a f.rst ik»wn ->n the N C ilf *ard hne lNiniueer ptvke*1 C ' *'■ n i.ht guard and N«->rdbrrg 7

ai le ft end O tvve reetesl off 13 vard ' and a ftn>t down on tlve N C 1 vard hn# Orove and VUnciger addewl 5 at r f i ark e Riwt Dannger plunged

through hi* own right tackle fo r 4 Yards a»M a touchdown Httrluns*Chrtsteiv*«! aswl Hiwubeck «upphed thehole for tto b it bavk to rraab through Bmead witfi Nordberg hoidtng the ball place ksrked fiw the extra point Boors State 7 N C 0

Smoad ksi-ked off Uv the N C S3. Mei Von made • ff r*( down on his own 43 as t he penod ended State 7. N C U

Vwartb Feriad Meium and Warren got a.« fa r as

State* 40 vard line before S tale fin* ally held State took a IS yard penal*

. ty and Orove kicked out of «»»»»»»4* an tu* own 3* yard line, one o f Mg poor* cat kicfca. Warren made a first down on the state 25 yard line but three psw e» were tncocdplete and State took the ball on its own 32 yard Une Dan- xurei and Nordberg maide a And down on their own 43 yard line b u t1

1 State loot IS for holding Orove m l . ' ed dead on the v tn ton 34 yard A m ;

t from where Warren and m a i i la A m down on Um N C 4S I M


A R M Y SHOES - £1.00 - $1.00 -$4.00l.acrn, Po iith r*. Tien. Etc.

347 N . C. Avenue T I I K H t I K F K II \ T

U nw m nted Hair Removad Parmanawlly F r o m F a e *

A n a * a a d B o d y

Julca M. Marton, Ph. D.

the gentns who worked out the M e r i« « Hetbod for the permanent removal o f un­wanted h a ir..Itaa «.pene.1 a permanent o f h v IS l-tN H IN »;, under his le rw a a l *uper»i«ion.

T H E M ARTON M VTM OIa 7 B Ä T I S r — -

f é Wvenea H euer-ie fn a d


a. M f i l


