The Arctic Circle -...


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The Arctic Circle

03.10.2016/ 17.10.2016

S/V Antigua

Monday 03.10.2016 / Day 1

Longyearbyen – Bjonahamna

O°c, wind 12m/sec, snow, rough sea, welcome to the Arctic.Clearing up during the afternoon, clear evening, strong northern lights.Sunrise 08:50 – Sunset 18:39.

14:00 – Arrival at Antigua.

15:30 - Introduction to the ship and the crew by captain Joachim. Change to ships time, clock one hour forward.

18:20 - Let go Longyearbyen, 78°13.7´N, 015°36.3´E. Intention to go to Ymerbukta.

20:20 – Deciding that this is a rather rough start. Course changed 180° degrees. Sailing North East.

20:40 – Sails up, engine off. Northern lights!

22:10 – Sails down engine on.

22:50 - Anchor down, Bjonahamna 78°23,6'N, 016°51,6'E.

Sailing North-East.

Tuesday 04.10.2016 / Day 2

Bjonahamna – Tunabreen

-2°C, 7m/s., cloudy. Afternoon: Less wind, 2m/s., a little warmer.Sunrise 08:58 – Sunset 18:31.

Bjonahamna - 78°23,6'N, 016°51,6'E.

Zodiac briefing by Jo.

Morning – landing at Bjonahamna.

14:05 - Anchor up, sailing to Tunabreen.

15:55 – Anchor down 78°23,1'N, 017°23,7'E.

Afternoon – Landing at the newly discovered ´Jægerøya´ after Kristin Jæger Wexsahl who discovered that what seemed to be connected to the glacier Tunabreen actually is an island.A large group of Belugas swimming in the very shallow waters between the ship and the shore.

Landing site, Bjonahamna.

Wednesday 05.10.2016 / Day 3

Tunabreen – Gipsvika – North?

4°C, 2m/s. Overcast and some rain. More wind and colder during theafternoon, 12m/s, 2°C.Sunrise 09:05 – Sunset 18:23.

Morning landing at Jægerøya.Belugas passing by again.

14:00 - Anchor up. Strong Southernly winds. Where can we land? Can we land?

16:55 - Anchor down Gipsvika, 78°26,2´N, 016°25,9´E.

Landing at Gipshukodden.

20:35 - Anchor up, sailing out of Isfjorden.

Landing site, Jægerøya, close to Tunabreen.

Thursday 06.10.2016 / Day 4


-2°C, 2m/sec, some clouds but mainly bright sunshine and strong colors. Wind picking up from the South at the end of the morning –increasing swell. Overcast during the afternoon – 1°C.Sunrise 09:13 – Sunset 18:15.

06:30 – Turning back into Isfjorden. A very strong swell from the South West. The ship heels up to 30°. Entering less wild waters around 08:30.

09:50 – Anchor down, Ymerbukta, 78°18,0´N, 013°57.2´E.

Morning – Stationary, short and longer hike to or towards the glacier Esmarkbreen.

Afternoon – Landing on the land spit in front of Esmarkbreen.Swims!

18:00 - Anchor up. Moving to the other side of the fjord – strong winds from the South are expected.

19:20 - Anchor down, Ymerbukta, 78°16,6´N, 013°57.6´E.

Landing site, Ymerbukta.

Friday 07.10.2016 / Day 5

North? - Ymerbukta

2°C, 20m/s. A lot of rain. A lot of wind. Overcast. Rather dark.Gusts up to 20 knots.Sunrise 09:21 – Sunset 18:06.

Expected Southernly winds picking up during the night.

01:30 – 2th anchor down.08:00 – Anchors not holding. We reach a speed of 0.5 knots with two anchors and 270m anchor chain out. Heading towards the Northern side of the fjord.

Morning – Landing is impossible, swims are made.

16:00 – Anchors holding.Afternoon – Landing is impossible. Decision is made that we are ´værfast´, stuck due to the weather. 17:00 – Both anchors up. Moving back to the Southern shore.17:40 – Anchor down19:10 – Anchor not holding, 2th anchor down.

Presentations. Ymerbukta, stuck. Photo by Julia.

Saturday 08.10.2016 / Day 6

Ymerbukta – North! - Blomstrandhalvøya

3°C, 10m/sec.Sunrise 09:29 – Sunset 17:58.

09:00 – 1th anchor up.

09:20 – 2th anchor up. Sailing out of Isfjorden. Morning sunshine on Alkhornet.

11:45 – sails set.

16:30 – Abandon ship drill.

17:20 – Fire drill.

21:14 – Anchor down, Blomstrandhamna, 78°59,6´N, 012°04.6´E.

Costume party.

Sailing North, passing Alkhornet in the morning sun.

Sunday 09.10.2016 / Day 7

Blomstrandhalvøya - Blomstrandbreen

0°C, 5m/s. Overcast. 2°C, overcast and a little bit of rain in theafternoon.Sunrise 09:37 – Sunset 17:49.

Morning – landing on an island in front of Blomstrandbreen. 10 years ago, the glacier was still connected to the larger island called Blomstrandhalvøya, ´flower beach peninsula´. When the glacier retreated it became clear that it was an island in stead of a peninsula. The small island we land on was still covered by the glacier about 7 years ago.

13:20 – Anchor up. Passing through uncharted waters – zodiac measuring the depth in front of Antigua. We make it.

14:55 – Anchor down, Blomstrandbreen, 79°00,2´N, 012°13.1´E.

Afternoon – Landing close to Blomstrandbreen. Short hike at the end of the landing.


Landing on a small island in front of Blomstrandbreen.

Monday 10.10.2016 / Day 8

Blomstrandbreen – Ny Ålesund

Foggy, cloudy, overcast, dark but beautiful morning. 2°C, 2m/s.Cloudy, rainy, grey but nice afternoon. Clear sky and Northern lights in the late evening.Sunrise 09:45 – Sunset 17:41.

Morning – Stationary, short and long hike. Close to – up to and all the way up to Blomstrandbreen.A little late for lunch.

14:35 – Anchor up.

16:50 – Moored Ny Ålesund, 78°55.6´N, 011°56.4´E.

Afternoon – walk to the Amundsen/Nobile mast. Visit to the town, shop, museum. Late dinner.

Nordpol hotellet in Ny Ålesund.

Tuesday 11.10.2016 / Day 9

Ny Ålesund – Sailing North - Virgohamna

2°C, 12m/s changing from SW to SE to NE, calming down during the day. Sky clearing up during the afternoon. Clear and calm evening 0m/s.Sunrise 09:53 – Sunset 17:32.

07:20 – Let go Ny Ålesund.

Sailing North.Dead sperm whale.Polar bear.Sidensvans, very rare bird this far North.Polar fox.Walruses.

17:15 – Anchor down Virgohamna, 79°43,3´N, 010°54,5´E. Zodiac cruise, many many harbor seals.


Late night landing, radio show and overnight stay at the hut Torsbu, on Æøya.

Harbor seals close to Virgohamna.

Wednesday 12.10.2016 / Day 10

Smeerenburg – Fuglefjorden

2°C, 8m/s, wind picking up during the morning. Overcast but not raining. Almost no wind, high fog and some humidity during the afternoon.Sunrise 10:02 – Sunset 17:23.

09:00 – Anchor up

09:35 – Anchor down, Smeerenburg, 79°43,7´N, 011°00.5´E.

Landing at Smeerenburg.Walruses – many – and even a very young one.Walk to the remains of Smeerenburg, ´Blubbertown´, the center of Dutch whaling in the early 17th century.Hike to the other side of the island, collecting garbage.

12:40 – Anchor up. Pick up hiking group on the Northern side of Smeerenburg.

15:00 Cruising Svidjotbreen. Both zodiacs in the water. Icecruise.Landing on an island in front of the glacier – Spikeholmen.19:00 – Anchor down in Fuglefjorden, 79°45,3´N, 011°31.5´E.Presentations.

Remains of blubberovens, Smeerenburg.

Thursday 13.10.2016 / Day 11

Fuglefjorden – Sailing South – Fjortende Julibukta

-2°C, 3m/s, almost clear and bright morning. Wind picking up during the afternoon, 9-10 m/s. Snow.Sunrise 10:11 – Sunset 17:14.

07:30 – Early morning zodiac cruise.

Morning – Project zodiac, landing on Spikeholmen, calving of Svidjotbreen causing ´the big wave´.

12:00 – Anchor up. Sailing South

21:05 – Anchor down Fjortende Julibukta.

Mulled wine by the GRMI.

Landing on Spikeholmen, Fuglefjorden.

Friday 14.10.2016 / Day 12

Fjortende Julibukta

4°C, 7m/s. Rain. Overcast. Rain. Less wind in the afternoon. Rain.Sunrise 10:20 – Sunset 17:04.

Morning – Landing Fjortende Julibukta.

Afternoon – Stationary, long, short hike, zodiac projects.


Landing site, Fjortende Julibukta.

Saturday 15.10.2016 / Day 13

Fjortende Julibukta – Sailing South

-3°C, 10m/s. Early morning rain, soon changing into snow. Clear, bright, nicely cold morning. Mores snow and rather intense wind inthe afternoon. Quite a swell at the entrance of Isfjorden.Sunrise 10:29 – Sunset 16:55.

07:40 – Anchor up.

10:50 – Sails up

14:17 – All sails down, loss of a project, MOB drill.

15:35 – recovery lifebuoy.

17:07 – End MOB drill. Debriefing

18:30 – Sails up.

Dancing on deck.

Sailing in Forlandsundet.

Sunday 16.10.2016 / Day 14


-2°C, 5m/s. Bright morning, no rain! A little overcast later during the day.Sunrise 10:39 – Sunset 16:45.

02:55 – Anchor down, Pyramiden. Noorderlicht is laying at the pier.

03:30 – Anchor not holding, second anchor down.

09:00 – Zodiac to shore. Morning visit to Pyramiden.

09:30 – Anchors up

11:30 – Moored Pyramiden, 78°39.2´N, 16°22.9´E.

Afternoon – Visit to the culture house, walk to the bottle house, photo hike, project walk and more.

17:30 – Visit to the bar at Hotel Tulipan.


Monday 17.10.2016 / Day 15

Pyramiden – Longyearbyen

8°C, light wind 2m/s, overcast, low fog.Sunrise 10:49 – Sunset 16:34.

Switch back to local time, clock one hour back.

06:45 – Let go Pyramiden.

10:45 – Moored in Longyearbyen, 78°13.7´N, 015°36.3´E.

Takk for turen!



Captain : Joachim Schiel First mate : Daniel Bencz Second mate : Uta Schulz

Service manager : Jana Maxová Chef : Sascha Hühn Service : Sarolta Simon Service : Christel van den Reek

Project leader : Aaron O'Connor

Expedition Leader : Sarah Gerats

Guide : Kristin Jæger Wexsahl

Guide : Sally Hovelsø

Guide : Marte Agneberg Dahl

Dog : Nemo

Triplog by Sally & Sarah. Photos by Sarah unless mentioned otherwise.

Sunrise – Sunset : noted in ships time, all times are for Longyearbyen.

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