The Australian Hypnotherapy Journal · 2021. 1. 29. · The Australian Hypnotherapy Journal The...


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  • The Australian Hypnotherapy Journal

    The official journal of the Australian Hypnotherapists’ Association

    January 2021 Volume 69; Issue No 4 ABN 20 004388 872 • Founded 1949 • Registered 1956

  • January 2021

    The Australian Hypnotherapy Journal – Summer Edition 2021 Page 1


    AHA Presidents Report 2

    Special Notice 3

    Keeping in Touch 4


    Including “Self-Care” in your 2021 Coaching Plan – Brett Cameron 6

    Self-Therapy Part 1 – Laurie Lingard 7

    Eazy Talk – Assertive Communication – Bruni Brewin 8-10

    Installing Love – Bruni Brewin 10-11

    Age of Aquarius – The Editor 18

    Professional Indemnity Insurance 12


    Alternate Solutions – Bruni Brewin 5

    The Mind Academy 12

    Our Ericksonian Learning Community– Rob McNeilly 13

    Dr G Fredrick Mau – Watermark Counseling 14

    AHA Discussion Group 5

    AHA Information and Updates – AHA 2020 Workshops 15

    AHA State Workshops & Reports 15-18

    AHA National & State Committees 19-20

    AHA Journal – Benefits of Submitting Quality Articles 21

    Australian Hypnotherapy Journal Advertising Guidelines 22

    Benefits of AHA Membership 23-24 © The Australian Hypnotherapy Journal is published every January, April, July, and October. Deadlines

    can be found under the Australian Hypnotherapy Journal Advertising Guidelines.

    Opinions of contributors and advertisers are not necessarily those of the publisher. The publisher makes no representation or warranty that information contained in articles or advertisements is accurate, nor accepts liability or responsibility for any action arising out of information contained in this journal.

    Letters to the Editor should be clearly marked as such and be a maximum of 200 words.

    Editor: Chereyl Jackman Proof Reader: Bruni Brewin

    Front Cover: Dolorite Sea Cliff Columns, Tasmania (Your Photos are welcome)

  • January 2021

    The Australian Hypnotherapy Journal – Summer Edition 2021 Page 2

    President’s Report Mailin Colman

    Greetings AHA members,

    Happy New Year and what a year we’ve all experienced!!! For some it has been a huge time of learning and growth, for others a year of hardship and tough times and for many, a year of everything in between. Whatever it has been for you personally, we are all in this together and we’ve seen some amazing things from our fellow humans. My own thoughts have particularly been with our Victorian members and I rejoice to see them all enjoying freedom once more.

    The AHA national committee is proud of the speed with which the AHA instigated change to incorporate 2020’s restrictions. Online peer groups to address both isolation and financial hardship, online CPD being increased more rapidly than the original plan and much more! When it comes to renewal, the AHA feel we have done everything possible to ensure that all members are well and truly able to meet the annual membership requirements.

    International speakers: 2020 saw the AHA bring Freddy and Anthony Jacquin and Rob De Groof to members via Zoom and we have not stopped there! This will be something the AHA will continue even as the country (and world) continues to open up. In 2021, the AHA’s fabulous international workshop committee have already lined up Frederic Mau and Karl Smith (see the AHA events page for dates with more detail coming soon).

    The happiest surprise of all – reduced membership fees for 2021! During the November AHA national committee meeting, discussion centred around the year that was and a unanimous decision was made to reduce the cost of professional, clinical and fellow memberships by $100.00 for the 2021/22 year (only). This is the AHA’s way of saying thank you for sticking with us during very tough times for all concerned as well as acknowledgement that many of us are re-building after serious disruption to our practices. The other membership levels are still very low and under $100 so no change to that cost.

    And speaking of renewals, the time is rapidly approaching - only 3 months left of this membership year!! If you are short of the requirements, please visit the following links to get back on track. The AHA have no cost, low cost CPD available and many of the supervisors have factored in hardship:

    HCA unity project: As you’re all aware, an email was sent to all AHA members on the 23rd of November relating to the White Paper and requesting feedback. For those of you who have responded – a heartfelt thank you!

    Unfortunately, the AACHP has voted against the unity project and with the way HCA is set up, this now puts an end to the entire project. At this point in time, the HCA will revert to continuing with the national directory and, one hopes, moving forward with being the peak body for hypnotherapy in Australia. A disappointing finale to a year of solid work.

    The AHA national committee will continue to monitor the situation and always keep in mind what is best for our members so please continue to have your say.

    Until next time, please stay safe and let there be as few lock downs as humanly possible for all of us!

    Warmest regards,

    Mailin Colman AHA President Clinical Hypnotherapist & Counsellor Accredited Clinical Supervisor Australian Hypnotherapists Association

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    The Australian Hypnotherapy Journal – Summer Edition 2021 Page 3

    Special Notice

    Dear members,

    You will see emails arriving from your respective State Executive officers over the coming weeks and months and I wanted to support them in their efforts to fill committee positions in their respective states. All annual general meetings are coming up over May and June and it would be great to encourage the membership to begin thinking about this.

    It is important to note here that the unity project has been delayed (in the short term we hope) so the AHA will remain as it has been for the next year, if not longer or permanently. There will be more information coming through on this soon.

    As I type this email, Queensland, NSW, Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia are all operating on what we can fairly term - "a skeleton staff". Meaning where there should be at least 4 or 5 committee members, there are only one, two or three people keeping things going.

    Additionally, most of the existing committee members have been around for considerable time and some of them are desperate for a break from the AHA or to pursue their own interests for a while and who of us can blame them! You will all understand that 2020 was a particularly challenging year requiring adaptability, change and a lot of determination for all of us and most definitely for the hardworking AHA committees.

    Being a committee member is very rewarding. You get to have a say and make a difference in how the AHA moves forward. Support to incoming committee members will be provided by outgoing state committee membes, myself and the national committee. No-one will be thrown in the deep end - ever.

    I'll finish this by urging each and every one of you to please, please give this some thought. Feel free to phone or email with your questions - we will all be happy to answer any queries.

    Stay safe and happy,

    Warm regards,

    Mailin Colman National President Australian Hypnotherapists Association

    t 0417 184 355 e w f AHA Facebook

    National Hypnotherapists Register Australia: AHA guidelines & policies:

    and-guidelines-for-members/ (Access requires member to be logged on)

    State and national contact details:

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    The Australian Hypnotherapy Journal – Summer Edition 2021 Page 4

    Keeping in touch …


    Advertise in the Journal

    Advertising rates for the Australian Hypnotherapy Journal:

    Full page $75.00 ½ page $45.00 ¼ page $25.00

    Please Note: Payment must be made in full prior to lodging your advertisement. Details are listed in the Journal.

    Contact: Australian Hypnotherapy Journal Editor - Chereyl Jackman (07) 3204 0402 or 0434 936 613


    Chereyl Jackman BVA; MEd; Dip. Hypnotherapy; Dip. Kinesiology / Supervisor & Mentor; NLP, NLK & NOT Practitioner, CranioSacral Therapist. Cert IV Workplace Training & Assessment; Cert IV Small Business Management, Cert IV Freelance Cartooning & Illustration. Editor – Australian Hypnotherapy Journal

  • January 2021

    The Australian Hypnotherapy Journal – Summer Edition 2021 Page 5

    Bruni Brewin

    Who do you listen to? Who is telling You the truth that applies to You?

    Currently there is a fight for control over the population around the world. Who is controlling them and for what purpose is debatable?

    Some people mandate wearing a mask in this Pandemic, whilst others tell you that it does more harm than good. Who is right? Have you looked at opposing views? Are you able to find the relevant websites?

    I have seen many side effects and deaths attributed to some of these new vaccines coming out on websites that have been removed. I have seen many doctors recommending methods from previously approved drugs already shown to do the job with no dangers or side effects to people who have taken them for years. I have seen Governments in some countries ban the use of these, despite clear evidence from research that showed that they worked.

    We are all unique individuals from various situations. There is ‘no one fix fits all’ solution. The first principle in life is that you have a choice to work out what you think is best for you and your situation after having received guidance from several accredited health experts and evaluating all the pros and cons that may be applicable for the choice that feels right for you.

    Alternative Solution? Your Gut feeling may tell you that you’d be healthier if you released smoking, weight, or anxiety. If you feel you need a helping hand with these or other things that may benefit your health, speak with a local hypnotherapist to see if they could help you to achieve the results that you are looking for. Go to –




    Nothing could be simpler

    By joining the AHA discussion group forum you gain access to the largest membership of any hypnotherapy association in Australia, a huge resource of sharing ideas to benefit our practices. It helps all members, no matter which State you are in, whether you live in a CBD or Rural District – each of us are able to communicate and share ideas and knowledge with every other member.

    It’s as simple as writing an email, just like you do when writing an email to a friend.

    Your forum email address is:

    When you are a member of the forum, you receive posting from other members, as well as being able to post yourself. You can decide whether to respond to an email to be helpful, or watch other responses, or just delete the email if you have no interest in the topic of discussion. These postings can include requests for help with clients, interesting articles, and other discussion topics of interest to your hypnotherapy practice.

    The one rule we have is that you do not post advertising (your own or links that have advertising of their own or someone else’s business, workshops, etc.

    Advertising can be placed in the Journal. Refer Australian Hypnotherapy Journal Advertising Guidelines in ‘Contents’ page for details of fees and page number.

    We would like to see all members being involved, so if you haven’t joined us yet, send an email to my personal email address:

    AHA Discussion Group Jeremy Barbouttis 02 9518 9912

    … and I will verify that you are an AHA member and add you on. (You are required to do this before you can receive or post any messages.

  • January 2021

    The Australian Hypnotherapy Journal – Summer Edition 2021 Page 6

    Including “Self-Care” in Your 2021 Coaching Plan

    This is the time of year for the “big picture” planning. What are you planning on achieving in 2021 and what has to change for that to happen? We are always juggling the wearing of different hats. You have your coaching hat, your motivator hat, your empathic hat, your marketing and sales hat, your business hat, and your networking hat. Bring your attention to how you will use the “self-care” hat in 2021.

    When you receive an email or a message from a client informing you that they can’t make their appointment today, and you respond by doing a fist pump supported by a triumphal “oh yeh”, then that is a sure sign of burn-out. Anyone who is running a successful solo coaching/NLP or hypnotherapy practice would be giving an unconscious nod as they read that sentence.

    I was at that burn-out point three years ago when I was seeing clients five days a week and putting in full-day clinic time. By the weekend there was nothing left in the tank. I was running on empty. I was telling my clients that it was OK to take their foot of the accelerator to re-focus, and it was time for me to listen to my own words. It was at that point, I decided on a life-changing yet simple strategy. I cut my face-to-face days to four days a week and had a price rise.

    The trick to having effective self-care is to put it in your diary. I love getting a reminder on Thursday that tomorrow is “client free”. What could you achieve on your client free day? My activities are:

    Admin and marketing: plan social media posts. Write articles. Have a swim, massage, do some yoga, visit the chiro. Do some gardening. Read. Put brain in bucket, rinse and repeat. Plan for the following week.

    How are you planning to manage “you” better in 2021? When you are rested, healthy and focussed, your clients will thank you, your business will thank you, and your family will thank you. Think about it.

    Brett Cameron Author|Coach|Speaker|Hypnotherapist|Mentor

    W: E: M: +61 403335751

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    The Australian Hypnotherapy Journal – Summer Edition 2021 Page 7

    Self-Therapy Let’s start off with a little story (one of hundreds) and some practical activity.

    I belong to a local archery club where we practice field archery in the Queensland scrub. My friend and I were heading out to do a 20 target round when one of the other members asked us if it was OK for him and his two daughters to accompany us – no problem. He could not shoot because of a bad back and pain in his left elbow.

    As we progressed around the range, he took every opportunity to sit on a stump or log, whichever he could find to ease the discomfort in his back.

    We were about half way. There was nothing to sit on, so I asked him to hold onto a small tree to steady himself and close his eyes. First I had him pay attention to his back for a few minutes, then his left elbow. We carried on and finished the archery course. Next week he approached me all kitted up with bow and a quiver full of arrows. Bright and spritely, “you fixed my arm” he announced. I corrected him, “no, you fixed your arm”. The interesting thing that I noticed was that he did not mention his back, which he seemed to have forgotten about.

    Before I go too far into pain management, I should add a note of caution. Pain suddenly occurring for an unknown reason should be seen as the body’s message that there is a problem. For example, abdominal pain could suggest a problem with any one of a number of different organs that need medical attention, for example, appendicitis. Pain in the chest should be seen as a possible heart problem, and ambulance assistance should be obtained promptly. Pain in the left arm could be angina, which also requires medical attention.

    The pain that I will be referring to is chronic or recent injury pain in the arms, shoulders, legs, hips or back. What you might refer to as the structural points of the body. These pains are usually the result of trauma or old or recent injuries. While the strategies I am proposing can do no harm they may delay urgent medical attention where it is necessary.

    Joints can go out of alignment because of muscle problems related to diet, but that is another matter.

    For the purpose of this discussion we can group vocabulary into these groups: The first is left brain thinking or analysing vocabulary. We will not be using this.

    The second is emotional language, for example: love, hate, sad, lonely, angry, frustrated, etc. We will be looking at this group in Part B.

    The third group are known as felt sense in what the body feels, for example, sharp, dull, heavy, thick, bruised pain, etc.

    Activity - DIY Activity Sit comfortably with back and neck straight, place one hand in the other, palms up. Close your eyes and establish slow regular breathing. Pay attention to the centre of the discomfort and search your vocabulary to find the best word to fit the feeling of your discomfort, try a few different words to get the best fit.

    As you breathe in silently, slowly and patiently, feed your word into the discomfort and intentionally increase and expand the discomfort by about 5 to 10 percent. As you slowly breathe out, let that intensity fall away. After a little while the feeling may change, so find a new word for the new feeling. Continue to do this until you cannot locate any discomfort.

    Remember it is not a pill, it is a process. You may need to do this again if the discomfort is aggravated. Remember if the injury is recent tissue damage it will need to heal, so take it easy for a while. Healing will be faster when correct blood flow is restored. Load bearing joints are destroyed by the recurrent muscular pain spasms over a long period of time, so it is helpful to use this simple little exercise as soon after an injury as is possible.

    Laurie Lingard Clinical Hypnotherapist Strathpine, QLD 4500 Ph: 0439 753 840 Email: Website:

  • January 2021

    The Australian Hypnotherapy Journal – Summer Edition 2021 Page 8

    Eazy Talk©

    Assertive Communication

    Is as easy as Talking

    Do you communicate in a way that does not get your needs met? Some people can easily run circles around you and get their needs met – not yours. If you have a problem it is usually because you lack confidence. This learned behaviour happens when you have repeatedly been put down and made to feel you don’t know what talking about. Not to appear stupid you clam up and say nothing. Most difficulties begin from being put down in youth by an abuser. Have a look at the grid on the right as a learning guide. Each letter stands for a behaviour. Remember when communicating with others how to get your needs met. (See following page

    for explanation.)


    Tell it how it is… (Without elaborating)


    Advise how you feel about it (if you know them well), or indicate the problem it is causing (if you don’t)

    LET Let them know what needs to happen to change things… (Without putting them down)

    KANGAROO - COURT Kangaroo-court a response based on the outcome of their willingness to oblige your request… i.e.

    INDICATE Indicate how pleased you are if the response is positive… “Thanks, I really appreciate that”, or

    NOTIFY Notify them of what you will need to do because their response is negative...

    GAIN respect Gain respect for standing up for your beliefs, being fair and handling things in the best possible way.

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    The Australian Hypnotherapy Journal – Summer Edition 2021 Page 9

    Scenario 1: Monica’s mother lives in a small granny flat attached to the back of her daughter’s house. She has been to the Senior Citizen’s Club where her friend, Mary, who told her to remove some plants from the garden because they will grow too big with deep roots and removing them later will become a problem. Monica: “I like them mum. Don’t worry. If they become a problem I will deal with it.” Monica comes home from shopping to find her mother digging up the plants. She had already removed half and thrown them into the rubbish bin. Monica feels angry as she had asked her to leave them. Monica: Tell: “Mum, you removed the garden plants that I asked you to leave. Advise: “That makes me feel that Mary at the club is more important to you then I am” Let mum know: Could you please leave the rest of the plants. I will replant those you took out. Mum: “Sorry, I should have left them.”

    Kangaroo-Court – Mother’s response is positive… Monica: Indicate: “Thank you Mum, I appreciate that.” Notify: It is not necessary to respond. Gain respect: Monica has gained her mother’s respect by handling this well. --------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario 1a. If Mum’s response is…. Mum: “I live here too and say they should go.”

    Kangaroo-Court – response is negative… Return to beginning – Monica: Tell: “Mum, it’s true, you live here too, but your granny flat doesn’t include the whole garden. Advise: “What you are doing is causing conflict, as John likes these plants too.” Let mum know: The other option would be to section off a small part of the yard for you to

    have your own garden and you could leave the rest alone – would you prefer that?” Mum: Don’t be silly.

    Notify: “So would you please talk with me before pulling out the plants. I would prefer that we could agree on any changes that you make are acceptable. Would you mind doing that please?

    Mum: Yes, I suppose so. Kangaroo-Court – response is positive…

    Monica: Thank you. Indicate: No longer needed. Gain respect: You have gained respect by handling this well. *Note – if the response is again negative, return to the beginning until the matter is resolved.

    Example 2 (Indicate – used without emotions): Dave has a meeting with a client at 3.00pm that afternoon. When checking the meeting room is tidy, he finds that John, a colleague, has left some boxes on the floor in the room. Dave asks John to remove them. Dave: Tell: “John, you left some boxes in the meeting room. Advise: That will make the company look inefficient. Let them know: Would you please have them removed before my client arrives at 3.00pm?” John: “Sorry, I meant to pack them away. I will do it now.” Kangaroo-Court – response is positive… Dave: Indicate: “Thanks John, I appreciate that.” Notify: No longer necessary. Gain respect: Dave gained respect by handling this well. _____________________________________________________________________________________

    But if John’s response is….

    John: “I’m too busy. if you want them moved you will have to do it yourself.” Kangaroo-Court) – response is negative…

    Return to beginning –

    Dave: Tell: “John, you say you’re too busy. Advise: “I’m too busy as well.”

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    The Australian Hypnotherapy Journal – Summer Edition 2021 Page 10

    Let them know: Would you like me to ask (the employer) to find someone to move them for you or will you do it?”

    John: will either say; 1. “If you want to.” Or, 2. If he doesn’t want to alert his superior, he will tell Dave that he will handle it.

    Kangaroo-Court 1. You can now go to the supervisor and ask him. Kangaroo-Court 2. Response is positive.

    Dave: Indicate: “Thankyou John, I appreciate that.” Notify: No longer necessary. Gain respect: Dave gained his colleague’s respect by handling either situation well.


    Bruni Brewin President Emeritus [AHA]* PEMAHA, LMAHA/CMAHA, SUPERVISOR website: email: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

    * President Emeritus is an honorary title. All writing in my emails, website, workshops, articles, media, or elsewhere, are my thoughts alone. They should not be seen to be or interpreted as the thinking of the current National Executive of the AHA.

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    Installing Love

    Customer Service (CS) Rep.: "Yes, Madam, how may I help you today?"

    Customer: "Well, after much consideration, I've decided to install LOVE. Can you guide me through the process?"

    CS Rep.: "Yes, I can help you. Are you ready to proceed?"

    Customer: "Well, I'm not very technical, but I think I'm ready to install now. What do I do first?"

    CS Rep.: "The first step is to open your HEART. Have you located your HEART madam?"

    Customer: "Yes I have, but there are several other programs running right now. Is it okay to install while they are running?"

    CS Rep.: "What programs are running madam?"

    Customer: "Let's see, I have PAST-HURT.EXE, LOW ESTEEM.EXE, GRUDGE.EXE, and RESENTMENT.COM running right now."

    CS Rep.: "No problem. LOVE will gradually erase PAST-HURT.EXE from your current operating system. It may remain in your permanent memory, but it will no longer disrupt other programs. LOVE will eventually overwrite LOW-ESTEEM.EXE with a module of its own called HIGH-ESTEEM.EXE. However, you have to completely turn off GRUDGE.EXE and RESENTMENT.COM. Those programs prevent LOVE from being properly installed. Can you turn those off madam?"

    Customer: "I don't know how to turn them off. Can you tell me how?"

    CS Rep.: "My pleasure. Go to your Start menu and invoke FORGIVENESS.EXE. Do this as many times as necessary until GRUDGE.EXE and RESENTMENT.COM have been completely erased."

    Customer: "Okay, done. LOVE has started installing itself automatically. Is that normal?"

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    The Australian Hypnotherapy Journal – Summer Edition 2021 Page 11

    CS Rep.: "Yes. You should receive a message that says it will reinstall for the life of your HEART. Do you see that message?"

    Customer: "Yes I do. Is it completely installed?"

    CS Rep.: "Yes but remember that you have only the base program. You need to begin connecting to other HEARTS to get the upgrades."

    Customer: "Oops. I have an error message already. What should I do?"

    CS Rep.: "What does the message say?"

    Customer: "It says "ERROR 412 - PROGRAM NOT RUN ON INTERNAL COMPONENTS. What does that mean?"

    CS Rep.: "Don't worry madam, that's a common problem. It means that the LOVE program is set up to run on external HEARTS but has not yet been run on your HEART. It is one of those complicated programming things, but in nontechnical terms it means you have to "LOVE" your own machine before it can "LOVE" others."

    Customer: "So what should I do?"

    CS Rep.: "Can you pull down the directory called "SELF ACCEPTANCE"?"

    Customer: "Yes, I have it."

    CS Rep.: "Excellent. You're getting good at this."

    Customer: "Thank you."

    CS Rep.: "You're welcome. Click on the following files and then copy them to the "MYHEART" directory: FORGIVE-SELF.DOC, REALIZE-WORTH.TXT, and ACKNOWLEDGE-LIMITATIONS.DOC. The system will overwrite any conflicting files and begin patching any faulty programming. Also, you need to delete VERBOSE-SELF-CRITIC.EXE from all directories, and then empty your recycle bin afterwards to make sure it is completely and permanently erased."

    Customer: "Got it. Hey! My HEART is filling up with new files. SMILE.MPG is playing on my monitor right now and it shows that PEACE.EXE, and CONTENTMENT.COM are copying themselves all over my HEART. Is this normal?"

    CS Rep.: "Sometimes. For others it takes a while, but eventually everything gets downloaded at the proper time. So, LOVE is installed and running. You should be able to handle it from here. One more thing before I go."

    Customer: "Yes?"

    CS Rep.: "LOVE is freeware. Be sure to give it and its various modules to everybody you meet.

    Bruni Brewin JP President Emeritus [AHA]* PEMAHA, LMAHA/CMAHA, SUPERVISOR website: email: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

    * President Emeritus is an honorary title. All writing in my emails, website, workshops, articles, media, or elsewhere, are my thoughts alone. They should not be seen to be or interpreted as the thinking of the current National Executive.

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    Professional Indemnity Insurance

    The AHA National Executive Committee has arranged a discounted combined professional indemnity and general public liability insurance policy for our members.

    This policy has been specifically designed for AHA members and offers excellent rates and cover.

    Should you have any questions concerning this insurance policy or any other insurance related enquiry, we encourage you to call

    Fenton Green & Co on (03) 8625 3333 or 1800 642 747. Visit:

    and click on AHA (4th line down).

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    AHA Information and Updates

    Workshops for 2021

    AHA workshop information AHA workshops are suitable for hypnotherapists, NLP practitioners, Counsellors and psychotherapists etc. They are aimed at areas such as skill development, personal development, business, health, and overall wellbeing.

    We encourage all members to take advantage of these workshops as you are not only able to continue your learning, you are also networking and involving yourself in both the association and the profession.

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    AHA State Workshop Reports

    AHA NEW SOUTH WALES / ACT – Summer State Report

    Shhh … 2020 is now behind us. It has gone. For me personally, 2020 was an amazing year. However, I know that a lot of our members struggled at many levels. Take solace in the fact that your resilience saw you through. I truly hope for a smooth and healthy year ahead … hypnotically speaking.

    The November workshop featured Bianca Skilbeck and Bonnie Killip. The theme of the workshop was Eating Disorders: and a better relationship with food. Both presenters complemented each other’s skillset admirably. We had over 50 registrants for the workshop and the feedback has been very positive.

    The March 7 workshop will be in a different format to previously. At the time of publishing, it hasn't been confirmed but I can whisper that the key presenter will be Andrew Parr. Andrew is an English Hypnotherapist/Counsellor/Psychotherapist and Trainer who will bring his unique style to the NSW/ACT workshop.

    NSW Committee: NSW SEO: Brett Cameron NSW Secretary: Greg Elsey NSW Workshop Team: Brett and Greg shared role

    NSW and ACT membership numbers continue to grow. I love seeing the growth in the number of students who are studying to pursue a career as a Hypnotherapist. Our profession is assured of a successful future.

    Affiliate: 5 Clinical: 77 Fellow: 4 Life: 2 Professional: 111 Student: 118 Total: 317

    Brett Cameron New South Wales State Executive Officer

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    AHA QUEENSLAND - Summer State Report

    This November the QLD AHA had Rob McNeilly. Rob presented a simple yet powerful system for change work. Rob developed this method of hypnotherapy during his time with Milton Erickson. It works on the principal that the answer to the clients problem or what they are missing is within the thing that they like to do.

    We started by asking our client the question “What do you like to do?” & “What do you like about that?” From there we moved into asking various questions about the problem. Then the idea is that you help the client revivify the strong positive event and then link the resource within it to what is missing from the problem. Rob’s way of teaching is relaxed, simple and by providing breakout rooms, the participants were able to practise their learning immediately. It was very well received and everyone was very grateful to have had Rob present for us. On the 14th of March we will have Maggie Wilde presenting for us. Maggie presented in Queensland a few years ago on building a successful hypnotherapy practice as well as various neural reprograming research and techniques she used. Maggie’s recent online workshops with the AHA have had members raving about her and the fact that they were able to take away practical skills and use them the very next day. We can’t wait to see her again in March. At this stage we are still assuming we will be running all workshops online. We are aware that members can’t wait to meet up face to face. We will run face to face workshops as soon as possible. Have a wonderful ‘right now’ Greg Thompson Queensland State Executive Officer

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    AHA SOUTH AUSTRALIA - Summer State Report

    Dear members Welcome to 2021. I don’t need to mention 2020 except for the fact that we have learnt a lot from that year. We as individuals, state and collectively, national members have endured great change. Although challenging at times, I believe we have grown through these demanding times. At our AGM last year, we experienced our first SA zoom meeting, which was one of the most successful and well attended meetings held for our state. Since then, we have held a zoom workshop with Marilyn Peterson and myself where we discussed how we both work with children in different capacities. This workshop was also highly successful with members “tuning” in from all over Australia. Luckily, SA was back to face-to-face workshops late last year with Michael Goldblatt presenting “Short inductions and pain management”. It was exciting to see everyone in person once again and our members attended with enthusiasm. Our next workshop will also be a face-to-face, with Tim Falkiner travelling from Melbourne to present “Using Hypnosis to heal pokies addiction and other technology influenced addiction”.

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    These face-to face workshops are working in conjunction with the International speaker’s zoom workshops organised by the International speaker’s Committee of the National Body. We are looking forward to seeing Frederic Mau in April 2021. We can look forward to hearing from some great speakers over the next year and although some workshops, peer groups and supervision may be via zoom I am aware of a growing acceptance of new technology and its accessibility. SA has embraced the challenges and are adapting and accepting change with a level of confidence and respect – well done SA! Finally, I would like all SA members to consider taking up a position on the SA Committee at the AGM this year. If you are interested, please contact me at your earliest convenience. With warm regards Rona Spicer South Australia State Executive Officer

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    AHA VICTORIA/TASMANIA - Summer State Report

    MEMBERSHIP We have 186 Vic/Tas members, comprising 50 Clinical, 63 Professional, 1 Associate, 7 Affiliates and 65 Students. WORKSHOPS On 15th November, we had a General Meeting, followed by a very professional Workshop by Maggie Wilde. As always, Maggie held interest and presented information on living well with Autoimmune conditions. We look forward to a double- header Workshop on Sunday 28th February, the morning session by Steven Blake on OldPain2Go, a modality which I have personally qualified in, and endorse as the real deal- it works! Janine Nash will present on Understanding Suicidal Ideation, an area in which she has long experience and has a lot to offer practitioners in dealing with clients who present with this among their issues. COMMITTEE Committee functioning well, next Zoomer on Tuesday 16th February prior to the Workshop. Tony Ahearne Victoria/Tasmania State Executive Officer

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    The Australian Hypnotherapy Journal – Summer Edition 2021 Page 18

    AHA WEST AUSTRALIA - Summer State Report

    Miranda and I wish everyone a wonderful 2021

    Wow how times flies, 2021 already. We have been quite lucky in WA that we haven’t had outbreaks of Corona Virus as some states have, but we all know how lockdowns and restrictions have affected us all.

    Our last workshop with Fabienne Michea last November was so well received thank you Fabienne. Our next workshop is just a couple of weeks away on 7th February, this is taking place on Zoom with Brett Cameron.Brett is currently SEO for NSW and is speaking on his book “Fully Booked”.

    We are not doing our usual ahead planning sadly for obvious reasons but look forward to more coffee get-togethers perhaps and “Real Live Workshops” in the near future, and are currently planning our AGM for May.

    We are also very much looking forward to our International workshops coming up during 2021, Frederic Mau - The Neurology of Horror: Why hypnosis, is the perfect trauma treatment on 10th and 11th April with Karl Smith from UK Hypnosis Academy on June 19th and 20th.

    Our up and coming dates are:

    Saturday 22nd May 2021 – AGM and Workshop Sunday 15th August 2021 – Meeting and Workshop Saturday 13th November 2021 – Meeting and Workshop Sunday 6th February 2021 – Meeting and Workshop

    Membership Affiliate 6 Clinical 18 Fellow 1

    Professional 21 Student 24


    Hope Wesley West Australia State Executive Officer

    ———————————— ————————————

    On 21st December 2020, the Earth officially entered the “Age of Aquarius”.

    ‘The coming into prominence of the Aquarian Age heralds great change in human affairs. In each person’s life, the constellation found on the horizon at birth (the Ascending Sign) was known, from careful observations of the facts for hundreds of centuries, to influence profoundly the unfolding consciousness of that person.

    At this time, the constellation of Aquarius has appeared over the horizon in the chart or horoscope of the planet Earth.’

    “Esoteric Astrology” D. Douglas Baker

    We, as hypnotherapists, have unique abilities to help people transition through the changes that are ever present when planetary bodies move from one energetic field to another.

    2020 was a challenging year for everybody. Australia, more than any other country has been blessed throughout the Covid-19 crisis and is true to her name “The Lucky Country.” Let us use our hypnotherapy skills to make 2021 an extraordinary year. May our directive be to improve communication, to raise consciousness and to promote harmony and good will. Let Australia set the example for the rest world and lead it into the New Age of Peace and Understanding.

    The Editor

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    The Australian Hypnotherapy Journal – Summer Edition 2021 Page 19

    AHA State & National Committees National Committee

    President Mailin Colman 0417 184 355

    State Executive Officer – NSW & Director Brett Cameron 0403 335 751

    Vice President Rona Spicer 0408 816 118

    State Executive Officer – West Australia Hope Wesley 0430 224 130

    National Treasurer Hope Wesley 0430 224 130

    State Executive Officer – South Australia

    Rona Spicer

    0408 816 1187

    National Secretary Miranda Diprose 0450 747 886

    State Executive Officer - Victoria Tony Ahearne 0419 190 542

    National Head Office National Administrator & Co-Administrator Membership, Health funds, Database Mailin Colman 1300 552 254 OR your local state membership secretary or committee member.

    State Executive Officer – Queensland Greg Thompson 0422 741 041

    NSW / ACT Committee Victoria /Tasmania Committees

    State Executive Officer Brett Cameron 0403 335 751

    State Executive Officer Tony Ahearne 0419 190 542

    NSW State Secretary Greg Elsey 0406 882 456

    Vic State Secretary Deborah Biderman 0468 898 098

    NSW Treasurer Brett Cameron 0403 335 751

    Vic State Treasurer Hope Wesley 0430 224 130

    NSW Workshop Co-ordinator Brett Cameron & Greg Elsey 0403 335 751 & 0406 882 456

    Vic State Workshop Co-ordinator Janine Nash 0488 692 722

    Vic Committee Member Tim Falkiner 0417 107 440

    Vic Committee Member Amanda Norton

    Tasmanian Representative Noeline Robinson 03 6224 2060

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    The Australian Hypnotherapy Journal – Summer Edition 2021 Page 20

    AHA State & National Committees (continued …)

    South Australian Committee

    SA State Executive Officer

    Rona Spicer

    0408 816 118

    SA Peer Group / Supervision Co-ordinator Lynda Watson

    O402 433 735

    SA State Secretary & Treasurer Lana Gill 0447 073 072

    SA Committee Member

    Tess Boyd

    0422 093 298

    SA State Workshop Coordinators Rosalie Cronin & Marilyn Peterson 0474 573 098

    SA Committee Member

    Tania Davies

    0409 994 660

    Queensland / North Queensland Representative & Northern Territory Committees

    QLD State Executive Officer

    Greg Thompson

    0422 741 041

    QLD Workshop Assistant - VACANT

    QLD State Secretary

    Lynne (Rice) Lumley

    0438 411 551

    QLD Supervision Co-ordinator

    Lee Barnasson

    0411 075 445

    QLD State Treasurer & Workshop co-ordinator


    North QLD Representative

    Jeffrey Mack

    0428 968 777

    West Australian Committee

    WA State Executive Officer

    Hope Wesley

    0430 224 130

    WA State Workshop Co-ordinator


    WA State Secretary & Treasurer

    Miranda Diprose

    0450 747 886

    WA Committee Member


  • January 2021

    The Australian Hypnotherapy Journal – Summer Edition 2021 Page 21

    AHA Journal – Benefits of Submitting Quality Articles The Australian Hypnotherapy Journal Benefits

    Getting published in the journal, especially now that it is recognised and stored at the National Library, boosts your credibility and begins the trust cycle with your readers, as well as:

    Boosts Your Personal and Business Credibility: For many authors, being published in the Journal is an excellent way to get started. Having your articles in The Australian Hypnotherapy Journal allows them to pre-sell your ideas without you having to make any cold calls or face-to-face sales appointments to advertise your services.

    Builds and Markets the Brand Called ‘You’:

    Having your articles published in the Journal builds ‘you’ as a brand name, builds your business, and advertises your expertise. It begins or reinforces in your colleagues and prospective clients’ minds what you can do for them.

    More Effective than Regular Advertising: Publishing your article in the Journal means you become known as the expert by the reader and this encourages trust by potential clients, before they even visit your website. There is no better way to "pre-sell" you, as the expert, than by article marketing.

    Exposure to the Hundreds of Readers: Your articles may be viewed by the hundreds of AHA members and other associations’ members as well as the public that visit the AHA website every month! We work very hard to deliver a positive, fast and reader friendly experience that keeps readers returning for more.

    Receive Quality and Relevant Leads to Your Website: People who read your articles and then click on your website link at the end of each of your articles for further information; are highly motivated prospects by the very nature of how they initially found your website.

    Increases Traffic to Your Website: This is caused by the various e-zine publishers who regularly scrutinise the latest copy of the Australian Journal throughout the year to pick up quality articles for their email newsletter or website in addition to our hundreds of members who are looking to immediately benefit from your expertise. When your articles get picked up for reprints, you will often get a surge of traffic to your website, as your articles are introduced to other associations’ email list members, etc.

    You May Receive Free Ads in other E-zines: When other e-zine publishers come to the Journal to pick up and reprint your articles to their newsletter base, this is essentially a free ad in their newsletter. The better quality you put in your article, the higher your chances are of increased distribution by other e-zine publishers who use the Journal to find quality content to send to their readers.

    Optimise Your Existing Article Archive: If you have already produced a series of quality articles, why not submit them to get even more readers and promotional mileage for your efforts? After all every article you submit to the Journal will reach new readers that would have never found your articles or website before.

    Get Continual Traffic to Your Website for Many Years to come for Free: Your articles will be stored in the Journal archives on the AHA website for many years. They will also be stored at the National Library of Canberra digital archiving section:

    It is also the case that many e-zine publishers will pick up your articles for reprints and this could mean continual traffic over the next decade or more.

  • January 2021

    The Australian Hypnotherapy Journal – Summer Edition 2021 Page 22

    The Australian Hypnotherapy Journal Advertising Guidelines

    Submissions - News and Articles

    We welcome your feedback and input in the form of news, views, poetry, letters, articles etc. Please forward these to the editor, Chereyl Jackman at: by the date/s noted below.

    Schedule of Issues

    Summer: Submissions received by 20th January for publication at end of January.

    Autumn: Submissions received by 20th March for publication early April.

    Winter: Submissions received by 20th June for publication early July.

    Spring: Submissions received by 20th September for publication beginning October.

    Advertising Guidelines

    1. The Journal will refuse an advertisement if we do not consider it suitable.

    2. The inclusion of an advertisement in the Journal does not imply endorsement of the product, the company advertising the product or the service being advertised.

    3. It is the responsibility of the advertiser to ensure they

    don't offer products and/or services that are unsafe or defective.

    4. Advertisers are responsible for complying with the

    relevant Australian guidelines for advertising their products and must be able to substantiate any claims they make.

    5. Advertisers are responsible for ensuring that all claims

    about your goods and services are accurate. Do not claim that your goods and/or services have any special sponsorship or affiliation that it does not have.

    6. When advertising the price of goods or services, the total cash price, including GST, must be provided. You must show the full price, including any commissions, charges, or postage and handling.

    7. Advertisers should not advertise goods or services at

    a specified price if they are aware, or should be aware, that they are unable to supply reasonable quantities at that price for a reasonable period. Advertisers must not make false or misleading representations about the products and/or services being advertised. Misleading behaviour includes any kind of conduct or behaviour in business that could give a customer the wrong impression or may potentially breach the Trade Practices Act.

    8. Disclaimers should be specific, clear and highly visible.

    9. Advertisers do not exert any influence on the editorial content, selection of content or presentation of material in the Journal.

    10. If you follow a link from an advertisement you may be

    taken to a third party website. The Journal does not review or control the content of third party websites and is not responsible for the accuracy of the information contained, or the views expressed, in those sites. If you supply information to those sites, or access their products and service you do so at your own risk.

    11. Advertisers should not accept payment if they know,

    or should know, that they cannot provide the kind of goods or services promised.

    12. Comparative advertising is acceptable as long as it is

    legal, truthful and does not mislead in anyway. 13. When the disclosure of qualifying information is

    necessary to prevent an ad from being deceptive, the information should be presented clearly and conspicuously so that consumers can actually notice and understand it. The Journal Advertising Policy may be revised periodically.


    Articles should be submitted as a Microsoft Word document and not exceed 2,000 words or 5 MB.


    Artwork is the responsibility of the advertiser and needs to be emailed to the editor as a JPEG (300 dpi resolution). Graphics may be resized to full page or as required. Bookings and Payment

    Please provide your advertisement together with your payment to before the submission date as the AHA only accepts a limited amount of advertising for inclusion in each issue of The Australian Journal of Hypnotherapy.

    Please note advertising will not be accepted without the accompanying payment. Payment details are listed below. Direct Deposit

    The Australian Hypnotherapists Association, CBA, Paddington, NSW BSB: 062 220 A/C: 10012818

    Advertising Rates

    Full Page $75.00 Half Page $45.00 Quarter Page $25.00

  • January 2021

    The Australian Hypnotherapy Journal – Summer Edition 2021 Page 23

    Benefits of AHA Membership

    Once you are a member, the AHA offers you a unique combination of benefits.

    These benefits include:

    Professional Opportunities:

    The prestige of being part of the oldest and largest professional hypnotherapy association in Australia recognised nationally and internationally

    The opportunity to attend international and national hypnosis conferences at reduced registration

    The circulation of details of forthcoming AHA workshops and seminars giving you access to advanced specialist hypnotherapy training

    The opportunity to be published in the Australian Hypnotherapy Journal Free subscription to 4 issues per year of the Australian Hypnotherapy Journal – this journal

    is subscribed to by universities and libraries around Australia Free publication and distribution of regular News Bulletins Upgrading to higher membership levels as soon as you qualify.

    Promotional Opportunities:

    Free listings on the AHA Practitioner Directory

    This includes: o “find a Hypnotherapist” search by postcode, suburb or name o Free active link to your own email address and website(s) o Personalised description of your qualifications and specialities o Able to update any time for no cost

    Use of AHA Logo Free inclusion (where applicable) in the Foreign Language Speaking Register Free dedicated referral facilities from the AHA Advisory Line by an experienced, specialist

    hypnotherapist to all professional and clinical members (our 1300 552 254 number is available to members and the public between 9:00 am to 12:00 pm Monday to Friday)

    Professional Support:

    Strong support network – access to professional supervision with trained AHA supervisors willing to support your career progress

    The publication (within the AHA website) of regional information to Registrants seeking peer group or personal supervision arrangements

    Access to AHA administration support willing to assist with clinical and administrative information / support

    Receive all membership mail outs The Forum – online case discussion where you can ask questions of other members about

    any issues you may encounter As a member of the AHA you have the opportunity to establish professional relationships

    with hypnotherapists throughout the world

    Professional Security / Credibility:

    Access to discounted Professional Indemnity& Public Liability Insurance Health fund provider numbers allowing rebates for your clients (the list of health funds can

    be found here:

  • January 2021

    The Australian Hypnotherapy Journal – Summer Edition 2021 Page 24

    Advice with regard to obtaining Criminal records bureau disclosures (WWC and Police

    checks) Ongoing updates with regard to government legislation concerning the hypnotherapy field Opportunity to create positive change in the industry by becoming a committee member Representation to and dissemination of relevant information from the Department of Health

    and Aging and other relevant agencies The provision of relevant information on all aspects of the profession to registrants, the

    media and public

    International reciprocal alliances:

    Automatic acceptance under an international reciprocal alliance into either the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council (GHSC UK), the Association of Registered Clinical Hypnotherapists (ARCH Canada) or the New Zealand Association of Professional Hypnotherapy (NZAPH) if relocating to those countries. Please also note that the application process and standards apply if you are entering Australia. Please call 1300 55 22 54 for further information.

    The General Hypnotherapy Standards Council (UK)

    Association of Registered Clinical Hypnotherapists (Canada)

    New Zealand Association of Professional Hypnotherapists (New Zealand)

    Access to the above benefits in individual cases is always at the discretion of the AHA Executive

    Member Associations:

    The AHA is a member association of the Hypnotherapy Council of Australia (HCA)

    For details on how to become an AHA member go to:

    and download the prospectus and application forms.

    The AHA a Facebook page! Please visit and ‘Like’ the AHA Facebook Page

    NOTE: Some internet links may not be accessible from this journal and will have to be manually entered if you require more information.
