th Std – English – Study Material Prose-1: Buds to...


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9th Std – English – Study Material Prose-1: Buds to Blossoms

Questions: 1. How did the lion cub join the sheep?

The lion cub chased a butterfly. He lost his way. Soon he fell asleep. When he woke up, he found himself among a flock of sheep.

2. Why did the old lion take the young one to the pool? The old lion wanted the young one to realise his true nature.

3. How did the young lion react on seeing his image in the water? The young lion saw his image. He wondered whether it was his own image.

4. What did Helen Keller and Arjun Bajpal accomplish? Helen Keller championed the cause of the visually challenged. Arjun Bajpal scaled Mount Everest at a

young age of 16.

5. How should you face the impediments? Impediments are there to change an ordinary man into an extraordinary man.

6. Why are you indispensable to the world? Everyone has to play a vital role in the world. We should make our contribution to the world.

7. Why did the girl bring an umbrella? The girl has strong belief that it would rain after the prayer. So she brought an umbrella.

8. What made the man get suspicious? The man kept on digging for a week. He couldn’t see the gold. So he got suspicious.

9. Why was the bucket with a hole unhappy? Every day the bucket with the hole brought home water half full. So it was unhappy.

10. How are you unique? Every one of us has unique personality. No one can be exactly like us. So we are unique.

11. The present moment is a gift – explain The present moment is blessing. It is in our hand. So we must use it usefully.

12. How can you make this world a better place to live in? We should understand our true nature. We should bring out the good already in us. We must act as an

instrument making the world happy.

Paragraph Questions: 1. What message do you get from the story of the young lion?

The message I get from the story: Some time we do not realise our potential owing to faulty conditions. We must realise our true nature and our potentials. Our potentials should not be bounded by the surroundings. We should break free from such limitations and prove what we are. We have unique personality and we must achieve something.

2. Are you conditioned by your circumstances? Justify your response.

Yes, I am conditioned by my circumstances. I come from a village. My parents are illiterates. They have to go for work early in the morning. I have to prepare myself to school. So I couldn’t study well. After learning this lesson I found that I can overcome these circumstances. I will use the time usefully. I will study my lessons regularly. I will achieve something in my life.

3. List out the steps that you should follow to reach your goal.

We have 24 hours a day. I will use the time usefully. I will not care for the past and future. The present moment is blessing. I will not postpone my duties. I will dream big and will work for it.


Poem-1: Laugh and be Merry

Laugh and be merry, remember, better the world with a song.



Better the world with a blow in the teeth of a wrong kuXgtqe<!hqcgTg<G!sUg<gc!ogiMk<K!-u<Uzjg!fz<z!


Laugh for the time is brief a thread the length of a span gizl<!F~zqjp!Ohie<X!GXgqbK!we<hkiz<!sqvqBr<gt<!

Laugh and be proud to belong to the old proud pageant of man


hGkq!we<hK!Gxqk<K!sqvqk<K!ohVjlogit<Ouil</!!! !

Laugh and be merry, remember, in olden time sqvqk<K!lgqPr<gt<!hpr<gizk<jk!fqjeU!%Vr<gt<!

God made Heaven and Earth for joy He took in a rhyme, gmUt<!osiv<gk<jkBl<!H,lqjbBl<!yV!-jsObiM!hjmk<kie<!

Made them, and filled them full with the strong red wine of His mirth



The splendid joy of the stars, the joy of the earth. uq{<lQe<gtqe<!npgie!lgqp<s<sq!H,lqbqe<!lgqp<s<sq"! !

So we must laugh and drink from the deep blue cup of the sky



Join the jubilant song of the great stars sweeping by, uieuqkqbqz<!fgv<f<K!osz<Zl<!uq{<lQe<gtqe<!


Laugh and battle, and work, and drink of the wine outpoured



In the dear green earth, the sign of the joy of the Lord. gmUTjmb!lgqp<sqbqe<!njmbitlie!flK!ne<Hg<Gvqb!

hSjlbie!H,lqbqz<?!! !

Laugh and be merry together, like brothers akin, yOv!likqvqbie!sOgikvv<gjth<Ohiz!ye<xig!sqvqk<K!lgqp<Ouil<!

Guesting awhile in the rooms of a beautiful inn, Npgie!sk<kqvk<kqe<)H,lq*!njxgtqz<!sqxqK!Ofvl<!


Glad till the dancing stops, and the lilt of music ends, -f<k!fmel<)uip<g<jg*!LcBl<!ujv?!-f<k!-jsbqe<!kitl<!


Laugh till the game is played, and be you merry, my friends.



Poem Comprehension: 1. Laugh and be merry, remember, better the world with a song. Better the world with a blow in the teeth of a wrong

a) How should we remember the world? We should remember the world with a song.

b) How should we deal with a wrong? We should fight against the wrong.

c) How can we make the world better place to live in? We must fight against the injustice and make the world a better place to live in.

2. Laugh for the time is brief a thread the length of a span Laugh and be proud to belong to the old proud pageant of man

a) What does the poet say about the life? Our life in the earth is brief. It is like a thread.

b) Why should we be proud? We belong to the old proud human race. So we must be proud.

c) What is man’s span of life compared to? It is compared to a short thread.

3. God made Heaven and Earth for joy He took in a rhyme, Made them, and filled them full with the strong red wine of His mirth

a) Who made heaven and earth? God made heaven and earth.

b) What did he fill the heaven and earth with? He filled the heaven and earth with the strong wine of his joy.

c) What did God feel when He created the earth? He is very happy when He created the earth.

4. So we must laugh and drink from the deep blue cup of the sky Join the jubilant song of the great stars sweeping by,

a) What is the deep blue cup? Sky is the deep blue cup.


b) Who sings the song? The stars sing the song.

5. Laugh and battle, and work, and drink of the wine outpoured In the dear green earth, the sign of the joy of the Lord.

a) How should one live in this earth? One should laugh, fight against injustices, work hard and be happy.

b) Which is the sign of the joy of the Lord? The green earth is the sign of the joy of lord.

6. Laugh and be merry together, like brothers akin, Guesting awhile in the rooms of a beautiful inn,

a) How should we live in this earth? We should laugh, be happy and live together like brothers.

b) What is the ‘inn’? The beautiful world is the ‘inn’.

c) Who are the ‘guests’ and where do they stay? People are the guests. They stay in the earth.

d) How should man treat his fellow beings? Man should treat his fellow beings like brothers.

7. Glad till the dancing stops, and the lilt of music ends, Laugh till the game is played, and be you merry, my friends.

a) What is the life on the earth is compared to? Life on the earth is compared to dancing, music and a game.

b) When is the music end? The music of life ends in our death.

c) How should we live till the music end? We should laugh and be happy till the end of our life.

d) What is the game referred to here? Life on the earth is the game.

Appreciation Questions: 1. Laugh and be merry, remember, better the world with a song. Better the world with a blow in the teeth of a wrong Laugh for the time is brief a thread the length of a span Laugh and be proud to belong to the old proud pageant of man

a) Pick out the rhyming words? Song – wrong, span – man.

b) What is the rhyming scheme used here? ‘a a b b’ is the rhyming scheme used here.

Rhyming words g{<Mhqch<hK!wh<hc@!!• himz<!uvqgtqe<!gjmsq!uiv<k<jkgjt!dx<X!Ofig<Gr<gt</!!• yOv!likqvqbie!ds<svqh<jhg<!ogi{<Mt<t!uiv<k<jkgjt!wMk<K!wPKr<gt</!!!!!!!!!!wMk<Kg<gim<mig! Lkz<! ncbqz<! dt<t! song–Bl<! -v{<mil<! ncbqz<! dt<t! wrong.Bl<! yOv!likqvqbie!ds<svqh<jhg<!ogi{<Mt<te/!nMk<K!&e<xil<!ncbqz<!dt<t!span.l<!fie<gil<!ncbqz<!dt<t!man.l<!yOv!likqvqbie!ds<svqh<jhg<!ogi{<Mt<te!!


!!!!!!weOu!-f<k!himz<!uvqgtqz<!Rhyming words: song-wrong lx<Xl< span-man NGl</

Rhyming scheme g{<Mhqch<hK!wh<hc@!!• himz<!uvqgtqe<!gjmsq!uiv<k<jkgjt!dx<X!Ofig<Gr<gt</!!• Lkz<!ncbqz<!uVl<!song.J!a weg<!ogit<g/!!• -v{<mil<!ncbqz<!uVl<!wrong!Lkz<!ncbqz<!dt<t!song!Ohie<Ox!dt<tK/!weOu!nkjeBl<!a!weg<!ogit<g!

• &e<xil<!ncbqz<!uVl<!span.J!b!weg<!ogit<g/!!• fie<gil<!ncbqz<!uVl<!man &e<xil<<!ncbqz<!dt<t!span!Ohie<Ox!dt<tK/!weOu!nkjeBl<!b weg<!ogit<g/!


!!njek<jkBl<!Osv<k<K!wPk!aabb!we!uVgqxK/!nKOu!Rhyming scheme NGl</


Some important Poetic devices: 1. Simile : A simile is a direct comparison. It is introduced by words ‘like’ and ‘as’. A comparison is made

between two objects of different kinds but have at least one point in common. (Simile!we<hK!-v{<M!liXhm<m! ohiVm<gjt! Ofvcbig! yh<hqMuK/! Neiz<! nju! -v{<cx<Gl<! -jmOb! WOkEl<! yV!

yx<Xjl!-Vg<Gl</!-kqz<!yh<hqmh<!hbe<hMl<!uiv<k<jkgt<!‘like’ lx<Xl< ‘as’ NGl<*! Ex. (1) He is like a Lion in battle. - Ohivqz<!nue<!yV!sqr<gk<jkh<!Ohie<xue<</!! (2) The reddest flower would look as pale as snow. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!squf<k!H,g<gTl<!%m!heqg<gm<c!Ohie<X!outqxqh<Ohib<!gi{h<hMgqe<xe/!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)‘Ohie<x’!we<x!uiv<k<jk!-r<G!hbe<hMk<kh<hm<Mt<tK* 2. Metaphor : A Metaphor is an indirect comparison. In this comparison only one side is mentioned.

(Metaphor! we<hK! -v{<M! liXhm<m! ohiVm<gjt! ljxLglig! yh<hqMuK/! Neiz<! nju!


lm<Ml<!lqjgh<hMk<kq!osiz<ukiGl<*! Ex. (1) He is a Lion in battle. Ohivqz<!nue<!yV!sqr<gl</!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(2) She is coal dark. nut<!fqzg<gvq!gVh<H/!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)‘Ohie<x’!we<x!uiv<k<jk!-z<zilOzOb!yh<hqmh<hm<Mt<tK*!3. Personification : Personification is investing non-living things with human qualities. (leqkh<!h{<Hgjt!dbqvx<x!ohiVm<gt<!lQK!Wx<xqs<!osiz<uK/*!! Ex. (1) The world is happy. dzgl<!lgqp<f<kK/!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)lgqp<s<sq!we<x!leqk!h{<H!dzgk<kqe<!lQK!Wx<xqs<!osiz<zh<hm<cVg<gqxK/*!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!)3*The cloud’s my kin. Olgl<!we<!osif<kl<!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)‘osif<kl<’ we<hK!leqk!h{<H/!Olgk<kqx<G!osif<k!hf<kl<!gqjmbiK/!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!‘osif<kl<’ we<x!leqkh<h{<H!Olgk<kqe<!lQK!Wx<xqs<!osiz<zh<hm<cVg<gqxK/*!4. Alliteration – It is the repetition of the initial consonant sounds in a single line.

olb<obizqbqz<!okimr<Ggqe<x!uiv<k<jkgt<!yOv!uvqbqz<!uVuK/! Ex. Old age and youth alike mistaught and misfed

2. ‘Laugh for the time is brief a thread the length of a span’ – What is the figure of speech used here? Metaphor

3. Laugh till the game is played – Find out the figure of speech. Metaphor

4. Life is like a game – Find out the figure of speech. Simile

5. The splendid joy of the stars, the joy of the earth – Find out the figure of speech. Personification

6. Deep blue cup of the sky – Find out the figure of speech. Metaphor

7. Merry together like brothers akin – Find out the figure of speech. Simile

8. Guesting awhile in the rooms of a beautiful inn – Find out the figure of speech. Metaphor

9. So we must laugh and drink from the deep blue cup of the sky – Find out the words that are alliterated. Drink - Deep

10. Join the jubilant song of the great stars sweeping by – Find out the words that are alliterated. Join – Jubilant

11. Laugh and be proud to belong to the old proud pageant of man – Find out the words that are alliterated. Proud – Pageant

12. Laugh till the game is played, and be you merry, my friends – Find out the words that are alliterated. Merry – My

Paragraph: 1. Write an appreciation of the poem “Laugh and be Merry” in about 100 words.

The poet asks us to live a happy life through this poem. Our life on the earth is brief. It is like a short thread. So we must sing happily, fight against the injustice, laugh and be merry. We belong to the old proud human race. So we must be proud. God created Heaven and Earth for joy. He poured the wine of his joy on them. We must drink the wine and be happy. The world is like a beautiful inn. We are the travelers. So we should live together like brothers and live a happy life.


SP-1: A Man who had no eyes Choose the best Answer 1. Mr. Parsons was standing in front of a …………. a) house b) hotel c) park d) theatre 2. The beggar tried to sell a …….. to Mr. Parsons. a) cigar packet b) ash tray c) cigarette lighter d) match box 3. Mr. Parsons paid ………. Dollars to the beggar. a) two half b) two c) three half d) three 4. Mr.Parsons wanted to give the article to ……… a) his friend b) his servant c) the beggar d) the elevator boy. 5. Mr. Parsons and Markwardt lost their vision in a ………. a) fire accident b) chemical accident c) road mishap d) bomb blast. Arranging the Sentences in meaningful order: 1. The beggar wanted to extract more money using his handicap. 2. Mr. Parsons purchased the article to help the beggar out. 3. A beggar came down the avenue to sell some article. 4. The beggar fumbled the article into Mr.Parsons’ hand. 5. Mr. Parsons pitied the blind beggar. Matching: 1. Mr. Parsons - the elevator boy 2. Mr. Markwardt - took away their eye sight. 3. Westbury - a blind beggar 4. Cigarette lighter - Owner of a hotel 5. Chemical explosion - chemical explosion Comprehension Questions: 1. Who came when Mr. Parsons emerged from his hotel? A blind beggar came when Mr. Parsons

emerged from his hotel. 2. How was the beggar? The beggar was shaggy. He was blind. 3. Where was Mr. Parsons standing? Mr. Parson was standing in front of his hotel. 4. What was the article the blind beggar wanted to sell? It was a cigarette lighter. 5. Does Mr. Parsons smoke? No, Mr. Parsons does not smoke. 6. How much Mr. Parsons paid for cigarette lighter? He paid two half dollars for cigarette lighter. 7. To whom he wanted to give the cigarette lighter? He wanted to give the cigarette lighter to the

elevator boy. 8. Why did the blind beggar want to tell his storey? He wanted to get more money from Mr.

Parsons. 9. What was the disaster took place in Westbury? A chemical explosion took place in Westbury. 10. How many people were killed and injured in the

disaster? Eight people were killed and 200 people were

injured. 11. Where was the blind man working when the

accident took place? The blind man was working in the C shop in


12. Where did Mr. Parson lost his eye sight? Mr. Parson lost his eye sight in a chemical

explosion occurred in Westbury. 13. Who climbed over Mr. Parsons when he try to

escape from the explosion. Mr. Markwardt (the blind beggar) climbed

over Mr. Parsons. 14. Both Mr. Parsons and Mr. Markwardt are blind –

State whether the statement is true or false. True. 15. Which character do you like most – Mr. Parsons or

Mr. Markwardt? Why? I like Mr. Parsons. He worked hard to rebuild

his life after the incident. He rose to a good position even though he was a blind. That’s why he became an owner of a hotel.

Paragraph Question: 1. Narrate the story of Mr. Parson.

Mr. Parson was standing in front of his hotel. A blind man came there. He looks like a beggar. He wants to sell a cigarette lighter. Mr. Parsons does not smoke. But he bought it for the elevator boy. He paid two half dollars for the cigarette lighter. The blind man told his story. He lost his eye sight in a chemical explosion in Westbury. At last he knew that Mr. Parsons also lost his eye sight in the same accident. Now he is the owner of the hotel because of his hard work.


1. Hotel 2. Cigarette lighter 3. Two half 4. The elevator boy 5. Chemical accident

Answer: 1. A beggar came down the avenue to sell some article. 2. Mr. Parsons pitied the blind beggar. 3. The beggar fumbled the article into Mr.Parsons’ hand.4. Mr. Parsons purchased the article to help the beggar out5. The beggar wanted to extract more money using his


Answers: 1. Mr. Parsons - Owner of a hotel 2. Mr. Markwardt - a blind beggar 3. Westbury - chemical explosion 4. Cigarette lighter - the elevator boy 5. Chemical explosion - took away their eye sight.


Lesson-1: Vocabulary and Grammar Synonyms: Choose most appropriate synonyms of the italicized words from the 4 alternatives given sib<U!wPk<Kgtqz<!-Vg<Gl<!yu<ouiV!uiIk<jkg<Gl<!nkx<G!-j{bie!nv<k<kl<!ogi{<m!uiv<k<jkjb!g{<Mhqc! 1. Do not get disheartened by the challenges along the way.

a) dissatisfied b) excited c) discouraged d) upset 2. Some of you may have set your own convictions.

a) beliefs b) ideas c) priorities d) objectives 3. The king summoned his subjects for mass prayer.

a) dictated b) ordered c) gathered d) called 4. A little suspicion started nagging him.

a) distressing b) pleasing c) stopping d) warning 5. Everyone has an indispensable role to play in this world.

a) short b) essential c) major d) clear

Antonyms: Choose most appropriate synonyms of the italicized words from the 4 alternatives given sib<U!wPk<Kgtqz<!-Vg<Gl<!yu<ouiV!uiIk<jkg<Gl<!nkx<G!-j{bie!nv<k<kl<!ogi{<m!uiv<k<jkjb!g{<Mhqc 1. Always commence your work with faith.

a) conclude b) continue c) complete d) start 2. All the sheep panicked and ran away.

a) cried b) calmed c) scattered d) threatened 3. Take pride in your individual nature.

a) joy b) honour c) humility d) pity 4. A village was affected by drought.

a) summer b) winter c) floods d) famine 5. Remember that you are unique.

a) special b) simple c) different d) common

Prefix and Suffix Attach suitable prefixes to the highlighted word (uivk<jkg<G!Le<eiz<!!sqX!njsgjt!Osv<h<hK Prefix!NGl<*!!!! (dis, tri, un, bi, in, fore, im)

1. She looked at me in __belief. 2. It is __possible for a dog to fly. 3. She is ___obedient. 4. The patient is still __conscious. 5. Coming late to a meeting is a __honour for the members. 6. __prove yourself with soft skills. 7. The Scientists ___told the impending danger. 8. As he was a handicapped person, he drove a __cycle. 9. Punishments will be given for ___discipline. 10. We were pained at her __regard 11. __fold the paper in this way. 12. The women rose against the __justice, he has done.

Attach suitable suffixes to the highlighted words. (uivk<jkg<G!hqe<eiz<!!sqXnjsgjt!Osv<h<hK Suffix!NGl< (ly, ful, ment, ion, ous, ise, ity, ness, able)

1. The dogs fought ferocious__. 2. It was potential__ dangerous situation. 3. You gave me a success__ plan. 4. She looks there in astonish__. 5. It is a reason__ price. 6. He saw his reflect__ in the water. 7. It is real__ wonderful. 8. Our teacher insists punctual__. 9. Everyone admired his human__. 10. He is personal__ known to me. 11. Visual__ your dream and work for it. 12. We appreciated his great__.

Answers: Words Synonyms

Disheartened - Discouraged Convictions - Beliefs Summoned - Called Nagging - Distressing Indispensable - Essential

Answers: Words Antonyms

commence x conclude panicked x Calmed pride x Humility drought x Floods unique x Common

Answers: 1. Belief – disbelief 2. Possible – impossible 3. Obedient – disobedient 4. Conscious – unconscious 5. Honour – dishonour 6. Prove – improve 7. Told – foretold 8. Cycle – tricycle 9. Discipline – indiscipline 10. Regard – disregard 11. Fold – unfold 12. Justice – injustice

Answers: 1. ferocious – ferociously 2. potential – potentially 3. success – successful 4. astonish – astonishment 5. reason – reasonable 6. reflect – reflection 7. real – really 8. punctual – punctuality 9. human – humanity 10. personal – personally 11. visual – visualise 12. great – greatness


Homophones (Similar sounding words): Fill in the blanks with suitable word choosing from the pairs given in brackets. (Homophones we<hK!yOv!ds<svqh<jhg<ogi{<m!spelling lx<Xl<!nv<k<kl<!OuXhm<m!-v{<M!osix<gtiGl</*!

Hair )Lc*! Hare )Lbz<* Meet )sf<kqh<H* Meat )-jxs<sq* Know )okvqBl<* No )-z<jz* Some )sqz* Sum )%Mkz<* Hear )Ogt<* Here )-r<Og* Price )uqjz* Prize )hvqS* Our )wr<gTjmb* Hour )l{q* New )Hkqb* Knew )okvqf<kK* Buy )uir<G* By )Nz<* See )hiv<* Sea )gmz<* Sail )hb{l<osb<* Sale )uqx<XuqM* Two )-v{<M* Too )nKUl<%m*

1. The driver applied the hand ………. to stop the car. (break / brake) 2. The hungry lion went in search of its ……. (pray / prey) 3. The …….. is pleasant today. (whether / weather) 4. Sundar ate the …….. cake yesterday. (hole / whole) 5. My uncle ……… a strange sound last night. (herd / heard)

Phrasal verbs

Group of words, which is different in meaning, is called Phrasal Verbs. It can not be interpreted word by word. It functions as a single word. yV!uqjes<osiz<Zl<!(verb) OuX!yV!-jms<!osiz<Zl<!(preposition or adverb) -j{f<K!Hkqb!nv<k<kk<jkg<!ogiMk<kiz<!nK!%m<M!uqjes<osiz<ziGl<!(phrasal verb) It can be – Verb + Adverb. (or) Verb + preposition (or) Verb + adverb + Preposition

Phrasal verbs

Meaning in English Meaning in tamil Usage

Look up Search OkMkz<! I will look up the dictionary for the meaning of this word. Looked into Examine Nb<Uosb<kz<! The officer looked into the matter. Reeled off Recite, repeat Yh<Huqk<kz<!! He reeled off lines after lines. Put off postpone yk<kqjuk<kz<! They put off the match. Take after resemble yk<kqVk<kz<! He takes after his mother. Look after Take care of gueqk<kz<! The mother looks after the baby. Went on Going on okimv<s<sqbig! The telephone went on ringing. Hit on Discover g{<Mhqck<kz<! He hit on a brilliant idea. Give up Abandon jguqM?!uqm<MuqM! I give up smoking Get back Return kqVh<hqg<ogiM! I get back my book from him Put on Wear n{qf<Kogit<! I put on my new shirt Call off Cancel fQg<gl<!osb<kz<! The manager will call off the meeting. Get through Pass Okv<s<sqbjmkz<! He got through the entrance examination Dealt with Managed slitqk<kz<! The lawyer dealt with the case cleverly. Call off Cancel vk<Kosb<! They call off the meeting. Get back Recover lQ{<M!ui! Ragu got back from injuries soon. Get on Make progress Le<oeMk<Ks<osz<! I want you to get on with your work. Keep on Continue okimv<f<K!osb<! The mason keeps on building the house. Set out Start okimr<G! They set out a journey to Germany next month.

Exercises: Replace the underlined words with suitable phrasal verbs. 1. The mother raises her 5 children.

a) brings up b) brings in c) brings about 2. The Children must be raised with love and care.

a) brought up b) brought in c) brought about 3. She gets Rs.500 per month.

a) brings up b) brings in c) brings about 4. The south-west monsoon will get lots of rain.

a) bring up b) bring in c) bring about 5. His foolish habits will definitely cause a big loss.

a) bring up b) bring in c) bring about

6. We are trying to make happen a change in politics. a) bring up b) bring in c) bring about

7. The president distributed the prizes. a) gave away b) gave up c) give in

8. You must stop your bad habits. a) give away b) give up c) give in

9. They surrendered when they were outnumbered. a) give away b) give up c) give in

10. Please see the picture in the blackboard. a) look at b) look into c) look through

Answers: 1. Brake )hqOvg<?!kjm* 2. Prey )-jv* 3. weather )km<houh<hl<*4. whole )LP* 5. heard )Ogm<miv<*


11. The sub inspector will examine the matter soon. a) look at b) look into c) look through

12. I read quickly the book. a) look at b) look into c) look through

13. Please hand over the sugar. a) pass on b) pass by c) pass away

14. The pilgrims passed over the forest without any fear. a) passed on b) passed by c) passed away

15. His grandmother died last week. a) passed on b) passed by c) passed away

16. They postponed the match. a) put off b) put in c) put up

17. Many people applied for the job. a) put off b) put in c) put up

18. They were lodged in an old building. a) put off b) put in c) put up

Answers: 1. raises – brings up )utv<k<kz<*!! 7. distributed – gave away )ntqkkiv<* 13. hand over – pass on )ogiM* 2. raised – brought up )utv<k<kz<*! 8. stop – give up )uqm<MuqM* 14. pass over – passed by )gm* 3. gets – brings in )ogi{<MuVkz<*!9. surrendered – give in )uqm<MogiM* 15. died – passed away )-xf<kiv<*4. get – bring in )ogi{<MuVkz<*! 10. see – look at )hiv<* 16. postponed – put off )kt<tqju*5. cause – bring about )uqjtuq*! 11. examine – look into )Nb<kz<* 17. applied – put in )uq{<{h<hq* 6. make happen – bring about ! 12. read quickly – look through )Ofig<G* 18. lodged – put up )-V*

Singular & Plural: yVjlbqz<!(singular) ogiMg<gh<hm<mjk!he<jlbqz<!(Plural) lix<xq!wPkOu{<Ml</!!-kx<G!gQp<g{<m!uqkqgjt!hqe<hx<xzil</!

is!.z<!Lcf<kiz<!nkx<G!hkqzig es!we!lix<xq!wPK/!Ex. crisis – crises. um!.z<!Lcf<kiz<!nkx<G!hkqzig a!we!lix<xq!wPK/!Ex. Medium – Media. a!.z<!Lcf<kiz<!nkx<G!hkqzig ae!we!lix<xq!wPK/!Ex. formula – formulae. us!.z<!Lcf<kiz<!nkx<G!hkqzig i!we!lix<xq!wPK/!Ex. locus – loci. oo -uf<kiz<!nkx<G!hkqzig ee!we!lix<xq!wPK!Ex. Tooth – teeth x -uf<kiz<!nkx<G!hkqzig ces!we!lix<xq!wPK!Ex. Matrix – matrices )lx<xhc!ohiKuig!plural-Ng!lix<Xl<!OhiK!noun-dme<‘s, es’!Osv<g<g!Ou{<Ml<*!!


1. sheep, cattle, deer, , aircraft, , swine!Ngqbux<Xg<G!singular, plural!ye<Ox/!2. spectacles, news, means, premises, species, corps –Ngqbux<Xg<G!singular, plural!ye<Ox!3. OuXsqz!uiv<k<jkgTg<G!hqe<uVliX!lix<xzil</!man – men, woman – women, child – children. 4. OlZl<!sqz!wMk<Kg<gim<Mgt<;!son in law – sons in law, Commander-in-chief – Commanders-in-chief Man-of-war – Men-of-war, passer-by – Passers-by, Inspecter-general – Inspecters-general Exercises: 1. What is the plural of the word ‘nucleus’? a) nuclei b) nucleuss c) nucleuses 2. What is the plural of the word ‘bacillus’? a) bacilluses b) bacillies c) bacilli 3. What is plural form of ‘datum’? a) datas b) data c) datums 4. What is the plural form of ‘crisis’? a) crisise b) crisista c) crises 5. What is the plural form of ‘radius’? a) radiuses b) radii c) radis 6. What is the plural form of ‘tooth’.? a) teeth b) tooths c) toothe 7. Give plural for ‘sheep’? a) sheeps b) sheepes c) sheep 8. Write the plural for ‘medium’?. a) mediums b) medias c) media 9. What is the plural of the word ‘axis’? a) axises b) axes c) axii 10. What is the plural form of ‘analysis’? a) analyses b) analyss c) analyx 11. What is the plural form of ‘thesis’? a) thesi b) theses c) thesises 12. What is the plural form of ‘basis’? a) basises b) basis c) bases 13. What is the plural form of ‘fungus’? a) funguis b) fungi c) fungais 14. What is the plural form of ‘index’? a) indexes b) indices c) indis 15. What is the plural form of ‘vortex’? a) vortices b) vortexes c) vorteses 16. What is the plural form of ‘phenomenon’? a) phenomena b) phenomenea c) phenomenons 17. What is the plural form of ‘formula’? a) formulas b) formulea c) formulae 18. What is the plural form of ‘son-in-law’? a) son-in-laws b) sons-in-law c) sons-in-lawses 19. What is the plural form of ‘man-of-war’? a) mans-of-war b) men-of-war c) man-of-wars 20. What is the plural form of ‘passer-by’? a) passers-by b) passer-bys c) passers-bys 21. What is the plural form of ‘woman’? a) womans b) weman c) women 22. What is the plural form of ‘scenery’? a) sceneries b) scenery c) scenerieses 23. What is the plural form of ‘stationary’? a) stationary b) stationaries c) stationarys 24. What is the plural form of ‘luggage’? a) luggages b) luggage c) luggies


25. What is the plural form of ‘deer’? a) deers b) deerses c) deer 26. What is the plural form of ‘swine’? a) swine b) swines c) swina 27. What is the plural form of ‘information’? a) informations b) information c) informina 28. What is the plural form of ‘news’? a) news b) newses c) newsins 29. What is the plural form of ‘Inspector-General’? a) Inspector-generals b) Inspectors-general c) Inspectors-generals 30. What is the plural form of ‘commander-in chief’?

a) commanders-in-chiefs b) commanders-in-chief c) commander-in-chiefs Answers: 1. nucleus - nuclei 2. bacillus – bacilli 3. datum – data 4. crisis – crises 5. radius – radii 6. tooth - teeth 7. sheep – sheep 8. medium – media

9. axis – axes 10. analysis – analyses 11. thesis – theses 12. basis – bases 13. fungus - fungi 14. index – indices 15. vortex – vortices 16. phenomenon – phenomena

17. formula – formulae 18. son-in-law - sons-in-law 19. man-of-war - men-of-war20. passer-by - passers-by 21. woman – women 22. scenery – scenery 23. stationary – stationary 24. luggage – luggage

25. deer – deer 26. swine – swine 27. information - information28. news – news 29. Inspector-General -

Inspectors-general 30. commander-in chief - commanders-in-chief


-ms<osix<gt<!OlOz?!gQOp?!dt<Ot?!outqOb!Ohie<xju!Prepositions NGl</!No Prepositions Example sentence Tamil meaning 1 In )dt<Ot* The ball is in the box nf<k!hf<K!ohm<cbqe<!dt<Ot!-Vg<gqxK/

2 To )g<G* I went to trichy last night fie<!Ofx<X!-vU!kqVs<sqg<Gs<!ose<Oxe</!

3 On )OlOz* The book is on the table nf<k!Hk<kgl<!Olj\bqe<!Olz<!-Vg<gqxK/!

4 At )g<Gt<* Our head office is at Madurai flK!kjzjl!nZuzgl<!lKjvbq<z<!-Vg<gqxK/!

5 Up )OlOz* Balu went up the hill hiZ!ljzbqe<<!OlOz!Wxqeie</!

6 By )Nz<* This chair is made by our carpenter -f<k!fix<gizq!flK!ks<sviz<!osb<bh<hm<mK/!

7 For )g<gig* This pencil is for my sister -f<k!ohe<sqz<!we<!sOgikvqg<gig!-Vg<gqxK/!

8 Near )nVgqz<* Our house is very near to our school. wr<gt<!uQM!ht<tqg<G!nVgqz<!dt<tK!

9 Over )OlOz* Birds fly over the tree hxjugt<!nf<k!lvk<Kg<G!OlOz!hxg<gqe<xe/!

10 Upon )lQK* The tree fell upon me nf<k!lvl<!we<!lQK!uqPf<K!uqm<mK/!

11 Under )gQp<* The ball is under the table nf<k!hf<K!Olj\bqe<!ncbqz<!dt<tK/!

12 Above )OlOz* God is above to all gmUt<!njek<Kg<Gl<!OlOz!-Vg<gqxiv</!

13 Along )upqbig* Ram walked along the railway track vil<!-vbqz<!hijkbqe<!upqbig!ose<xie</!

14 Across )GXg<Og* The government built a bridge across the river nvS!nf<k!Nx<xqe<!GXg<Og!hizl<!gm<cbK/!

15 Of ).g<gie?!djmb* This is a school of fine arts -K!F{<gjzgTg<gie!gz<uqg<%ml/<!

16 Off )fqXk<K* The teacher switched off the light Nsqvqbv<!nf<k!uqtg<jg!nj{k<kiv</!

17 About )hx<xq* Nobody knows about Gandhiji. gif<kqjbh<!hx<xq!biVg<Gl<!okvqbuqz<jz/!

18 Among )nuv<gTg<gqjmOb* They discussed among themselves. nuv<gt<!nuv<gTg<gqjmOb!djvbiceiv<gt</!

19 Between )fMuqz<* The teacher is standing between Ramu and Somu



20 Before )Le<* You should enter the class before the bell



21 Behind )hqe<eiz<* The boy always stands behind his mother



22 Back )hqe<eiz<* Go back hqe<eiz<!osz</!

23 In front of )Le<eiz<* He stands in front of me nue<!weg<G!Le<eiz<!fqx<gqxie</!

24 Since )zqVf<K* We are studying in this school since 1999



25 Down )gQOp* Get down from the stairs hcbqzqVf<K!gQOp!-xr<G!

26 Below )ncbqz<* Answer the questions below ncbqz<!gi[l<!uqeig<gTg<G!hkqz<!ntq!

27 After )hqxG* Meet me after your meals deK!d{Ug<G!hqxG!we<je!sf<kq/!

28 Into )dt<Tg<Gt<* The Tiger fell into the well. Hzq!gq{x<Xg<Gt<!uqPf<kK/!

29 From )-Vf<K* These questions were asked from your book



30 Through )Dmig* The car went through a narrow street giv<!yV!GXgqb!okVuqe<!Dmig!ose<xK!

**(at-Gxqhqm<m!-ml?<!in-ohvqb!-mk<Kg<Gt<!-Vh<hK!Ex. The school is at Woraiyur in Trichy)!


Exercises: Ogicm<m!-mr<gtqz<!svqbie!Preposition–J!wMk<K!fqvh<h!Ou{<Ml<!Choose the appropriate preposition to complete the sentence: 1. Students should try to get up …… 6 o’ clock a) after b) before c) in 2. ….. an hour you must study your lessons. a) in b) of c) for 3. Your school starts ….. 8 o’ clock. a) in b) on c) at 4. You should reach your school ….. time and not ….time a) in, on b) on, in c) at, in 5. It will be appreciated if you are attentive….. the classes get over. a) in b) after c) till 6. It will be appreciated if you are attentive….. the classes get over. a) until b) before c) after 7. You can always clarify your doubts ….. the class hours. a) in b) during c) on 8. You can also clarify your doubts …. the class hours. a) after b) above c) behind 9. ….. you get back home you have to wash your face. a) before b) as soon as c) by 10. As you have been working …. morning you should relax for some time. a) before b) after c) since 11. A.P.J.Abdul Kalam was born ….. 15th October 1931 … …. the island town Rameshwaram …. India a) at, in, on b) in, at, on c) on, at, in d) in, on, at 12. He always got up early …. the morning. a) on b) before c) in 13. Sometimes he got up ….. 4 a.m and 5 a.m. a) before b) between c) among 14. You should get up …. Sunrise. a) on b) under c) before 15. Abdul Kalam conducted nuclear test …Pokhran …Rajestan. a) in, at b) on, at c) at, in 16. Sharad has been living …. New York …. 1990. a) in, since b) at, before c) on, after 17. ….. 1990 he was studying in the Punjab University. a) since b) before c) under 18. He lives …. an apartment with his wife and children a) on b) above c) in 19. His apartment is … the third floor. a) on b) below c) at 20. He does not work … a farm, but is employed … a business firm. a) at, at b) on, on c) to, to 21. His business firm is located …. a short distance from his house a) at b) for c) to 22. Sharad’s friends also stay …. the same building. a) in b) under c) on 23. Suriya stays …. Sharad’s apartment. a) in b) on c) above 24. Vikram’s apartment is …. Sharad’s apartment. a) over b) below c) on 25. Sharad misses his parents who live … Chandigarh … India a) at, in b) in, at c) by, in 26. He visits his parents … the season of spring. a) among b) during c) since 27. He has no plans to return to India ….he retires … service. a) when, on b) till, of c) until, from 28. Meet me …..your meals. a) after b) on c) in 29. The boy always stands ……his mother. a) above b) under c) behind 30. This table is made …. our carpenter. a) of b) by c) before

Answers: 1. before 2. for 3. at 4. in, on 5. till

6. until 7. during 8. after 9. as soon as 10. since

11. on, at, in 12. in 13. between 14. before 15. at, in

16. in, since 17. before 18. in 19. on 20. on, on

21. at 22. in 23. above 24. below 25. at, in

26. during 27. until, from 28. after 29. behind 30. by

Making a sentence from jumbled words: lixq!lixq!-Vg<Gl<!uiv<k<jkgjt!yV!uig<gqbl<!uVliX!lix<xq!wPKkz<!

Exercise: 1. that / remember / Always / become / can / you / thinking / by / big / big.

Always remember that you can become big by thinking big. 2. good / to / Try / inculcate / people/ with / being / habits / by / positive.

Try to inculcate good habits by being with good people. 3. goals / high / Set / fit / and / them / time-frame / in / the

Set the goals high and fit them in time-frame 4. you / that / heading / Visualize / towards / are / your goal

Visualize that you are heading towards your goal. 5. assure / of / are / you / the success / yourself / achieving

You assure yourself of achieving the success. 6. there / is / will / a there / Where / is / way / a

Where there is a will there is a way.


7. perform / Rain / storm / should / you / or Rain or storm you should perform.

8. indeed / a friend / is / in need / A friend. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

9. is / power / Knowledge Knowledge is power.

10. should / not / a low breaker / be / a law maker A law maker should not be a law breaker.

Spotting the Errors: ogiMg<gh<hm<m!uig<gqbk<kqz<!dt<t!kuXgjt!kqVk<kq!wPkOu{<Ml<!!

-f<k!hbqx<sqbqz<!1) tense 2) singular-plural 3) degrees 4) articles 5) prepositions 6) conjunction 7) If clause 8) Phrases!Ngqb!kjzh<Hgtqz<!kuxig!uig<gqbr<gt<!ogiMk<kqVh<hiv<gt</!fil<!nkje!svqosb<b!Ou{<Ml<!

Type Wrong Sentence )kuX*! Right Sentence )svq* Reason )giv{l<*



Many people behaves rudely now-a-days.

Many people behave rudely now-a-days.

Many people-plural weOu!verb -zqVf<K s–J!fQg<gOu{<Ml<

Money make many things. Money makes many things Money-Singular weOu!!verb –dme< s–!Osv<g<gOu{<Ml<

Each of the cycles are damaged.

Each of the cycles is damaged )yu<ouiV!jsg<gqTl<!


Each of the cycles - Singular weOu!are–J!is-Ng!lix<x!Ou{<Ml<!

Cycles is damaged. Cycles are damaged Cycles - Plural weOu!is–J!are-Ng!lix<x!Ou{<Ml<

The furniture were displayed at the showroom

The furniture was displayed at the showroom

Furniture - Singular weOu!were–J!was-Ng!lix<xzil<!

Neither the Secretary nor the Manager were available.

Neither the secretary nor the manager is/was available.

osbzOvi/OlOe\Ovi.-K Singular!weOu!isnz<zKwas!

I hearing a strange noise. I hear a strange noise/ I am hearing a strange noise

I hearing!uviK!I hear!nz<zK!I am hearing-kie<!svq!

He is having a large family. He has a large family has we<hOk!svq!

Have any one seen my purse? Has any one seen my purse? anyone-we<hjk!Singular-


I have seen the film last week. I saw the film last week last week-past tense weOu!saw


She is sleeping for five hours.

She has been sleeping for five hours

For five hours –present perfect continuous weOu!…//!

I would accept the offer if I was you?

I would accept the offer if I were you?


)you.g<G!were*!!The police has made several arrests.

The police have made several arrests.

The police!)Ohizq <̂!-el<*-Plural weOu!have–kie<svq!

We should helped the poor We should help the poor should.g<G!hqxG!present verb




al One of the girl sang well One of the girls sang well oh{<gtqz<!yVuv<!we<hkiz<!

Each of the cycle is damaged

Each of the cycles is damaged jsg<gqt<gt<!yu<ouie<Xl<!




Kala is tallest girl in the class

Kala is the tallest girl in the class. …est .g<G!Le<eiz<!the !

My uncle is richest man in the village.

My uncle is the richest man in the village.

superlative…est .g<G!Le<eiz<!the OhimOu{<Ml<!

Chennai is one of the biggest city in India

Chennai is one of the biggest cities in India


weOu!cities-Plural Nithya is taller to Nivi Nithya is taller than Nivi<G!hqxG!than



use If I were a bird I would

have escaped. If I were a bird I would escape. If clause.z< past uVl<!OhiK!would-kie<!OhimOu{<Ml< !

If you had worked hard, you would pass

If you had worked hard, you would have passed

If clause.z< past perfect uVl<!OhiK!would have-kie<!svq!




Ramu is a honest man. Ramu is an honest man. Vowel sound.g<G!Le<eiz<!an A American lives near my house.

An American lives near my house

Vowel sound.g<G!Le<eiz<!an!Ohim!Ou{<Ml<!

He joined an European University.

He joined a European University.

B.consonant sound weOu!a European –kie<!svq

He started to USA yesterday.

He started to the USA yesterday.

fim<Mg<G!Le<eiz<!the OhimOu{<Ml<!

Do you know which is world’s tallest building?

Do you know which is the world’s tallest building?

yOv!dzgl<!weOu!the world–kie<!svq!

He is good athlete. He performs well

He is a good athlete. He performs well





The dog fell along the river. The dog fell into the river. dt<Ot!.!into

I prefer coffee than tea. I prefer coffee to tea. gih<hqg<G!C!.!to He told to me a story. He told me a story. to -Okjubx<xK!He is suffering with typhoid He is suffering from typhoid jmhib<M!&zlig!(from)

I place great confidence on you I place great confidence in you de<eqz<!fl<hqg<jg!

jug<gqOxe<!in you-kie<!svq!I believe on God I believe in God in God-kie<!svq!




Though he is rich but he is unhappy.

Though he is rich, he is unhappy / He is rich, but he is unhappy.

Though, but -v{<Ml<!uvg<!%miK!ye<Xkie<!uvOu{<Ml<!

Looking through the window and he saw the stranger.

Looking through the window, he saw the stranger

Looing through the window-phrase nkx<<G!hqxG!lQ{<Ml<!and!Okjubqz<jz!


ses We did not reject the

proposal, nor we accepted it We neither rejected the proposal; nor did we accept it.

Neither…nor…-K!yV!phrase -r<G!-KOu!Ljx!

Instead of the rain the match continued

In spite of the rain the match continued

ljp!ohb<k!OhiKl<!.!In spite of .kie<!svq!

Tips for slow learners: 1. …est –z<!LcBl<!uiv<k<jkgTg<G!Le<eiz<!the!Osv<k<K!wPKg/ 2. is uf<kiz<!are weUl< are!uf<kiz< is!weUl<!lix<Xg 3. was uf<kiz<!were weUl< were!uf<kiz< was!weUl<!lix<Xg 4. a uf<kiz<!an weUl< an!uf<kiz< a!weUl<!lix<Xg 5. verb, noun - s z<!Lcf<kqVf<kiz<!njk!fQg<Gg/!s -z<jzobe<xiz<!Osv<k<KuqMg/ 6. ‘than’ uf<kiz<!njk!wMk<K!uqm<M!to OhimUl</ 7. ‘one of the nz<zK one of these nz<zK each of the uf<kiz<!nkx<Gh<!hqe<eiz<!dt<t!uiv<k<jkBme<!s Osv<k<K!plural-Ng!wPKg/!

8. ‘one of the nz<zK one of these nz<zK each of the uf<K!nkx<Gh<!hqe<eiz<!dt<t!uiv<k<jkBme<!s Osv<f<K!uf<K!nkx<Gh<hqxG!are-uf<kiz<!is-weUl<?!were-uf<kiz<!was-weUl<!lix<xq!wPKg/

Exercise: Identify and correct the errors in the sentences:

1. I met an European. 2. Geetha’s father is a M.L.A 3. They are going to Himalayas. 4. Ragu prefers milk than tea. 5. A bunch of keys were found in my car. 6. One of the boy looks happy. 7. We bought office furnitures. 8. My father is a honest man. 9. Mathematics are my favourite subject. 10. Ramu wanted an one rupee coin.

Answers: 1. I met a European (ju:-B!we<X!olb<obizqbqz<!okimr<Gukiz<* 2. Geetha’s father is an M.L.A. )wl<!we<hK!dbqovizq* 3. They are going to the Himalayas. )sqxh<Hh<!ohbVg<G!Le<eiz< the)4. Ragu prefers milk to tea. )hiZg<G!C!weOu!to!* 5. A bunch of keys was found in my car.!)suqg<ogik<K!yVjl* 6. One of the boys looks happy. )jhbe<gtqz<!yVue<* 7. We bought office furniture. (furniture-g<G!he<jlBl<!nKOu* 8. My father is an honest man. )Ne <̂m<!.!dbqovizq!okimg<gl<* 9. Mathematics is my favourite subject. (mathematics – yVjl* 10. Ramu wanted a one rupee coin. )ue<.!olb<obizq!okimg<gl<*


Punctuation: ohvqb!wPk<K?!Lx<Xh<Ht<tq?!gix<Ht<tq?!njvh<Ht<tq?!Ogt<uqg<Gxq?!Ns<svqbg<Gxq!!


1 Start with capital letter ( A, B, C, D ……Z) Lkz<!wPk<jk!capital!wPk<kig<G/ 2 Names – start with capital letter.

ohbv<gTg<G!Lkz<!wPk<jk!Ogh<hqmzig<G 3 i keqbig!uf<kiz<!Ogh<hqmzig<G(I) im uf<kiz<!I’m we!lix<X/!4 Comma ( , ) for list of things. nkqg!w{<{qg<jgbqz<!ohiVm<gt<!uf<kiz<!gli!?!OhiM/ 5 d{i<s<sqgjtk<!okiquqg<Gl<!uig<gqbr<gt<?!uiv<k<jkgtqe<!-Xkqbqz<!uqbh<Hg<Gxq!)"*!-Mg!

O! Ah! Oh! Hurrah! Alas! What an idea! 6 Direct speech!uVl<OhiK?!gQp<gi[l<!ujgbqz<!njlBl<!!

!!!!!!He Said, “ …………………..” Ram asked, “ ………………..” Ram exclaimed, “ ……………” Ram regretted, “ …………….” %xh<hMl<!osb<kqbieK!“…………//”.z<!njlBl</

7 Apostrophe (’)Olx<Gxq!uqMhm<m!wPk<Kg<gjtg<!gim<mUl<!w{<gt<?!wPk<Kg<gtqe<!he<jl!gim<mUl<!Noun.e<!djmjljb!Gxqg<gUl<!Olx<Gxq!hbe<hMgqxK/!

)w/gi*; i) Add two 3’s and five 4’s ii) Anitha’s bicycle. iii) Don’t, iv) Doesn’t 8 Statement sentence )osb<kq!uig<gqbr<gt<*?!Imperative sentence )gm<mjt!uig<gqbr<gt<*!


)w/gi*!i) Vivek writes well. ii) Shut the door. 9 Ogt<uq!uig<gqbr<gtqe<!-Xkqbqz<!Ogt<uqg<Gxq!@!-m!Ou{<Ml</)‘Wh’ qns/Yes or No Qns</*!

)w/gi*!i) What is your name? ii) Have you finished your work?

Exercise: Punctuate the following sentence: 1. anand said sarathy you have done a good job 2. children enjoyed watching the film didnt they 3. unless john learns driving he cannot impress his boss 4. how pleasant the weather is today 5. congratulations i heard you ve got a job in singapore 6. nagaraj said to his father will you allow me to go on an excursion to kerala 7. help i m drowning 8. the teacher said be sure to turn off the lights when you leave the room 9. gee what happened to you 10. what you told that old beggar all my private affairs cried hughie looking very red and angry

Answers: 1. Anand said Sarathy, “You have done a good job!” 2. Children enjoyed watching the film, didn’t they? 3. Unless John learns driving, he cannot impress his boss. 4. “How pleasant the weather is today!” 5. “Congratulations! I heard you’ve got a job in Singapore.” 6. Nagaraj said to his father, “Will you allow me to go on an excursion to Kerala?” 7. “Help! I’m drowning!” 8. The teacher said, “Be sure to turn off the lights when you leave the room.” 9. “Gee! What happened to you?” 10. “What! You told that old beggar all my private affairs?” cried Hughie looking very red and angry.

Translation: Long ago, there lived in a forest a pride of lions with several cubs. One of the cubs was always curious to know about things. One day he saw a butterfly and started chasing it. The little cub ran and ran but was unable to catch the butterfly. By then he had become too tired to run. He also realized that he had lost his way. Before he knew anything, he had fallen asleep. Le<oeiV!gizk<kqz<!gim<cz<!yV!sqr<gg<%m<ml<!sqr<gg<!Gm<cgOtiM!uip<f<K!uf<kK/!







Writing Dialogue for a situation: (ogiMg<gh<hm<m!S,p<fqjzg<G!djvbimz<!wPKkz<*; !



!Lkzqz< May I come in?!!Yes, come in. we<x!uig<gqbr<gtqz<!djvbimjzk<!okimr<g!Lcgqxki!we<X!hiv<k<K!okimr<gUl</!


!Lkzqz<!OhShuVg<G!Ofvig!Good morning weUl<!nMk<K!hkqz<!osiz<huVg<G!Ofvig!Good morning weUl<!okimr<gUl</!


! What – we<e@!!!!When –wh<ohiPK@ Whom –biVg<G@! Who –!biv<@ Whose –biVjmb@ How much –!wu<utU@!!! Why – We<@!! What for –!wkx<gig@ How many –!wk<kje@ Where – wr<Og@!! How – wh<hc@ How long –!wu<utU!

gizl</K~vl<@ !

!djvbimjz!Lcg<Gl<OhiK!Lkzqz<!OhShuVg<G!Ofvig!Thank you weUl<!gjmsqbig!hkqz<!osiz<huVg<G!Ofvig Welcome weUl<!Lcg<gUl</

Frame a dialogue for the following situation. Your younger sister/brother has not done well in her/his examination. She/he is upset over her/his poor performance. Cheer her/him up with words of encouragement.

Ramya (I) : Hello Anandhi! What happened to you? Are you unwell? Anandhi : No, I am quite all right. Ramya : Why do you look so depressed? Anandhi : Oh! I haven’t done well in this exam. The maths paper was tough. Ramya : Are you afraid that you will fail in maths? Anandhi : No, I will not fail. I can score only 70 marks. I can’t get centum. Ramya : Don’t worry. I heard that the paper was tough. No one can score centum. Anandhi : Yes. It’s true. But I did some silly mistakes. Ramya : Don’t upset. It is quite natural. Anandhi : I practiced the sums. But I made blunder mistakes. That’s why I upset. Ramya : Practice hard many more times those sums. You will get centum in next exam. Anandhi : Yes, Ramya. I should not lose my heart. I will definitely get centum in next exam. Expressing ideas about picture:


Look at the picture given below. Express your views on it in about five sentences.

Answer: • This is the picture of the Indian Cricket

team. • The Indian team won the ICC world cup

20-20 Championship by beating Pakistan in the final.

• It was happened in the year 2007. • The team members were very happy. • They show the victory symbol to the

viewers. • They are shouting happily to show their

happiness. • They are giving triumphant posing to the

