The Edelson Institute Membership · PDF fileThe Edelson Institute Membership Manual ... what...


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The Edelson InstituteMembership ManualBy Mike Burnick, Executive Director

“Dear Larry Edelson …”“It amazes me how accurately you seem to predict coming events. This gives me confidence looking forward.”

— Jack K. Denver, CO

“I have finally found a research source that I TRUST!!!!!!!!”

— Emanuel V. Homosassa, FL

ContentsIntroduction: The Vision ........................................................ Page 3

Chapter I: Meet The Edelson Institute’s Management Team ......... Page 5

Chapter II: The “Three Pillars” of Larry’s winning approach ......... Page 7

Chapter III: Three major improvements .................................. Page 8

Chapter IV: The Proof in E-Wave Trader Profits ........................Page 10

Chapter V: Your E-Wave Trader membership benefits ................Page 13


IntroductionThe date was June 25, 2015 — and I remember it like it was yesterday ...

It was just before midnight. On any other evening, I would have already been asleep for hours. Instead, I was wide awake; staring at the ceiling in the dark — my mind racing and my stomach churning.

Larry Edelson had dropped a bomb a few hours earlier; news that had me reel-ing; feeling overwhelmed with foreboding and excitement.

“This will change investing forever,” I thought.

“If Larry’s right, what he said this morning will make our readers more money than anyone dreams possible today.”

“Even more critical; they will survive the great-est economic catastrophe any of us has ever witnessed with their wealth intact and growing.”

The thing is, Larry was almost always right ...

His now-legendary, nearly flawless record for predicting every major move in gold, stocks, oil and the dollar bears that out — in spades.

For over 5,000 years, cycles have accurately predicted the rise and fall of empires and nations ... the booms and busts of economies ... the buying power of money ... and the value of gold, food and every other critical commodity.

The same was true when the first securities exchanges appeared in Europe in the 1300s, when the New York Stock Exchange was created in 1817 and when other stock markets appeared around the globe.

Those markets and the securities in them were also driven by these powerful financial cycles.

These cycles are, quite simply, the invisible force behind every profit and every loss any of us has ever experienced.

Larry created The Edelson Institute and E-Wave Trader to help YOU protect and grow your wealth

The Edelson Institute was a labor of Love for Larry right up to his final days — his final gift to you, designed to accomplish two critical missions:

Mission #1: To help you build wealth faster, easier and with far less risk.

Mission #2: To ensure that his proprietary cycles-based approach to building wealth would be constantly improved; to help your investments perform better with each passing year.

As a founding member, you will now have full and free access to all the bene-fits and privileges of Institute membership explained in this manual.

The Edelson Institute leadership team: (Left to right) Larry Edelson, Founder ... Dr. Martin D. Weiss, Chairman ... Mike Burnick, Executive Director ... and Wayne Burritt, Executive Editor.


Furthermore, the entire Institute staff look forward to helping you use Larry’s revolutionary approach to preserve and grow your wealth in the challenging days ahead.

— Mike Burnick Executive Director The Edelson Institute March 16, 2017

“Dear Larry Edelson …”“Your reports and advice have helped me tremen-dously, especially your expert knowledge concerning gold. Of all my gurus you are the best.”

— Bernhard P. Panama City, FL


Chapter IMeet The Edelson Institute’s

management team ...Larry Edelson quite literally poured his life into this institute. His first step —

begun over a decade ago — was to personally recruit and train the Institute’s leadership team:

Larry personally hired Wayne Burritt in 2004 - and after more than a decade of training, installed Wayne as the Executive Editor of all Institute publications and wealth-building services.

He trained The Institute’s Chief Trader, David Dutkewytch; schooling him in the use of his proprietary approach to cycles and technical analysis.

Larry tutored our Chief Technical Analyst, John Isaacson on his own unique style of technical analysis, including pitchfork studies.

And Larry also mentored me — Mike Burnick — for 15 years before installing me as The Institute’s Executive Director.

To others, Larry Edelson was a mystery. He jealously guarded his strategies and formulas. But to Wayne, David, John and me — and also to Dr. Martin Weiss, the man he asked to become Chairman of this Institute — Larry was an open book.

As our mentor, Larry entrusted us with his most closely held secrets: His personal philosophy and strategies for identifying the day’s most compelling wealth-building opportunities in stocks, gold, oil and the U.S. dollar.

More importantly, he freely taught us to use the proprietary formulas and the analytical tools he spent a lifetime developing; his way of empowering us to help you seize those opportunities.

More on your Edelson Institute management team:

Martin D. Weiss, PhD. Chairman, The Edelson Institute. Dr. Weiss began his career in 1971 when he founded Weiss Research, dedicated to economic research and evaluating the safety of financial institutions.

After working in Japan as a Fulbright Scholar, Dr. Weiss returned to the United States in 1980 to begin issuing ratings on banks and

savings institutions. He issued the nation’s first independent insurance ratings in 1989, the nation’s first HMO ratings in 1994, and the nation’s first safety-oriented ratings on stocks in 2001.

Unlike major Wall Street rating agencies, Weiss is free of any conflicts of inter-est, never accepting compensation from the rated companies. That’s why the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) found that Dr. Weiss’s ratings of insur-ance companies greatly outperformed those of Moody’s, Standard and Poor’s, A.M. Best and others. It’s also why a study in the Wall Street Journal reported


that his stock ratings outperformed those of all major Wall Street banks and research organizations.

Dr. Weiss has testified several times before Congress, spoken frequently at major educational forums and appeared on most major television networks in the U.S. and overseas. He has presented papers on the economy and financial institu-tions to the U.S. Senate, U.S. House of Representatives, the National Press Club, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the U.S. Federal Reserve, and others.

His educational background is diverse: Dr. Weiss studied economics and finance under the mentorship of his father. He earned a B.A. degree in political science from New York University; a Ph.D. in cultural anthropology from Columbia University; and fluency certifications from the Berlitz School of Languages in vari-ous foreign languages, including Cantonese, French, German, Japanese, Manda-rin, Portuguese and Spanish.

Mike Burnick, Executive Director, The Edelson Institute; Editor, E-Wave Trader: Mike Burnick has over 25 years of profes-sional investment experience, and worked side-by-side with Larry Edelson since joining Weiss Research in 2003.

Mike has been a Registered Investment Adviser and portfolio manager responsible for the day-to-day operations of a mutual

fund. He also served as Director of Research for Weiss Capital Management, where he assisted with trading and asset-allocation responsibilities for a $5 million ETF portfolio.

He is a frequent guest commentator on CNBC, Fox Business News, Bloomberg TV and nationally syndicated financial talk-radio programs.

When asked one thing he learned from Larry he will never forget, it is one of Larry’s mantra’s: “Markets are people.” That is the very foundation of all cycles research.

When he’s not working, Mike can be found several miles out in the Gulf Stream in his fishing boat, going after sailfish, marlin, mahi mahi, or whatever happens to be biting at the moment.


Chapter IIThe “Three Pillars”

of Larry’s winning approachWhenever our E-Wave model triggers a “Buy” or “Sell” signal, you will receive

an Urgent Trade Alert.

Each of these Alerts will tell you in plain English precisely what steps we believe you should take to open or close a trade.

All Alerts are built upon Larry’s proprietary three-tiered approach; the “Three Pillars” of his cycles-based strategy:

Pillar #1 — Exhaustive cycles research: The Institute Team uses the regular, rhythmic cycles that have coursed through economies for over 5,000 years to predict the future for the investment markets as well as for individual investments.

Pillar #2 — Extensive historical validation: We study the history of the economy and the markets to validate those cyclical predictions; to ensure that they are consistent with events that have occurred under similar circumstances.

Pillar #3 — Strict technical authentication: And finally, the Institute Team uses Larry’s proprietary brand of technical analysis to select precise entry and exit points for every trade.RESULT: Plain-English, easy-to-follow “Buy” and “Sell” signals designed to maximize your profit potential while minimizing your risk.


Chapter IIIThree major improvements

in Larry’s cycles-based approachImprovement #1 — More accurate cycles analysis: Larry often said that,

if we could only buy low and sell high, we’d all be richer than Bill Gates. But because we humans are emotional animals, we tend to do just the opposite.

We tend to buy high out of greed — only after we see others making money ... and we tend to sell low out of fear — often after suffering painful losses.

Larry realized that the only way to eliminate this “whipsaw effect” — to stop buying out of greed and selling out of fear — is to completely remove human emotion from financial decision-making.

So, for the past three years, Larry worked feverishly behind the scenes to elim-inate all human interference from his cycles analysis model.

Larry worked with Wayne, David and me — and the Institute’s team of vision-ary computer engineers and artificial intelligence experts — to improve his trading model in four careful steps:

First, we gathered all the cyclical information Larry had accumulated during his 40-year career; detailed price data for food, gold, currencies and other essential items going back more than 5,000 years; to the time before the first Egyptian pyramid was a gleam in Pharaoh’s eye.

This data includes detailed price movements in virtually every major empire the world has ever seen; from ancient Egypt, Persia, Babylon, Greece and Rome, through the heights of the British Empire of the 1700s and 1800s.

The second step was to make sure the price cycle chart for every stock, ETF, option and other investment we follow is as current as possible.

To do this, we spared no expense; acquiring massive streams of real-time fundamental and technical data on nearly 20,000 stocks, over 4,000 ETFs and 7,000 mutual funds.

So, in addition to 5,000 years of cyclical price data on each investment class, we also have nearly 30 million current, real-time data points for every investment we follow.

Next, we entered the mathematical models and formulas Larry devised to plot these price cycles.

The big difference: Because Larry created these formulas long before computers were readily available he did these calculations by hand.

But over the past three years, he worked with expert computer programmers to build them into his computer-based E-Wave model.

As the fourth and final step, we gave Larry’s model the ability to think for itself. We used state-of-the-art artificial intelligence technology to make sure the E-Wave model learns from every success and every failure.


The result is the E-Wave model: The world’s first and ONLY Artificial Intelli-gence model based on Larry’s proprietary brand of cycles analysis.

Improvement #2 - Historical validation for every forecast: While adding the artificial intelligence component to our cycles forecasting is state-of-the-art, the second step is extremely low-tech; no computers required.

Larry insisted that we personally examine every fore-cast we make for the economy, the overall stock market and individual sectors to ensure that they make sense from an historical perspective.

Given the serious nature of the recent convergence of these historical cycles — an event that occurred prior to the great crash of 1929 and the Great Depression, Larry has often used the events of that period to validate his cyclical analysis.

Today, an entire team of economic historians here at The Edelson Institute uses this same approach to validate everything being fore-cast by the economic and investment cycles Larry trusted most.

Improvement #3 — A better way to identify optimum entry and exit points: Knowing whether an investment is about to rise or fall is critical; knowing precisely WHEN to buy and when to sell is even more important.

To identify the optimum entry and exit points for each trade — Larry taught us to rely heavily on technical analysis: The study of key chart patterns.

His primary tool for triggering “buy” and “sell” signals is something called “Andrew’s Pitchfork.”

The Pitchfork approach to technical analysis uses three parallel trendlines to identify levels of support and resistance for each investment.

Together, these trendlines determine the lowest and highest levels each investment is likely to achieve.

Then, armed with this information, it’s easy to identify the optimum entry and exit points; the times when “buy” and “sell” signals should be issued.

2017 Feb 1st Mar 1st May 1stApr 1st

Friday, 03/17/17

Wednesday, 05/03/17


Black line: Actual closing price Important future

cycle turning point

Vertical scale relates mainly to cycle am-plitude, NOT price

Green line: Larry Edelson’s Artificial Intelligence price forecast

E-Wave Forecast: Oil

About E-Wave Forecast Charts: Larry Edelson’s E-Wave fore-cast charts use time-honored cyclical data to predict positive or negative movement in the asset being examined. They also suggest major turning points in the underlying asset, however technical analysis is required to refine the timing of “Buy” and “Sell” signals. A note of caution: These forecast charts should only be used as a guide in combination with our technical analysis and specific trade recommendations.

Point #2

Resistance level

Support level

Point #3

Point #1Trendline

Pitchfork analysis is critical in identifying optimum entry

and exit points.


Chapter IVProof in E-Wave Trader Profits

All the improvements Larry made to his models were for a single purpose: To help you capture more of each profitable move; to help you buy lower and sell higher.

Let’s take a look at what this could have done for you recently …

E-Wave Trade #1: No more money left on the table

First, here is one of our favorite picks, the Direxion Daily Gold Miners Bear 3X ETF (DUST) recommended trade we closed on March 9, 2017.

In just 15 days, subscribers should have bagged a quick 37% gain. Not bad.But what if our timing had

been spot on, and we hit the exact top and bottom of the trade?

Granted, doing so is impossi-ble, even with the most sophis-ticated timing software, but had we been closer to the exact top and bottom, we could have seen an even better 57% gain. That’s quite a big difference, and represents a LOT of money left on the table.

With the E-Wave, we can now predict the top and bottom with far greater accuracy and precision.

Not only will the E-Wave improve our timing, it could allow us — in some situ-ations — to go for more aggressive investments on the very same security, send-ing our profit potential into the stratosphere.

Our study shows that one options trade would have returned 385% in just 8 days — almost a QUINTUPLE.

Another would have turned a $10,000 investment into $68,000 in just two weeks.

And one more would with have multiplied your money over EIGHT TIMES OVER in just 14 days.

And the best part is, these trades could have been made using the very same underlying security that gave us a 37% gain ... in a shorter amount of time.












Catching more of this move could have helped you do upto 54% better:



E-WaveOption Trade







A more aggressive option trade could have made you $83,500 richer ...



Of course, gains like that are certainly not the norm, and losses are certain-ly possible. But there could be a time where we do recommend an aggressive investment like these examples. And if we could capture just a fraction of these gains, we would be looking at an even greater windfall than the trade we closed.

E-Wave Trade #2: The E-Wave is designed to make you more money on the same trades

Next, let’s look at the VelocityShares 3x Inverse Crude Oil ETF (DWTI) recom-mended trade we closed in October of last year.

In just over two weeks, subscribers should have closed a very successful winner — a 28.2% combined gain.

But our study suggests that we could have done up to 50% better with our new E-Wave model!

Had our timing been more precise, we could have been closer to the 42.8% DWTI moved during that time peri-od. Meaning you would have made up to $1,460 more with a $10,000 investment.

Of course, a 28.2% gain in two weeks is great ... but we’re striving to be as close to perfect as possible. And that’s exactly why we devoted an enormous amount of time and resources to developing our E-Wave technology: To make you more money!

E-Wave Trade #3: Tighter timing for bigger winners

Last November, we recommended to close one of our most successful trades of the past year. Subscribers should have bagged a 55.4% combined gain on our AK Steel Holdings (AKS) trade in just 20 days.

If our timing had been spot on, we could have raked in a 68% gain.Had you invested $10,000 in our AKS trade, you would have seen a hefty

$5,540 profit.But with more precision,

that number would have jumped to $6,800 — making you an additional $1,260 on the very same trade.

That’s where the power of the E-Wave shines. Our proprietary models give us the capability to time our trades with more preci-sion than ever before — and help you go for even bigger gains.













E-Wave trade grows your profits by 52%








Larry’s E-Wave improvements are aimed at growing your wealth faster …


And in some cases, we could go for even more aggressive options trades. In fact, we identified two different options on AKS that could have given you AT LEAST a 633% gain ... all the way up to a 1,100% ... in just two weeks.

Granted, catching the full amount would be difficult, but even if you caught a fraction of those more aggressive trades, you could have multiplied your investment several times over.



AK Steel OptionsTrade #1

AK Steel OptionsTrade #2








Our improved timing model gives us the potential to go for massive gains with options


Chapter VYour E-Wave Trader membership benefits

Your membership in The Edelson Institute affords you valuable benefits unavailable anywhere else:

You get an urgent E-Wave Trade Alert whenever a “Buy” or “Sell” signal is triggered.

Larry didn’t want to limit the Institute team to any one type of investment. So, any recommendation you receive may be for stocks, gold, the dollar, oil or anoth-er important commodity.

Also, depending on the situation, we may recommend the use of an individual stock, a stock option, a stock warrant, an Exchange Traded Fund, an option on an ETF or even physical gold or silver bullion.

In every case, our mission is the same: To recommend a trade that offers you maximum profit potential with minimum risk.

Each trade alert begins by clearly stating the action we recommend you take. Depending on whether it’s a “Buy” signal or a “Sell” signal, we tell you what to buy or sell and the price you should pay or expect to receive.

This way, you can make the trade yourself online or you can simply call your broker and read the trading instructions aloud.

Larry and the Institute team also make your Trade Alerts easy to read and follow:

What to do: Easy to follow, plain English trade instructions

Cyclical Analysis: A chart showing the future price movement predict-ed by Larry’s proprietary E-Wave cycle.

Historical Verification: Reasons why the trade makes sense from an historical perspective.

Technical Timing Points: Based on Larry’s proprietary approach to technical analysis — including pitchfork charts and other tools — the pre-cise entry and exit points for the trade.

You get the monthly issues of The Edelson Institute Bulletin with all-important updates on our cyclical charts for U.S. stocks, gold, silver, the dollar, oil and other critical investments.

You get a personal, VIP invitation to our live online executive brief-ings each month. These briefings will follow the publication of The Edelson Institute Bulletin by about one week.

At each briefing, the Institute’s executive team and special guests will walk you through our cyclical updates and also discuss new and upcoming “Buy” and “Sell” signals.


You get exclusive access to the Members Only Edelson Institute website. You will receive access to the most technologically advanced website Weiss Research has ever created. As soon as it is finished, this will be the central hub of your membership, where you can easily access all of The Edel-son Institute’s proprietary cycles analysis for gold, silver, stocks, commodities, miners and more.

How to Reach UsThe Edelson Institute is an exclusive service — our professionals are on stand-

by to assist you. I want to make sure you know how to contact us whenever you need more specific assistance with my recommendations.

So, feel free to contact us at 1-800-291-8545 if you have any questions related to this service, such as:

How to set up your account

How the service works and the investment vehicles I will be using

Understanding trading instructions

For any questions about your subscription — renewals, changes of address, a retransmission of an issue, etc., there are two ways to reach us:

1. Phone: 800-291-8545 (best option)

2. E-mail:

And this is only the beginning ...Before he left us, Larry gave us his vision for new trading services that

leverage the power of the E-Wave and the Institute’s cyclical forecasts to grab substantial profit potential in other investment areas.


“Dear Larry Edelson …”“Your careful analysis of world political events and their effect on the market is much appreciated.”

— Fred G. Tahlequah, OK

“Your report has helped me in all facets of my investing. I have been making returns above 50%+ in my portfolio for all the years I have been a subscriber.

“You have changed my investing for the better.”

— Paul G . Metung, Victoria, Australia

4400 Northcorp Parkway, Palm Beach Gardens FL 33458
