The art of green 011010 v2.0


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Museums Association Conference,

Manchester, UK

6th October 2010

The Art of Green:

Can Changing Behaviour

Save Energy at Manchester

Art Gallery?

Catriona Morgan

Principal Manager: Visitor

Services and Operations

Manchester City Galleries

Raphael Lozano Hemmer18 September 2010 – 30 January 2011

Erik Bichard

Professor Erik Bichard

Regeneration and Sustainable


University of Salford

Context of the Project (1)

•SAVE ENERGY funded through the EU

Competiveness and Innovation Framework

Programme (CIP) –

• Includes 15 partners in 5 cities (Lisbon,

Leiden, Lulea (Sweden), Helsinki and


•30 month duration ending August 2011

Context of the Project (2)

•Energy Monitoring Kit - via Carbon

Innovation Fund, Manchester City Council

•Lighting Changes (Tungsten to LEDs) -

funded by Renaissance North West -

MLA’s programme to transform England’s

regional museums.

Living Laboratories

• Each city picked a pilot building. In Manchester it’s the Art Gallery

• Owned and run by the City

• 400,000 visitors a year : £35M refurbishment in 1998 (Grade I & II listed)

• Project partners are Manchester Digital Development Agency (part of the Council), University of Salford and the art gallery

The Building - external

The Building - internal

Project Objectives

• Contribute to City’s target of a 41%

reduction in CO2 emissions (against 2005

levels) by 2020.

• Monitor and reduce energy use in the

gallery -specifically:

• In the atrium

• In lift usage

• In the catering areas

• By replacing inefficient lighting with LEDs

Tactics and Strategies

• Technology-based approaches

• Behaviour-based approaches

Energy Saving Behaviour Change


Radio Data






Wireless Data Collection

• The mode of wireless operation needs to be

understood to ensure that it meets project


• Radio coverage can be dramatically improved by

careful location of transmitters and use of repeaters

• Installation of wireless sensors is low

cost and suits buildings sensitive to

installation works

• Data lost due to transmission

problems causes major problems

with a real time data system

Comparison is Key to Understanding

• Consumption must be

compared with a baseline in

order to determine good /

average / bad performance

• If consumption does not follow a predictable

pattern during the day then real time performance

needs to be interpreted in the context of total day


• Errors in the baseline data due to radio

transmission issues can significantly compromise

understanding of performance

Real Time Displays

• Small screen devices are

becoming more flexible at

lower cost

• Web pages can be

transmitted via WiFi to

display any form of text and


• In a public building the potential for theft and

damage needs to be considered

• Screen messages must be engaging and relevant

to stimulate behaviour change



Sustainable Decision-making

Is there a problem?

Do I care?

Do I know what to do about it?

Will the Solution Work?

What will my peers think of my behaviour?

After the Theory of Reasoned Behaviour, Ajzen and Fishbein, 1980)

Cultural Dynamics’ Value Modes

Reacts to





Pioneers Doing

something about

it themselves

Something new

and exciting

Prospectors Organising Something that

feels good

Settlers Calling for

someone to do


Something that is


Beyond the Couch

• Commonly held that apathy is the main

enemy of motivating strategies to lessen

the impacts of global warming

• But some psychotherapists say inaction is

the result of caring too much, not too little

Key Question

How can we fuse the best elements of

technology with a clearer understanding of

the human condition to achieve

sustainable behaviour in museums?

Three ideas

• Create a reward scheme for staff based on

swipe/access cards that log when the stairs are

being used

• Set up a competition among catering staff teams

to see which one saves the most energy against

a pre-competition base-line and reward the


• Inform lift-users about the implications of their

choice though creative electronic display boards

Part funded by the EU and the Carbon Innovation Fund (MCC)

Catriona Morgan: Manchester Art Gallery -

Erik Bichard: University of Salford -

SAVE ENERGY project:

Martine Tommis: Manchester City Council -